The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 14, 1891, Image 2

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DisnppoiU'nncft of a Prominent
Citizen of Nynck, N. Y.
An Unavailing Search Prostrated for Hirn
Two Day and Nights-
H DUniipenrril Without Hamuli, anil II
l Pari'il llm tlniin Iiimm Tli Mriing
Kvftnt Mriitlniil In All tli 4 liurclifes -lr
Aluriil Call Out lluilcll-mlii In
II lft Ifm HUrohrm.
N'YAi'K, N. Y., Dec. 14. Edward A.
Cole Is mlislnit, Mid this little town is
In a hubbub of excitement. In fact,
the enthu population is out scour Ink'
the Biirrouu.linK enmity uml pryinif
Into out-of-thu-way places In the hope
of llmllug some truce ol him.
For five years Mr. Cole has been caih
lor for the real estate Arm of .lame II.
Tllauvelt St Co. The Mrm cousins of
Gen. Jhoios II. Illnuvolt ami Kobert II.
M. Dickinson, ami doe a lario liusl
neti as Hijeut nf the Mutual Life InsUr
nnoe Company and ilnzan lealiuir lira
Insurance companies. He attended al
most (Mitiiely to their financial affairs,
Ocit. llliiuvelt being incapacitated by
paralysis, and Mr. Lickinson being much
of the time on the roud.
Saturday morning Mr. Cole left the
olllee at 11 o'clw k nud went to the Ny
nck National ilauk. He made a deposit,
nskeu his father to mull a lotter and
thru disappeared. Half an hour later
he was Keen in South Nyauk, still later
in anotuer direction, an 1 one wotn.iu
leporU that him iw him iroliiK toward
tho river.
Not until bo failed to return at night
and all sorts of wild rumors were spread
about town did thu alarm become gene
ral. All Saturday niuht and last night
searching parties scoured the moun
tains and lounly roads about Nyuek'a
outskirts, and wont ihrouKh Oak Hill
and Nynck Ilnral Cemeteries and along
tho riwr front.
yesterday reference was mnde In all
t he ctiurcnos to the missing man. At
il o'clock the deep-toned lire bell sound
ed a general Hlarm. It was to summon
the entire tire department and otner clt
sens to join in the search for Mr. Cole.
Fully GUO men and boys response 1, and
the search for the missing man was re
sumed. The unusual Interest In the case is due
4o the fact that no man is better known
or more popular lu Nynck than Edward
H. Cole. Hu is the only son of ex
L'cunty Judge Seth II. Cole, Is forty
lour years old, and has a wife aud ttiiee
children, one a babe a month old. He
lias been clerk of the village for ten
years, is Secretary of the Hoard of R lo
cation, Sei ' Oak Hill Cemetery,
a Directo - Nynck Choral an 1
Philharmonic and has xprxi-.l
several terms n .In, ice of the 1'eai.u
aud Police Jhhi c
Thus far on . i ies as to the cause
of his dlsappe.ii.iuce are
Neithor lion, lilauvelte or Mr. Dickin
son will make a put I r. statement, ex
cept to Buy that an expert will examine
the books of the llrm. Mr. I'olo never
nhowad any slijns of mental ulurr u i,m.
He has always bean n man of nms'it y
happy disposition and quint tastis, ami
was dovotou to his family. Hts t
una parents are almost crazed by t e
shock aud uncertainty.
Mm fcpishs Hopefully if the I'min-, ami
rjtlHve llfir Presunca Will Help It.
London, Dec 14. Mrs. Delia Stew
art I'arnell, mother of tho late Irish
lender, left Liverpool at midnight for
Dublin, accempaaled by her son John.
Mrs. Pnrnell spoke iu earnest and In
dignant language against those who,
fthe said, had turned against I'arnell af
ter be had put them where they could
make their mark.
Sbettpoke hopefully of the Parnelllte
cause, and said she ballevad her pres
ence in Ireland would give an impotus
to the Parnel'lto movement. Mrs. Pnr
nell spoke with an energy that sur
prised hor hearerB.
