AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, Light. Dark. OBDEI WH IBT reek. illiM G1TY, Pi YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF 1o puicline jourfbe erncrrlos provisions, etc., nt fEVEUVH Corner Urnccry, cotDer ol Ceniro nnj Whllo sip ct HI" Mok, Just opened, U nil'aiile for llio holiday sens'n. Kvcryti l" Rr -sh and i f the h-i.t A new lot of canned & Kls.fliled fruits Jclllm ft". AFP All' 5 CAUGHT HASTILY. What lows Gatherers Take a Moment to Toll About. Jin-y times coining. Jinking days an near. Storekeepers are busy now. Irou watoh canes ure now made. American liuehwheat Is imported. Electricity lins got Into tlio Christ ina toys. Apples art) of good keeping qualities this year. Old fashioned names are the new fnt-hloii for bullies. Not two weeks until Christina. The last haf of the '91 calendar Is fact wearing out. Our Hide b lis and Job work always gives satisfaction. Try us. One of these, December days a real old Mine cold wuve will sweep down mpon us. A dose of cod liver oil can be nicely db united In a BWallow of tomato catsup. The pin factories of the United Btatt"t manufacture about 18,000,000,000 pins a year. PcrFomil-Bliould ihlH meet llio eye or the iniilvldiml who created a dlsluibiinco In rhmcli )a-tHundny tiy Ills coutlmieri roi'cli I lie, lie will comer h rornn ilu congregation l.y procuring n bottle of I)r. 11- U s Couh bynip, which will euro htm. Largo stock ot l-ney (ioods, tuch nt lamps, bronzn, china aro and imported cut k1whi( 1,1 IJoldermsn'e. 11-28 t( A Grand Ball. The Kescuo Hoik uud Ladder Company will hold a grand ball on Decombor 31st, 1891. in Kobbins' opora house. Wall for it. 11-KO-law Head Koeso's holiday artvor bement. Grand instlttilo bull at Hobhins' opera hou, Wodnotdny evening, Decomber 10 Jlusioby Schoppo's full orchestra. Con tort by tho Grant Cornet Hind. 32-lO Gt A Surpriso. Keep your oyo on tills local. Keagoy, Hip photographer, will have his new open ing in a fow days and will have toniething interesting thai will surpriso tho people, tf Sottlo at Once. Notice is hereby given that h11 porfons in arrears for txo for 18S9 or 1800, or both .years, inutt make sottlemont lorthw tn, or thuv will ba proceeded against without further notice. Ciikist Schmidt. 12-11 3t Tax Cilleetor, Parties wishing to tcloit their Christrms presents can do so now and hve th m laid asida until wtinted. At lloldonnun's 11-28-tf 10 Cents For Pound. The finest Froneh mixtures, perfectly pure, 10 cents per pound, at Alax Boose's, Tho finest and best chocolate croams, cheaper than clsowhero. Burohill's Restaurant. Charles liuicbill is now located at corner of Alain and Coal slroets, Sbonandoab Regular moals, at popular prices, ecrvod any timo. Lidlos' dining and refreshment rooms attached. 0-M-tf lisst work done at lironnan's slo&rn laundry. Everything whito and spotless. Lace curtains a specialty. All work guar antood. Thanksgiving Day is Over lint wo still carry a lull stock of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices We n'so have a flue stock of FOREIGN AND DOMLSTIC FHUITS and NUTS J. S. THOMAS' 118 Wst Coal Street. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapira's Pharmacy, 107 South Malu'Street, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, Pjescrlptlons carefully compounded by registered puurmacuis. TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS' Procure one of our Chest Protectory. Special Oflleor Arrosted. Anthony Alox, tho First ward special oflleor, was beforo "Squire. Donglit Satur diy night, charged with assault and battory by Philip Yedinikl, tho l'otUvillo court interprets. A'ox lurnlshed $300 ball for trial. Tho trouble anno out of a chaiRO m-ido by Alex that Yedlnski and Lawyor rioltzer wpro trying to lnduco tho friends ot Mike 'NV'hiiekBvago, who wa shot lait week by Oonstab o Toomoy, bavo sun Instituted against Toomoy. Soltzor and Yedlnski ridiculo the charge. Bucklon's Arnica Salvo. Tho Host Salve in lie wotld for Cuts, Urulsos, Sores. Ulcer, Salt KhcUm, Dover Soros, Tetter, Cha ped Uands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively euros Piles, or no payment required. It is guannti'Oii to give perloct satislactlon, or monoy relundod. rrico ai cents per box. Forsi'o by (!. 