ft Present. tn the most decant form YHE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS dUlOE OF THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, . Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human Lsystem, forming an agreeable and effective laxative tw perma , nentlycure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It ii the most cxcellt nt remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one it Ilihous or Constipated so THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING SLEFP. HEALTH nncf STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOC'ST FOR ej-srEa.xrap oar iepxo-jej MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. WUI3VIUE. KY NEW YORK. N. T. GOLD MEDAL, PANS, 1878. BftKER & CO.'S reastias ii Cocoa from which tho cxces3 of oil has been removed, la Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is thcrcforo far more economical, costing less than one cent ,a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably ndaptcd for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors evorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Nearly every pattern of HorsQ Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that , Horse Blankets are copied is stroncr evidence i4inf tli.t. rm rur cTimnnor, 1 1 u I and every buyer should see that the 5& trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mile Boss Electric Extra Test IBnker ARE TWZ STRONGEST. 100 6 1 STYLES At prices to su.t c' . ldy. If ou can't c-t tti. r. lr. in y. nr d ! r, write V"- '. lu Cie5,V Uuiil.. ca n."titw,. nr . 1 WH AYRPS f- WF T-1 .-Je!,."iB. dank Counters, Tyler System, Port ablo, Unequaled In Stylos, Cost nnd Finish. Mt lEOrireraUloffuesrCoBfttir, VtU ttc, Illustrated Ja Colort. Ilaaii, Frt retliff lb (tot. Also Tyler'a ori Office l)ekt and Type writer I'ltliliieM, s00 tttylet. Ltcst amlchonp ! et on earili, with great reduction la prices. ISU !) ettftloru FrM. Ptk.Mtf H tit, lull !! r ItkLat ttiilra, TablM, Hook Cl:m'(i( elf., ftlirajalatlorli. NiwrUI rk mad to ordtr. Uklekntrr-s l;,-.llh Diamond Ilntal. ENNYR0YAL PHLS Orlginnlaii'l 'i.i.itn. CiCS .k n tur 'Tin A. Urt lit 1 1 II t ' via- 1 I n.:-Ulo ihoir ali tili ti TVo fwii. urj l:ri! if . lu .t.Hii fin t I fi .,urMnd4n uiudUU. .PS 1 ,r. t relir '. . i'artf '.I'.Js. I" " Ken r it. 1 1:1.11. i . CM- ti'-u "'Ii. 1 ii" 1 Toirat. r..ltl. Cur. f. the ; - o ( i2HB7 1 mm i! tii 1 1 a uv ME THE LODGE' MURDER Not n CI no to tho Assassins of lis Knsiilcnls. THOUGHT TO HAVE BEEN TRAMPS Mi33 Brno i Was a Former Resident New York and Well Known- of Slim, Mrs. Ilntnli nnl Her Ron, nnd Utile Frank I'litiklvond Alt Hut chared In a Horrible MannerNo Trnt'fi of Frank Piiakirood, the Owner nf the ltesort Ilnbhery the Mntlvo for the Crime Story of rnckwood's Nephew. JacksowILLK, Fin,, Dec. 14. The hrutnl murders of Him A. It. Bruce, of New York, Mrs. L. D. Hatch huiI hor son, and llttlo Frank Packwood at their winter home, six miles south of New SmyrnR, have thoroughly aroused the people of Volusia county. A posse Is now scouring the country, and it the mur lererrnre captured they may be lynched, There Is as yet uo clue to them, but thoy are supposed to ha tramps who were seen near the place. Fuller details of the tragedy show that the murders were comtnlttsd at "The Lodge." as Frank Packwood, sr.. called the place. Mv. Packwood Is missing. The murderers entered the house through a window, tho sash and glass being smashed in. I Tho II rut person to visit the premises found the body of Mrs L. D. Hatch in a corner on the floor of tho main room. She had been shot through the loft eye. I In the same room, lying on the bed, 1 was tho body of her six-year-old son, shot tinder the left eye, with his throat cut from eir to ear. On the floor of the adjoining room lay I the body of Flank FaciC.vood, four