ONE MORS RIICTIOH Pierce Fight Jirhvoon tho' llbal Irish Factions. JOHN DILLON HIT BY A STONE. Many Heads Broken at tlio Ooaveatiot of OouDty Olara- I McCarlhyltps nml lariii'UltL' Suttln Tlmli lin"rmic- Willi Vim. r.iitliuilasiii, Blniirs mill lllucktlinrus Stunning lb, ' Town Hull 11 1 i:iiiiI--I'c1Ii: C011I1I Klarat Ilia Combatant. -Nut i;uuush 1 Doctor to Oirp fur thw Injured, j Dublin, Deo. 10 TI10 Clare County Convention whs helil at Ennls, capital 1 of that couuty, yesterday, anil nil pre-1 sent had a most lively axperienco. Mr. John Dillon. M. P., wan mot on arrival at the rallroail station by several bands ' of music and by a largo delegation of I JlcCarthyltos. Surrounded by the most 1 distinguished Irish loadors prosent, Mr. I Dillon placed himself at the head of the procession, which marchod from the railroad depot to the Town II.ill. I The I'ariiollites, however, were ulso out In force and did not Intend to let the occasion pass. Consequently thoy ! made a succession of llercu attacks Upon the McC.irthylte procession, stones, brickbats and blackthorns being najil ', In the most olTeotlvo manner possible by both parties. Time and time again 1 wero the 1'nrnellltes, fewer In number than thoir opponents, repulsed, but each repulse seemed only to nerve them on 10 rcnoweu vigor in anotuer on slaught On both sides tliero were scores upnu scores of wounded, tha majority of suf ferers cuuipl.iiiiiug of broken hauls. AV uilows were broken on all sides and doors were broken in. Tue police were hustloil and jostled about like corks imou an angry sea uutil they were mus tered in a solid body near the Town Hall and were prepared to use other weapons than tliair batons. The McCartliylte procession, amid gio.ius lro:n the rarnellites, w.ts halt id at the O'Counell monument, and tliero iur. L.inon mane several attempts to an- , dross the surging crowds aroiiuit him, while the battling witli the l'aruellites was continued in the side streets with the utmost vim and enthusiasm on sides. In vain diil the distinguished member of Parliament arise to the occasion lu a jaunting car at the foot of the monu ment. He was groaned down repeal 1 ly by the I'aruullitus, who wero not to be cowed hy oahsr the constabulary or the blackthorns of their political adver saries. Finally the lighting became so general and furious that the ontlre local foroe I of constabulary, reinforce 1 from tho I outlying distrif s, was m.irciiol to tlio j scone and fought its way around the jucvarLuyiiea mini ib luriuua a cuiuon separating them from their enemies. Even this enforced cessation of hos tilities did not dampen the ardor of the l'aruellites. Thoy gathered tlnlr forces together, and wnile the thyites' meeting was being held undjr the protection of tho police, thoy charged upon nnd captured the Town Hall, where they held a meeting of their own. This howsver, was more than tho lo cal authorities, to say nothing of the McCarthyltei, could submit to without a protest. Consequently, the police and the McCarthyltos combined tlulr forces, and literally stormed the Town Hall. Tliero were many persons Injured dur ing this series of convention lights, but no deaths from such Injuries are report ed. On the other hand the local physi cians have treated several hundred bad cases of damaged heads, in addition to paying more or less attention to several other hundreds of cases of slighter dam age. Mr. Dillon was one of the wounded. He Is suffering from a severe scalp wound caused by a stone. rlinmtierllllli nu Homo Ilul. London, Doc. 10. The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain delivered