Around the Corner NOW QIEST T.3P I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, Seuerris Grocery, Where you can purchase your Holiday goods In the grocery and provision lino. Finest canned goods, fruits, catsups. Foreign cheewandotlier goods. Everything new and frosh. SEVERN'S, Corner Centre arid "White Sts. :aisi ixpobt beer Light ill CITY, Pi v S T .TT" A rrn"P. BEER Dark Basra KKsnRnBsaaBBl s BuHButa taaam csobdbdi XV inunnvcgaiEBiSDUsneAamKaiDBSa ?rn JLr CJL J&.A.C Mi AFFAIRS OAUOHT HASTILY, What Nows Gatherers Take) a Moment to Toll About. Snow wanted. Winter Is here. A few rabbits left. Uusy storekeepers. Oruuges uro plenty. The days wlllsooubcgln to lengthen. Heavy wcicht porkers are now be ing slain. Ouo touch of crip makes all the world feel Ktim. Santa Cltius Is ready to start on his anutiul tour. Tho ohlldren are, In tho height of hllsbful anticipation. Cauarv birds have been known to live twenty-one years. The boys and girls aro coming homo from school anu conego lor vjiinsuuus To clean white fur. rub it with llan- iial dipped In heated, but not brown, bran. To prevent trousers from bagging at Knee, always get up anu give uie juuy your seat. It's a good timo now to think over vour New Year resolutions before making them. At this season of the year wo be Hove it is commendable for a woman to mince matters. Elootrio Blttora. This romody is becoming bo well known and so popular as to noou no spocial men tion. All who havo usod Electric ffiltors sing the samo sonfr of praiso. A puror rnodicino doos not oxiet and it is guarantcod to do all that is claimed. Electric Bittors will euro nil diseases of tho Liver and Kid' tioys, will romovo Pimples, Uoils, Bait ithoum and oiher affections cau6od by im puro blood. "Will drivo Jlalaria from the systom and provont as well as cure all Malarial fovors. For cure of Iloadacho, Constipation and Indigostion try Electric Bittors Entiro satisfaction guarantood, or money rofundod. Prico COc. and $1.00 per bottlo at 0. II. Oagenbuch's drug store Movod. Silvor Wave Castlo, No. 40 A. O. K. of tho M. 0., moots in Mollet's Hall on Eust Cantro etreot, ovory Friday night. Th mombors will ploaso put this upormost in thoir mind and attend moro regular than in tho past. 12-22-3t D. O. Richajujs, It. S, Docoratlons. Groon moss papor trimming in 10 yard pieces and green moss papor wreaths aro Euitablo articles to decorato indoors for th holidays. No dirt and good for sovcral years use. 12-18-3t Mohqan'b Baz.ak Largo slock of fancy goods, such lamps, bronzes, china waro and imported cut elasawaro, at Ilolderman's. 11-iS- A Surprise. Koop your ayo on this local. Kcagoy, tho photographor, will havo bis now opon ing in a fow days and will havo something interesting that will surprise tho pooplo. If A. Voioo From Florida Ur. W. Y. llvnum. Live Oat. Florida, snrs IlcdFlag OH Is one or tho most succef Bful jmln curoi wetell. It's an unfailing remedy lor Kiienmaiisru, Pieuraigia anu nproms, lieu Mag on costs is corns, boiu ai i: i -Klrlln's drug eloro. Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the namo Lhssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa, printed on ovory sack. 8-3-3taw Tho Eisteddfod. Kw. Fred. Kvans (Kdnyfcxl), of Phils olnliia. will be tho conductor of thi olsteddfod to bo hold in Ferguson's thcaln to-morrow morning, aftornoon and even ing, and will also adjudicate on tho rorila tions. Pro!. J W. Parson Price, of No York, will mako tho musical adjud cation- and Mrs. J. W. Parson Prico, of JNow York, will be tho pianist. Mrs. Price wll also adjudicate on two of tho music competitions. Mifto Infpsctor Willian Stein, of town, and Superintendent Ed ward Rooso, of Contralia, will bo tin presidents. Mr. James faauvago and son Tonzo. of Nowark, N. J., and Llow Iler bort, of Scranton, will positively appear a. tho concert to bo given in the ov nin. Misses Jonos, Bugh and J. Bovan, Master Kichard II. Jonos and tho successful choir and male party of tho day will als. participate in tho concort. Lane's Family Modicino Movos tho bowels each day. Most pcoph neod to uso it. Eoady for Christmas. Mrs. Uenry Fry, of Fowler's, was in town yestorday complaining thatsorje o o had stolon nine ducks and throo gooeo be longing to hor. An old lady of Browni.