0 I J I n t. ItMAH IIVQ MU I It I I w W C UwlWh OP TUB A; FIQ3 OF CALIFORNIA, Urs 1 :.s. itvuiiiumuu Willi the medicinal Ijf virtues of plants known to be H most beneficial to the human system, forming nn agreeable I and effective laxative tvy pertna- i,.iiciiii vuiv; iiuu'.iuai vuuau i nation, and the nianv ills de- .pfJKing on a weak o- - '.! ition of the KIBflEYS, UVFi'f "-iflK Itli thimo'tcjcnMlinuc.i ..uwri' CiMAtff VIE SYS TEi' . r: When one is Bllinii ot t . -J Tf.AT PURS. fLOOO, REFIt. HEALTH and STAkNOV 1 NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it ind ah . ; . , delighted with it. ASK YOUR OH'JUC'ST FOIt MANUFAOTUneO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. 1 LOUISVILLE, KY NEW YORK, N. t. GOLD MEDAL, FA3IS, 1878. W. Baker & Co.'s from which tlio cwh ot oil lias li.'cu removed, la Absolutely JPuro and it in4Soluble. Chemicals aro used tu Its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, ( strengthening, easily digestkd, and admirably adapted for invalids ns well a3 for persons In health. Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoro. V. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. pearly evey, atterrt of ors'e t 0.nkef is imitated in cblor and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that Horse Blanket are copied is strong' evidence that they ar! THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the ty trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Milo Boss Electric Extra Test Baker HOSSE BLMIKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 6.A STYLES price to suit evervbody. If y on can't c;el them from your dtaler, write us. Ask for the5A Book. Von 'ang' it without ..liargc. WM AYRKS f RONS Philadelphia. ank Counters, Tyler Syetom, Port aoio, uncquaiea in styies, One nnrl Flnllll. , UO Pj CtUlogii of Cuatirt, Di'L tic, lllulrttei la p,!wrt, BboLi, Pre 1'otligt l&ttnti. I W5EW 1HB, Also Tiler's Itoynl Ou'CB ISe una TJT6-u-rlter fubliieta, VOO Styles. Hi t nnd clicnp CM, on (itmli, with gre&t roam tli.ii lu prices. ISO pg ettitAfu. Frf. rotti is ctu rIi Un o Debit, (htlra. Tftbl.B, llool l'tr, C.blfttti, Lriftl lllaul tV hi.U. !., AlNtj.la vUclu rvjuiai ainsKCo,, Nt.i.unu, io., x.h.a. WEEKS 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where be will be pleaded to meet the wauU of tils mends ana tue pucuo in tiVBri lUltiy IU Uiu .uiiua.suu muu m ,t i : I.: ., t : n For all lu tlotks, Jcwrlry, Diamonds, Xovelt'es audKU erwa'ent OSCAR 0ST'S mBnXSS.$rh Breakfast Cocoa mm mm No THE GRAVES TRIAL Young Worrell's Testimony n llow to tho Dcfonco. HE DID NOT HIDE THE POISON, But Placed It Whero Every One of Hit Family Oonld Havo Drunk of It- Worrell Wnulil Not Admit that Ht Know lln AVin Su.pected ot the Crime Wliy lie Ititnlneit Two I.nwrers to luko Cluireit of 31m. llurunliy's Attain The Htory that the Ittilrilered lVo.1 rami Wi lllnsntlslled With Ilr. Graves. DENVKn, Col., Deo. 10 A llttlo re. mnrk dropped by K. S. Worrell, Jr., yos tunlay In tke trlul ot Dr. Urav'es aided In wiping out the suspicion thnt his family was connected with tho poison ing. . Ilo said lie laid the bottle of tho death dealing poison on the kitchen 1 tublo when ho bi ought it from his buggy. At that time there were In the house his wife, u jrido pf' three mn i'Iis; his mother, tlrs. Baruaby nnl a ojWuat girl. The defence does not claim that the sjrvaut girl wns la lau plot, nud it U lmr.lly possthle tint the will claim the young lirldo was in It with her bus- 1 band, yet this bottle was where sho could ranch It nuJ where tho servant girl on u Id reach It. Tho cork was loose ..i it tor it, ha ! -1 taken out t tho oitioe and replug.. Wo ..jn aro enri-p-v imil it, n n mtr.il to suppose that young Sir. iVwit ., v. .j, tin defence intimate, was the arch plotter, would know this. Even it he desired to take Mrs. Uarnaby's life ho would not havo cared to poison his young wife unit tho servant girl. The servant girl corrob "oTated ail that Mr. Worrell said. i ltoth she and Mr. Wotroli woro sub jected to severe cross-oxaminatlons. Mr. 