c V i Piesentl in the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AMD NUTRITIOUS JUIOF or TH FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative perma nently cure Habitual Const!- i : i 1 1. ' . putiuu, uiiu tue many ... jgj) pending on a weak or condition ot me KIDNEYS, LIVER '.. .L. Itis iheroostcxcelltntr wnwi' CLEANSE THE SYSTEM When one is Bilious r so tiia r PUriE BLOOD, REFRE'"Hv. HEALTH and ST ft -NOT' NATURALLY rOLLOW. Every one is using it and al rlc delighted with it. ASK YOUR DnUQQ'ST POR MANUFAOTUREO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tDUISVILLC. KY NEW YORK. N. t. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W. Baker & Co.'s from which tho oxcess ol oil has been removed, Is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in Its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Is therefore, far more economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirahly adaptod for invalids as well as for persons hi health. Sold by Grocers ovorywhero. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Nearly every pattern of -7a Horse ' HpTankGi is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks JUSt as good as the genuine, I ' -' j " " - - ' but it hastft the warp threads, and so ucivs str -ng'n.anu win e it sens joroniy a lime less tnan tlie genu- ine it i:m't worth one-half asmucll. lhe fact that Horse Bunkets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the trade maik is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mil Boss Electric Extra Test Baker BLIiiiiCETS ArlE THE STRONGEST. 100 5 A STYLES sir prices to suit cvciybody. If you can't gel them fr tn y ur dealer, write us. sk for the Va Hook. You can t;ct it without charge. VM Yr-; ft r iK"i, Philadelphia. (.000 Cenulne Tyler Curtain DobUs S2I and ' t24 Net Spot Cash. T"o. 400? Antlqnn O-ik M'tnd.ua Tyler IJeslss, 4rt.lln. lonirliy tm.oin. Iiluli. Me and Iiust Vroot, Zlno Uott.tni unde. Ur twernt pautnti llrnwi bier locki ono lock .', wmit nil dmworei 8 liuavi onrdbonrd Klllogllnl, . t ,,1. nra Inenai aneien UOU lbs. l'rlre, V.ii, 11. lit 1'aelury. wlici. Also 1,000 Antique Asli Dasks. Tin. 40t)8. Bame as above, en ett niaiie or Bolia Antique Ash, Koort n oak. Wrlllht SOU lli. l'l lce P O. II. lit I'uctory, ! Srt. Mil.n;tJ from our IndlanaiiollsfHctory dlruet. Made ana itttld solely by the TYLER DESK CO., 8t. Louis, Mo. 160pmsoCsUlosuuofSank Oouotsrs, osiks, lo.Incolors OuMts.srrrlnutd, Ilouk free, po.ttgs IS mu unisneq jsncut ji.jiieu-nti Aim '"i ctn.iiw rinMirlw. Pflrmnnflnttv Restored. 'Weakness. Nervousness, llelilllty. and all tbo results of overwork, sickness, worry, oto. J'ull strength, development, and tono jtlvea to every SSSi&SSJtSvSam lmpuaBlble. 2,K) rtfereueej, lionk, eiplaiifttiom and piwifamallod (iMJaled) free. Addrwfs . ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. " . Ctvqsai Barsrains the train of evils rrora early errors or lator cxwws. roruniu f.i, . , rl I. T I II! 1. V.,.ll!, tt aw V10CKS, JCHCiry, inuiiiuaus, uitii't;s nnd HilvRrivnre at Breakfast Cocoa qk eating Blankets ncnID tlCT'0 1'H Norlh Main Hlreet, mated at abou t $23,000; partially lu UOOln Wol O Bbenandoah. fa. Hured. SPENT HER FORTUNE Mine. Mnznnl's Crtrcor Recalled by llor lirotlior's Doalli. MI3TRES3 OP HOLLAND'S KINO. How William Henry Makmisy, Now Dead at Nyaok, Dissipated the Royal Qifta. HI Sister, Afterward Mmo. Mitiird, Considered the IlaltdsViuent Womuu Id AuhtIoh How She Cntno to the Court ol illiiiid--lllakeuoy's ltecklessueiis nml M'lld Ddlngs--lln Leaves n Weultbj Msler In nrooulyn. I Nyack, N. V., Dec. 31 Wllllnra Haury Illakeuey, son of William Ulnke ney anil brother of the