The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 26, 1891, Image 3

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    Presents in the most elegsnt form
Combined with the medicinal
, virtues of plants known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
ana eilective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Const.-
auou, ana me many 11 is cie
bnding on a weak or ' '.: ,
condition of the
Ills the most excellent rm kr. i
CLEANS!? THESVSreV ctrf'. rt r
When Cne Is Bilious or C ...
so 1 HAT
Every one is using it and al) est
delighted with it.
W.Baker &Co.'s
from which tho excess of
oil has boon removed, is
Absolutely Pure
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
aro used in its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, xVrrowroot
or Sugar, and is therefore far moro
economical, costing less than one cent
a ciqi. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily dioested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoro.
V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Filci Headache and rollovo nil tho uronhhs fnoI
tlent to a bilious sUtoof tho aystom, suon orj
XHzzlnoss, Kauser, Drowsluoss, Distress idles
eating, rain In tha Bide, &o. Whllo their rnosj
jpejnsiSablo success has coon chows la cuUrg j
Sletiaacho. yet Carter'a Iittlo Liver Mil Ira
equally valuable- in Constipation, curing aud pro
venting this annoying complaint, while- theyalss
correct alldlsordcrriozthoAcomacu,stimulate the
Hver ana rcgulalo tho bowels. Evonlftlwyoslj
I Duffer from tlua tlintrosHlnR cumplalnt; but rorta
I cately theirgoodueee docs noteuil hore,and tho:)
Who onco try them will tlud these littlo pills vara.
Itble la eo many ways that tboy will not bo wll
ills'! to do without them. Hut after allelck bead
Is tho bono of so many lives that hero is whora
Vra male our Croat bout. Our pUU cure it while
Carter's ittlo Liver mis aro vory email and
very oasv to tuie. One or two nllls mako a dose.
i They arestrlotly vegetable and do not gripe ot"
purge, but by their gentlo notion pleaao all vha
usoth'.m. Invlalant25ceutsi tlvefor$l. Sold
by drcggMi) everywhere, or sent by molL
1,000 Genuine Tyler Curtnln Decks S2I and
$24 Net Spot Cosh.
No. -1007 Antique Onk Standard Tyler Desks,
-llt.filn. loiiit.y urt.Otn. hlEh. Mice and Duet
Vroof, Zlno Bottom under drawer!! patent! llraas
lined Curtalni 1'olisheU Oak. WrllinKTabloi 0 '1 am
blor lock! one lock securing nil draoorsi 8 beavi
cardboard Filing tioiesi GuiiboarA Inendt l'anoled
Finished liacki Hxtenslon Arm Klldesi Wellbt
SOU lbs. Prlee, P. . II. nt Factory. SSI ftet.
Also 1,000 Antique Ash Desko.
No. luori. Same as abovo.oxcept made of Solid
Antique Abu, koo1 na oak. IVoluht UOO Ilia,
l'rlce F O. U. ut l'uctory, SSI Ret. Shipped
from our Indianapolis fnctnry dlreeL Made aod acid
ijolely by tbe TYLER DESK CO., St. Louis, Mo.
100 page Catalogue of Butk Countou, Peaks, eto.luQ&lorg
Qeel ever prlntL Uooka free: posuge Iti cents.
A I'alelie.tcr'e Encllsb Dlaciond Bruit,
Oi-lffliml od Onty vMiaue
Ate, itlwtv rilft.)Lf. lauikq ask
tltlhielal l,.r ,..,...,., M t'm)ltk liiA.
mJiirjnJlu lied rnl f.tiU KUllIa'
Itxikix aletl i'b blue rM bon Take
till AlliaMA. ft flit a I J lilt QUA ailAaUNs
twut a.J itnit uivtu A i Urugfiat, tr ienl 4ft.
In sltUBLia fur jmui ioul ura ttwtiUtonl4J uj
KUcf fr I.adU," in letttr, bj iTtnra
f 7IML 1V.VHW .bsuuii;wiib. Air t pen
uiobca(iJueiul(UilC.I1n(Usion Koostr
il. H A-MILTON, M, I).,
nnna-'M Vm Uovd BtroetJ Hhenondoab
fliS IS3E38SSS
Rosourcos of tho United Statos
in tho Pnciilc.