years I old, shot through the head and with his I throat cut. The boly of .Miss A. H. liruce lav on u ho t in the same room. ' She had been assaulted, and her skull and face had been smashed by some heavy weapon. Sue had also been shot through the head, and her throat had boon. cut. Near tho broken window a largo re volver was found with two empty chambers. On the bed beside the body of Miss Bruce lay a doublml-barrelled shotgun with the stock broken into splinters. Near the body of the Hutch boy a long-bladed butcher-knife was found. Frank Packwood, sr., opened "The Lodge" every winter and it was a popu lar resort for hunters and fishermen. Packwood has an extensive acquaint ance all over the country. Some years ago he married one of Miss ilruce's sis ters in New York. When she died Miss Bruce volunteered to live at Packwood's house and bring up his infant child. A few days ago a party of Western people started southward from Jack- 1 sonville, among whom were tho Pack- woods, father and son, Miss Bruce and Mrs. Hatch and son, they having just returned from a trip North. Kobbory was undoubtedly the pur pose of the murderers, but the extjut of their plunder Is as yet unknown. So far In the dispatches from New Smyrna no mention is inadu of F. J. Packwood nslitivlng been In tho house at the time of tho tragedy or as appear ing on the scene. There Is a rumor that ho was ktllod also, and his body concealed no as to throw suspicion on him as tho mur derer of the otners. Ho has a nephew in this city (Jacksonville) who gives tht following information: "All the Packwood family came originally from New Orleans. There are several B brothers In this State. Frank's wife was a Miss Bruce, of Now York city, and she died when their bov Frankie was a year old. "Immediately after his mother's death, his aunt, Miss A. IL Bruce, of New York city, came to Florida to take charge of him, and has since made her home with the child and his father at the orange grove on the Htllsboro Rlvor. "Who Mrs. L. D. Hatch Is, I have no Idea. I never haard the name before. Probably relatives or friends of Miss liruce and visitors la the Packwood home. "The brother of Miss Uruoe was nt one timo a prominent broker In Wall street. Now York, an I it is said that not long before the marriage of Mr. pHCkwo0d with his other sister he failed. the property of his slstsr being all lost lu the smash up. Miss A. Bruce, the murdered worn in, was about 35 years of age." .store "Holt! Your Wheat" Circulars. St. Paul, Minn., Dec. 14. The Min nesota Farmers' Alliance, through its leaders, has Usuad auotlnr "holdi your wheat" clroular. It is very urgent in ' its demand that all farmers keep their ' grain In their bins. It says Russia has reached It. limit in supplying its own ' people with grain, and that India can export almost no mora. ! It gives the exporting onpneity of the United States ut 140,090,000 bushels . m iro than last year, whioli falls 4i),000, 003 short of supplying tho World's de llcit, and this 140,000,000 bushels, It K.iyx, would supply Euiopu with bread only for 10 1-3 days. Tlie llnltlnuire .111 Her War Homo. Washivqtox, Dec. 14. Tho Secretary of the Navy has received a cnble mes sage from Capt. Schley, commanding the Baltimore, saying that, as thero ap peared to be no further neaosslty for the pr;senca of that vessel at Valparaiso, she has sailed for San Frauclsco for the purpose of being (looked and scraped. The Yorktown la now the only American warship at Valp.ir.tUo, but she will be jolued there in ab iut teu days by the cruiser Boston, which sailed from Mon tevideo a few dars ago. lllamarck Dives t It h Ktilaar a Drive. Berlin, Deo. 14. In his Interview In tho Lubeck "FiUenbahn Zeituug" on the subject of absolutism, Prince Bis marck ltd It was not good to lead the minds of young reorulta to reflect upon such