....! .' ' DEATH OF MR. PLUMB! Tlio Kunsns Stmtitor Stricken Willi Apoplexy. EMBALMED SHORTLY AFTER, Tbie Aotlon Now SeYerely Blamed Man; of Ills Colleague A lllirmteli from ln. I'liimb Hiild that tlifi SmiHlnr Might be In a Tinncc, Hi llu IIhiI Hail Cutulnitlc I I l Ilnrnrn Hie FhiimirI ArrniiNitiitnSjticiilii. tlin n to the fcui-O' mluii hkotch of the In ail stuti sinmi'i Life. Wahiiisoton, Dec, At 10 o'clock tills morning the body ot Senntor l'reeton 1). Phi ml), who died of apoplexy yetiterday nhortly before noon, wna taken trom bin apartment?, tituler escort ot the Capitol polio, to the Marble Room ot the Semite. Shortly before 'i o'clock the body will bo removoil to tlis Somite Chamber, where tho funeral services will be con ducted by ltev. J. U. Hutler, Chuplaln of the Senate. At 2:30 the body will be taken to the Baltimore & Pototnao Hull road depot, accompanied by the t'oo greiUniil oointuiitee, the President, the Cabinet, the Chief Juatioe an1' Just ices uf the Supreme Court, tnemborn ol the House, members of the Diplomatic Corps, and the friends of the late Sena tor invited to the .Semite nailery. The body, accompanied by the Con groitHional Committee, will be taken by the Pen nay Iran la and Atchison, Topeku ii SantH 1'e Railroads to Kmporla, Kan- sas. The car in which the remains will I be conveyed will be attached to the "Columbian Express" which leaves Washington at 11:80 uuil will reach Km- puna on the evening of the SMd, where ihe interment will take plaoe ut 2 o'eluolc on tho 24th. Mr. I'liimb had been ailing mora or loss ever since the close ot his herculean la bors in the last campaign in thi.i St.it), which resulted so satisfactorily to him self and his parly. He was at all times nn indefatigable worker, hut in this cn'npnign lis outdid himself. On his rtuu' to Washington he attempted to throw li.'o Ids Senatorial duties his ac customed i.rdor, but complained that he could tot concentrate his faculties with Ins accustomed readiness. He felt dazed and uncertain boih men tally aud phy sically. 'Ihe eminent medical man ho consult ed told him frankly that unless ho gave hiinsolt a long rust and oxcrciso.l the gteuiest care, softening of the brain might result. With this warning ringing in his oars, he ' returned to Washington with the intention that af ter the Senate adjuiiruod for tho holi days he would return to Philadelphia and put himself under the care of Dr. Pepper for a prolonged course of treat ment. About 2 o'olock yesterday morning ha rrouseif his landlord, Mr. Jennings, say lug he felt really ill, aud anked him to send for a doctor. Dr. 1'hllip S. Wales, ex-Surgoou-(Jeiieral of the Navy, was summoned and remained in charge of the case until the end. Hypodermio In jections were administered and about 7 o'clock in the morning the Senator be came unconscious aud continued in a e n to of coma with scarcely any Inter mission until his death. Several colleagues ot Senator Plumb lire Buying a groat deal about the hur ried way In which Mr. Plumb's body was placed in the hands of the under taker. At the order ot Sergeant-nt-Arms Valentlue ot tho Semite an undertaker was summoned half an hour afior the senator's death was announced. With in halt an hour the body was enibuluiu 1. It raises a doubt in the minds of ma ty ns to whether the Senator was really dean at the time he was embalmed. 