an ad dress in Edinburgh last night ou the political situation, with special refer ence to Irish Home Kulo. Tliero was a largo attendance of Unionists. He said that Mr. Gladstone had spent three yours trying to prove that l'ar nell was a reliable statesman. The bogy of coercion, ho said, was now at rest, and the police, so long and severe ly denounced as the minions of tyranny, now found their time taken up in pro tecting Agitator He.iley from getting another thrashing, and lu saving Dil lon and O'Brien from having their heads broken by their former follow ers. A Dublin Parliament would bj a doubtful blessing for Ireland. It was noticed that Mr. Chamberlain was as emphatic as Lord Salisbury in pre dieting a civil war as tho result of Irish Home ilule. Dmllcntlon tiftlm Fuirbniiks .Museum, St. Joukmiuky, Vt., Doc. 10. The dedication of the Falrbmks Museum of National Sclenei1, presented to the town by Col. F. Fairbanks, president of the Fairbanks Sealo Company, took place last evening 111 the presence of a lirge gathering. Col. Fairbanks made the presentation speech. lis v. C. M. Lam son accepted the gift on behalf of the people, ii.iil a speech was delivered by President M. H. Buckhaiu, of the Uni versity of Vermont. Following the ex ercises In the hall a public reception was held In the museum. The museum Is one of the finest buildings In the State, and Its contents the finest private collection ln the United States. LABOR NOTES. Henry J. Laydon, president Potters' Brotherhood, recently of the died In Kast Liverpool, O. The State Convention of the New Jer sey Socialists has been called for Jan. 17. It will be held lu the Jersey City Heights. The organized unions of Illinois will meet ln annual convention at tue State House,, Springfield, on the second Tues day' in January. The United Uurman Trad Unions of Philadelphia have resolved that every delegate to their central body must be a citizen of tho U 11 iced .States. The Cbllds-Drexel Fund for the Home of jAged Prluters amounts to about 00, 000 al present, $13,000 of which has been spent on the Colorado building. MISSING CASHIER COLE. Ills Wlfn lias Orili-rril III. Arrnst-Kon .Htltllllll llfVMillHlllil CxpfUti'ri. NrAnic, N. Y Dec. 10. The expert accountants who nr. titamitnntt the books of James H. Dlauvelt 9b Company linve not yetcoioluded their labors. They flud their worK much more exten sive than llii-y autioipatod. They re fura to make any statement ns to what, if anything, they have thus far discov ered. It Is expected that the result of the examination will be surprising so far as tlio firm is concerned; but few here ho lteve Edward II. Cole, the missing book keeper, is a defaulter. It is now definite);, known that Cole has been seen In New York since Sun day, and In cons'nuenco the excitement over his disappearance has Increased. The townspeople do not particularly care to say anything about tlio matter to strangers, bat If they told what they believe is about to come ont many would think that Cole was not the only ono who will prove to have beou in volved, If ho lias been involved at all. The question that Is agitated most hero nt the present moment Is, What was the exact ronson why Cole lleilf Those who are supposed to know do not care to make known to the public their views on the subjoct, though some of them go so far as to intimate that Hock land will be more than surprised when all the dotalls are out, if they over do come out. Thore nre those hero who oxpress the opinion that while matters at the pres ent moment appear to be ' aping them selves in such n way as look promising for a sensation, when the