a deltoiitu subject as tho shooting of their father's an I mothers. Regard ing tho commercial treatlus, tho Prince said that he had not vow 1 upon them, as three days did not glvu sulllclent time to study tho bill. Vtilu Xow Catalog 110 New IIwev, Coiui., Dec. l, Tho Ynla catiili.tfiiti, Jn-t Uiua l, plnoes tUo totfil n t aU'r nt muI nt4 in th cotletce as lsTsi. iho t Jil nutnber of tlio incmbflM of ma ta alty a 1 1 lastrtictora his v oa s I tram 1 17 to 151. Tho nuinoor of 1 el CMVd ci iriu-i opju to too upper tlnae hava incrouseil from I US to 133. dighett of Ml in Leavening Power. Oversllldy Mmle lillil Tako Ills Lire, Ithaca, N. Y., Dec 11. It is believed that overwork and overstudy caused J. L. Williams, of Uiggitisvllle, N. Y., a post-graduate student at Cornell Uni versity, to commit suicide Saturday by hanging. He made a rope out of a bod sheet, and attaching one end to an attlo rafter, steod on a trunk while tighten ing tho uoose around his ueck. When found he hud been dead ten or twelve hours. Williams was a "working" stu dent, paying his way with what he earned by doing chores. Attempted Murder and nillafile. PotraiiKKEPSiE, N. Y., Hoc. 14. Frank Tone.a carman of this place, suddenly he same insane yesterday afternoon and at tacked his wife with a razor. Her screams brought assistance and Tone was prevented from murdering her, al though, lu tho meantime, she had been badly cut about the face, arms and hands. Tone, however, out his own throat beforo he could be disarmed and bled to death. runornl ol Miss Ames Boston, Dec. 14. Funeral services over the remains of Miss Julia A. Amos, associate editor of the "Union Signal," of Chicago, tho Y C. T. U. organ, who died lu this city Siturday, ware held yesterday. Tho religions sorvicas wore conducted by Rev. A. J. Gordon, while eulogistic remarks ware made by Miss Helen Hood, of Chicago; Dr. Hasltngs, of this city, and others. 'tVllnlesule Arrosti III Itiissin. St. Petersburo, Dae. It. Numerous arrests are being made at Warsaw and lu other places ou the charge of con spiracy. The police thero have import ant information, or are striking blindly to get some. The ruin that is overtak ing all classes of business Is considered responsible for tho political discontent everywhere prevailing. It Cure ColdB.CoiiRlti.SoTeThrottCrottp.InflaeBSftt Whoopiap Cough, Bronchitis aai Aithm. X etrtaU aura for ConiUtoption ta flrit lUjei, ao1 a aura reltif In advaneed lUrea. Dwatonce. You 'will tee the client effeot after Uking tha flrit doM Sell r aialtra aTtrjwbar Larn baiUea, M anu ml WANTS. fco. Advertltementt tn IhU column, not exceethna 5 lines, 6 c for one inirriion; 7oc, tor two: 31 tor thrfe; one week, HI.50; two weikt, ti; one 'nvnin, go. TTOH HUNT. A six-roomed liouse, t1 unwlv niliiUd nnd mnfred. Anulvto Mrs. It bettsiddali, 81'itj. Jardlnslreeu IZ ti'lt IjOR S LE. One storo room mid : mil dwtlllue house. Ixit 30. f. et runt and 110 feet ds p. Place. 315 WVs Co I s reet. liaiy erui . Apply to f rana v arincu. 11-lJ-lra WANTED. Good ciiiivh scrs for "Adv n'lirs in tho lilla." the oulv work evor published itlvlug a complete record and rlcerlptlon nl he great mlnloe dlsanteru ot America Terms liberal. ildrfus, I. I. u'.Milley, Cautou, Ohio. 11 111 H ev sat TT'OR SALE. The t'ray team nf JJ horses r'ceiitlv ttso I hv lite rolitmliU II. & X. v, K Co., No. 1 TUo hones will be a bargain to ut-t puroua.ers. KtiANK I.BWIH, Jons Kiskuoveii, Jnr O'Nkii.1., FKANK' OntllNUTON, J amis McDojJii.n, II 21-tf Trustees. GfrAItTEIt NOTICE. Notice Ih hereby glvon that an application will be m "tie to the Oouil ol I'otntiion Mi-a- ol Scbuylk'H county on Moudny, DiKsemberSlst, A. 11. 18U1. ut 10 o'clock In 1 1 to foieuo.in. uii ler IhCoorpo'stl-in net of the common wvilth ol PettuHt ivanln, approved ArrllH). 