'the work had hardly beun completed when a dispatch from Mrs. Plumb wits received saying not to em balm her bus hand's body. Inside of another halt hour another dispatch was received from Mrs. Plumb, staling that a year agu her husband hadj an attack, during which aniiuutlon was suspended, and for nearly an hour he was believed to be ili-ail. Mrs. Plumb expiossed the opin ion that it might only lie another case ot suspended animation, home ot his colleagues express doubt about his hav ing been dead when embalmed. Preston ii. Plumb was bom in Ohio and was 51 years of age. B.ifore he be came n lawyer and a banker ho worked at the case as a practical printer. He moved to Kansas iu lsJOb", aud partici pated in much ot the early exoi ting his tory ot that Stale. Unlike most Sen i tors, he did not undergo aprevious ap prenticeship in the lower House ot Congress, but came straight to the Se i alt) 111 1877. He had previously, how ever, hold many Inipi. riant positions in the Kansas Legi-daiiuv, closing his career there as Speaker. During the war he fought Ills way up from a seo-oud-lieuwnancy to the lieutenant coloiieUhip of Ule 11th Kansas lufantry. The Senator leaves two unmarried daughters, who are uow liv.ng with their widowed niotner at their lute home iu Kmporiu, Kansas; a son, '32 years ot age, now under treatment fur his eyslght in Philadelphia, aud a boy of 12 aud a girl of 11 at school iu Penn sylvania. Senator Plumb hod served fourteen years In the Senate, ami two years ago w as re-ideuled for a term which would have expired In 18U5. He was one of the best known men in Congress. His tall athletlo form, bis swinging Western gait, his braesy method of speaking, and Ills rugged tudepeudenoe and orig inality ot thought aud action, made htm a notable man iu the Senate, aud he was a power ou all questions to which ha gave his mi oil. He was an omnivorous reader and an untiring worker. In the few days that tu pres ent Congress has been In session ha hail submitted more than thirty bills ot a more or less public character, embrac ing almost everything of interest to his constituents from tree silver coinage upwards and down. A reporter asked (senator I'elter this moruiug what would be the probable course as to tilling the vacancy created by Mr. Plumb's untimely death whether it would be till-d by the same Legislature which elected htm. Mr. P 'lfer replied that llu term ot the ex isting Legislature had expired, but that they of ooSrsi held on until their suo oc sors were elected ami qtinlllled. The new Legislature would bo chosen, ho aald, at the general election in Novem ber, lb03, and would meet on the second Monday in January, 1893, to eleot Micceenor to Benator Plumb, Tit tin meantime he did not doubt thnr. the Governor of Kama would 11 1 1 the vacancy by appointment. TorKKA, Kan., Deo. 31. The 'Vf.(h ol Senntor Plumb hat at one set itn poll tlolnns to talking, and, ot court, hli sutioeisor is tru theme of all conver sation. There has been but one uuine mentioned turn far for the vncnaif anil that is ex-Senator Inalls. In ( tot he Is the only one that Ih thoui( it of. The leading State orTlciiils aud tnm who will express any opinion at ad favor InKiills, claiming that hU defeat by PofTir was both an HcoluVnt and n nils fortune, and they know of no ona wlio oau fill Plumb's plane with as tauuU Katisfactlon as the ex-Senator. WAYS AND MEANS. Sumn or Mr. Mill' I'rleiula Mill Hilnk lln Wilt llmnl llin C'tiiiimltti. Wahiiikotu, Dec. 21. Som e ot Mr. Mills' friends mill think that he will be appointed to the chilrmiuHhl p ot tho Committee on Ways and Ms.un by Speaker Crisp, notwithstanding tho publication ot this correspondence on the subject. Si'KAKRit's Room, 1 HoOHH OF llKPIMnKNTATlVm, Wasiiinuton, D. C, Dec. IB. J Hon. H. Q. Mibbn, City, My Dkau Siki Having been too much engngeil to mill upon you, and being soon about to enter upon tho work ot constituting the House comiulttnos, I drop you u line to know It It would bo agreeable or acceptable to you to be ap pointed