WASHINGTON GOSSIP Speaker Crisp in no Hurry to Namo His Coinmitlees. THE CHANCES OP MR. SPRINGER Imprawion Prevailing that Ha Will bs at the Head of Ways aud Means. Sir. Mill Ht'Knntetl hi Out of thn Qtiri tlon Work l'rnepi-d itit on tint New Cod of Itlilf-s, himI the Cnnimltt Ati on 8mih to bp AtinotlMontl To.niorroiv Yetter day's ProrefdiiitfN In Urn Suniiti. Wahihsotov, Dec 15. Speaker Crisp lit" not yet announced th'j Com Snlttee on littles, which ho mint Uo be Core Congress adjourns for tbe holiday icrv ' ho vroulil have the full lint of conn it is ready to submit to the 3Iou u j it the reassembling In Janu 11 ry. i .. Impression still prevails Km erally that Messrs. Springer and Mo Mlllan will bo the Democratic associ ates of the Speaker on that committee, but no olllcial sanction has boon k'vcu to It yet. The general assumption that Messrs. Heed and Burrows, or lived and Henderson, of lovr.t, will be the Republican minority has no more substantial foundation, lu conversa tion this morning with a report o , Speaker Crisp's manner carried With . the Impression that it was by no mo. ins HUre that Mr. liued would be a member of that committee. Whenever the commlttools appointed, however, It will llnd a great part of its work practically accomplished. Air. Crisp and a number of the moru skilled parliamentarians of the Democratic side of thn House are In daily consultation over tho Cudo of Rules. It is said that tbuy will mako but few changes in the code adopted by the last Congress. lo-morrow the committee will doubt- Ibs riu ess bo named at the Hesslou of tho louse, and before adjournment for tho holiday recess will report the list of committees, with their duties and limit of membership, so that the House and the Speaker will know just what ho has to do during the holiday recess in the way of committee assignments. When the Speaker is ready to announce his full list of committees, tho Committee on Rulos will probably have its coils of rules for the government of the Uouss rpdv to submit, Nothing definite can he learned from the Speaker regarding the selection of a chalrmau of the Committee on Ways .and Means. Mr. Mills, according to all accounts, has not Indicated In anyway his desire in connection therewith, and none of his friends ho em to be able to (speak for him. Whether or not he will be offered tbe position Is a question, but tlia Impression prevails that Mr. Spring er will be named. Gossip makes Mr. Mcltae, member from the Third Arkansas District, Chair man of the important Committee on l'ubllc Iluiidings and Grounds. Mr. Mc Hae has been in Congress since 183.), nud is credited with hnvlng beon tho lirst representative to propose Mr. Crisp for Speaker two years ago. Mr. Crisp will remain in Washington until Congress adjourns for tho holiday recess, when accompanied by his wife, hu will leave for his home in Americus, 0 a. 1 THE SENATE COMMITTEES. Alignment 3I.nl" by the Ilnpulilleans ttleneralty llojaideil Katlsfartory. Washington, Dec. 15. The Republi can Senatorial Caucus Commlttoe, which was charged with the arrange ment nf thn Henubllcan representation upon tho Senate 'committees, completed its work yesteruay morning ami report ed to a caucus which wus called together before tho Senate met. As nearly as can be gathered from the expressions of many Senators, the assiaumeuts made by tho committee are generally satisfactory. It was found impracticable to meet alt of the expectations of the new Sena' tors, but tho dissatisfaction that exists in believed to oe confined to less thau half a dozen Senators. The Caucus Committee assigned Sen ator Culloiu to the vacancy on