Around the Comer isrow oust tap i AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, Seuern's Grocery AVhcroyou can purchase your Uollday goods In the grocery and provision lino. Finest canned goods, fruits, catsups. Foreign cheesennd other goods. Everything uewund freah. SEVERN'S, Corner Centre and White Sts rv u it v lis.. r oa&na stiiiia tra&aiKiJ X ra&a nuta buo sntoora W JnAimnclniifana Ww JL7 Cl JL JL. iilil! cm, !1 KISHP YOtTR OX THIS SPACE. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY, What Nowb Gathorors Tako Moment to Toll About. The old year Is going. Two days more of 181)1. Itabbit hunting ends on Thursday, Christmas next year comes on Sun day. A rather mild December UiIb has been. The school children are enjoying the holidays. The pulled sleeve Is going out fushlon. There are men you can't pull tho wool over tneir eyes, uiey are uaiu Uarbary dates, sugar cured, are about twice tho size of the ordinary fruit. Start tho New Year right by be- comlmr a cash paying rentier or tu Herald. A philosopher Is a man who makes Ills wife believe that she is much wiser than ho is. When a patient's death puzzles physician it is popular to call it 'heart failure." Many a man of fashlo may not live in a glass house, but he lives to make a bIiow caso of himself. Commendable All claims not consistent with the high character ef Syrup of Figs aro purposely avoided by tho Cal. Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleaninK the system cflYdually, but it is not a cure-all and makos no pre tentions that every boltlo will not substan tiate. Host photographs and crayons at Dabb's. A Happy Man Is ho who ums Red Flag Oil for Rheumatism, Iteurnigia, 'itminacne auu onromo pain. It's H ruiubuy winuii uhibs every nine, cents. Men Flag Oil Is sold ut 1'. llu's Drugstore. Trv II. 25 1'. 1. Klr- A Surprise. Koop your oyo on this local. KesRoy, tho photographer, will liavn his now open ing in a few days and will liavo something interesting that will surprise, tho people. If Buy Key t tone Hour. i!o careful that the name Lbssiq & Co., Ashland, l'a.i is printed on ovorv sack. 3-3-3taw Lnno's Family Modioino JIovos the bowels each day. Most pooplo nooi to uso it. ISost work done at Brennan's steam laundry. Everything whito and spotless. Laca curtains a specialty. All work guar' anlood. JUST DECEIVED Flnesi lot of CHICKENS, Geese and Ducks ! In town at Jas. S Thomas7. 118 West Coal Street. . NEW DRUG STORE. Shapira's Pharmacy, 107 South MalnJStreot, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE Prescriptions carefully compounded by registered pnarmacists, TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Procure ono of our Chest Protectors. MILITARY TROUBUE. A ITliole Company My bo Court-Mnr- tlnli'il for VlnlnMnz nine Ipl I n St. Louis, Mo., Deo. 20. Mllltla olrolss here are all stirrod up over a report just seat to the Governor b7 Mujor John I). O'Monraof tho 1st llegl moat. Mujor O'Meara conducted tho iiuuuul Inspection and muster at the armory on the evening of Sec. 10, and nil the nompanles composing me it lUglmcnt hnd been duly ordered by Col. Charles U. Comfort to report there at 8 o'clock Saturday night. Company il, tho Uaronunlet uuaras, comuiundsd by Cnpt. 0. U. Chapln, failed to nnpear. thereby violating mili tary discipline, and no report was re ceived from the commander accounting for this Inlluro to oboy regimental orders. There has been a crerj; deal or specu- latlen as to what report Mnjor O'Meara would inako. It has noon learneu mac in his report he rocommonded that the sevoroat posstblo penalty