Becond on .the Committee ot Ways Mean's, and, In nddltiou to such assignment, to be appointed Chairman ot tho Committee on Commerce, or Chairman of the Committee on l'oit offices and Post Roads, or Chiiiraian ot some Committee whose work Is 1ms laborious than Clmlrmln on Postoffices. Would be glad to have a reply at your earliest conveniences, as 1 neairo to mal& n ami announce the commit tees In a few days. With great respect, I am, sincerely yours, Ciiahlk F. Crist. House of IIrpiibskntativks, U. S, Washington, Dec. 1!), 1801 HO' . ClIAHI.l-.ft F. Crisp, Sr-KAKKlt of tub HOUSK OF ItKl'BliSKNTATIVBS, My Deaii Sin: I have received your letter ot the 18th Inst., asking mo "it it would be agreeable or acceptible to mu i to be appointed second on the Commit tee on Ways aod jleaus, etc." Having been a member ot tho Com mittee on Ways and Moans for ton years, mid Chairman of tho Fiftieth Congress, tho reasons which have, In your judgment, rendered my appoint ment as Chairman unwise, would dis qualify mo for service in nuy other place on that Committee, and it would not be sincere to say that it would bo agreeable to accept your tondor. 1 leave to you, without any sugges tion from me, to make such other as signment ns you, in tho discharge of your olUulal duty, may determine. Yours truly, It. Q. Mills. Nothwlthstnndlng this refusal of Mr. Mills to serve on the Committee on Ways and Menus, It Is said that Speaker Crisp will appoint him chairman ot the other committee, as proposed. Either that on Postolllcos and Post Ro.uls, or Commerce, or Merchant Mar ine nud Fisheries. THE LATEST CHILI RUMOR. Scci-elmy Ill.llne Will Say No.'liln Abnllt It Jli'iilal liy ii I.t'tftltliin Attiioh. WASMNrjTO.v, Dec. 21. It is impossi ble to-day to get either a confirmation or a contradiction ot tho publish ed statement that the Stato De partment bus received a cablegram from Minister Kgiiu to tho effect that the American Legation at Santiago is surrounded by a Chilian mob who threaten to burn it dowu or blow it up iu order to capture tile Chilian refugees who are under the prutectiou ot the Le gation. Senor Montt, the Chilian Mlnlstor, Is uot ut home, and the Secretary ot the Legation receives cullers Ho states that the .Minister has not reoeivod any late dispatches from his government, but feels sure if there had been au up rising against the American Legation ut Santiago, the Minister at Washing ton would have been advised of it. Ho also said that the Chilian people had the gieatest respect lor the American Legation, and was positive that they had noi, or would uu- attempt to burn or blow It up. "When I waB iu Chili some time ago," said the secretary, "such falso reports were frcijuemly sent to the American newspaper), aud 1 put no faith, whatever, In the latest story." Secretary Bluino, to all inquiries about the truth or fas Icy of the pub llshed statement, sent this reply: Lave nothing to say aUout it." "I Foul l'tuy SiHpactetl. GUTURIK, 0. T., Dec. 21. A man coming from the Cherokee Nation says that there is considerable excitement in Tulequah over the death ot Chief Mayes and Assistant Chief Chambers a week ago. There have been susnlalons from the first that there was something mysterious about the death of theus high officials, and now It is openly as serted that tliay met Willi foul play. The President ot the Senate has also been very ill. The deaths give the oontrol of the Cherokee Nation into tae hands ot the Opposition party, who will elect a new chief. Dateottves are try ing to ferret out the mystery of tho daatlis, and sensational developments are looked for. CnllUIoiiuii llin Nurtliui-u Central. lUkTivoHB, De. 31. The York ao oommodatlon