the An proprlutlous Committee, thus giving satisfaction to the World's Fair people: and to meet tho request of the Pacific Coast Senators that they bo given i representation on that important com mittee added one to tho membership and assigned Senator btawurt to the new place. Senator I'ettiarow. who has always been regarded as friendly to the World's Kutr project, has beeu assigned to the chairmanship oi cue uornmittee on tue Qiiadro-Ceiitonulnl. Tho list as arranged Is subject to some changes, as it is understood when the caucus ndjouruod yesterday tint Senators aro at liberty to oxohang places it they can mako mutually satli factory arrangements. Among tho many bills Introduced 1 the Senate yebttrday wero tbe follow lug: Uy Mr. Squires For a monument to Gen. U. S. Uraut in tho city ot Wash lngtou. jly Mr. Washburn Defining options in "futures and imposing taxes there on' Jly Mr. Hale To establish it perma nent census olllce and to provide for taking tbe twelfth nud subsequent con tuses. By Mr. Gormau For the relief of night Inspectors at New York and Balti more. Uy Mr. Mitchell To prohibit abso lutely the coming ot Clilneso Into the United States whether they are Chinese subjects or otherwise. Murn UTliltlon III llriixll, Itio Jankiuo, Dec IS. Intelligence line been received of 11 revolution in the provlnoe of t-uo l'aulo. The people of the city of Sho Pa mo, capital ot the province, objected to the deposition ot the Governor, removed by order ot the J'elxotto administration. They lose in insurrection and ordered the now locnl olllqinln out of olllce. At the Intent ac- cottntH tbe revolutlnuuts were lu con trol of the situation. A Ni) iv Armor I'Ute Mill. PlTTBBUJtu, Dec. 15 Mr. Androw Curnegle purchase l 51 acres pt land at Duquetne upon irh ch an armor plats mill will be erecte 1 at once. One quar ter of a million dollara was paid for the Krouud. Duquesne Is on the banks of the llononiiahelu Hiver, about 10 mllsi from nttsuarg. NOEL) TumiM-Thr, V.iniiir Mn Punished for IIikIiii; Citi 1 Xtuili'iiU' l:sro t. CoKTLAwn, N. Y. Dec. 15. Twenty three students ot the St.tto Normnl Training School aro under suspension. They are sons of leaili ng citizens, and the whole town Is stirred up over tho row. The suspensions followed the hazing ot some young men who nacoiii pan l eil several ot the women students to and from a lecture giv n last Wed nesday evening by I'rof. llirdeeu I'rof, Hardee u is not :i favor! to with the students, and It is hinted that the baiting expedition was organized to tdiow resummon t against In in by pun ishing thute who attended the lecture. Curlouily enough, only the young men who had accompanied ;oung wouun to the lecture were subjscted to the vigor ous treatment ot tbe mob of stude.it) The first man attacked was escorting ft youug woman home. He was thrown over, a fence ami forced to join the mob, aud the lady lied home unescorted. All the houxes where young women students who had gone to tho lecture with young men live, were visited and their escorts called out and forced to join the rioting htudents. Six young women board at the house of G. W. Davenport, on Lincoln avenue. They were taken to Professor Dank-en's lecture by two young man, who visited them a short time after the lecture. The mob called at Mr. Davenport's house and sent a committee to call out tho young men. They solzed the ob noxious students and tossod them over tho fence. Then the young men wore thrown into a small pool of water and forced to join tho hazing party. Those engaged In the rioting woro suspenueu uy tuo faculty. EXIT THE BOMB THROWER. nit lloait Positively Iilmitlllril as that