The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 21, 1891, Image 1

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    3th e
Onvum irra
VOL. VI.--NO. 275.
"My Son, Deal With. Men Who Advertise. Ton will Never Lose hy It."--Behjainin Franklin
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger circulation In Bhenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books oik n to all.
Tho hope of the party lies In the
expansion of a stalwart Republican
press. The Republican who rends or
otherwise helps to support a Dunn
oratlo journal to the exclusion of one
of his own parly newspapers Is untrue
to the Republican cuuse.
Unaulmously subscribed to by the
Katloual Republican League.
J. S. CliAKKtoN, President.
A. U. Himi'HitEY, Secretary
Now York, Nov. 10, 1891.
Apportionment of Flayers The 25-Cent
Art aiifruliKMit.
Indianapolis, Intl., Deo. 21, All tho
bataball magnates have left the city,
but as to the apportionment of players
by the 13-club league little Is known
further than that KubIo goes back to
New York. Tho new League promul
gated its constitution, In which It ap
pears that four Association teams are
assessed something like $10,000 eaoh
toward the fund to buy out the other
clubs. In addition to this 10 per cent,
of their gate receipts will ba appropri
ated to assist raising a sinking fund
of $25,000.
The new league Is formed ostensibly
to endure 10 years, and ono clause says
that It cannot disband without (ha
unanimous consont of tho 12 clubs.
Section 8, however, says that the mem
bership ot any club may be terminated
for any one of eight reasons, one of
which is by resignation, fully accepted
by a three-fourths rotes of all the elubs.
The others are for failures to comply
with the constitution.
Seotlon 48 says:
"The general admission fee to all
championship games shall bo 30 cents,
but each club shall designate a part of
Its grounds, and provide seats thereon,
the admission foe to which shall be 23
This permits the 23-cent towns
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington,
Louisville, St. Louis and posstbly Pitts
burg to have 25-cent baseball, If thoy
so desire, and they do, while the largei
cities can keep within the constitution
by marking oil a plot no larger than a
box stall.
L i p
Go to tho Pair.
The fair of tho Phoanix Fire Company at
Bobbins' opera hotisa is drawing immense
throngs. Qo thero now and go there early
as the fair will only lust until after tho hol
idays. 12.50
Sweeper. Others
fur flfl nnilvoMF
good ones for $3,50
I Buy one for your wile for a Christmas
S resent. We also have a flue line of
ugs and Carpets at
Honest Goods at Fair
AlwaT s give
In the line of Good Goods we invite your attention to
another lot of Neiu Country Lard, strictly pure
kettle rendered.
Our -BAKING MOLASSES, 2 qts. for SGc, is strictly
New Orlenns,vot mixed goods and the bestwe can buy.
Our FINJE 1ABLE STHUT, at Wo a quart, is bright
color, fine flavor, pure sugar not mixed with glU'
cose or com syrup.
"What's in a Name !
"Wliypayn Fancy Price for a particular brand of Flour,
when n trial will convince you tliat you can buy AS GOOD
on article for a LOWER PRICB ? Try a sample saclc ot
vinccd that you can save money. We k uarantcc It to be
ecpial to the highest priced Flour in the market.
Our Old-Tliuc CORN MEAL is made of new corn Kiln
dried and frcxh ground.
Try our Old-Time GRAHAM FLOUR.
Will arrive In a few days, a Car Load of SALT, Coarse and Fine.
Jmlgfl IllKKlnt' Acquittal.
SeoaLIa, Mo., Dec 21. The acquittal
of Judge Hlgglns, ot the charge ot mur
der, though there was no attempt to
how that ho did not fatally shoot hl
friend, Col. Thomas B. Price, In a quar
rel that occurred on a railroad train
last spring, Is oreatiug much talk. The
men differed on a political argument
ami tho dead man slapped Hlgglns,
who discharged his revolver through
his coat pocket tnlllctlng a fatal wound.
The jury was out but n short time, and
but ono ballot was taken.