paeiier train on tue Mortberu Ueutral ltulroi l, due in iltl tiniore at 8:11 a. in, was In collision witb tho rear of a iroiubt train ut 10 o'clock renter lay moruiug, near Notb avui.ua. Cliarlui it Miller, oomluctor; Huliert Fantum, eHfclueer, aud Thomas V. Daweou, Hri'inan o( the paaaenifar train, were Injured. Soma ot the pa eeutfers of the aoooinmolatlon train were sbalceu up anil briilioil by the oon ouiwiou, but none were aeriouily hurt. A uuiuber otod tanks were bnrnaj. Kw Iron WfirkH In Ifii-ttntuwn, N. J. Uorvkntuwn, N. J., Den. 21. It is report-d that a Mviiillcate, beaileil by ex Mayor V. It. (iriujj of Now York, U about to leate the olil Caiii.leii & Ainboy llailrouil ebopt in tbia city recently lltteU up fur the King Locomotive AVorks. tor the purpo'to of starling iron work-i of noma iloionptlou, In which about 300 skilled luaclitnlos are to be employed. It is nWo atatn.l that nego tlatlons are in Droarem w'th a Tlew to buyiuu tU aure ot laail near the plant TUB NEW YORK "PRESS." Dully, Sunday, Weokly, for 1802 Tin- airpre-ive lli'piibHran Journal ol ihe Metropolis A newspaper for the 'MBMe. It has a larger dally circulation tnan any other Republican nftwspsper in America Founded Di-cenibar let, I8S7. Circulation over 100,MO dsily. The 1'reu U the orRan of no fnctlo' ; pin It no wires j 1ms no animosities to ivnngn. Tha inot rmnsrkabie newspaper success in Nnw Y. rk. The 1'reie It a national newspaper. Oneap nows, vulgsr lenmtlotn and t-ftth llud no place In the columns of The I'reu. 7H i'reu has the brlxhiett eduorml ins? In New YorR. It sparkles wiiti points. The 1'reet Sunday edition Is a splendid twenty p.sge paper, covering every current lopio ol interest. The I'rees weekly edition oontaine all the good things of the dally nnd Sundsy eiillons. For those ho cannot afford the dally or ar prevented by dlstanco from early re ceiving it, Ihu week y li a splendid sub slitu'e. As nn advertising rwullum the Vieas fcn8 no superior in New York. Tbi Prees is within toe reach of ad. The best and oheiest newspaper in America. Dally and Sunday, one year, $5.00; daily ml Sunday. 6 month-, 9J.S0; Hail, and -Sunday, one month, 46 cehti; daily only no y ear, :0j dally only, four n.nnth-. ! 0; Sunday, one .tear, 2P0; H l'r.i one j car. $1 00. Send f. r The- I'rest in-ulur. Sun pies W Agents wamod vory where. Iii'nera! i6niuilslors. Ad ios, Tm i'RKsa, 88 P rk Kow, No Yo k. A DEFICIENCY OF $4,000. Statement of the Junior Ilrtllrf llliltl velt Jb Co. (Jiishli'r Cote's Cninl itlon. Nyack, N. Y., Dac. 21. The condi tion ot Cashier Edward It. Cole, the returned wanderer, contlnuas to im prove. Ho will doubtless be around with his family in few days. Many people have begun to think that thjre will ha no sensational results from the accounting of James II. lilnuvolt. A great many sonsatlonul newspaper re ports which have been published are the exaggerated statements ot ambi tious reporters. The statement ot 11. II. M. Dickinson, junior partuer ot tho linn ot liluuvelt & Co., whose business transactions have been brought to light by tho mysteri ous disappearance and return of Cash ier H. H. Cole, shows that there is a deficiency of t,00d In tho accounts ot the II rm, but thuu tuoro is no reason to be lieve that Mr. Cole Is responsible for It. Ho intimates that libel suits will be brought if certain stories are persisted iu. ClfVelitlut Alllltseiilnut Note. Cleveland, Dec. 21. One of the most disgraceful affairs that ever too It place in Cleveland occurred yesterday morn ing. It was a dog light over which 0U0 aro said to have changed bauds. Tho light was won in nine minutes by a dog belonging to Hill Fleming. The result was a fioa for-all-llght