The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 23, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--NO. 277.
"My Son, Deal "With. Men "Who Advertise. You will Never Lose by It. "--Benjamin Franklin
The Evening Herald.
AIjIj the news for one cent.
Has a larger circulation In Bhenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
The Lope of the party lies In the
expansion of a stalwart Republican
press. The Republican who reads or
ik oiuerwise ueips 10 support; u iicmu-
' ll 1 l it. "l, ,!., nr nnn
of his own party newspapers Is untrue
to the Republican cause.
TT ..I 1 1 11 1 1 1... 11...
. I National Republican League.
J. 8. Clarkeon, President.
A. B. Humphrey, Becretnry.
New York, Nov. 10, 1801.
The United States Senntorshlp In
this state ia already beginning to
shake up the Republican party. Con
gressmen Dalzell, of Allegheny
county, and Robinson, of Delaware
county, have announced themselvii
as candidates to fill Senator Quay's
shoes. If Dalzell cannot make a bet
ter fight than ho did against RobInjon
or the presidency of the Slate League
of Republican clubs he had better
Bave his wind and money. We have
no fear of either these gentlemen
winning tho prize against Senator
Quay, If this gentleman Is a candi
date for re-election.
An officer of Adams Express Com
pany gives out a statement that John
Hoey has made restitution of $50,C00,
and will not be prosecuted. In this
Mr. Hoey Is happier than many a
clerk and messenger of the company
who has gone to jail for abstracting a
hundredth or a thousandth part of
that amount of money.
The Senatorial vacancy In Kansas
will not bo filled by another Pefler.
The Senator will be a Republican and
appointed by a Republican Governor.
The Cleveland Democrats are now
ratilainlnc; that Sneaker Crist) is
afilfcted with what Is known In politi
ck 0 j,"
vl CmX m J cood ones
. and verv
good ones for 13.60
Buy one for your wlto for a Christmas
1resent. We also h ave a fine HfTe of
iuga and Carpets at c
Honest Goods at Fair
Always give
In the line of Good Goods we invite your attention to
another lot of New Country Lard, strictly pure
Jcettlo rendered.
ur BAKING MOLASSES, 2 qts. for 35c, Is strictly
New Orleans,not mixed yoodsand the bestwe can buy.
Our 2TLM3 '1ABLE STItUP, at 10c a quart, is bright
color, fine flavor, pure sugar not mixed tvlth glu
cose or com syrup.
"What's in a Name !
Wliypayn Fancy Price lor a particular brand of Flour,
when a trial -will convince you that you can buy AS GOOD
an article for a I.OWUU PRICE ? Try a sample saclc ot
vinced tliat you can save money. "We guarantee It to be
equal to the highest priced Flour In the market.
OurOId-TImc CORN MEAL is mode ofnew corn- Kiln
dried and fresh ground.
Try our Old-Txmc GRAHAM FLOUR.
Will arrive In a few days, a Car Load of SALT, Coarse and Fine.
cal parlance as "the big head." They
are beginning to show signs of un
loading on him some of tho cholci
epithets which they formerly kept in
stook for tho Hon. "Tom" Reod.
It Is now authoritatively announced
that Blaine will bo a candidate for the
Presidency If his health will permit.
For tho boet gold and silver rimmed
spectacles go lo Oicar Yost, 102 Korlh
Main street. Eyes tested free of charge
Satisfaction guaranteed. 12-22-tf
Coming .Events.
Doc. 2G. Madden and Lowroy entertain
ment at Forguson's thoatro for tho benefit
of Adam Mort.
Jan. 1. 20th annuul supper of tho Wolsb
Baptist church in tho P. M. church hall.
Jan. 10. Supper and banar in tho
Primilivo Methodist BCbool room.
Travol on tho Nickel Plate and recoive
tho benefits of holiday rales, Dec. 23d to
Jan, 1st, inclusive. Limit returning Jan
6th, 1802. d&w
lO Oonts Por Pound.
Tho finest Fronch mixtures, porfcctly
puro, 10 cents por pound, at Max ltoeso's.