New York's receipts for tho use ot
water last week amounted to oror $33,
000. Mrs. Annie Makepeace, of Stoughton,
Mass., who shot and killed her husband
In September last, has been indicted by
tho Orand Jury.
x-Secretary ot State Soper of Michi
gan, who was forced to resign last week
will probably bo criminally prosecuted
lor malfeasance In oluco.
The California Athletto Club will
bold a special meeting to-day to offer a
liberal purne tor Jim Cor bote and
Charley Mitchell to fight for.
The East Deadham (Mass. ) man Jacob
Zlegler, who has had the hiccoughs over
a week, was cured by a largo raw onion
and a bottle of old stock ale oaten and
drank together.
John A. Hassan, a New York letter
carrier, charged wtth being intoxicated
while In uniform, and with detention of
mall on December 1, has been held by
the Grand Jury.
J. E. Henry & Sons, extensive lumber
operators of Concord, N. H. , have boon
indicted for importing French Canadian
help under contract, In violation ot the
laws of Congress.
Governor Thayer of Nebraska issuod
an appeal to the people ot Nebraska,
oalling for contributions for corn sulU
clent to make a train load to be sent to
needy peasants in Russia.
Four carloads of negroes cams iDto
Oklahoma Saturday on tho Hook Island
Kailroad from Memphis, Tenn. Half of
them, being about twenty families or
about eighty persons, stopped in King'
tlsher, and the others .went to El Reno.
Cherokee Strip to be Publlo Land.
TAnucQUAn, L T., Dec. 21. After
more than two years of negotiations and
four visits of the Cherokee Commission
to Tahlequah, an agreement has been
consummated whereby the Cherokees
agreed tojpart with their title to the
strip, and only the action ot the TJnlted
States Is needed to make It public laud.
The price finally agreed upon is $8,tiU3,-
160. i j. me two commissions oeolded
upon the terms ot the agreement and
immediately submitted It to tho Nation
al Council for ratification. It must
then bo ratified by Congress. By the
terms of the agreement the United
States agrees to remove all unauthor
ized persons from the strip, and those
Cherokees now residents upon tho strip
may take 80 aoren ot laud eaoh, which
shall cover their Improvements.
Fancy rings of all descriptions at Rob
dorman's. 11-28-tf
Not unfrequently tho butcher bo
comes a hulr dresser.
Reward. Wo will pay a reward of one
thongind dollar for any certificate published
by ns regnriilng Dr. Hull's Cou U byrup not
juuuu genuine.-
A. U. Meyer Co., Baltlmcre, Jld
Prices !
GOODS Never do at ANY PRICE.
Rav. Fowick Preuchn la th3
Mothodist Episcopal Church on
"Lessons From tho County
Lossons for tho Church from the Omnty
Institute" wasthothomo of Sunday even-
tng's discourso at tho M6thodlst Episcopal
church. Tho flret of thoso was drawn from
the exclusion of every trace of rehgn us
exercises from tho pre cccdlngs of thj in
stitute jut closed in Shenandoah. Ii a
pagan bad participated in tho proceedings
ho could novor have suspoctod from any
formal provision ol tho programmo that
tho corner slone ol our government is the
bible and that its hope is in Ood. It la a
suggestive fact that ovory such roloretico
came Incidentally from the Instructors from
abroad in spite of such exclusion, Tb.s ie
the ono criticism ho had to mako upon it.
And this might be pussod by but for the
concession to tho enemies of our public
school system which It exhibits. Tha ad
vocates of, exclusively parochial schools
tolorato our public school sjstim becauso
they cannot help it. But thoro is a con
certed eflort to undermine them by show
ing that they are godltss, and In order to
give color tothe charge the introduction of
any sort of religious oxercists Is persistently
opposed. The stale bus no tight to train
sectarians. But the reading of tho bible
and the cflbiing of prayer are not soclarian
act:, but essential elements of true pa
triolism in citizens of this gloat nation who
profess that its Ood Is tho Lord and its
foundation is 11 is word, The church needs
to learn that educators may bo careful
about the culture of the mind and abso
lutely regardless of tho culture ot tho heart.
