The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 19, 1891, Image 2

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Sh3 Confesses that Sho Killed
Her Husband.
TurmH, Now in Jail Charged With the
Crime, Helped Sura the Boij-
'Xhe ,'rpe Ili-nmcil to llin llsrn nml
Willi Mlllut - Tlio llilililtllic
buturulttil AVttlk Knruflfmt Oil unit l'lril
-'lh l'llll fJllul-reliMl luonNiKiutljr
J'outH Slia Dili Nut JUuli t Kill
Her llimlm-id.
HmoHAMTo.v, N. Y., Dec 19 Mrs.
Mury K. Foote, wlio Is detained in Jull
as n wittiest against howl Fur mini, her
paramour, under liuliat.ntiiit for the
murder of Iter husband, Rlch ir.l Foote,
at Windsor, on Oct. 8), has made a
confession to Slieritt Ookorinm.
She Bald thnt nt 0 o'clock in the
morning her husband choked iinJ struck
her. She got an ax unit struck him (in
his head, killing him. She then dragged
the body to the sitting room where it
remained until evening. Then It win
taken to the h.trn, saturated with kero
sene oil, and burned, Ueforo the nrittid
Jury she sworo that Lewis Furmiin
committed the deed. In her onnfeisiun
he says that Fitrni in assisted In carry
ing the body to the barn.
She miide the following statement to
the Sheriffs
"I and my husband did not Uvo hnp
nllv toaetber. We had souib words on
the Friday morning of tho trnnody
previous to bts going out. He took hold
of me aud pushed mo back Into the cor
ner ut the room and struck me. An nxo
Win standing In tlie wool house. I grab
bed it and rim back to wnere my hus
band win. He started toward mu, and
I told liiui if he would tnttcli ma I would
cut his heart out, or words to that
nltect. He came for ine and I struck
"He Rathered up and started to come
for me, and I hit him again on the tem
ple. 1 touk him nnd dragged him into
the west room, nnd left him In between
the stair door nnd the bedrnom door.
Furinan helped mu to otrry tlio holy to
the barn. Lou-is took him by the
shoulders and 1 took hun by the fejt
and legs. I went to the loft and threw
down somu millet, and Lmvls took It
and covered up the body witli It
"About 2 o'clock in the morning
Lewis camo to the house nnd called mu,
and I got up and lighted the lamp and
tve sat aud talked a whilo as to what
would bu done with the remains. Low in
suggested that we saturate the holy
with kerosene and burn tho building to
bide tho crime. There was a buttle in
the buttery on tho shelf, nud I took It
down, and Lewis went to another part
of the houso and got the oil cau.
"Lewis filled tho cau and bottle from
tho large can while i held the light.
Then we went to the cow st.iblo and
Lewis poured the contents ot the cau on
the millet aud saturated the body with
oil. Wo placed the bottle by the side
of tho body and put tho can near the
feet. Lewis took a match from his
pocket aud II red the millet. We tbeu
went Into the' house."
MeKuorv Nominated bv the UnsulnrR.
Nnw Orleans, La , Dec. 19. Tlio reg
ular Democratic Convention nominated
tho following ticket: For Governor, S.
D. JlcEuory; for Lleiitennnt-Uorernnr,
ex-Gov. John C. Wyckllifa; for Attorney-General,
E W. Sitthorllnj for Au
ditor, O. I). Steele; for Treasurer, Ga
briel Montegut; for Superintendent ot
Education, J. V. Calhoun; for Secre
tary of State, L F. Mason. A feature
of tho ticket Is that three ot tlie can II
dates are anti-lottery men, while tlio
McEnery faction is favorable to the lot
tery amondmsnt. Tlio tie'eat Is con
Hlderod an excellent one Inasmuch as
tho candidates hall from all p.i.-vJ ot the
CottfpHteil to tll Murder.
Nrw Yohk, Dec. 19. Tlio Hobokon
police nrrostel szeutvauy Jannos, n
Polish Jew, who Iris oonfessel that he
murdered Mrs. Jlischinsky and her
child In Williamsburg last Sunday
night. Jannos Is almost Insane from
the horrible recollections ot Ills crime
nnd was led to confess the butchery
through terror. Among his ellects was
found a mass of bloody rags and cloth
ing dyed with tho blood ot his victims.
Tito Years ror llr. Klcllimiiiil.
1I08TOK, Dec 10 Dr. Ira niuhmoiid
of llrooktou, formerly of Urooklyn, N.
