AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, KAISEB EXFOBT BEER Light. :ricri Dark. lilliil CHI FA, TOD OWE IT TO YOURSELF To tniicl'P'p sonrfV e ernctrtes provisions m.nt rF.VKilN'M Cornr urocrn . comer ii Cenno mi J wiil'c sir cl Hi no., Jii-t fiTei'fd, In miIIhIiI for ihe holiday nawm. Kveriti I' K fri'Mi ami or mi' ! si A ntw mii ol mrntcl Km. iIh, ditt d trull", Jrlllfs t. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY What Nowb Gathorora Tako a Moment to Toll About. CdIiIh tire prevalent. Have you bnko'l nny cnhei yet ? Tlio Hloro windows uttruct much at tention. littick wntch cases nre for wlilowa' wear. 1h the n nil tint leads to pre (lletltiu. There nre two wnya about that. Thoeo who have lee Iioubi-h to fill nro nnxiinixlv walliui! for a uuiiume cowl wave. For the next two weeks "myater loiih'' i)aek(-en will 11ml their way lulo every hou-ehold. Every family who wantw the latent ami freneHt n wm tiic-e wmier even ln! Hhoultl lake the llKUAl.l). OihmiI the Ditlable hlitlitK la u man who atlemplH to i;i shopping amid a crowd (it the oppo-lle eex uune days Buoklon'B Arnica Salvo. Thu liivt SuIvh in ihe ..rid fur (Jutf Bruises Sores, Ulcere Salt Hhi'Uin, Fnvc Koro, Tetter, ( hm pi Hands, Chilblain. Oorna, Hini all Skin Eruptions, and po-i tively cures l'ilof, or no pnymcnt required. It is huh anteed to k'ivo perlect satialuelion, or money refunded, l'rico '1' cents per box. Fur rain by C H. HaKcnbuca. rer-ouul-Klioulil Ihli meet the eye of Hie InclTlduul vim mated a dlsiurbuiHO in cliu en lu-t Hundxy by Ills coiiIImimi toi th lug, lie will comer a f ormiihi confirmation by )iricurlliu a uolllti ol Dr. II 11b Coueli Hyrup, winch will euro lilin. Larue stock oi liicy floods, filch e lamps, bronzep, cbina aro and imported cut ulasswari', at Iloldermnn'r. 11-18 tf A SurpriBo. Keop your eye on tin 'oral. Kcagej, the photoj(iHphor, will liavc Ins new opon init in a luw days all 1 will have riimi'thiliK interesting that will irprUothu people. If Partial wishing to telet thtir Christmas presonts an do to now and have lb, ni laid aside until wulitud. At lloldeiman's ll-5!8tf Fair To-night. Don't forget the drain! n-opetiinR of the Ploa.ix l'ru Cimpauy's iair A Rn at many now novoliios have been and-d to tho attractions maki g it well worth lh prico of adinis-ion. Tu Third Drigado band, of Potlsville, will give a copccri during; the evening Several firo c "loianyalrom other towns will paiiicipate ii a fair. pH hdo prevb'U- to tha openinfi ol tho "All warn out" I" the expression of Ihe mot i kh autlcrtr with lhai nrrlblo miiiuIi. 1'iiU'Tiua puiHUbiup to It. li'a a leiocdy for Cong a, L'olda a d I ousumptiou, -) uciiia. l'a--l'lua in sola at 1' 1'. 1. Kitlm'a dius storo. Fancy rings ol all detcriptions at IIol dermati'". ll-28-ll Burobill's Bestaurant. Charlea Iluichill i- liow localed at corner of vlain and Coal streets, tihenandoab. KoKUlar meals, at popular prices, served any tlmu Ltdiea' dining and'rnlieslimont rooms attached. 9-14-tf All kinds of oai dies, 'JO ten's per lb , at Duncan & Weidley'r. 12'5-t riMi work done at llrnmian'a stean, laundry. Kvervthing while and sitlit-b curtains a specialty. All work guar anioftd Thanksgiving Day is Over Hut wo Bllll carry lull Mock of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices, We a so have a It .e stock of FOREIGN' AND UOMISTIC VIIUITS and XUTS J. S. THOMAS' Giieap Gasla Store lib West Coal Street. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapirq's Pharmacy, 107 Boutli Mnln'Street, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. I'resorlpllons carefully cnuipouuded by registered pliunuaviBtu, TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Procure one of our Chest Protectors, A SUCCOBS. Thn entertain . cuts idven by the Prlml- Mcthnditt Sunday rchool on the even ings of tho 15 h and lGth, worn a Rrand rucceis and re 11 'Ct Rrott endit on tbo children and teacher. ' Thn f ur celn bratod cha-actcrs,'' performed by four small Rirlr, a the ' Co lonuv of tho Nation, or Liberty, tooling a home,1' wa especially jjrand and ileervo rpneial men tion. Thn largo audienc that grouted tne children wni lilehly dolighled and was Drolu-nin llnslr pral'o. Mmy deserved a repetition. Inferior GoodB. Tho only fafo way uir pUi hafers le to in siel on having the genuine article, and not allow tbemsidves to be swindled by Imving nlastors said to bo 'just ai good," or "con taining tuperior ingredients," Imposed upon ihem. Tlies am only tricks to sell infere r goods that no mum compare with AHcock s Porous Plaster than eopi or does with roI i. Olio t'ial of Allcock s Porous Pia-urB will conviii'-n the mo-t sk ptical of their merits. I hoeniinoi l Hnnry A Mnti, Jr., Ph. U., V 0. S., late Uovernmenl Cb'initt, cerll Oe : "My investigation of Alleock's l'or-Uf Planter shows it to c main valuablo and psientinl ingrpillffit" not lound in any otln r plaster, Mid I find it 'Uprior to and more efficont th n any other iilastor." Ak for A I cock's, and let no 8 licitntlon orei,jla ation induce j ou to accept a sub- rtitulo. lw. Died. LKCKIK At Snun-ndoah Pa.. Thurt day Decern! or 17 h. 189, J'.hn Leckie, d -15 years. Fuimral will tako place f 'om the ro'ldence of .Mrs. S. Lcckio, Otb TJast Oon'io street, mi Saturday afternoon at3oeloik. Interment in Odd Fellows' cemetery. 12-17 2i OhrlBtmas and Now Year Excur sions on tho Pennsylvania. In pursuance t f the eus oin Ion since established tho Pennsylvania P. ilroad Company will sell excursion tickets be tween ail stations on its lines for tho Christmas and New lear holidays at a rale of two cents per milo. Tb so tickets will bo sold December 'id. lb'.)l, to January 1st, 18T2, inclusive, valid lor return until Januaiy -lib. 18 12, inclutivo. lO OontB Per Pound. Tho finest French mixiures, perfectly pure, 10 cents per pound, at Max Keese's The finest and best chocolate croams, cheaper than e.lsewhro. Coming Events. Dec. 2(1. Madd n and Lowrey entertain ment at Ferguson's theatre for the benefit ot Adam Mori. Jan. 1. 20.h annual supper of the "Welsh Biptist church in the P. M. church ball Jan. 10. ""upper and ! in the Primitive Methi dist school room. Holderinan's jewe y storo, on tbo direct corner ot Main and Lloyd ftreet', isarnin ialuro world's fair wiih its mriad ol holi day attractions. Mr. lloldemian is doing bitiness on a roek-tioiiom basis and pur- cbascs can get the beft values at what ever sum they wish to i spend. Vi 11 tl Kad Koesn's holid-iy adver bemont. llonrtbolders will fled Halvnttnn Oil a sure cvpe .or uoui or nieumaumi. isiuujr all dealeis l'rico only ccuis a uouie. Buy Kcyntone flour. Be caralul that tb iKme Lksbio & Co., Afbland, Pa., it orint"'1 on verv sack. S.R.1tw Good Horses ! Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages 1 In charge of good, carelul, ret ponsiblo driv ers to hir at all timet and at reasonable rates at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVEUY AND FEED STABLE. 