Vends on thn Ooaat tbat Are Available
as Transports, Colliers or OruUera.
Uncle Hum PrepHrad and Will Not Iluve
the Iait Tratililo In Checking Any
Hostile Mors On Chill's I'nrt-TnlU at
TrtUlnr; l'ossesslun of the IslAiid iif Juua
FarnnmlvK As n Conllue; Stullou in tlio
llvrut of Wsr,
Washinoton, Dec 26. In vlow ot
tho lnnny disturbing vrnr rumors con
cerning the Chilian uflulr, it may not
be uulutsresting to take n glance nt tho
means wo could enlist to stronsthen
ourselves in the I'hcIIIc Ocean.
There nre avnllablo for vfnr purposes
ot the Pacific coast, in the district of
Ban Francisco, twenty-ono flrst-oloas
ocenn passenger Bteamers, any one ot
which could bo converted into an armed
transport in a few weeks.
Some of them nro from fourteen to
sixteen knot boats and could carry a
very formidable battery, and would
nave thirty to forty days' coal endur
ance. There are also quite n number
of smaller craft which also mlgat be
utilized if necessity domaudod.
There is pauuity of large freight
steamers on the coast, there bclug only
lour of the larger class in the district.
There are eight steum whalers capublo
ot being fitted for special services. Iu
the district of Portland there are only
two large first-class ocean passenger
boaLs and two medium ocean freighters,
while In the (Seattle district thoro aro
three first-class ocean passenger boats
and two ocean freighters, making a
toUl tit forty-two available steamers for
all classes of work.
What are lacking most in this flotilla
are steam colliers, but thoy can bo ro:id
ily obtained by chartering coal carriers
under foreign Hags, until we could send
down to Juan Fernandez some sailing
vessols that would act as station coal
ships and receive the cargoos as they
came to hand, so that this matter could
be arrangud without much difficulty
and at comparative economy in cost.
It would not tuke us long to have
plenty of coul hulks on that station.
It lau question that may ba considered
in connection with our needs In tho
futuro for our position on the Pacific
Ocean, that we permanently acquire the
Island of Juan Fernandez for a coaling
station for our navy. Howovor, iu case
of war wo undoubtedly should tato
possession of it.
Tho following is allst ot tho available
steam vessols on tho I'aciflo Coast:
Kuuie. Tons.
Acapulco 2,"7 J
Alumodn T. , a,l.-8
Cltyot feydnuy ,3,01(1
City of 1'ueblo S.Ual
Crescent City B.-JOO
City or Uto Janeiro 3,5IH
City of replug 0,070
Collmn '-',0U5
City of Now York a,om
City of Panama 1,400
Los Anjreles 1,707
Woiloo 1.707
OrutfOII 2,3 16
1'umonii 1,V01
Santa Hoes ",41U
State of lulil'orula '.',ouu
San Jose V!,usu
tail Bins 3,07ft
tan Juan , 1,070
VJnutdilla 3.009
Wallo Walla 3,000
Al-Kl 1.S51I
Empire 7;C
Jeaulo 1,071
Smitu Cruz,,.,, 3,110
Ilolrlderu 440
lloluiry OJS
liulaouu oU.'i
Josde il.Ir'teemau 610
Thrasher bl
William i.owle 4-u
Ooluinbli 2,7131
Wll umette vulioy , u.v
Luklm Ml
bpokaue 073
City uf Toiwkn 1,057
George W. Elder 1,7. 1)
Queun 2,7.7
i illamotto B.riO!
WllniliiRton 001
Total, 4-i Hloainers of all el uses.