ruinous Mine. Muzard, the baitutifal mistress of the Into William IV., Ki i ot Holland, It dead ut the family homestead at Ogdens burg, aged about llfty-four years. Tlili leaves hut oua near blood relation of the noted beauty, Mrs. Charles 1'lke, of No. 101 First place, Brooklyn. The Blnkeney fwituu oame from t'ta coffers of V..iiuiu IV. Wlltlitm Henry's sifter, Ilenriettit, years ago turns I the heads of all tlm New York men. ubout-towu with lur ravishing baauty. She was considered one of the most bu.iutiiul wometi in Aiiurio.i. Before she reached the age ot 21 an attache ot .he Court of Hop-id took her before Kiuk William, a., i bar fortuno and fvii weia uaude 'lhe King a ......t.'nl l was no secret, and when eight years later she died her parents, William and Hauuih, and her brother William Henry and her sister Ma y Ann received a fortuno la jewels and money from herestate. Later tho father died and the children re ceived his share. Then tho mother died and William and Mary Ann rociivod a third fortune. The dissipation -of William Henry since that time re duced him, It Is said, to almost abject poverty. Though unable to write bis own name hu once published a news paper In Now York. Ho Bpent money lavisniy at the racecourses ana on wine. Three yoars ngo be was declared In competent to manage his estate, and trustees to do so were appoiutei. Ho fought the case and again secured con trol of his proporty. Two years ago ho robbed his wlfo of costly dresses and jewels and prosouted them to a married woman In llavorslraw. He also stmishe 1 1 hundreds of dollars worth of furniture In the house. His wife then left hlui, securing a largo alimony. Since then he had continued his wild and roakless career until It resulted In his Illness. Mrs. Pike, Mine. Muzucjl's living sis ter, is a queenly woman, and has man aged her fortune so we'l ttiat it has doubled. Tbe mother, Mrs. Hlnkeuoy, knew so little about the care ot money that for years she carried $00 000 worth of Government bonds in her bosom. The fatlior met death while intoxicated, falling over a 1), ink In his carriage. HOSY'S RESTITUTION. President S.uiforil buys It Amounts ta 500tnmi to tlm Adams Colnp my. llUlDQin'oitT, Conn., Dec. 21. Presi dent Henry Sanford of the Adams Ex press Compauy says that Mr. Hoey has made restitution to tho oxpresa com pany to the amount of $oJ0,000 by the trausfer of his wtfo's property, but tills will fall short of his pllferings. The transfer Includes the mansion at Fifth nventie and 52d street, Now York, and also the Hollywood mansion, which was '? Mr8, n"oy' !lumu- Mr- Snatotil a,,1,l on thtt later. In consideration of tho transfer tho When nkcd whethor or not auy agreo- wnen uhkuu wuutuor or ment had beou made witi Mr Hije would not affjfl wlth Mr. Spoonor, arrangement with However, he said, ho expected that either Mr. Spooiier or bis attorney would make advances toward restltii' tlon. Mr. Spoouer was seen, but would not talk. He has bjon HI, and is barely able to be out of bed. Gen, Jullii 11. KKiily Demi. Baltimohe, Dec. 31. Gen. John B. Kenly died hero yestotday from pneu monia. Ho was Major-General of Vol unU'C" and tho highest commissioned volunteer olUoer In the State of Mary laud during the war. He was born in 1B22. He studied law with John S. Mc Culloch, the law partner of James M. Buchanan, and was admitted to the bar In 1813. Wheu tho Mexican War broke out he raised a company of vol unteers nud joined Geuernl Taylor's army. In 1850 be wns nominated by the Whig party for Congress, but was defeated. He was the central tlgure In ths exciting Civil War days in M.try -land. On August 33, 1803, Colonel Kenly was appointed