Y., and New Jursoy, who pleaded guilty
to having In his possession moulds fur
making counterfeit $30 gold pieces and
$1 silver pieces, was lined JlUUnnd sen
tenoed to two years' hard labor In State
prison. Ills alleged accomplice. Airs,
Mary Ilauvelt, was discharged, her case
being plutud on l.le.
Jill's, Mwan llull'in in Will.
Cahliblk, Penn., Deo. 10. Uy the
will ot the tale Susan Itollman $H),0j0
is placed in trust, tho 'Interest from
which is to go lo her sou, John J. Huff
man, At his death the money is to be
used in endowing a professorship In
Dioklnsou College; $5, 030 Is bequeathed
under tuo same conditions to ttrn Metlio
diet Kpiscopal Hospital, ot Urooklyn,
Mailman Harvey's Victim.
Dhooki.yn, N. Y., Dec. 19. Samuel
Dickinson, his wife, ami Mrs. Catharine
Dully, will recover from the wounds In
flicteii.iipQii them yesterduy by Madman
Harvey. TIm funaral ot John U.xiuar-
ton, whom he shot aud killed, will take
place to-morrow. Harvey hlmtulf died
Instantly from the ihot which he llrad
Into his brain.
-ills. Iluvmau Must (In to Jitll,
Kw Yohk, l)a. 10. Mrs. Josephine
llayman, wile ot u wholesale sponge
insrciuiii, at o fsarl street, wuo li u
been anuviotsd nn tbeolmigeot recelvlu)
cnoilstuitn by former rvant, Anuii
Alllltr, has been autenoud by ltioorder
Smyth to 00 dars iu the city prison and
to (iay a ua.' oi $JJJ.
Jllrlileml fur MiiluillillK llnli.
Wahhintitos, !)! 10 V dividend of
10 per cent it. faror of the crelltors of
the Keystone National Hank aud tipriag
tisrden National Bank of Philadelphia
will be declared by the Treasury !
jwrimont ttiiuiq a lew uuys.
I'rclgilt Trillin ('illlltn Ibi-oilgll Mlnn.
ili-strtii.llii( tit (trdem.
PhaMokim, I'd., Dee. 17. By the colli
Dion of the two freight trains in the
tunnel on the Cataivissa branch of the
Heading Kailriad, near here, Kiictiiear
Fi-her and Smith were killed.
Conductor Kluker ami Brakeman SteU
fatally injured and Krakemmi Jlnes ami
Uoiiiton seriously Injured.
All the victim live at Catawlssa.
Engineer Fisher was given orders at
Caluwisaa to meet another freight train
nt Lofty, live miles distant. There was
a blinding snow storm prevailing at the
time and Fisher put nu full steam and
started for the meeting place.
Wheu in the middle ot tlio tunnel bo
twee u tho two stations the Hash of a
headlight was seen directly ahead ot
them. Fireman Smith shouted to
Fisher and then jumped to the foot
board, hoping to get olt on tho side of the
engine, but the tunnel was tuo narrow
to allow this. He then crawled baon to
the cab. The engineer, in the mean
time, had given a warning whistle to
the crow of his train and applied the
air brakes
Hut it was t09 late. Tho trains came
together with a terrible crash. Clouds
ot steam nnd showers of blazing coal
tilled tho tunnel. The two locomotives
went almost through one another and
oar piled upon car until the two trains
wero almost a muss of ruins. The crews
ut the two trams were thrown in all
directions and from among tho debris
could be heard the cries and groans of
the injured and dying men.
The citizens of (Jatawissa turned out
In force to render wtiat assistance they
could, but it required two or three hours
hard work before an entrance could bu
ollected and the dead and wounded re
moved from the tunnel. The (lend bodies
of Engineer Fisher nnd Fireman Smith
were found covered wi'h smouldering
coals, lying in the cab of tho engine.
liriikuiiiiin Stella was found pinioned
between the tender and cab Willi his leg
almost pinched olf. ati ntSl
Conductor Hinker's arm and part ot
one Ins lower legs were j imiuid into a
shuiieless mass ot bone and llesh. Jones
and Comtou wore cxirit.ntod from two
broken cars. They wero covered with
car wheels and timber, and their escape
from death is n miracle. There bodies
are badly bruised and cut.
The cause of the accident has not yet
been determined but It is Bupposed to
be a misuuderstaudiug of orders.
DnestiM it ant to bu n lllsliiip,
Milwaukee, Wis., Dec. 10. Rev.