But an educated scoundrel la still a scoun
drel with his scoundrollsm lodupllcalod by
his education. EtAnotber loEEon is that in
sanctlfiedSenterpriso Ltho church has not
kept paco with the march of improve.
ment in other centers of life. In one
sense tho church is incapablo ot Improve
mont. The old fashioned gospol cannot
be Improved upon but methods of teaching
It and of bringing men undor its influence
may bo. Tho school exhibits showed us
tho stride ?m&de,'in educational methods
since wo were boys and girls. Can tho
church match them in Us own sphere?
Are not the children of this world wisor in
their generation than tho children of light.
Another lesson was that tho church, and
not tho school, possesses tho truo secret of
regonerative power. One almost trembled
at tho scientific demonstrations of the
tyranny of hereditary traits and early vice
and the impossibility of self-reform as il
lustrated at tho institute. But what did it
all amount to but a demonstration of tho
old fashioned doctrine of Paul that "tho
carnal mind Is enmity against Ood and is
not subject to tho law of Ood noitber in
deed can bo." Thus St. Paul and Dr,
Dalllot clasp bands across the centuries.
Theology and science roach the same con
clusion by different processes. The dif
feronce between them is, scleno can go no
ftrther but theology can. Tho badly born
aad badly trained may begin life
again. Ho may be born again oven from
above. The gospel is the power of God
unto salvation. This power is beyond tho
domain of science. Science comes to its
help however, and by Its doetrinos of
horodity and environment confirms its
fundamental doctrines of moral wreckage
and eo clears the track and gives tho gospel
tho right of way.
Electrio Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tion. All who have used Electric Bitters
sing tho samo song of praiso. A purer
medicine does not exist and it Is guaranteed
to to all that is claimed. Electrio Bitters
will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kid
neys, will removo Pimples, Bolls, Salt
Kheum and other affections caused by im
pute blood. 2U1 drive Malaria from the
system and; prevent as well as cure all
Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache,
Constipation and Indigestion try Electric
Bittors Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money rofunded. Price 50c, and ?1.00 per
botllo at C. U. Hagenbuch's drug store.
Holdennan's jewely storo, on the direct
cornorof Main and Lloyd streets, is a min
iature world's fair with its myriad of holi
day attractions, Mr, iloldorman is doing
basinets on a rock-bottom basis and pur
chasers can get the beet values at what
ever sum they wish to expond, 12 11-tf
A bad couch or cold calls lor a erood remedv
the cure lor It. For Coughs, Colds, L
Qrlppe and Consumption, a perlect and
per nanentcurels I'au-Tlna, the wont cases
field to lis healing properties. Costs 36 cents,
an-'X'lnals sold at 1'. 1. D. JClrlln'M drue
Travel on tho Nickel Plata and roceiva
tho benofits of holiday ratos, Dec. 23d to
Jan.' 1st, Inclusive. Limit returning Jan.
5th,' 1892. -" d&w'
Max Keeso has I6e "g ip."
John Calher, Sr., is Improving rapidly.
William Bent, of West Cherry itrcet, is III.
John II. Evans is down wlili the prevail
ing disease.
Tbo wife of Councilman Gablo is
seriously ill.
Henry Wi'derbold mid wifo leavo for
Germany In January.
David Morgan, of South Jardin stroet,
lias a child seriously ill.
John Poll', of town, spent yesterday
afternoon in Mahanoy Oity.
Prof. L. A. Freeman and family left for
ltliodo Island to spend Christmas.
The whole family ol Mr, Houeor, on
South Wbito street, aio down with tho
' K"P."
8. A. Bcddall is on tho convalescent lid,
while Mrs, Beddall is down with tho
"W. F. Sadler, Jr., son of President
Sadler of tho electrio read, spent all of
last wook in town.
Airs. Henry A iederhold went to Bor-
wickon Saturday, culled thtnue on kc
count of her father's illness.
Miss Cadi Work, of Pottsvillo, who has
boon spending a few days with Mrs. J. F.
Fmney, returned homo yesterday.
Allss Annie AVilllaras is homo from the
Kutztown State Normal School and wil
remain hero until after tnu bououys.