Prom the fleet ulono the nue-Ju ot both
the army and navy could be fairly met,
so far oo transportation is oonoirucd for
the former, and tho latter would be abla
to select from among them some flrst
claBs merchant crulsoru carrying several
heavy muxzlo loading rilles and a for
midable amount of smooth bore guns
and a complement ot rapid firing guns
of smaller oallber a tar superior class
of vessels for an Improvised navy than
wo had in 18G1-5, vossols of higher speed
and groator coal endurance, und iu fact
with all the qualifications tor good and
effective services.
From the Atlantic coast merchant
marine we can select quite a numbar of
very fust steamers which are largo car
riers and which would make splendid
cruisors In any war wo might engage in.
Taking all things into consideration wo
are iu a iairly well self-contained con
dition o far us ships lira concerned to
handle "it people liko the Chilians.
Tim Wldotr' ClirUtuiat X'rasonts.
NiACK, N. Y., Doc. S. Mr. E. P.
Fois, the owner ot tho Clinton Dyun
inito Works, which exploded at Hnvar
straw a few weeks ago, gave a Christ
mas prosout of $1,000 euo!i to the tour
widows who lost their husbands In the
i 1
Iiict-cnse of Grip.
NtacK, N. Y., Deo. SO. There ha
bfon a large Incroaso of grip casss in
Bookluud County. Tho disease oomea
in a more Borious form than last year,
but there have been no deaths as yet.
The physicians are busy day and night.
DeutU of Heading's Comptroller
ItEAmxo, Fa., Dec 20. J, Lawrunco
UU, City comptroller, 1b doad of la
grippe. Ho was 70 yeuri old. Mr. Gotz
served various terms iu the Stats Legis
lature und was a member of tha 40th,
41st and 4-d Congresses.
ltepiirted Denth of Oarsis,
Waehinoton, Dec. 20. The report In
current that the bandit Catarlno Garza
hiw been killed in an engagement wit h
Captain Hurdle's command, between
Laredo und Carriao, but nothing authen
tic oau be ascertained.
Disastrous Fire.
' Inediubka Citt, NeU, Deo. 20. A
(Usastroas lire occurred here, the Ne
braska Distillery being almost wholly
consumed. The loss will roaoh $100,000,
nearly ooTtred by Insurance,
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Oatnlls of Hie Oocurrnoes Ilurlnx Tils
TiTonty 1)iit' Dlotntoislilii,
Wasiiikotou, Dec. SO. A letter has
bsen received at tho Pruelllan Legation
which gives, it is understood, details of
Fonseca's dictatorship rule of twonty
days' duration and of his overthrow.
While Fonseca's absolute rttlo lusted
Rio Janeiro was torrorlnod. Tho press
was muzzled, odltors wore threatened
with arrost and deportation, prominent
membeia ot tho opposition were sha
dowed by spies and business interests
tuffnrsd. Three fourths of the residents
ot tho city were not in sympathy with
tho Dlotator, but, lacking courage, op
portunity and leaders, wero content to
submit silently to th abuse of power.
Iu Hlo Grande do Bui it was far dif
ferent. There one-hnlf of the army
was stationed and largely ofllcored and
recruited from nntives of the State
Tho garrisons at llio Qrundo, Ilage,
Pelotos end other points declared
against Fonseca, and the regiment nt
Saut' Anna d Llvramonto revolted. Its
commander, General Isldoro Fernandez,
received a wound in the hand, which
had to bo amputated, cnuilug his death.
Tho garrison at Jaguarao, Caoapaba,
Alogroto, LTruguuyana and other places
next joined the insurgents, who wero
under the command ot Generals Astro
gillo, Tuvores and Osorlo, and num
bered 20,000 armed men.
Tho garrison nnd business mon of
Porto Alegre forood Governor Julio do
OastilhoH to resign, nnd Drs. Aatis lira
nil and Barros Casal and General Rooha
Osorio were constituted a Junta to
govern tho Stato By November 23
tliore wero fifty thousand Insurgents in
tho Uuld. A flotilla ot five smnll vessols
was also organlzod on tha Logoa dos
The opposition In Sao Paulo was ter
rorized by the soldlero. In Para and
llnh ni movamonts against the Dictator
ship were started.