be impoBea. This, of course, meanB a court-mnrwai for the on tire company. The ofllcers explain that tho men re fused to roport, aud they could not coinpol them. This is, of course, the plainest kind of mutiny. D, K. E. MEN ANGRY. Secretary DraUo B(ys There I No Branch of tlui Society at Harvard. Chicago, Dec, 20. Tho members of the Dolta Kappa Epsilon Frfttornlty aro indignant over the open letter published by William Lloyd Uarrlson, which makos charues of cruelty in branding tho novitiates with a lighted cigar and also of drunkenness against tho D. K. E. Cliuntcr nt Harvard. They are the more indignant beoauso there is no such fraternity now at liar vard. Trnov O. Drake, of the Grand Pacific Hotel, the secretary of tho Western D. K. E. Assooian, saysi "Wo have no chapter at Harvard. We once had. but at oar national con vention held at Now York. November, 1890. that chapter was expelled on tho same charaes brought forward by Mr. Qarrhon. Restrictions impossible to be fulfilled wore put upon them and in the following January the cnapcor sur rendered Its charter. "In late vears it has not been a real college fraternity. There was and still la a annhnmoro local society known as 'The Dickey Club,' but iti mombers do not wear our badiie. They are not mombers of the fraternity. " PUNISHING NATIVES. Munlrr. In (tin Solomon Iloluc Aveiiiil by lirltiab Min-uf-War. San Fhancisco. Doc. 20. Tho lollow' lua comes from Sydney, N. 3. W. : 'Hor Mujoaty's toaiublp lltnBUovo loft hero aomo tlmo ago, ami nines lina been oinnloroil as tondor undor CanL Davis, of II. M. S. Ioynlit. Ho tlmo bus been taKon up currying iuuua nnd illsimtchos botwoen Cookton nuu tho Solomon lslunu, wuoro vni jvoymisi bus boen for nomo tlmo past ongnuod In keeping ordor uuiouir the niitlvoa nnd avonulng lua murdora of Capt. Crnlg, of the ttmlor Snndlly, and two brothorB, Davello and Fredoriok llowurl, at Ugl. The murdorer of Caiit. Craig was caught nnd shot, nnd another native received ISO strokes with a cane as an accomplice in the murders of tfuino native boys. "Several parties wore lauded at va rious places, and Itublana, the head quarters of the renowned hoad-huuting people, was burned to tho ground. Several other village! woro shelled and rased. Two islander. wore shot in an action, exclusive of the murderer of Copt. Craig." Xi'SIuileuiulty for Italy. M'ASHINOTOtf, Dec 20. Aslstant Sac- rotary of State Adee, who has direct charge of the details of all diplomatic questions, says that thero Is no founda tion whatever for tho published state ment that the United States uaj agreed to pay an indemnity to Italy, iho latest phase of the situation, he says, was tho paragraph In President Harri son's message, wboroln ho said that tho United States was engaged on an inves tigation, to ascertain whether it was under obligatlus to Italy, aud that no doubt tho allalr would be amiaably arranged. It Is kuown that the fact that tho murdered Italians were Ameri can citizens disposes of any claim for indemnity. I'.icjKIo Tidal Wave.. San FttANuwco, Deo. SO. Advices from tho South Seas give startling news from the Gilbert l.lands in the Fad 11c, by the mission bark John Williams, now nt Samoa. It teems that just before thu barE visited the group very severe weather prevailed, during which thero wore evoral tidal up' lioavals. the lesult, doubtless, of sub marine disturbances. The tidal waves caused great loss of life aud completely demolished many houses. Tomb or Illltoontlt III. Rome, Deo. 20. Tha tomb ereoted by Pone Leo in the baslllai of St. John Laternu to l'ope Innocent. Ill , whose re main were transferred to it a few days ago, has bson unveiled with great pomp by tho Donn and Chapter of the basilica, in the presence of Cardinal! Kampolla, representing the Fopo, most nt the other Cardinals iu Koine and many represen tatives of religious orders. Many Eng lish and American visitors iuspeuted the tomb. ICUUd Tlmm for "btamniorliiir. Vienna, Deo. 20. A wealthy squire named Uatnueck, living nt uratz, shot two of his sous, 0 and 7 yeurs of ags, And then committed suicide lie had n 1 ,1 a flint Ilia nn .4 k. m rmA ' . MMW MM II.... ..niUUtlllU, AM an hereditary taint ol lufaulty. Fine Holiday Presents Tho holldajs nrn nowhere, and every ono Is lOOKing arounu lonuu uuiniGinir iittiu nM prcfcrnt to give to a relative or a friend, nnil iho onlv place where you can be nulled is at tho The People's Hew Shoe Store Cor. Centro street and Market nlley, llarluaton's building, opp. llrumin's Jewelry More, bhcnandoati, l'a, Where the fanciest footwear to suit thn old and vniini', rich and poor, can be had In the coal region. Men's Hue velvet tllppeiR alCOcapalr, else where 81. Chenille slippers at 75c, o.oewhcroSl. Men's flueoi)arasllnrersSl. els-cwbero81.26. I.ndlos' fluo tiomrola oncra slimier, beaded nud satin bouquet 80c, elsewhere 81 26. Laiiies- uno velvet suppers, irimciea wun iur iur eiFewncrosi.ou. JIANAOIilt. ftB-Slgn of thoBTAH. rails Music Cabinets , Rattan jPush Rockers Ml, - - S30.QQ and upward, LOUKCES. - - - 4,511 and upward, BEDSTEADS, - - 2.00 ani'iipwari, OFFICE DESKS, - - 15,011 and upward, FiCTU RES--A Large Lot Just Opened for the Wilcox & White Organs, eeIPIANOSI Stock ChlclierhiK Mathushek WHITE SEWING MACHINES. I'limos, Orcans and Hfiwlng MftclilntB sold cheap for cash or rented bythe month 0 13 South Main Sfrect, Coming Eveut3. Jan. 1. 20th annual supper of the Welsh Baptist church in tho 1'. M, church hall. Jan. 19. Supper nnd haxar in tho l'rimitivo Methodist school room. Gold nnd silver watches, in oncJlcsa vnrioty, suitable for holiday presonts, a Oscar Yost's 102 N. Main St. 12-22-tf Good Horses ! Nice Buqqies I Fine Double Carnages I In charge of good, enroful, responsible drlv- ors to hire at an nmos anu at roasonnblo rates at EVAN J. BAT7XES' LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, 12 anil 11 North Pear Alley, Hoar of Lubers's hardware Itoro. IToreeii taken to Hoard. Carrlul attention given to Feeding Hones. All hinds ol JI AULINO at tended to promptly rhaxves moderate. UNDERTAKING Faithfully and promptly attended to.' The Xilsag ! The above Is susceptlblo of an addition or two, which, when made, transforms It Into tho title of tho Shortest and Fastest Tiling; on Record! The nge is fast, the nation Is fast, horselleehls fast, but none of them touch the BUB-UHG-TOH ROUTE! 9- For further particulars concerning the Chicago, BurllnRton A Qulncy llollroad, ad drose, XIAItllY IS. HliU.F.K, Traveling l'aesengcr Agent, ALLENTOWN, PA. A FINE SHOW If you want to pee a flno din play ot UoolaanO W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Hosteller's old stand,) Corner Coal aud Jurdlti Ots. Custom Work aud Repairing Pone In the best style. To fill your relatives' and friends' stockings Christinas livckatn minimum cost to yourself. PLUSH aud SATIN HAND-l'AlNTKD Slllt Scnris, Tidies, Head Rests, Scarfs, Celluloid Novelties, Handkerchler, Glove anil Jewel Boies, Toilet, manicure, Shaving and SmoUliiR- Sets. COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES ! WORK BOXES, ETC. rresenis ! EXTENSION TABLES. - MO and upward FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, 10,00 and upward EASELS, All Stles, - - 1,00 and upward Trade, $1.00 and upward PICTURES. Lester Hardmau SHENANDOAH, PA. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL CHRISTMAS WHAT PHILADELPHIA WANTS. XiiUo the strouR (lemiuiU for good water in Philadelphia, there Isa grow ing tleitmnd for good Clothing fitrong, reliable, shapely, genteel. NoDe ate In a better position than ourselves to furnish such. Wo have made GOOD Clothing a life study. Now that the llolldajsaie upon us, many things In our line deserve your considera tionSmoking Jnckets, House Coiit", Hsatlnu Jackets, elegant Neckwear, Gloves, Canes, &c, A. G. Yates & Co. NOW ONLY Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts Itcst'lllllllc ClotlilliK Til I'lllllldelillllll. JOHN COSLET'S. Green Truck Stand! Cor, Main and Oak Streets. Fresh Oysters Received Daily. Anne lino ol Choice GKOCEIUES NuU aud Candles. Poultry of all Kinds. Jlr. Costlct receives his ereen trnolt dallv lrom the city markets, which Isa guarantee to his customers that they will receive fresh gooaswueu uuyingirom mm, WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest nnd cheapest stock in town. Artistic Painting, Graining and Decorating J. P. GARDEN, 10-Mia 2&iW. Centre Bt..BlU2NAIDOAlI Kid Dolls, Jointed Dolls, Bisque Dolls, Papa aud Mamma Dolls, Rag Dolls, Wooden Dolls, Universal Dolls, Toys and Games. ,S In Dress Goods, Shawls, Silk Haudker chiefs, Gloves,, Muffs, Ladies' and Children's COATS, Carpets, Rugs, Etc., at BARGAINS IN CQATSTO CLEAR OUT THE STOCK 113 North Main FOB SALE BS- No. 6 South Jardin Street. BAFE INVISHTMENT, If : onwsnta fnfe Investment lntpectour fine lino of clot bine, dry eoods. notions, boots and shoes. Niw stock Jiut received Every article a bargain, as an Inspection will prove. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 23 S. BJAIN STREET, J-Watch for the KED HION In front.-0 Ferguson i House i Restaurant! (Under management of Enoch Lockett) Cor. main ana Centre Streets, FIRST-OIiABS LUNCH COUNTER. BeBt beer, porter and alesaltvays on tap. CI- gars of the finest brands. 45 GENTS for a window slmdo with friuee, others for55o, 65o aud up. Hhades made for stores and private dwel lneB. A now lot of shad' lugs and fringes to match. O. 3D. PRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardia St, tear Centre Mop S Bargain Bazar. 9 W. Centre St., SHENANDOAH. 1 St., Shenandoah. JNow is the Time ! rpo I'REPAHE fpr winter. Every one is looking for the best goods for the least money. If you arc seeking bargains In Hats or Caps just drop in to see Kcaulan. lie sett men's good fur caps lor Mc, men's red unM clothing for 50c a piece, men's fine workup gloves at 23o a palr.f tho BEST OVERALLS in tho MARKET OSc A PAIK, An excellent line of Grey FWn Shirts for working at the very lowest price. Elg line of good winter shlrU. from 35o up to 2.B0. a Bin Drive in NECKWKAlt- Four-ln-handsand Tecks nt 25 cent, regular prlte'10 cents. 2 O Something New in Puzzles. Scuulan has something new In this line. Any one glvlcg the correct way of doing the puzzle will receive a f3 hat or Its equivalent. There are four ways or toiving the puzzle, and the correct way must be fclvcn. ahece puzzles we are selling forlOo, or we will gUeone to the pen-on purchaslng;)2 worth of goodB and over. Atnow ratent hat hanger given away with each hat;purchaed at 13 S, Mala St. SOANLAN Shemsioab TH13 CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN FOR Harness, Whips, Rob,Bla$i George RobinscjC M Vci;ccntreHtrecl, HlieunnlL C. k w m w uau4Av m my vwimi( 1