crittoat time arrives, family pride wilt come to tho front and play an Important part in keeping the more Interesting features from developing to an extent sulllcit'iit to force matters to an issue before tho public President Kline, at the request of Sirs. Cole, has telegraphed to Inspector llyrnes, of New York, to arrest and hold her husband ou a charge of abandon ment. WREJK OM THE N. Y. CENTRAL. A rvinatt Kllti-d, unit 1111 luieinoer l'u- tally Senhl-l - russenneis Hurt. NkwbUboii, N. Y., Uec. 10. The Chi cago Limited express on the Hudson Itiver Kallrosd, leaving New York at 1 4. Jill 11 in . nml liialcinv nn st.mis lietweetl jfew York and Albany, r.tu into a train 0j tilroa c0,,i cnM ttn onglno and tender, at Kishklll station last night Both engines were completely wrecked, the llremau of tho oxpress, John Smith, of Albany, was scaulod to death, and tho ongin.'or, James Kully, of Albany, was so badly scalded that his lite is de spaired of. Several of the passengers Were cut by glass from the windows, and others bruised hy concussion. None were fatally injured. A corps of physicians from Fishklll and Matteawan attended tho sulforiug. Tho Limited was behind time, and the coal train was switching with soma- nhnrns set for ilnnanr. Tho tracks wero wot and the air brakes of tho Limited refused to work. The tracks were blocked all night. Tim Itj-rnns Inilfutml. St. PaVL, Minn., Dec. 10. There was no longer any doubt of the indictment of Tim llvrnes, the national organizer of Ilepublicau Leagun Clubs, when that gentleman was arraigned before Judge Loch ron yesterday in Minneapolis ou tlio charge of forgery in tho first degree, lie pleaded not guilty, and waived tho reading of tho indictment. The bond was fixed at $2, 000 and the trial was set for February IS. The indictment cliargeB him with having uttered a forged certlflcato of satisfaction and dis charge of mortgage on eight lots ln the Evergreen addition to Minneapolis, upon Mary A. Uooilrlcb, his mother -In law, through Lester B. Elwood, on January 1U, 1BSU. nav State Hoard of Trails. Boston, Dec. 10. The first annual bannliet of the Massachusetts State Board of Trade was held last evening at the Revore House. Covers were laid for 250 persons. President Charles E. Adams presided. Among the prominent guests present were (Jen. A. li. Mettle ton, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, Hon. Ueuiaiuiu Butterworth, of Cincin nati, Judge E. J. MacDarmott, of Louis ville, and Herd. W. 1'ecK, 01 Cnlcago. Qen. Nettlcton Bpqka extensively on the immigration question, Commis sioner Fred. W. Peck, Judge MacDer liiott, of IoulsviUe, Hon. Benjamin Hut' torworth and others also spoke. New Orlaim Tire Department. New Orleans, Dec 10. The New Orleans Voluntoer Firo Department, the last of its kind in the United states. disbanded yesterday, nnd the city will In future have a paid lire department like other cities. The voluntoer depart' ment Was wholly distinct from the city, and made regular contracts with tho city to attend all (ires for, $11)0,000 a year. It closes Us existence lu good financial coudltion, nnd It will be kept up as a unit cnarltauie association. jov--I.lcot McKinlay's Condition. Canton, 0., Dec. 10. Go v. -elect Mo Klnley, who has been Indisposed for some days, Is still confined to his bod. and is believed to bo quite 111. Mo one Is allowed to visit hm, and his physl clans are reticent. All muttors relating to complexion of stall or oilier appoint meats have come to a standstill, as his physicians have forbidden hint all men till activity. The say the disease Is the grip, with complications. lllttou