Mm tV7. r... . v Present! in the moat elegnnt form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICT OP TUB FIGS OF CALIFOHNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER ANDBOWELS. It is the most cxcclltnt remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is llilimu or Constipated so THAT PURLDLOOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOC'ST FOR S-5TH.XT3P OP XICJrS MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. tOUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK. N. X. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W. Baker & Co.'s Breakfast Cocoa from which tlio excess of oil has Leon removed, Is Absolutely JPuvo audit is Soluble. No Chemicals mo used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and Is therefore far mora economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids ns well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. tllck Headache and rollove all tho troubles Inci dent to a bilious state of tho ajstom, such aa Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Fain in the Side. 4c While their most remarkable success has boon shown la curing t HeaSacbo, yet Carter's TJttla Idvor VtOl ara tqmlly valuable in ConsUpatlon. curing and pro venting this annoying complaint, while they alio correct alldlsordors of thostomachjstimulato tho river and regulate the bowels. Efonif taoyonlj cures m rj rma fAcetheywouldlRlmoBtrrIccleastolhosowha suffer from this distreoslnc complaint; but fortu nately thelrgoodnces docs uotond hero,and thoaa who once try them will find these 11 ttlo pills valu able in so many ways that they will not bo wil ling to do without them. But after allslck head is the base of so many lives that lierotawhora I we make our groat boast. Our pills euro it whlla 'others do not. Caiter"s Little Liver Pills are very small ami very easy to talio. Olo or two pills make doso. They are strictly vegetable ana do not gripe or purae, but by their gontle action ploasoall who tisethem. Iu vials s- ?5 cents s flvo for$l. Sold by drugzicta everywhere, or scut by matt. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL Pill. SMAM nnsE. WALL PRICE dank Counters, Tyler System, Port ablo, Unoqualod in Styles, Cost nnd Finish. ISO Tie CiUloaue of Count'", UtkLit etc, Ulailralal 10 Colon. HooSi, t'rro r-AtUge l&ttolt. f-sfsff. Aiao 'i-yiei". iiri a'iXSS.wSiKSK "race jic.u. una i ypj H?W6OT.'5l!v svrlter t'ublnrli. reduction In prices, ISO ifo caulfru Tree, rtlii IS fit. lull Heee of DetAo, Ibalra, Tatdn, Hook , Cabin.!, Blank t'al!aH. elf., klMtjaln ttork, Surrlatl wnrk midii (a ordpr Tll,i:il Dl'. It CO., HI. Louis, Mo., U.S. A. A Chlcbeottr's rngtUti Diamond llraaa'. EN HY ROYAL P.LLS Orlfflnnl antl Miiv Urnulne. sure rtiutil Dice tull li i .- n tor Ckln ' ' it Pii uies, ,lou i d t i in Tnke no other. Rftu"t imrr ut u&'Utit nona and imttat ' Oi m.c. or ad 4. la uci fr p i t - l-(tu taluli ioi lt-ll4-f for fjudli tn r iter, bv trlura BoUtr MEM WANTED To "cat a raslllia Cur. for the I'lTt. of faUbuaj. VSier ImnownrT. io. So Erratis our faith In U, ItTtO., 8B(.!!J,Jew .rk. i CARTER'Sl f IVER "HH AT. sift MISS BRJOE'S FIGHT Sho Used u Gun and Pistol, But Was Overpw.iruil. SLIGHT CLUE TO THE MURDERER It is Beliavad that Mo Wa3 a E-j-otod Suitor of tin Yonng Woman- Mrs. Ilnlrli ami thn Children 'Warn Killed to tl.slrny i:vldiiCA -Miss Itrticv Mint Tliniiiirli tho Cheek, Ilor Skull Crusliitil, Hiul Her NecU Sliialird Moil lied Man M'liurliia; the Country Tilt Ynunir Woman lllghlr Spoken of In New York The Hatches Were from Milan, New VoitK, Dec, 15. Tlio horrible de tails of the quadrtlplo murder at New Smyrna, Flu., were discussed nil through New York city yesterday. The chief Interest centered In the Identity ef Miss Adollne II. llruco, of this city, who was one of the victims. Hiss llruce was the youngast daughter of Hamilton 11 nice, who, IS years ago, was a well-known soclat and political figure In this city. He was a descendant of an old Knickerbocker family. Il took a prominent