1871 "and tl.e nuoplement llt'teio, for I be onailer ol au ititi dertottrjioritioutobecslled Ht. (Jeorgn's l.ltlmanlan I'atbollo Bouertelul Suv.oly. ol Shetiaudoah, khI ass oiailou Is lobe locate t in sueitnniiosn, t,i., .initio uave i ir its ohjent tho mil tetinno- ol a oolety foi soclsl, eduoattousl find bon--ncIfll pur P'wes to its member Irojt mods cjlleeted therein. H. 0. M. IIOtiMIl'RTKlt. Attorney fir AppHoa ts. Shenandoah, I'a., Nov. 23, '01. II 2-ivr SPECTACLES! OSCAR "5rTOST'S Tor tlio best gold nntl silver rimmed spectacles. Eves tested free of charge. Satisfaction guaranteed. 102 N. MAIN ST., SHENANDOAH. WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest and cheapest s'och tn town. Artistic Painting, Grai-ing an-l Deciding! J. P. CARDEN, 10 28m m W. Centre St.. HilK.VANDOAII CHRIS. 130SSLER'S AL00N AMD RESTAURANT 2'1 N. Tilttln Ht , Shenandoah. lTho Finest 'lork of Beers, Ales, Oigws, h mmn 1 xas 1 1 U. ST. Gov't Report, Aug. 1.7, 1889 PURE What a Voto of Thanks Would be lus-cd If babies could speak of Dr. Hand's Colic Curo. Thousand' hitvo boon cured by it. Absolutely etifi. J. M. Hillan and 0. J. McCarthy, tho druggists, givoaway (atnplos to thoso who doubt this statement. Tho busier u man is the better for hia self ttud the eutire comniunity. How to Succood. This Is tho ereat problem of life which few satlsfuctorily no We. Homo lull because of poor iit'Hiiu, oiDera waut ni iuck, out, iije majority from deficient grll want of nervo, Tliny are nervous, irresolute, chuugeable, easily get the blues md "take tho Hplrits iniwn 10 Keep iuo Hpirus up," inus wnuug money, time, opportuutty Hiid uerve lorce. There Jb iH)thlntr like thHtlestoratlveNervlnp. dia'ttvered by the grett FpectaMst, Di. Miles, 10 cure an uervous uieaseM, as nenaacne, i ne blues, nervous ptostiatiou, sleeplessness, neurnlila. Ht. Vl'iH drinre, llts, and hytteila, I'rlal bottles nnd tlno boos of testimonials tree ut C. 1U Haeubuch's druc store. The buz saw liaa wlmt uiIkIi' bo termed uu uitappr iacliiiblu itiiiiiuer. Miles' Nervs unci Liver PUu Act on a ne? principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through like nerve A new discovery. Dr. Miles' fills speedily enre btllousnett, bad tasto, torpid liver, pile, constipation. Unequs,lpd lor men, women, children. BmtUlent, mil. lent, nrtU SldoKes, 2rcW. Samples Kroe, at U. II. llaenutich's rtrric store. Q rand displays of confectionary are now lo be been. A Fatal Mistake Physicians make no more fatal mistake than when I hey Inform p utents that uervous heart troubles come from the Blomaonnnd are of little rotucquence. Dr. Frankltu Mllef, the noted Indiana specialist, has proven the contrary in his new boon on "Hoart Disease," wblch may be had Tree nt C, II. Ilsgenbuch's ilrttir store who cusrantecs and recommend Dr. Miles u icqualed New Heart Cure, which has tlt largest sale ol anv heart reme'ly lri the world. It cures nervous nnd organic heart disease, short breath, fluttering, pain or tenderness In the side, arm or shoulder, Irregular tmlfte falntlmr, smother ing, dropsy, etc. Ills Uestorallve Nervine cures headache, Ills, etc. Who is there, that has not mivle a fool of himself when iu love. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? The hlcnal per haps of Ibe sure approach of that more ter rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves If youcanatlord 'for the sake of saving Do cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It, We know Iron experience that Shiloh's uars will Cure your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Croup and Whopplne Cough at once Motncrs do notbewltho'ttlt. For Lame tlaco, Hide or Chest, use Sblloh's Porous Piaster. Bold by U. II. Ilaenbncb, N. K. corner Ualn and Lloyd streets. Now is the time to advertise what you have for Christ mas. Shlioh's Consumption Curo. This Is beyond question the most suc jesslul Cough Medicine we have ever sold, 1 lew doses Invariably cure the wotst cases of Cough, Croup, and Urnnchltts, while Its won lerml success in tho cure of Consumption Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. 