by a Cat, Newawc, N. J., Deo. 10. A pet cat belonging to a Mrs. (ieiger, who resides on Soveutrnith avenue, went mad on Friday anil bit a number of piople. At first it was thought that the cat had a fit, but It was kept by a doctor until yesterday, when It died of hydrophobia. I'lve of the people who were bitten will go to the Pasteur Iustltute in New York to-day, Mr. Mills Worse. Washington, Ilea 10. Repreentatlve Hills, who lias been iudlsposod sinco the night before tho Demoorutio annus, has become considerably worse. Ills physi cian has been oonipelle l to Insist that he shall nut receive visitors. They fear that tho siivero oold froiii svhich he lias been sulTeriui; may develop Into pneu monia. Ill ivi rlok Hunk lllvlilaml. Wasiiinotux, Dec. 10. It Is expected that a dividend In favor of the creditors of the Maverick National Bank of Bos ton will be declared by the Treasury Department within a few dajs. mml New Scnln for I'lillatlr.t plila rrlnter. I'iiILadkI.i in A, Deo. 10 'Iho compos itors on the "linie," "Inqulro.," ''Iteeonl'' and "North AiUlriuili" pre sented demands to their employers last night for an lucreasu In their wages from 40 to 43 cents per thousand outs, The "Tunes" and "iJurtir American!' granted the demand, nml nn agreement was reached at the " 'Inquirer" oUloe, by whiuh the men will continue work pending a nuttloment, but the "Jteoonl" lecllnes to ileal with the men and is A'orking with a new force. Mftntlnc: of Hllvnr Uiiimnlttn (JhIIihI. WAKinrtrtTov, Dec. 10. Hon. Ai J. Warner, chairman of tho National Ex ecutive Silver Commutes, has cilled a meeting of the coiumitto) Hera 011 Tues day, Jan. f next. Gen. Warner snys In his call that, In view of the probable na tion of Congress nt Its present session on the silver question, the meeting of the committee will be nu important ono. pMitilor Hauler's Wlfto Vary '111. WAgiUMiTax, Dea 10. Snntor Haw loy's wife Is d ingeroitsly 111. Jits. Hawley has Iweti 111 t )r a fortnight, and yesterday sii minted to 11 3a.rj.0al opera tion for abscess, the result which is awaited with great anxiety and ear for her recovery. i ci-ulm v I ualm's Iiu,iruv ult'fit. Washington. Dec. 10 Secretary Fos ter has so much Improve 1 1 iat Dr. Hamil ton, who 1ms .0 I iiiai ever sluoo I. vimh taken tick, Inlfc Washington for Cnic.ij.t yesterday to icUiiii ltis o III el at duties at that plai.e. It Corel Colas,Conrhi.SoreThrMt,Crop,Inane, Whooping Couh. Bronchitis . 1 Asthma. Ae.rl.1 Mro fof Consumption in flrt " i "' 1vncrd tase. ita.ionoe. Yoawlll bcs thoei-MU-nt r fleet after Ukinic tho first dm Ml k Std.n t Urj. mut, to u m (IM. P9NWYLVAHIA RAILROAD hohdyi.hili. niriBiow On ami aft r X veiaher l, ls.91, fraim will leave tflemm t nt'i i lo'to its: Tor w.k-t.11, li'eiua i'iao&v lb, "He. 8t. Clair, .rn way pointo, isoo. '. 0. 1. 13 a 11 and 1.15 p m, ,audRyieOU,n.Si. uias" ' up 10. .fri'ottjViLs, 6.W, u.U', 11 n u in ana '.l .undays, 800, ii.soa m ana 3.10 r m, Vr Reading, B.oo.,11 ij 1 ic ina.15pu. ;tmlya. (toe, !MU u 111. iinrtS.l'Jpm 'or .Pottstowu, I'lioonix viae, fHoirinti " hiladeiihta (Mrod Htt xtAtlnm. ' 1 U j i.m.unil 1.15 p or wank days. L.tays, we, .su a in a.iu p in "'Has leave Knwv tit- lor Miienaudo n.lJamaad U.ll.6.01. 7 U U.U) 0 oa. Si... diys, '1 11 a in p ai. .uve io!i.viue mr -it'-'uao ioiii. . i.b,uu 4 13, 1.15, Mi i in. Hundays, 19.40 a r " p m. Ueavo fntlalelphla (iiroad strent station' or I'oltsvllleaudKhsannilnah. 5.57. 8 3"r n l.'O and 7.00 n m woelt davs. Bundai fl 60. and am 3.X!B.'M rf.K),, 11.35 ira,12.Wuoon, Xlit. (.J ' 1. .02. ',o.t).2). 8.50 7.13 S.U and 10.CO On bauaays. 1.2(1. 