11. Hanenbucb. Holiday goods, chuup. Kead House's advertisement, Phconix Fair to Ro-opon. Tho lair ol the PLccnU Firu Uouipans will bo re-opened in llobbins' opera house Taiirsday, Dec. 17, and will continue fi r two weeks. Tho attractions will bo mor- uraerous than thoy wcro durit'gthe last season. Christmas holiday noveiucB win bonumoious. 12 12 if "All worn out" Is tho expression of the sicei less sullcrer with thai terrible o,ik1i. an-Tlun puts a step to 11. ii'iarnnraymr Unugiis, Colds aud CouBUinptlou, 25 cents. 'aii-Tina is sola fti i: x: u. mruu n urug storo. lloldermnn's jeweiy store, on tho direct corner of Main and Lloyd streets, isamin- ialuro world's fair with Ub myriad ol holi day attractions. Air. Uolderman is doing jsinoss on a rock-bottom basis and pur chasers can get tho bo?t values at what ever sum they wish to expend. 12 11 tl Fancy rings of all descriptions at llol- dorinnn'". U-28-tf Should Notify tho Public. Tho tracks ot the bhort lino Pennsylva nia railroad branch, near Wiggan's are still in an ursafo condition and all trains botweon here and Pottsvillo will travel via tho Dolano routo until further notice. It would bo an act of courtesy to tho public if notices to this effee were potted in conspicuous places at tho Lehigh Vallo.v depot. Alossrs. Harry duuics and M 31 Butko ahd Deputy Coroner Uionnan suffered this morning because they were not aware of tho arrangement. Commendablo. All claims not consistent with the high character of Syrup of Firs aro purposely avoided by tho Cm. Fist Syrup Company. It acts e-ontly on (he kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the system effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makos no pro' tendons that every bottlo will not substan' tiuto. landholders will find Halvntlon Oil a sure euro lor gout or rneiiniautio. it issoiaoy all dealers, l'rice only ceuis a ouiue. Tho meanest inuu iu the world is the man who pops In on you after you've made misltiKe witn, "now m tue world did you ever do that?" Common Soap Rots Clothes and Chaps Hands. IVORY SOAP DOES NOT. GOLD & SILVER WATCHES llestmako and elegant designs at Oscar "STost's, 102 North Main Street, Shenandoah EVERY 33 A."tr I From now until Clirlstmas wo will get in FUU-TItIMMliI JN0. B. PRICE'S SONS MAHAOKItOF The People's New Shoe Store Ila made a reduction In llio price of his si ode of Indies , misses, chlldreu's aud men's oot w ar, nod will udhelo to the i rices until after the holidays. HEDUOTIOWS: Mo per pair on Men's mining boots. Sto Hoys' leather bol. 25a " YoutliB' leather boots aic " Men's and b ys' rubber boots. A0o " M n's tine shoes. a5o " Misses' " lo " Ladles' re hher overshoes. 25 and 60o per pair on Ladles' fine shoes. Prices Ilclow nil Competitors Call and examine goods and be convinced. THE PEOPLES' NEW SHOE STORE Cor. Centre street nnd Mnrlte! alley. llurhiBton'R bulldlnsr, opp. llrumm's Jewelry tore, rhenundoah, la, M,I.oiik out for the Hinr Hltn.-ffa Christmas Music Cabinets, Rattan Push Rockers PARLOR SUITS, S3G.DQ and upward. - 4,5(1 and upward. W and upward, - 15J0 and upward. BEDHEADS, OFFICE DFSKSt PICTURES A Large Lot Just Opened far the Holiday Trade, $1,00 and upward-FICTURES. Wilcox Sc White Organs, Steck Chinkerini; Iv.uihushek ElPIANOS!:: WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Pianos, Organs and Hewing Machlnts sold cheap for (ash Or rented by the month 13 South Mam Street, Common Sense SHOE STORE. For the next two wieks you can purchase ladles' lino IJoniroln Shoes for $2.00, worth 42.75. 