of Henry I Xorurott by Ills Parents. Nkw Youk, Dec. 15. The parents ot Henry L. Norcross, tho Boston noto roker, identified the bomb-thrower's head at the Morgue as that of their son at 1 o'clock this morning. Coroner Messemer had charge of tho identification and accepted it as com plete. Previous to tho visit to tho Morguo tho Coroner took the sworn tatemunts of tho note broker's parents ml they will bd use 1 at the inquest. which will bjgln m soon as au uxpert jury can bu summoned. New JetiHy's Menutors. TnnN"ro.v, N. J., Dec. 15. Advance sheets of the Legislative manual give onie Interesting statistics regarding the State Senntors of the next session. There will be sixteen Democratic Sena tors and five Republicans. There are five lawyers, all of whom are Demo- rats; four merchants, three farmers, wo manufacturers, two real estate ealers, an hotel keeper, an editor, a rower, a contractor and a gentleman of ntlro leisure. While the Republicans will have no lawyer they will have Senator Gardner, whose fifteen years ot xnerienco in tho senate enables mm to cope with all the logal questions that may arise. Fourteen of the twenty-one Senators aro natives of New Jersey. ive wore born In New York, one In 'ennsylvanla, and one (Mr. Hudspeth) n Canada. The oldest Senator In years Mr. Fowler of Cumberland. He keeps temperance taveru at Vlnoland, and is 71. Mr. llrown ot Monmouth is 09 ears of age. Twolve Senators are over 40 and nine are under that wjr. Mr. Rogers of Camden is the youngest, 31 ears old. senators u.irKer, uornisn aud Marsh are each 35. The average agoot the Seuators is 11. I.n.U' Hlr Acraw'rMSB R3 White I'lains, N. Y. , Dec. 15. Coun- ol for the Lasak heirs announced In the Supremo Court yesterday that an amicable settlement in tue case unu been reached. The case grew out of the disinheritance by Francis W. Lasak. the millionaire, who died at Uobbs Ferry in 1887, of his ilauahter, .Mrs. An toinette Hchennerhoru. Mr. Lasak was a partner of John Jacob Astor, aud left over $J,O0D,OJO. His reason for dUlnheritttiK Mrs. Scheruierhorn was because she had taken slues witn uer mother during soveral quarrels her Dii runts huil hail. The settlement is said to bo tho same as though Mr. Lasak died Intestate, and the property will be equully divided among the heirs. rullmnii Cnliipuny Htmten. Philadelphia, Doc. 15. An opinion was Hied in the United States Cu uit Court yesterday by Judges Achotou and llutler ilisinlsxtng tue action ot tue Pullman Palace Car Company to have tho original bill in eipuiy, filed some time ago against the Central Transpor tation Compiny, dismissed, aud allow ing tho motion made by tho transporta tion company, asking that the latter bo permitted to file a cross bill. Tho cross bill asks for an iiccouutlui? by the Pull man company of all the profits derived since the agreement of 1S70 from tho property transferred to it, and that tho amount found due he piid ovdr. Cniivlct llurily 1)hc.ihi Again. Pi.ATTSnuium, N. Y., Uec. 15. Con vict Henry Hardy, sentenced from New York, who en-aped from Clinton prison in October aud who was recaptured after hems; severely wouudol, hat again made his eicnpe from that Institution, lie was lnit seen being driven towards tbe border with a team and driver. When captured in Octohur hi had $300 in money, and came to Flattsburgh to board u train. The warden of the prison offers $500 for bis capture. Au Arcluliike UhriI of the Clrlp. Vienna, Deo. 15. Archduke Slgls mund Leopold Itenler ot the Imperial house of Austria U dead ot (rip. lie was h ooiiiln ot the Austrian Kaiser, and son of the late Archduke H.