Frank C Iteose is looming up as a candi
date tor the Legislature and n number oi
prominent townsmen are encouraging mm.
Harry Owens, who is a student at a
business college in Wilko- Burr;, is i
to n to spend the Christmas holidays with
Lis parents.
All claims not consistent with the high
character ef.Syrup of Figs are purposely
avoided by tho Cal. Fig Syrup Company.
It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, cleansing the system effectually,
but it is not a cure-all and makes no pre'
tentlons that every bottle will not substan
Elootion of Officers.
Tho following officors of tho local IoJro
of Welsh Ivorites were elected on Friday
ulght: CLE, John H. Evans; U. L.,
John II. lteesej I. L, Griffith Thomas
Corresponding Secretary, D. O. Pritcbard;
Assistant Secretary, Henry Griffiths ; Con
ductor, Walter Jones; Stoward, Wi Ham
lloborts; Trustee, G. W. Jones; Inside
Guard, Wil.iam T. Evans; Outsido Guard,
Iltnry Rowlands; Delfgate to tho National
Convention, John U. Evuna.
Buoklen's Arnica Salvo.
The Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever
Sorei, Tetter, Cha ped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no payment required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money rofunded. Price 25 conts pei
box. For sale by O. U. Hagenbuch.
A Mirror of Colonial Times.
Among tho most notable events of the
present theatrical season thoro will bo none
to surpass that of Tuesday evening noxt
when Marie Hubert Frohman will appear
at tho opera house in "The Witch." "Tho
Witch" is a mirror of tho days of witch
craft In Massachusetts. The scenes on the
old Salem streots, tbo costumes and man
ners of the peoplo, aro all embodied in the
play. Its historical fidelity, its perfection
of plot, hi clastic dialogue, and Its all-engrossing,
thrilling interest to tho spectator
has been praised by tho American prose
everywhere No violence is done in' order
to gain dramatic effect. Tho play im
presses by its truth, and carries a far
deeper lesson than a dozen ordinary
Cheap Holiday ExoUrBion Tickets
via Reading Railroad.
The lieading Kailroad announces that
pursuant to its usual custom, cheap holiday
excursion tickets will bo sold to all points
In.its territory, tho rate being about two
cents a milo. These tickets will bo sold
from Hocomber 23d, 1891, to January 1st,
1892, and will bo good for return passage
until January 4th, 1892, No such tickets
will, bnwovor, bo sold at less than 25 cents,
COSGKOVE.-Ou Monday, Dec. 21,
at bis Into residence, West Osntro stroot,
James Coigrovo, aged 62 years. Funeral
will take place Thursday morning, and
interment will bo raado In Annunciation
cemetery. Friends and relatives invited,
12-21 3t
Coughing Loads to Consumption.
Kemp's Balsam will slop tho cough at
Dolls I Dolls I Dolls I
Largest and beet assortment in town.
Kid body and dressed dolls 25 conts. Toys
of all dusoriptions. All tho latest games,
puzzles, picture and story books. Bisque
figures, chinawaro, etc. Handsome plush
presents for Christmas. At Uollet'a, 22
East Centre street.
Candelabras and candlesticks, and
fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Holder
man's. 11-28-tf
David Quinn "When Domnndlng
Satiofactlon for InBUlte Offered
his Sister is Slabbed to
David E. Quinn was slabbed to desth hi
Pottsvillo Ssturday night by Harry Shaw
Tho murderer inflicted fivo gnplr.g woundi
in tbo uppor part of bis victi u's body.
Ono of tho wounds penetrated tho righ-
chest, crossed tho breast and cut tho upp i
portion of tho heart. Tbo othur wound'
worointho head, face und aims. Dealt
whs almost Instuiilaneous. The murderer
fled to Palo Alto and was captured then
about fivo hours alter tho vnmo was com
mitted. He Is in tho 1'otLvillo jail.