among tho spectators, In which loO men uugaged. Five men are known to have been seri ously injured, but the identity of ou.y one, Luke Callahau, has been discov ered. His face is a uiussot bruised Hash and his eyes ,vuro so badly swollen that ho was unable to see and ho had to be led away from tue ground. BALSAM THE C8& ItCtmi CoMs,Cottfh orftThTOftt.Croap.TnfluesZtt. Whoopioff Coujh, Bronchitis mui Asthma. A mHaU tur fir Consumption In flrit ftUeca, tu4 a norfl relief In tvdvsneed stage. UsoHimoo. You will ie tbotx silent effect after taking tho first dosr. Wi ij tlcri tmwlitrtj. Ltrgt) Utile, M imu tad (1,00. Cs5rjHRYLVANIA RAILROAD. On and ft-r November 15, 1801, trains will wave 8hmutinl V an follows: lll.,s IAitlnaln.i ko uil In Mm vjle, 81. Clair, snd way points, 6.(W,9. 0, 11.40 HUHUUIilOllIU, i, afaye.era.fMi.i.maBrt V(it m. Vac i'otuvllle, 0.UU, H.1V, 11.1) a in ana 1.15 ttanda ye, 600, 8.40 a m and 8.10 p m. v,r ieHuiuK, d.w. ii in anu s.ie pm. mdavs "J, U.S'Jis. m. anas.lUpm. Cor Pottetown, Phoeiilxville, Norrletowi fuiiaaeipnie I Broun etreei etatlon), s.K 11.43 a. m. and 1.16 p m week dayn -nl.iOuys, 800, 0.40 a m 3.10 p in Cralna leave l?rrlrvlli tor Hhenandoab a UI.40 a m and li.U, 5.01, 7 4), 10,01 p m, Una. rtav. 11 I I a m and b.V) ni. i eave roitevuia wtr Quejiauuoan- Au.ioaD il.li, am 4 10, '.16, 9.U v ir.. Kundare, 10.40 nr. 1.18 p m. ueave rnuaaeipnia loroaa street eruon or PotUvllleaudnbenandoata. 5.67. RM e ir 1. 0 an 1 7,00 p m week days. Sunday 6 30, and New York. 8.30,4,1, 4.40, 6.36, 8.W, 7.MV, .i.i j.ou. li.ixisna ii.il. ii.iaui.ix.iiuoi9 ,Ull ed -to!"ie.l,lK) 4.50 p in.) 12.41,1.33 1.1), Let, l.'J" 4, (.02, 4, , 8.2 o.c 1.60 7.18 8.12 and 10.00 , m. 1Z.V1 iisat. On Unndave. i.t). 4.03. 4.40, i,m. H.12. 6.S0. 9.54' 11 MR . ii mil 12 11. 1.40. !! 31). 4 02. rUmltod. t nn. vn. n m . in , u ana 11 m msni For H flirt, rinir Ilranch anil Intermediate matloue 8.20 and 11 II a. m., 4.00 p in wees day, freehold only a.OO p m week day roi 'or Ualtlinore and ....... If . J .. .n II iii..di. o 11 t on 0.10 an t 11.18 a. in., 4.41,0 57,7.10 p.m and 12.08 nlulitdallv anil 8 31. 10.20 a m.. 12 .14 fllmlted expreae with dining oar to liaittmurej !.;), o. ir p. m. WO'K navi. i1or uuiiiinore ouiy i6.iu, .ui wmak diva, fi.llti. 11.8U n. m. dallv. rnr Hioumonu, 7 au a. in. aim tis.ua nigm Crams leave HftrrtaburL' tor 1'UuoarE anO le west every d-iy ut l'i.3fi and 8J0 a m anC I a (lltnitedl and 8.40, 7.23 p m, Way vlloana 8 13 im and 4.10 u in every aay. tTor V litaburg only, 11.20 a iu dally and 10.21 dave Hunburv tor WlUlamiport, Klrnlra landatyna, itnebeiur, H 'ttaloand Nlaitar ,i" in am Hilly, and 1.83 om weekday!, y Klrnlra. 5.81 n m weakdaYB. u-nr Una and Intermediate polnta. S.10 a m; ally, "-r lck Haven, 6.10, and 8.68 a m tlv. 1 !15 and fi.9 n. m. weak dava. Fo -ni vaS.lu a m 1 36 and 6,B0 p m week dayt ion. ra oaniiav. -4i. PIJH1T. J R.WOOD ilea, atan'r (Jen. faea. Act ff ran "yojP I0OUCB DON'T DEL AY7 INSTITUTE ! Candies, China OUK OFFICII fills wwlt to ttmrlif-rs i tenclif-r rtf,ia frtr T - ...., i i mc nemimiiirruis lor A VViVl'iiV.I W iiiopose tills week lo Klvo n fliirulal cash iMidvnlilp (Uwrliitfon f NT OF T15N I'KIt miauu T UF Ti5fl l'KIl CENT, on Toilet' uoHiu,U To.vS1 n,.lMB variety. OTJIR, OA.3ST3DXEJS Are pronounced most delicious, only 20 cents per pound, nil kinds. OP TWO STORES: 16 West Centre Street and 34 North Stain Street, "-pHEUE Is money In It for you if x you purchase your holiday goods from in. Five hundred styles dressed dolls, from 6rj to $t 60 euoli. Dolls' shoes, stockings, trunks, tables, bureaus, clmlrs, toilet sets, palntlioxe", writing desks, doll swings, air rliles, 'Irittns, trains of cars, gun hnntf- aud ither articles run by steam, A large lot of meclmnlfal toys, tool chpsts nnd all tho latost games, A II O nud build. UK blocks, PlflsIi.Toilsl ana MaDicure Sets iitlqne stiver toilet und iiinniciu-j ets, dlctlonitry nud blole stand hold rs, hook and ladder nnd lire engines, In stoves, German tops, trumpets nnd muny other articles in this Hue. Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Sleighs ! China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &c. To ministers of the gospel find scli'iol teachers, 10 pr pout, oil on all goods bought. All goods must bo sold bef ire Jamuiiv 1st, und no reasonable ofler refused. 1 'nil enrly and have the pick of the lot. You enu select what you want, which will bo set aside,on pavment of a small deposit. PERFECTLY bmmoul is far cheaper and much Iry it once. All Phi adelphia and Reading Railroi1.. Time Table in effect Kov. IB, 1891 TRAINS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS For New York via 1'hlladelnnia. week dat 2.10 5.25, 7.20 a. m. and 12 33 2.60 nnd 6. 6 . m. Hunclay L'.ll) aDd 7.48 n. in. For Net vj. , , it ..utuuu vuuun, vy dua unD, u.mi :oj a m. ana una z.ou p. m. ri rncuuiuc aou niiHaei ilpbla wees dayi. 2.10. 3.23. 7.20. a. m.. 12.33 2. z.fu and 0.03 p; n Hnnday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. 111., 4 JO p. in. For Harrlsbnre. week davn. a. n. 50, 6.B5 p. m. Yot Allentown. week davii. 7.20 t. m.. 12.31 2.30 p. m. or I'ottaviiid, woes days, 2.111, 7.au,a, in. 12.80 2. -SO and 5.55 p.m. Hunday, 2.10 and7.1! 11 , 4.80 p.m. Kor laniaoua and Mabatiov Oltv. week dayu, 2.10, 5.45, 7.20, a tu., 12.35 2.50 and 5.K p. ax, (Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48 a. m., J.S0 p. m. Additional 1 r Maoanoy City, week Uayn 7.00 m Kor Lanoaater and Columbia, week days. ,ia. m..2.Wp. m. week aaya. 3.25, 7.20 and IU) a. m 1.&5.7.& , u. snnaay a. in., p. m, or Mahauoy Plane, weeK days, 2.10 S.2& , 7 20 and 11.30 a. m 12.85. 1.85, 2.60, 5.33, .01' CI.'. m. Buuday, 2 10. 8.25 and 7.46 a,' .'ib, 4 ao p. m. ?nr uiiardvllle (Happabannook 8latlcn we-K days, 2.1-), 3.25, 6.25, 7.20 and 11,30 a. m, :..n, 1 no .ou, o,do, i.w anun.Ai. y. iu, nuuuay iu a o i.w a. m., u.uo, i.ju p. ni. 'ir AHhtand and Bliurnokln. week day 23, 5.25, 7,!, 1151 a m., 1.85, 7.00 and 8 25 ui. Sunday 3.2. 7 48 . m 3.03 p. m. TKAINB FOU BHENAN1JOAH 1 Lieave New York via Philadelphia, werk days, 7.46 a. m 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m., 12.: 3 n ,nu Bnnday, 8.00 p.m., 12.15 nlcnt. ueave new xoxs via j&aucn uuuux, wi-k da; a 4.80, 8.45 a. ni., 1.00 and 3.45 p. m. Bun day, 7.00a. ni. leave i-niinoeipma, week aaya, i.iu, ' u 10.00 a. m 4.00 and 6.00 p. in., from Bro d uidCallowhiUand8.33a. ra. and 11.80 p. in from Jin auo ireeu streeia. nunaay v.uo a ra. 11.80 p. m from th anf 'Jiwen. iXHVe Reading. wenK dayn, 1.33. 7.10, 10" nnd 1.50a. m., 3 77 p.m. Buuday 13 a. d 10.41 a. m. LMUve PotUvUle, week days 2.40, 7.40 a. m. 12 80, 6 11 p. m. Sunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. in. and i.i-6 m Leave Tamanua. WMk da vs. 8.20. 8.48 unf 11 8 a. m 1.21, 7.18, and 0.18 p. in. Uanday 8.21 7 48.ra.and2.50p. ra. l.eave uananoy Ully, week aays, 9.o, v.u 111 a Ii.un. in,, l.bi, 7.42 ana v.u p.m. nan day 8.40,8.17 a. m., 3.20 p. m. Leave Mahanoy l'lane, week days,2-4'), 4.00 II 80, 1.85. ll.jil a. ra.,1.06, 2.00. 5 20. 6 36. 7.57, an( luiiun ra. nnnaay2.ii, i.uu, ana s.n,a. m 8 87. 5.01. n. in. ijeave uiraraviue (ttappanannocK niauon veil days, 2.47 4.07, 8,88, and 0.41 a. m 12.05 v unye 4t.t 1 ui, u)ut nuu viii iui( 1 2 5.28. 8.82. 8.08 and 10.06 n. in. Sunday. 2.47 1.07. 8JtS a. m. 8.41. 