3lnce It's first discovery It has been sold on a uaranlee,a test which no other medicine .-an Btand. It you have a Cough we earnestly ssk you to try it. Price 10 cents, 50 cents, and jl.CO. If yonr Lungs are sore, Chester Hack lame, UBeHlilloh's Porous Plaster. Sold bi ll. U. Uagenbuoh, N. E. corner Main and t.loyd Btreets. Yellow and gray is one of the fash ionable, combinations. What Fathor Pablo Varola Says. CEt.AYA, Octobet 1.1889. I know several neoi le who have snlfered greatly from the consequences of impure bl iod, and 1 1 a very short while have felt much bettet by using tho medicine which wis Bent nero oy tion uamon aiv-i tor mil pur pi-e. I recommend mis remedy as oue wltlcli pr mises the best results, and Is the bestor Its kind. HBV.PAULO VAHI5LA. Sold at Klrlln's UrugBtore.Ferguson House Hock, snenandoa Grand Opening TALI. AKD WIN TKH STVLIW Ol MILLINERY ! ELLA M. M'GINNISS' -No. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa, The llnost and largest as orlment in Hals, llonuels and fa;is at re markably low prices. Our Hue of Children's Till it MUD AND UN TRIMMED HATS Oaxtxtot Too 3H CJ.-H rill o c! . DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well male, fashionable clothes? If ko, call on W. 0 JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah Call nnd see samples of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptuew mm mir prirt. Grand Holiday Display Ol new and itctlrnblp presents for tlio old a id young M. ' 102 North Main Sfrecf, Mitaaa-'oili. NO WORK TILL '92 Congres3 Will Adjourn Friday J'or tlio Holidays. NO BUSINESS IN THE HOUSE. Committees to Whioli Bills Must bo Ea furred Havo Not Beori Appoiatod. flattirdny's Sslon Merely a rormal One Committee, utt Amounts anil Mileage AnniHtitoed Cougressniiin Culhfr.oii Will rrnbalilr lie Made Interitnte Cotmneroe Cnnimln.loner I'orntntlnn of Folne henute Committees Other Con gressional AfTalrs. WasM-voton, D. 0., Dea 11. It Is probablo that both Houses of Congress will adjourn over the Christmas season from Friday next. There is practically no business on hand, and if thore were, the liouse Is In no condition to procoed with it. Very little will be done iu tho Sanate during the current week' The Republi cans may hold a caucus to receive the report of the caucus commutes in charge of assignments to vacancies and trans fers of Senators to the various commit tees, but this may be done without cau cus action. At any rate it is probablo that tho committee list will bo submit ted to the Ssnato by Wednesday. Other than this nnd soma remarks by Senator Turplo on his joint resolution proposing n constitutional amsudinent providing for the election of Senators by a direct vote of the people, an 1 brief speeches by other membars, the Senate will not trunsact any bttslnoss. Tho House will meet on Wodnosday, at noon, and, on motion of Mr. Holm.iu, will probably adjourn until either Fri day or S iturday, when au a ljournmunt, with the consjnt of tho S.-nnto, will be taken until after the holidays. Xo business of nny kind will bo transacted by tho House on either date, as the committees will not havo baen formed to which bills must be referred for ac tion. Saturday's session of the House was merely a formal one. The Speaker an nounced tho appointment of tho follow ing committees: On Accounts Messrs. Husk, of Mary laud; Cooper, of Indiana; Dlckerson, of Kentucky; Moses, of South Carolina; Seerley, 01 Iowa; Pearson, of Ohio; Quacke i b.i ' " Kew York; Grlswold, of Penny. . u.d Cutting of Califor nia. On M Uagc .j.,ri. Castle, of Min nesota; (' v.' v1. of South Carolina; Kendall, l.