The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 28, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents In the most el team form
of Tim
Combined with the medicinal
virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to tue Human
system, forming nn agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
fending on a weak or ' tiv
Smdition of the
Itis the most Oxeell.nt rcn ' kr.o?n'
PUAHSE WE SYSTEM ur- ;rt e, ;
When onels Bilious or i' -vj-,
PURE BLOOD, tieFREc WlMv. .- . j
Every one Is using It and al era
delighted with it.
r tOUISVIUE. KY. lil W YORK. N. ft MEDAL, PAUI3, 1873.
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which tlio ciccss of
oil lias boon removed, Is
Absolutely J?ure
and it is Soluble.
aro used lu Its preparation. It has
more than thrte times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, and is therefore far mora
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirahly adapted for Invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors ovorywhero.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Has secured during 1892 :
V. D. Howells, H. Rider Haggard
George Meredith, Norman Loekyer,
Andrew Lang, Conan Doyle,
St. Georsre Mlvart, Mark Twain,
I No
!J ARudyird Kipling, J UliauUlerJtiarns,
IrwvVllllttm Black, It. Louis Stevenson
W. Clark Russell, Alary E. Wllklns,
Frances Hodgson Burnett.
And rntrny other distinguished Writers.
The Susada- Sun
Is tho greatest Newspaper In the world. a copy. Ils iiiall ia nicar
Address Tlie Sutt,Nw York.
1,000 Genuine TylerCurtaln Desks 821 and
924 Net Spot Cnoh. ,
No. 400T Antique Ook Btnndard Tyler Jek,
4ft. din. limit by lift. oin. hlsli. Mice and Dust
I'roof.ZIno Uottom under drawerst patent i lirau
llnod Curtain I Polished Onki WrlllhK Table: a Turn
bier lockt one lock securing all draivorsi 8 Ueovi
x.KtKn.n, miinniMroai niinlmnnl inAndl 1 anolea
Finished llacki Kitcnslon Arm Slides! 'Wcliiht
SOU lbs. l'rlce, K.O. It. atl'octory,onei.
Also ,000 Antique A8n uesss.
No. 4008. Bame as ahove,occpt made or Bona
1 Iquo AMI, (toud nj oak. svcibii. .
from our Indianapolis factory direct. Made and sold
solely by tbojYLER DESK CO., St. Louis, Mo.
lftOp&raCuloguflori(&ak CouDtern.Pe.ks. cto ,1a colors
Udmi tver printed. Itook. free! po'tu 1 senu,
(Jblebettttr' En?lUh B lumen d KraaA
OrllnU Qu'l ''!.? Kcnultte. A
BMFC kiwfty r-!UDlr. t .-t ask
Acsn. .lo. a H.t n'.t'm Trtk
Cor. Main and Coal Bis.,
tihenondoau, l'a.
Regular meals at popular;
rloes served at all times,
adles' dining and re.
freshmen! rooms attach
ed. Bar stocked with the
finest brands of cigars
and fancy drinks.
Leading Restaurant in Town.
(Hte Beddsllll balldla ooroer IsUln and Osau I
HI'S 2 4.
alffili psmrtwzii
rl fif' ,i....iijm...wi.. i iugiri.I.Jr!044
1 W At' li iin).8 ' t J .' i 1 -.Umoalsl. to.
W i ''llftUcf fop I.ttdli m" tnlrlttr, t7 retura
X f? l!i.U. It ,00O T- .moot.!'.. auSVijr.
Ctt.lietrC.eniIt'll in., d!vn Qurn
tallMOiUulUrillXli. J'hMJ.,r
Col. Do Arnaud Snya Eussiu
Needs No Aid.
But Will Accept Our Contributions As
Proof of Oar Oordial Eektloas-
The Flrmltoes of th Imperial Gorarn
meut In as Sound a Condition as JtTer,
ATlth Enormous llsnrYra In Foralan
Countries and nt llom Miss rtartoc'fl
C'nntrlbutlous Will ) lltoelied With
Christian Oralltuda.
WAsnisotoN. Dea S8. Col. Charles
Da Arnaud, the well-known champion
of the present Czar, In no Interview,
suys the reports of distress from famine
In Russia are exaggerated and that
liussla needs no nid.
