1 STOW 03ST T..3P I AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, COTFEF .Tiers KAISE SUB. Light. cm, pi, jBISIEIIS- Dark. ran' E EXPOBT YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF To pnichme jo'tr fine irrnceries provisions, He., nt f KVKUN'k Corner Umcerv. corner ol Centre and White sir ct 111" Hop, Jut opened, Is suitable, for llio holiday reason, KVOTjtM- it frroli and of the b'H A new lot of canned goods, rttlid Irullf, JeliU lc. AFFAIRS OAUGHT HASTILY. What Nowb Gathorora Tako a Momont to Toll About. Grippe iiyiiln. The year is passing. Wluter things lire slow sale. Tally pulling partlss are popular. Keep your overshoes and quinine nt hand, this Is good grip weuthor. Tim partridge limiting season is closed hut rabbits can be killed till New Year. It's a good time now to think over your New Year resolutions before making tliein. Some holiday shoppers walk four nbreust on the side walks and turn out for nobody. Boon the oder of burning sweet cakes will come floating on the wlugy of the wintry air. It didn't take the I'rodlcal son a great while to learn the dlllerenee be tween husks and veal. Lent begins forty days before Easter, Tlio latter will occur in 1892 on April 17th. It occurred in 1891 on March 29. Good Looks. Good looks aro moro than skin deop, de pending uion healthy condition of all tlio vital organs. If the L'vor ho inactive you Wo a Bilious Look, if your stomach bo disordered you havo a Djepcr'ic look and if your Kidneys bo affjetod you have a pi' ched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Hitter is tho great altorativo and Tonic nets di roctly on tho90 vital organs. Cures l'iniples, Blotches, Built and gives a good onmplciion, Sold at 0. II. Uagoiibuch's Drug Store, GOc. por bottlo. Waters' WelsB boor is tho best. Hoilly solo agent, John A. 6-6-tf lO Cents For Pound. Tho finest Fronch mixtures, porfoctly pure, 10 cents per pound, at Mix ltoeso's Tho tin est and bust chocolato creams, cheaper than olsowhoro. Coming Events. Dec. 20. Madden and Luwrey ontortain ment at Ferguson's theatro for Iho bonolll of Adam Mor. Jan. 1. 20th annual cupper of tho Wolth Dsptiii church in the I. M. church hall Jan. 19. upuor and bnr.ar in th l'rimitivo Methodist school room. Koad Itonso's holiday adveriiiomont. Large stock ol Inner toods, such lamps, bronzes, china ware and imported cut glassware, at Holdermttn's. 11-VS tl A Surprise. Keep your eye on this local. Kcagey tho photographer, will have his now open hit; in u lew days and will havo something interesting that will surprise the people, tt Parties wishing to solect their Christmas presents can do to now and havo tin m laid aside until wantod. At Uolderroan's. 11-28-tf Fancy rings of ail descriptions at IIol dormsn's. 11-28-tf All kinds of ',ardios, 20 cents per lh, i Duncan & Weidley's. 12 6-t Keel work dono at Bronnan's steam laundry. Kvorvthing whito and spotless Lace curtains a spocialty. All work guar anteod. Thanksgiving Day is Over But we still carry a lull stock of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices We also have a flue stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FllUlTS and NUTS J, S. THOMAS' Cheap Cash. Store 118 West Coal Street. newIdbSg- store. Shapiro's Pharmacy, 107 Bouth Mnlu Strict, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, Prescriptions rnrefuliy compounded by registered plmrnuiclsls. TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS .Procure, one of our Clicwt Protectors, i'ar.lnneci hy unv, ntitivnti, Boston, Dec. 18. Dr. James Learned, agad OU, anil dyluif of a llnitarlnK ills' ease, has besn pardoned by Uov. Kui sell from the Stuto prison, la which. h bi serving a term ot thraa yean for orlmlnal malpractice. He was sentenced Deo. 1, 1890, from Vail Hirer. NEWS OF THE DAY. The Deep Water Wy Convent! an li In session lu Detroit, The poet Wlitttler celebratod his 84th rthday yesterday. The formation of a live Flour Tr'tt, by the Millers' Association of Albany! X., Dec. 14, Is reported. Mrs. Harrison yeitor.lay afternoon pave a luncheon at the Kxooutlve Man sion to 40 intlmnla friends. Jultn Averlll Orlffln, vrho was a noted nurse during the late war, died at Niagara Falls yesterday, aged 00 years. Edward Muldoon and Hugh Rellly, miners, were killed by the falling ot coal In the Manvllle mine, near Wilkes barre, Pa., yesterday. A meeting of the New York Itepuhll- can State Committee has baen called for Tuesday next at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York