Developments show that Mr. Parnell,
although far from bankrupt, was con
siderably in debt at the lime of his
death, and his friends claim that thoe
debts were chlelly incurred in expenses
that ought to be met from Nationalist
sources. It is said that daring the past
year, I'arnell, although hu hud but lit
tle ready money, was a liberal contribu
tor to the suuport of other Irish M. Ps.
among his peroual following.
Altfithiti Actor I iinlift.
PMT.ADhU'HiA, Deo. II. Aator Mar
vin, of Charles Frohman's "All the
Comforts of Hume" co mpany, la said to
have gone Insane, and his plaoe In the
company has been filled by another
actor. It Is only u few weeks ago that
Charles Illanuhett. tha advance agsnc
of the company, was taken iuanns tu
Washington and removed to Dllevus
Hospital, Now York, where lie died
shortly after lieltig admitted.
Uners TroulilHs In dilut-tuln.
Chrmtku Hi'Tru, Col., Dec 14 Every'
thing Is iiuiet here to-day, hut the
strikers any that tuuy are uetermlned
that no men shall work in the inuiit
until their grievances are adjustwl
Three of thu men shut Saturday by the
fiheritl k party are thought to be in
dying condition. Tha SherliT still has
' iimmIoii of the mines. A conforunce
will be held to-day between the miners
and operators aud thu trouble may be
I iin" iisivit Wtiiiisn Miut by a Titiitsli.
IiHOOKLYN, X. Y., Deo. 14. While
Charles Dowd and his wife were out
walklii'- on Thlid aveuus near tha (low
anus Canal. "Ssokv" Feeny, a louugar.
iostli'd against Mrs. Dowd. Dowd
nocked the druiikfu rntTlan down and
utartod on with Ills wife. Feeny got
up, drew a revolver and fired twice, both
shots taking fteot in Mrs. Uowd's heail,
inflicting fatal wottmls, gy
lr t.l- iv -' ll'-fflll't.
Pi win i 'ul , Toi 14 I he ltwvers
for Dr C.ri'vi's w 1 endi av r to prove
that Mis U.u'utiby ui -il ol pneumonia,
aud not Ir.a I - en 'Is of uri-nitc
The pro tern ur.n admits that congestion
of the lungs was the Immediate causu
of death, and t looks now as though
th light will depend upon the causs ol
iniimtnn .
Ilm IHli I.HMrr Wtinitil Ynnlortlny I
II Hint Hi AV.ili rli'r.l.
Dublin, Ilea 14. Michael Davltt, tho
famous Irish leader, was seriously
wounded In a riot at Wnwrford city
yesterday. Mr. Davltt and Mr. William
O'Hrien had gone to Waterford to sup.
port thu cahdidaoy of Mr. Keane, tha
nominee of the McOarthyltes for tin
seat In Pnrlinmeiit made vaaant by the
death of Hii liard Power. Mr. Komie's
opponent is Mr. Ifailinoittl, a member of
the I'arnell wltignf tha Irish party.
The I'nrnMllte loaders, Messrs. Red
mond, Loamy an I Dalton, had been In
Waterforil' days In tha after
noon special trains brought hundreds of
supporters of the rival uandi lates, and
the various oontinuonts, arme 1 with
formidable blackthorn shlllelahs,
marched through the streets to the
music of h ass b mils.
Messrs. Dsvlttand others, a"no attend
ed by a band of inuslo, started for the
quarters of the National Commercial
Club. Ea route thereto a mod, com
posed of members of tha Parnelllte fac
tion, bigau a fierce conflict. Volleys of
stones were hurled through the air, and
the blnckhorns were ttse l with a vigor
that s.-ut many of the rioters to the hos
pital. In the midst of the fray Mr. Davltt re
ceived a nasty cut In the forehead Irom
which the blood flowed freely. Mr.