The finest and best chocolate creams,
cheaper than olsowhoro.
Handsome stock of lamps with tho mo3t
delicately hand-paintod bisquo and china
shades, at Holderman's. 11-28-tf
Holdorman'B jowoly store, on tho diroct
corner of Main and Lloyd streets, isamin
iaturo world's fair with its myriad of holi
day attractions. Mr. Holderman Is doing
business on a rock-bottom basis and pur
chasers can get the best values at what
ever sum they wish to expend. 12 14-tf
Christmas Ball.
Do not forgot that tho fair of tho Phconix
Firo Company will be closod by a grand
ball in Itobbins' opera houso on Christmas
night. Come and have a merry Christmas
and danco. 12-22-3t
Rumored Trouble With Mexican Troops.
Wasiiinoton, Deo. 23. Tho Secretary
of State has received a dispatch from
the United States Consul at Laredo say
ing that Capt. Hardee, Third Cavalry,
and ula troop, toga ther with a United
States Marshal, have been surrounded
near Fort Mackintosh, Tox., by a largo
body of Mexican insurgents under Gar
za. Gen. Stanley, commanding the De
partment of Texas, telegraphs that ho
has ordered troops to the bcous of the
reported trouble. Army ofllciala think
the Consul has boeu deceived by a ru
mor of trouhlo that has little founda
tion In fact.
Tho Nickel Plato makes one faro for the
round trip Dec. 23d to Jan. 1st Inclusive,
on account holidays. Itoturning limit lo
Jan. 5th, 1802; d&w
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's
Reward. Wo will pay a reward of one
thonsind dollars for any certincate published
by lis regarding Dr. Bull's Coujh fcyriin not
found genuine.
A. C. Meyer & Co., Baltimore, Md.
Prices !
GOODS Never do at ANY PRICE.
It is Said tho Pennsylvania Rail
road Company Will Turn its
Short Route to tho P. & R.
It is rumorod, and there sooms to bo ex
cellent authority for tho report, that the
Pennsylvania Itailroad Company will
abandon its short routo to Poltsvillo and
surrender all its rights to it to tho Phila
delphia & Heading Itailroad Company.
Such a change is by no means improbable
Tho careful observer must know that the
short lino has boon a whito olephant on the
hands of tho Pennsylvania company.
Whilo tho lino has been ot vast benoGt to
tho p' oplo having occasion to Uavol from
town to Poltsvillo and intermediate point!,
and tho patronage lias i eon quito libera), it
Is safo to say tho company has lest monoy
by It. Tho original road wa3 hardly laid
before it had to bo abandoned on account
of the undormining by the P. & K. col
liery workings and now tho second road U
idle on account of other mlno operations of
tho same company. Obstacles havo fallen
in the path of tho Pennsylvania thick and
fr st and it is doubtful li any other com
pany would havo stood its ground so long.
To be frank, tho "Pennsy" short lino has
practically been a plaything for the L
high Valloy and should tho rumor that tho
routo will bo turned over to tho Reading
provotruotho Lehigh kiadergaiton will
boar a closo resemblance to Russol Sago's
olUco as it appeared after the bomb thrower
tossed himself into etornity; Thore is no
disputing tho fact that with a short lino to
tho county seat tho P. & R. railroad would
not only regain tho patronage It has lost,
but would rapidly cut into tho Lehigh
Valley business and inaugurate a lively
competition. It is said tho return to tho
Pennsylvania company, in caso tho deal is
mado will,botonnagoandinthis connection
tho "Pennsy" line through lrom Philadel
phia to "Wilkes-Barre, via Pottsvlllo, with
a connection wnh tho IlcadingafWotkorill
Junction, would form an important factor.
It Should bo in Every Houso.
J, B. Wilson, C71 Clay St., Sharpaburg,
Pa., says bo will not bo without Dr. King t
Now Discoyoiy for Consumption, Coughs
and Colds, that it cured his wifo who was
thieatenod with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "La Grippo," wton various other
remedies and several physic'ans had dooo
hor no good. Itobort Harbor, of Cooks
port, Pa., claims Dr. King's Now Dis
covery has done him moro good than any
thing he ever used for Lung Trouble.
