The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 15, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--NO. 270.
"My Son, Deal "With. Men "Who Advertise, You will Never Lose by It."-Benjamin Franklin
The Evening Herald.
AMj the news fok one cent.
llai a larger circulation In Hhenaudoab. than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to all.
Postmaster General "Wuuiuimker
nays In regard to the more rapid de
livery of mall matter :
"It la evident that if the problem of
expediting deliveries were the only
consideration, boxes could be found
readily enough; for If, as is estimated,
the quarter part of the time of the
carrier is wasted waiting for persons to
come to doors or windows to lecelve
mall mutter, the number of delleiUs
In a glvrin town could lie increased by
a quarter, or surely by a fifth, which
would be a considerable gain."
There 1b no question as to the cor
rectness of this. Carriers are fre
quently detained as long at a door as
would enable them to serve u dozen
others, provided there were letter
boxes in every door Into which mail
matter could be dropped, without re
quiring any further ellort on the part
the carrier than to give the door
a pull to notify the Inmates that
something awaits them in the box.
The hope of the party lies in the
expansion of a stalwart Republican
press. The Republican who reads or
otherwise helps to support a' Demo
cratic journal to the exclusion of one
of his own party nowspapers is untrue
to the Republican cause.
Unanimously subscribed to by the
National Rpnubllcan League.
S. 8. Olarkson, President.
A. B. Humphrey, Secretary.
New York, Nov. 19, 1891.
The Bradford ia(Ind.)says: "The
notion has somehow become prevalent
that that State or National administra
tion which spends the least money is
the best, and it is a common thlug for
newspapers to decry the expenditure
tjjfcpr large sums or money as something
rWvb;y reprehensible. That Is a wrone
view. Money is made to spend. To
il $:50
bweeper. Others
for$J no, and very
good ones for$3.60
Buy one tor your wife for a Christmas
present. We also have a new line of
Rugs and Carpets at
Fancy New Crop New Orleans Baking Molasses.
New Com Meal Made of all neio corn. Kiln Dried
JBresIi Ground,
fiew Plcldes Natural Color Crisp and Sour.
New Currants Cleaned Heady for Immediate Use.
Neio California Primes Fine Quality.
New Calljornia Canned Fruits Egg Plums, Cher
ries, Apricots and Peaches.
New Buckwheat Hour Very Choice.
New Green Scotch Peas.
IV-ifi 7v7skt4i7 .C wti& ii tut fin i nit
2Vf0 llaislns, Citron and
New Skinned Hams Fresh Smoked.
Nen Mince Meat Best Quality.
Two Cans Clioicc Salmon.
Tlirce Pounds Fancy Illcc.
Two Bottles Ketchup Iarjc Size and' Extra Quality.
Four Pounds Good Currants.
Tlirce Founds Mixed Candies.
Two Founds mixed Nuts New Crop.
Five Founds Oat Plaices New Fresli Stoclc.
A I.ot of Sliecp, Goat aud Wolf Slciu Hints aud Kuks-Iu
Wlaltc, Itlnclt and Colors.
Just Received Two Cars Choice No. x Timothy Hay, One
car fine Middlings, extra quality. Also a lot Strictly Pure
Country Lard.
FOR SALE TO ARU1VE One Car Middlings. One Car
Fancy Minnesota Flour.
tar DON'T FORGET that Northwestern Daisy Flour Al
, -ways Gives Satisfaction.
spend it judiciously Is the bent thing
any set of ofilclals can do, and when it
Is expended for tho good of the State or
Nation the more they spend the better.
Economy. Boshl We havehad enough
of that skinflint philosophy which
takes it for granted that niggardliness
is a virtue. That great newspapers
like the New York World and Herald
should keep up a constant whine about
the lurge expenditures for pensions
aud talk about the "billion dollar Con
gress" as though a Congress that would
appropriate a bllllou dollars to the uacs
of tho country was cocKiarlly a iud
Congress. On the contrary a penurl
oils, penny wise gang of old fossils in
Congress who would make no appro
priations for public improvements and
compel every department of tho Gov
ernment to skimp along on a too
meagre allowance and only do half
Bervlce, Is much more worthy of con
demnatlon even than an unduly ex
travagant Congress.
If the Borough Council Intend
to build the new water works for $15,
000, the amount voted upon ten years
ago, why not stop all controversy and
have the people voto again upon the
subject at the February elections.
The people want new water works,
but they want to say so by their bal
lots. Therefore, have the issue come
squarely before them on the February
elections. If this Is not done there
will be trouble ahead. This much is
due the tax payers by those having
the project in charge.
Good Looks.