Tanner and others were injured by
stones. At last the police formed a
cordon, divided the nppoUng mobs,
and i he Davltt crowd reachel the club
Mphii IImwIcIim tut UN Wife's Throat,
ni-il She llli'il fin- liiv Hitfnru I ontiil.
UixoiiAM ton, N. y., Dec. 14. Sirs.
Stephen Hawkins is lying at tho point
of Uentli lu a hospital hero, suffer
ing from n gaping wound In her throat,
inflicted, it in supposed, by her husband.
Tlie woma.i was brought from Milbitrn,
a village nine miles from hare, where
she ami her husband resldud In a tum
ble down shanty iu thu poorer portion
of thu place.
Mrs., jlawkins had boen missed for
several days by her tieUli'iori, and final
ly several of thoni look ud courage and
entered tho house. Hawkins tried to
prevent them from entering, but ha
was pushed aside. A horrible speotacle
presented Itself to the visitors. On a
miserable pallet of straw lay stretched
the form, of Mrs. Hawkins, with her
throat cut from ear to ear. She was
deadly pale and terribly emaciated,
while nil around her was a crimson stain
that denoted that her life blood had
beeu ebbing away for mauy hours.
That she was alive at all was a won
der to the physicians who were hastily
called. Upon examination they found
that the jugular vein had escaped the
knife, but, nevertheless, the condition
of the woman Is critical on account of
the immense loss of blood. Mrs. Hawkins
was removed to this city and she has
made an ante-mortem statement, charg
ing her husband with the crime.
Hawkins is a veretan of the late war,
Is palsied in one arm and has been a town
charge for Bovernl years. He has been
married twice. Ills first wife was found
dead in her bed about two years ago,
liiitlt ufa li omiiipnt burgeon.
ClllCAiio, Dec 11. Dr. W. F. Peck,
one of tni-' most prominent physicians
and surgeons In this part of the couu
try, died here yesterday, lie was born
u Wayne County, N. v., In January,
1841. He was the founder of the medi
cal dopartment of the Iowa State Uni
verslty, was Ueau or tne laculty, an l
has for 20 years held the chair of sur
gery in that institution. Since 1373 he
has ben surgaon-ln-chlet for the Chi
cago, Hock Islaud & I'aalfic Hallway,
with oil subordinates. in Itsuu lie was
tho delegate nt the American Medical
Association to the International Medi
cal Congress, held at Hsrlln, and tho
Iaternatioual Surgical Con2russ, held
at Birmingham, Eng.
Aiiotlmr dale In Kngland.
LONDON', Dec. 14. A gale yesterday
caused much damage and the loss of
several lives. At Newport, Monmouth
shire, a house in tin course of erection
was blown nown uy tne storm, ami leu
ou two adjoining shops, in which a
number of people happeued to be at the
time. Ton persons were more or less
seriously Injured. At Cambridge the
fall of a wall, which was overthrown by
the wind, killed two women who hap
pened to be passiug by. Other casual
ties ore reported. In wills n ire a Darn
fell, killing a cow, but not iujuring tha
maid who was milking the cow. Con
siderable damage has 'been done on
farms, hayrkks being scattered to the
French .sllttu tliul Cliui-cli 3Iattel'i.
I'aIIIS, Dec. 14. The agitation aroused
by thu action of the French archbishops
in arraying themselves iu opposition to
the Government ux 1' ranee, hsmu moil to
day a new aud more serious aspect. The
mem bins of tne Uuamlwr ot Deputies
who belong to the Masonic fraternity,
have called a meeting for Deoembjr IU,
Inviting all those who are Iu sympathy
with them to att.tnd, in order u formu
late and arrange fur a systematic, legal
agitation, inside nnd outside the Cham
ber of Deputies, for its object
the separation of Churoli and state.
Aiiutir I'latst Worker IllssatlsUuil.
