: i VOL. VI.--NO. 274. SHENANDOAH. PA.. SATURDAY. DECEMBEll 19. 1S9L. ONE PENT 'My Son, Deal With. Men Who Advertise. You -will Never Lose by It."--Benjamin Franklin " i I l i i r: The Evening Herald. ALL THE NEWS Foil ONE CENT. 1KB larger circulation la HueuuuuoAU than any other paper published. Clrcu latlon books npen to all. A. WUBB TJ KiilfUtiijUJAWa. The hopo of llio party lies in the expansion of a stalwart Republican ,pres8. The Republican who rends or otherwises helps to support a Demo cratic journal to the exclusion of one of his own party newspaperx U untrue to the Republican cause. Uuanimously subscribed to by the National .Republican League. J. S. Claiikson, President. A. U. .HUMi'iihBY, Secretary. New York, Nov. 19, 1801, NEWS OF THE DAY. The Supreme Court ot the ITnltod States has adjourned (or tho Christmas holidays. It will meet agalu on Jan uary 4. k A meeting ot representatives ot the aociuent insurance companies or the United .States was held at Niagara Falls. Mrs. Lockhart, aged 84, was suffo cated by smoke in a Are which occurred iter residence, Maroy avenue, Brook r, yesterday. jh Articles of Incorporation of the Adi rondack & St. Lawrenco Telegraph & Telephone Co., hare been filed at Albany, N. Y. Ninety Russian Jews, supposed to be n portion ot the Baron Hirscli Importa tion, are quartered in the synagogue at Fall Hlver, Mass., waiting (or work, rat) Thieves broke the plate-glass window of W. L. Wilson's jowelry store in Fifth avenue, Pittsburg, early in the morn ing, and Stole $1,000 worth ot diamonds. The lady who married Count Orlow ski in Paris, Wednesday, was Miss Ma bel, daughter of the Duchess de Dlno, not the Duahess herself, as first re ported. Ray, aged 10, son of Rev. J. S. Rich ards, and John P., aged 15, son of Mrs. F. E. Johnson, broke through the ice while skating at Ellsworth, Mo., and were drowned. Lewis L. Waterson, a former book keeper of Chin. P. Beat & Co., neckwear manufacturers, of Rochester N. Y., has been arrested charged with appropria ting $1,780 of the firm's money to his own use. Edward L. Thomas, of Rochester, N. Court against the Vacum OH Co., to re cover oj, uuu uaniages atiegeu to nave been cijuecl his ice plant by refuse from jjjfif oompauy's factory. Fancy rings of all descriptions at Hoi- I derman'o. 11-28-tf $f r A FOR A CARPET H i I Sweeper. Others . . II I for ?3 00, and very 1 V J good ones for ?3.50 lliuy one for your wile for a Christmas present, vve ai&o nave a tine line oi iRugs and Carpets at !C. D. FEICKE'S CARPET STORE. Honest Goods at Fair Aiwa; s give POOR In the line of Good Goods another lot of New Country Lard, strictly pure Wur BAKING MOLASSES, New Orlcans,not mixed .Our EIRE 1 ABLE SYltUP, color, fine flavor, pure sugar not mixed tolth glu cose or corn syrup. "What's in Milypnya Fmtcy Price ior twlicn a trial vU convince you tfviucctl llit ou can Have money. We guarantee It tone V;lil IU sVll UI)A.;9l. J r VII Our UIVEKSIDI5 KUCICWIIKAT FLOUR is a choice article. Our Old-TImc COXN Is made ofnew corn-Kllit- drledand frc-li (jroHiid. Try our Old.Time GRAHAM FL.OVU. Try "NOItTII-WKSTISUN 1JAISY" Flour. Will arrive In a few days, a Car Birthday Celebration, Tho twenty-fourth birthday of Miss Ilettlo Bernard Chaso was celobralod In hor private car, after the performance at Frcolnnd, Pa , on December ICthi Covert woro laid for eighteen members of tho company and a sumptuous supper served, whilo thu band discoursed music especially arranged for tlio occasion. The company will appear at Mahanoy City, "Wednesday, December 21th, Joseph M, Jacobs Chinese character comedian, joined tho llcrnard Chase C impany on the 10. i inst. Good Looks. Good looks are more than skin deep, de pending upon a hoaltby condition of all tho vital organs. If the Liver bo inactive, you havo a Ililious Look, if your stomach bo disordered you have a Djspeptic look and if your Kidneys bo atTjctod you have a pinched look. Securo good health and you will have good looks. Eloctric Hitters is tho great alterative and Tonic acts di rectly on these vital organs. Cures l'lmplcs. Blotches, Boils and gives a good complexion, Sold at O. II. Hagonbuch's Drug Store, COc. per bottle. Notice to 'Squlros 'Squiro J. J. Monaghan this afternoon receive d the following dispatch : "Mahanoy City. Dec. 19. 