Sebastian Mcssmor has announced hie
Intention of notifying tlio Papal author
ities at Home that he will not accept the
position of Uishop of Green Bay, to
which he has jtttt been nppoiutod. iless
nior's only reason is that ho likes his
present work as teacher of Dogmatic
and Canon Law in the Catholic Univer
sity, near Washington. Messmor has
notltlod Archbishop K.itxer of his re
markable action, and the Archbishop
said Itomo might couipol Messmer to ac
cent the bishopric, as that course had
nlreadv been pursued in the case of
Bishop Ireland, and Bishop Spalding ot
l'eorla, 111.
oiinterfnttt'tl Notns nml Coin,
Philadelphia, Pa., Deo. 19. The
United Mates Secret Service oniclnls
made an important capture In this city
when they took in the gang of Italian
counterfeiters. 'Ihe men arrested are
Uulfnol Di Nicola, tuo leador, Frederick
Derogate and Uiacomo Di Nicola. The
fourth one of the gang is a woman
named Emma Tate. The coin dealt in
is an Imitation of the silver dollar of
1838 and is the same as has been pasee.l
so frequently for the past year. 'Ihe
paper is a counterfeit ot tlie $o treasury
note with the portrait ot Jackson nnd
Is a fairly good one nud extremely
Two l'l-utnlneii t Italtluioriians I)nad.
BaLTImoiu;, Mil., Doc. IU. Death Is
playing havoc with the front rank of
liiiltinioru'H citizens. Again the already
large list is swelled by the deaths of
Francis 1. King and Charles Ij. Carson,
Mr. King was a most highly respected
nnd philaiithrophic citizen. His Illness
was of only five days' duration. On
Sunday he contniotod a bad cold, which
developed into pneumonia. He was 71
years old. Mr. Ch irlos L- Carson, a dis
tinguished and widely known architect,
is dead of Bright's disease. He was only
44 years of age.
Three Killud by n 111...!.
Lkadvilib, Col., Dec. 10. At 8
o'clock In the morning, while some
workmen in tho Husk mine wore drill
ing out an unexploded hole, the drill
struck the dynamite. A terrible ex
plosion followed, and tho following
mau were Instantly killed: John Mnl
ley, John Stnrbeck and Charles Olson.
Frauk Yesoo nnd William Goodwin
weie seriously Injured.
Scalded I'y Kscaplnc; Steam.
Utica, N. Y., Dec. 10. A serious ex
plosion occurred at Felt's Mills, Jo Iter
sou County, at 0 o'clock In the evening.
Ihe safety valve of tho engine at the
paper mill nurst ami live men were
badly, perhaps fatally scalded by the
escaping steam. Their names are;
Fiank Wood, John Splcer, Joseph
Uoiiay, Joseph Wood, Jr., aud Frank
Wood, Jr.
Ml. IMatt' All ully.
Nkw York. Deo. 10. Mr. Patterson,
counsel for Mrs. Minna Flntt, from
whom her husband, Walter H. I'latt,
has unsuccessfully tried to obtain a di
vorce, is nt the opinion that she cannot
compel her husband' to pay her more
than tS'l a month agreed nn In the arti
cles of separation drawn up In May, but
they will make him pay that.
I'or lluriilne llujiiiiit' llarn.
Wii.hikotov, Dl., Dec. 19. The jury
In the case of Klward Clark, Mrs. Mary
Clurk, Joseph Clark aud S'm. J Olb
lions on trial tor burning the Dupont
barns found a verdict of guilty against
til four defendants. Tlio jury was out
twenty minutes.
.111.1 Wlllnrd Holler.
Kvanston, Hi., Deo. 10. Miss Frances
K. Willard, president of the Women's
Christian Tempera ice Unlun, who has
for the past few days been seriously 111
from the grip, is reported much better.
None Hilled In Ihl Wrerli.
Tam.sktd, Fa., Dec 19. A mlsunder
stau ling ot orders cau sod tho wroch of
freight trains In the Big Mountain tun
nel, Four men were severely but not
fatally hurt
Ury .Miimt Dr. Clrur's Orlntimtnl In
Ills 1hi)'iii3 Morphine to Iiiilni'f -let p.
DKXVKR, Col., Deo. 10. Trie report
that Dr. Graven, who Is on trial chargnd
with tlie poisoning of Mrs. llnrn.iby,
had made nn unsuccessful Httmnpt to
commit suicide, has created a great deal
of excitement In this trlty. The report
started from the fact that the doctor
was discovers 1 In n drug store purchas
ing morphine which he has In n taking
of late to induce sleep. The truth Is the
accused Is a very nervous man. Tlio
train ot tho trial and evidence adduced
w li loh the doctor admits apparently im
plicates him has been more than his
constitution could endure.