'Jin con eudeaviinJd by every nrtlflco to iuduce Mr, Worroll to admit thnt ho was sutpocted f the crime. Ho pro duced nn interview alleged to have beou held witli him after Mrs. Durnnby's death Which contradicts his previous testimony in almost everydetnil. Mr. Worrell u. limited that ho said some ot the things attributed to him in this, but ho denied evi-rythlng else. Worrell stnttd that he was in tho real estate businesj nud loaned mou?y. Ho knew Mrs. Baruaby had about $100,000, nud slit- bad tuiked ubuut investing some or most of it In Deliver. If she had invested this amount, ho said, of course he would havo received a fair commission for handling it. Ho admitted that !iq had frequently written bis mother while she was on the trip to California with Mrs. Birnaby, but ho had let the p.tckago supposed to contain whiskey remain In the post office from Alarch 3 to April 1, because ho did uot know hor definite address. After liis mother returned home he let tho package remain in tho postolliue for a wi'ek, because ho did not know how long Mrs. Baruaby would remain on the coast. After Mrs. Baruaby died he retained two lawyers to take charge of the case, but claimed he did so upon the instruc tions o f the dead woman's daughter. He theu told tlio oft told tide about the dead woman being disatislled with the doctor as a business niun.and changing the will so as to leave him $'J5,000, instead of $50,000. , , Duckworth Club to Dlalmud. Cixciksati, Dec 1C. It Is said that the Duckworth Club, the famoitsJDemo cmtic organisation of this city, will disband. On account of the dissen sions uinong the inembeis growing out of Gov Campbell's candidacy in the last election, an attempt will be made to retire the present Board ot Direct ors. Failing in this, the matter will be takon to court iu tho form of a pe tition setting forth thnt'ths club is In solvent, and that it will be to tho best interests of the stockholders to have the organization wiped out of insistence. The Grip Spreailtns. West Chksteii, Pa., Dec 10. Five hundred people in West Chester aro ill j with the grip, many of them seriously, i In Kounctt Square there are CO ill with , the disease; iu Oxford as niauy more; iu I Phcouixville, 200; in Coatsville, ISO. and In small Chester Coiroty towns the physicians havn moro than their hands full. The dlsoaso is particularly liova- ! lent In the country districts. There ure probably ns many cases now as there were two years ago, when tho disease took the form of an epidemic Deutli of u l'riiinltieiit Importer. Sacgatuck, Coun., Dec. 10. George Phelps Lawrence, Benior partner of the firm of Lawence, Giles Co., New York, fruit importers, was found dead iu bed at his residence in this village yesterday. Death was due to apoplexy. Deceased was a wealthy man nnd bis estate hero is located near Ce.inr Point and Is one of , the finest in the village. Mr. Lawrence welgheu over UUU pnuuus ami has uei-n troubled with rhoumutlo gout for some years. He will bo buriod in Greenwood Cometery, Brooklyn. The Toleirruphers' btrllte, AldtqceIiquk, N. M,, Dec 10. The situation in the strike ot the telegraph ers on the Atlantic & Pacific ltallroad has assumed a more serious aspect. Tho switchmen, brakeinen, firemen aud engineers have taken up the cause .of the striktrs, because it is snld that the company will hire uon-uulon meu to till the vacancies. Committees from each organization ot the above employes notified Supt. Gnbel that they would go out if substitutes were engaged. Drane's Certificate Not Yrt Vlled. PouailKEErsiE, N. Y., Dec 10. The Dutchess County Board of. Canvassers was served with Jin ordor yesterduy Is sued by Judge Fursman, of Albany, di recting the Hoard to show cause why the procoo Itngi lu tlio Osborne case before Judge Dirnnrd on Saturday should not ba quashed, and that until that order Is heard in Brooklyn the cer tificate of election glvon to Deane shall bo held iu the County Clerk's oi0.ee and