Pitikbuh i, I'a., Dec 14. The men
work'iigou Government armor plates
a Cuinegie, Pbipps & Co. 's steel works
at Homestead n.ivn been dUsatWflt-d for
some time with the scale ot wages for
that work. Last week the firm in
creased their waged 36 per cent, on this
work, but pay day the men refused
their envelopes. The matter will ha
turned over to tho Executive Commit
tee of the Amalgamated Association
tor adjustment. If not adjusted satis
factorily 2,500 employes may become In
volved. bmull-piti I'rrusutluns
WAfWNOTQJf, Dee. 14 Assistant Sec
retary Xettletnn has directed that sani
tary Inspectors be stationed at Rouse's
Point, X. Y., during the prevalence of
small-pox in Cuuada, to prevent tha in
troduction and sproad ot that disease In
the United Slates. The Collector ot
Customs at I'lattshurgh recommended
this action because of the largo number
of cases ot small-pox ot a malignant
type In the vlelniiy of Montreal and
(Quebec, where the death rate Is said to
be alarmingly lar jo.
Ills Injuries W ll 1 ot Filul.
Caimi-ik, Pa, Dec. 14. Iu-addition
to the kidmg of an Italian at too d . na
mlto explosion noa Pine (Ji-oyo Satur
day, T J Suilivan, fireman, was so ;
badly iujurod that ho will die, and Wva
I other workmen wera aoriouily hurt. .,
a $ tJhj..
QpansTrriM and NmC Ttir fixcuty
Rlona on tho Poitrjffv'&iri'.
In liuinmnce i f ihujSh'sium Mta sine
ns'uMl.hod, the l'eriiteiviititri 11 liroad
Outnpanj will sell exehnifjiT'fllukels W
' veeti all station oh Its Unci for lh
Ohnnmssand XeW Year bolidsys nth
rsu of two cents jier nil1. Th' oe nckels
will hr sold I)9rt-mW.ted lDUl, lo Jahuary
1st, 18T8, Inolu'ivr, valM for rwurn until
lanoaty 4 h, 18 inclusive-.
Coming HvoutB.
Dfc 15 and 10. Exlilblilon in tho l', M
cliutch for tho benefl-. of tho Sunday
Dec. 20. .Madden and Lowry cntottaln
mcnt it Ferguson's tbi'ntre for tho benefit
f Adam Mor
Jan. 1. 20ih annual nipporof tho Wolth
Il iplltl elm roh in lira P. M. church hall.
Jan. It). Supper and bnnar In tho
l'rimilivo MetbodUt tchool room.
Ituy Keystone flour, lie careftil that tb
iso Lkssio & Oo., Ashlaud, la., ir
rint i on ovorv sack. 3-3-lluw
Don't fall to rood' lUeeo's now aivenisc
The announcement is mado of tho
failure of Edwin IChuue, a taunor, ut
Ballletsvlllo, Pa.
Congressman Meredith is quite ill nt
his home iu Ilreutsville, Va., symptoms
of pnuiimoiila having appeared.
Tii&siy Ilyau nnd Frank Harrison,
the '..irishman, fotight tit a Hu sh near
Chicago, yesterday. Hyau knocking
out h'is man iu the 14th round.
George Halght, ngel IS, ot Newburg,
X. Y., was Instantly killed Saturday,
by the accidental discharge of n fowling
piece while ho was out hunting.
A large meeting of negroes nt Alexan
dria, Va. , passed resolutions denouncing
the recommendation of Oov. McKlnnoy
for separate cars for coloro.l persons.
Three convicts were killed by the full
of a scaflotd at Anamosa Penitentiary,
Iowa, Saturday. One of them had just
received his pardon from the Governor.
Private James McDonald of Company
D, Fifteenth United States Infantry,
was shot and Instantly killed Saturday
by Private Sloss, at Company D head
quarters In Fort Sheridan.
Sylvester F. Wilson, the manager of
female baseball clubs under conviotion
In New York for abduction, has secured
a stay of proceedings pending an appeal
to the Supreme Court, General Term.
WutUer Inilleatlons.