5.U7 11. m. eave WllllamsDort. week day. and 11 00 a, in. a.ao ana 11.10 p. in. ouuuuy 11.1.1 n. m. it Baltimore. Waehlneton and the weit via" & O. H. U., through trains leave a Irani Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. A li. It. It.! at 3 35 801 and 11.27 a. m.. 8.36 . 6.42 an- 7 18 p. m. Sunday, 35 8.02 11.27 a, m 8.60 5.12 and 7 18 p 111. VTLiAHTID (UTY 1J1V1MJ.0. Leave Philadelphia. Chestnnt Street Wuaif a ia wamnimi wnnn. Pof kllmitlc cit-v. Week-days Exprei,9:00 a, m. 2.00. 4.no, p, hi. aceommoaaiiun, auo a. xn, auu o.w, 0. m. Sundays. Kxpress, B.00 a, m, Acoam nn ation.8.00 a. m. and 4.80 p. m. '46tnrnlne, leave Atlantic City, depo' A 'iuo and Arkansas avenniw wot-m Express, 7.30, 0.00 a. m. and 4.00, p. m, Ac rommoriutlonS.lO a. m. and 4.80 n. ra. Bun nnys-KxpreKs, 4.0U, p, m, Aocommouatiou 7.30 a, in. and 4.30 p. in. O. U. UANOOOK, Gen'l l'oss'r Atrl, Grand Holiday Display Of new and desirable presents Jfor the old and young at OSCAR TTOST'S', 102 North Main Street, Shenandoah. CHRISTMAS I and Lamps. In ft. In full nf Informf 1) n't you know lulls irlfts llllll lull av m Ol N of a iimal all iirflmet" lo the iimniiiit of $ft 00 SANTA DIAL'S Slienandoali. PURE. .9 better tlfan tea or coiTce. reliable grocers sell it. Lehigh Valley Raili'oad. AKKANdEMENT OP PASSEMOKll TKAINB, NOV 15. 1891 Mus will leave B Patseneer trains will leave Shenandoah for Manch Chunk, Lehlghton, Blatlucton, Cata sauqua, Allenfown, Bethlehem, Ens ton, Phil Kdelphlaand New York at 5.47, 7.10, 0.08 a, in., 14 "d. 0.1U. O.ll 11. IU. For Uelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and airouasourg ai 0.11, a. ra.,ana o.ap. rn. For iJimbcrtvllle and Trenton, 0.08 a, m For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre and Pitta tAIII U.1, O.VOf II. 111., a.iu SUU HUM i. IU. ForTunkbannock, 10,41a. m 8.10 and 5.26 p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca; Geneva and and fiyone iu.1 a. m., an 1 o.m p. m. For Laoevvifle. Towanda. Bavre. Waverlv ISlnilni, ltochesier, Buffalo, Magara Falls, Chicago and all points Went at 10.41 a. m.,and 5.20 p. m. For i- Imlra and the West vlaSalamauca at 3.10 p. m. For Audenrled, Haileton, Btockton, Lum tier Yard. Weatherly and Penn Haven Junc tion at 5.47, 7.40, 9,08 a. m. and 12.32, 3.10 aud 5,26 p. ra. For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Heave) Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 5,20 p. m, ForScranton at 5.47 0.08, 10.41a. m. 3 10 and 5:26 p. m. ror unKie urooa. jeano, urilion ana free land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12.52 3.10 and 5.28 p. m. ForCluakake ai 3.47 and 9.08 a. m and 8.10 d. m For Wlgans, Qllberton and Frackvllle at 5.50 and 8.52 a m.,and 4.10 p. m. For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Ueiauc, 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, a. m., 1ZD2, 3.10,5.20, 8,03, 8.21 and 10.27 p.m. f or Liohi urees, uiraraviue ana Aeniana 1.27. 10.15 a. m.. 6.S5 8.C0 and 9.14 p. m. For Darkwater, Ht. Clair and Pottsvllle. 5 50 7.40, 8 32, 9.08, 10.41 a. rn., 12.52, 3.10, 4.10, 5.26 p. in. For jiuck Mountain, new Boston ana Moral. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. rr... 12.52. 8.10, 6.23 and 8.03 p. m. For Haven Ituu, Centralla, Itt. Carrael aud Bharnnkln, 8.62, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.1C ana a.mi p. ra. Trains leave nuarnoain ior Qnenannoau, 7.65 11.63 a. rn., 2.10, 4.80 and 9.30 p. ra., arriving at Shenandoah, 9.03 a. rn., 12.32, 3.10, 5.20 and Lin 11 in For Lofty. Audenrled. Silver llrook Junc tion an tinziei'in o.ir, 7 w, u.'ra, ana m. 11 a. in., 12.62, 3.10, 6.20 and 8.1 8 p. m. aUHllAK i'KAlMU. For Iiost Creek. Olrardvllle and Ashland. 