The effect of the great nervous excite
ment which he is suffering Is ho per
ceptible that It has not only beau
noticed in thu court room, but boarders
at the Val.ujo, where he stops, say tuat
the scenes at night in the Q raves' apart
ments are of tho most exciting charac
ter. The prosecution havo roeoived lufor
mntion that an attempt to escape Is a
likely probability and tho Vaiiejo lias
far several days and nights past been
shadowed by olllcers who are m-trucled
to Intercept the accused In case of nu
attempted lliglit. The trial will be re
sumed on Monday, wheu Judge Macon,
who is sick, will ba able to appear in
Ju lgo Macon states that the theory ot
defense is that Mrs. llirnaby died of
olbouism of the heart and tlint this dis
ease cannot be caused by arson ic Tlio
witnesses to this fact will form tlio
most material part of the defense. Ex
perts will be In trjilnoil next week by
the State to prove that the Inscription
on the bottle which contained tlie poison
though in a disguised hand was tho
work of Dr. Graves.
The l'llgllt ill N'.-lrurlc, N. ,)., Wliulu Doth
DiKeasurt AID ltllltl.
Newuik, N. J., Doc. 10. Tho health
authorities and physicians of this city
aro alarmed at thu virulent form la
grlppa has assumed. Every day ouo or
more deaths are reported from this dis
ease or from pneumonia, superinduced
by la grippe. Besides, the authorities
have the sinullpox to contend with, aud
new casus of this disease are appearing
every day.
Tho smallpox isconflnod to.tlio Italian
districts, where every eltort is madu to
conceal the existence of tho disease.
The force ot the Health Department Is
iuadequnto to do the work, and as this
year is nearly ended, nu additional help
will bo employed fiom Ideas oteconomy.
Two new cases ot smallpox have been
discovered. Oue ot the sutlerers, said
to be n Mrs. Zlglor, ot Prospect street,
cannot be located. It Is a new district
and the houses are not regularly num
bered. '1 ho he con d case Is that of an
Italian who lives on Eighth avenue. He
was taken to the peathouse.
Charged With Stealing 12.000.
IloSTO.f, Doc. 10. Joseph W. Hamil
ton, oi years of age, is held for trial
hero on a warrant charging him with
unlawfully using aud devoting to his
own use money of the secretary of the
Itoyal Ark, oue of tho endowment or
ders, to tho amount of $43,u00. He Is
also churged with unlawfully neglecting
to place cert ilu money In tho bsnellt
mud of tlie corporation, nud neglecting
to set aside money for a fund for the
payment of matured certificates. There
are several counts lu tne warrant upo.i
which he was arrested. Hamilton has
been past supreme president, n membsr
of the executive committee, n trustee
audu member ot the fluunco committee.
I turn
MOltNiNQ I rrri Rnir.MT An
new Mlinr UUMfLUAIUIs lb UETTEH.
Jly doctor siijs it ncls gmtly on the stomach,
llernnd k'duey8,.m 1 Is a pleasant laxative, 'ibu
ill ink Umwl'i irnni In rl, and 1-preiureu for use
us tuslly as tea. It lr i.h!
AU (lriiircisu sell II nt jajc untl kl no tier tk,-irii-.
J'.tiy one toslar. I.unp's l-'nniilt :ili-illelnn
.dotes the lloweU each dar. inordertube
Utiultliy, this Is necessary.
On anil aft'r ifovetaber 15, 1S91, trains will
lettve 8hnandih ai follows: I
I'or Witian, uilLerton, ITacKvllle, Ne
sMie, at. Clair, and way points, B.CJ, B.:0, '
11.45 a nand 1,15 pm.
jundays,tiOO,Muiman(3s.(0p m. t
Kor 1'ottavllle, 6.0J,, 11 15 a m and 4.15
' "
Sundays, 600, 9.49a m and 3.10 p m,
Per Heading, 6.00. 11 11 a m and 4.15 pm
Sundays, 8U0,.4Ua. in. nndS.lUpm.
Kor FotUtown, Plioenixville, Norriotowi
i" r'Wladelrjhla (Uroid street station), 6.'
ll.4Ja.rn.and 4.15 p m week days
aaUys, h00, U.40 a in 8.10 p ra
trains leave Kreetvilie lor Hhenandoab a
n.tdamaal 11.11,501, 7 t!, 1.1,01 p m. Bun-
ays, it ii a m aui a.iu p oa.