part In tho antl slavery movement, ami whoa Lincoln became President he was made Deputy Collector of the Port of Now lfork. ii llruce held a number of other prominent positions, and tiled in 1877, nged 01. Of his four children, but two lived. Tho elder mtrrled FranV J, Packwood, who purchased the orange grove ut Now Smyrna, Flu., whora the awful crimo win committed. When the wife of I'ackwood died about tlireo years ago Adeline went to his home to take care of his children, iler ties to the North bad beuu completely severed by the death of her mother u couple of years before, and she resolvod to devote her life to her sister's children. All who had known Bruce describe her us a charming and accomplished woman. Jacksonville, li'la., Dec. 15. The de tails of Saturday's llendish crimo near New Smyrna, in Melusla county, aro more grewsomo and horrible as they come to light, and It is hard to believe that any human being could do such a deed. It Is wonderful how one man could kill so many and then conceal his trucks ho well, for up to nuw no clew has been found, although more than a hundred men, well armed and thoroughly acquainted with the coun try, have been hunting since Saturday morning, On Friday P. J. Packwood loft his sister-in-law, Misi Bruce, and his little son In charge of the house and went to Mattlaml. .Miss llruce sent for Mrs. Hatch, a friend, who lived a inlleortwo away. She came with her son to spend the night. Irwin Jenkins, u negro, liv ing a mile south, had been In the habit of calling at the house on Saturdays on his way to New Smyrna to seo If tho people wanted errands done or goods bought. Saturday morning ha went to tho house and kuueked at the door, but got no reply. He soon observed that tho front win dow opening on the piazza and facing the east hud boon smashed in. The cat tle were in the yard, the gates were open, and a heavy piece of sciiitllug lay nearby. Fearing that something was wrong, he hastened to the house of E. J. Ilumllt, the nearest neighbor, who lived a mile away. The alarm was raised and half a dozen neighbors gath ered and went to the l'ackivood homo, where an appalling signt met tnom. It was substantially as stated in yester day's despatch. It was evident from the situation of the bodies that while tha murders r was entering the window Miss llruce had so cured tin old iiniitn & Wesson pistol, which was handy, and llred at him. The ball took effect In the window frame. Then she went to a closet, and securing a double barrelled gun tried to shoot the (tend, but the hammers snapped on sholls that had been exploded many days before. She was then overpowered, assaulted and buttered to death with the gun stock. It wns at first thought that the crime was the work of tramps, but this da delusloa was subsequently dispelled by finding a trail leading around the yard to the north and then through the hum mock south to the road, a path that none could travel unless he was familiar with the country. That It was the work of a jilted lover after revenge is now the supposition, and various clues ure being worked upon. Jlr. Packwood says he has suspicions which will be revealed at the right time. This conlirms tho theory of a rejected suitor to a degree. The murderer must liavo been well-known in the neighbor hood, ns ho killed tho children and visi tor, evidently fearing they would tell. Tho people of New Smyrna ull say that the man belongs to tue neighborhood, there being many facts which conilrm that suspicion. Tho victims were buried yesterday, hundreds of people fallowing tho bodies to the grave. Mrs. Hatch is from Maine, but has lived here for many vo.irs. WuntK f?:: 0,000 for Llbal. Kinoston, N. Y., Dec. 15. Dr. W. II. Connelly, sou of exSenutop Connolly. of tills city, lias brought sutt ugnlust tha Albany "Journul" for libel, laying tbfl diimuges at $20,001 Tho alleged libelous arlcle roluted to the recent small-pox controversy In tills city, ami appeared In that puper on Doc. 5. Inillctiuents Asulnatilie rittabuic; "I'oat" I'lTTSUUitO, Pa., Deo. 