4.05. vi.s.5.i!.ia,t;.!W.BA, 1136 . hi. tn1, 1.10,2 30. 4 02, (lltnltei!, i sn s 'is Hais. , . i. a ..aa u.ut mem I'orHea Girt, Lonirlirancuan.l Intermediate slalious 8.20 and 11 11 a. in., 4 1)0 p. in, wrek days, fieelioiu only sou p m weeaoays. For lUlllmore and WasliloKtou. 3.60. 7.20. 0 10 and 11.18 a. m.,1 41, 0 57, 7.10 p.m. and 12 03 ulglildally anc 8 31, 10.20 a in., 123j (limited express wuu dining car tuilaltlm roj 10, 8.48 p. m. we kquvh, ror xiaituuore oaiy s.ik, wtfii days, 5.VS, 11.30 p. in. dally. Fur Klchmoud. 7 20 a. m. aud 12.03 nlcht dally, 1 ao p in, ually, except aundiy. le wist every day at aud S.13 a in rt 3 ' Hm ed and H.n, 7.25 p m. Way to- too " 813 i a aud 4.10 p m every aay. j CUisuure! only, II 21 a ni daLy aon i l.i ui week days. i'7C tsunbnry for WUllsmspDrt, K'Ti rs iOD'1'laUna, tto.-heslo;, P 'rtalo'iuO sjiajr i IJ a m dally, and . 83 Uooad;s, ro' Klmli a 510 p in weekdays. . fin a.rle ud Intermediate pslnts, 5.10 a lc. ally, "or Loci Haven, 5.10, Rnd a in lally, 1 33 and 6.3" o. m. week days, Ifo tnova a.iu a mui una u, w p in wi-nn uny. .10 a. io .-snudaya, i. It. WOOU 'intx. Psss. Ki ilea. &l4tt r A J. GALLAGHER, Justice of the Peace, Deeds, Leases, Mortgages nnd Bonds written Marriage Uconsxs aud legal claims promptly attended to. Rc&I Estite, ColWm an Insurance Agcac General Fire losoranoe Business, liepreeeati tlie Northwestern Life tusuranoeUo OroiCK-Muldoan'obulldlng, cornur Centrt and WeatUts., tlbenandoah, l'a. Oood Properties of All Kinds For Sole. 1. A. two story double frame '(welling limits stO'oand restaurant, on But ijntre Bt. 2. .Vdwel.lDsaod restaurant on ISast Centrt iitirtd&L 8. 'leslrable property 011 corner Centre anc Jardin streeui, suitable (or business par POMMJ. 4, V two story double Irame dwelling, ot West iilovdstrert. 5. Two 2-iilory frame dwellings on Went Cen tre street. 6. Two story dwellings on the corner o! Usalanuuuestnuibiroeis More room in o is. 7. Two-story Blnale house nn North Cliestnnl street with a tarire wareboune at the rear. i. Three ttm-siory doable frame buildings oorueroi iioyaanu Miiuertsireeui. John R. Coyk, A.ttorney-at-Law Real Estate Agent, OKK1CK Hkodall's liuILUINO, Cor. Main and Centre Streell. SHENANDOAH, PA PROPERTY FOR SALE: l A two and one-half story double -frame aweuiug uouse, witn si ire-room Tares lauram nocawa on uasi ientre street, l valuable property located on Houth Jar din street. ? Heven rtwe'llne tiouitw attheoornerofGil fcertMadMoydstrei. Good Investment. xts rawiuakto. ft sotlC DON'T DELPHI ill Candies, China and Lamps. QUIt OTfinsn thli week to teHchirHs full nf ItitmM. 1) .n't you kitnw why Woh o lioiulqunrlerH for XitmsKift-and holiday k 01N of almost DlfcCOUN r 01' I EN I'htt CICNT. on nil 1 UTuliure to tliu ninmmt of 85 00 mid upward o all toauhfr. I'luuli Goods, Doll itnd Tuvs in etullees variety. Toilet sets, ull makes to suit nil pursed. Are pronounced most delicious, only 20 cents per pound, nil kinds. nni UHi M (t 1 IM lV IV. VI 1 ij 16 M Centre Street and 34 North Main Street, Shenandoah. TIIEItE Is money lu It for j'ou If you purchase your holiday goods from in. Five hundred styles dressed dolls, from 60 to $1 60 each. Dolls' shoes, btocklngs, trunks, lablts, butoaup, chairs, toilet sots, paint boxes, writing desks, doll swings, iiirrlllia, 'rums, trains of cars, gun boat" and ilhor articles run by steam, A lurgo li t of mechanical toys, tool chests and all the latest games, ABC uud build. rig Mocks, Plusli.ToilBt anfl Manlcnre Sets u'!qua silver toilet and manicure eta, dictionary aud biule stand hold rs, hook and ladder aud tire engines, lu stoves, Q.