I have received," savs Col. Da
Arnuud, " numerous letters bC Inquiry
roKaiding that subject. 1 invariably
answer that from vaj personal knowl-
edite of Hussla's linaucial resources and
natural productions, I do not believe
that the Kusslau Imperial Government
needs aid from any foreign country to
enable it to cope with thj distress pre
vailing in some of Its provinces.
"A recent letter to me from a high
authority at Bu Petersburg says that
the full of tho snow and frost was a
God-Bend to thein. The roads were
then lu good condition to reach the dis
tressed districts by means of sleighs.
The noble work for the relief of the suf
fering ueasantry wus uoing on with
vigor. It did one's heart good to see
with what intorest the Imperial lamtly,
the nobllltv and the poople of all ranks
united under the Caarwltch's committee
of relief. They had plenty of supplies
and corn, and there was no danger of
suffering or starvation among the poor.
"Ihle lsttor speaks lor itself., la re
Bard to the movement In the United
Btates for the starving peasantry, I ven
ture to say that thB Russian Government
fuols grateful to the philanthropic citi
zens of tutu country who so nobly came
forward with their subscriptions. The
liussian Government naturally looks
upon this as a demonstration of the
ancient friendship existing between the
two countries, but I am certain, and I
speak as a Rueso-American, that the
government cannot stand in need of
outside aid.
"Tho 43,000 sacks of flour which the
milters of the Northwest so generously
donated, the Kusslau Government Is
obliged to accept with thanks, but really
they do not need it.
"Mr. Alexander Gregor, first secretary
of the Russian Legutlon, In the absence
of Minister De Strune, through his
youth and Inexperience, has taken upon
himself the responsibility of accepting
these donations on Dalmit or nis govern
ment, and has committed it to accept In
suoh a manner that out of gratitude
for such a spontaneous outburst cf feel
ing on the part of the American people
they must ratify his act.
"But I afUrm that the finances of the
Russian Imperial Government are In as
sound condition as ever they were.
Itnssla has always 150,000,000 gold
dollars on deposit lu tho various capi
tals of Europe and In New York and at
home they have always several hundred
millions of reserved capital, with plenty
of surplus grain. With all this at com
mand I do not see the necessity of
taxing tho good people of this country
on behalf of suffering Russians.
"In regard to the effo.-t of Miss Clara
Barton of the American Red Cross So
ciety, we cannot call It u foreign move
ment to aid tho sufferers In Russia, but
an International one, for the Red Cross
Society In America is a branch of tho
Red Cross Society in Russia, and vice
''1 he Red Cross Society In Russia is
composed of the most influential and
wealthiest classes, nnd It cume to the
aid of the Government in this crisis in
true Christian spirit.
"Whatever Miss Clara Barton, as
President of the United States branch
of this grout humanitarian organization
may contribute to them, will be re
oaived with Christian gratitude."
Washington, Dec. 28. Mr. Alexander
Greuer. chnrae d'affaires of the Russian
legation at Washington, in an intervlow
said that he wisbed that inert was trutu
lu Col, De Arnaud's statement thut tho
reports of famine In Russia wero exag
gerated and that Russia needs no aid.
In u few of the southern provinces,
he says, crops were good, and it may be
that Col. De Arnuud's Information
comes from these seotlons.
Mr. Greger says the Russian Govern
ment Is doing all In Its power to relieve
the distiess, uud the son of the Em
peror is at the head of the relief com
mittee. All the members of the legation here,
he said, have turned over their salaries
to the relief committee.
"Col. De Arnaud thinks I have placed
my government in nn emburrosilng po
sition," said Mr. Greger, "by accepting
the gift of the Minneapolis millers. As
a matter of fact, I cabled my govern
ment before replying to tho offer, and
the Russian Department of State cabled
that they would gladly accept the offer.
"The donation is but a drop in the
bucket compared with the people's
needs, but Russia accepts the oiler with
the hope of reciprocating should Amer
ica, unfortunately, ever be placed In a
Blmilur deploruhlo position."
English Outriboards.
Losdox, Dec. 1!8. Although the re
strictions surrounding the Ameriea's
Cup have caused English yachtsmen to
cease lu their endeavors to capture it,
one marked result of the international
races uppeurs In a new departure of the
London Sailing Club, whioh is about to
hold a competitive exhibition of models
of centreboard boats. There is a steady
tendency among the owners of small
boats to adopt the centreboard In plaoe
of the cutter build, and the exhibition
Is the result.