1891. "To 'Squire Monaehan : Do not marry L nomas Alooreann Mary uorrlgan. un lawful. Notify all other "Mhs. Horriqan." Up to the hour tho Herald went to press 'Squire Monaghan had not made tho acquaintance ot tilhor Mr. Moore, orMUs Horrigan Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the lamo Lkssiq & Co., Ashland, Pa., It printd on every sack. 8-3-1taw Dirt Bank on Firo. Tho bottom oi the dirt bank of the Shenandoah City colliery, near the peni tentiary, was discovered on fire yesterda) afternoon. A force of tho colliery em ployes succeeded in putting it out after working hard for two' hours. It is supposod that the fire whs started by fires built by tramps or others. All kinds of candies, 20 cents per lb., at Duncan & Weidley's. 12-5-t Tho Stono Crusher. The numerous inquiries as to why the borough stono crusher is not being operated is Bnswcred by members of the roads and highways committeo, who say that the suspension is caused by all the carts being monopolized by the electric railway work, Handsome stock of lamps with the most delicately hand-paintod bisque and china shades, at Holderman's. 11-28-ti For Holiday Gifts Call and see the lino hand-painted articles of Chinawaro, the work ot Hiss Virgie Hollopetor, of town, now on exhibition and sals at McCarthy's drug store. 12-17 2w Personal-Should this meet the eye of tho Individual who created a disturbance in church lad Holiday by his continued cough ing, ue win comer n. invoron ine congregailou by procuring a bottle of Dr. Bull's Coujli Byrup, which will cure him. Prices ! satisfaction. GOODS Never do at ANY PRICE. we invite your attention to 2 qts. lor Soc, is strictly foods and the best we can buy. at Wo a quart, Is bright a Name! a particular brand ol Flour, Unit you can buy AS GOOD 1UI11 111 111V Load of SALT, Coarse and Fine. BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR Whoro Those Who Aro So Dis posed May Attend Dlvino Worship To-morrow Other Local News. English llaptist church, South Jardin Ureot. Uev. II. O. Jamo, pastor. Preach ing at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. tiubjco for morning: Tho Tree of Hfo and Death. Kvenlngsubjsct: l'rovidenco. Sab path school at 2 p. tn. Dsacon John liunn, superintendent. On Monday even ing at 7:30 tho B. Y P. Union will meet. On Wednesday ovoning at 7 o'clock a gonoral prayer mooting. M. . church, K-v. Wm. Powick, pustor. derviccs to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Mo ning subject : "Tho pro-eml-nenco of Public "Worship," Evening sub ject: "Soma Lessons for tho Church from the County Institute," with a prelude on 'the value oi county institutes." Sunday school at 2 p. m., to be followod by tho dovotional meeting of the Epwonh League. Prayer meeting at o p. m. and on Ttiursday ovening at 7:30. All are In vited, Soats free. All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street, near Main, Rev. Floyd E. Wert, rector. Services as follows: Morning prayer and litany with reading and sormon, 10,30. Evening prayer and sermon, 0:30 Sunday school at 2 p. m. Tho rector officiates and preaches at the morning sorvico on the second and fourth Sundays of each month and at tho evening service on tho first and third, a lay r-ader officiating In hissbsonco. P. M. church, corner of Jardin and Oak streets. Servicos Sunday nt 10:30 a, m. and 6:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 2 p. m. Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor at C p. m. every Sabbath, Classos meet Tues day and Wednesday evenings at 7 o'clock and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. General prayer meeting Thursday at 7:20 p. m. II. O Rneeell, paetor: , Presbyterian church. Rev. W. McNally, pastor. Servicos at 10:30 a. m. and 0 p. ni, In tho morning there will be a Christmas service followed by the Sacrament of tho Lord's supper. In tho evening the subject of the "Lord's Second Coming" will bo continued, showing that it is a future and not h past event; that it did not oc.ur either at the destruction of Joruealom, or the day of Pontocost. All are cordially invited. Welsh Congregational church, Rev. Owen Enoch, pastor. Services at 10 a, m. and 0 p. m. Morning subject: "A re markable Faith," in Wolsh. Evening subject: "Tho Prodigal returning to Con sciousness," ir, English, Sunday school at 2 p. m, Monday night at 7 p. m,, a preach ing service, Rev. Mr. Davies Talmaso will officiate. Thursday evening, 7 p. in , clas meeting. A cordial welcome to all. Wolsh Baptist church, corner West and Oak Etreots. Rev. D, I. Evans, plnr. Services Sunday at 10 a. in. in Welsh and 0 p. in. in English. Sunday school at 2 p. m. Prayer meeting on Munday even' Ing, at 7 o'clock. Class meeting on Thurs day ovoning, at 7 o'clock. To-morrow morning and evening Rev G. W. Imboden, of Port Clinton, Pa will preach In the Evangelical church. Aftor the morning sermon now members will bo recoivod into church. All aro invitod. Trinity Reformed church. Rev. Robert O' Boyle, pastor. Services to-morrow morning and evening. German services in the morning. Sunday school at 1:80 p. m; English Lntboran church. Services on Sunday at 10:30 a. m. Text: Romans8:81; "God for U)," 0:30 p. ra. Luke 7:38; "At His Feet." Prcaching.' by Rev. II. 11. Iluvico. Inferior Goods. Tho only safe way lor purchasers is to in sist on having tho genuine article, and not allow themselves to be swindled by having plaetors said to bo "just as good," or "con taluing superior ingredients," imposed upon them. These are only tricks to sell inferior goods that no more compare with Allcock's Porous Plasters than copper does with gold, One trial of Allcock's Porous Plasters will convince tho most skeptical of their merits. Theeminont Henry A. Mott, Jr., Ph. D., F. 0. S., late Government ClmnHt, certi fies ; ".My Investigation of Allcock's Porous Plaster shows it to contain valuable and essential Ingredients not found in any other plaster, and I find it superior to and more offlcent thun any other plaUor," Ask for Allcock's, and let no solicitation or explanation induce you to accept a sub stitute, lw. Decorations. Green moss paper trimming in 10 yard pieces and green moss papor wreaths aro suitable articles to decorate indoors for the holidays. No dirt and good for several joars use. 12 18-3t JIoiiuan's Bazar. Candelabras and candlesticks, and fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Holder man's. 11-28-tf A DISTRESSING CASE. Sad Consequences of Martin Dool- ing's Death. Mirtin Doohng, a resldont of Wis' Cherry street, arid "'mployed as a ooal trail, brakeman nn the Philadelphia and Head ing railroad, mo. with an accident while or July yesterday afternoon that caused bl death last uighl, Whilo on t coal train betweon Gordoi mil Ajhland Douling put on the brake As bo tightened it the chain broke arid tin unfortunate man was thrown to the truck. Ths wheels of tho ears following passod over one of his legs, crushing it in h horrible manner (rem ankle to hip. Duoling was removed to tho MlnorB' Hospital and diod there at eleven o'clock. The remains woro brought to town this morning. Tho doceasod was abjut 35 years of age and a wifo and fivo sniull children aro lelt to mourn hU death, lie was a popular young man and much sympathy is ex prefsoi for his unfortunate family. Ai ono tlmo ho was a momhor of tbo T. A. B band and was a member of the Annuncia tion T. A. B. Socioty at the time of hi death. About a year ago ho wont t" Philadelphia and securod a; position as brakoman on the P. & R. railroad. He moved back to town about two m nthe go. Holderman's jewely store, on tho direct corner of Main and Lloyd streets, isamin- iaturo world's fair with its myriad of holi day attractions. Mr. liolderman is doing business on a roik-bottom basis rud pur chasers can get the best values at what' ever sum they wish to expend. 