not be sent to Albany. IleM Aci'uuntuhlii for the Wreck. New Haven, Conn., Dec 10. Coroner Mix yesterday doetded to hold Engineer Meeban and Fireman Dobbins ac countable for the recent railroad acci dent at Whoaton'a Crossing, near Wutorlmry, In which George Younglove was killed. The meu wore detained at Police Headquarters. iljlhcit ot all in Le.ivening 1'owei lewder 4 YOUNG FIELD INDICTED. i Itelenspil on liall, anil Hipu lte-Rriesteit nil Another Cluirei. New Yor.K, Dec. 10. Tho grand Jury yestorday afternoon returned nn Indict ment against Edward M Field, the falUd broker, nnd son of Cyrus W. Field, for grand larceny. There is only ono count In the indict ment, which specifies that on Oct. S3, 1891, Edward M. Field, as bailee, had possession of CO bonds ot the Union Pa cific, Denver & Gulf ltallroad Company, nnd that ho did wrongfully and fraud ulently appropriate them to his own use. Ball was fixed at $.'3,000, and John T. Terry, banker, hod J. I'lerpont Mor gftn, banker, qualified In that amount. Field, accompanied by his counsel, then loft tho court room. When lie reached the stroet he was at once re arrested nnd taken to Ludlow Stroot Jail. This last arrest was made on au ordor secured by 11 E. Dietz of Brook lyn, aud Issued several weoks ago by Judge Pratt of that city. Field will be called to plead to tho In dictment to-morrow. KILLED FOR SIGO. A 3totlier still Clillil Murileroil In Cold lllonil. NDW YoitK, Deo. 10. Mrs. V, Bosch lnskl, aged !Jl, the wife ot Max Boschln skl, a mechanic, was killed In cold blood in Williamsburg yesterday evonlng. Her head was smashed almost to a pulp, Tho woman's son, Isaac, aged 4, was found fatally wounded beside hismother with bis skull fractured, probably with tho same weapon with which she was killed. Hobbery was evidently tlio mo tive, as $150 which had been saved by the woman and her husband was gone. The4 polioe detained 13 men, nil neigh bors, but the murderer has uot yet been discovered. Many Deaths from Diphtheria. LANOASrmt, Pa., Dec 10. Dlphthorla appears to be on the incro.isa iu the rural sections of tho county. Many deaths havo beeu reported during tho past week from that cause, all the vic tims being children. A greatly afllict ed family is that of Farmer David 0. Kready. " Sunday there was a double funeral, two of his children being bur led in ono grave. Upon the return of the .stricken pcrents to tholi- home a third child was dead, nnd two other children are down with this terrible disease and are expected to die. Soma years ago Mr. Kready lost the only two children he then had from tho same dis ease, NEWS OF THE DAY. Madamo Janauscuek is ' seriously 111 In Baltimore with pneumonia. Seven brick busluoss houses iu Flor ence, Ala., were destroyed by firn yes torday. The total loss is $2)0,000. The planlns mill firm of Klaus & Bork, Buffalo, N. Y., Is iu financial trouble. Llabllltles'$00,000; assets $70, 000. The London Divorce Court yesterday granted the judicial separation aBked for by Miss St. John from her husband, M. Marius. Boston's municipal election yesterday resulted: Matthews, Dam., 34,021; Al len, Hop., 19,538; Shspleigh, Pro., 000. Mattuews' plurality, lo,U30. Secretary Blafue has received a long cable message from United States Min ister Egun at Santiago, Chili, but re fuses to say anything abode it. The Czar has paid the sum ot $125,000 which is' usually devoted, to State balls, to the Central iteliet Committee for dis tribution among tho famine sufferers. AMUSEMENTS. P. J, FEUQOSON, MANAGER. SATURDAY, DMJIBBR 1991. America's popular comedian, Mr. Charles A. Loder, Support! d by tho people's favorite, M1KS JUS it! MIKSON. at da ureal company of comedians aud prclu ylr s, lu the Coiutdy . uccew of ibesfasou, ! OH, WHAT A NIGHT, Acknowledge! bylho piess, pub'lo and pro letsinu to lie the len lini; roniody proluc llon. One week's r n-lnis In New Vork o er $7,000. llLTMI'IUlRY 4 CKOSSLKV. Managers. Prices, 25, 35 and 50 CciitH Heath on salo at Klrlln's dritR store. The . Dramatic Event oj- the Season,' HE THE ArTEAKANCK or MARIE HUBERT FROIIMAN "THE WITCH,"- AT Ferguson's Theatre, TUBKDAY, December 22. Prices, 25, 50, 75c. t. Gov't Report, 7, 18H9 PURE Colored Alan Wants Damtiet, EoNDOUT, N. V., Doc. 10. Sylvester Stay, a prominent colored citizen, has brought suit for $5,000 ngalnst Mana ger Dubois, of the Kingston Opera House. Stay purchased several re served seats for last Thursday oven Ing's performance, but when ho pre sented the tickets at tho door he nnd his party woro refused admission to thnt portion of the house which tho tickets called for, and ho was informed that it he wished to see the perform ance ho mUst get gallery seats. Ho wns Informed that this was necessary ou account of his color. AlJecheuy Vall-jr Komi Sold, PiTTSBnuo, Pa., Dec 10. The Alle gheny Valley Railroad, togethor with all its rights, franchises, etc., was sold at auction yesterday in the U. S. Circuit Court room. I. A. B. Wldener, repre senting the Income bondholders, was the purchaser ami the only bidder. His bid of $.'1,000,000, together with tho road's Indebtedness of $20,000,000, makes tho total purchase price $20,000,000. The Pennsylvania Railroad Is the owner of a majority of the bonds, and the salo is virtually to the Pennsylvania ltallroad. The Minister Ilud 11 1'lstnl. HALCiart, N. C, Doc 10. Tho Rev. J. T. Abernathy, the Snow Hill minis, tor, who was shut by W. T. Griuibley for kissing Mrs. lrlmsley, met the in jured husband on Mie street yesterday and both men opened fire, four shots taklug r" : t, Abernathy 'a face and one in ,ley's thigh. Both men were sir1o" ' injurod. Great ox cltomont pi'maus In the Snow Hill sec tion. Both men wero arro-tod. Aber nathy resigned his pastoral charge im mediately after his former difficulty. Did Your Baby Ory all Last Night? f'it if ho did, tor it weukens hlmno; thnn, too. It can b prevented, if vou will cal' oti J. M. Uillan and (' J. M dir'-hy, tho druiglsl, lr a fmn 'sinplu of Dr. H-ind's Clia Care. Uuby wi 1 iii.luillj bo rolieved. The State Board of 11-allh suya that membraneous croup is contagious. How to Suuceod. This is tbo gro.it problem of ills which few sntlsluutorlly solve. Home lull because 01 0(ki- heslth, olhers waui ol Itn-k, tmi tlio majority from d'-llclont grit want of norve, I'liey am nervous, irresolute, cliant;oatle, easily gi-t the hluos ind "tshe the spirits town b keep the spirits up," thus wasting money, time, opportunity and uerve lorce. There is nothing tike tlio ItestorattvcNervlup, dls sivereil lv the Kreut specialist.. L)r Miles. u cure an uervoui ui-euxe, us nu'iuaciie, ine blues, uervotis prnst atlon, sleeplessness, neurahrlu. 81. Vitus danre. tits, ami Iiv.teHs. Trial totu s and flue- boon of testimonials free ut 0. 11. Uaisenbuch'x driii store. Dacemher 1ms been blesslne the people with some delightful weather. Miles' Norvo ana Llvar Pills vet on a new principle reKulattnc tho liver, stomach and bowels through th nerves. A new tllflcovery ur. Allies I ins Kpeeuuy line hlllousnes. bad taste, tnrp'l liver, piles. constipation. Unequuled lor men, women, children. Smallest, nillunat. surest! fVidoces. '25cts. Samples Kreo, at 11. II Hagf nbuch's aruesiore. A paste of whltlncr and benzine will remove spots from marble. A Fatal Mistake. l'hyslc'ai.s make no moro fatal mistake lhan when they Inform pulents that nervous heart troubles come from the siomaoriuud are of little eousequence. Dr. Krsnklin Miles, the noted Indiana speclalts1, has proven the contrary In his new book ou "Heart Disease," wulch may bo had Tre nt O. II. II ureuiiueh's ilruir store who nil iranK es and recommends IJr. illles u equaled New uean uure, wuicn iias in isrcsisaie oi auy heart remedy in the world. It cures nervous slid organlo heart disease, short breath, aut.ertng, patu or tenderness In the side, arm or shoulder, irregular pulso fHlnttog,suiotlier. ing, dropsy, etc. Ills Itesloratlve Nervine cures hojclache, tils, etc. Unventllatcd liaU aro tho most pro. 11 llo cause of baldness. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed tho wa Tilng? The t Ignal per aapsof I ti sure approach of that moro ter rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves If you ran afford for the sake of saving SO -ents, to run the risk nnd do nothlne for It We know froci experlenee that sfhlloh's cwr will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than n Million llottle vere sold the piRl yoar. It relieves I'roup ind Whonolni! Conah at ones Mulders do not be without IL. Knr lysine Dsca, Sliln ot '.'heat, usfltsuuon's l-orous i-iaster. sou uy 0. II. Ilaeuhueh, N. 13. corner Main and Lloyd streets. Ittiukwhent ealtts are now a com mon bieakfust dish. " Qhlloh's Consumption Curo. This Is beyond question the most sne 'uislul Cough Medicine we have ever sold i few doses Invariably cure the wost esses of Cough, Croup, and Uronchltl", "While Its won. lerfu! success In the cure of Consumption 1 Tlthoul.a parallel In the history of midiclne Slnivi It's first discovery It has been solil on (uarantee, n test which no other medlelm mn stand. It you livn Cnugh we earnest! ilr you to try It. I'rloe 10 cents, 50 cents, and 11,00, If yonr Lungs are sore. Chest or IlaoS lame, use Million's Porous Plaster. Hold bt 0. II. Ilagcnbuch. N, K. corner Main anO Uoyd streets, Good sleighing for holiday week is to he desired. What Father Pablo Varela Says. CKt.WA, Oetobei 1.1RS0. I know several peo lo who have sulIVred erea'lv fi-om the cousequenees or Impure bl od, and 1 n very short while hsvo felt much bettei by using the medicine which ws sent hero by I 'on Ilainon Alvt for th t pur ple. I reeom ne id this remedy, as o' e which pr m'sss the best results, and Is the uestof its kind. lttSV.l'AIILO VAllKbA. Hold at Klrlln's Drug Htore.Pergnson Uouse Block. hnin1ni FIRE INSURANCE. IiSTgeslaid oldest radabla pnrely cash oom. paules represented by 120 S. JardmSt., Shenandoah, Pa. IS NORCROSS ALIVE? A Friend of His Makes Start ling Statoinonts. TUE HTAD AGAIN EXAMINED. Posltivaly Pronounoad b; W. T. Whlto Not to ba that of the Boston Broker White Was Norcm' Only Intimate lie Found M.iny Dlflet-eiieeH llrtweetl the Otiput of the Dyiiiiinllnr nnd thnt of His l'l lend Suspicious Circumstances of the l.lentllloiilloii by Norcross' I'nroiits White Thinks the llrnlcer lias Dlsup peared fur lluasons of Ills Own. New Yoiik, Dec 10. The nbsnluto ldfiitlllciitlon ot Mr. and Mrs. Norcross ol :he head of the dynamite thrower as tl. of their Bon would have cleared up the mystery that has enshrouded this mos remarkable caso had It not been for the appearance yesterday of a new .ind apparently reliable witness whoso testimony goes far to u pset the alleged Identlhciitlon. , It will be remembered thnt the ofllce 1 adjoining that ot Norcross was occupied by V. T. White, n designer ot machin ery and a promoter of railroad enter prises with whom Norcross was on terms of the closest Intimacy. In fact Mr. Whlto was the only really In timate friend thnt Norcross is known to have had, and he has been the only per son who knew Norcross who from tho first has resolutely refused to believe that, he was the dynamiter. Mr. White enmo ou from Boston yes terday and was met by a reporter ou tils arrival by boat. A start was at once made tor tlio Mor gue ami on the way the reporter told Mr. White of the Identification of the head by Mr. and Mrs. Norcross and re marked that he had little doubt that lie would Hnd it to be thnt ot his missing friend. '1 he head proved to be In the Jar In the Ice-box down in the cellnr of the hos pital, and. ns it bad been positively identified and claimed by Mr. Noi cross and wife, Warden O'ltonrke was un willing at first to expose It for inspec tion. On learning that Whi to was au iuiimate frieniVeut Norcross he consent ed to do so. They went down into the cellnr, nn 1 the head was taken from the jar and , 1 on a stand under u strong window. Mr !: ii 'i his task oalm- ly n.id n .. First he ex inl ine 1 in iu a atlvly and scru tinized i