Destloyed by Flro
Pateiison. N. J., Dee. 28. The round
House and repairing shops of the Sus
quehanna Railroad, at WertendyUe,
were destroyed by llro yesterday. The
uulldlna-wu4 built of wood and burned
quickly. As soon as the flames were
discovered a bucket brlgate was organ
ized which worked to autnoh the fUmes
until the arrival ofenglnes from this
olty. Four engines nu'd- several lumber
ears, wnloh were stored In the slops.
ware destroyed. The loss Is' estimate d
at 132,000.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
1 s? bwdr
Mr. Covllle's nxparlmeut.
Mr. Coville has got but oue appli
tree, but it Is a good tree. It lias hung
fall of blossoms, and In the past wc.i
has been u very beautiful omuuiont is
his little yard. We do think apple blos
soms the sweetest flowers over created.
On Mr. Covillo's treo worms have made
a huge and unsightly nest.
Mr. Covillo learned that the only surt
way. of getting rid of the nsst was to
burn it away. This was to be done by
a lighted bunch of rags saturated with
caiupheue and tied to the end of a pole
so as to be applied to tho nest. It wai
on Friday evening that Mr. Covillo did
this business. His wife helped him. He
put a barrel under tho tree to stand on,
as he did not have a polo long enough tc
reach the nest from the ground. He
tied a lot of rags on the end of a stick
and dipped tho mass into a basin of cam.
phene, and then touched off a match ana
applied the ball of (lame to tho nest.
High us he was from the ground, still lit
had to stand well up on his toes to male
the remedy effective But Mr. Covilli
did not mind that nt all, because tin
flame was doing tho work most beautl
"That'll sizzle 'em, by graciousl" hi
shouted down to his wife, who stood by
him, while his eyes were riveted on tin
devastation above his head.
MWah, ooh, oohl" suddenly rent the
air above tho apple tree; and, before th(
startled woman could comprehend from
whence came the dreadful cry, she re
ceived a blow on the head from a ball ol
burning rags, and went down like a
flash, striking the ground in time to see
her husband descend, soat first, on t
similar ball of flame, and rise again as il
called, up by on unseen but irresistible
It was all explained in a minute, while
Mr. Covillo Bat in a large dish of cold
water. It appears that a drop of the
lighted camphone fell from the ball and
struck Mr. Covillo on the chin just as he
was in the very climax of enthusiasm,
when every nerve seemed stretched to
its utmost tension in fond anticipation
of the most gratifying results.
The shock was too great for his nerv-
otis system to withstand. Tho barrel
went over in that awfully unexpected
way which a barrel has of going over,
and in the descont of Ids person Mr. Co
ville fetched hii wife a wipe over the
head with his fireworks ns forcible as it
was. unintended, and wound up the per
formance by sitting abruptly and iuex.
plicably down upon the illumination it
self. Mrs. Covillo lost some hair and
was scorched on one ear, and Mr. Co
villo has had to have an entirely new
sag put in his pants, but the barrel was
not injured in the least and the torch is
about as good as new, if any one cares
tousett. J. M. Bailey
My doctor snya It ncls gently on tho stomach,
liver and kidneys, and U a plt-asam laxative. This
drink la madu from hi rt", and U prepared for use
A3 easily as tea. 1 1 is en Ird
All druggists veil It ut wx-. una (l.uu per jmLkiiu.
liny one to-day, lame'n J'umlly .Iffdirlno
Moves the ltoneli ncU duy. In order to ba
h -althy, this U necMHary.
p. j. FKr.ansoK, man.vOeu,
Special engagement of
Lizzie Daly, the queen of dancers, and Little
Yinieuuiy. too uaucing wouuer, sup
ported by a carefully selected
company io the Bupromoly
funny farce comedy,
Original novelties, laughable situations and
a competent company or comeaians.
l'retly girls, new songt, new dances
and catchy music full of
happy surprises.
Prices, 35, 50 and 75, Cents
Beau, ou sale at Klrlln'i drug store.
Carbolic Acid lly Mlitaltr.
ALBANY, Ga., Dec 28. Josephine
Jone, a woman from the country, was
indulging In exploding fireworks. She
held an lmtnonse cannon cracker In her
hand while It exploded. Her hand was
tom off and she was carried to a doctor.