15. The grand jury yosterday returned n true bill In the libel suits of Ssnator Quay against the "Post." The Indictments, of which there are two, are against James Mills and A. J. Uarr, and James Mills, A. J. llarr. etal, respectively. The suits are to be pushed. Kilraln Will l'lu-lit No .More. Boston, Dec. 15. Juke Kllraln In a ... iini,t...nwu i,a Pafab.i n proposition to meet the winner of the nlaco In KraucNco. Juke says hU t . ..i. .,11 1,B tlmo un,l l. doefl not belluve thnt he will ever don lUD UUILUU3 UHlUi New Mfn for Sr IKrro IMuofa. Ttn'EKA, Kan., Doc. 15. Information has been received here to the effect that tho Southern Paclllo Hallway has sup plied the placts of all the striking oper ators with now men, and that the Western Union has put in new men at lil Paso. rfighest of .ill in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTELY PURE Tli" M,i,..Htor'i Ku'lui- stuntl. Nkw Yokk. l)"c. 15 -Tho Presbytory of Now York met vp-ti-rd.iy afternoon to bear tlio report of the committer ap polutod by th" Modurator to answer the protest presented lv i)r. Henry Van Dyke minimi the Mo lirator's ruling lu the Driggs cane. 'I'Iki rommittoo re ported that they found upon examina tion that the protest win inadequate, and that th' ruling slioul 1 stand. II. It. .V. r.'llst, us on. Hociikstku, N. Y., Dec 15. A con tract for gra ling and masonry on the JohiiKoubitr k'ls ilralforl Hallroad from Howard Janet 1011 to Mount Jnwott, a distance of 20 mi'e", has bean let to UraTKliTliiTg & Ni'.inug, of Now York. The road it an oi K on of tin Ilull'.ilo, Hocliester iV Hitts'iiir. Work is to be gin nt 0111B and lie tluisliuil by Septim-U-r 1. 1H!)2. THE NEXT MORNING I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor twys it acts ptntij on the Atomnch, liver and kidney, nnd it ft pleasant laxative. Thii drink Is made from herbs, and U prepared fur use All ilruareista pell ft altx nnd H.otltier nm kiim. tiny one to-day. Iiiiiie1 I timily lediclno Movr Hie llov vl each 0a. In order to ba ht-althy, ttila Is necessary. WANTS, Sco. Advertisement tn thi column, not exceeding 5 Un, 5 c for one insertion; 75c. tor two; 81 for three; air week, 11.50; two weeks, t2; one nonth, $1. COR ItKN T. A six-roomed lnnm-, " nnwiv nitnlfd antl lunered. Annlvto Mrs. H bert.Slddali,31iS. Jardlus.reei. 11: ll-!l WANTED At once, four brick lavprsaudstx8touo msmsto work on the electric rullioad, at ltappuhnt.ook. 3t 170 It SALE. A fresh cuv for Hale . chesn. Aonlv to Samuel O. Ackor. ILI W. Coal sireeu 12 15 31 FOR. SAIjK A good nnd Retitle horse. HullaO.o for nil klns of w rk. for sale clie ip. Apnly 10 C. J. (Julju, 21 Kist Centre street, Mlieaandoali. 12 1 -tl FOR S LE. One store rnntn und one (lw.lllng house. I Hit 39 feet front IIU feet ds -p. Place. 315 Wes Co 1 s reet. Easy erin-. Apply to Krauk Warn'o. it-ii-im FOR SATjii. l'iio gray team of hordes r-centlv usotl bv the Columiils II. AH. if, a Co., No. 1 The horses will be a uurgain to 1111 purcna-ers. f KAKK liKWlS, JOIIS MlHBNIIOWKIt, Jkhk O'Nkii.i,, Kkank ronntNOTON, JamkhMcUonalu, 11-21-tf Trusters CHARTER NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that an application will tie mde to too Court ol Common Hlpa ot Schuylkill p-mnly on Monday, December 21st, a. u. isui atiun'ciocit to me 101 enoon. tin ier the"eirporuttou act of thHcnnimonwr-slth ol PeunsHvatila, approved April 29. 1871 "and tue hunpiement tueroio, tor toe cnaiter nt an lnte ded corporation to be called 48t. (Icorgb's l.lliiuauluu Catholic llenellclal rjocletv. ol Sho andoah, l'a," sal asst.clatlon is to be locate 1 in suenauuosn, l a,, hdu l') nave ns oojeci trie mil tennnca 01 a hociPiy '01 social, educational and beat-flclal our- pose-, to its members I mat luuds collected therein. S. U. 51. .iOLLiOl'KrKll, Attoiney far Appilcifls. Shenandoah. Pa., Nov. 21, 'HI. ll-21-.iw YOUNG MENOLD MEN HIT IN THE TOILS OF THE SlRrlltTS OF UISIAU. They m&kt hcrolo effort! to ire a taemieivei. DUt HOI. laUOWIDg IlOW IU lUCLiiiiiiiiy SHHKEOFFTHE HOnniD SNAKES tncy cits up la Je-(pir m 1 itui ioton nrif cvOUSNEW BOOK f et rrtft. roK rn, (ifieaj f r.llmltr.l lliii.rltin tat phlluiophT ol Dliew OrRtcioi Mbn, and how by .ia.ip TririTliruT nuini. i nun JOlt or jawing utnuvwu, Idllty. Woakntii of Body or Eicumi, Btaoiea or How to EnUrndBtrnKtnenWEAK.UNDEVCLU?J.iJ OROANB 4 PARTS of D0DY Mfcd. plain to all iBtirntfd. ED a 1411.9, v ..v. ilea Mitlfr tmm 60 Shim, Terrhorki ao l roreua V ein wrft.Them. Tor boot , foil r V SPECTACLES! OSCAR "YOST'S For tlio liect gold and Hllvcr rimmed fieclticlfs livfs teBted nee ol clmrge, ButiBfuutlou guuranlecil. 