a Brigadier-General of Volunteers tor gallant conduct ut the battle ot Front Hoynl. llelirlut; Sua Ai-bltratlnu. Washinuton, Dec. 31. Tho President and Secretary ot State have had several consultations recently In regard to the seal ilsheries. An agreement having been readied with the British Govern ment us to the basis ot arbitration, all that now remains to complete the Con vention is an agreement as to the arbi trators. This, too, bos practically been done, as far as the number aud powers of the arbitrators ure concerned, and it is confidently expected that their ap- olut18ut U11(l the term9 of arbitration ,;r . . . . - . mi. - will be announced in a few days. The nominations have been madu and only await the ooncurrenoo of the govern ments interested. l'lcllt 111 Itlu (iiutldo do Bill. London, Dea 31. A dispatch from Illo Janeiro says that the province At Ilio Grautle do Sill is not yet reconciled to the l'oixot to administration, and that a skirmish has occurrod between a bat talion ot the National Guard aud a body of regular troops Who nail ueen sent to restorB order. Owing to the telegraph wires being cut, nodetalHot the fight havo yet boon rceivetl. , ) lhe Fire ut Cmtun IjintlliiGT. 1 sin3 s,no' n- v du- 21The nr8 t0 tuo ground before It was extin guished. All the stores destroyed were situated on Itiver aveuuo, near the rall- i aosd station, lhe total loss is ostl Highest of all in Leavening Powcr. ABSOLUT TRIED TO KILL his stepson. A SIx-Yeur-Old Hoy llurloil from a ltrlilge, hut Kctes. I'XTEnsoM, N. .1., l)eo. 31. John Henry O'Counor, 05 yoars pld, a boiler maker, who mado a dastardly attempt to murder his six-year-old Btepson, llernnrd Wattberry, Saturday night, Is nowunder arrest. O'Connor recently married tlio widow Wattberry, and, because the child seem ed to engioss all ot Iter directions, ba came insanely jealous and took n bitter dislike to the clilld. Saturday night ho Induced tho -child to go walking with htm. He led the boy about three miles out of tho city to tho Fifth avenue bridge, mid when in the centre of the structure he raised the lad in bis arms and thrdw him oil. Tho place was deserted, and O'Connor rap idly disappeared In the darkness. Little Bernard, in the meantime, had fortunately fallen on u sand bar over wlilch there was but a few feet of water. He called fur help with all his might, which, about fifteen minutes after, was board by a farmer who was driving over the bridge on his way to his home. He took the reins from his horse, tied them together, and threw the noose to the boy, who was some twenty feet below. Bernard placed the noose about his waist and was drawn to tne bridge, al most unconscious and badly bruised by tho mass ot loe llo.ttlug down the river. The farmer wrapped the exhausted boy in his blankets and drove him to a hos pital, wnero the lad now lies In a preca rious condition. The polioo arrested O'Connor at his borne yssterday. l.pep Wuterway Convention. Detroit, Mich., Doc. 10. In the Deop Waterway Convention a resolution has passed urging Congress to authorize the commencement ot an unobstructed cliaiiuol through tho lakes and their connecting waters between Chicago, Duluth and Superior and Uuffalo, and that the Secretary of War be authorized to make contracts for tlio work. In ad dition, tho resolution favors the im provement of the Hudson Iilver to a I nnvigalile depth ot tvtonty feet from Coxsuckio to Troy. Gompnr Ktt-tHoleil l'resldent. BliiMlNfiHAM, Ala., Dec. 10. In the convention ot the Am urican Fedoratlon of Labor Samuel Gompers was re elected president; V. H. MjUulro of Boston was electu I il-st vica-president, and William A. Carney of Pittsburg, second