While the doctor was dressing the
wound ha ordered an attendant to give
the woman a drink of whiskey from a
bottle In the office. The mail, by mis
take, took up a bottle of carbolic add
and gave it to the patient. In a few
moments the patient was dead.
Nan Chlorldo or Uotd Institute.
Bt. JosxrH, Mo., Dea !)8. The
natural chloride of gold Institute of St,
Joseph has filed articles of Incorpora
tion with the Secretary of State. The
company has a paid up oapltal of $3,000,
and will immediately open an Instltuto
here. Tho process is a different oue
from that used by Dr. Ke.ley, and Is
known as the Campbell-Koch chloride
of gold treatment.
lMltrrlui iKos to lis Itesumed.
ROME, Deo. 28. The Catholic pilgrim
ages to Homo, which wero Interrupted
by the incident In the Pantheon, when a
French pilgrim Insulted the memory of
Victor ' Emmanuel, will be resumod
after Easter. The first pilgrims will
come from Spain, Austria and Ger
many, and Crunch pilgrims will follow
in April.
Convm-tsd Her Miiri'led.
Sault Sri:. MAfiuc, Mich., Dec. 28.
Tho Rev. Robert W. Wallace, the
evangelist, who has been saving souls
by the score in the Canadian "Soo"
for some weeks pust, has created a sen
sation by murrylug one of his co n
verts, Miss Uaohel E. Ross, a uegress.
The bride Is woll known.
DldYour Baby Ory All Last Night?
Pity if ho did, fur it woukons him eo; then,
too, it can be provontod, if you will call on
O. J. McOirtky or J. it. Ulllmi, tho drug
gists, for a freo sample of Dr. Hand's
O ilio Curo. Baby will linstantly be ro-
A good many people, suffering only
from a slight cold, say "grip," and
lose their "grip,"
Tho Groatoot Strlko.
Anions the great BtriRes tlmtof Dr. Miles
in discovering Ins Nw Ilcari. cure has
proven 1'seir to bu oue or tlie most ira ortunt.
Tlio demand for It has become astonishing,
Already the treatment ot heart dlseao Is be
ing revolutionised, and many unexpected
euros ellec'XJd. It soon relieve" short breath,
flutterlnir. nalns Inside, arm. shoulder, weak
and hungry spelts, oppression, swelling of
anKicSg B.tioincrinc aim bean uropsy. ur.
free. Tho unequuled Now Heart. Cure Is sold
an" guaranteed byO. It. Ilaiienbueh.tbodruc
cist. hIso his Itastoniilvo Nervine for head
ache, fliK, sprees, hot Hashes, nervous eullls,
opium nuuu, eiu.
Marrlaco is a failure when a man
who ought to be a blacksmith says ho
Is wedueu to art.
Miles' ftorvo and Liver PillH
Act on n now principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels throuuh the ncrvct.
A new discovery. Dr. lilies' lllls speedily
constipation, Unequaled for men, women,
children. Bmallest, mlldest.enrcstl Aldoses,
cts. Hamplos Free, nt J. II. liaeenhuch'a
urng store.
With the dying year it would le
well to permit all hatreds and resent
ments to die ulso.
Will Bo Given Away.
Our enterprising druggist C. II. Hngenbuch
whootrrles the finest stocir. of dnus, pe
lumerles, toll-.tartlcles. brushes, sponges, elo ,
Is irlvluiraway a lanre number of trial bottles
of Dr. Miles' celebrated Restorative Nervine.
llRUurantees It to cure headache, dizziness,
nervous prostration, sleeplessness, tho 111
effects of spirits, tobacco, coflee. eto. Druir-
Klsts saj' it is the greatest seller they ever
knew, uud Is uulvonally satisfactory. They
aiso guarantee ur. Miles' rsew ueart";ure in
all cases of n.rvous or organla heart dlseaso,
p-iioitatiou, pain in sine, smotii'ritw, eto.
v ine uuuk uu
"Nervous and He irt Diseases'
Landlords should call nt this ofllce
for their "notices to quit."
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per-
ins ni urn euro approacu oi inat more tor
hie disease. Consumption. AsH yourselves
If you can afford for the sake or saving SO
cents, to run ine rtsxnnu uo nuiuing torn.