110 South Main Street, orrosixi: rosTorrjCE, S. L BROWN, Prop JNow is the Time I TO VBEPAUB for winter. Every one is r..r Ilia onnrla for flin lnnnt. money, If you are seeking bargains In Hats or Capsjust drop In toseaKcinlan. Ho tells men's gocl Inr cap lor 60c, men's red under clothing for Bfoaplece, men's fine wotting" gloves at 25o u palr,ttue BEST OVERALLS in tlio MARKET 6,7c A l'AIIt. An exeellent lino of Grey Hlnnnel Hhlrtsforworalug at thavtry lowest price. Big line of good wlnlir shirts from 25c up to 2.60. A Big Drive in MKCICWIMH KouMu.handsand Tecks nt 25 cent, regular price 11) cents. c-- 0 Something New in Puzzles. lias Fomelhlni; new In this line. Any one glvli g tho correct way of doing the puzzlo w','1 receive a f3 bat or Its (qtilvalent. There are four ways of tolvlng the putzle, aud the O 2 correct way must lie plven. Tliete puzzles we are selling for 10c, or we will t3 give one to the person purchasing!? worth of goods and over. A'new patent bat banger given away with each hat;purchased at 13 S. Halo St, S0ANLAN Shenandoah We're Ablaze With Glory ! Holiday Novelties A ro'al treat to thoso visitinsr our storo during this grand display of r8 Useful and Appreciative Holiday Gifts - At such low prices as will enable you to make two presenth for tho price of one elsewhere. resents ! - WO and upward EXTENSION TABLES, - 4.00 and upward FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, 101 and upward EASELS, All Styles, - - 11 and upward , Lester Hardninn SHENANDOAH, PA. There is "music at Yates'," especi ally In the OVEItCOAT ROOM and Children's Department. The constant hum of busineps gives a "snap" and a "go" to the wholo establishment. The choice Clothing of the season is upon our tables upon its merits prin cipally we rely to advance our reputa tion. The moderate prices of course will hHve their eay. A.C. Yates & Co. NOW ONLY Cor. 13th Chestnut Sts UeHt-iiintle Clotlitnir Tn I'lillaclflpliln. Good Horses I Nice Ruqqies I Fine Double Carriages I In charge of good, caridul, lOfportsiblo driv ers to hir at all time and at reasonable rates at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVERY AND PEED STABLE, 12 and 11 North Vtar Alley, Hear of I.uherg's hardware More, llortea takm to Jloarit. Careful atltntli n elen to Feeding Hones. All kinds ol HAUL1NC1 at tended to prompiiy-rnarscs moderate. -UNDERTAKING- Fallhfully and promplly attended to. Great Bargains ! For all In Wiifihes, Clocks, Jewelry, Diamonds, Novell'ts andBllverwareat n.tHJS tfl!T'.f 102 Norlh Jlnn Slreet UObHn fUO I O bbenandoah. 1'a. mnE CHEAPEST HOUSE JL IN TOWN FOH Harness, Viiips, Hobes, Blankets George Robinson, WcHI'Ceiilri! ttreel( Nlieiiniidonli 5A Horee Blankets a specialty. -iisr- -T-A-IKZIEi .A. It Is not nccfFHi ry iojjo about It cuireptltioualy, as do tho painlns in the picture, If you wou'd tuke a peep at our In dret b coods, cloaks, wraps and runs. self and visitors may frcfl inspect the lo nuy. we nave spine attractive speeiaiuesinis wcelt in me line or ury uooos,' Coats, Wraps, et;. j. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street. Shenandoah, Pa. FOB SALE No. 6 South SAFE INVKBrJIENT. If von Vint n nfe lnvi sltnetit Inrteetour flue line of clothing, dry goods, uollous, boots nnd shoes. NewstLca Jutrece'cd Every article a bargain, as un lutpict on will prow. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 23 S. SI A IN STHEKT, r-Watoh for the UED HON In froot.-C RIIJCS, RQHGS. Finest Stoofe in Town at Oscar Yost's, 102 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Ferguson ! House : Restaurant I (Under management of Enoch Lockett) Cor. main unci Centre Streets, KIK-T.l.'LH LUNCH Ilest beer, porter acd ules ulwnys on tap. Ci gars of the finest urands. top's : 1 Bargain ' 1 Bazar, I g 9 W. Centre St., SHENANDOAn. PEEP !- elepnut Our U lepnut display of tue latest novelties Our flore Is n little world's fair In 1W exhibition without being importuned Jardin Street. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS-! It will ray you lo call at L. REFOWICH'S CLOTHING STORE 10 Soutli Itlnlti Street. If you w lsb to procure a good OYBBOOT ! for little money give me a rail. All goods must be sold before Januory 1st, aslnui g.iing Into the maiufacturlug nusl-li-8i, Goods sold cheaper than my competi tors can purchase them. Siiverware of all Kinds OSCAB TOST Thousands of dollar; worth ol the fluetHII. verwaie lr. the market. 102 Horth Main Streat, Bhenandoalr. 45 CENTS for a window shade with fringe, othera for 5So, 65o and up. Hhadea made for stores and private dwel- lugs. A new lot 01 siiau Inifs and fringes to match. pffi!5 J C. ID. PBICKE'S'C Carpet Store, ll) iouil' fant'n SI , m Centra inouii. A.