-rmun top, trumpets and many other articles in this Hue. Musical Instruments, China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &c. To ministers of the gospel and school bought. All goods must lie sold before refused. all early and Uavetlie pick want, wiucn win oe so amue,on paj ment or a e mail deposit. 3VEj&:Sg: REESE, BEST & Lxccls all others, in purity, flavor and economy. " Un.ce tried, always used. Ask your grocer. n6o' Phi udelphia and Beading itailron rime Table in effect JVoe. IB. ttftU mm LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWi Cor Hew York via Philadelphia, week: dayi 10, 7.20 a. in. and 12 85 2.50 and lC 6 . m. Hnnday 2.10 and 7. a. m, For Kv orh. via Maucn Chunk, week davs. B. 7.20 a. m. and 12.3 i and 2.50 p. m. IT T Keadlng and f Ul'adelphla week dayi , .10, hOb, 7.20, a. m., 12.35 2.50 and 6.55 p. or. ;inaay, .iuaua 7,4a a. m., syj pi m. For Harrlsburg, week days, 2.10,7.20 B. 111, 50, 5.55 p.m. or Allentown. week days. 7.20 . in., 12.8! 2.50 p. m. f or fotuviue, wees days, 2.11 m., l'UO 2, i0 and 6.65 p. m, Huaday, 2.10 and 7.l a, 'a , 1.30 p. m, for Tamaqua and Uahanoy City, week da a, 2.10, 5.2, 7.20, a, m., 121 2.50 and 5.61 p. n. ouuaay, z,iuaua .so a.m., tsu p. 111. Additional fur Mahanoy City, week days 7.00 P.m. ,, vor incasior anu ixnuinuia, wwx uays, 7.30 n. m., 2.60 p. m. jior wuuamspori, ounoaryana uiwisunri. HrciK uuu. .V nui. u,a . hi.i im, i.wi p. it. Sunday 823 a. m., 8.05 p. m, ' 'cr Mahanoy Wane, week days, 2.10 S,2j 5.-3,7 20and 11.30 a.m., 12.15, 1.35, 2.50,6.55 7J' d .. n. m. Hnnday,-2 10. 8.25 and 7.4b a,' (.05, 1.30 o. ra. for Ulraravllle fhannabannock Htatlon week dayi, 2.U', 3.25, 6.25, 7.20 and iv u. LX. 1 "A W). 6.55. 7.00 and 11.25. p. m. Hunday 2-10 3 25, 7.48 a. in., 3.05, 4.30 p. m. 01 Ashland and Snaiuokln, week dsy 3 25 i.25,7.20, 11.30 a m 1.35, 7.110 and f 25 ai. BHnday 3.25, 7 4S n. m., 3.05 p. m. XHA.1NB FOK BUKNANDOAil ! Irfave New York via Pbllftdelnhln. wotk lays 7.45 a. m., 1.30, 4.00, 7.S0 p. m., Vi.:o u .ot. ounaay, o.uu p. m 11.1a menu iave New York "la igucn t.'itunx. wK las s 4.U. 8.S5 a. m.. 1.00 and 3.15 D. m. Hue- day, 7.00a. m. jave I'm aaeipma, wee oa s, s.iu, ai a 0.00 a. m 4.00 ami 6.00 n. m.. irom llroi d aidOllowhilland8.3,ia. m. and 11.S0 p. m rum ktnano ureon streeui. tianany v.03 a on, ll.'ft p. m .from 9th nc 'i"OD. ' 4ve Koadlne. week davs. 1.31. 7.10. ln.a.' and 1.50 a. in., 636,7.57 p.m. UundaylJSa d Hi. IS a. m. bssve l'ottffvllle. week days, "M. 7.40 a. m. 121 Slip. m. Buuday, 2.40, 7.00 a. in. aof 11 t, a.m.. 1.21. 7.13. and 9.18 d. in. tiunday3.2( 7 43 1. in. and 2.60 p. m. ieive iuananoy city wees; cays, fi.iti, d 11.47 a. m.. 1.61. 7.42 and U.44 o. m. Bun day 8.4,8.17 a. m 3.20 p. m. Leave Mahanoy 1'laue, week days, 2-41, 4.0(1 030, U5. llr. ra.,1.05,2.08. 520, 0 2d. 7.57, an. 10 00 1. m. tSuuday 2.4 , tJX), and 8.27, a. it 3.'I7,5.01 p.m. I.i-avo Ulraravllle (Kappabaunock tstatioD wtiek dars. 2.47 4.07. hM. and 8.41 p.. m.. 12.0" 2.2 xW, .82, 8.W and l'J.oa p. m, Hunday , 2,47 t 07, "-3.1 K. m, S.41, 6.U7 p. m. save wuiiainsport, weec aays, o.w.u.soino 6 . in. 8.84 and 11.16 p. m. bnnday U.I 11. nl ir Baltimore, Washington and the we-t via 't. it O. H. K., through trains leave Ulnv d Avenue station, fhlladolphlaf.A 11 at 3.56 H01 and 11.27 a, m.. 8.50 5.42 anil 7 13 p. in. Hunday, 8.55 8.02 11.27 a, in., 8.50 o a Aua I li p. Ill, Leave fnlladelpUla, Chestnut dtreei Wua I a u soatn (street w nan. Vnr llunli- "r Week-dsys-Il!xpress,9:00 a. m. 2.00. 4.W, p. u. (vcoo-nmoasuon, e.uu . m. ana o.'ju, u. ai. Haadaya, Krpress, 8.00 a. m. Acoom--no ntoa,S.