Nothing liko it. Try it. Free trial boltlos
nt C. II. najonbuch's Drug Storo. Large
bottles, 50c. and $1.
Groat bargains in watchos, clocks, jew
elry, diamonds, novelties and silvorwaro at
Oscar Yost's, 102 North Maln'St. 12-22-tf
Ashland Will bo Ihoro.
The eisteddfod and concert to bo givon at
Shonandoah on Christmas promises to ex
cite considorablo Interest. Mossrs. James
Sauvage, tho great baritono, of Newark,
N. J., and Llow Ucrbort, tho noted basso,
of Scranton, will bo in attendanco. Tho
Centralia and Shonandoah binds will con
test for a prize, as will also good choirs
from Mananoy City, Contralia and Shon
andoah. Several of tho loeil singers will
attend. Ashland Telegram.
An unusual number of articles for holi
day presents, superior in quality and sur
passed by nono in tho county for stylo and
oxocution, can bo had at Iloldorman's
jewolry storo, diroct on tho cornor of Main
and Lloyd streetB. 12-1 1-tf
Seats on Sale.
Tho chart for the ealo of reserved seats
for tho grand Ivorito eisteddfod to bo held
in Ferguson's theatro on Ohristma3 Day is
now open at Kirlln'a drug store. All
desiring seats should apply oarly as they
aro going last.
Seo Bronnan and Gibson In an exhibition
of tho manly art at Ferguson's thoatre,
Saturday evening, December 20th.
A li.iil i men nr rold calls lor a cood remedy
the cure for 1U For Coughs, Coldb, La
drlppe and Consumption, a periect and
remanent cure Is I'au-Tlna, the worst cjbcs
yield lo Its healing properties. Costs 25 centi.
l'an-Tlnals sold at V. 1. D. Kirlln'a drug
"Dauy" Morgan Injurod.
David Morgan, Inside foreman at Turkey
Bun colliery, was kicked by a mulo yester
day and bad one of fell arms brken,
Famous Social Loaders to Toll
Esactly What it is Liko.
Tho social lifo in our largo citios is ono of
tho most fascinating studies in tho world.
Tho womon who comprise it aro naturally
tho most beaulilul and tho most brilliant
of their eox. Ncvor havo wo, howovor,
soon this whirl of socioty through tho oye
of those who aro its leiders. "Wo have
saon It from tho outside, as it woro, but now
we aro to havo glimpaoi of it from the in
side. During 1802, The Ladies' Home
Journal will give its readers these glimpses
in n series of Interesting articles undor thn
titlo "Social Lifo nt Six Contros." Mrs.
Burton Harrison, tho author of "Tho An
glomanlaos" is to writo of "Social Lifo in
Now York," and nono can spoak of It
with so much authority as sho who Is ono
of its social leaders. Mrs. Admiral Dahl
gron will portray "Washington Society,"
and Mrs. Annio do Kovon, daughter of
Sonator Farwoll, will writo of "Social
Lifo in Chicago." Then Boston, Philadel
phia and Sin Francifco will follow. Tho
articles will toll oxactly what social lifo in
a great city means, how dinners aro ar
ranged and givon; how tho women dress
and act; tho cllquotto of tbo best parlors;
what tbo daily lifo of a 60ci)ty woman
means; how girls aro introduced into thn
social swim and mako their debut, and the
other hundred and ono things which aro
most interesting to read and know about in
social lifo and warfare Tho Journal serlos
will bo a splendid one, without question,
and will give thousands a now idoa of what
it means to bo "in socioty" in tho largest
cities of our land.
Christmas and New Yoar Excur
sions on tho PonnBylvania.