vice-president; Carls Fl'ans was re-elected secretary, an I John Lnuvtu was elected treasurer. There was strong opposition to O.impers, especially among tho Southern Doleatlou. ltvsn uml Nhi'.IIiuiu 31 itcheil. CmCAao, Dec. 10. Tommy Hyan, ol Chicago, champion welter-weight of the world, and Danny Needham, ex champlon, aro matched to light before the California Athletic Club for $5,000 a side and a purse of $3,000 olfored by the Club. The light is to take place early in March, and the men are to weigh one hour bstorj time Is cullod at 140 pounds each. Tho Way I Is Ilolui In Cub l. Havana, Cuba, Dec. 19. Tho pro ceedings ugainst the late Secretary ot the Treasury Mr. Otersa being closed, the Presiding Judge has pronounced sentence of 18 years imprii muieut, !) mouths aud one dav in ths oualn cam. a line of 12,500 pemtts (fj.500) and the return of the $1U0,UJ0 stolen from the Troasury. The Christmas present is the nil ntaorliiUK qiiBHtlnn just now. TuuiutoiM wre not (iulUvitteil seventy flvo years . . A. J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortcatras and Itonds written marriage licenses una legal Qiaiias promptly attended to. Real Entile, Collwtioa and Iosuranco Agescj Qenersl I1' I re Insnranee Iluslnoas, Heprenentt- tne N ortnwesieru i.ire insnranseuo OrftOB Mnldoon'- ItuUdUig, eornor Centre tnu West mis., HUHiiaudoHli, Pi. Ooocl fropertiet ot All Kinds For Sale. 1. A two stofy double Irame dwell a no use Htoteaud restaurant, on Kt Ten're Bt J. A dwel tng and restaurant on Kasl Oentr. street. 3. Desliable property on corner Centre nnC jamiu streets, suuaiiie tor dusiusss pur poses. 1, K twoslory double frame dwelling, oi West Llovd strwl. .i Two 2-slry frame dwellings on West Oen tNt strMt. t),Twn 1 story dwellings on the corner o' Ooal and Chestnut streets Htore room In 7, Two-story blngle house on North Chestnut s, Thr ee two-Jrory double frame buildings atraei. wilu a isrire wareiioiNH, si iu rssr. corner or i.ioya.inu tsuuert streem, John R. Coye, A.ttorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OKF1CE Beddall'8 Building, Jir.Maln and Centre Streets. SHENANDOAH, PA, PROPERTY FOR SALE: 1 A two and one-half story double frame dwelling nouse, witii sure-room ana res tauraui. iocaieu on luist centre street, J A valuable property located on Booth Jar din street. J Haven dwelling bouses at the corner of fill ksrtaasl itnydsirsMiu. Oao4 naveajtsivent. 'swnsu voastu.TOBJ. Latcst U. S. Gov't Report. 9 EDt PURE FURMAN IS INNOCENT. Concluslvn Kvlilence thnt Hn find Xnthtnf to lln Willi l'tirmer Fottte's Aluetlnr. Bit.TlMOHK, Deo. 31. Additional fads hnre been learned regarding the Foots tragedy, which prove conclusively that Lewis Furman had no hanu in thi atrocious murder. Mrs. Furman's con fession is true, ex3pt so far us it re. lutes to Furmau. This Is provod by the circumstances subsequent to the tra gedy. She Is very cunning, nud it is the opinion of tho authorities engtged on the cute that in vlow ot the fact that she made him a party to the crime In her previous contessiou ot the inquest she felt thai she must again bring him into the affair in some manner. Detective Black ot this oity, who win engaged by cx-Congressman S. C. Mil. lard to find evidence which would provo tho innocence of his client, says that proceedings havo been begun to havo set usldo tho iudictmonts against Furman, as he oisn prove an alibi and show beyond a doubt that Mrs. Footo was engaged entirely alone in the commission of the Qondlsti crime. He said: "I can prove that Furman was work ing ltt the Holds hoeing potatoes at the tlmo Mrs. Fuote claims thnt he was iu the bouse with her planning to destroy tho