We know froo experience that Ohiloh's Ouro
will Ouro your Cough. It never falls. This
explains why more than a Million Bottles
wero sold tho past vear. It relieves Oman
and WUonpInc Uouzn at once. Mothers do
not be without It. l'or Lnmo llictt, Hide or
Chest, use Mhlloh's I'orous 1'iaster. Hold by
u. ii. iiageuDiiou, n. n, corner 3iain anu
uoya streets.
une or tue lovs of mis season aro
tlie huppy family reunions.
Bhlloh's Consumption Ouro.
This in beyond question the most sua-
-osslnl Cough Medicine we have ever Bold,
few doses Invariably cure tho worst case of
rvmeh, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Us won.
lerfu! success Itx tho cure of Consumption Is
.vlUinut a parallel In the history ot medicine,
-since It's first dlsoovery It has been sold on a
?narantee, a lest which no other medicine
san stand. Ir you have a Cough we earnestly
ink you to try it. I'rloe 10 ceuls, 50 cents, nnd
!1.0. If your Lungs aro sore, Chest or Back
lurae, use Hhlloli's Porous Blaster. Mold bv
O. II. llagenbucn, N. K. corner Matn and
Lloyd etreeU.
Rubbing with vaselino makos tho
linger naila grow.
What Father Pablo Varola Says.
n..r .v. 1 , DDI,
I know several neoido who have suffered
BTeatly from the consequences of Impure
blood, and In a very short while have felt
much better by using the medicine whioh was
sent here by Don Itamon Alvi for Hut pur
pose. I recommend this remedy as one
which pr.'inlses the best results, and Is the
bestof Its kind. IlKV.rAULO VAItKL.V.
Hold at Klrlln's Drug fJtore.Perguson House
Block, rihonaudoal .
Establish yourself on the broad and
sound basis of integrity. Conduct:
your business with Intelligence and
Judgment. I
It Is As ITa.y to atari a Hank In Fans,
sylvaula As n Ornoitry.
lUnnisnrno, Doo. 28. The failure of
the Tyrous Bank, one ot the 209 or
more private bunking Institutions doing
business in I'eunsylvanlu uncurbed by
any law, Is the fourth concern ot the
kind that has gone under within the
past tour months.
It Is as easy to start batik In Penn
sylvania as it Is to start a grocery. All
that It is necossary to do Is to hire
room and put up a sign that there Is a
bank within, and there you are.
The only law relating to thoie banks
is one requiring them to make an an
nual report to the Audltor-Gsneral nnd
pay to the State a tax ot 8 per cent, on
their net earnings, which must be de
clared under oath.
Many of the banks are located in
small towns, remote from any national
or regularly Incorporated State banks,
and are the sole depositories ot the sav
ings of the communities b) which thsy
ore supported. To establish them na
authority from the State Is required.
They have no capital stook and are not
required to register, make returns to
the State of the amount ot capital In
vested, or furnish statements to any
persou of their assets and liabilities.
There are no means of kuowlng th
amount of money these banks hold on
deposit in the aggregate, but eleven of
them that failed In the oourse ot a tow
years past lost for their depositors
tl, 500,000, and from that it may be In
ferred that the total amount of credul
ous persons' money held by the lot Is
Very large certainly not less than
10,000,000, at a very conservative es
timate. The only department that has any
survelllanco over the wildcat banks is
the Auditor-General's, and, in the ab
sence of any restrictive law, that is only
Uesides being required to report their
earnings, the banks must also report
their expenses. Auditor-General Nlles
quotations from tho reports show that a
regular and very comprehensive Item In
all these reports ot expenses was "loss
In axchango," and that nearly one-hnlf
ot the
i enterprising bankers perjured
Ives to savo tux on their net
earnings or that these Institutions ware
in a condition ot bankruptcy.
In that report twenty-nine of the
banks wore uuoted as returning a not
loss for the fiscal year; forty-four made
affidavit thut their income waa less
than 500, and twenty-live swore thai
they had made less than $1,000.
By the returns they made or. interest
paid all showed that they must have
hud many thousands of dollars of other,
people's mo u-y In their oustody.
Uno of in ic natiKs reported mat il
hnd paid u. .... :;?., 000 in interest for
the year, but tue net profits on its busi
ness was only $103.87, making its State
tax foM5.
A Tioga county banker swore gravely
that his uross earnings and expenses
tallied to a cent, eaoh being J2.2W.15.
A York county UanK raauo ine busi
ness-like statement that, while Its gross
Income was only iXO.OOS, It lost during
the year $11,500 by exchange and dis
counting notos, nearly as muoh as II
nald out In Interest on deposits.