-e Fnitavllle ior unenandoab. 10,15 nn'
11.4V, am 4 10, 7.15, 0.42 p m Suudiys, 10.40
t t In p m.
beave I'tuiadelpbla (Broad street station)
or Pottsvllleaud Uheuandoab, 5.57. 8 31a m
4.'0 and 7,'W p in week days. Bundaj 0 50, and
U.S3 am
Kor New York, IM0, 4.05, 4.40, 6.36, 8.50, 7.80,
4.WB.HI, 4.60. ll.OOand am. 13.00 aoon,
(llal-ed'tn'sss, l.Od 4.90 p n.) IU.41, l.M 1.4i,
4.8n, I."1 4, 1.03, ',4,8.21, 6.50 7.13 8.12 and 1U.00
r, m. 12.01 neut.
On Sanaays, 3.2U. 4.05, 4.40. H.1, 8.S0, 9.5'j,
1135 n. vil 12 41, 1.40,2.30, 4 02, (limited
ln m2M4, .1 at i4 0l alUl
Kor Bea Dirt, '.nnellranchand Intermedlale
stations 8.U0 and 11 14 a. in., 4.00 p m week
days, freehold only 5 00 p in week day-i.
For liaUlmoro aud Waslilnglon 3.50, 7.3U,
9.10and 11.18 mn 4 41, 6 67,7.40 p.m and l'JOli
ult'dt daily and 8 81. 10.20 a in., 1285 (I'inllod
express wan dining car tu llaltlm re) 1.30, 8.4
p. in. we k days. For Ualtlmore ouly 2 02, 4 01
wee dsys, 5.08. 11.80 u. ill. dally.
Kor Hlchmoud, 7 20 a. in and 12.08 lilfilit
dally, 1 80 p m, uaily, except suud.iy.
l'rains leave liarriebiir tor t'Uuoare ane
is west every dy at 12.2 and 8.10 a m nnt
3 -1 illmi'edi and 8.4". 7 25 p m. Way for
A-Mooi" 8 15 t ii and 4.10 p in every aay.
Kor f ltteburg only, 11,20 a m dally aud 10.2C
tu week davs.
Leave Huubnry for WlUIamsport, Klmira,
linendattoa, Hochester, I'.i 'lain and NIassr
-ill- ' in .in daily, aud 1 85 pm week dan,
o- Elmlra 5.81 p m week days.
Kot icne and Intermediate points, 6.1U a m,
tally, tenr Lock. Haven, 5.19, and 0.68 a ra
tally, 1 35 and 6.3 p. m. week days. Kan
lenova 5.10 a m 1.35 and 6,80 p ra week days
..IO a. in Hanaara,
Han. MttD'r Qen. Fai, Agv
Candies, China and Lamps.
QUIl OFirRU this week to tent-In r-'h full of Intm-d. I) n't you
whyl . h a ilifH(l(1iiluterf..rXiiiii-Klft-mid holiday K oil-nlii,o-t
DlhLOUM 01- Ihh 1'IUt CISNT. on nil i hiHiiim.- to the union. it nf $HI0
no,Ut,T,,va, ,., v,lr.ty.
Art- pronounced most dollcioue, only 20 ce nla pet pound, nil kinds.
10 West Centre Street and 34 North Main Street, Shenandoah.
j'tii!iiti! is money iu it for you H
j-tju iuiciihu your iiniiuuy gootia
fiom us. Klve hundred Btyles dressed
lol!n, from 5c to $160 eauli. Dolls'
shoes, Blockings, trunks, (allien,
tmrcuiiB, olutlrs, lollet mMb, paint boxes,
writing desks, dolt swings, nlr rifles,
'rums, trail's of cars, gun bonte aud
itlier articles run by steam, A Inrge
irt of nipclmnlpul toys, tool chests nnd
all tlie latest games, A 15 C and build
nu blocks,
Vntlque silver toilet and uiunicure
Lis, diuttonury and biolo stand bold
rs, hook aud ladder nnd lire engines,
In stoves, German tops, trumpets and
many olhcr nrtlcles In this line.
Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Sleighs !
China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &e.
To ministers of the gnppel and school
uotignt. All goons iniisi no soki neiore
refused. all urly and nave tlie pick
watir, which will oo set asiue,nn m incut nl a small deposit.
Excels all others, in purity, flavor and economy.
" Once tried, alwavs used."
Phi adelphia and Boading Railroa
T4ms I'alife 4n effect It'ov. IS. iXtil
Wor New York via Philadelphia, weak dayi
2 10 5.25, 7.20 a. in. and 12 35 2.50 and 6. S
p. n. Uonday 2.10 and 7.48 a. m. For Mo
York, via Maucb Cbtink. week days. 5.2t
7.21 a. m. nnd 12.35 and 2.50 p. m.
t it tteaaing ana l'tillndelpbla week aay ,
2.10, S.25, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 2.K0 and 6.55 p. n .