City. It Is announced that Judge Foster, ot Chill, will this week conclude his report regard to the killing of the li U- more's sailors at Yalparatso. Peter Maher, trie Irish champion. nocked out Jake Smith and Sailor rown in short order last u'ght at Mad ison Square GarJen, New York. John L. Ferguson, ot Knusas City, was arrested yesterday charged with, embezzling $20,000 from the National Dank of Kansas City, where he has been mployed for about eight years as book keeper. Elbert M. Monroe, of Connecticut, was yesterday appointed a member ot the Board of Indian Commissioners, and James ..B. McMahon Assistant United States District-Attorney for the Western District of Michigan. Vratlisr Indication. Washikotox, Deo. IS. For New Enilanii rain northerly winds, becomlui; va rleblei warmer toinorrow; mornlnir. For Eastern New York, Eastorn Tenn.rU Tanln, New Jeranr. Maryland and Delaware: Fain coldor, tallowed br slowlj riilax tem perature! winds shifting to easterly. For western New York ana Western Penn- ylvnnlu: Fair, except local rains on the lakes. northerly winds, sulftliiK to easterly aud southerly! warmer to-morrow mornlnir. Lean veur parties will bo popular wliu mo girls. He who thinks lie can't win Ih sure to bo right about it, for he hus already lost. Tan lluuten's Cocoa The oriuinsl, most soluble. 12.14-lw landholders will And Balvatlon Oil a sure curefnraout or ilieumallfcm. Ji issomuy all dealers. I'rice only 25 cents a nouio. Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the lamo IiKbsiq & uo., asnianu, xa., nr!ntd on evorv Back. S-a-ttaw Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages I In charge of good, earelul, responsible driv era to nir at all umoi- auu at reasonable rules at EVAN J. DAVIZS' LIVERY AND PEED STABLE. 12 anil U North 1'eur Alley, Hear of l.ul-erg's hardware .tore, llorsei frJlrti in Hitavil. (tHieinl aliehtl(n elven to FeedliiK llores. All kludbol HAULING al- teudtd to promptly - cliarces mouerale. -UNDKKTAKINO- Kallh'ully and promptly attended to. Restauran Cor. Main and Coal fits. BneimiHioun, ra. Uecularmeals nt popular in Ions sei vo l nt all limes. J .Hd I en' dining um re. freshTnenl room nttach ed. liar stocked with tho tin' st brands ol clgara uud fancy drinks. Leading Restaurant in Town. GOLD & SILVER WATCHES Best make and elecaut desiKus at Oscar "STost's, 102 North Alain Btrett, Shenuiidoah From now until Christmas wo will get lu FUIt-TKIMMEl) JNO. B. PRICE'S SONS MANAOKKOK The Pnople's. lew.. Shoe Store tin made n li du tlon In Iheprlce ol lilsn'o. k of 1 dies . ntlB.c' chilcireu'H Hnd me s o w nr, Hi'd wll. .dhflotojhe rices Ul.tll Hlter tho 1ii.11ih-i TiOo per pi Iron MeuV mndng b"ots, 25a " HoM-' ltallur bo ts SKo " uutlis' I ather b.Mita " MnV and boys' rubb-rboote MKs " M n'i" tine hhors. 2V " MIhhb" " lo M Ladles' rut er overshoes. 23 and SOo per ul - on Ladles' line shoes. Prices IIclow nil Competitors Call and exmlue gi da and beronvlurerl, THE PE0PLIS' NEW SHOE STORE O.r. Centre Mrtet and Mi.rket alley llHrlngton bulhllnu, opp. llrumtu's Jewelry More, henabdoati, l'u, t3,l.folK Out (or Hie Niiir HIrii.-uTS M usic Cabinets , Rattan Plush Rockers S30.0Q and upward, - 4,511 and upward. U and upwara. BEDSTEADS. OFFICE DFSKS, - 15,00 a PICTURES A Large Lot Jut Opened for the Holiday Trade, $1,00 and upward-HCTUDES. Wilcox & White Organs, aiPIANOSI- "WHITE SEWING MACHINES. IManos, Organs and RewlngMachlms sold cheap for in), nr r nt. d by the month J. P. WILLIAMS & SON, 13 South Mam Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Common Sense SHOE STORE. For the next two weeks you can purchase ladies' line Donfcola Shoes for 2.00, worth 12.75. 110 South Mam Street, ohi'Obite robToryicE, S. L. BROWN, Prop Now is the Time ! q-O PllEPARE for winter. Every one is looking for tho best goods for the least money. If you are seeking bargains In Hats or Caps JUBt drop In to 6ee Hejnlan. He sells men's good fur caps lor GOc, men's red under clothing for Hicaplcce, men's fine working gloves at 25c a palr.lthe BEST OVERALLS in the MARKET G!Sc A I Wilt, An excellent line of Grey Flannel Hhlrts for working at the very lowest price. Big lino cf good winter shlrU from 25o up to 2.W. A Dig Drive in NI'.C'KWIiAR-Kour-ln-handsand Tecks ut 25 cent, regular prlce40 cents. X SB e-t- O Something New in Puzzles. Bcanlunlias fomelhlug ntw In tills Hue. Any one glvlig the correct 'way ot doing the puzzlo wll recelvo a S3 hat or ll tquhulcnt. There are four ways