12-14-tl PERSONAL. William N. Ebrhart is confined to his bed with a severe attack of gri,. Miss Annie Rosor, of Frackv lie, ia the guest of Mrs. J. K. Kehlor, of North Jar din street. 1 j. H. Severn, the East Centro street grocer, is just recovering from an attack ol the grip. H. J. Evans and Thomas II, Williams, of Dickinson's seminary, "Williainspoit, are homo to spend thu Christmas hulidays. Miss Eliznbetb II. Kehlor, daughter 1 1 Frackville's popular clothier, is in town visiting her cousin, Miss Ida Kehlor. Summerfield C. Wilde, at ono time a resident ot tbi- town, but now a prosperous business man of t'laltsinuutb, Neb., win oat his Christmas turkey with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Robort Uillhouso, of New town, attended tho funeral of tbo latu John Lfckio, who whs klllod on the rail road Thursday morning last. Mr. ana Mrs. Ilillhousd wero at one time residents ol this place and aro looking well. A Large Shaft. John II- Evans, ot town, has been awarded a contract to sink a shalt for tnt Lehigh & Wilkts-Barro Coal Company at Ashley. Tue shaft is to be sunk from the surface to the bottom of tbo seam of co I known as tho ri d ash vein, 010 feet. Tht sli at was 12 reel wide and b-i teut long. l'no shall will bo worked on threx fur shifts ol not lu s than eight men each. Tbo work will begin early in January. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tho Best Salve in the world fur Cut. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, .Fevei Soros, Tetter, Cba) ped liands, Chilblain. Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and po-i lively cures Piles, or no payment required. It is gua'anieed to give perteci satislaction, or money refunded. Price 2) cents pe box. For sale by U. U. Uagenbucn. Cheap Holiday Excursion Tickets via Reading Railroad The Reading Railroad announces that pursuant tolls usual custom, cheap holiday excursion tickets will be sold to all points in its torritory, the rate being about two cents a mile. Theso tickets will be sold from Decomber 23d, 1891, to January 1st, 1802, and will be good lor return passage until January 4lh, 1802. No such tiekeis will, however, be eold at less than 25 cents. "Y" Erofframmo. Tbo following s the programmo for tbo "Y 1 meeting this evening : llible Ie-sou l,a..,lln. ttalla 1, ,.., K, halved, rhut u uneudtbrirt Is a Ereater uvn in miumuuiiy iuu i u mibur. Aiuruiu live, K. 11. Hcpklus, Jr. Weuilve, A. U, Morgan. "What I saw During the Week," George 1. llufoer. Tattler, lleber Hooks, lloudholders will find Halvntlon Oil a sure oure lor Kout or rlieumuilHui. it Is sold bv all dealers. Price only cents a bottle. Dolls I Dolls I Dolls I Largest and best assortment in town. Kid body and dressed dolls 25 cents. Toys of all descriptions. All tho latest games, puz.li-s, picture and story books. Bisque figures, chinawaro, etc. Handsome plush presents for Christinas. At Mellet's, 22 East Centro street. A bad coju-li or cold aalls lor a enoil remedy the cure lor It. F r Coughs, Colds, l.u Urliipe and Consumption, a perfect and per naneut oure Is t'au-f Ina, the worn cms b fieia 10 iih nuuug properties 'osis't cents. uu-Tlnuls sold ul I'. 1 1). Kirllu'sdrug etore. "Van Houton's Cocoa Tho origins', mos'. soluble. 12-14-lw NO SETTLEMENT THE BOROUGH COUNCIL NOT DISPOSED TO COMPROMISE WITH THE WATER GUM PAN Y. What Mombors of tho Company and Counoil Said Whor Thoy Mot to Dlacuss tli9 Ques tion. Tbo members of tbe joint commi'toeon now water works say that th estimates nado by thorn and published in tlio Ilsii ai.d wero not estimates on tho cost of a new plant, but on what they consider tho plant of tbo old compiny is now worth. It scorns thu the meeting of reprosentn- ivos of tho company nnd the Borough C uncil has availed nothing. Dr. Gallon appeared in bohalf of tho walor company. He said it would bo n uoral wrong for tho borough to pursue a vindictivo course against the stockholders of thu