i.i Theu ho asked to havo t. ii 1 1 i.i, I on ono side, mil giuutl long in 1 a' teatively at tho pro file. Not a word was spokon until Mr. Whlto exclaimed: "1 am willing to stako my roputatlon and wager every dollar I have that thu head Is not that ot Henry L. Norcross. It does not resemblo him in any particu lar, with the possible exception of tho nose, nnd even in that there is n marked difference ubuut the nostrils. Tho beard is not that of Norcross, that I'll swear to. He .'ind 1 begun to grow our boards on thn same day, toward tho end of last August, and we used to compare their growth and joko each other. His beard was black like mine, but tho beard on this head is of u distinctly reddish color. The hulr too Is not that of Norcross. His wns very lino, whereas this Is ex ceedingly coarse. "Then again, Norcross had a conspicu ously long chin, while tho chin of thnt head is decidedly short. The shape ot tho head aud contour of the forehead aro also very different. But laying all these descropancles aside, thero Is one point alone that stamps tho lead as other than Norcross's. 1 mean the ears, which you will notlco are remarkably small and delicate and fit closely ngalnst tho head, Nqw Norcrpss's ears wore simply Immense aud stuck out straight from his head." On leaving the Morgue White was asked what he thought about the letter to his mother, alleged to have been found in his safe. He, said that there was butnexhlng strange .about that, and that hedld not believe in its existence. "It's a singular tiling," ho said, "that his father never spoke to me about it, ultbqughj havo seen him almost daily since tho, explosion. ' As it, Is the, only bit of , evidence positively connecting his sou, with tjio explosion In ltussell Suge'B ofllce, I think that in the inter ests of justice it ought tp bo produced. This is absolutely the' only thing that can prove hlin to be tho man,' Mr. White does not scruple to say that Henry L. Norcross is nlivo and well nnd has simply dropped out of sight for a while for reusons known best to himself, und possibly to his relatives. He Buys that Henry Mas not thn austere and purltuuically modest young man t hut his parents hnvo represented him to be. The behavior ot Mr. and Mrs. Norcross since their ldentillcatlon of tho head ot tho dynamiter has been such ns to ex cite some vaijiie suspicious ot their sin cerity. It was observed that when confronted with the bend Mrs. Noicross showed very Utile emotion nnd did not hesitate to remove the cloth from the faco her self. Iu spilo of tho disfigured condition ot thp heud the recognition that followed was Instantaneous, not u moment being devoted to uu examination ut the face. Mr. and Mrs. Norcross have mado long affidavits describing th.-ir reasons for believing tho bend to be that of their son. The posltiveness of White's statement, however, has railed attou tlou uucw to the dead dynamiter. Doerfllnger Not Vet Heutenretl. PlXTsnuKfi, Dec 10. Theodore Doer Qlngr, the ex-treustiter of the Dexter Spring Company, and Franklin School Board, was brought into Court yoster. day for sentence on the charges ot em bezzlement, to which he pleaded guilty last Friday. Sentence wns not imposed, however, owing to uew charges of em bezzlement nnd forgery, entered by the I Modern Building mid Loan Association, ! of whloh Doorflinger was president. 1 These charges will bo examined by the grand jury, and all Indictments will bo disposed of together. Tiv.i Cniiiiilluii Ni-iialors Hying. MuN'liiv.AL, Dec, 10. Two ot the best known French Canadian Senators In the Dominion aro dying. Senator Chttffors is seriously 111 at Notre Dame Hospital, while Senator I'aiiuettu has received the lust rites ot tho Church at his homo in St. Cuthbert. lloth ars Liberals. Thu former Ja 01 years cS age aud the Utter 01. will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make Woi.fi.