102 N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH, WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largoit and cheapest slock in town. Artistic l'uiotia Grai ini' an 1 Deciratins ! J. P. CARDEN, 10 2 6m 2il W. Centra St.. HIIEVANDO.VIl UHRIS. COSSLElt'S 'ALOON AND RESTAURANT 01 N. Muln St., Sheimiitloiili. The Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cignrs, 4c. .7 m mm mm J l ,1 ' 1 . u , WVi-'V 1 aW A U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889, IIib rntill I'niMWtury. ItOMB, Dec. 15. 1'he I' Consistory was held yesterday, itu I was attsudc.t by a considerable mini bar of Cirillnnis. Tho Pope namsdas oardinals, Monsignor Huppo Suilla au l Mousignor bep acel. lloth tlieso iirulates are uigiily esteemed by tho Pope, and among tho few ad mitted to (IN more lutimite associa tions. The Pops a 1. Irene I the Consis tory, deploring the irrsllginus spirit which found tlxpres-.lou iu the attack on the French Pilgrims H said that he had never accepted tlu law ot guaran tees, passed by tho Italian Parliament, as it infringed on tlio ltb.-rty of the Holy See. What a Voto of Thanka Would be ptssod If babie could sposk of Dr. Hand's Colic Cure Thousand-, havo beon cured by It. Absolutely cafe. J. M Hillan and 0. J. McCarthy, tho druggists, givoaway fsmplos to thoso who doubl this statement. There ii'p n Lre:it many dilapidated sidewalks in vurloim purls of the town. How to Suocood. This is the great problem of lite which few satisfactorily solve. Mmio tall because ol poor health, others want ol luck, bui tne majority from deficient grit want or nerve. Tli'v nre nervous, Irresolute, changeable, easily get tha blues and "tako the spirits dowo It, keep the spirits up," thus waiting money, time, oppottuuity ami nerve lorce. There is nolhlns like the tlestoratlvi Nervlue, dls overed by Ihe treat specialist. Dr. Miles, u emu uu nervous ui-easo-t, as uesnacne, tue blues, nervous niosttation. sleoiile,,ne,s. neuralgia, St. Vims rtance, tits, anil liyne-la. iiiiu uiHiii-i, huh uue oiHt'c 01 le-iiiuouutis tree at C. H. Ilageubueh's drug store. Pedillera who travel from door to door say Monday is uhvayaa poor day Mlloa' INorvo ana fjlvor PUla ct on a new nrlrjclnlA recrulatlnsr the liver, Uimach and bowels through the nerves A new niKcovery. Dr. Miles' l"llls speedily cute biliousness, had taste, tirpld liver, piles, , constipation. Unequaled lor men, women, children. Smallest, mllitesl.suresll Sldoscs, 25cls. Samples Freo, at C. H Hagenbuch's Iras store. Cold tea is said to bo cond to water house plants with occasionally. A Fatal Mistake. PhvstRlnns make no mora fatal mistake than when they Inform patents that nervous heart troubles come from the stomaeii antl are of little consequence. Dr. Franklin Sills, the noted Indiana tpeclalls', has proven the contrary In his new hook on "H art Disease," which may be had Tree at C, II. lltgentmch's dru: store who ku irautees and recnmniPiids Dr. Miles u equaled New iieari Lure, wmcu nas tne largest s.110 01 anv heart remedy lu the world. Il cures nervous snd nritanic heart disease, short tireath. uuiicriug, pain or tenaerness in tne siao. arm orshoulder.lrregnlar lailse falutltiK.smotlier lug, dropsy, etc Ills Itestorallve Nervine cures headache, fits, etc. Tlio ttirltev is nuttintr on meat now for the coining Christmas feast. Oh, What a Cough. Will VOU heed the wa'ntnsr? The plena! ner. naps of lbs sure apiiroach of