company who knew nothing of the iuit at Pottsvillo. Councilman James ml J ho doubted that there was ono of tho stockholders ignorant of tho cult. Councilman Wurm said ho didn't liko the way th ngs went throe different coin mittooi having represented tho water com pany in tho present controversy. Councilman Lamb said the only way out of tho thing was tor tho joint committee to put in new water works, as tns.ructod by he meeting of citizens. Councilman Scheitly asked if tho borough accepted the proposition of tbe water company would it raise individual water rents. Mr. Gallon said It would pot. Mr. Martin Purcoll said he knew noth ing ot the Pollsyille suit until almost the last minute and that bo expressed the opinion before the yerdict that tho com pany should lose. Mr. Michaol O'Unra said bo was a small stockholder in the water company. That he knew nothing of tbo suit until bo saw the books In Pottsville, Ho also said, "Wo all know tbo men who brought tho suit. Somo of them are nice men and some of them are not so nico. Mistakes made by them shomd not be put un all the stockholders ot the company." Councilman Lamb stated that the joint committee is going ahead as carolully as possible, ttciing under legal advice, an J Council neod not bo afraid of what is being done, as tho committee understands the sit uation well. It bai in contemplation enor mous engines for tho pumping station, a dam on tho mountain, two or three miies of ibe best 12-inch extra heavy pipe to pump tbruugh, a large dam to contain 10, 0J0 000 gallons of water, or enough to k op thu town supplied fur 1-1 uays, 12-inch mains for the town, an increase of firo plugs and many improvements; and tbe wbulu will cust many ihuus .uds ol dollars lss than the Water O irnpaiiy asks for its plant. Mr Lamb said bo pn ferred not stating the figures at prosent. Ho said that if tho prop sitlon of tho Water Company had been r asouable it w uld probably nave been acceplol. Un also staled that if any memoer of Council arits inform i on the subject he can easily obtain it by applying to any member of thu joint committoo. He closed by saying that tbe proposed new wurks can be cumpletod in nine ruonihs. Commendable. All claims not consistent with the high haracter ef;Syrup of Figs are purposely avoided by;tho Cal. Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and nowels, cleansing tbo system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makes no pre tentions that every boltlo will not eubstau iato. OhrlBtmas and New Year Excur sions on tbo Pennsylvania, In pursuance if tbe custom long sinco established, tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company will soil excursion tickets bo t veen all stations on its lines for the Christmasland New Year holidays at a rate of two cents per mile, Tbi so tickets will be sold;Docrmber23d, 1891, to January 1st, 1892, Inclusive, valid for return until January 4lb, 1892, inclusive. Lotter List. Tho following letters remain uncalled for in tho Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa. post office, December 19, 1891 : Levy lmoii lllecher Ilar'y McLaughlin Michael Jllony Llizie Parties calling for advertised letters jhould plcaso say "fivortisod." Onocont will to charged on all advertised loiters. II. O. Boyjsr, P. M. An unusual number of articles for holi day presents, superior in quality and sur passed by none in the county for stylo and execution, can be had at Holderman's Jowelry store, direct on tho corner of Main and Lloyd streets. 