of tolvlng the jujzle, and the correct way must be given. Huu puzzles we are belling for 10c, or we will five one. to the person purchaslug,t2 worth of goods aud o er. A'new patent hat hanger given away with each hatjimrcliukcd at IS S, Mala SI, SOANLAN Sbenaadoah Our Doll Smiling, Bright - Wde-Aw ke Dolls that Close In Innocent More IMls, ami IVtki' Than MORGAN'S CHAMBER SUITS, - - $20.00 and upward EXTENSION TABLES. - 4.DQ and upward FINE LIKE LADIES' DESKS, 101 and upward EASELS, All Stjles, - - 1,00 and upward Lester Hardniun OPEN EVENINGS TIL CHRISTMAS WHAT PHILADELPHIA WANTS, Like the strong demand for good water in Philadelphia, there is a grow ing demand for good Clothing strong, reliable, shapely, genteel. None aie in a hetter position thau ourselves to furnish such. We have made GOOD Clothing a life study. Now that the Ilolldaj s are upon us, many things In our line deserve your considera tion Hmoklng Jackets, House Coat', Haatlan Jackets, elegant Neckwear, Gloves, Canes, &c. A.C. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th it Chestnut Sts UcHt-muile Clottilux In lMillaclelplila. Grand Opening! FAI.I. AND WIN TER STYLES or MILLINERY ELLA M. M'GINNISS' -No. 2ft- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest aud largest assortment In Hats, Romiets and Cans at re markably low prices. Oar line of Children's TIUUMKD AND UN. TKIMMED HATd Oaniiot Too Squallod. MEN WANTED TO Ul a lollir tioro lor ,uo enwu ui buwu.. Krlr Ciiemi, Emlion. Nerrou. llcMlllr, Lo'r ScxiuU I'ower. ImpotencT. AO. Bo frrettli oorraltn la our t Moca Vuabl InrormAllon rur.K. awm Family i Eyed Dolls, Dolls. Their Eyes Slumber. Ever. Cheaper Tlian Eve, Ton, 9 BAZAR. TAKE .A. PEEP !- It is not uecttpxry logo about it ure, if von would tnhe a peep at picture, if you would tahe a peen at our in dre-H Ki.ods. cloaks, wraps mid rueB. in dre-H gi.ods, cloaks, wraps and rugs. self and visitors nay freely inspect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. We have some attractive specialtiesthis week in thelineof Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, etit. J, J. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. SAVES llABOf? POOD LABOR AvoUUd by Convtr.ianccia FOOD FOR SALE B"5T No. 6 South SAFE INVESTMENT. If youWBntn Fofe Investment Intpectour fine line of clothing, dry goods, not ioiis, biKHs and shoes. New slock Just received Every article a barnaln, asun lurpect on will prove. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 23 S. MAIN STWEliT, ""Watch for the UED i-ION In front.- RIBJi&S. Rffl'SSi Finest Btock in Town at , Oscar Yost's, I02 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Ferguson : House : Restaurant! (Under management of Enoch Loolcett) Cor. Main mid Centre Streets, FIUdT-OIaAtiH LUNCH COUNTKH. lloxtboer, rortoracdalosalwtjsonWp. Ot. (an of th flUMt brands. A OltANI) STOCK OP Holiday : Goods 1 From which you can treat you friends to" ulce presents at little ex ense. Art Bric-a-Brac Illsque Figures, "atsumn Ware, Japanese Ko ros, Va esatone-lhlrd usual prices. LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS. Purses, Pocket Hooks, ClgT Caies, Tourist Cases, .'ollet. and Manlcnri Holt, Col. lHr aud Cuff Boxes, etc,, etc. West Centre St., Shenandoah purreptltlously, as do the gamins In the our decant display of the latest novelties elegant Our stoi Our store is a little world's fair in it- MONEY, Cookad nutritiously. FUEL BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS Tho Celebrated Duplex Grate ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS! BEAUTIFUL HIQH SHELF. ELEGANT HOT OLOSET. HOT WATER RESERVOIR Waterbacki for Bolltrs Heat Every Requlrr EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. Jardin Street. DO YOU "WANT? A GOOD FITb? and well made, fashionable clothest If so, call on w. cr. lTacobs? Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Call and see samples of the latest goods and ihe styles. Good workmanship, promptness aud fair prices. THE CHEAPEST HOUBE IN TOWN FOR Harness, Whips, Robes, Blankets George Robinson, West Centre ritrect, Hlieiuiiiclonli. 5-A Iloree Waukets a specialty. Silverware of all Kinds AT OSCAR YOST Thousands of dollars worth ol the finest B11. verware In the market. 102 North Muln Btrent, Bhenandoali. 451 OENTB for a window Bbndo 1th frlnce, others for 66c, C5o and up. Hhades made for attires and nrivate dwel- 1 . 1 1 w.i logs and fringes to match. C. ID. FRICKE'S Carpet Storr, 10 -Sonlh Jurdu SI, itu Cnlit