By the sworn statement or a uoiumuia
county bank, the Interest paid on ue-
Doslts during the year luoKed only a few
dollars ot tlfe amount reported on the
cross earnings.
Another ot the conscientious private
bankers reported exceptionally good
fortune with Its exchango business,
having met with no loss at all In that
branch, but, although It only carried
5,0B8, It required $5,835 to pay olerks
for the year's work,
A Crawford county bunk reported
gross earnings ot $1,703 and clerk hire
SI. 702. which, with Incidental expenses.
entailed a loss ot over $1,000 on thi
vsar. "Loss In exchnnae" roportod bj
ii Olarlon county bank exceeded by $S
the total yearly Income.
It was left to a Butler county bank
to cap the climax in reporting Its ex
penses to offset tho earnings and save
the 8 per cent. tax. Thut bank's grosi
Income was t2. 815. 116. It reported or
dinary expenses at $012 and frankli
credited itsolt with the sum ot $8,070.8!
lost In oil speculation.
As showing the utter unreliability ol
the reports made, Mr. Niles referred to
one who In a previous report had re
turned $800,000 ou deposit, and a net
income of $08. That bunker tho next
year reporttd an Increased amount ot
deposits, but no Income,
Tho banker had made no report be
cause since his last return he had closed
his doors, promising to pay at somf
time 20 cents ou the dollar to his da
celved depositors.
Temporarily lnsnn.
PfiiLAiiKLPAiA, Doo. 28, Henry J
AValluoe, n travelling -man of Stamford,
Conn., created a sensation In the dlniug
room of the Girurd House yosterdnj
afternoon. While the guests wero at
dinner ha entered the placo, shouting ul
the top of his voice. The walten
nttomptod to eject htm but he so fierce
ly opposod them that the police had to
be called. Wallace was taken to his
room where a physlciau examined hire
and pronounced him temporarily lnsnne,
Tho untortunuta man Is closely guarded.
Ilurclar Out K7t).
Philadelphia, Dea 28. Tho ofilce ol
the Abhlaml Tapsr Mill nt West Miintv
yunk was enteretl hy four masked uurg
lars nt nn early hour in tho morning,
VfUo buiuul nnd gatcReil tho watchmur
nnd blew opon tho aufe. Tho boot)
they ftocured, however, hardly repaid
them for tho rlak they took and thtlr
labor, there being but $70 in the safe.
Ida flreeu G noils IniUmtry.
ClevkisAKD, O., Dea 28. The Rreeti
goods men in New York have beau Hood
ing Holmes county with circular letters.
They nsit correspondents not to reply bj
mall, hut to semi the telegram, "Pie use
renew mv subscrlntlon for 1833, "to J.
Klnley, enro of Wooldridge, 2,178
Eighth avenue, New York. .a
Heath In a Christmas I'reaent,
BmitiNOHAM, Ala., Dec 28. Sadh
Drown made her lover. William Reese,
to whom she was to have been marrtod.
a Christmus present of a revolver.
When the tlmo came for the nuptial)
Radio demurred and Reese shot and
killed her with the new pistol. He es
Bpouk.r Crisp'. Illness.
Wasiiikqion. Deo. 28. (Speaker Crist
is still confined to tils tied, weaK an La valuable property located on bouthJar
z hausted, from an attack of the grip, din street,
lie Is better than he' was. and no sari' S Beven dwellluir houses at the corner of Oil
- - . . . T
ona annrshenelon is felt t ot his safeti
and speedy reoovsry.
Short t.oa
Marking to
X rrtfJlfrIf by th ase of
you sure one pair of Shoes a year, and
i bottle at 20 cents tBtn three months,
for how many - en blacking will oon
year's Btvrlrg oi sho. Leather pay
10C Will imj- nr the Cant 10C
IDf orcimtiRliiK lMaliftlVhlte m
XU CJIwmi to lluliy. Jiic
IOC Kmcinl.I.Opnl, 10C
Qq or other CoHtly (iluffi. 'IQq
Purifies the blood by ox
polling tho impuiities through
the proper chunn els and never
causes eruptions on tho skin.
Regulates the bowels. Cures
dysporsia, liver and kidney
fvouhlos rfillpci n lin cWnm
UUUIJ1Lsl U1I1CS lip XllO SyStCin
and gives you an appetite.