12-M-tf Coughing Leads to Consumption, Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cuugh at onco. Best photographs and crayons at Dabb's Aftor tho Instltuto. Deputy State Superintojdent Houck is undoubtedly one of the most popular men in tho country among tho school teachers a id ina lu a uot ol lrlends outside his i rofosu n during the Iristitu o The enter.,, mm nt given by Mirshall I'. Wi dir. tie Park S -t r. and our High i hool quartette was declared by many tho but of tho series. Wildor was uproar iously funny aod ho std ho never ap .eared beiora a more intelligent, appro eulite, and itttentivo audience. To High i hool quartette, which con-isted of Messrs. John Price, Edward Suomaker, John Scheitly and lUrrj C auser, soured an in s'antai'Ooua hit. Tun quartette, Is a very promising ono. Misses Nellie- Roberts, May Reoeo nnd No'.ly Thorn, three of St. Cmir's cliirniing school teachors, returned to their homes to ri . It a vote ol tho poopla who aro not con nected with tho teachers' profession and who listened to thu instructors at tho in- s.iluto were taken county institutes wuuld be declared successes beyond all doubt. Tno instructors w ro a brilliant corps ai,d those who listened lu tbeui leel iudebtoj to tho institute. It is quite evid,nt the anti institute croakers wero hit .-o bard by the county teachers this week that they will not blow tueir horns tor sumo time. Hon. Thomas B. Stockwell was the first instructor from Rhode Islai d to appear bofuro a Schuylkill County Institute. His Uiks woro tbo gems ot the institute and "Liltle Rbody" can be proud ot the Com missioner of Public Instruction. Among tbo pleasant side issues of the week was a visit to tho inside workings of tho Shenandoah City colliery by Mr. Stockwell, Miss Seegmiller and Mr. Freo man, under the guidance of Division Sup erintendent Williams and District bup.r intendent Brudigan. Tho visitors had an excellent opportunity of sooing tho inside workings uf tbo rnino And thoy said tho recollection of tbe visit would always bo a plea-uro to them. "Oh I What a Night I" Tho success of both star and comedy was most pronounced. Tho piece affords tho star excellent opportunities for tho favora b o display ot those peculiar powors to ploase which made him popular, and, moro than this, it Is a really meritorious comedy, rich in laughable incidents, confusing con trotemps, amusing accidents, and funny situations. It belongs to that class which was mado popular by Mr. .Charles AVynd bam and his company, and it is by no meana Ibo poorest thing of its kind which hts been givon hero Jloaton Herald. At Ferguson's theatre this ovoning. A Mother's Complaint. Editoii Herald : t think it would bo no more than right for you to publish in your valuable paper that a gambling don is kept in full blast in a basement on ono of our most public streets o'f the town. It is run by a stranger and ho is, I am inlorniod, hacked by a prominent citizen of town. It is chii fly patronized by boys. My two b ys go there and 1 know of a good many moro boys who go there and gamble away their money. Tlio clliz-ns should know of this den and If il is not closed I will roport tho samo to tbe Chief Burgess. X MOTHER. Dec. 18 1'91. A Drlvor Injured. Joseph, son of IVter Sheotz, of East Lloyd street, mot with an accident yester day in Packer No. 3 colliery, where he was omployod as a driver. Sheetz at tempted to hold a trip of buggies a boy had failed to sprag and was knocked down. The two bonos of bis right log wero brokin bolow the knee and his back was injured. Tbo boy is being cared for at the home cf his parents. Hurrah for the Holidays 1 Right now wo are ready for business with an immonse assortment of Christmas gifts in watches, jowelry, silverwaro, muslo books, gold and silver-beaded canes um brellas, etc., etc. E. B- Bkumm. 12 11 tf A Voioo Prom Florida. Dr. W. K. Uyimm, Live Oak, Florida, says. Ilea Flag Oil Is one of tbo most succr tsful pnln cures .to sell. It's nil unfailing remedy for Kheumallsiii, Neuraicla and hprulus. ited Fins Oil costs 25 cents. Bold ut V. V. 1). Klrllu's drug store. You Can't ! Hake good cnltes with bad eggs. Set out a good dinner with poor butter. AVe got our Eggu dlreot from the cDUUtry alwuya good and fretdi. Haven't noli! a packed egg this fall ; nor wout. In ltutter wu havo the finest Creamery. There Is a dillcrcnre lu Creamery but ter. Ours is tho best. We also get a limited quantity of fanner's roll every Friday afternoon. QRAFS, No. 322 North Jardin Street. ii i m iitrtiiiirWsi'