-'s Acme Slack ing at sucii a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at ioc.a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c This effcr Is open mull Jsnaary it., lies. Fer pitticulirs address the undersign. Acmk llLACKiNn is made of pure alcohol, other liquid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show uj how to make it without alcohol so that wc can make Acme Blacking as cheap ns water dressing, of put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressings, and then charge for the outside appearance in. stead of charging for the contents of the bottle? WOLFF & nANDOTjPnjjphiladelphia. is the name of a paint of which a 25c. bottle is enough to make six scratched and tlalled cherry chairs look like newly finished ma hoganies. It will do many other remarkable things which no other paint ontl do. All retailers sell it. CAC1US BLOOD CURE. TO Purifies the blrort by ex- polling the impmities through the proper clmnriels and never causes eruptions on the skin. Regulates? the bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up tie system and gives you an appetite, Novor fails to curo any con- didon produced by impure or, impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Slore, Fergwon's Hotel Mock, Xhtnamloah. 1'a B0 YOU WANT BELIE-'? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Mill prrnkptly rolievn the hi ( (list troBlug cam- of Acuto or CL runic Klitm-i nmlmm or (Jtmt. Bv itrlctly otaenhm the direction, it will cure yon irriw.B eutly i., ' , lulUt tho nutnnrmia preparation! tbat tlifrouutrr. ibis iiitiUuluv in a apcoifiu fur tt tnruri it-unit or mo unmuntn oni, tori liftlfa mi) ;n ' .-ur an Ou tult will mk a until-la torv iunnnlnn an iniH ., lo connection with Urn jilll, comiti't in tuflhrtr lb' tti proper Tfiw It hu btva fouud You ate eartttntlr re qu :1 In l-ut ttio tmrfta rtf KWIUI'S KIU.UMATIO It J'MKDV u iu ralunMc pff'Ttlfli arc cuttorafsi br ItUbtlredM of Ua Uiu't 'n'lfrm t"tlniimt"'' Onl 'i.tui.lo hinriiMii rrmaatMi-for thrlr ruratlra t i.r, ru tis 1 In tli thhi ul tur of KKUL'T M KUKlHf MH, t i MUY $1 00 U: Etttlo. C Battles, 36.00. TUli, 20 Cts. If y ur lori.'kv-rprT d not keep it, Mud f I.S5 to lb U-iimUtiturnr, atiU uiu 111 noetic ft ibi.il, amiuut mtoi;T, 3G37 Marl;t Struct, I'M JHt. , pJU Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLORS ! six Aviasro, Haw Cutting and Haw Dressing I SUAMrOOINQ", KTC, 11V E. G. J. WADLINGER. Under Postoffice Building, Main and Oak Sts., Slienautloah. Air-Hot and cold baths. Polite, oromntund careful attention. DR. THEEL. COQ North Fourth 8t.f uOO hi Hrvro, PuiLADtLrMi. ths nlr cnnlD ficrman Aaierltju Bproialtittn iht Lotted HUi who ! o m rnirs DIood Poison. Norvous Debility "i8pt clal Diseases ' MX Fkla PltwaatM. HrdHpoUFatoilo li biiQiat.soroThront Mouth, ni-lch, ritnlei, FrupUori, wfl tf tard L'hvrit, bwelllnn, Jrrluilatv latlammatlooi and Rsanlnga, Fuioturca, Weiknen and farl drviT l"t memory wk bar nertal an let?, KUnj aa H(l r IiUi'ue anl all Dlwasea reiutlioft from Kw"-". In lis. r tlou or OYiTworlT Kvvat caoei eurfd in 4 to I0otj rulli'f at ouw. Do nm Ime hop, to roatler wlial Mt-tlliir-Iliwtor Quack. FaniilT nr II ii tta) Phjalelaft h falM. !r TIIt.LI- eurra pOPltlvely alitout dtWnUoo tnm loilm-M. dip vocmi Minntt nan 4nTri clTtiriTi"a tftaaitna ri-h or r-nr. .nd 2e atawp for bonK "TRUTH" KiMwlnn guacki aitil-r iworn tettmnlal Hu -m .Ullr from 9 li 5 Ft' to 9. Wed. and Cat. ' ! in. 8nmlav 9 till II Writ or call and U far KfiDof t Wn. "A Saturday PnJia. dally Tim A FINE SHOW If you want to see a fine display 01 Hoots and Hhues, goto W, S, SNYBER'S Boot and Slioe Store, (M&steller's old stand,) corner Coal nsicl Jure! In Hln. Cuatom Worlc nutl Repairing: Done in the best Hyle. LEATHER and SHOE FUNGS IP. J-. CLE A-IEftT, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large nnd first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Suppliea 18 W. CENTRE BT., Ferguson House hollaing, SHENANDOAH, PA. "j a PJtfEHOY. " 4r70liUEMr.t.A ,m - '-. .hnMiIln rtrner We) . -I M. HAMILTON, M, U., ' PHYSICIAN AND SUROEON, orace-'iu West Lloyd Hlreet, BhenanOoah 1'a,