isis" subscribe: for The Evening Herald 11 trie Latest JieWn ' PUBLISHED IN The Evening Herald ' , DELIVERED BY CARRIERS. , , 34 fet NEWSY, BRIGHT AND 6RISP ! I f. LAROEST CUMIN II THIS SECTION. j( VI.--XO. 2S2. SHENANDOAH. PA.. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 30. 1891. ONE CENT Fhe Evening Herald. AIjIj THE NEWS FOH ONU CENT. lias a larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper publishes, circu lation books open Ui all. VWE have received a copy of Post- iTaater General Wauarriakor'B annual I'filnnrt for the fiscal vear eudinc June 1801. It Is an interesting docu- 'U"! .1 ,,., , lll,itrnllnno the inteilor of post offices in the rgo cities, and practically explains v such a tremendous amount of lil Is handled at these places every foTHiNO deiuoiiBtrates more clearly l?jVe glaring evil of the free raw ma- jjpid cry 5f the tarlll reformers than e Bignificant statement of our Con at Malaga regarding tho shipment 'f 68,595 tons of Spanish Iron oro to his country as ballast. As the Span- lull mlnflnivnora rylua lliotr mpn tllf, v. J!naL'ulllcent sum of 40 to 50 cents a may tue uuiy 01 to cents a ton is in -mils instance not protective. How lould American mine owners give heir miners suitable wages If the do nand of certain tariff reformers were ratified? wiv . . . - - - i ,j tjie late eenator numu, iiimseu a fiotraduate of printing office, took oc- ision some time ago to express him- jlf about tho local newspapers. He lid of the papers: "They are the ulers, the makers of public sentit- mt. They are nearer to the people an any other papers. Their editors ingle with the people, and con Epusly or unconsciously reflect the ws of their readers. By reading Ma local newspapers I can tell just hat the people are thinking and 1 2.3 3 B Hhout- I 01111 fee the pulse of r ue people and take their temperature. K D. Ham amazed, too, at tho excellence of k0l'eeir country papers. The majority of f jVnem are carefully, ably edited. They 'ail a?0 on'y print the news of their neigh I'illii'orhood, but have opinions which I i 'd it worth my while to read and re- '' l''Af- T nl l.atfa,- it.n tV. i in, 2.50 FOR A CARPET Sweeper. Others for $3.00, and very good ones for $3,50 Suv one for vour wile for a Christmas present. We also have a fine line of Hugs and Curpets at 'C. D. FMCKE'S CARPET STORE fonest Goods at Fair Alwa-ps give POOR tin the line of Good Goods another lot of New Country JLard, strictly pure Jeettle rendered. iOur BAKING MOLASSES, New Orleans,not mixed Our JTJNJE IABTjIS SYRUP, at Wo a quart, is bright color, fine flavor, pure sugar not mixed wifli glu cose or corn syrup. "What's in Wliypaya Paucy Price lor livlicii a trial will convince you tliat you can buy AS GOOD ran article for a LOWER I'ltlCE ? Try n sample sack ol our FANCY MINNESOTA PATENT FLOUR, and lie con. i vincetl tliot you can save money. TVc' guarantee It to be equal to tltc lilglicst priced Our RIVERSIDE BUCKWHEAT FLOUR Is a cltolcc article. Our Old-Time CORN MEAL ia made of new corn-Kiln dried and frcsli ground. Try our Old-Timc ORAIIAM FLOUR. Try NORTH-WESTERN DAISY" Flour. Will arrive In a few days, a Car AT KEFTER'S. . i.i-i. r .1 than for that which 1 1 ay out for the local newsaperis." That United States District Judge ships are not much worth the seeking by any but mou who have othei means of support outside tho salary attached to that oiuo Is evidenced by tho fact that Judgo Reed, of the Western District of this state, intends resigning at the opening of the new year. He declares that only wealthy lawyers can aflord to give up their regular practice and take a Judgeship. The salary for a District Judge is from $3,500 to $5,000, for tho Pittsburg Dis trict being $4,O0P, and a good lawyer can easily make more than that in the practice of his profession. Though "fame, honor, and glory" are very well, yet men must live, and money Is absolutely csseutlal; and it is nat ural that a man will follow tho pro fession that will bring him in tho largest number of "mighty dollars" as long as he has no private fortune on Which to fall back. For this reason Judgo Heed will give up his position on the bench to isome man who will not place his monetary dependence on the salary that accrues to'hlm for dis pensing justice. Congress has been urged for years past to increase the pay of District Judges, but as yet without success. American prosperity under the McKlnley bill would be a ievere blow to tne tree trailers, congress gives a r pointer when refusing