Never fails to curo any con
dition produced by impure or
impoA'erished blood, or a dis
ordered state of stomach, liver
or kidneys.
Sold at Klrlln'8 Drug Store,
Ferguson's Haiti Stock, Shenandoah, Pa.
" HI inmptly rellTe the rnont dlu
trewlng cauo or Acute or Chronic Jlheu
nut I mi or Oout. Dy flrictly otpenlug
the directions. It ttIII curojou rcrman
cutly 1
VolU ths Durritroui r reparation I thit Bool
the couotrj , ttili tnedlctut is a i pee Ilia for the
rarloua for in of rlnuroatlra enfe-, and d1 la
aur siie a "cura all " On Imttln m mil
L,... - , BT latUraotory InipreMloo oo lbs I ? item, and
In connection with tle I'Hla, routine the lu'tjem that
tho prcptr rctnrdj has brta found. Yon art carbetilr r
quiit I to t(t tho imrita of
at tta Talvabla properties aro t&douM by hundrd of tk
moit flatlcrlDK tetllmonUla.
Only TORe labia iDrredlcnti, remark ablt for their enrattM
riweri, are ut.i in tho n aim tar-tore of RKOUT B
11.03 Per B3ttl8. C Settles, $5.00. nUa, Cts. 3sr
If your itoru keeper not keep tt, lend II.2& to till
Bunufaetarcr. aDd you lll reoflteithy mall.
3037 Market Street, l'hllutl'a, Ta.
KOfl North Fourth St.,
OOO bel. tifCfll, PMlLALlitMIA,
tho only gennlno German ImerUaj
pcUlUt tn the United tttau whoU
abl to cure OlOOd Poison
Nervous Debility md 8pc
clnl Diseases ' both itr,
bkln Dlwaeci. Red tUpoti Palna la the
bonci.soroThroat Mouth,
IUo(ohi, rtmplea, Fr option, eoTt of
bard llwri, Bwcllloin, Irrltatlooa,
lntlamniatloDi ana Konnloii,
Btrlclum, Weakneaa and fctrlj
ttecT Io merm.o wak hack mental antlttr. KMmj "4
HUH r DUeaifi and all IHieeura rexuUluf ftora,
In Iihti Uon or Ovrwork Recent eaea cured inttolOoaye
rt-Hssf at ouc. Do not lo hope, no matter hat M"'
tUInjt Dwur, Quack, Family or Ilopllal Phrilclan haa failed.
Dr. THEEL curca poeltlvety nd without detention from
tuilnr-aa it TOrno, siiuDLa aoid awd To"e coKTiiiPuaTiiie
MiHRuna rlrh or poor, tend 3c sump for book
ITRUTH, eipo1" Quacks tinder sworn testimonials.
Hoit.,, dally from to a, Kgs 6 to 9, Wed. a4 Stv
St'i 6 ta 1(1. flundar 9 llll IS. Write or call and W satad.
For lieferenoes so Wedn. """d Saturdsy rhU. dsJly Tin,-
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Lenses, Mortgnges and Bonds written.
Murriage licenses and legal claims
piumptly attended to.
Real Estite, ttjlloelion and Insurance Agency
General Fire Insurance Business, Ilcprosonta
the Northwestern i.tre insurance Co.
Office Muldoon'abultdlnt:. corner Centra
and WeotBts., Shenandoah, la.
Good Hroperties of All Kinds For Sale.
1, AtwoBtory double frame dwelling house
Bloro und restaurant, on Kast Centre Bt.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on Kast Contro
S, Desirable property on corner Centre and
jarain streets, suitame tor uusiness pur
iioses. A two story double frame dwelling, on
West LJovd street.
5 Two i!-8tory frame dwellings on West Cen
tre street.
6. Two Jslory dwellings on tho corner ot
coal ana Chestnut streets more room in
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street, with a largo warehouse ut the rear.
8. Three two-si ory double frame buildings
corner oi i.ioyu ana unoert streets.
201 N. Main St., Bheuautloali.
The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, 4c.
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent,
OFFICE beddaix's Building,
Cor. Main and Centre Strtetl. SHENANDOAH,
I A two and one-hair story double frame
dwelling house, with store-room and res.
1 1 taurani. tiocaled ou Hast centre street.
i bert, and Lloyd streets. Goodlnveelment
Terms reasonable.
Wi I