Good looks are mora than skin deep, de
pending upon a healthy condition f all
the vital organs. If the Liver bo Inactive,
you have a Bilious Look, if your stomach
bo disordered you have a Dyspeptic look
and if your Kidneys bo afl'ectod you have
a pinched look. Secure good health and
you will have good looks. Electric Bitters
is the great alterative and Tonic acts dl
roctly on those vital organs. Cures
l'imples, Blotches, Built and gives a good
complozion, Sold at 0. II. Hagonbuch's
Drug Store, 60c. per bottle.
Candelabras and candlesticks, and
fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Holder
man's. ll-i:8-lf
Hotel For Rent.
The hotel property at Lakeside Park
(East Mahanoy Junction) for tho year 1892.
No one but an experienced hotel man need
apply. For particulars, etc., apply to O.
A. Keim, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-10-tf
Li won Peel.
County Superintendent Weiss
' Makes an Address in Which
Ho Suys That Institutes
Must bo Uphold.
In formally opening the 20th annual ses
sion of the Schuylkill Cjunty Teachers'
Institute, yesterday afternoon, Oouniy Su
perintendent WeiB9 made one of tho most
brief addresses on record, shouldering the
responsibility for remarks upon lion.
Henry Houck, Deputy Slate Superinten
dent of Publio Instruction, who carried the
burdon with romarkublo grace. Mr.
llouck's presence upon tho stage is invig
orating, lie soon had the teachers in
chorus on "My Country 'Tis of Thee."
County Superintendent Weiss, who has
hardly recovered from a recent attack of
the grip, made a few romarks, in which ho
put himself squarely before tho audience
as a staunch friend of institutes. What
over cranks may say, ho said, tho law mutt
bo complied with.
Miss Wilhelmenia Seegmillor, of Alle
ghany, Pa., was the first instructor Intro
duced and an ex. eedingly interesting talk
on drawing followed. The childron should
model the solid before they draw it. The
modeling comes first, thon comes tho draw
ing, and then tho building. After the
building comes tho making, and then comes
tDe drawing. Miss Seegmillor spoke ol
many errors of toachers in imparting in
struction on drawing and promised to givo
instructions on making at tho next session.
lion. Henry Houck agiin took tho in
stitute in cbargo and coon bad tho six
hundred toachers singing "How the Boat."
Dr. Thomas M. Balliet, suporictendont
of public schools of Springfield, Mass.,
was the second instructor of tho day and
had "numbers."
tuis morning's session.
County Superintendent Weiss was in a
cheerful frame of mind this morning when
he opened tho second session of tho in
stitute and Superintendent Houck equally
After singing, Hiss Seegmillor resumed
her instruction on drawing. Always fold
on tho desk, never in the air. Always
fold from you, never toward you. Before
beginning paper folding teach children the
difference bolwoon "turn round" and
"turn over." Always have tho object of
value. Don't mako something because it is
Dr. Balliet mado the best of tho dry
subject arithmetic and succeeded in
creating an interest that resulted in the pro
pounding of several questions, which were
satislaclorily answered.
Superintendent Houck was on the pro
gramme for an address and when bis turn
camo ho crawled out of it in such a delight
fully pleasant manner that all tho teacher'
left tho hall in a mood likened to that en
tertained by a negro as ho enters a water
mollon patch.
Hon. Thomas B. Stockwell, state com
missioner of public schools of Khodo Is
land, was introduced after singing and
gavo an oxcotdingly interesting talk on
"Language." We know many things
that we are incapable ot expressing so that
others may share the knowledge with us.
If you wish to teach childron to speak and
write the English ianguago to use, see to
it that the childron have a proper
vocabulary. Detormino for yourself by
actual observation and record what tho vo
cabulary of the child is, In the school room
and on tho play ground take down tho words
the child uses and find out what is his stock
iu trade. What are means for giving tho
vocabulary? First comes tho reading. In
the beginning bring tho child into more
constant contact with poetry. Teach him
to realize the power of imagination. The
teacher who can give the best vocabulary
is one who can toll storios well. Conversa
tion is getting to be one of tbo lost arte.
Stimulation of thought is very essential.
The strong point of "Mother Goose" lies in
tbo fact that there is something in tho jinglo
of words and It wore far botter to put
"Mother Uooso" in tho school and take out
a great deal of what is in it now.
Institute Notes.
Gcorgo M. Boyer has charge of tho spocial
police force at tho institute.
U. II. Spade, of Minorsville, presents a
commanding appearance at tbo institute.
. S. Thomas, tho veteran secretary of
Schuylkill institutes, is doing duty agiin
this year.
The ushers 'are Livingston Seltzer, M.