Wabhisoton, Da 1-4. For Now l'.ngland:
Fair northwesterly winds; statlon
srv tenioernture,
The shadows
that fill your life, if you're a feeble,
suffering woman, can bo taken out
ot it. Tlio chrOino weaknesses,
functional derangements, and pain-
lltl itiaujuuio IICUUllUl til VUUl DCAj
can be taken away. Tho ono
unfailing remedy for them is Dr.
Piercu's Favorite Prescription.
It corrects, cures, and builds you
up. It improves digestion, enriches
tho blood, dispels aches and pains,
melancholy and nervousness, brings
refreshing sleep and restores health
and strength. For periodical pains,
internal inflammation and ulcera
tion, weak back, leucorrhea, and all
kindred ailments, it's a positive spe
cifio ono that is guaranteed. If
it fails to give satisfaction, in any
case, the money paid lor it is re
The great, grilling, old-fashioned
pills make trouble Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets prevent it. Thoir's
is tho natural tray. Siek Headache,
Biliousness, Cunfitination, IudiceS'
tion, and all derangements of the
.Liver, btomatili and Uovvelu aro pro'
vented, relieved i'lid cured. Small'
est, cheapest, easiest to take.
Tree Ornaments, &c
WholcMilo and Retail.
Are absolutely pure. Bunday "cboole,
Churches, Hoclrllts, elo., kii plkilut
wliuk-salo rates.
Ice Cream, Bread and Cakes
104 N. Mam St.. SHENANDOAH.
wiej e;i:s
Has removed to Dill 'Jones' 'old stand
Where he will be ple.i'cd to meet tbe Hants
or bis mends ana tne puouc in
' Everytllillfl In tho DtiSi:ig Llue.
Cnndics, China
Oyiii.?.9Flt t,1,H.we,;k ln t.,JTa
';'. H, lefdl"rt!rH for X
niorT vr 7w? m-i7w ' ',AlII,,'',',;e 1,1,8 w"'k K'4'" special rash
.Jr... ,. ..JEI? I'EK CENT, on all uiplutpp to the uiiimuit of $o 00
hu u,.i uu m,ii i'lusii unods, Dolle und Tuva In eudleps variety,
lollet sttB, all niakes tosult (illiuis8. " ,
Aro pronounced most delicious, only 20 cents per pound, all ltlnde.
6 M Centro Street and 34
Musical Instruments,
China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &e.
To ministers of the gospel and school teachers, to per cent, off on all goods
bought. All goods must be sold before
refused. Call eurly and have the pick
want, which will be set aside,on payment
H if j9
Excels all others, in purity, flavor and economy.
unce tried, always used. ivsk your grocer.
Teachers' Insiituto of Schuylkill Co.
will be held In
December 4 to 18, '91.
3IaJor Henry C, linne
One of tne groati'St Orators and Word Paint
era. He tiitf made a tour arou nd the wurl i I tile less thai marvulous.
Dr. James T. lledley
'i'he rent Orator of tae West, "The Bunny I
hide of Lite."
Jfis Otlte Torbetmul Her Concert Co-
illsjOllieTurl) tt, Violinist.
iL'aor Vlltorla Biccirlnl. Siinrano.
Miss I'll nil ue Mon'egrliro, Onnlrolto
ill km Kill ill I'ou't.Hluglug Header.
Mr, Guslave T i 'Iberg. Tenoi.
.hub, UQuir u irjieT, rianisb.
Alt eminent and popular artists.
Marshal I. iVltdtr, i'he Grwt Ilumorlat,
'no t'ara bihum-h ouarielte,
Mlw) Annie Park, hornet and tber.
Ml-s Hoorgle v, iMric, iinrn&liiud.Manaoun.
Hiss K itle llel a Parle, Cornel Tr nbono and
Miss Ad Hi. I'ai-lt, Hornet nnd Mandolin.
Krun 'he JioMoii 7Viior(i(. " I'be Park
'o .ceriO in a iyir ve one ur their popular
o.mnerts Mo day e-'onli z Th utlro 0011 ert
an r oelVfd wl h raniurou Hppla ine as t iey
appwuo I In tho r dlllereut kefi-cllous. They
uioii'l iirt kN ivirt Reserve all the npplmue
tU9 aollifuii I miuiHiuu sv ueui.