In tha meanwhile n naval revolt at
Hlo Janeiro was in progross, under t ho
leadership ot Admirals Wuudenkolk and
Custodlo do Mello. Thoy wero Joined
by Gen. Florlano Polxoto, Vlco-Presl-dent
ot tho Kopubllc, and Gen. Joso
Tho dictatorial govormeut got wind
ot the revolt and issuod warrants for
the arrost ot a number of officers nnd
cltizons. Whon tho insurgents' plans
were completed, nn officer from a ferry
boat advised the RIachnolo of that fnot.
Admiral do Mello boarded tho ship
aud took charge, her commander, Capt.
Duarte, being ashore. The commander
ot the Aquidabnu, I'rlinelro do Marco,
and Solimoes were sent away by thoir
officers and crews.
In tho meanwhllo the government
arrosted Admiral Wuudenkolk aud
Mornues Gulmuroes shortly after tho
warships, gunboats and torpedo boats
which hud joined the revolt wero ready
tor operations. The Aquldabuu fired
upon a steam launch, hit the Candelarln
Cburcn ami wounueu a laborer, i'anio
reigned In Rio, as it was rumorod tha
fleet was about to bombard tho city.
XtOurei CoHa.Ooirha.lreThroat.Croap.Tnflueiitti
"rVhooplag Cough, IJronchitii ani Asthma, A wrtiln
UT9 frr Consumption la Cit ituiii ukI n run rIIcf la
oivinced ftttgea. Dw vt onoo. You will ses thaex"
sllnt effect after taking: thp fltt daae. 614 y
dt4ltri TcrTWbre. Lug Iw.Uoj, 60 uwiM 4 U&
Hpeelul engagement of
Llzsle Daly, the queen of daoreis, aod I.itde
VlnleD.tly, tue dauoim; wonder, sup
porlnl by a carefully selected
company lo the suiiiemeiy
luaayfaroe coxedy,
Original nnvelUes. laughable sitaailous and
a oorapetsut company 01 roaieuusus.
l'reliy gills, new wmg'stietv dances
aaa caiohy muClc. full of
happy surprises,
Prlceti, 25, 50 ami 75 Cents
Sent on sale at Kirlln's drug store.
1! yon waul to see a tlae display oi Booto and
Boot and Shoo Store,
(Modeller's old stand,)
Corner Coal and Jardlu tits.
Custom Work aud Rcpalrlus
Done In the best style.
It Should be In Every House.
J. li. Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharpiburg,
Fa., fays ho will not bo without Dr. King's
Now Dlsoovory for Consumption, Oougbs
nnd Colds, that it cured his wife who was
tbrostenod with Pneumonia alter an at
tack of "La Grippe," whon various other
remedies and several physicians had dons
hor no good. Robert Barbnr, of Cooks
port, l'a., claims Dr. King's New Dis
covery has done him more good than any
thing ho ovor used for Lung Trouble.
Nothing liko it Try it. Free trial bottles
at C. II. Ungonbuch's Drug Sloro. Largi
bottles, 50c. nnd $1.
Itrobo tho Will UliliiUurttliiir film.
PLainjuld, N, J., Deo. W) The
Mooro will contest, which has been in
court for two years, was deolded by
Chancellor McOlll In favor ot tho only
son and heir, John C. Moore, who, by
tho terms of his father's will, was out
oil without a cent. The estate consists
ot large blocks of valuable business
property in Plalnlleld and Jersey City
and is worth several hundred thousand
Did Your Baby Ory AULaet Night?
Pity if ho did, for it wo.ikena liirn so: lIimii.
too, it oun bo prevented, if you will call on
0. J. McCarthy or J. M. Ilillnn. the druur-
gistt, for a fr:c sample of Dr. Il.iud's
die Cure. Hiuy will iinstantly be re
T.nat vnar A ,viu,.n.i lni.tinil mil ft.4n
000,000 worth of urtiilolul teeth.
Sudden Deaths.