- villo mourns tho los3 of throo turkey. Stolon Bwoets may bo rolisbod by some pooplo, but, if tho prayors of tho ladies raontioned aro answered, tho paople who oat tho missing ducks, goeso and turko Christmas Day will bo lucky if tho 'wish bonos" do not got crosswise in theii Jaws'. Fine Holiday Presents TlioliolldnSdnm nowhere, and every onols looking around to 11 ml out the mo-t suit, iit'lo prcMut to give to a relative or a friend, and the only place where you can be suited Is at the The People's New Shoe Store Cor. Centro street and Market alley. llnrlugton'B building, npp. llrumm's Jewelry .tore, MicnaudOHh, l'a, Where tho fanciest footwear to suit tho old iml jouny, rich and poor, can be had In the conl nglon. Men'H fine velvet Bllppeis at COc a pair, else where SI. Chenille slippers at 75c, eewheroSl. Mcn'H fine opera slippers SI, elsewhere 1.25. I.ndlen' lino iinnenln nneru sllrpprs. beaded and mI In bouquet Wc, elsewhere81.25. LrfiKie- nne veivei suppers, inmmcu vniu fur for 81, olsewhcre SI.50. MANAOEIi. S-6lgn of thoBTAU. Lato. Our orangos wero lato, but are all tho bottor and cheaper. A large lot this morn ing at Graf's. Advertising Pays. Morgan's bargain bazir has sold such an immense stock of toys and fancy goods during tho past throe weeks that a partiul now stock had to bo purchased to fill out tho balanco ol tho holiday season. A largo amount of goods arrived yestorday and moro this morning. A now stock of the spocial ?1 and $1.20 children's caps wero also receivod to-day. Mr. Morgan at tributes tho extraordinary rush this season to tho plain fact advertisoment which he has carried in tbo IIkuald. llis customers got ozactly what ho advertises. Compliment to Gen. Cake. Tho other day a caso was boforo tho Sun bury court in which General II. L. Cake and John Chcsnoy wero principals: - After hearing tho testimony ol both genllomon tho Judgo said : "I don't know of any two men between whom it would givo mo groator pain to decide n difficulty. Th first timo I saw General Csko was when ho was taking his regiment to tho front, llis was one of tho first bodies of men to land at Washington in defenso of tbo Nation's capilol, I regard him as ono of the bout mon of our country. I also know Mr. Chosnoy and don't boliove he would hurt a fly. llu doos somo lighting but it is always with his mouth. But General Cake h s testified to a threat, mado and therefore I havo concluded to put tho costs on defend ant and dismiss Iho complainant." 1 IT To nil your relatives' niicl friends' stocltliiRS Christmas live nt a minimum cost to yourself. PLUSH and SATIN HAND-PAINTED Slllt Scoria, Tidies, Head Rests, Scnrfs, Celluloid Novelties, Handkerchief, Glove anil Jewel Boies, Toilet, manicure, SHuvltij; and Smoking Sets. COLLAR AND CUFF BOXES ! WOIIK UOXES, ETC. Kid Dolls, Jointed Dolls, Bisque Dolls, Papa and Mamma Dolls, Rag Dolls, Wooden Dolls, Universal Dolls, Toys and Games. Mo man s Bargain Bazar, 9 W. Centre St., SHENANDOAH, Christfflas ft1Mfa ! Music Cabinets, Rattan $tPlush Rockers PABLOeplTS, - -LOUNGES. - -BEDSTEADS, - -OFFICE DESKS, - $3Q.G0 and upward, - 4.5Q and upward, IM and upward, - 1S.D0 a CHAMBER SUITS, - -EXTENSION TABLES, -FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, EASELS, All