Bunday. 2.10 and 7.48 a. in., 4.30 p. m.
Kor uarrlsburg, week days, 1110,7.20 a. xa.
2.60, 6.65 p. ra.
or Atientown, weoit days, 7.2U . m..
50 o. m.
Kor I'otlsvliie. week davs. 2.10. 7JO.1. 'o.
12.S0 2.V) and 5.55 p.m. Sunday, 2.10 and 7.4'
a. ,4.30 p.m.
for famuaa aud Mahanoy City, weal
da's, 2.10, 6.45, 7.20, a. m., 12.3? 2.50 and 5.51
p. ii. tsunaay, -.luana m., ..hj p. ia.
Additional (or Msbanoy City, week days 7.0C
p. m
Kor Lancaster and Columbia, week days,
71 a. m., 2 50 p.m.
'nr Wllllamsport, Hnnbury and LewIsburK
week lays. 8.25, 7.20 and IUI a. m 1.35, 7.0(
p. i, Mnnday 3:25 a.m., 3.05 p. m.
-'or Mahanoy Plane, ween days, 2.10 3.25
5. 5, 7 20 and 11.30 a. m 12.35, 1.85, 2.60, 6.65,
7.0' C i.4. '. in, Banday, 2 10, 8.25 aud 7.48
e n,- i.'ib, i.8u a. ax.
"tr Glraravllle (Raripahannock Station
wopk days, 2.1-1. 3.25, 6.25, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.
12.85, 1 85 460, 5,55, 7.00 and 9.25. p ra. Bauday
2-10 3 25, 7.48 R. m 3.05, 4.30 p. m.
or Ashland and Bhauiuxin, week day
3 25,5.25,7,20, 11.3 a m 1.35, 7.00 and 25
p a, Hunday a. -5, 7 43 a. m., 3.'15 p. m,
Irfrnve New York via Philadelphia, weik
days, 7.45 a. m 1.30, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.i5
n it, Bnnday, 6.00 p. m., 12.15 nlcnu
fave New York via Maneh Chunk, wk
da; s 4.30, 8.15 a m., 1.00 and 3.15 p. m. Sun
day, 7.00 a.m.
save Philadelphia, week days, 4.10. ard
10.00 a. m 4.00 and 6.00 p.m..rrom Broi d
n id Callowhill and 8.35 a. m. and 11.30 p. nx
irom utbano JreaastreeW. Banday 8.05 a.
m. ll.XO p. ra from 9tn nnc Wseu.
- n uofluiug, nw uuyB, A.QJ. Iiiu, w
and 1.50 a. m 5.53, 77 p, m. Bunday 1.85 ai d
10. H a. m.
uivo Pottsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m,
12 3 j, G 11 p. m. Bunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m. and
26 m
Leave ramaqna, week days, 8.20, 8.43 bdC
112 a.m., 1.21, 7.13, and 0.18 p.m, Bunday 8.2C
7 43 -. m, and 2.50 p. m.
Leave Mahanoy Ulty. week days, 3.40, 0.16
n d 11.47 s, m., 1.61, 7.42 and 9.44 p.m. Ban
day 3.40,8.17 a. ra., 3.20 p. m.
Lotve Mahanoy Plane, week days,2-t1,4.W)
(1 80, U5. ll.j a. m.,l.U5, 2.08. 5 20, 6 20,7.57, an(
10 00 i ra. Uunday 2,4 , 4.00, and 8.27, a. ni
3 87.5.01 p.m.
Leave ulrardvllle (Itappahannock Station
wees days. 2.47 4.07, HJfi, and 0.41 a. m 12.05
2. t .M, 0.82, 8.08 and 10.00 p. in. Banday, 2,47
4.07. 4.83 a. m. a 41. 5.K7 n. ra.
vve Wllllamsport, week days, 8.00,t).45ard
ii oo a. iu. o.iSq an ci 11.10 p. m. rsunaay ii.t
n. m
ir Baltimore, Washington and the wet
via h. a o. It. It., through trains leave Ulra' d
vruuo nitiiou. ruiiauviiiuia, ir. at i. it. n.
at 355 801 and 11.27 a. m.. 3.50. 5.42 an-
7 13 p. m. Sunday, 8.55 8.02 11.27 a, m 3.50
6 42 nd7 18 n. m.