(Mle VulO-B.)
Heouflnz Reserved ProUJSj?""'"
single admission SOo
Thcch'irtf ir tho t ale of reserved seal tick
eU wll beopeu-d at tile b is oniee of Ko tu.
i"'s Tliea ro, ou Famrilii), 1 coemlier 5, at
10.80 .in. Ilefir opeain niia-t parltB de.
KlrliiKlo nrchose ttckeU IU draw numb ra
for fiosliloii lu lino. Kaon teacher In line
miy pureiias'' nny number of llcaeiB not ex
ceeding twenty, and eucli citizen In line may
purrhaioany uumbei not exceeding ten.
Tha r-p'esentatlve of eaolt dUtrlrt will be
required loprentto the ticket Ht'Siit a list of
tho names of the teao iers lor who a he buys
tlckem. Any p-rson may Join t e Hue
soconcl time with the same prlvlligea osat
After D'oemberS the chart will be oponnt
Ktrll- 'HdrUK-B oie.
Doors op w .t7p, in. Entertainment com
mence at 8.
Tinlus after each "veulnir entertalnnientto
all not its on I.. V. It. 11. between Aih'nnl
and Delano. Arr miomeuls lor -pocinl trains
o otner points ou li. V. It, It and IVnn'all
It nan be made with Hurt. A. f. Illukklee,
Delano, and U. O. Lewis, Pottsvllle.
U. W. WE1S.
County HupsriiiUnidoat,
Largest and nldist re'lab'e pnrely oah cotni
panles reprisented by
120 S. J an! in St., Sienanooai, Pa.
and Lamps.
Is full of IntercM. Dm't you Itnnw
- niaa Rift uml liollduy g. oils of almost
North Main Street, Shenandoah.
fpHEUE is money in it for you if
you purchase your holiday goods
from us. Five hundred styles dressed
dolla, from r,0 to $160 each. Dolls'
shoes, stockings, trunlts, tables,
bureaus, chairs, toilet tets, paintboxes,
writing desks, doll swings, ulr rifles
drums, trains of ear, gnu boats and
other articles run by steam, A largf
lot of mechanical toys, tool dusts and
all the latest games, ABC and build
ing blocks,
Antique silver toilet and manicure
sets, dictionary and blolo stand holdr
ers, hook and ladder and fire engines,
tin stoves, German tops, trumpets and
many other articles in this line.
Perfumery, Sleighs !
January 1st, and no reasonable oiler
of the lot. You can select what you
of a small deposit.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
NOV 16. 1891.
Passenger traluo will leave Hhenandoah for
llauch Chunk, LehlKbton, Blatlneton, CaUi
sanqua, Allentown, lietblehem, Kaston, Phil
idelphla and New York at 6.17, 7.40, 9.03 a. m.,
12 12, 3.10,B.) p. m.
Fir Belvldere, Delaware Water (Jap and
tttr judsburg at 5.47, a. m., and 5.20 p. m.
For Lambertvllle and Trenton, tl.03 h. m.
For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre and Pitta
ion 5.47. 9.0t), 10.41 a. m., 3.10 nnd 5X6 p. m.
KorTunkhannock, 10,41 a. m., 3.10 and 5.28
d. m.
For Anbnrn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyons
iu.4i h. m., uni o.m p. in.
For Laceyvllle, Towanda, Havre, Waverly,
. ......... i uuu.iui ..iai,aici ' k 1 o ,
Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
V28n. m.
For Klmlra and the West via Balamanca at
il.iu p. m.
For Audenrled, llailcton, Stockton, JLum.
her Yard. Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno
Hon at 5.17,7.40, 0,08 a. m. and 12.52 3.10 and
5,28 p.m.
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Heave)
Meadow. 7.40. 0.08 a. m. and 628 n. m.
p or acrauion ai 0.47 v un, iu.4i a, m, a iu ana
5il n m
I For Haste Brook. Jeddo. llrlfton and Irroo
land at 5.47. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. m.. 12.52 8.10 and
620 p. m.
