3STOW OUST T-A.IP I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, KAISER EXPORT BEER. Light. Dark. YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF Topuichnw ronrllne prncfrlc. provisions, etc., ill r-EVF.ltN'N Corner Urnccry, comer ol Oentro nnJ Willie Mr eU His Mock, JtiM nnmiptl. Is htillnltln for the lifilldAV PeaNtin. Itreryl hit k tresh nnd of the best A new lot or canned icnods, drlPd rrnlt", Jelll'R. nr. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. What News GathororB Tako a Moment to Toll About. Rabbit about yvl. Egfs are dropping. Qultiitlu In demand. "ChrlBtiims trees" ure being brougbt to town. Not linnl on the coal pile so fur thlt wiuter. Hooks and eyes nro taking the place of buttons. Pay the printer bo ho can enjoy h happy Christmas. Do you know where your children spend their evenings? People who Imve no time to pray are never loo busy to walk half u mile to spread a uuamlul. Tiie coining municipal elections are beginning to receive a little attention. Many mysterious looking packages ore now sneaked quietly into the house. These arc the days and nights that llio BtoreKeepers are Kept t'i unslcbi. Edison U a wonderful man but he can't Invent a new excuse for being out late. Some watches now made are guaran teed to keep time to within ten seconds a month. Don't give anyone a Christinas present In the hope that you will get Bomeiiilng in return. It is nut what n man does but what he gets caught at that weighs in the worm's j uugmeut. People cannot bo too careful In changing their clothing, especially inoae who are sutiject to colds. V store' Weiss beer is the best. Keilly solo agent. John A. 6-5-tf 10 Cents Per Pound. Tho finest French mixtures, porfectly pure, 10 cents por pound, at Max House's. Tho finest and best chocolato croai cheaper than olsowhoro. Coming Events. Dec. 20. Maddon and Lowroy entertain ment at Ferguson's theatre for llio benefit of Adam Mor. Ian. 1. 20th annual supporof tho"SVoleh Tiaptiit church in the P. 11. church hall Jan. 19. Supper and bar.ar in the Primltivo Methodist echool room. Head Kooso's holiday advorlisomcnt. For Holiday Gifts Cill and sol- tho Quo hand-painted articlos of Ohinawsre, tho work ol Mies Vlrgio Hollopetor, of town, now on exhibition and salo at McCarthy's drug store. 12-17-2w Largo stock ol fancy goods, such lamps, bronzes, china waro and imported cut glasswaro, at llnlderman's. 11-28-U A Surprise. Koop your eyo on this local. Keajroy, tho photographor, will havo his now open inn in n fow days and will havo something intorosting that will surprise tho pooplo. Parties wishing to soloct their Christmas presents can do so now and have thrm laid asido until wanted. At Holderman's. m 11-28-tf Host work dono at urennan's etoam laundry. Kvorything white and spotloss. Lace curtains a specialty. Al) work guar antood. Thanksgiving Day is Over But we still carry a lull block of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices We a'so have a fl 10 stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and NUTS J, S. THOMAS' Cheap Cash Stores 118 West Coal Street. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapra's Pharmacy, 107 South UaintStrtwt, 'NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE PrseflrlpMotir" carefully compounded by registered pnarmncuta. TO. PROTECT YOUR LUNGS .Procure one of our Cheat Protectors, Blla AVMilt n Divorce. Coutland, N. Y., Doc 21. Mrs. Kit tle E. Hunter, who occupies n prominent position In society, has oommencsil na nctlon for divorce. Mrs. Hunter, who wn) formerly a Miss Shultz, was mur. rled to Harry 0. Huntor on October 20, 1889. Shortly after their marriage they took up a residence at Win ton Plnco, Ohio, whence they moved to Scranton, l'a. After a short stay in the lattor city, Hunter directed Ills wife to return homo, promising to follow soon. This he never old, nau Mrs. Hunter has not seen him since. Will Irlcltt 8i.ni" Other Tlino. PiTTbliUiiO, Dec. 21. There was to have been a bautam-weljrht prize-light be twen "Kedily" Mainn, of Plttsborir and Kid" MclluuU ot Cleveland. Inst night on tho steamer Mayllowor, nt the foot of Ferry street. The principals were wore about to come together when tho police swooped down on tho bott aud arrested tho two principals and about 20 sports and newspaper mon. They were taken to (Jontral station, where most of them wore released on