to give Mills, the champion of free trade, the lead' ershlp in the house, by not making him the chairman of the Committee of Ways and Means. This simply means that this Democratic Congress does not wish Mills to offer a new free trade tariff meature, preceding the coming Presidential campaign. It shows the Democracy are becoming shy of the extreme policy of Ex-President Cleveland. The American peo ple will not sustain Mills and Cleve land, in tho face of tho great benefits derived already from tho new tariff". It would not be a tariff reform to now change tho new McKlnley tariff. Salvation nil Is the best and greatest ex ternal remedy yet uUcovered. It cures rheu matism or neuralgia In one or two days. Pilco 25 cents. All kinds of candies, 20 cents per lb., at Duncan & Wsidloy's. 12-5-t Prices ! satisfaction. GOODS Never do at ANY PRICE. tve invite your attention to 2 qts. for 28c, is strictly foods and the best toe can buy. a Name ! n pnrtlculnr brnud ol Flour, Flour ixi tlie mnrlict. Load of SALT, Coarse and Fine. any or tlie nnney wureu x i-uu POLITIGALPOINTS A LETTER FROM OUR FOTTS- VILLE CORRESPONDENT. CHANGES EXPECTED NEXT YEAR The Mercantile Appraiser Tho Luoky Newspapers Tho Almshouse Appoint ments, Etc. Pottsviltje, Deo. 30. Politicians are restless, and much Is going on on tho hill. Efforts are being mado for a change, in the jail and commissioners' offices, but whe'ther the programme laid out will succeed tho next twonty-four b ure will decide. Part of tho programme is to ' bounce" Warden Ziegler and Clerk J. 3. Snydor. In tho Almshouso appointments thoro will bo Cuuso for disappointment. With thrco Domocratic members of tho board, each must havo a share. Heretofore those offices woro divided among only two. Commissioner DoTurk will namo the mercantile appraiser and tho papers that will got tho job of publishing tho appraiso. Uioiit aro: Jefferson Democrat, Ashland Advocate and Schuylkill Republican, Com mlesionor Reed naming tho later. In tho past tho two Domocratio Commissioners named all of tho papors, but this yoar the Kepublioan Commissioner is "in tho swim" through tho kindness of DoTurk. A strong effort Is being mado to bring about a reconciliation between DoTurk and Bowes, and if successful Reed will ba out "in tho cold." Hon. James B. Reilly will boa candidato forjudge to succeed 1'orshing, providing he hasja guaranteo that tho lattor will not bo a candidato. But Pershing will bo "in it" next yoar and tbo Journal Is being pat in trim to moke a good fight for his Honor, Geor&o Wadlinger is being pushed for ward by tho young Democracy for Chair man of tho Democratic County Commiltoo arid will probably mako it.' John A. Nash, Esq., will got tho Domo cratic nomination for Stato Senator In this district if ho wants it, and I know of no one more available tho Democrats can nominate. Tho Republicans will have to nomlnato tboir strongest man to beat him, and Daniel It. Millor, of Pinegrove, has boon montloned as tho coming man. Should lleilly roliro from Gongross Lawyer Shophord will probably be namod as tho Democratic candidato. For Congress, on tho Republican ticket, vory little is hoard. Whether Bruram will make anothor attempt no ono knows, or at least his most intimate friends ure keeping "mum." Among tho possibilities ol Con gress on the Republican sido is lion, f.lia Davis, present member of the Legislature from this end of the county. Davis wou'd make ono of tho strongest and most avaihi bio candidates his party could name and 1 would not bo surprised to hear of his carrying o3 tho prize. lie Is strong in his party and out of it. Tho workingmen would bo for him to a man. Thoro is considerable sickness in this city and thero is no use for the local papors hero to hido tho fact. La Grippe has a strong hold and numerous funo-uls have takon placo hero lately, Wandrrkb, A Little Girl's Experience In a Lighthouse. Mr, and Mrs. Loren Trescott aro keepers of the Gov. Lighthouse at Sand Beach Mich., and aro blessod with a daughter.fovr years old. Last April she was taken down with Moaslos, followed with a dread. al cough and turning into a Fever. Doctors at homo and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, tho grow worse rapidly, until sho was a mere "handful of bones." Then she tried Dr. King's Now Discovery and after the use of two and a half bottles, was com pletely cured. They say Dr. King's New Discovery Is worth its weight In gold, yet you may get a trial bottlo froo at C. 11, Hagonbuch's drug store. Died. O'NIEL. At Ellengowan, December 29, Lizzie, daughter of John and Sarah O'Niol, grand-daughter of Thomas L Williams, aged 10 months. Funeral from the house to-morrow, (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock, sharp. DUESS. On the 20th inst., Emma, wifo of Edward Drew, of Juneborry alley, aged 20 years and 20 days. Fdnoral on Friday afternoon at 2:80 o'clock. Intermont in Odd Fellows' oometory. Frionds and relatives rospoctfully invitod to attend. 