II, Carey, Thomas Ilorlo, James Turley, I.
H. Wintor, M. J. Brady, Claude W.
Edwards, I. A. SolUur, J, J. Brown,
Frank Noonan, Irvln D. Matz, Kobort P.
Miss Minnie Kerkeslager and It. K.
Uuntzlnger are the institute organists.
There aro CC0 toachers in attendance.
Prof. N. M. Frank, of Gordon, one of
Schuylkill's most popular and brilliant
toachers, is stopping at tbo Ferguson
House. Thoro are many directors and
'eachers who predict that Mr. Frank will
bo tho next C umty Superintendent,
Col. P. H Monagban, ol Glrardvillo
has tho exhibits of tho schools of that
place tastefully arranged in the exhibii
hall. Tho work n fleets credit upon the
Colonel and his assistants.
J. A. M. Passmoro, of Philadelphia
hook hands with his many Schuylkill
county friends in town yesterday ana
occupied u front seat at the institute. J.
A. M. is at sociable and enthusiastic
(educationally) as ever.
T. D. Brennan, of Branch township,
graces tho instituto with his scholastic
B. W. Spado, of Ashland, Schuylkill's
toacher-orator, occupies a front seat as
Supt. It. F. Ditchburn is probably the
oldest member of the instituto.
Tho young lady teachers who attonded
tho ball lat night wore treated in royal
style by the young men of Shenandoah.
MUj Maude Smith, who lately resigned
hor position as Grammar school toachor
in Mahanoy City owing to ill health, it
missed by her many frionds at instituto this
year. Miss Smith as a toachor had no su
perior In Schuylkill county.
A. J. O Cjnnor, of Mahanoy Plane, one
of Gilberton's ablest teachers, is making
many friends at instituto.
Supt. Weiss's cap is becoming.
J. M. Schropo, tho young man who is
revolutionizing tho Dolano schools, is at
tending institute.
U. D. Gise is as thoughtful and rosorvod
as ever. Ho is a teacher in tho truo sense
of tho word, however.
llov. McNally, of the Prcsbytorian
church, presented a commanding figure in
tbo gallery this morning.
M. F. Conry, principal of tho Union
street building, had a sorious lime arrang
ing his soat this morning; but he Anally
got there. Michael always does.
Hon. Thomasj B, Stockwell, ol Khodo
Island, is the gaost of Supt. L, A. Free
Miss Citrrio Moore, of Delano, is onjoy
ing institute in the best possible stylo.
Miss Jonnetto .Kamage, Shenandoah's
distinguished music teacher, is on the sick
Our gifted and distinguishedteachor,Miss
Annie Kimmol, was an attentive listono?
at the loctu o last eyoniog.
B. L. Talley, of Btllimoro, eojoyed the
lecture last evening.
JJLawyor Minogue, of Ashland, paid the
institute a visit last evoning.
Prof. N. W. Word, grammar toachor of
St. Clair, is one of the most congenial and
accommodating members of tho instituto.
Miss Sopina Glover, onoof Shonandoah's
ox-toachors, is attending instituto.
Handsome stock ot lamps with tho most
delicately hand-painted bisque and china
sbados, at Holduruian's. 11-28-tt
Tho Public School Directors' As
sociation Mooting.
The 11th annual convention of the Pub
lie School Directors' Association of Schuyl
kill County will bo held in tho High School
room to-morrow ( vVednesdty) at 10 a m
All the directors of tho county aro mom-
bersof tho Association and it is hoped there
will bo a full attendance. F. P. Spieso,
Esq., will read a paper on tho subject
"Are County Insiuut-s, as now conducted
of practical benofli to teachers?" Anthony
O'Doinoll, Esq., will have a paper on
"What is the reinody for doadlocks in
school boards?" William Stein, Esq., will
road a paper on tho subject, "Should the
County Superintendent haro authority to
renew provisional certificates?" and tho
following questions will bo brought up for
general discussion: "Should tho exaaiina
tion of toachers bavo particular reference
to the grade of schools in which they are to
teach?" and "Is tho institution of the High
School just to tbo majority of pupils and
Pronounced Hopoloss, Yet Saved.
From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E.
Hurd, of Groton, S. D., wo quoto: "Was
taken with a bad cold, which settled on
my Lungs, cough set in and finally termi
nated in Consumption. Four doctors gavo
me up.saying 1 could live but a short tlmo.
I gaye myself up to my Saviour, deter
mined if I could not stay with ray friends
on earth, I would meet my absent onts
above. My was advised to get
Dr. King's New Discoytry lor Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial,
took in all, eight bottles; it has cured me,
and thank God I am now a woll and hearty
woman." 1 rial bottles free at C H. Ha-
genbueb's drug etoro, regular size, 60c. and
Travel on tho Nickel. Plato and rocolve
the benefits of holiday rates, Doc. 2ttd to
Jan. 1st, Inclusive Limit returning Jan.