hall. Connecticut's titration Can. New Haven, Dec SI. Thero is indl cation that tho Supremo Court, which hold another executive session baturuny to deliberate In tho Morris vs. Hulkeley quo warranto ease, Q and after three hours' consultation went away, Is dl vided both on the question of jurisdic tion and the matter ot law. Judge Car penter has made the admission that no decision was roacuou. tValt vrliliman flrnwliisr Weaker. Camdkn, N. J., Dec 21. Walt Whit man's physicians announce that the condition of tho poet is unchanged. It is said, however, that the patient is gradually gr owing weaker. Mr. Whit man Is suffering from bronchial pneu monia, and, as he Is past 73 years ot age, the opinion Is general that his days are numbered. 3,000 Men Out of Work br R Cave-In. WiLKESiiAniiR, Ponn., Dec 31. Tha bottom ot the Qnylord Mine, located at Plymouth, caved In 1 ast evening. The uaylord Is one ol tne largest mines in the anthracito region. The damage in curred by tho cave-In will exceed $30,' 000. Two thousand men are thrown out of work. Orlp-AMIIotsd Wltkeibnrrs. WlLltKSDAmui, Pa., Dec. 21. Tho grip prsvalls here to an alarming extent. Out ot a population of 40,000, It is safe to say that fully 23,000 are ill ot tha disease. 4 Vur THE BEST JOR EVERY PURPOSE. Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages I In charRO of good, careful, responsiblo driv ers to bir at all times una at reasonable rates at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVERY AND FEED STABLE, 12 and 14 A'orth I'ear Alley, Rear of Lubcru's hardware More. Jtmtts taken to Jloitrd. Cure I ill attention given to Feeding lion-en. All kinds ol HAULING at tended to promptly-chargeB moderate. -UNDEKTAKING- Falthrully and promptly attended to. AMUSEMENTS. The Dramatic Event of . the Season VflUh UK TI1K Al'llCAllANCIE or irAifiE IIUI5EKT FHOIIJIAN JN "THE WITCH," AT Ferguson's Theatre, TUESDAY, December 22. I Prices, 25, 50,75c. OQ M ANAdF.lt Of The People's New Shoe Store lla mnrie n rt Auction In theniloo nl hlsslorl: of I dies , mines', children's and men's 'onl w nr. nnd will adhtio to llio i rices until utter the holidays. naarDTTOTXCMxre: Mc per plr on Men's mining limits. 2Ro ' Mays' ltatlitr Imp ts. 250 " Youths' Luther hoots 36a " Men's and boys' rubber boots Wo " M n's flno shoes. arm " Misses' . " l o " Ladles' rwhher overshoes. 26 and 60c por pair on Ladles' fine shoes. PrlccH Below nil Competitors Call nnd exumlue go dsand be convinced. THE PE0PLIS' NEW SHOE STORE Cor. Centro streft and Mnrkcl alley. Ilarlnnton's building, opp. llriimm's Jewelry tore, r-henuudoan, l'a, 5.I.oolc out for tlie Htnr HlKti.V Christmas 1 Presents ! I Music Cabi 'nets, Rattan $jPush Rockers - 4.50 ai BEDSTEADS. OFFICE DESKS, Z.DO and upward. - 19,00 anil upward. PICTURES A Large Lot Just Opened for the Holiday Trade, $1,00 and upward PICTURES. Wilcox & White Organs, Stuck Cliickering Mnlliuslit'k El pianos;:: WHITE SEWING MACHINES. rinnos, Organs and Hewing Machlnts sold cheap for ash orrentid by the month J. P. WILLIAMS a SON, 13 South Mam Street, Common Sense SHOE STORE. For the next two weeks you can purchase ladies' line Dongola ShoeB for $2.00, worth 2.75. 110 South Main Street, OPPOSITE POSTOFPICE, S. L BROWN, Prop. IBii:s?ciiin?s Restaurant Cor. Main and Coal Bis., Hnenandoau, l'a. lingular meals at popular ? rices seivo'1 at all limes. .Hdles' dlulng tin ie frcshment rooms aMncli ed, liar storked wllh the nnest brands ol cigars and fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. Now is the Time ! ""po l'REI'AnE for winter. Every one Is looking foi the last goods for the least money. If you are seeking bargains In Hats or Cui'Sjiist drop In to see Kcnnlan. He sells men's good fur caps lor 60c, men's red under clothing for Wen piece, men's fine working gloves at 25o a palr.lthe BEST OVERALLS in ilio MARKET OBc A I-AIII. An excellent line of Grey Flannel Bhlrts for working at thovtry lowest price. Big line ol good winter shirts from 26o up to 2.C0. A lllg Drive In NI-.cicvi;au Four-ln-handsnnd Tecks at 26 cent, regular price 40 cents. x s 0 SomotMng Hew in Puzzles. Bcnnlan has something ntw In this line. Any one glvl g llio correct way orclolng the tuzzle w'. 1 recehe a f8 hat or Its equivalent. Tin re are four ways of lolvlng the ruisle, and the correct ay n.ubt lie given. Tlieie puzzles we are selling for lOo, or we will gheone to tin person purchasing.!'