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. tntnrnlng, leave Atlauilu City, depo A Uailo ant Arkansas aveuuBR. weAk-Os t Kxnress.7.30. 9.00 a. m. and 4.00. 0. m. Ac- (-ommojatliirS.lO a. m. aud 4.30 p ra, Hun days -Express. 4 00, p. ra. Accommodation 7.30 a.m. and 4.30 p. m. u. u. ta&csuui.ii&, uuq'i x-ass-r ak' V MnljKOI). Pres. A (Jen'l Manaser. Grand Holiday Display Of new and desirable presents ;for the old aodoung at OSCAR YOST'S 102 North MdiD Street, Shenandoah. -CHRISTMAS I 8 South Main Street. Sf3aoxxo,, SANTA. CLACS STOBES: Perfumery, Sleighs I teachers, 10 per cent, oil on all (roods Junuurv 1st, nnd 110 reasonable oiler or tlie lor. You can select what you CiSbnmsdtafuszHcasi GOES FARTHEST. i9 Lehigh Valley Railroad. ABllANQKMENT OF PAB8ENOEK TKAINB, -NOV 15. 1891.- I'assenger trains will leave Hhenaudoali for nauon i;nunk, -eniguton, mallngton, cata sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phil aoeipnia ana ts ew 1 ora at o.n, 7.40, a. m, 1252. aiO. 6.28 n.m. For Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and oirjuusoargaLo.s, a. m., ana o.ep. m. U-n-l Dn.l,anHllaanil fPHn.n,. 'aiN n m For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre and Pitts ton 6.47. 0.08. 10.41 a. m. 3.10 nnd 52H n. m. ForTunkbannock, 10,41a. m., 3.10 and 5.26 p. ta. For Auburn, Itbaca, Geneva and and Lyont a. in., ami o.v p. m. ForLaceyvlllo.Towanda, Bayre, Waverly E.1IU1JU, IHKUCCLVI. UUUIU, 1' lOKAIil I '.LIB, Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,aDd 5.28 p. m. For Klmlra and the West via Salamanca at 8.10 p.m. nor'Anaenrien, iiazioton, tstockion, l.nm her Yard. Weathorlv and Penn Haven Juno Hon at 6.4f, 7.40 p,0$ a. tn. and 12.52, 3.10 and 58 d. m For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Meadow. 7.40. 9 08 a.m. and 5.28 n. m Beave- ForHcrantonat5.47 9.0K, 10.41a. m. 8 10 and 5:28 p. ra. For uaxie uroos. jenao, uriiton ana jrroo land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. liM 3.10 and 5.28p.m. ' rortjuaKaKo at a. 17 ana v.ue a. m.i ana 8.10 d. m For WiKeans, Gllberton and Fraclcville at 5.50 and 8.52a. m.,and 4.10 p. m. For Yatesville, Mahanoy Olty and Umaut i 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.11, a. m., 12.32, 3.10,5.20, 8,03, 9.21 and 10.27 p.m. f or Liost ureoa, jiraraviue ana Asmano 4.27. 7.48. 8J52. 10.15 a. m.. 1M. 1.40. 4.10. JM 8.C8 and 9.14 p. m. Fon Darnwstflr, Ht. Clair and PottsvHle 5 50 f.40, 8 52, 9.08, 10 41 a. in., 12.52,3.10, 4.10, 6.26 For Hack Mnnntaln. New Boston and Morea. 7.40. 9.08. li'.41 a. in.. 12.52, 3.10, 6.28 aud S.C3 p. m for ttaven itun, uciurana, mu uarmei ana -ihamokln, 8.52, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4( tnu B.uo p. m. Trains leave Hhamokln for Bhenandoah. .5 11. a. m., 2.10, 4J10 and 9.30 p. m., arrlvlne at Shenandoah, 8.05 a. m., 12.52. 3.10, 6.20 and ' m KorliOtty. Anacniiod, suvnr urooic jiiuc- tl.iun i 118115,17,7 40.9.08, and 10.41 a. m., 12.02, 3.10, a.JU and 8.' u p. m. For Lost Greek. Glrardvllle and Ashland. B.3U, u.iu iiu a. ra., z.u p. ra. For Dartr water. Ht. u Ulalr and I'otLs villi, 8.00. 9.30 u. m.. 2.45 n. m. f or Yatesviiio, aiauauoyuity ana uoiani 8.00, 11.85 a. m.. 1.40, 4.10, 8.03 p.m. f or Xjoiiyj Anaenriea ana uacioton, e.u m 1.10 p. in: For Manch Chunk. Lehlehton. Blatincton Oatasauqua, Allentown, lletblehem, Kasto. anaxsew xors, s.uua. ra., p. m. 1 or rmiaaeipuia, p. in, K. U. 11YINGTON, Gen'l Pass. Ast.. Betbltham JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand Cor. Main and Oik Streets. Fresli Oysters Received Daily. A One line ot Choice OHOCBUIKa Muts and Candles. Poultry 0 all Kinds. Mr. Costlet rrciives his areen trnotc dally from the clt markets, which Is a gusranue to bis cus oinerf that tbey will receive fresh g XKii wu-n ouyiugirom mm, g R. BRIOKER, M. D., physioiajj and snnanotf, .Mo'.BEail Centre Street; Mahanoy Oily, Pi duunjuhii svwjiai aiseaara a specialty. ) ocoa MM N WANTS, &o. Aiteerlifmenin In IM. mtumn. nut meriting w cr, .,r wemK. aural ntht lltvpie. JV- MOMl $. ' ' one U'Olt HKVr A six roinieil Inline. nwiviti Ini. a unit p.roi. Apply to Mrs. It ibettSlddal ,3-18,4. JarVllns.ree'. 