For nuakase at 0.47 ana a. m ana
4.10 d. m
For Wltrtaus, Qllberton and Fraekvllle at
5.50 and 8.52 a m., and 4.10 p. m.
For YatesvlUe, Mahanoy City and Delano,
5.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, a. m., 122, 8.10,5.23, 8,03,
9.2 and 10.27 p.m.
For Lo?t Creek, 3lrardvllle and Ashland
4.27. 7.48,8.52, 10.15 a. In.,,4.10, 0.85
8.C0 and 9.14 p. m.
For Darkwater, Bt. Clair and Pottsvllle.
5 50 8.62, 9.08, 10 41 a. in., 12.52,8.10, 4.10, 5.2G
p. in.
For HucK Monntaln, New Boston and
Unrea, 7.40, 9.08, l".ll a. n.., 12.62, 3.10, 5.23 and
s.03 p. m
For Haven Itun, Uentralla, Mt. Oarmel and
ihamtiktu, 8.52, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4C
ml 8.03n m.
Trains leave Shamokln for Shenandoah,
.m ii. a. ui., 2.1V, tinu p. m., univiuu
al Muouan loah, S.0S a. m., lZJS. 8.10, 5.28 and
ll.Wn 11
ForLoIty. Audenrlnd. Silver Hrook Juno-
ll.iua.. llazl t in 5.17, 7 40. 0.08, and 10.11 a.
iu., 12 0'.', a 10, 6.211 ana 8, ;i p. m.
aunuai laainti.
For Lost Creek, Olrardvlllo and Ashland,
5.50, 9.10 11.35 u. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Uarkwater. St. Oiulr and Poltavlllr.
8.00, 030 u. m., 2.45 p. m.
for yatesviite, ainuanoyuiiy ana ueianc,
1.UU, IImIQ u. m.. i.iu, i.w, p. ui.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Haileton, sjx
v m.. 1.40 n. m:
For lauoh Chunk. Lehlthton, BUtlcgton,
lAnanHiiijua, ivuiuiiuwu, nemieuem, cunor
and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. in.
For Philadelphia, 1.40 p.m. ,
ti. B. BYINQTOri,
Uen'l Pass. Aet., Bethlehsm.
Green Truck Stand !
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily.
A fine line ol Choice nROCEHIIM
Nuts and Candies.
JPaullry of all Kinds.
Mr. COStlet r eMvm his l-riwn trunk riallv
from tne city marketi. which la u uuirnuK-e
to hucm omen that they will receive Iresh
B Mini wii n uuyi girommin.
R. B1UOIC12R M. J).,
prrrsrczAi? and six&eon,
io. 9 Eait pentra Street; Mahanoy Olty, Pj
" 'fi' Al. ti, t
UNii LMit ,iHK'.iMHi4J to hlil. ilij
r Maw Yorn. vi fi.iimid..
210 7.iW .. m. uil 12: "li ,, ,. e
1. . 4nuday 2.10 and 7.4s a. tu. ear No
ii l.n UIA i.9 R. Ul., 4.3U p, IU.
60. 1.55 n.m
I a. m,i
..i-n' Atientown, week dayn, 7. 30 , m. 12.85
00 m.
, 'or otUvliM, weak days, 2.1u 7 ao, n.,
Iit0.2. 0 mrt VW D. m, Hunrtav. 2. 1 ft an n 7.11I
a , 4.30 p. m.
. or im.uua and Mahanoy City, week
tla , 2.10, 8.45, 7.20, a. m., t2 8 2.60 and 6.58
ouuuay, 2.1U una 7.4 a. m., 4.w p, m.
luuuivuHi - iiiuunoy uiiy, wees: uays 7,00
For LanonMer and Colnmbla, week days.
ia, in.. 2.00 p.m. '
"nr Wllllamiiport. Mnnbnryand Ijewlsbnrt,
week lays, 3.2), 7.20 and 11.30 a. m.. 1,35, 7.S)
p. Sunday 3:25 . m.. 3.05 d. m.
ir Mahanoy Piano, wees, days, 2,t0 3.25.