12 30-2t Closing Out, At great bargains, a first-class lino of second hand etovos, ranges and heaters both doublo and single beaters, and ovory stovo warranted. Call and see them, as they will be sold at a sacrifice, to close out the stock, at No. 131 South Main Btreet (Bronnan's building), Shenandoah, near Stoam Laundry. 12-80-tf Have used Dr. Bull's Cough Byrup and pronounce it tne best medicine in use. A case ol consumption lieie was cursed by Us use. wa recomuieuu u. JeSrots, Koberfaj & Co., South Boston, Ya PERSONAL. Judge Porshing is ill. II. Wioderhold has returned to town. Policeman Williams Is on the sick list. Siiulre T. T. Williams is laid up with tho grip, I, llobbins, of Pollsvlllo, was in town yosterday. Miss Rachel Johnson, of North Bowors street, has the grip. II. J. Moyor, of Frackvlllo, was in town yesterday. Max Reoso was around and attending to business yosterday. Mr. R. A. Davonport "was in n critical condition yesterday. Petor Fulmor, of North White street, is laid up with the grip. William Wildo, of North Whito street, Is confined to his bod. J. II. Shano and Eugono Magarglo wont on a hunting expedition yostorday. Andrew and Ellas Matthews, of West Chostor, aro visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Portz, wifo of Councilman Portz, Is ono of tho latest victims of tho grip. Miss virgi Ilollopoter, who was con valescing from tho grip, has had a rolapso. Owen McAtoe and Frank Snyder, of Mahanoy City, spont Monday ovoning in town, Mis. Edwaid Dougherty, of North Emorick street, is suffering from an attack of tho grip. Wm. J. Morgan, of West Lloyd streot, leavos for Crested Butto, Montana, on Monday next, Harry Aregood, who has boon suffering from tho grip and was convaloscine. has had a relapse. D. J. Moycr, of New York, formorly an employo in tho Herald office, visited our sanctum yesterday. Mrs. Edward Dress, of Junoborry alloy, who had been ill for tho past five months, died yesterday mornins. Miss Bertha Lee. of Gordon, returnod home to-day, after sponding tho holidays with hor parents i:i town. Miss Julia Mi'os entertained a number of hor friends at her rosidtneo on South Jardic streot, Monday ovoning. Mrs. William Stocker, nee Katio Eison huth, formorly of town, now of Denver, Colorado, is visiting frionds in town. Mrs. George Rohland presented hor hus' band with a young butcher yostorday, and tho father is correspondingly happy. 3IISB Kale Glover, clerk in tbo post office who has had a Severn attack of tho grip, has so far rccovorcd as to bo ablo to resume her position in a few days. Officers Electod. Major Wm, U. Jennings Council, No. 3C7, Jr. O. IT. A. M., at tho regular meet ing last evening, elected tho following off! cers for tho ensuing term : P. C, O. T, Straughn j C, S. M. Lindenmuih j V. O, William J. James; A. It. S., Jt.un Foglo Cond., Charles Dorr j Warden, Georgo W, Broome; O. G., PoterBockorj I. G., Al bortUeobner; Trusteo, Robort Oliver. At the last slated meeting in Decomber-all t'juncils vote on tho change ot namo. The vote last ovoning was 80 in favor of thifuld namo, Jr. O. U, A. M., and G for tho new, 0. U. A. Washington Camp, No. 112, P. O. S. ol A., bus salectud tho following efficient corps ol olllcors lor tbo ensuing torm t. P., J. U. Roster; P., Bonj, F. Parrott V. P., Colfax Brown ; M. of F., Joseph H Keillor; Seo'y, F, O. Kooso; A. Seu'y S. L. Brown ; Treas., Horaco E. Dongler Con,, Louis Lobe, Jr. j Insp., Wm. E Davis; Guard, C. II. Sampsol ; Chaplain Rev. R. O'Boylo; R. S., John G. Thomas L. S., Joe Lohmler; Trusteo, William Bachman j Charter Trustoe, George Lorah The total membership is 219, and tho val uation of tho Gimp amounts to tho sum of $8,500.00. Bucklon's Arnica Salve, Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cute, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fover Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and pos! tively euros Piles, or no payment required, It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction or monoy refundod. Pnco Sb cents per box. For sale by O. II. Ilagenbuch. A Cowardly Son. Thero is a man residing on Eit Line street who make a practice of boating his aged mother. On Christmas day he beat her unmercifully and tho woman went in soarch of her youngor son who succeeded in restoring peace. Wo withhold his name, hoping to hoar of bettor conduct in tho futuro. For Holiday Gifts Call and too the fine band-painted artlclos of Chinaware, tho work ot Miss Virgio Hollopetor, of town, now on exhibition and sale at McCarthy's drug store. 