12 H-lt WANTED At oik!.., four brick la)prsnadslxslono husiustn work ou ho electric rallioait.ut ItappulKmock. 3t Jj'OH SATjK. A frosh c fur enlo . rtienn. Arnlv Ln rianmsl ft. Arbni 11a W. Coats, reel 12 15 3t V?Ol SAIjE Ko( nnd irHiitlo iiorse. SUilltoie for all kin's nf w rk. fnr saieclteip. Apuly 10 o. J. Union, 21 Kast Centre street, $heuaiidOnh. 12 1 tt FOU SVLE. One store room .uud nns rtw lllug house. Iit 30 Net front slid 1111 feelda o. Place. MIS ws Ro I sirxnt. Kasy ermj. Apply to Frank Warn'c. ii'ii'im TOU SALE. TIib gray team nf JL horses r 'oentlv uso 1 hv the Colombia 11. ,t -t. l' Co.. No. 1 The will be a bargaluto 1)1 j purchasers. I'llANK I.BwIS, JllIlS KlSB IIOiVKII, JRkk O'tvll.T., KllANK ' OIllllNOTONf J A SI IS McllONM.I), II-21-tr Trustcfs. CHARTKU NO riOK. Notice Is ' hereby given that nn appilcatlAu Will be inde Hi the Court ol Common Fli-a nt SchnylU'll cumly ou Monday, December 21st, A. if, is'ji. atiuociocK mine loienoon lln- ler tbo"corrostl"iii act or ihw common wealth ol Pennslvapla, approved AitI129. 1874 "and the sunplement1 ibTeto, fnr the caaltcrol an inte ded corporation tobe called "St. Hporge's Lithuanian I'atbo lo Boocncla! Hoclctv. of 8110' andoali, l'a." sal assiclaiion is to be locaio i in sueoauaosn, r.i., tinil t' nave is omo.-t ine ma lonauo1' Ol a soo'ciy social, educational and benflrlal mir- oses lo lis members fro n muds collected tfteroln. a. U. Mi J.OI.LiOl'Kl Kit, Attmiipy fir Applicants. Buennmtnnh, Pa.. N iv. 1, '91. 11-2I-3W irst National Bank, SHENANDOAH, PENNA. Capital, $100,000,00. W. Letsenrmg, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., . J. R. Lcisennttq,' Cashier, " V? W.Yost, Ass' 't Cashier. Opeu lially Kroln 9 to 3. PER GENT. INTEREST ! Paid on HuvlnicH nepoaltti. GO TO HEADQUARTERS ! Fon Turns. CONFECTIONERY (lIOJIE-MADE) Tree Orniimehts, i&c. Wholesale aud Retail. 1 I amr - pin rsBKini 1 Rfl V liLtAK UAlllJIt ' Aro absolutely pure, hnnday Pctiools, Churches, Boclcites. eta, 'supjilled at wholesjle rates. ce Cream, Bread and Cate ! F. KEITIIAiT, 104 N. Mam St., SHENANDOAH. SPECTACLES I OSCAR ITOST'S For the beflt cold and silver rimmed spectuclen J3yes tested free or charge. Satisfaction guaranteed. 102 N, MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH. WALL PAPER BARGAINS I Largest and cheapest stock ln town. Artistic Painting, Graining and Decorating! J. P. GARDEN, 10 2 Bm 231 W. Centre St.. SHENANDOAH OHRlS. "BOSSLER'S AL00N AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Tho Finest cM of Beers, Ales, Cigws. ic. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, .WE. CENTRE fT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of clears always on hand. Tho beat urnoeranca drinks. PCUthf.ter'. F.ntll.U Diamond Ilr.qi. EHNYRQYAi PILLS TrV.? urc tJj rulUbl laoics m ,f (tOa VryjxUl tar Chkhtslarg PI,, lilVLfWNianu.l HAJ In llA r.,t 4!.,IA m.i.lli.V ns other Rttu danatrou auhmtam In utter fur partteuliit fvUmooUU al M ltlltf for IHlcs" ' nr, bj retsm f SIPIL H'.UUU T. MitiiuiitM'. aami i-aper, CSlchi iltrCLftaiit?iilli..jtl"dlnuHaiiii. hill IT !l tOkO r . -. "tU. iftZ