that more ter rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can atlord for the sake or saving 50 cents, to run the risk and do nothing for it. we Know iron experience mat snuoh's cure will Cure VOltr Couzh. It nnver falls. This siplalns why more than a Million Bottles wbre sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whopolnit Coutt at once Mothers do noioewiinoai,ii, iror l.ame tiaot, Hiao or Chest, use Million's Pnrnus Plaster. Hold hv O. II. Hastenhnch, N. E. corner Main and i.ioyn streets. The only fish that never sleen are salmon, piko and t;oldflsh. Shlloh's Consumption Curo. This Is bevond nuestlon the most sur tesstul Couell Medicine wn hilve firer sold. tew doses invariably cure the worst cases ol 'imgu, in-nun, ana iiroucutiis, wmie us wn lerfn! success In the cure of Consumption is vlthnul a parallel in the history of medicine, tlnce It's tlrst dlsoovery it lias been sold on a guarantee, a test which no other medicine -an stand. It you luve a Cnush we earnestly isk you to try It. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and ll.t'0. If your Lunjs are sore. Chest or Hack "inie, nse shlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold bv 3. . Ilaceubuch, N. E. corner Main and .loyd streets. No need of coineawuv from town to buy your Christmas gifts. What Father Pablo Varela Says. Cki.aya, Ootobet 1. 1880. I know several noo, lo who have sutrered Kroailv from the consequences of Impure hi od, and I n very short while havo lelt much bettei by using tho medicine wlilchw sent nere y i on llamon Atv , ror til a pnr p -e. I recom no id litis remedv as o ie which pr ni'ses the tiest rtuulu, "nil Is the hostor Its kind. HKV.l'AIILO VAItKI.A. Sold at Kirltn's Drug Store, Ferguson Uouse ?lnck. -Uien.andni Grand Opening FALL and wiw- TKK STYLKS OK MILLINERY I ELLA M. M'GINNISS' N0.26 East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest und largest assortment in Hate, Ilonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TltlMMUD AND UN TKIMMKD HATS Oanixot loo 323cixxvll ocl. Grand Holiday Display Ol now and desirable presents for the old and young ut OSCAR YOST'S, 102 North Mm Street, lkmn. 10JNG FIELD IN JAIL Taken Out of nn Insano Asj' ltim by Detectives. DID NOT ACT MIC 3 A MADMAN. Tho Charge Against Him is Grand Lir oeny A Hearing To-Day- Dl.trlct Attnrnny Jilroll Oeeni'd 1 It Ills Duty tn Art, and Clalma t Hiivh I'rnnr that I'leld ronvcirtrri rlv. Shares uf Union 1'iirlflc Stork to Ills Oitn U Anntli.r Inatiincn uf the Vomit- Man's WrmiKilitlni;, Nuw York, Dec. 15. Ed ward M. Field, the senior member of the defunct firm of Field, Llndloy, Wlcchers & t'o, was taken from the private sanitarium of Dr. Granger at White Plains last night by three of Inspector Hyrnes' de tectives nnd brought to Police Head quarters In this city. Tho warrant upon which the prisoner was appre hended was issued In the afternoon by Judge Martluo in tho Court ot Uenernl Sessions. It wns granted on an affidavit sub mitted by tho District-Attorney charg ing Field with grand larceny In the first degree. Tho detectives who served the warrant were told to get tholr man without regard to the protests ot the guardian in whose keeping ho might ba. When the detectives reached tho sani tarium and stated their errand, Dr. Granger nt first refused to turn Field over to thoolllccrs. Ho was quietly told that force would be resorted to to se cure tho prisoner, If other means failed, and thereupon submitted and brought out Mr. Field. During tho Journey from tho nsvlum to police headquarters, young Field was quiet and dignified in his bearing. He said but little, but had nothing either in his manner or conversation to Indi cate that ho was not of sano mind. Young Field will bo arraigned before Judge Jlartlne to-dny to answer ther charge against him. Tho District-Attorney was seen this morning and said: "Iu view of the repeated charges made in tho newspapers, I deemed It my duty, without waiting for a complaint to bo made by soma ot the persons said to havo been defrauded, to take action in the matter. Such transactions ns the Kiel I falluro cannot take place without s. ii by the authorities, oven if. .i ' i - ei'W. no formal charge issubui'it. . -.esi.