-nier, for many years Viceroy of Lombard)', nnd noted for his severity against tho Ital ians In their struggle for liberty. Slgls inuiid was born at Milan In 180. ' He never made any spocinl Impression In publlo atfairs. The Influenza Is carry ing olt many victims In Vienna, both lu the upper and lower walks of lite. Marine lluiid Will Truvnl Aealn. Washington, Hoc. 15. The President and Secretary Tracy, on the recom mendation nfCil. lleywon.l, Command ant ot the United States Murine Corps, have srante I psriuUslnrt to Mr. Sousu, conductor of the celebrated Marine Hand ot Washington, to make unotlur tour the coming sprltut. On the pr iposed tour the bund will go as far West ai California, and ou Its return to the East will give performances in the principal Southern and Eastora cities. NORMAL STUDENTS Slk-.P TUB PHILADELPHIA PRESS, i Published Daily, Sanday, Wook y. tV intnily psi'tr which U oit-nn, uiumhi-. i a' nd ju?t tho pai or for the Ameri can homo. 2'.c l'te has tho best powltilo orjanizi urn to stcure iihw from tho most itmair slit sources, and with nearlv -100 eorros run i-tit In l'tinylvanlHt Nt-w JVrfoy, nd Delaware, thn tnt and noar-nt homo ews IS covered with a routine caretulnecs ml a tuition to detail not ovon attempted be inj other paper. The Press has abo thn best of corrppon d nt t'i all the great cities of the United -isle", i'S well as financial and railroad xi rip in Cnltago and tho "West, who Keep tho paper tnnro than abreast with events. Tho columns of tho Sunday Press are enriched by contributions irom thoeo whose imnips aro written high in our list o great author', novuliats, oenyist', K well as f nni men of high rank in public 1 1 io. Tho best authors know that their "est udiorues to the readers of tho dally, Sin day, hiid Weekly Press. In politics The I'ress knows no other uia-ter than tho pooido and tho psst year ha toen, as has been soon before, tho narked fsct that It U subservient to no pjllllcnl boss. It hss no political ambitions to foe'er, but looks alter tho !nterets of its roiidere, and delivers llfelf upon the I6um of tho day in a mannor both frank and (Varies", letting tho laots spusk lor Itiein elvt'B and evading no iuea but mee.ing thcin all on I hu basis of fair piny to all men at all times. In pages know no dl tincli ins and tho rights of ono clne over another are nuilhjr recognized nor iup porlod. A IvurtUcmonls of 'IMp, "Wanted, liusi-ne-f, Opportunities, Real Ksinto, etc , may bu interted in The Press for ono cent a woid. Terms By mail, poftngo freo in tho Uni'cd S.ates and Gtnada: Daily (except Sunday), ono year, ?0 00; Dally (execpt -'ur.da.i), ono month, fiOu; Daily (inc'u nig Sunday), ono joar, 37 00; Dailj (inc'uding dundsj), "no month, G5j.j Sunday, ono year, 82 00, AWokly frees, ono year, ?1 00. Drafts, checks and other remittances should bo msdt payable to tho order of Tit k I'kkss Company Limited. Philadel phia, Pa. Kxtr OtTlclals In a cnipn. EXETEit, N. II., Dec. 15. As a result of tho raid on the Granite House here Saturday night, a policeman, a county official, the local member ot tbe Legis lature and several other prominent citi zens were In the police court yesterlay for being found in the bar and poker rooms of the place. They were held. Yaxfrc through with Catarrh, finally and completely, or you have 500 in cash. That's what is promised you, no matter how bad your c.tbo or of how long standing, by the proprietors of Dr. Sago's Catarrh llemcdy. Catarrh, can be cured. Not with tho poisonous, irritating snuffs and stroncr. caustio solutions, that simply palliato for a time, or perhaps, drive the disease to the hums but with Dr. Sage's Remedy. Tho