12-17-2w Hurrah for tho Holidays I Right now wo are ready for businoss with an immense assortment of Christmas gifts In watches, jowelry, silverware muslo books, g.ild and eilver-hoadod canos urn brollas, etc., otc. E. B..Brumm. 12 11 If Great bargains In watches, clocks, jew olry, diamonds, novoltios and silverware at Oscar Yost's, 102 North Main St. 12-22-tt BORODGHJTEMS I GLEANINGS BY THE LOOAL CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR A Boy Crushed to Death A Bad Fall Election of Officers High Constablo Stanton's Funeral. A sad accident occurrod at Brownsvillo on Monday by which a boy namod Baard was crushed to doalh. Ho was riding on o wagon, heavily loaded with timbor, when tho timber became displaced and a pioco fell on him with tho result above mon tioned, California Trips. Tbo gonoral encollonco and high stand- rd of eorvico which characterized tho form er lours run by tho Pennsylvania Rail road Company to tho far Pacific Cjast Is to bo maintained in connection with the series of 1892. Tho first tour of tho eorles oavos Philadelphia January 13, The routo is an exceptionally attractlvo one. Tourists will travol by superbly-appointed pecial vostibule trains of Pullman draw ing-room, sleoping, dining, smoking and observation cars, heated by steam and lighted by oloctricity, under tho supervision of a Tourist Agont and Chaperon. Going, tourists will cover tho cities of St. Louis, Kansas City, Las Yogas, Hot Springs and Santa Fo. Six weeks will bo spent in California. Returning, tourists will pass through Sacramento, Salt Lako, Glonwood Springs, Leadvillo, sido trip ovor Marshall Pass, Colorado Springs, Msnitou, Donver, Omaha and Chicago. Doscriptivo Itinor arios may bo obtained upon application to Pennsylvania Railroad Ticket Agonts. A Rising Young Artist. ino young Araoncan artist has come moro rapidly to tho front In beautiful effectB and character-sketching that. Mr. B. W Clinedlnst. Among tho best things in tho Christmas number of Frank Leslie's Weekly wero tho pictures by him, and this woek's issuo of this popular paper has a most capital illustration of a Now Year's dinner on a transatlantic eteamor. AmoDg other striking pages aro thoso dovotod to tbjTi-nnel unuer tho Hudson River, which is now In tho hands of an English syndi cate, Thero is also a paeo devotod to tho wator works system of Denver, Col. A groat many people havo asked about tho graphological chart to which tho subscribers to tho monthly edition ara ontitlod. All that ono would havo to do in order to havo hia character read would bo simply to copv thoso lines, if nothing olso, and send 1 to tho Arkell Weekly Company, and ho would rocoive the monthly odition of Frank Leslie's Weekly? tho gr?phological chart, and an ordor on Peter Hndorson for 81.26 worth of roeo or chrysanthemum plants or flowor seeds. This offer is good until June 1st, 1892. Stimulate the Blood. Brandroth's Pills aro tho great blood purifier. Thoy are a purgativo and blood ionic, they act equally on tho bowols, the kidneys, and tho skin, thus cleansing tho system by tho natural outlet of tho bodj they may bo called tho purgativo supori fic and diuretic medicino. Thoy stimulate tbo blood so as to enable naturo to throw ' off all morbid humors, and euro disease no matter by what namo it may bo called. Ono or two of them taken ovory night will prove an infalliblo remody. Sold in ovory drug and medicino storo, cither plain or.sugar coated. lw A Bad Fall. Yesterday morning, whilo attempting to go down tho cellar of hor house, Mrs. Fin noy, wifo of Mijor Finney, slipped and loll to tho bottom, sustaining very serious injuries, tho extent of which is not at pres ent known. Mrs. Finney is a vory stout woman, weighing ovor 2o0 pounds, and the result of hor fall might havo boen fatal. Sho sufferod greatly last evening. Van Houton'a Cocoa "Best and goos farthest." 