6lb, 1802. d&w
An unusual number of articlos for holi
day presents, superior in quality and sur
passed by none in tho county for stylo and
execution, can be had at Holdorinan's
Jewelry etoro, direct on tho cornor of Main
and Lloyd streets. 12-1 t-tf
Lano's Family Medlolno
Moves the bowels each day. Most people
need to use it.
Temporanco Headquartors Estab
lished in Bofltting Manner on
Saturday Evening Last.
Othor Local News.
Saturday evoning the formal opening ol
general temperance headquarters, In Bob
bins' building, Southeast corner Main and
0k streets, was celeb ated in a bi fitting
mannor. Tho attendance was largo and
tho exorcises of a highly educational
character. Mrs. Jane Gather, President of
tho W. C. T. V., was tho presiding officer.
Singing by tho audienco, "Hocuh tbo
I'erishing," was followed by prayer by
Uov. Powick. During tho ovening ad
dressos worn deliv- red by Khvs. Ol ck,
James, Powick. O'li.iylo and MeNlly.
All of tho addresses were well received
and full of renewed oncouragomont to the
workers along the lino of tomperanco for
tho individual and total prohibition for the
state and nation. They advised united
action and a general foreward march ; no
compromise, but unconditional surrender
of tho liquor traffic. Singing formed an
interesting part of tho evening's ontertain
mont. Inferior Goods.
The only safe way for purchasers is to in
sist on having the genuine article, and not
allow themselves to bo swindled by having
plasters said to be "'just as good," or "con
taining superior ingredients," imposed upon
them. These aro only tricks to sell inferior
goods that no moro comparo with Allcock s
Porous Plasters than copper does with gold
One trial of Allcock's Porous Plasters will
convince the most skeptical of their merits.
Tho eminent Henry A. Jtott, Jr., Ph.D.,
F. C. S., lato Government Chemist, certi
fies :
"My investigation of Allcock's Porous
Plaster shows it to contain valuable and
essential in ,ro lonts not found in any other
plaster, ar i I find it superior to and moro
officont th n any other plaster."
Ask for Allcock's, and lot no solicitation
or explanation induce you to accept a sub
stitute. lw.
Wators' Weiss beer is the best.
Reilly sole agent.
John A
Harry Yost, of MeKeamburg, Is visiting
relatives in town.
Leon Wolf, of Shamokin, is tho guest of
to n friends.
'Squiro Sherman and Edward Slllimsn,
of Mabanoy City, were in attendance at
the institute la-t ovening.
Miss Catherino AVork, of Pottsvillo, is
spending a faw days with Mrs. John F
Miss B Ttha Hnovor, of Pottsvillo, is the
guest of Mrs. AVilliara Krick, of South
Main street.
Christmas and New Year Excur
sions on tho Pennsylvania.
In pursuance of tho custom lung since
established, tho Pennsylvania lUilroad
Company will sell oxcursion tickets bo
tweon all stations on its linos for the
Christmas and Now Year holidays at a
rate of two conts per mile. Theso tickets
will bo sold Docember23d, lb91, to January
1st, 1892, inclusive valid for return until
January 4lb, 1892, inclusive.
Hurrah for tho Holidays 1
Kight now wo aro ready for business
with an Immonse assortment of Christmas
gifts In watches, jewelry, silverware, musio
books, g Id and silver-headed canes um
brellas, etc., etc. E. B. Bkumm.
12 U tf
Cheap Holiday Excursion Tickots
via Reading Railroad
The Beading Bailroad announces that
pursuant toils usual custom, cheap holiday
excursion tickets will bo sold to all points
In its territory, the rate being about two
cents a mile. Theso tickets will bo sold
from Docombor 23d, 1891, to January 1st,
1892, and will bo good lor return passago
until January -1th, 1892. No such tickets
will, howevor, bo sold at less than 26 cents.
Doit photographs and crayons at Dabb's.
A KindTprlend.
Iswliat they call Hut Famous Koinedy, Ked
Flag Oil, it quickly ciirea ltlieuuiatlsm.
Neuralclu, Cut", llruiMw, llurus.Horea and all
pain. It Is Rood lor luun or biukt. 25 wilts.
At Klrllu'H druif store.