12 itnil 14 A'ortA rear Allty, lienr nf l.nbere'8 baidware store, llortes ( Ui,r,l. (Jiiieml alienth n cuen to Feeding llort-es. All kinds ol HAULING at. lendtd lo promptly-cliarr es moaeruie. UNDERTAKING Fiilthlully and promplly altendedtn. GOLD & SILVER WATCHES llest ninie and elegant designs at Oscar Tost's, 102 North Main Street, Shenandoah From now until Christmns. wo will get lu ruii-xniiuniKi JNO.B. PRICE'S SONS 3Vt-fiL2Zl '.GrOXjiI3VC3k.3Sr, SIANAORR OF The People's New Shoe Store Ha' marie R Hductlon In Iheriieeol hlss'oek of 1 dies . mlii-o' eluiaren'K and me' 'a o it w nr, imrtwil' .dhue to Hie i rices until uOer the holl'laya RBDXJOTION-S: W)c per p,ilr ou Meu'a mining rots. 2To llois' leather bif-la tSio Mo 2S0 Yotittis' 1 atiier b'aitfl Men'a and b'tya' rubb r boota M n'a nne shoes. Mlane" 1 o ladles re overshoes. 25 and 60c per pal on Ladles' fine shoes. Irlcc llclow nil Competitors Call and i umllic g' d and liecouvinced. THE PEOPLES' NEW SHOE STORE Oir. Tenlre strret and Market alley. Jliirlniiton a bullrilnv, fpp. llrninin's Jewelry tore, henai,doHli, l'a, 63,1. oolc Out for IIIK Hiar Christmas Presents ! I 1 Music Cabinets, Rattan , Plush Rockers PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES. -BEDSTEADS. OFFICE DESKS, ,5D and upward. 2.00 am upward, 15,00 and upward, PICTURES A Large Lot kt Opened for the Holiday Trade, $U0 and upward HCTURES, Wilcox & White Organs, Steck ( hlckerlni A a hushe. E PIANOS!::: WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Planoa, Organs und SewlrgMachlms sold cheep fori ash or rmtid by the month WILLIA 13 South Main Street, Common Sense SHOE STORE. For the next two weeks you can purchase ladles' ilne Donyola Shoes for t2.00, worth 2.75. 110 South Mam Sireel. OPTOBITE POBTOFFICE, S. L BROWN, Prop JNow is the Time I TO 1'IlKrAHE for winter, jwery one is 1nn.l.. fn, ta t.fif unoHil ffir IllB leflSt IUUAIII, . " B money. If you are seeking hargilns In Hatu or Cmph Just drop lu toFeeHcinlan. Ilesells men's good lur taps lor 60c, men's red under clothing for Wc a piece, men's fine working: gloves at S5o a palr.itbe BEST OVERALLS in thoMARKET 6Sc A rAIR, An excellent line of Grey Flennel HhlrU for working at llievery lowest pilce. Ills lino ol good wlnUr shlrU from 25o up to 2.E0. A Big Drive In NhCKWUAIl- Four-lu-handsand Tccks nt 25 cent, regular price 40 cents. Something New in Puzzles. Hcanlanhaa something new In this line. Any one glvli g the correct way rv) 3 of doing the puizlo W. J receive a B batorlt-i equivalent. ThtrearH four Q J ways of lolvlng llie rnrzie, ana ine correct way must lo given. 'Jbeic puziles we are silling for lOo, or we will 3 give one to the person )urcha6lng.t2 ( worth of goods and over. A'ncw patent hat hanger gl en nwny with each hat;purchaseu at 13 S, Main St. SOANLAN Shenandoah We're Ablaze With Glory ! Holiday Novelties A royal troit to those visitintr our store during this grand display of Useful and Appreciative Holiday Gifts At such low prices as will enable you to make two presents for the price of one elsewhere. $20.00 and upward EXTENSION TABLES. - Ml and upward FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, 10,00 and upward EASELS, All Styles, - - 1,00 and upwud , Lester Ilnrchnan SHENANDOAH, PA. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL CHRISTMAS WHAT PHILADEUPHIA WANTS. Like the strong demand for Rood water in Philadelphia, there is a grow ing demand for good Clothing strong, reliable, shapely, genteel. None are in a better position than ourselves to furnish such. We have made GOOD Clothing a life study. Now that the Holidays are upon us, inaDy thlngs In our line deseivo your considera tion Hiuoldug Jackets, lluuse Orftt", Haatlug Jackets, elrgant Neckwear, Gloves, Canes, Ac. A. G. Yates & Go. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts UCHt-liiiifle Clotlilni; lu iMillndclpliln. Grand Opening I FALL AND WIN TKU STYLEP oP MILLINERY ELLA M. M'GINNISS' -No. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa, The finest and largest assortment In Hat's, llnnneU and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's Till MM ED AND UN TJUMME1) HATS Oanuot loo Ucixxfvllocl To tt l'o.UUo Vurv for the effect , of wlfbaM. Karlr Kictut, Kmltwloii.TcrteiileMlU7 Ixiiuol Bexuu rower, impoiiu-j, o-o. ff y UJ. i oar Hneclflo we will neml one rull IqH MedlcUo And Much V4juWeInfonnattoa FJEKK. Aaanma U, M. CO.v 86 ilrdwr, hew Yvrk. -IN-- TAKE .A. It Is not lieoM-i iy logo nbout It surreptitiously, as do the gamins in the ure. if you wnu'd tat-i- a neen at our elecnnt dlsnlav of the latest noveltloa plelure, if you wou'd ta(.- a peen at our in dre'S kmhIs, clonl-n. wihiip ai d rugs. in dre'S (r'''''s, cloal-n. wihiip ai d rugB. fell and vlsllor ii ny fiei l lin-peet the exhibition without being importuned to buy. We have e meultiaitive specialties this week In the line of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, et-. j, J. PRICE' Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. iiiii m I SAVES (JTJHIl llHBOf? pOOD FOOD LABOR Conver.ienct. FOB SALE -a.. JDAVEKTFOBLT, No. 6 South BAFE INVEarMENT. If yoiiwuntft tafe lnvcMment Intpeetour fine line of eloihlng. dry goodii, notlom, and sboen. NfW Block Jut lece'ved Evtry article a bargain, nn an Intptct on will prove. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, S3 S. IKAIN STHIJr, -Walch for the KED -IHN la front.-ff Finest Slock in Town at Oscar Yost's, 102 N. rlain St., Shenandoah. Ferguson : House : Restaursfltl (Under management of Enoch Lockett) Cor. Main nutl Centre Streets, FIRST-CLASS MJNCII COUNTER. Ilet beer, porter and alee always on tap. Ci gars of tha finest brands. Hops Bargain . Bazan 9 W. Centre St., SHENADOAn. PEEP!- elepnnt Our ptoi Our ptoro Is a little world's fair in it- m llr MONEY, Cooked riutrltloutly, "FUEL BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS Tho Celebrate. Duplex Graf.. ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS! BEAUTIFUL HIGH GUELF. ELEGANT HOT CLOSET. HOT WATER RESERVOLB. Waterbacki for Boilers Meet Every Require. EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. Jardin Street. DO YOU WANT a good fit;? and well-made, fohlonable clothes? If eo, call on Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoali. Call and Be Families of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptness and fair prices. T HE CHEAPEST HOUSE IN TOWN FOR Harness, Bps, Robes, Blankets George Robinson, West Centre street, Slieunmlonli. 5-A lloree illauketst.tpcclal'y. Silverware of all Kinds AT OSOAB TOST Thousands of dollars worth ol llio finest Hll verwnre In the market. 102 North Main Streat, Hhenandoah. 451 CENT 8 for a vviudowshade with fringe, others for 5.5c, G5o and up. KhudeH made or stores and private dwel- lnga. a new 10c 01 bohu- Inesand irlngvs to mntoh. , rt T- nnTrtTT-OIC! " Carpet Store, 10 South Jardin St, Dear Centre 4.