Leave Pblladslrbla. Chestnut Street Waa f
a .a soatnuireet wmui
1 IIU ,1111- ClfW.
Week-days-Eipress,);0l a. m. 2,no. .i",
p. ai. aoao-nmoauiou.Buua. m, ana o.w,
P. m.
Baadays. Ki press, 9.00 a. m. Acosm.
mn aUoD.s.oo a. ra. and 4.30 p. m.
deturnlnc, leave Atlando City, depo
X 'i Tin and Arkansas avenue" Wek-d I
KinreKS. 7.30. 0.00 a. m. and 4.00. n. m. Ac-
rommodallor8.I0 a. m. and 4.80 n in. Sun
days - Express. 4 00, p. m. Accommodation,
7.3U a. tn, una p. m.
u it, UAnuuuik, iibii'i ran r as
l . MnLHOn. Hr. 4n'l Marnwer
Grand Holiday Display
Ol new aud desirable presents for the old
and young at
102 North Main Etreef, Shenandoah.
teachers, 10 p-r cent, oil on all goods
jariunrv isi, aixi no reasonable oner
of tne Int. oucuii select what you
Lehigh Valloy Railroad.
-NOV 15. 1891.-
I'af seDL-er trains will leave Shenandoah for
iiauch i.unna, lomenion, Hiaunston, ua:a
sauqna, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil
sdelpbla ana New York at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a. ra,
12 f.2. 8.10. 5.20 n.m.
For Uelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
sirouutiuurg si, a iu.. udu o.o p. m.
f or uimDertvuie aua rrenio-, .08 n. m
For White Haven, Willtes-Barre and Pitts
i.Jli O.SJ, D.uo, i'i.ii v, ut.t ii.iu nuu u,t i. in,
ForTunShanuock, 10,41 a, m., 3.10 and 6,26
p. in.
Kor Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyonr
10.41 n. in., and 5.20 p. m.
For Lacey vlllo, Towanda. Bayro, Waverly,
ciraira, nncnegier, ituuaio, isianara rails.
Cblcago and all points West at 10.41 a. in., an
128 n. m.
For x.lralra and the West via Salamanca al
s.iop. in.
For Audenrled. Hatlelon. Stockton. Lum
ber Yard. Weatherlv and Penn Haven Juno
tlon at 5.47, 7.40, 8,03 a. m. and 12.52, 3.10 and
1,'B P. m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beavoi
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a, m. and 6,26 p. in.
ForScrauUnat5.47 9 08, 10.41a. m, 8 10 and
5:28 p. ra.
For Uar.le Brook. Jeddo, Urlfton and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m 1262 3.10 and
5.26 p. ra.
Fur Quakake at 5.47 and 9.08 a. m., end
1.10 d. m
For wigans, uiioorton ana Fraccvius at
i.50and852a ra.,and 4.10 p. ra.
For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano,
147. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41. a. m.. 12.02. 8.03.
0.2- and 10.27 p. m.
ror Liosi ureea, lrarnvuio ana Asmauu
1.27. 10.15 a. m.. 65
8.C0 and 9.11 p.m.
Kor Darwatr, St. Clair and Pottsvllle
5 60 '.40, 8 52, 9.08, 10. II a. in., 12.52, 8.10, 4.10. 6.26
M. ill.
ror xiacK mauuiaiu, new uoston anu
Vlorea. 7.40. 9.08. 111.41 a. n... 12.52. 3.10. S.28 and
8.0! p.m.
For Haven itnn, Centralla, Mt. Carmel und
Sbamnkln, 8.52, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
ana e.uu p. ra.
Trains leave Hhamokln tor Shenandoah,
1.55 11A5 a. ra.. 2.10, 4.80 and 0.80 p. ra arriving
at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. ra., 12.52. 3.10. 5.20 aud
u.i.-n m
FortjOlly. Audenrled. silver Urook Junc
tion n '. llajletnn 6,17,7 10. 0.08, aud 10.11 a.
m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.20 and 8.' 3 p. m.
For Lost Creek. Ulrardvllle and Ashland,
8.50, 9.10 11.35 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. St. Oialr and Pottsvllle,
CI.W. V.OU H. IU,, y, iu.
irnr xntesviue, siauauoy uny ana ueiano,
4.00, 11.3.5 a. m.. 1.40, 4.40, 6.03 p. m.
r or Lioity, Auaennea una uaxteion, d.ia
a ra., 1.40 p. m:
For iiauch Chunk. Lenlguton, Blatlngton,
natasauqua. Allentown, Bethlehem, Eastot
inaneir x ora, o.w a. in., i.iu p. m;
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p. m.
Uen'l Pass. Aet., UethUham.
Green Truck Stand
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily.
A nnellnool ClinlM ailOCEUIES
Nuts and Candles.
Poultry of all Klnrta.