-.i cky; Caldwell, of Ohio, andi'iiuk, of lowa. Cnlbersnn SVI1I Probably lie Appointed. WasIIIMOTOS, Dec. H. Congressman David D. Culberson, of Texas, It Is said, Is going to resign his sent in the liouse to accept tho important position of Interstate Commerce Commissioner. It Is a cloar case of the olllce seeking the man, for Mr. Culberson, it Is stated on high authority, has twice declined the President's complimentary oiler. It was only through the earnest advice of his colleagues that he decided to ac cept. He takes the place of Commis sioner Ilragg, doceasud, nnd has four years to servo. Senate Committee Clilluiattslllpt. Wahuinoton, Deo. 14 Some of the Senate Committees already decided on aro Judiciary, Privileges nnd Llectluns, Railroads, and Claims. The committee placed Senator Hoar at the head of the Judiciary, the position held by ex-Sena tor Edmunds; Privileges and Elections was given to Mr. leller, succeeding Mr. Hoar: while the isortnwest was recog' nized by the selection of Mr. Casey, of North Dakota, as Chairman ot the Com mittee on Railroads, succeeding Mr. Mitchell, who was given the Committee an Claims. Congressman l'orney Declines. Washington, Dec. 14. Representa tlve Forney, of Alabama, has declined the Chairmanship ot the Appropriation Committee of the House because of ill- health and advancing years. Ho was a warm supporter ot Mr. Crisp for Speaker. Anotlioruf the Tippecanoe Itaud Gone, IliroN, Wis., Dec, 14. Sanford Hazou, agud 70 years, is dead at his home iu this city. Mr. Ilazsn was ono of tho eight brothers comprising tho Union ilaiul who aouomp.inied the Log Cabin on its iouruey 51! years ago in the cam pitign for William Ilmry ll.irrison, and 111 years ago ptayou ror Aurnunm i.in coin, nnd three years ago played for Benjamin Harrison their fa nous Tlppo canoe strains. The broth:' huld a re union iu July, 1H.SS, since which ttmo one other has died, leaving six of the noted band now living. Tried In lttili u I'limuungu. HoLLaovYSltt'ltti, I'a., Dec. 11. The parsonagj of tA Miehaal'n Itomau Oath olio C'hiiri-.h. of this city was the scene of a bnigliry an I ittte tiptuj murler yesterday in . uing. The burglars had elTuuu.1 in eiitr.mci into the house, and when Fatliur Heine, the pastor of the church, appeared, they opened fire on him with t heir revolvers, compelling the priest to beat a rotre.it, One bullet was imboddel iu the wall within a foot of tho priest's head. The burglars woro frtghiaiied away without the desired plundor. Hitmen Suit In Hluli Life, New Haven, Conn., Dec. 11. Mrs. Elizabeth KeniJdy, formerly ot St Louis, but who his reside I in this city for the past throe years, will, on Tuesday next, begin a suit for divorce from her husband, Robert S. Kennedy ot St. Louis. Mrs. Kunneity will allege cruelty as the grounds fur a divorce. The lady is Very wealthy and prominent lu so ciety, and the case, therefore, attracts more than usual attention. Mr. Ken nedy Is lu towu to contest the case. Mine. MoilJuHka 11ms tho Orlp, PlTTSimiw, Dec. H Mine. Modjeska will not he able to till her engagement at tho Duquesna Tli'jitre to-nlbt. She may be well enatih to appear here the middle ot the week. Mine, Modjeska caught col 1 wullo nlaymg lu Kaston, I'a., last Wi'dnesl iy night, filer dress ing room was next to the street, and every ti.n the door was opened a gust ot wind blow on her, from which result ed a bad col ' und afterword turned Into the grip. will be paid for a recipe enabling us to make Wolff's Acme Black ing at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at loc a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c. This offer h open until Jsnuary til., iSot. For patticuUts iwMrni the underaigned. ACME Ulackino is made of pure alcohol, other liquid dressings are made of water. Water costs nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show