-1 parties. Mr. Flolri nay t..- i ... If he Is, it must be proved in i. defence to the indictment In the u--.i . w ' Assigneo Ouuld is still rotlcnnt as to the nllatrs of Field, Llndley, Wiechers & Co., although nenrly every day some new instance of Edward M. Field's wrongdoing comes to light. A tailor in this city on Nov. 20, one week before the firm failed, purchased through Field two Northern Pacific Railroad live per cent bonds, paying about $l,l)J0 for them. He paid by check, which was duly honored. He received tho usual notice thnt the purchase had beeuinade, and cnlled next day at Field, I.indley, Wiechers & Co. to get tho bonds. Ho was put oil with plausible excuses and asked to call next day. He did so, and was put off with some other pretext. He went again next day, and was told that Mr. Field had just stepped out. On tho following day the firm failed. The tailor has received a hint from a member of the Field family, stating that if he will not begin criminal pros ecution he will get his monoy'back. A Wall street banker to whom the tailor told his story has advised him to insti tute criminal proceedings against every member of tho firm. The District Attorney says ho has In formation which leads him to believe that Field has disposed of live shares of Union Puciilc stock und converted them to his own use. lVttlt-l.atliiilii Giiiun a Ilraw. Boston, Dec. 15. The odds given Latham last Saturday In his tennis match with Pettit, having been gener ally regarded us too favorable, the Bos ton Athletic Association, acting upon this prevailing opinion, arranged an other match which was played yester day, fixiug the odds "half thirty for u bisque. " Tho purse was the same as in the match heretofore played, namely, J1S0. Only four, sets vor played and theso resultod in a draw Pettit won the Il-st set, (i-4 and the third sot, 0-7, while Latham won tho second set, H-IS and tho fourth sot 8-0. Charged Willi Klllinc a la ltd. Kingston, N Y., Dec. 15. Mory Dor onbroskl and Paul Poposynskie, both Polanders, were arrested ysturday and lodged In jail to await examination on n charge of murdering a child which tho woman had given birth to. Tho re puted father of the child and Poposyn skie were boarders in the house ot Mrs. Duronbroski. Tho father disappeared one day last week, and on the following day Poponynskia was discovered in tlio act of burying the body of a (load child iu a trunk at the rear ot the house. Ihi, 1'i-Uu I.lar tines Tree. PtTTmrmiii, Pa., Dec. 15. Josoph Mutilation, otherwise known as "Orange IHossom," was acquitted before Judge Kennedy yesterday of u charge of lar ceny. The prosecutor was Patrick 0"Ioole, who claims that ho and Mul- button got drunk together, and that the latter relieved him ot $35 In a Grant Bteeet lodging house. Several residents from Louisville, Ky., Mttlhatton's home, teHillled to his good character. Aclor uitls' Irtut rostjnmttd. San FHANtikCO. Dec. 15. Actor M. H. Curtis' trial for killing Policeman Grant has been set for Jan. 11 next. Tho o.i.B was called for trial yesterday, but Curtis' la.vyur pleaded for delay bj catise of want of time tor preparation. Curtis has fought for dela) from the outset, ns ho believed public prejudice will fade ns time goes 011. Curtis was handsomely dressed and prison life evi dently doesn't worry him. Chief l'oslolllt'u Clerk liesluns IIoston, Deo 15. Iloraco F. Hill, chief clerk ot the lloston postolllce has notitled l'ostmaster Hart that ho will retlro trom the aervlco in a few days to accept u position with the American 'le'.euranh and Telephone Company ol New York. Mr. Hill has been in the pistoltica about 18 years, aud about postal uatters is th best informed man In the olUce, will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make Woin Acme Black ing at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at