Stjles, - - $20,1)1 and upward 4,09 a PICTURES A Large Lot Just Opened for the Holida Trade, $1,00 and upward PICTURES. Wilcox Sc White Organs, EIPIANOSI::: Steck UliicUeriiiK Matlnishok Lester Hardrnan WHITE SEWING MACHINES. i'lanos, Organs and Sewing Machines sold cheap for nsh or rented by the month 13 South Main Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Christmas Novelties In Dress Goods, Shawls, Silk Haudlierehiefs, Gldves, Muffs, ' Ladies' and Children's COATS, Carpets, Rugs, Etc., at BARGAINS IN C0ATS-T0 CLEAR OUT THE STOCK 113 North Main St., Shenandoah- For Holiday Gifts Call and see tho fino hand-painted articles of Chinaware, tho work ot Sliss Virgio Uollnpeter, of town, now on exhibition and sale at McCarthy's drug store. 12-17-2W . J) Parties wishing to eoloct their Christmas presents can do so now and have them laid asldo until wantod. At lioldorman's. 11-28-tf Host work dono at Mronnan's stoam laundry. Kvorvthlnrj white and spotless Iiaco curtains a spocialty. All work guarantood. JUST RECEIVED ! Finest lot of CHICKENS, Geese and Dueks I In town at Jas. S. Thomas11, 118 West Coal Street. ' NEW DRUG STORE. Shapiro's Pharmacy, ' 107 Bouth MnlnStreet, NEXT DOOR TO HOST OFFICE. Prescriptions can fully compounded by registered pharmacists, TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Procure ono of our Chest Protectors, A bad cough or cold culls lor n good remedy Ilio euro lor it. Vr Coughn, Colds, l.u drlppe and Consumption, u perfect and per uaueutcuiols I'au-Xluu, the woit.1 cuscs yield to lis )r allng properties. C'osti 23 cents. l'au-Tlna Is sold at 1. 1'. 1). Kirlln's drug sioie. Mr. Ferguson's Now Vonturo. Mr. V. J. Ferguson, gcnoral soliciting agent and local station agent for tho Le high Valley Railroad, has becomo intor- cstod with a numbor of capitalists of Phil adelphia, Now York, Bcrantonand SVilkes- Barro in tho Norfolk, Wilmington nnd Charleston Railroad Company, tbo now coast lino through tho South und will be come one of tho diroctors of tho road. Mr. Charles P. llowor, tho financial agont of the Cdrolina Construction Company, has boon here in tho interest of thn road and complotod arrangements with Mr. Pergu- "Second Comlnu of Christ." The sorios of sormons, on tho "Second Coming ot Christ," now being proiched in tho Presbytorian church by Rot. Wm. JIcNtttly,ro attracting wide attention and tho church Is filled every Sunday evening. Tboy aro tho most intorosting sormons over preached hero and tho icverond gentleman handles tbo subject as a master. Tho third of the series will be preached on Sunday evening. All uro invited. Seats froe. Van Iloutcn's Cucoa-always." "Onco tried, used Raffles In tho Country. "Whilo taking a trip through the Ctita' wisea Valloy wo woro groatly amused at tho numorous rallies for turkeys, chickons, etc., taking p'aco. At each of tho places visited wo found tho young and old raffling with coppor ponnles, as of old, tho winnor gen' orally selling his prize at a reasonable figuro, vory fow taking homo their poultry, tboy being nearly all farmors;and farmers' sons, who have plenty at home. Thn win. ner generally had to "set 'em up," and tho barkoepor raked moro than tbo value of the fowl. Wators' "Weiss beer Ib tho best. Koilly sole agont. John A. 6-5-tf Among tho attractions at Ferguson's thoatro, Saturday evening, December 2Gth, will be specialties by Madden and Lowery, J. O'Noil, Edward Tobin, P. J. Gau- shan, AVolsh and Mulligan and others; cornot sclo by T. C. "Waters ; sparring by Thomas Brennan and "William Gibson. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL CHRISTMAS Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages I In charge of good, careful, responsible drly- ors to niro at an times una at roasonable rates at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVEET AND PEED STABLE, 12 and 14 North Pear Alley, Hear of Luberu's hardware ftore. JInraea taken to Hoard. Curtltil atlentlnn elven to Feedlnic Horses. All kinds ol II AULINOat- lended to promptly ermines moderate; -UNDKKTAKING- Falthfully and promptly attended to. TLO?CJhi!Fs: Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Bts., nnenanaoau, ra. Regular meals ntpopular nrli w served at all times, ladles' dining and re freshment rooms attach ed, liar stocked with the tnest brands ol clears and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS 2? J. CLEARIT, Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands ol the Trade Suppfica 18 "W. CENTRE ST., Verpuon House bnlldlne, SHENANDtAH, P I. WHAT PHILADELPHIA WANT Like the strong demand for good water in Philadelphia, there is a grow ing demand for good Clothing strong, reliable, shapely, genteel. None aie lu a better position than ourselves to furnish such. We have made GOOD Clothing a life study. Now that the Holldaj s aro upon us, many things In our line deservo your considera tion Smoking Jackets, House Coats Hkatlug Jackets, elegant Neckwear, Gloves, Canes, &a. A. C. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts IICHt-lllaclc ClotltlUK 111 iMillaclelplitn. JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand Cor. Main and Oak Streets. Fresh Oysters Received Daily. A fine line ot Choice GR0CE1UEH Nuts and Candles. JPoiillry of all JLhuls. Mr. CnstlAt receives his irreen track dallv from the city markets, which Is a guarantee to his customers that they will receive fresh gooas wuen Duy ing irora mm. WALL PAPER BARGAINS I Largest and ohcapest stock In town. Artistic Painting, Graining and Decorating J. P. GARDEN, 10m aMW.Oentrx "t.. B1IKNANDOAII f FOR SALE BST No. 6 South Jardin Street. Now is the Time ! BAKE INVESTMENT. If you want a safe Investment Inspect our fine line of clothlnir. dry eoods. notions, hoots and shoes. New stock Just received. Every article a bargain, as an Inspection will prove. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 23 S. MAIN STHEET, -Watoh for the KED HIQN In front.-S Ferguson House i Restaurant! (Under management of Enoch Lockett) Cor. Main and Centre Streets, FIRST-CLASS LUNCH COUNTER, Bestbeer, porter acd alcualwayson tap. CI gars of the flnoat brands. 45 GENTS for a window shade with frince. others for 55c. C5o and up. Hhadea mado for stores and private dwel intra. A now lot of shad' lugs nnd fringes to match. G 3D. FRICKE'S Carpet Stors, 10 South Jardk St, near Centre "-TO I'llEl'ARE for winter. Every one Is looking for the best goods for the least money. If you are seeking bargains In Hats or Caps Just drop In to see Bcanlan. He sells men's good fur caps for 50o, men's red under clothing for Ko a piece, men's line workP gloves at 25c a pnlr,tlie BEST OVERALLS in tbo MARKET 65c A PAIR. An excellent line of Grey Flannel Shirts for working at the very lowest price. Big line of good winter shirts from 25o up to f2.60. A Big Drive In NKCKWKAIl Four-ln-handsand Tecks nt 25 cents, regular price 40 cents, Somotliing New in Puzzles. Bcanlan has something new In this line. Any ono giving tho correct way of doing the puzzle will receive a fJ bat or Its equivalent. There ore fonr ways of lolvlng the puzzle, and tho correct way must be given. There puzzles we are selling for 10c, or we will give one to the person purchasing J2 worth of goods and over. Atnew patent hat hanger given away with each liat;purchased at 13 S, Main St. S0ANLAN Shensndnib s m o t3 Ul THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN EOU Harness, Whips, Robes.BIankets i George Robinson. Vclt!Ceiitro NtrAl. Mli. ft . n -A Hra lUtoiksU a volUy,