12-28 lw. Timely Topics. Most of tho cars wrecked at Contralia on Sunday night passod through town yostor day. Tho iron bridge, that it to take the place of tho wooden red bridge, is nearly com pleted. A great deal of work bat been done at tbo Kohlnoor dirt bank tor the electric railway. Funeral of Constable Stanton, Tho funeral of High Constablo James Stanton took placo this morning from bis lato rosidonce. Tho attendance was vory largo, tho members of tho borough council, borough officers, Pbmnix Hoso Company, Tomperanco Band and Tomporanco So ciety taking part. Waters' Wolss beer is the bost. John A. itoilly solo agent 5 3-tf Cakes, confectionery nnd fruit now hold tho lead. POSTAL POINTS. Suggestions Made to Congross by Mr, "Wnnamaker. PostmasterGenfital his ro- po't to C ngrew, reooramends fre delivery or. icq in ono hundred nnd sixty-one tuwns. among thorn will bo found Mt. Carmel. Da ivillo, Ashland, Tamaqua, Milton and .Sut, bury. Tbo Postal Guide has changed hands nnd in it no advertisements aro inserted. Among tho many tugge-tinns mado by he Postmsstor General is ono worthy of attention, that of dividng tho country into districts and tho appointment of a super visor in each, whose duty should bo not only to inspect tbo routes and post offices merely to correct irregularities that bad happened, but to exchango suggestions with all tho omployos of tho service and so prevent irrogularities. The result of visitation to tho diff, rent ofllcos by tho county soat postmastor, has provod a gratifying success, and much light has boon thrown on tho management of 'ho different ifflces and will result in avast improvement in the sorvico by cor rection of management of many of the ofllcos. A strong effort will bo made to ostabliEh tho tolegraph, telephone and postal saving fund In tho departmont, somolhing groatly noeded to make tho sorvi09 perfect. Tho Postmaster Genoral has suggested to Congress lhat in liou of accepting tho bonds of men and women unknown as suroty for postmasters, that surety com panies furnish tho security and that suet bonds should bo paid for by tho govern ment and not by tho postmastor. llostatos that in hundreds of cases tho beet mon cannot tako appointments bocauso thoy cannot furnish bonds ; and tho man who receivos tho placo, though rich onough to mako or get tho bond, is too poor in educa tion, habits, or disposition to attend to all tho work of a postmaster, and that tho amounts of bonds, as a rulo, undor tho present system, aro too high and should in all fairness bo roduced. Tho introduction of tho pneumatic tubo system is another grand thomo of tho Postmastor's. Strength and Health. If sou aro not foelinc strong and hralthv. try Electric Bittors.xf "La Grippe" ' left you weak and weary, uso Electric ters. This remedy acts directly on Live. Stomach and Kidnoys, gently aiding those organs to perform thoir functions. If you aro Mllicled with Sick Hoadacho, you will fnd speedy and permanent rcllof by takintr Electric.Bittore. Ono trial will convint you that this is tho remedy you need. Largo bottlPSjOnly COc. at C. H. Uagen buch's Drug'Stoje. Dolls I Dolls I Dolls 1 Largest and beet assortment in town. Kid body and dressed dolls 26 cents. Toys of all descriptions. All the latest games, puzzh-s, picture and story books. Buqua figures, chinaware, otc. Ilaudsomo plush presents lor Obn'stmas. At Mullet's, 2V! East Contro street. Scott-Siddons. A theatrical event of moro than utual in'orost, will bo tho spptranco of Mrs: Soott-rilddons at Forguson's thoatro ou New Year's night in Harry St. Maur's now comody-drama "Chock and Mnto." Pro bably no living actress is so well known in legitimate roles, and her advontin comedy 1 rum a Is looked for with much curiosity among her mnny admirers. Mrs Siddons will be admirably supported by Mr. Harry St. Maur and his Australian stock com pany, an organization which has achieved an cnviablo reputation in Australia and tho British Colonies. Send In tho Books. Partlos having books of tho Phor-nix's fair aro requosled to meet tha coram'.iteo at tho Plicanix Hoee IIouw at 7 80 o'clock t ovoning By order of tho Commute For tho host gold and silver rlmm, spectacles go to Oscar Yost, 102 N r' Main street. Eyes tested froo, of oharpo. Satisfaction guaranteed. 12-2' If there ever was a real rura for cliron Cough:), Colds, llronohloul troubles and - Orippe It la l'an Tina. Don't lull to geuuUe; avoid substitutes. Cists u cents. Psu-Tlna Is sold at 1', P. u. K Drug Store. OIEILSrGKEIS FLORIDA They are tl best. Watt' ,oad gent, tit una, N9MH, P. Grl 1 trumv nail rs- CHliAIr OIE-A-HSTQ-: 1r mi i It tf JRaPfflfiZ I'd