Mr. Costlet r'oflves his irrnen truck dally
Irom the cltv markets, which Is a tpi-iranife
lo ln ou-" omi-rs thattboy will receive fresh
g'oa wn-n uuyi g irom mm.
.Vol 8 Kail Centre Btreet; Mahauoy City, Pi
aim Hiiu mi special uuMNuiee a speouuLy,
tmn n I
; 7-V or
illo ll-e.Hf
-. if ng
tl lor
",.,k. tuto,-
mitn i
XNI'KO t i,i,i. I. in l,il,,r.
iu er a .u six none in s ..-l-uorkon
beeleelrierail ItHi iMh i. nek 3t
liOU SAIi1-. A frfli o w f - fale
(bean. Ar-nlv tit elMttiiiui ri 119
V. Onil s tei 12 1.5-st
OU HISXC. A ?"Hitl hevfn-rii-m
ll ll. Atinlv at nirner nt r.,,u nna
fitldlu slreels 12- 0 II
8 vl-15 A good nnd i-iitie
l iioree
horse, nulla ..e lor nl' Kin s of w rk r,,r
snieche p. Ap dy .o U J. Qnl.iu, Ul Hist
Centre street, Mie iiindoah. 12 1 .t
IOIi HAIiI5.-ThH gray team of
hordes r centlv ue I bv
he f'ol nnliU If.
-. V B Co., No. 1 Tlie
liantiilu to ill miicba-rrs.
bor-os will he a
Jb ir O N- ii.t.,
JAMIU) MctlON L1),
I-gl-tf Trustees
t-lecll -11 III Ibe s-ooi. holders nt Mm MeiijaV
oil nls' Nslln-iNl Hank of slionHtidi.iili, I'.,
wl 1 lie be-d nl 'be Pank ntf llntiKn Ttip.rinv-
January 12 h, 1802, between the hmtr 01 10
it. in. niio s p. in., inr the tmrpime tit electing
iiurieen aircciors 10 s rent e ensui c year.
12 1210 K U. llb'NThH. . miller.
OHAKTEfi NO I'lOlS. Notice Is
heieby given that an nppllnillon will
oemile io Hie Couit ol fomtnon t-l n oi
sclmjlk-ll o-iunly on Monday, D -cember2lst,
a.u leui at iu o ciock in mo loieniK-n nn
'er lho"cornorHti.i act of the cnmnionwuilf h
nl I'eiinsi lva-ila, aoproved Ai rll2U 1874 "and
tlio supplement ili-rcm, for llin cnaiter ol an
nie neiicnriiorHiiiiiiKiuecaiiru '.-si Keorees
IlliuunUn l atbnllo UeueHciul Miicietv. nf
8he niidiMh, l'a." -n 1 assi claMo-i Is In be
uicaio i iu sueiianuQiu, in., auu t'l nave r-ir
ome i ine ma lennnc- oi a t-ocielr
oi social, educational and ben-tlelal nur-
poses to its members irom mods collected
H. (I. M. IIOLL,01'ErEIt,
Alliiney f ir Appilcn ts.
Shenandoah, Pa., Nov. 23. '01. 11 2(-3w
Irst National Batik,
Capital, $100,000. 06
A. W. Leisenrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.
J. R.
Leisenrnq, Cashier,
IV. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Opeu Dally Prom 9 to 3,
Paid ou HnvlnicK Deposits.
Fon ruBK
Tree Ornaments, &c.
Wholesale nud Itctail.
Are absolutely pure. Snudsy ccbool,
Churches, Kocl -tits, etc., supplied al
wholesale rates.
Ice Cream, Bread and Cakes !
104 N. Mam St, SHENANDOAH.
For tlio best cold nml sliver rliiiui
sriectncles I3vt'H tested free of cliardPr
i.e. ,,
i-l-K. 5 r
Largest and cheapest slock lu town.
Artistic Painting, Grai-ing and Deora'ing!
221 W. Centre St.. 8IIK.VAND0AII
10 20m
201 N. Iiluln St., Shenandoalr.
Tho Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, Sc.
Finest brands of clears always on hand.
Tbe best temperance ilrlnka
Pft OlalcliMUr'a KnrlUh Dluaond Urasl.
tirlcf nwl and linlf Venulntw
ftVA "i.
'uj y.4l vrnfii ur m ten -i it
-VjtKJboit-i, tloa wi h liluf ri '-ia Take
1 WskhVua other. AAtriano fu tubiiitu-
lir .wiiniwaiiisji ' n u it, or uaua u.
r r ii n l""wuuu' mi
Ui.IL in.llOO I a) Jfumt lptri