In pursuance of tho custom long sinco
established, tho Pennsylvania Itailroad
Company will sell excursion tickets bo
tweon all stations on its lines for tho
Christmasjand Now Year holidays at a
rato of two cents por mile. These tickots
will bo sold;December 23d, 1801, to January
lst, 1892, inclusivo, valid for return until
January 4lh, 1892, Inclusive
Van Houten's Cocoa "Once tried, used
His View of It.
Editor Hkbald : I notice in tho issuo
of your paper to-day that you givo praise
to tho coal operators for tho promiso to pay
beforo Christmas and that you accopt tbo
announcoment of tho promise as good
tidings. I certainly bayo no objection to
all my townsmon having A merry ChrUt
mas, in fact I wish thorn and all othors
such, but I cannot but look upon a pav
beforo Christmas as injurious lo tho inter
osts of my fellow merchants. Tho pay
will undoubtedly gladden tho hearts of
tbo heads of many families and givo chcor
to many a poor soul who lms journeyed
through tho past year at n nock and neck
paco with starvation, perhaps, but, ns I said
beforo, I cannot rejoice. I foar that tho
oarly pay, combinod with tho holiday
enthusiasm, will loavo m.v nrcsido cold
and choorless and tbo credit account of
my lodger blank. I cannot but place faith
in the theory of an old customer ol mine
who said yesterday, "Nothing loaches thn
improvident bettor than asloragoof monoy
at Christmas lime." Gbochr.
Shonandoah, Pa., Deo. 22, 1891.
All claims not consistent with the high
charactor ef Syrup of Figs aro purposoly
avoldod by tho Cal. Fig Syrup Company
It acts gontly on tho kidneys, liver and
bowols, cleansing tho system effectually,
but it is not a cure-all and makes no pre
tentions that ovory boltlo will not substan
Help a good causo along by attonding tho
thoalro on Saturday evonlng next, llo
member tho oxhibition Is for tho boneflt of
Adam Mort, who recently lost tho eight of
ono oyo at Indian Kidgo colliery.
Must bo Monoy in It.
Thero must bo plenty monoy in soiling
corn-fed beof steaks at 10 conts per pound
and roasts at 8 'coats, or also Issachar
Itobbins could not afford to givo away a
car load of turkoys for Christmas. 12-23-lt
COSGROVE.-On Monday, Dec. SI
at his late rosidonco, AVost Oentro stroet,
James Cosgrovo, aged 62 years. Funeral
will tako placo Thursday morning, and
interment will bo mado in Annunciation
ceinolory. Friends and rolativos invited
Do not fail to 6eo Madden aad Lowery in
their original sketch entitled "Just Ke
turned from Hoarding School," at Fergu
son's theatre, Saturday ovening, December
Merry Christmas for All.
The pooplo of Shonandoah need not bo
afraid they won't got a Christmas turkey
for Issachar Itobbins will give away a car
load at his Iowa beef and poultry markot,
next dour to tho First National bank. It
A i exchance states that the male wosn does
not sting, llelore Investigating tho truth of
iuid assertion, wo woaiu uuvih) our rcauers,
to locure a boltlo of Halvatloa Oil, Hold by
an aeaiers.
Fancy rings of all descriptions at IIol
derman'i. 11-23-tf
This is a Mattor in Which All
Our Townsmon, Buslnoss Poo
plo and Othors Should Potl
tion For.
Tho mail kernal plantod by tho Ukrald
sevwral wooks ago has taken root and Is
now springing abovo tho surfaco with a
Igor that promises a rapid and healthy
growth. All along tho lino tho cry for
ncroasod mall facilities is taking root and
wo aro proud to soo Postmastor Kcipor, ol
Ashland, taking such an activo part in the
niaitHr. A grand cry is raised for additional
mail facilities between Williamsport and
l'otlsvillo and tho attontion of tho pooplo is
called to tho fact tc-day, with tho popula
tion of tho region botwoen tho two points
named showing a gain of ovor 70,000 in
population, and tho cash receipts of tho
post offices showing an increase of ovor
8G0.C30, tho numbor ol mall trains leaving
ontt and vo;t romalns tho samo as twenty
years ago. With this condition of affairs it
is certainly necessary that ths business men
and others in ovory community should
take Mime stops towards haying tho Post
Oflico Department Improve tho mail
facilities. Ono improvomont asked is ad
ditional mail Eorvico by which train No.