worst cases yield to its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing prop erties. "Cold in tho Head," needs but a few applications. Catarrhal Headache, and all tho effects of Ca tarrh in the Head such as offen sive breath, loss or impairment of tho senses of taste, smell and hear ing, watering or weak eyes aro at onco relieved and cured. In thousands of cases, where ev erything else has failed, Dr. Sage's Remedy lias produced perfect and permanent euros. That gives its proprietors faith to make tho offer. It's $500, or it cure. They mean to nav von. if thev can't euro you. Rut thuy mean to cure you, and they can. GO TO HEADQUARTERS ! FOIt riTRK CONFECTIONERY (iiomimadk) Tree Ornaments, &c. Wholesale and Retail. MY CLEAR CANDIES ! Are nbsolutely pure. Hundny achools, Churches, Hoclftles. etc suppllcUat wholes ile rates. Ice Cream, Bread and Cakes ! F. KEITHAN, 104 N. Mam St., SHENANDOAH. Has removed to Bill Jones' old stana 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where be will be pleaded to meet tbe wants of his friends and tne publlo tn Everything in the DdnUog Line. iflV h . ffll Ii (v , imgnmiiiasiinsa COFYWGhTitw: ... Candies, China 0U!i, ili,,,,.we,;k ,teut,J,Pr;.l I"''" "f ImImmI. Don't you know . .. , , i mi1 iHc!qinrter for -iiihm Klfts untl holiday gi oJh of almost .lyc;BV;iimRr8uitnUpu.0,1,,' Are iironounced most dolIcloiiK, only DUNCAN ft WAIDLEY. IIS OF TWO STORES: Id West Centre Street and 34 MONEY IN IT. Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Sleighs i China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &e. To ministers of the gospel and school bought. All goods must be sold before refused. nil t any and navo tne picK ot me lot. you cau select wnat you want, which will be set aside,on payment of a small deposit. JEJk.. REESE;, -.rtB 31 BEST & GOES FARTHEST. 7 ioufevto (St Excels all others, in purity, flavor and economy. l l 1 .-,l .r. ,,,l A ,.1. U1ILC L11C1.1, til Ways THE TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL SESSION Teachus' InsUtute of Schuylkill Co. will be held In FEMIOTS THEATRE, SHENANDOAH, l'A,, December 14 to 18, '91. MONDAY, jrtor Henry C. Ttane One of tne neatest Orators nnd Wor.1 l'alnt en. He hai made a tour around the worn wlthaBUCO ss l.ttleless tha marvelous. TUEHUAV, Or. .Turn's T. lleMry The ureat Orator of tae West, Hide of Mle." 'The Bunny WKUNESDAV, 311ms Ollle Tnrbetnnd Her Concert Co MIstUllieTnrb-tt, Violinist. Mlgnor Vlltorla Uacctrlnl, Soprano. Miss l'aulluo Moinegrlit'o, Conlrilto MIhs Kdbh I'liud. Bmgiug Header. Mr. Gustavo T i 1 luerg. Tenor. Mo.is. llesior O irjlet, Clanlst. All eminent and popular artists. TIIUKHDAV. 3Tttrnhair. Wittier, t'he Or"t Humorist. uo I'ariiKisierKiuariette. Miss Annie A Park, Uornet and 'A llier. MI-h Georele V. I'arH, Cnrotl and .Mandolin, Miss Katie llelia Park, Cornet Tr nboue and l-iann. Mlhs AdU Pn-k. hornet ind Mandolin. A I.I. SOI.O AUTlfiTS We im 'he llnAttm 'lVaniteriitt: "The Park Concert O tinpauy u .ve one tt their ponulir oonrerts Mu iday ovenlng Th nillrorun ert i us received wl li ranturouv annlause as t ler appenre I lu the r dtHerenl selcctloos. They niea'l art sts. nud deserve all the applauto lluaeiunioi aunienceetvo nem,-- 1IIUU hOHOOI. IIUAKTKV lie. (Male voioes.) BEVHON TIUKKT8. Bccurlng Hsserved Hefts. Bui;;;.'!