evidence of the murder. He ru mniued steadily at work in the field un til 0 o'olock, wheu bo liitcned up his horses and drove home. Ho did not again leave the house that night, as I will alsp prove. At 3 o'clock tuat after noon, assl"stitpi rurmitn took hold of her busb. . . .. n arms and drag god his dead "ltd 1 lending body to the barn. In ' ue body into the niau- ger the man's Head came tu contact with her skirts ami stained them with blood. She washeit the garments, and supposed she had ohllieraiod all traces ot the blood stains. She wore those saute skirts nt the inquest, and had them on when sho was locki t tin as a witness. These garments wera recently given to tho jail laundry woman, who noticed that the stmus wlucii sme.-ir.id the wuolu front of the klrt reseiu'iti.l rnosi muda by blood. I exposed th-'iu io itiicroscopio uml other tests, mi 1 discovers t tuat ii.'t" surmises were correit. It was the luo I wanted, and my evi lenoo as to Fur man's iuuocuuue is i u uw." Did Your BabyJOry all Last Night? I'ity if ho did, for it weakens liim so ; hen, too, itosn1 ba pravontud, if vou will all on J. 3t. Hillnn and O J. MrCnrthy, tho druugisw, lor a free eaniplo of Dr. tnd's C tlio Care. IHby will instantly be relieved. Soiiiniuen ttlve a train of thought too light it load lor amootli running. Sudden Deaths. Hwi dlesse Is by fir the most freauenl esuse of sulden deslb, wlilcli In three, out u! f ur cases Is tMsusp-cted The sy nptoms aie uotKeueraiiy unuerMoou i nese are: lying n tne rigut Niae, snort oreutn, pain onus ire-ss In tdde bioK or ulioulder. Irregular pultte, nstlinia, wear and bungiy Sc1Ih, wind n sio'iiacu, swei in; u. aiiaies or uiop.v, oppre-sl in, dry couu aou smuinHrint!. ur dlles' Illustrated hooK on Heart Dlseuse, free at '. H lltigeulinch, who sell nnd guarantee Ur Mlies' unequleu New ileartt;nre, ami Ills ItesloratUo Norvlne, which cures mrvoiii uess, hendaelie, sleeplessnes', edectsof drink lag, etc It ooiilalns no uplatas. New Year resolution's should be like Unelo Btiiu'u Navy ironclad. Milen' Werve ana Llve-r Pills ict on a ne principle regnliUng the tver, stouiaoU Mud bowels through the nerve4 n.iw dluoovery. Dr. Miles' I'll Is speedily . ).istlpat!ou uneiiualed lor men, women, bildron. H'uall-st. mlMcst.surestt 6 doses. ,k-i. Mamnlea Free, at U. H. Ha-tenbueh's lrmjsuire. Winter bezlns Hgtrouotulcully to day, tho ehortiwt day. StartHnff FaotB. The Amerloaii iteople ure rapidly becoming rsoe of nervous wrecks, aud the following Mu-xe-us UiHbeslre edy: Alplt riso llemnll- lug, of Birler, fa., swturs tliut ueu Ills sou was sMeuuiess ironi ri. v litis uaiiee it files' ureal I teetorallve Nervine cured lilul Mrs J It Miller, of V.iluarulso. and J. D. Tailor, of Logansport, Ind., mil i gained 90 pouuus irom UlRlllg 11. ain, ll. A, usntuer, of Vistula, I id. , was cured of 40 lo S) oon- vulx ims a dav. and much lieadsch.'. dlzsl iia-n. baoSLaohe and nervous imistratlou by one ixittle. TrUI bottles, aud tine books of marvelous cues,".Tree at O. II. Itiiieu''iic,li, the druggist, who reoooirneuas audgaaraii' tees this unequuled remedy. The Ice doulprH aro now rcaiy for Jue . 1 rctit to uiako n irt'fze up. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the wa-nlng? The signal per ians of t t"i sure spiiroaoli ol that more tor -ibV rtlaeah. Oonf.umntloa. A.t vourtelv." i f you can afford for the sake l saving 51! enls, to ruu the risk and do nothing for It. Vo know fron azDArlenoe that ShUon's Our vill Cure vonr Cough. It ut .vr talis. This jiplaltis why more than a Million Kottles vure sold the past ve ir. It relieves (Iroui mil Whopoluc Oough at onoe Motners do iot.be wlthoetlL For Utile Bscs, Hide or Jhest, useHnlloh's Porous Piaster. Hold by . H. Ilagenbaeb, N K. corner dsln and 'loyd streets. A promising young man ono who never ptiys. Shiloh'e Consumption Cure. Tills la beyond question the most snc 3Klut Cough Medloiue we have ever sold, i lew doses Invariably cure the worst oaten ol 'Xiugb, Croup, aud Bronchitis, while Its won Jarful suooess in tbe cure of Consumption Is runout a parallel in toe ntatnry ot men tome, ilnoe It's tlrst discover v it has been sold on a iuarantee, a test which no other medloln an stand. It you have a cough, we earnestly utk you to try It. l'rloe 10 cents. Woente.and ll.tsj. If your Lungs are tore. Chest or Back tame, use s h loh's Porous riaster. Hold ) 3. It. Ilngeabueh, N. E. ooruer Malu and i.loyd streets, Tho nttenilnuce at tho Sunday Houooitj ih now uiioni at ltn best. What Father Pablo Vnrela Says, CEl.WA. Uetobet 1. 188U. I know several peoi le who have sulfered irreailv frotn the oouseoueuees of Impure bl 'Od, nnd 1 1 a very short while have felt much bettei i,y using the medloiue whleuwss senitierony nou uaiuou .ivi tor inst pur poe. I reconi ne id this remedy as one which pr nvses the best results, and Is the best of Its kind, KEY. PAULO VAUKL.V Hold at Ktrlln's UrugHUre,iVerguson House oiocs.ouenauaoteii. - WILL HE GIVE IT UP? Rumor Unit Minister Lincoln is About to Rosixn. IT CANNOT BE CONFIRMED. Said tbat He. Has Before Expressed i Dstire to Baturn to This Country. The III Health of Ills 1'ullllly fllvetl si The Iteasoii Wlillo the lleport Hal Clnlllnd Hiiiiih Crednnon tu Wlishlliirtou, H Is l.tiunlied at by Mr. Lincoln's liu Iartiier In Clilcar;o. Wabiiivotos, Deo. 21. Nothing dofln i. can be got bore In regard to Minister L icoln's resignation, as everybody count- ted with the administration professes igii trance It has been the understand ing, .hough, that the Minister might not nerve out his term. More than a year ,i-!o, whan his retirement might have embarrassed the I'rosidout, Mr. Lincoln onme to Washington, and tho Btatem mt was then made that his res igiiitlion, It it oamo, would not b.) until the President was ready to receive it. The talk here b is been that the Minis ter I ill not llko Li idou, but was willlug to take his old post ot Secretary ot War, It It should be ottered to him. General Harrison, however, preferred tint Mr. Lincoln should rem tin In Lon Ion. It Is stated that tho health ot his family has not been goo 1, and that that was his reason for his desiro to re tutu to the United States. Kx-Senator Evarts would ba glad to succeed him Chicago, Deo. 31. Plerpont Isham, of the law firm of Isliitm, Lincoln & Ileale, had not hear I of the reported determination of Robert T. Lincoln to resign as Minister to Kugluud. Ho doubted the genuineness of any such re port, as Mr. Lincoln had not communi cated with thorn regarding any such change, ami he was sure t ue firm would know of it if It were true. Mr. Isham then said: 'We would havo to tuovo around a little if Mr. Lincoln returned, and wo wonld be likely to know of any siioh in tention in time to get Ills ollloe In readi ness. Stories about his resignation nre started every few months. For my part, I put uocredenoe In tho rumor." NOT A FRENCH DUEL High Hu .1. 