.! worth of goods and over. O t5 A'new patent hat hacgerglveu away with cacn nat;purcnased at I! S Jilt Si SGANLAN Skuuiith Our Doll Smiling, Bright-Eyed Dolls. Wide-Awake Dolls. Dolls that Close Their Eyes In Innocent Slumber. More Dolls, and 'Prettier Thau MORGAN'S - - S20.GD and upward EXTENSION TABLES, FINE LIKE LADIES' EASELS, All Stiles, 4.DQ and upward 10,00 and upward 1,00 and up Lester Hard man SHENANDOAH, OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL CHRISTMAS WHAT PHILADELPHIA WANTS. Like the strong demand for good water in Philadelphia, there Is a grow ing deuiaud for good Clothing strong, reliable, shapely, genteel. None aie lu a better position tlinu ourselves to furnish such. We have made GOOD Clothing a life study. Now that the Holldajsare uronns, many things In our line deservo your considera tion Smoking Jackets, House Cent", Haatlng Jackets, elegant Neckwear, Gloves, Canes, &c. A.C. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sis IICHt-tiinde Clotlilnii In Ililliiclrlplitn. Grand Opening! FALL AND WIN TER STYLES Of MILLINERY ELLAM. M'QINNISS' -N0.2G- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest assortment In nets, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TIIIMMED AND UN TJUMMED HATd Cannot too 33cj.-i.io.lloca.. iu vvt n 1 wiiiiro n re iwr tun turcw m Ku-auum. Karlr Kirrurs. Kmliutioafl. S bm oui ltelrllltT LOBHof Sexual I'ovqt, lirinbtencTk OL.8o,rrea a our faith tu our KnwJflo 6 -will send one FnUJIlontlt Medltlu PA. Family i Ever. Cheaper Than Ever, Too, 9 BAZAE, ta.ik::e a. It Is not necessary to go about It surreptitiously, as do tbo gamins in the picture, If you would take a peep nt our elegant display of the latest novelties in drets goods, cloalts, wraps and rugs. Our store is a little world's fair in it self and visitors nlay freely Inspect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. We have some attractive specialties this week lu the line of Dry Goods. Coats, "Wraps, etc. J. J. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. SAVES FOOD I A ROT? Avid" in, DIJJ-V Convir.ltncci. FOR SALE B"5cT No. 6 South SAFE INVESTMENT. If you want a rare Investment liifpert our line line of clothing, dry goods, nottoi,s, boots and sbocs. N-w slock Jimt lecelvtd Every article a bargain, as an intpict'on will prove. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 3 S. WAIN STHEIiT, a-Watch for the UED HIQN In front.-E Finest Htock in Town at Oscar Yost's, 102 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Ferguson ; House : Restaurant! (Under management of Enoch Lockott) Cor. Main nnd Centre Streets, FIIWT-0L.AS8 LUNCH COUNTER. Uestbeervporteracdalcealwaysontap. Ci gars of the finest brands. A QUANI) BTOC1C OP Holiday : Goods ! From which you can trrat you friends to nice presents at little ex ense. Art Bric-a-Brac Blcque Figures, "ntsuma Ware, Japanese Ko ran, Va-es at one-third usual prices. LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS?" I'urscs, Pocket nooks, Clgtr Cases, Tourist Cases. Collet nnd Manlcur i Hetts, Col lar aud Cuff Boies, etc., etc West Centre St Shenandoah PEEP I- MONEY. Mutrltloully. TTUEL Econorn!cIV XA.Ti.G,TS OVBKs BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS . Tho Celebrated Duplex Grate. ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS! BEAUTIFUL HIGH SHELF, ELEGANT HOT OLOSET. HOT WATER RESERVOIR. Waterbacki for Bolter Meet Every Required"' EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. Jardin Street. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT.? and well made, fashionable clothesT If so, call on W. J". JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Call and see samples of the latest goods in the styles. Good workmanship, promptnUi and lair prices. THE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN FOH Harness, Whips, Robes, Blankets George Robinson, WchI Centre htreet, Klicnanclonli. 6-A Horee lilankets a specially. Silverware of all Kinds AT OSCAR YOST Thousands of dollars worth nl the finest H1I verware In the market. 102 North Main Btreat, Bhenandoau. 45 CENTS for a window shade with fringe, others for65e, 65o aud up. Khades made for stores and private dwel iutrs. A new lot of shad ings and fricfres to match. O- 3D. FRICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 South Jardia St, bcm Centre