- Blnsle admission 50e Thenhirtftr the fale of reserved sent tick ets W'U be opan-Ml at the li n oillco of V gu son'sThea'ro, on Halurday, lierember5, at IU.W i.in. neiore opeoiu? rna-t panics ue clrlugto urchase tickets will draw nuinli rs for poslllou lu line. Kaon teacher In line m y purcoase any number of tlcRels not ex ceeding twenty, and eech citizen In lino may purcliHkO any number not exceeding ten. 1J119 riiiwDUIuu,o ui c-uuii uiaiiii-b mi. required to present to the ticket ngent a list of the names of the teuo lers tor wliu-n he biiys tickets. Any pi-rtou may Join t e line second time with the same privileges as at nrsi. After December 5 the chart will be open at Klrlla's drug s ore, Doors op-n at 7 p. in. Entertainment com mence at 8. RAILWAY ARRANGEMENTS: Trains nfter each evening entertainment lo all noluts on I.. V. It. It. between Ash'nnd and Delano. Amusements lorpecml trains o otqor points on u. v. it, it auu ienu'a it. It nube made with Hoot. A. f. Ulakslee, Delano, aud U. O. Lewis, l'ottsvllle. O. W. WK1S, County Huperlntendeat. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest aud oldest reliable purely caib com DAVID FAUST, 120 S, JardmSL, Shenanooah, Pa, CHRISTMAS and Lamps. variety. 20 cents per pound, all kinds. 8 South Main Street, Slaonanaoa3i, SANTA CLACS North Main Street, Shenandoah. nnHEUE is money in It for you II you purchase your holiday goods from us. Five hundred styles dressed dolls, from 5c to 51.50 each. Dolls' shoes, stockings, trunks, tables, bureaus, clmlrs, toilet sets, paintboxes, writing desks, doll swings, air rllles drmis, trains of ears, gun bouts and other articles run by steam, A large lot of mechanical toys, tool chests and all the latest games, AUG and build, ing blocks, Tnilfit indlfliiiniirRSnts ii xuiiui luiu jtuumuuiu uuiu Antique sliver toilet and mauicure setB, dictionary and biulo stand hold ers, hook and ladder nnd fire engines, tin stoves, German tops, trumpets aud many other articles In this line. teachers, 10 per cent, ofl on all goods January 1st, and no reasonable oiler UOtU. JUU1 lUkCl, (150 Lehigli Valley Railroad. AEBANOEMENT OF PAHSSNOEB TRAINS. NOV 15, 1S91.- PaRsencer tralufl will leave Bhenandoah for Maucn Chunk, LehlKbton, Hlatlngton, una 4anqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaston, 1'hll 4delphtaand New York: at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08 a.m., l2S2.3.10.5i(ln.m. Fir Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and Birjuusourg ai. o.s, a. m., ana 0.40 p. m. f or Lambertvllleand Trenton, 9.08 a. m, For White Haven, WHItes-Barre and Pitts Uil Uttlt B.VO, M. Ul, O.IV UUU UU 1 1 1. ForTunkhanuock, 10,41a, m., 3.10 and 5.28 p. m. For Auburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyons luai a. m., nni aza p. m. For Laoey ville, Towanda. Bayre, waverly, Klmlra, Rochester, Uuiralo, Nlaeara Falls Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,an 5.2H n. m. For Klmlra and tbe West via Balamanca at S.lOn.m For Audenrled. Mazleton. Btoekton. Lum- her Yard. Weatherlv and Penn Hnven Juno tlon at 5.17,7.40, 9,08 a. m.and 12.52, 3.10 and V!8 p. m, For Jeinesvllle, Levlston and Beavei Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 5.2(1 p. m. For Bcrauton at 5.47 U.0K, 10.41 a. in. 8 10 and 5:2tt p, m. For Hazle Hrook. Jeddn. DrlfUin and Free. land at 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. in., 1102 3.10 and 5.26 p. m. For Quakake at 6.47 and 9.08 a. m and 1.10 1. m For Wlgtrans, Gllberton-and Fraokvlll3 at j.W and 8.52 a m., and 4.10 p. m. For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano, 5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, a. m., 12.62, 3.10,5.2(1, 8,03, 9.2 nnd 10.27 p. m. For ljost CreeE, 3irardvllle and Ashland 1.27. 7.40,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 8.35 8.C6 and 9.14 p. m. For DarKwster. Ht, Clair and Pottavllle. 