Tho story of tho crimo is this: Mis-
Susio Quinn, Sister of the murdered man
and another young lady woro attendants at
tho Knights of Pythias fair in Centennial
hall, at I'oltsvillo. Miss Quinn alleges that
horsolf and companion wero Insulted ro
poatcdly by a young man named William
Shay. Miss Quinn loft tho hall to get a
policeman and met her brothur. She told
him tho circumstances. Quinn and bis
sister returned to tho hall. They found
Shay and Shaw standing near tho stago
Quinn accosted Shay and accusted him of
his insulting conduct. He demanded sat
isfaction and look Shay by tho arm to lead
him outsido. Shay replied that ho would
fight him on a back street, and on tho way
down tho stops to tho hllway, Shaw, who
had been following, told Quinn to lot go of
his companion's arm. Tho trio had roachod
the small platform in front of tho box
office when Quinn turnod to answer Shaw't
remarks. In the parloy Shay "got looso
and ran toward tho stroot. Shaw called
to him to stop, but his words did not check
tbo retreating figure of his friend. Quinn
reloitcd warmly to something Shaw said
and struck him with his open hand. Tho
latter quickly unbuttonod bis overcoat and
drow a shoated dagger. Tho bloody work
Van Houten's Cjcoa "Onco tried, used
Christmas and Now Year Excur
sions on the Ponnavlvanla.
In pursuance cf tho custom longsinco
osiaolisbod, tho Pennsylvania Btllroad
Company will soli excursion tickets bo
tweon all stations on its lines for tbo
Cbl'islmas?and New Yimr hrtlwluvf, i. n
rate of two cents per mile. Thtso tickets
will bo Eold;i)octmber23d,lb91, to January
1st, 1892, inclusive, valid for rolurn until
Januaiy 4th, 1892, inclusive.
An unusual number of articles for holi
day presents, superior in quality and sur
passed by nono in tho county for stylo and
xecution, can b' had at Holdennan's
jewelry store, direct on tho cornor of Main
and Lloyd stroets. 12-1-Kf
James O-Bgrovo, of West Contro stroet,
died to-day. He was 52 years of age and
was an old and well known residont of the
town. His funeral will tnko place Thurs
day morning and inlermont will bo made
in tbo Annunciation cemetery. Decoded
was a member of Watkin Waters Post,
No. 140, O. A. It,
John McNeil, tho Ert Contra street
salooniet, died last night trom cancer of the
livor. Ho was confined to his bod tho past
throo weeks, but it wi not bolioved tho
fatal end would come so soon, Ho was 41
years of ago and left a wifo and sovdn
chlldron, tbo oldost being 18 years of ago
and tho youngest 15 months. He was a
member of St. Patrick's Socioty. The
funeral will take place on Wednesday, at
10 a. m. Intorment in tho Annunciation
Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's
Tho Nickel Plato makos ono faro for the
round trip Dec. 23d to Jan. 1st inclusive,
on account holidays. Iteturning limit to
Jan. 5th, 189i d&w
A Jeweler Robbed.
J. Sternberg, tho jowoler having a store
at tho corner of Main and Poplar streets,
wss robbed by burglars on Saturday night.
Sternberg says tho burglary took place at
about eleven o'clock, but ho is not Buro, as
tho police wero tho ones who discovered
tho Poplar slreot wlnuo v of the shop open.
Tho loss amounted to about $').
Holiday rales on tho Nickel Plato, Dec,
23d to Jan. 1st inclusive. Koturning to
Jan. 5th, 1802. d&w
A l exchange states that tho male wain does
not ttiog. Ueloie lnventlguting the truth of
iiiiHUBfeeruou, we woum aaviM our reuueis,
to lecure a bottle ot Balvallou Oil, Hold by
All kinds of candles, 'JO cents per lb., at
Duncan & Weldloy's. 12-5-t
Handsome stock of lamps with the most
delicately hand-paintod blsquo and china
shades, at Uolderman's. 11-28-tf
A Glorious Christmas Day Evont
in Town.