Attend tho instituto ball in Kobbins'
opora house, Wednesday evening, Decem
ber 10. Schoppe's full orchestra. Concert
by tho Grant Cornet Band. 12-10 Ot
All kinds of candles, 20 cents per lb., at
Duncan & Woidloy't. 12-6-t
Van Houton's Cocoa The origin , most
soluble. 12-11 lw
The meanest inuu in the world Is the
man who pops In on you after you've
made n mistake with, "how In the
world did you ever do that?"
What a "Sharpor" Has to Say
About tho Institute.
Kditob Hkkald: Permit mo a spaco
in your pnper to give a low of my obterva-
lions since our town has been takon by
storm by tho intellectual giants cf tho
cjunty. I am nut ono of tho school
teachers, but a plain ordinary mortal, and
is th so people anil their actions appear in
tho eyes of such I will endtavor to portray.
Our town teachers are the most tastily
Somo of tho choolmarm8 soon to bolong
to tho fossililoruus age.
Tho fattest schoolmarm weighs only 208
pounds. Tho small boy must live in awful
dread in her jurisdiction.
Tho instructor who spoke on mensuration
yestorday might know that a youth will
know as little of tho contonts of a cono by
fooling it as ho would of the contonts of
wator by drinking it.
Lecturer Dane says : ".Man proposes and
God disposes." In my case it was tho
father of the girl.
A birch-bender who met too many social
friends last night was propounding the
question whether a lino is real or imagi
nary. Ono fact, howevor, was self-evident:
Tho line lie atti mpted to keep on his way
home was isothermal in character, vory
slippy and obstructive, and these words will
apply to nothing but Bn entity.
L-.ciurer Dane says : "In all grave move
ments God makes successful leaders and
makes them great." Aro we to infer from
this that Leo, Jackson, McCellan, Napo
leon, Blaine and Parncll wero not great
loadors because they wero not successful?
The snob aristocracy in the teaching pro
fession at Pottsvillo think Shenandoah too
common a place lor their presonce. They
must work for the omnipotent little dollar
all the same. They are guilty of violating
tho first principle of this republic in not
abiding by the will of the majority. They
also caBt a slur on tho sacred iree school
system (by which they earn a livelihood)
in failing to givo hor accessories proper en
couragement. Lo:lurer Dane ontertainod his audienco
last evening in good style. Ho commanded
their attention to tho end. Ho has a lino
personal appearance, good delivery, a
tragic and impressive voice, and bis Euit-tho-action-to-tho-word
principle is perfec
tion. I hatro, howevor, this to say of the
lecture: It contained too little fact, and too
much synonymous description of fact. It
will not do in this progressive ago to uso
the words tyrannical, inhuman, cruel, Sic,
preceded each by a phrase. It givos tha
discourse a verbosity that woarios tbo oar.
Washington Irving was guilty of a similar
redundancy, and it is a well known fact
that on this account his writings are nqt as
well appreciated in theto matter-of-fact
times us ihey wero when they wero written.
In my humble estimation Mr. Dane can
improve his lecture .by recounting moro
ongagements and indulging in less simili
tudes upon tho same. SllAItrKK.
GO conts a bottle. No bettor investment
can bo hud than a bottlo of the celebrated
imported Anchor Pain Expollor for rheu
matic complaints. It has rocoived tho in
dorsements of prominent physicians. Ask druggist for it. 3t.
The proprietors of l'an-Tlna have spent
llimm iuds of dollars to make It known Hiat
It cures ijujlm, olds and La Grippe. Trial
botll h of l'uu-Tlua free at 1. I'. 1. Klrllu'g
driij; store.
Dolls I Dolls I Dolls I
Largest and best assortment in town.
Kid body and dressed dolls 25 cents. Toys
of all descriptions. All tho latest games,
puzzles, picture and story books. Bisquo
figures, chinawaro, etc. Handsome plush
presents for Christmas. At Uellot's, 22
East Centre street.
Don't fail to read Heeso's now advortiso
mont. l)n you miller with Consumption, Cougha or
Colds? You am be cured ff you take J'au
Tln Cough and Consumption Cure, ifiaml
.VJeeitJi. Trial bottles Iree at Klrllu'H drug
Holiday ratos on the Nickel Plate, Dec.
23d to Jan. 1st inclusive. Returning to
Jan. 6th, 1892. d&w
Profitable Investment.
If you want an excellent farm, situated
only six miles from Shenandoah, contain
ing '18 acres, with fruit trees and stream of
water, call at the Hkrai.I) oflleo for further
particulars. It is a profitable investment
and the terras are reasonable. 11-18-tf
J pounas for a quarter,
None cheaper.
2 pounds for a quarter,
None better.
Motts? Cider !
8 cents a quart.
25c per gallon.
Sweet and not intoxicating.
No. 322 North a n Street