5 CO '.40, 8.52, 9.03, 10 41 a. in., 12.52,3.10, 4.10, 6.28 p. m. For Duck Mountain, New Boston and Morej, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.62, 8,10, 5.23 and For Kaven Run, Centralta, Mt. Carmel and dhamokln, 8.S2, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40 mil KJM n. m. Trains leave Hhamokln for Bbenaudoab, r.5i il.i a. m 2.10, -i.iS) ana u.3u p. in., arrivini it Shaaan.toah, 9.0o a. in., 12.32, 3.10, 5.2(1 am M 1', n m for Lolly, Audenii"d, Silver Uroofc Junc tion I1H7.I ton 5.17.7 40, u.08, ana 10.11 a. m., 12 02, a iu, o.2u una .' a p. in. For Lost Creek, Glrardvllle and Ashland, a.W.H.10 11.35a. m..2.Hn. m. For Darkwnter. Bt. Clair and PoHsvIUf. 5.00, 9.30 b. m., 2.45 p. m. For vales vine, siananny uuy ana iieiano, j.uu, ii.a. 111., i.iu, i.iu, a.uj p. m. ror ijony, Auaearieu ana uwivwu, d.ia ' tn.. 1.40 n. m: U : . I .. . . 1 . nu..HW rnV.1l.nn Dln4ln.lAn uaiasauqua, Atientown, uetmenem, .asuu ana now xors, fi.wa.m., 1.40 p. m. For Y niiaaeipnia, i.io p. in. E. B. BYINGTON, Gen'l Pass. Ast., Hetblehsra, JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand ! Cor. Main and Oak Streets. Fresh Oysters Received Daily. A flue line ot Choice GUOCEUIEU Nuts and Candies. Poultry of all Kimls. Mr. Costlet receives his irreen truck dallv Irom the cltv markets, which Is a guarantee to his cuMiiners thattbey will receive fresh goouswnsu uuyi .girom mm, fif R. BRIOKER, M. D., PHYSIOIAN AND S JjROEON, No'. 9 East Centre Street; Mahanoy City, Pi usuaananu special aueasosaipeouutyi ocoai lit adelphia and Heading Railroad nm Tahle in effect Xnv. IS, IHU1 SAINS LKAVE SHEMNUUAU AS FOLLOWS in?K w, ?rlc vla I'hllftdeinma, week aw 10 f, 7.au s. m. and 12 ta a.60 nna.vs nrk, via Maueh Chunk, week days. 5.Hk l a. m. nnd 12.3iand iio p. m. ' r nnd Philadelphia week dayi. l I.;!!?o7,?' 12-35 ''.So and S.K p. n . wll 21? nd7.48a. m., ijio p. m. v Mt 5.85 p, Itl. fior "entown week rtay, 7.20 m. 12.3A For PnttflVllt. tCAAtr da ntn twt. . U0 2.V1 ndl.55o.m. Hnhrf.v. '5m i ii , 4.30 p.m. Or IHUlauiln anil Mnhnnnv nit darn. 2.10. fi'Jfi T.9I a wi. lis! owV. t. . u. ounaay, 2.10 ana 7.4SB. m., 4.30 p. m. ulaitlnnn. u ALihanov Oltv. vk flnvi Tnn 1. rn For Lancaster and Columbia, week days. ia. m.,2.60 p. m. 1i-r 1 . 1 . j . . . week lays, 3.23, 7.20 and llW a. m 1.35. 7.00 .1. flunaay a:5 h. m., 3.05 p. m. or Mfthanov Plnne. wees nnvn. Q in sqa. 1. !5. 7.20 and 11.30 a. m 12.'. 1.35. 2.50. 5.55 ,00 ane ' . m. Hunday, 2 10. 8.25 and 7.48 . m. (.05, 4.30 o. m. r OlrurtlvlltA fltnnnnhannfw.hr MlaHnnt wefk days, 2.1H, R.25, 6.K, 7.20 and 11.80 a. m.! 12.33, 1 as .b0, 6.55, 7.00 and D.25. p. m. Hunday, u mo ti. 111,, d.ua, ,ou p. ill. ti ivsuland and Khkimiftrm. waaIt slnv 23, 5.25, 7.20, 11.31 a m., 1.35, 7.00 andjfc t. onnaav 6;i, 7 is n. m 3.05 p. m. 1'itAINH FOlt HilUNANIIOAH, 've New York via Philadelphia, wek flays, 7.45 a. m., 1.80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 12.. 5 . w auuuBJ, o.w p. in.. la.lO niEUU lieave New York via Manrii nhunk. (ImH 4.S0. 8.45 a. m.. l .ftOonri !1 n m Run. (lay, 7.00 a. in. tave i-niiHaeipnia, weec dajs, 4.10, aid 0.00 a. m. 4.00 and 8.00 in. m.. irnm rims ii a (d Callowwll and 8.35 a. m. and 11,30 p. m, n. ii.w p. m rrom tn ane ta. ave KoauinK, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.05 and 11.50 a. m., AX, 7J7 p, m. Uunday 15 ai d 10. IS . m. jtfve Poltavllle. treck davit. a. m.. tu, o 11 p. in. ounaay, x.iu, i.w a, zn. ana T.aat'n P..mnr...n .Oil O JO n j. 11 is . a. lu., 1.21, 7.13, and .18 p. m. HunUay 8.20 M.I . m. aud "i-OO p. m. Le tve Mahanoy '. jty, week days, 8.40. 9.18 day 3.18,8.17 a. m.,il.J p. m. I.o tvo Mahanoy 1'laue, wees: days, 2-41,4.00 a -!r .T ,1 .11 . , oe .i.ii tint, -t r.i a .