Tho eisteddfod to be held in Ferguson's
heatre on Christmas Day will be one of
h" greatest musicaland liu rary festivals
v r held in tho town. As heretofore
tated in the priz-s aggregating
n va no over $600 will be awarded success
tul competitors Tho chief prize of $150
ill be awarded to the choir of not less
hanOO in number that gives tho best
endition of "G ory to God In tho Higtest"
nd "Tho Lord Gavo lho Word." A
rizeof$100 will bo given to tho mala
Jtrty of not less than 25 nor moro limn 80
voices that will give tho best rondition of
Lonplng" and "Boat Song." Military
').ind will havo an opportunity to compel
lorn $1(0 prize for tho best rondition of
lho Heavens aro Telling." The Grant
Ccmet Band, of town, has hnnn nrni.nrlncr
wvcral weeks for tho contest. It will have
the Cntralla and other hanrfa na pnm-
petltors. Thn C ntralla neonlo helievn
they havo an cxcollent chanco to wio, i.ut
ror. .mz, upon hearing this, simply
says " les?" A grand ooncert will bo
ivon in tho ovening, at which tho tuccess-
ul choir and such brilliant artists as Prof,
iamos Sauvsgn and his son, Tonzo, of
Newark, N. J., and Llow Hcrbort. of
Scranton, will appear. "
It Should bo iu Every House.
J. B Wilson, 371 Clay St., Sharp.burg,
la., says ho will not bo without Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs
mil Colds, that it cured his wifo who was
threatened with Pneumonia after an at
tack of "L'l Grippo," when various other
remedies and sovoral physicians bad dono
her no good. Kobort BarbAr, of Cooks
port, Pa , claims Dr. King's Now Dis
covery has dono him moro good than any
thing he ever used fo- Lun? Trouble
Nothing like it. Try it. Freo trial bottlos
at O. H. Hagxnbuch's Drug Store. Lirgo
bottles, 50c. and $1.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the
lamo Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa.( Is
printd on ovorv sack. 3-3-3taw
Electric Sparks,
Tho olectric road from Dovoy's crossing
to the broakor at Wm. Penn is almost
ready for trains.
Part of tho road is graded from tho
bridge lo Coal street.
All the poles for tho western division of
tbo road are up in town.
Work has commenced on the dirt bank
at tho borough bridge to connect tho Wm,
Penn and town branches.
Notwithstanding reports to tho contrary,
tho work of grading tho road from Wm.
I'onn to Ljst Creek is progressing favor
ably. Tho lumber for trestles bot-veon the dirt
bsnk and Dnvoy's crossing is oxpected to
arrivo within a day or two.
Tho tios and poles are now coming In
lively and keeping up with tho demand.
Tho power homo is rapidly approaching
Tho work on the largo dirt bank at the
borough bridge will bo one of the hardest
pieces along tbo road.
Tho Tamaqua-Lansford road is about
undergoing tho same dilEculties as tho U.
C, S G, & A. road had to contend with.
Blow-hards who wero lo Bubscribo and
push the enterprise through aro now sneak
ing out and making all sorts of excuses.
Like their brothers here, Ihey wero all
Kails for tbo road wero distributod along
Main stroet to-day.
Hurrah for tho Holidays I
Kight now wo aro roady for businoss
with an immonso assortment of Christmas
gifts in watches, jewelry, silverwaro, musio
books, gjld and sliver-headed canes um
brellas, etc., etc. E. B. IIkumm.
A Grand Ball.
The Itescue Hook and Ladder Company
will bold a grand ball on Docombor 31st,
1891, in Kobbins' opora houso. Walt for
it. 11-30-law
A Volco From Florida.
Dr. W. F. llyi um, Live Oafc, Florida, Rnyg.
lied Flag Oil Is one of the most siicw'Hlul
palu euros wesell. It's an unfailing remedy
for lllieumalls.u, Neuralgia and r-praius.
Ited Flag Oil costs 26 cenis. Bold at 1'. 1'. I).
Klrlln's drug store.
You Can't !
Iluke good cakes with
bad egge.
Bet out n good dinner
with poor Lutter.
We get our Egga direct
from tho cauu try always
good und fresh. Huven't
tiold a packed egrr this full ;
nor wont. In flutter we
have the finest Creamery.
There Is a dillerence 1 a Creamery but
tor. Ours is the best. We also get a
limited quantity of farmer'a roll every
Friday afternoon.
No. 522 North Jardin Street.