1 i. s right and Hot li li.d-a. Dt"''i'T, - - '-'i Baron Fejorvnry de Kouilo -Ki. , a member ot tho Hungarian I .nine', ns Minister of National Defe ic, fought a duel yester day with Herr Ugrou, a member ot tho Reichstag, who had uttered language iu criticism ut his course us Minister which tho Uaron considered personally insulting. The duel was fought with deadly ear nestness. The two principals llrst llrod at ench other with pistols. Neither shot took effect. Then thoy coolly pre pared for another shot, and again tho bullets missed their miiric. Handing nvur the pistols to thalr sea- onds, the two men drew swords and at tacked each other. Tne I), iron was by far the better fencer, but ugrou bold his own well, and made up iu dash what hu lacked iu skill. Ugrou received a wound in ths arm , but he succcoeded In slashing the Huron's arm and also slicing his oar. When tho blood appeared the sooouds culled a halt, although both principals were prep.trod to light on. Tbu seconds, however, lnslstotl thnt the demands of honor had beou satisfied, and succeeded utter some intercession, in inducing tho combatants to bo reconciled. The wounds wera dressed by a surgeon, who bad accompanied the party, and neither of tho duellists is iu uuy danger. 3luri-ia'H of 'de Ale's" lloss. New Vohk, Dec. 31. Hon. Timothy J. Campbell, U.-proseutative from the Eighth district, last night loft his 03 years of bacholorliootl Ueliinu iiuu by marrying Miss .Margaret .Miller, nu em ploye ot tile Pension Odloe at Washing ton. The ceremony w is performed at St. Itosa's Church, on Cannon street, this city. "Tim," ns lie is familiarly called by bis constituents, was evidently em barrassed during the ceremony, because, us ho bltishiiigly remarked after the ceremony, "It was his llrst experience." Merchant (Join and lltisluess Seized. CotlTLAND, N. Y., Vic 31. The sud den disappearance last Friday ot II. T. llolllster, senior member ol tuo iirm ot Holltstor & Hates, lias been supplement ed by the Sheriff's .seizure ot tho busi ness, on executions found on several judgments recovered against Holllstur. The firm, whluli is one ot tne largest hardware nud plumbing manufacturing concerns, was filling a large New York oontraot. Minister Jtires I'ropheHles Afs'.n, New IisitKoao, Mass., Deo. 31. Rev. Andrew Jones, of New iork, tbe preacher win trained wide notoriety be cause of having prophesied the Johns town, I'a., Hoods, proaonad In this oity yesterday. In ths ooitrse of hU sermon he took occasion to make anotuer propheoy. A terrible disease, be said, will sweep over the country on tho heels ot the grip, which prevails at the present time. Oen. Alger's Chrlstuiai Dminl loll. DiTKOlT, Mich., Dsn. 31. Following bis custom ut the past live years Gen. It A. Alger has ta,da steps to give to 600 deserving newsboys each it Christ mas gift in tho shape ot a brand new suit of clothes u id an overcoat. The matter uf selecting the luaky boys has been put in to tbe hands of the daily newspapers. Hie North Itiver HrlitT. Wabhinuton, Daa 31. Aotlug Secre tary Grunt lias approved tbe revised plans for the railroad bridge over tho North itiver at New York oity, and it is uuderstonl that the work on tt will begin ut one. The plans provide that tho bridge shall ba ISO feet above mean tide, or to feet higher than the Brook lyu bridge. llrotlier-lti-Ilw of a King. Nyack, N. Y., Dec 81. Wm. II. Blakeuey, one ot ltocklaud county's wealthiest citizens, is dead at his home lu Oriingeburgu. lis was 01 yoars old ?orm.r .'"of thi Uto King of "ToU.": and a brother of Madame Uusaru, a A CME BLACKING is cheaper at 20 cents a bottle than any other Dressing at 5 cents. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAYS berntiso shoes once blackened with It can I kept clean by washing them with water. 1 mpfe in moderate eirttmistanees find it protitable to buy it at 3ile. a Imttle, lierausw i hat tliev spend for Dlaeking lliey save in tl.t'O lctitlier. It is the clietpest binckinft eonslilerinix lis quail !v, ami yet we want '.o sell it clieaicr if it can be done. We will pay :$io,ooo Reward f tr a reciiK) that will enable us to make Wolff's Acme Hlackino at such a price that n retailer can profitably m1I it at 10c. a Imttle. This oiTer is open until Jan. 1st, 1898. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Old furniture painted itli (this is the name of the paint), looks like stained and varnished new furniture. Ono coat will do it A child can apply it. You can change a pine to a walnut, or a cherry to mahogany ; there is no limit to your fancies. All retailers pell iL " "cactus'blood cure" SUPERIOR TO SABSAPARILLA 3'uritlcs the blood by ex pelling the impiuiticB through the proper cliHiniels and never causes eruptions on the skin, Regulates the bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you an appetite. Never fails o cure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Stare, Ferguson's Hotel Mock, Shenandoah, Pa DO YOU WANT RELIEK7 KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Will prumiilly rpllv tlie int illiy trcKslng cwu ir Acute or Chronic lltieit iiifttimn or Chin.. Bv Pirlct ly (.Iweninj th dlrectioiib), it will curojoii icruiaD fiitty . L'tillki lhe nmuprous preparation thtt flw4 thcctuiutrr, tliU nu'dlcli e t tpcfifto for (ba TBi-hua furtna orrtiviimatUtn onlv. fetid bot la ui 1'iiwri "cure fell" line boula vlil mak s, tRttsfftcliirv ItutirnaMlnii on this m.it In conorfltlon titi the i-Mln, foulnoo lh luffrrer that the r-ropt-r mnu-ilv hti he. a round. ou ure ttruvetty r- qu-ltn.l tU ll fit thO lUi'Tlta Of KKOtT'S KHl.UMATIC JER31KTV, Its rklutiHe iroiprtlti are udoravd hf bundreda f tba niot MniUTini; tt itliunitl tl, O..I t m-tiitila lnKrulimH, rrm ark able fknr thrlr curatlTtt I iwera, are u -I In Hie tutu utrtnrc of KKUL'T & HULL M ATI t! llf-MKUY 1 00 Per Satti. 0 BctUos, M.CC. mis, 25 CU. Uoi. ir frur aturuktrepi r dx not ki-vu It, Mud 1 1.26 to tba nunuraaturer, fend yon will reoeire ti hr mII, AI4HKKT KKUJT, 303T Market htret, l'JiliHtl'a, P, Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLORS ! tStCA.-XrXTsTCSr, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I HHAHTOOINO, ETC., 1IY E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under l'osiofnee llulldlug, Main and Oak Stfl., Shcnnuiloah. -Hot and cold baths, Polite, prompt and c irelul attention. DR.THBEU KStt Wortn fourth St., Ui'- cult Hfuuluti (iirmiri AtnrifM R..iilsl to tbe I nlu-d 8lka who U kM. to curt. ElOOti POlSOn Nervous DbiUty "J Spu clttl Oisaas IHlUn PIwmc. tu4 BpoUPaina ( tf twm.,soreThroat A Mouth PlotohM, Pltnplra, Froptlsai, Mft harrl I'toxnt, Bw, lllufi, IrrlUttoea, luitajniiifeiioaa fend RnulBft. Ucy IfRt mmory wk hank, mental 1,,let7 . KU I l-r DImsUi anl ll IM.aJwa nnuUInc tnm lu M ti lion or (lVfrwork. K.--ut case cured io 4 tn 19 relief at nca Do not lo !.(, no matter h J Uiinff Ooolor, Quack, Famllv or H(,ilta1 PliTUHn Im Dr. THKKI. ouroa porltivftly 1 dwrtloo ft bulncai oin, vormi MturLi atap "f th coipiriATt miiuumi ri-h or pur. -ni . t"'P bOOK "TBIITU" ittoalnc Qmwlf" uti1r w..rn tMtlmonUla. ! fl tn II). SuniU, till 11 WtltP or eill snrt l r.r Ksn,sa m lo. "1 Sslurts rtlls. aslly TUnss A FINE SHOW If you want to see anno display ol Boots ana Shoes, goto W. S, SNYOER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mas teller's old stand,) Corner Ceal Httfl jMrtlln HI ft. Cuptoiii Work and ttcpttlrlufg Done tu the best sti le. LEATHER and SHOE F1DIMGS IF. T CLEAK"Y-, Dealer In aU kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and flnt-olaes stook. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Kerguson House building. SHENANDOAH, PA. Ar70-WHr.tT.lAW. ".Hielflla rner v.in p M. HAMILTON, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. We'la r,o,U ff