-. 'rt,. . UJ,lU ,vaj. o au, u I. .11 , auu 10 ou n. m. Hunday 2.1 , 4.00, and 87, a. m. 3 37, S.01 p.m. wtHi uttju, i.u, 0.30, anu v.n n. m., a i t. dju. &.U.1 nnn o. m. nunnav.z.17 1 0, 33 t m. 3.41, 5JI7 p. m. vu v liiiamsport, woec aays, s.w.v.uaia 11 .. tn. 3.35 and na n.i5 p. m. uunaayii.it ' llil'lmore, Washington and the we, v a u. K. H.. through trains leave uira A . "ii". stat on. fhi adelnh a. (". R. U. R Hi J.ij SOI and a. m.. 3.50, 6.42 an 7 13 p. m. Uunday, 3.53 8.02 11.27 a. m S.M a a .uQ7 up. m. AHjAnrnniiTY uivinitin. Leave fhlladelphla, Chostnut Htreet WnA .a joaiuuueei wuan. For Atlantic Cltv. Week.days-Bxpress,9:!)0 a. m. 2.(iorn.oni P. tn. Accommodation, 8.00 . in. and 5.10' i. m. Inadays. Erpress, 9.00 a. m. Acoom no .Vion.i.ou a. m.and 40 d. m. tomiuuiK, icavu nunuuu jiiyt uejili a. in'.ic .nu Arkansas venue. wes:-aa Kinross. 7.30. .0D n. m. and 4,00. d. m. Ac commoaatloca.10 a. m. and 4jJtlp m. Burl nays -Express. 4.uu, p. m. Accommodation T "HI n , .. I n ... i iUU c u.. nuvi -..o ... ui. , wu U. t. tlAJNOOOK, Hen'll'ass'r At MOL.KIIU. Mrns. a Hen-i Manaiier. PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAU. ficruurLKiLL DIVISION. Oa and after November Vi, 1891, tratnt. uii leave mienatiu jai utjououus: i For WigKau, uiiioerion, rrucKville, Hi '""le. Bt. Clair, -ind wav noluts. 8.0J. 9.1 u.i) a to ana 4.15 p m. 1 auaays. uu. v.40 u m ana .mi d m. ' for l'ottsvllle, 8.00, 9.10, 11 15 a m and 1 0 If! unnaays, euu, .su m ana s.tu p m, 11 For tieaaing, li.w, 11.. li a in ana 1,15pm, riundays. X), U.40 n.. u, and 3.10 1 m. i For Pottslown, Phoemzville, florrUUrl - Fhlladelnhla (Broad street statlom. 01 h.lj a.m. anc 4,isp tn weecanys 11 .acaays, dou, a iu s.iu p m Vralns leave Fnwrvilie lor Mhsnandooll 10.40 am and 12.ll. ioi. 7.47. l)'n t m: dvs. 11,1 a m ant o.40 q m. .eave rnT'.vuie lortsueuauacan, iu.101 tl.lJ, a m 4.10, 7.13, 9.42 p m. Bundays, 1 4 EC 1.15 D X1U Leave Philadelphia (Broad street stata or PotPivllleunaBhenandoah. 5.57. 8.3 H t.'O and 7.00 p mweefc days. Hunday 8.50,1 I.2J am -i l-'or New York, 8.20, 4.05, 4.40, 5.35, (1.50, '.208.S 1, J.60, ll.OOand 11.14,11.35 am. 120" rJ lumiiea oxprnss, i,ua 4.au p m.) r.iij l.i-1 I, 4.02, tf, 6.2), 6.50 7.13 8.121 -in liau Jays, f.2H, 4.05. 4.40. K.S5, 8.12, 8.K0, 11.35 . tn. tud 12.41, 1.40, 2.30. 4.02, (llml 1. n. v. 8.21 B.s , 1 in and 12.01 nl For Seo Girt, Long Branch and Intermed stations 8.20 and 11 II u. m., 4.00 P intlt days. Freehold only 5 00 p m week daysa Fur Baltimore aud Wasoingtou, 3.50,S 9.10 and 11.13 -i. in., 4 41, 8 57,7.10 p.m audi nigbtaaiiy ana 8 31, 10.2a a. ni.,i2i aim express witn aiuiog car 10 iiaiiunurei p.m. we kdays. For Baltimore only! weei dtivs. 5.U8. 11.30 n. m. dallv. For Ulchmond, 7 2d a.m. and 12.031 dally, 1 SO p m, daily, except Bunday, irins leave uarrtsDnrg ior i-nisuan 19 west every day atl2.2sand 3.10 a 1 n iimi'edi and x.40. 7.2a n ra. v A too it 8 13 1 m and 4.10 i m every a: cor rittsuurg oniy, a ni aiuiy k in wees aays. Leave Bunburv for WllUamsnort. mandalena. Itochoster. U'KIaloand 21 an in am aaiiy, ana 1 sa pm m, 'o- Klmlra 5 30pm weak aays. M K01 ttrie and Intermediate nolnu. Ml tally, fir Lock Haven, 6.10, and DM lallv. 1 35 and 5.3.1 o. m. weak dav enova o.iu a m auu o,9u p iu weej aua. iu DuauarB, w MAH I". lrtf2IT T it writ 'en. Un' "en. l"5f First National TIJICATIIF. UUILUINC SHENANDOAH, Fmm m if! Capital, $ioo,oog A. W. Leisenring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Leisenring, Ca: 9 W. Yost, Ass't 3 PhR r,V,N'V. N l .4(1 Til ORNTTRT RT..HH K Frit5H bttrf. r-UK The best lempvrurjoe asioKs.