1, leaving Pottsvillo at 7:10 a. in., and
train No. 10, loaving Williamsport at 3:55
p. m., will become regular mail trains, so
that a lettor mailod at or wost of Pottsvillo,
in tho morning, for "Williamsport, would
be delivered on tho samo day Instead of
arriving thero too lato for tho afternoon
dolivory, as at present. Also, tho loltors
mailed east of "Williamsport aftor 0 o'clock
a. m. could bo forwarded on tho afternoon
of tho day they woro mailod, instoad of
laying In their respective post offices until
too following day.
But this is not tho only improvomont
very much needed. Thore should bo
additional mail facilities over tho Ponnsyl
vania and Lohigh Valloy from Pottsvillo
(via Delano) to Ashland, covering a popu
lation of about 100,000 and embracing St.
Clair, Mahanoy Olty, Shonandoah and
Girardvillo, besides the intorlying districts
and tho torminul points abovo mentioned
To perfect thoso schomos it is important
that ovory businojs man or othor citizon of
this town and all others to bo benolittod by
tho proposed improvements should wrilo a
loiter to tho Assistant Postmaster Genoral
at Washington, D. C, and ono to II. C.
Jackson, Superintendent liiilway Mail
Servlco, Now York, stating tho nocossity
and asking them to havo this additional
mail service established.
Tuis is an important matter and it is
hopod our citizens will seo tho necessity for
prompt and vigorous action.
Elootrio Bittors.
This romody in bocoming so woll known
and to popular as to need no spocial men
lion. All who havo usod Electric Bittors
sing tho samo song of praise. A purer
medicine does not oxist and it is guarunteod
to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters
will cure all diseases of tho Liver and Kid
noys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt
Iihcum and other affections caused by im
puro blood. Will drive Malaria from the
system and prevent as well as cure all
Malarial fovors. For euro of Hoadacho,
Constipation and Indigestion try Electric
Bittors Entiro satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 60o. and ?1.00 per
bottlo at O. II. Hagenbuch's drug storo.
Coughing Loads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at
Tho remains of John MoNoll woro in
terred In tho Annunciation comotory this
morning. Tho funeral was a largo ono and
wa3 hoadod by tho St. Patrick's band of
which ho wa3 at ono tlmo its leader.
Tho funeral of James Cosgrovo will tako
placo to-morrow morning from- his lato
rosidonco on AVest Cantro street. IIo will
bo buried with military honors, having
been a soldier and a momber of Watkln
Wators Post 110, G. A. It.
"WatorB' "Weiss beer Is tho best. John A.
Rollly solo agent. 6-5 If
For Holiday Gifts
Call nnd see tho lino band-painted article
of Chinawaro, tho work of Miss Virgio
llollopotor, of town, now on oxhibition
and Balo at McCarthy's drug storo.
Dolls I Dolls I Dolls I
Largest and best assortment in town.
ICid body and dressod dolls 25 cents. Toys
of all descriptions. All tho latest games,
puzzles, picture and story books. Bisquo
figures, chinawaro, etc Handsomo plush
presents for Christmas. At Uellet's, 22
East Centro street.
Gold and silver watches, In endless
variety, suitable for holiday presents, at
Oscar Yost's, 103 It. Main Bt. 13-22-tf
Mrs. J. II. Pomeroy Is o crin convales
Assistant Postmaster Dengler's faimily is
till down with tho grip.
Tho family of Mr. Starr, on Runt Pnftl
Iroct, is down with tho disease
Colfax Brown, of East Coal slrrwt. U v
victim of tho prevailing disoaso.
Ex-Shoriff Bover snent vlorrlnr In
town, tho guest of Thjtnas Bollis.
II. Jl. Siifer, P. & 11. station agont at Si.
Nicholas, spont last evening In town.