Heart disease li bv far tha mrwt frnnnnnt.
cause of sudden death, which In three out of
four oases Is unsuspected. Tho symptoms nro
not generally understood. These nro: lying
on tno right side, Rhort brenth, pain or dls.
tres In side, b.ioK or shoulder. Irregular
pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind
In stomach, swelling oi ankles or dropsy,
oppreislon, dry couisu. and smothering;. Dr.
Miles' Illustrated book on Heart intense, fro
atO. II. llugenbuch, who s. II nnd Kiiurautee
Dr. Miles' unequaled New Heart Cure, nnd his
nesiuruuvo inerviiie, winon cures nervoiv.
ness. hcudache. slceDlGssnes. ellectscif tlrlnlr.
lng, etc. It contains no opiates,
Cakes, confectionery nnd fruit now
hold the lend.
Miles' Korvo and Llvsr Plllra
Act 011 a now principle regulating the
liver, Ktomoch nnd bowPls through the nerves.
A new discovery. Dr. Mllos' I'llls upeedlly
euro biliousness, bad Unto, torpid Uvor, piles,
constipation, llucqualed lor men, women,
children. Bmallest, mlldet,Buretl 5'idoses,
25cts. Bnmples Kree, at I). 11. Uagunbuch's
mux niuie.
Onlv n ffiw rlnVH mnrn urn lnfr. in
hunt tho rabbit.
Startling Faota.
The American neoole nro rnntdlv becomlnz
a race of nervous wrecks, and the following
suggo-ds thobestromedy : Alphouso llempll-
ing, tu minor, ra., swears mat wrmu nts sou
was speochless from Mt. Vitus dance Dr.
Miles' groat Itostorntlve Nervine cured Iilm.
Mrs. J. 11 Miller, of Valparaiso, nnd J. D.
Taylor, of Logansport, Ind., eao 1 gained W
K111UU8 iiuui luaini; 11., jirs. ti. a. uiirauer,
of Vistula. lad., was f-urud of -10 to AO eon.
vulsionsa day, and much hoadarh?, dlzzl-
utt!B.uuuaabnu uuu livi viius pruairauuu uy
ono bottle. Trial bottles, nnd Hue books of
luurvuiuus oiiroM, nco m u. Ji. linKeauunu,
me umitKisi, who reoominenas auu guarau.
tees this unoqualed remedy. . ,
J Canes nro not as faahionnblo as they
Oh, What a OouRh.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per
tiar.n of the sure aoDroaeh of lhut. mora lr.
rlble dlseaw. Ouusumntlon. Ask vimnselvea
ll you oauallord for the sake of saving 60
cenw, Mima laensKana ao aotning ror ir
We know from experience that Hhiloh'ej Hure
will Curo your Cough, It never falls. This
??piauiH way more tnau a siunon isouies
were sold the met vear. It relieves Clroan
and Whopplni Oongli al onee. Mothers do
not be without U. for 1-iania iiaek, Bide or
Chest, nan Bhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by
v. 11. xiiHrcmuuon, i. js. ooruer jauia svna
moya sireeu.
The store elerUfi will he glad when
uie nonany soason is over.
Shlloh's Oonaumption Ouro.
This is beyond question the most mc-
vunatui t.AJMejM itiQuiuiiac n o imvv avvr auiUi
a low doses Invariably cure the worst eases oi
Coagh, Croup, and Dronohltls, while Its won
lerrul snceess in the eure of consumption Is
without h parallel In the history or medloiue.
Hlnce it's first discovery It has been sold on a
rnimuitao, a test whlmi no other medicine
can stand. It you Iu.vb a (Vtuxh we earnestly
ask you to try it. Price 10 oenfe, SO cents, and
11.00. If your Lnngs nre sore. Chest or Hack
lame, use Hhlloh'H 1'orouu Plaster. Hold bv
u. u. nagonnuou, n. K. corner Mam and
iioya streeui.
The grip has occasioned a demand
for quimno mid wiustcy.