11.84 a. m..2.45n. m. For Darkwater. St. Clair and Pottsvllle, S.00, 9,30 a. ra.,2.45 p. ra. For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8.00, 11.85 a. m,. 1.10, 4.40, 0.03 p. in. r or jjouy, Auuenrieu auu iiaEieuja, o.w a rn., 1.40 p. m: For Mauoh Chunk. Lehlghton, Blatlncton, cataaanqua, Auenuiwn, jieiuienem, isaator ana new xora, s.uu a, ra., i.ru p. m: For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m. a. it. BYINQTON. 44en'l l' Aut., Hethlehera. JOHN OOSLET'S Green Truck Stand Cor. Main and Oik Streets. Fresh Oysters Roceived Daily. A tine line of Chnlrwi (lltOCKUllW Nuu and Caudles. Poultry of all Kinds. Sir. Costlnt rotve4 his crcen truck daily inim the cltv market', whlcli la Kuxranife to liia ou oinem that they will receive fresh Cious wn-n uuyi eiromiuin, 2 U. BRICKER M. D.. p rr Y&rcrAN ands vrgeon, So'. 9 Bait Oentre Btreett Mahanoy City, Vt qkiq ana au apeeiai uueaaea a epeouuty! WANT?, Sco. A dverUnetaeiv tn thi f cohmm, tint xwdwg Mn, 5 -e tor onr innrrHon; 73c lor ', til fur nrtr; one week, 11.60; two wtrka 12: one vonth . l; ANTKD At oi w, f' tir liilk- lieelecfrlcrallnU,atltnipah.u. ock. 3t - f layers anil six siono m . lOU SAIiK A good HI11I goiitlo 1 nf W rlr. for nnrse, suiiaoie lor an Kin ' sale ohe .p. A 11 ily c O. J. (J ul in. i Kast t.'eutre street, Mhe iandoah. 12 -H IJiOH SAIjE. The lthv ti-am nf u 1 horses r-oentlv use t liv tha iviiomhi If. S. P S On.. Nn. 1 Thft lmr.M winln. bargain to ills puroha-crs. Khank Lewis, Jolts KlSElllWKlt, JBKK O'N. U.T., FKANK fODUINOTON, Jamkh MclhiN ii.li, lbSl-tf Triisteps. 'list- National Bank, THICATItK 1IUII.DING, SHENANDOAH, PENNA Capital, $100,000.00 4, W. Lemnnng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenrmq, Cashier, 9 W. Yost, Ass' tCaluer. Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! Xnt(I 011 Savings neposltn. uo iu iir.iiiiuunitiijn3 1 - nn mrk nnmnTlinmnnn 1 ron tube CONFECTIONERY . (IIOMK-SIADE) Tree Ornaments, &c. Wholesale anil Retail. m CLEAR CANDIES ! Are absolutely pure. Sunday Schools, Churches, Boclet is, etc, supilledat wholesale rates. Ice Cream, Bread and Cakes ! F. KEITHAjN", 104 N. Mam St., SHENANDOAH. SPECTACLES! OSCAR TOST'S For the bet gold nud silver rimmed spectuelen Eyts tested free of ishurge. Hatisfuetlou guaranteed. 102 N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largo -it and cheapest mock lu town. 8 - Artistic PaintinK, Gra'nng and DecDratine! J. P. CARDEIST, 102-6m 231 W.Centre St.. SHENANDOAH CURLS. BOSSLEIt'S cAL00N AND RESTAURANT 201 N. tnin St., ShenaiKloah. fho Finest Ftocl: of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Sc. Has removed to Bill Jones' old stanti 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where be will be pleaedto meet the wauis 01 ma irienas ana tne puuuo in Everything in the Drinking Lino FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable pnrely oaiih com- pamea reprenemeu uy 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanooah.Pa. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, 30 E. CENTRE ST., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Fin as t brands of otsrant nlwnra nn haiul. The beet temperance tlrinkn. GOLD & SILVER WATCHES Best make and elegant designs at Oscar "STost's, 102 North Main Street, Bhenandoali. CLkhenttr Encltth Jllasuoptl HranA. EflNYROYAL PJLLS Oriclnal m.ma llnl Conulne. t,rc alwr r liable luk uk ; Urujeist (or CkUAtttcrm hia-i HJIVm-I'WIM prana id IV4-U ftD(1 Id nn 'AllMV iJUie, t'b Mao ri'ili.n Taks tei VXZno Other. Ilffiu Jami"- .tU tubitilu. fHrrMtjHa lauMioni ai urugfjuit, prena m, In eUrun for pkritr-iitKra t Uffloalftli ui U " Hrllef ftr r-oV.1?,'' in Mur, by relvra rr ai.ni, jp.uuuiimiiiiguim, AaiDI Jlf)r 1ft XT tf