Lottor Carrier John It. Bovor (a ran.
fined to his bed by an attack of tho grip.
liloutonanl Daniels, of tho Coal & Iron
police, was about yesterday, but not well.
Letter Carrior Barlsch is still suffering
with tho prosont epidemic, but is on duty.
Mrs. S. G. M. llollopotor and hor daugh
ter, Miss Virgin, aro both down with tho
Max Iteoso is braving his attack of tho
grip with groat fortitude and will not sur
render. Fred. II. Hopkins, Sr., is doing duty for
Chief of Polico Amour, who is laid up
with a severe attack of grip.
Ohoap Holiday Excursion Tickots
via Reading Railroad.
Tbo Heading Itailroad announces that
pursuant to its usual custom, cheap holiday
oxcursion tickets will bo sold to all points
In.its torritory, tho rato boing about two
conts a milo. Those tickets will bo sold
from Docembor 23d, 1801, to January 1st,
1802, and will bo good for roturn passage
until January 1th, 1892. No such tickets
will, hnwovor, bo sold at loss than 25 cents.
An Excollent Performance.
Tho production of "Tho "Witch" at Fer
guson's thoatro last night was tho best
theatrical performance that has boon given
in tho town this soason. Mario Ilubert
Frohman, who sustained tho leading rolo.
is an actross of raro merit and sho hes
gathered about her a company of artists
who thoroughly understand their business.
Thojstar; company and play aro de-
sorving of tho highest commendation and
if Manager Forguson will continue to book
such attractions ho will havo no troublo in
holding tho patronage of tho public.
Buoklon's Arnica Salvo.
Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcors, Salt Hhouni, Fovor
Soros, Tetter, Chapped Ilands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively euros Piles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed to givo porfoct satisfaction,
or monoy rofundod. Prico 25 conts por
box. For sale by O. II. Ilagenbuch.
All kinds of candies, 20 cents por lb., at
Duncan & Waldloy's. 12-5-t
Silvor Wave Castlo, No. 10 A. O. K. of
tho M. C, moots in Mollot's Hall on East
Cmlro stroet, ovory Friday night. Tho
members will pleaso put this upormost ia
their mind and attond moro regular than
in the past.
12-22-3t D. G. IticnAitDS, R. S.
Among the attractions at Forgusnn's
thoatro, Saturday ovoning, December 201b,
will bo specialties by Madden and Lowery,
P. J. O'Noil, Edward Tobin, P. J. Oau
ghan, Welsh and Mulligan and othors j
cornet solo by T. O. Walors ; sparring by
Thomas Broanan and William Gibson.
Tho largest and flnost stock of watches,
jowoly and silverware in town at Iloldor
man's, cornor Main and Lloyd stroots. tf
Hurrah for tho Holidays I
Bight now wo aro ready for business,
with an immonso assortment of Christmas
gifts in watches, jewolry, silvorwaro, music
books, gold and silvor-headcd canos um
brellas, etc., etc. - E. B. Brumii.
Candelabras and candlesticks, and
fancy bric-a-brao of all kinds, at Iloldor
man's. 11-18-tf
Holiday rates on tho Nickel Plato, Doc.
23d to Jan. 1st inclusivo. Itoturning to
Jan. 5th, 1892. d&w
A Volco From Florida.
Dr. W. P. llyoura, Ltvo OaK, Florida, says:
Ited Flag Oil U one of tho most succerhfi-l
Jialn euros we sell. It's an unfailing remedy
or ltbeumatlsui, Neuralgia and Kpralue,
lted Flag Oil casta 23 cents. Hold at 1. 1'. 1).
Klilln'H drugstore.
You Can't !
Hako good cakes with,
bad eggs.
Bet out a good dinner
with poor butter.
We get our Eggs direct
from the country always
good and fresh. Haven't
sold a packed egg this fall ;
nor wout. In Butter we
havo the finest Creamery.
There Is a difference in Cieamery but
ter. Ours is tho best. We also get a
limited quautity of farmer'n roll every
Friday ufternoon.
Nt. 422 North Jardin Street