What Father Pablo Varola Bays,
ffutr . (wnii. , loon
I know several peoi le who lusve sufTered
vreaily from the consequences of Impure
blood, aud in a very short while have felt
muoh better by using the medlolne which was
sent here by Don Ramon Alvi for that pur
pose. I recommend this remedy n oue
wniou promises tue oest resutu, ami is tue
uesioj its Kinu. naiV.i .uLu VAivoiXiA..
Hold at Kirlln's Drug Htore.Kemusou House
uioas. csnoaanuoH'
Cor. Main nnd Coal Hts.,
Bhouandoah, l'a.
ltsgnlar meals at popular;
prices served at all times,
Ladles' dining mil re
freshment rooms ntlach
ed. ilarstouked with tho
finst bninds of elzsrs
and fancy drinks.
Leading Restaurant in Town.
oaosHodaeJl's bnlldln corner Mala aud Csnt n
The timber of the Head Now Itoaclie,
Tamhttows, N. Y., Dec. 4e. Of the
twenty -two persons who were in tbe
Ill-fated oar Gibraltar attached to tin
Buffalo and Niagara special, whlah was
crashed Into by the St. Louis special,
only six escaped Injury.
Albert E. Ilerriek, the braksmna
whose carelessness caused the accident,
fled soau alter the collision and has not
yet bsen found, He will be arrested it
A disgusting fact was revealed during
tho examination of the bodies of tha
doad by undertakers. The pockets of
several of tho victims were found to
hare been either cut or torn from tholr
clothing and all their valuables; In
cluding pockotbooks, Jowelry, etc.,
were missing.
Inquiry nt the hospital, nmons the
injured, showed that several of them,
too, nnu neon robbed.
A number of strangers volunteerod
their servioes in tho work of rusaue at
wreck nnd it Is believed that tho vandals
were among those.
The total number of those who lost
their Hvos now roaches oloven. The
official list ot tha dead is as follows!
Mrs. A, N. Baldwin, of Now York.
Thomas W. Pollev.lof tho firm of Gen.
H. Polloy St Co, Boston.
Abraham Knight. Waitnur Palace Car
Miss Llbble Von Arsdalo. a school
toaohor of Now York City.
Miss Mabel Slocurn, of Lockport, N.
Hiss Gertrude Moore, of Medina, N. Y.
Miss Louise Ford, of Bsooklyn.
J. W. White, colored, porter on Wag-
nor oar.
Miss Lillian Baldwin, of New York.
Dr. B. K Best, dontist, of New York.
Kdwln S. WIloox, of the law firm of
Johnos & Wilcox, New York.
Mrs. Homer R. Baldwin, of Now York.
seriously. Miss Aunie Ford, slightly.
1). U. Murphy, of Now York, seriously.
ninry a. .oacooson, sllgutly. J. li. llng
nall, ot Poughkecpsie, probably fatally.
Grant l.rltaln's ailnistor tu Qreeoo Dls-
llkiMl Uy Kim I ii.
Athens, Doc 20. A strong pressure
is bolng brought to boar upon M. Dell-
gcorgls, Minister of Foreign Affairs, to
induce him to demand that Lord Salis
bury shall cause to bo read in the
British Paillamcut the lettar of apology
written by f K. J. Monson, British
Minister tu ii. . , for Inaccurate state
ments which . ,..i:-:er Monson had made
relative tj .ho treatment of British
creditors by the Syra-Hellenic Com
pany. ihoro is a powerful movement on foot
to oompel tho recall of Mlnistor Muuson
by tho British Government.
This movement has for iti ostensible
ground the charge of misrepresentation
in tho byrn-Hollenlc and othor matters;
but the roal ground is that Sir Edmund
has uiado hlmsolf obnoxious to tha
phllo-Russiun party by his vigilance in
watching nnd reporting Ita efforts to
control tho policy of Greece in a direc
tion favoraulu to Kussla.
Sir Edmund is a distinguished diplo
mat, a brother of Viscount Oxenbrldge,
and high In favor with tha Salisbury
His formor services havo boon chiefly
in South America, where ha has Jropro
Bontod Groat Britain at Buenos Ay res,
Montevideo und In laraguny. lie was
appointed to Greece in 1B88, where, for
tho first lime in his career, ho appears
to havo given offense.