loc.abottle. At present the retail price is 20c This oflVr la opn until January nt., itat. For particulars addresa the undersigned. Acme Blacking is made of pure alcohol, other liquid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show us how to make it without alcohol so thatwecan make Acme Blacking as cheap as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressings, and then charge for the outside appearance in stead of charging for the contents of the bottle? WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. is the name of a naint of which a sec liottti. is enough to mike six scratched and dalled cherry chairs 100k like newly finished ma hoganies. It will do manv other remarkable things which no other paint can do. All retailers sell it. CACTUS BLOOD OTOE. SUPERIOR TO SABSAPARILLA Puriiie8 tho blood by ex pelling the infinities through the proper ehiinnels and never causes eruptions on tho skin. Regulates the bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you an appetite. Never fails :o euro any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrll.i'3 Drug Store, Ferguson't Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa 1 DO YOU WANT RELIEF? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Mill promptly rt-llpve the mint dU trwwhic cauM of Acnto or Chronic lilipu- mat mm or Gout. Hy t irictly luwrvhir the directions, it will curojou jit-rinaii- t'ullkt ttia numcrou pprttoui thit fIo4 th COHQtrj , tula tiudlclne It & nccifin for th Tine 1 lurmi or rhfuninira onlr fcurltiotln One bottle m milt In connection th thu fillt, rootinc Hie iufTt-r?r' thtt the rrojHT retm-t) tins Wen rouui You fcr truesllf ie qu (! m it i tftf tmritt or KUOUT'S JUIKUaiATIC hkmedy. lit Tlutt iropm!i are tudoried bv hundred cf th tuoM fUuerlm u ulmonlaW. Onh tht tncrfilmiti, r'nurkal tr tot ttif tr enraiiT -wtm arw u-ifl lu ihe mii itactun of M.OIT'S X1.C3 Tor SrttlD. C Hetties, 55.C5. mi:, CS Cts. Bex. iiur 1 a 1 11; it 11 Kill 11 nuDufitciurL-r, and rou lll rec ur.-cprr Utww uoi neon It tnd 1 i 10 tba ALKKltT Kit OUT rive it hi mail. .iXurkvt Mrect, mumI'ii, r. Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLORS ! sex a.-vT-xaxro-, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I StlAMrOOINO, ETC., 11V E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under l'oslolllce Building, Main and Oak Sta., Shenandoah. a-llot and cold baths, Polity, prompt and careful attention. DR.THEEL, too North Fourth St.. OOO fwl Grtrn. pHitatil.rNi Vi- nar Keuulae Grino Anieriaaa H(xetalliit Id ihe L'nlu-d hi ate J be la able to cure BlOOd POlSOnt Nervous Debility n4 Spe cial Dlsenses hkin P1m a'- Ki-d hot ralni Io tha bonaa.soreTliroat Mouth, Bltobfi. riair'i PrupUoDi, loft bar I llofri, bwelllng, Irritation a, InnammaUona and Runnluta, (iUlcturct, Weakoeia aod Early decav loil memory weak hmrt mtntal aniliy K1Jny ot Hi 1 1 It r niir-aafa and all ntfatri r-otinit rrom r In li-. r. tlori or Of rwork Bwfnt ii curM tn 4 to 10 aajaj ri iet at one tto not toi hrp no mattrr what adTr tWInir. 0K-tr Quack Familv or Ho-pital ThTslrlaD hai failed. Dr Tilt H. . ur.'i positively "'Ut drtfMion frcm bualnni old vm an vrbni-f in a(r THa c inTixftiTia rl h -r pout s n I Jr damp for bOCk "TRUTH" fipn-lna: Ofacki tini-r iworn Uitlmoalala, 111 dailf fr.mi t l S ' $ v 9 'Wel and Bat. Ir'si ft t to rHiudat 9 tin IS Write or tall and te aad, For fttfrreuoea am Wedn 4 Saturday PbU. dally Tim a"fine;show If yon want to se a tlae display 01 Boots and 8 hue 9. gti to W. S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mas toller's old stand,) Corner Coal and Jnrtltii Htit. Custom WorlcaucI Kcpalrius; Done In the best style. LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS J?. J". OLEAR1T, Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Suppfiea 18 V. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. (j a pjMKiui. ATlORUEY'tT.Uto. r M. HAMILTON, M. U., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Offlce-26 West Lloyd Street, HbenanOosJi fa.