us how to make it without alcohol so that wecan make Acme IIijvckino as chrsp. as water dressing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressing, and then charge for the outside appearance in stead of charging for the contents of the bottle? WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia, PIK-RON- js the name of a paint of which a 25c. bottle is enough to make si scratched and iWtled cherry chairs look like newly finished ma. hoganics. It will do many other remarkable things which no other paint onil do. All retailers sell it. CACTUS BLOOD CURE. ' SUPERIOR TO SARSAPARILLA Purifies tlio blood by ex pelling the impiuitics through the proper ch.'inr: els find never causes eruptions on the skin. .Regulates the bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you an appetite. Never fails o cure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrliu'8Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa 00 YOU WANT RELIEF? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Will rom;itlj relieve tli ni, Ht dls. trewting euno of Acuto nr Clnunic Iflin. tnatlmii ur llout. lly tlrictly climbi the Ulicctions, It will cuiejuu Tirmsti-. eutly L'ullh the nnmrrou. rr(rfttlonii tblt food thecoimirv . Oil. m.dlcioe t. ft .p-clr, fur lit mimi oi rucDniu-iii ftlllt, mtl'l B.I la ftu, .1 nw a ' cure all On h..nl. mill n... " ft .ftll-fftl Inf. tin, .r.. .Inn an ll.. ..a,-... - . to eoonftclton slltt tilt III!., couvIdl. th. .ntlrr-r thai th. tror turn' iy hn. ti.cn tounj. Yuu r. tartu-n, ,ft QU'.tt.l to tt.t lh merit, or KltOUT'S ltltl.U.MATIO liOIKIIV, i. It. t ftlufttilti propertlei ftre tudoraed liuutrrtji t th mo.l Rfttterlnit te.iimoDtftl.. Ont, vr.tftM tniirfilcni., r.mftrl.hlr for Ih.lr curftilre firrtri, ftm umI ta th. timi niftcinri- or klttil'l t, KllftlTMATlC KtllFOV Sl.CS Tor Bsttlo. 6 Eetilej, J5.C0, rfflj, 5 Cti. Bex. If wnir -tor. kecprr due. not Mt.t tl ..nrl l.i0 to lh oi.&ulftclunr, in.l fou will r.ctlve It fr Diftil. AI.IIUKT KlltltT. 3037 Market Street, Phliud'a, I'a. Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSOIUAL : PARLORS ! J9X3. A.VIDNTG-, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I SUAMPOOJNO, It TO,, HV E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under PostoRlce Building, Main and Oak Ste., Shenandoah. j-Hot and cold baths, PolIUi, prompt and careful attention. DR. THEEL. coo North Fourth St., UilO bel Urvrn fuatniifBU, li c-t.lT iroutB (.trmn Arcfrliui fpfclAlUtla the L'otwl MiEt.t b U tri to cur Dload Polaon Nervous Debility . Sp, clJl Dieenses ISkln DimMif. Ktdhrot.PivIni In th twDr,8oreThrontA Mouth, Bltit. hen, Ilmi'lci, I rnpucim tort r harJ tlacra, bwillinft, Irriiitlotnv JnflmraUooi tnl RuDtloct. buicturt. n.tni o-i iertr toft tambTj. wtivk hwk rornttJ Bnilr.T rtlntj n B(h I li r I'lt atei nJ ll 1Im ri-uMng t n I In Ht tlon cr OTt-rwork. RvcrDt ) ur-l tc i " to ffii.'f tl once Ho not lo J-opf no ninut tn mtii U.fint D-iettir, (Jui-k rtniH -r Hoinlul Ph"i lio ftlJ. Dr. 1II1-1-L corn positively ' A I'1 bcn bonlnr-M. CtD TUim MIPDII 4I1 sM. r. MIXHITIM Milium ri li or poor t'niip 1n' hOOK "TRUTH" fiiftiiilnf Qnek nn worn titrrn)iill. riww.'JJlIf ft..in liS Kg t 9 WM (vdA tnU JS'ii S to 10 PmiiU. 9 till 13 Writ or tt.ll rrl bs rr Hchrwiw tm W1b. "4 Suturdtj roll, dfcllj Tlm A FINE SHOW ff you want lo a fine ituplay 01 HooUand HliCHJii, ko to W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coal nntl Jnrclln Mm. Custom Worlc and Itcjinlrtnc' Done In the best style. LEATHER andSHQE flllDltiGS IP. J". CLEARY, Dealer In all kinds ol Shoomakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-clans stock. 41 Demands of the Trade Suppfiea 18 W. CENTRE ST., Ferguson House bnlldlng, SHENANDOAH, PA. I J MsUJt hullrtla '".me- Vetti - t ' PHYSICIAN AND SUROEOH. om i2d West Lloyd Htreet. BltouandisU Ja 1