The feeling against him is so stroller
that, but for fear of deeply offuudlng
Grout Britain, ho would probably be
given his passports.
A Queer AccldenL Whluh ndnd in tho
Dentil of John Youkiii.
Smiinufield, 0., Dec. 20. Webb &
Co., of this city, undertaken), havo just
moved into a now office iu a building
which ii just being completed.
Thoro Is a sky-light In tho building
and directly beneath the sky-light was
a pile ot coffins. A day or so ago the
clerk was attracted by a torrilla clash
from the direction of tho skylight. Ha
rushed to see what was the ruattor.
When ho reached tho pilo of coffins ho
saw a man lying In a coffin. His hands
and face wero bleeding, und he was evi
dently badly hurt. Tho sight of the
bloody muu iu the coffin dazed the clerk
for a minute. Then ho took iu the situ
ation. The man was one of tho workmen and
ho had tumbled directly through the
skylight into a coffin, his weight smash
lug the glass lid, Tho man proved to
bo John Yenger, who stated that his fall
had boon caused by trying u new flro
He thought he was only slightly in
jured and walked homo without aid.
Ills injuries provee fatal, however, as
he has just died in great agony.
Grip lu New ISuxlalld.
Lhwisto.v, Me., Deo. 86. This city
and Auburn have become almost plague
strloken with la grippe. There are very
many cases lu the two oittes, and grave
tears of the further sproad of tho dis
ease are entertained.
Manchester, N. H., Deo. 26. La
grippe prevails to a remarkable extent
in Webs tor, where It Is estimated that
more than one-halt ot the inhabitants
are suffering from the epidemic
Plainvieo, Conn., Deo. 26. In this
plaoa whole families have boon swept
away by the ravages of la grlype, aud
thousands are UL
Tho Csurlnn to Go to Paris.
St. FarEHiiBuiui, Dee. H6. The Cur
inn has deolded to aooompauy her son
on his coming visit to Paris. She will
bo oonvejed to Brest on the royal yacht
and will be escorted by several men-of-war.
Thenoo she will go direct to Paris,
where uho will make a short stay prior
to her trip to Nloe. She will be feted
throughout her visit to France, and the
indications are that her journey will bo
oue long ovation.
Joyful Minors.
BltAZlts, Intl., Daa 0. Tho miner
aro all J uuu nut uoro. Ubo ueoislon
rondo rati by the Stato convention of
miners at Torre Haut-o so overwh.lmed
tho mliiers with joy that rauny ot them
got on a big drunk. Preparations aro
being ma do by oho oporatora horo to
open every mine In Clay County. They
say that enough miners havo already
applied for Work to warrant this more.
R SWJW If by tho nse of
you sve ono pnlr of Plioee n. year, nnd
n bottlo at 20 centa taste three montbn,
for how many years blacking- wm one
year's saving In shoo Leather pay l
10C Will pny fr Iir Cost IOC
iClr of C'ha.fiig Plain -Whit
IWC Glaus us) lit itllliy, JVC
IOC Knit-raid, Opal, 10C
JQjj or other Cost),- Glass. "JOtt
Purifies the blood by ex
celling the impurities through
the proper channolg and never
causes eruptions on the skin.
Reculatos the bowels. Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones up tho system
and gives you an appetite,
Never foils to cure any con
dition produced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered stato of stomach, liver
or kidnejs.
Sold at Kirlln's Drug Store,
Ferouson's Hotel Mock, Shenandoah, Pa.
Will promptly rcll.vo tlie int dii
trf'.ng cHw ..f Acuto or Chronic
iimtiHm or Gout. Uy Mrfotly obMtng
t lie direct Ioim . it will ciuojou ber&utu
ully Ud1U tho nnmero.. prfparaUoni thtt Sotvl
theciuiitrr. tbii iiicUiufua A vpMltte Ihr tha
Tfttli IM rurmn of rlieuruavtlatm r.nfv . A w.. n
Mu ne "cur!!" One bottle will nut
' aV tu'lsfatflnrr imi,sailMi ah !
In eenniotlon iitt the ftilU, ooDTtnoe (ho ufferr' tbat
the vrop-r rtrru' ly tin beo rooaj. You nre wutlr r
qu-iti'il to ( t iho rni1 r It of
tlti valiiAtiifi rropertle nre endoned by bundretla of tha
tuon tlntit-rlDH ( "tlmonl il.
Onlj vti tni.lsj limrclit ots, rtniktiable Tnr thrir corntlT
Iovra, nre u-i I in Hit tiiMifsctur of KHOUT'H
11-03 Bottlo. C SottlM, J6.CC. rUU. Ctc. B;x.
tr ui turok.i pr doc uot bueu It, Mud f 1,14 to tha
luAuuriMturvr, sail yon will ruerlr It br mail
3037 Murkot Street, I'lilind'a, r.
KStft Worth Fourth St.,
On) miiv ii'Duiat) acTDun AnerUK
FpMlnlUt lu thti VnlfHl fitts who U
ble to our Blood Poleon
Horvous Debility"! Spe
cial Oleenaum of boil, hi,
Skin UiacaMi. lt4 Kpota Pain ta Ul
Iti itobva, PimjilfB, Krvptlona, Mfl of
hirl I Iwn, SwdHnai, IrriUtlama,
Inflamtnrsliona and Ruaeloit,
etrk'luriti, Weakt.NtR and Btrl
ioftT Inil nifnu'fj nnk r-wl mMitnl anilaty, Kidney
lilvlW IXi,'hh ml all ninuun rrulUii from Rictatu,
h 'i r t Ov -work H'nt caiut furM to 4 to 10 drii
nlief al ont. Mo nit hop, oo raatfrr bM ftd?er
Uilnc lliotnr, Qaak, Fatoil) or llilta.l Pbjslfian lu fulco.
Dr. THKEL etir'i posltivoty without deuntton mm
IjbkIq). ?U, Tnrio. HitnL mwd aw tni corrtMt-LilD
MftRnian rich ur fioor, "enil So. atwnp lot boQU
4TWUTHM ctpiwlntj QoiMtta under won Uarimoalala.
Moi'iM, ilrUIr rrom V to 9, Ki t to 9, 1tt. and B
K V 6 to li itiwUr till If Wrtt or call and t an ad.
for ltf irorou aca W4u. "H Saturday PhlU, dUy TlSatC
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Looses, Mortgages and Bonds written.
marriuge licenses ana legal eiaima
promptly attended to.
Real Estate, Collection awl Insarauco Agency
General Klre Insurance Business. Represents
iur iiuiminnuiiu uuu iiumiuiw w
Ot'riOB Mnldoon's liulldlotr. ooruer Centra
aud Went Bts Hhenandoah, Fa.
Good Propertiat of All Kindt fr Sale.
1. A two-story double frame dwelling boaae
store and restaurant, on dast i lentKi SI.
2. A dwelling and restaurant on Hast Centre
8. Desirable property oo corner Centre nnd
aaiuui Hiroeui, suiuioio lor uusinese pur "
4. A two-story double frame dwelling, on
w eat i.iti, i nra t.
Two 2-story frame dwellings on West Oen-
tre street.
0. Two ii story dwellings on tbe oorner ot
uoai ana unesmai nreeus riuireroomln
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street, with a largo warehouse at the rear.
8. Tiir ee two-story double frame buildings
ourner m uioyu arm siineri- strssw.
201 N. Main St., Slienautlpah.
The Fioesl Stock of Beers, Ale., Cigars, 4c
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent,
Oor. Main and Centre Streett. SHENANDOAH, PA.
i I - V two and one-hnlf story double frame
i dwelling house, with storeroom and res-L-umul.
Located on Kust Centre street.
.I i H'mWi nronerty located on South Jar.
1 1 -itreeL
3 Be vi- i iwlllng houses at the corner of OH
bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment,
'forms vcasonable.