5. '5 7.20 and 11JW a. m., 12.., 1.85, 2.5U, 6.65,
.w nv iu. ouiiuay, a iu, s,ii una 7,19
to. t.115, 4.30 1, -u.
I 1ltll.
i(fne nth
7 iiireruvuie (itnppaiiannoak HUtlonV .
f11.13"' 21 '1 s-2!i S-i 7-2u and 11.30 a. miV
12.30. 1 8.5 i.W. 6.55. 7.00 uml U K n m. Himilin.tli'
2-10 3 23, 7.48 ft. m 8.05, 4.80 p. m.
. .shland and Bnamokin, week day
3 2, 5.25, 7.20, 11.31 a m 1.35, 7.00 and S25
" i.uuua7 ""S1t ' 18 m 8.00 p. m.
ave New York VIA PhllariAlntila mur
days. 7.45 a. m 1.80, 4.00. 7.80 p. ra 12.. 0
n it. Hnnday, 6.00 p.m.. 12.15 nlcnt.
.joiv rtow iorx via niaunn iiuunir, wwb:
lata 4.80. 8.45 a. m.. 1.00 and H IS n. m Hun.
day, 7.00 a. m.
, ve rnnnaeiptiia, wees: dajs, 4.10. atd
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and fi IU) n m. trnm firm .1
u id Callowbill and 8.3r a. m.and 11.30 p. ns.
ium iiluuuv ,i ren Biroeis. nnnnay v.uo a.
n. 11.80 p. m. from flth nC 'ireen.
avo ileadlnz. week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10,05
and 11.50 n. m 6, 7.57 p, m. Buuday 1.85 ar d
10. IS 1. m.
.awe Pottsvlllo, weok daye, 2.40, 7.40 a. m
12 JO, (1 11 p. m. uonday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m. and
Leave romaqua, week days, S.V), 8.48 and
Ilia, iu., l.'il, 7.13, nnd tU8 p. m. Hunday 8.20
. n, nod 240 p.m.
Letvo Mahanuy cay. week days, 8.40, 8.18
a d 11.4' a. m.. 1.61. 7.43 nnd 9.44 n. tu. knn
day 8.48,8.17 a. m i li) p, in.
1.0 ve jiuhanoy Plaue, week dayo.2-43,4,00
030, t.U 11. 9 . m.,1.05, 2.08. 3 20, 20.7.57, and
10 00 o m. Sunday 2.4 , 4.00, and 8.27, n. m
1137,6.01 p.m.
L.pavo uiramviiie (itappubannock Htatlon)
nvA unvo, a.-.. .iii, 11.011, huu v.ii n. ill,, 14.UJ,
2. i : 0.82, 8.08 and 10.08 p. m. Bnnday, 2,47,
vi, o . iu, o.ti, 0.11 p. m,
iv Wllliamport, week days, 3.00,9.15 and
II 55 . "a, 3.85 and 11.15 p. m. Sunday 11. li
P. .il
y""lmore. Wanhlneton and the weft
via . K. It., through tralm leave Olra d
wni-n otatlon, Philadelphia, (P. A It. H. K.
HI !".", 401 and 11.27 a. m.. 3.5A 5.42 unt.
. i'. ." uuunj. 1 UtKi 11.., n, in.,
5 42 and 7 13 p.m.
Leavo Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf
a 111 .suuth atroet Wharf.
For Atlantic CUT.
Week-days Kxpress,9:00 a. m. 2.00, 4.00,
p. to. Aocoaimolatlou,8.00 a, m. and 5.C0,
j. ui.
Sundays. Expross, V.OO a. m. Acoom
tne nation, S.00 a. m. and 4.30 p. m.
(letnrnlng, leave AUanUo City, depot
A Untie and Arkansas avenues. Week-da) a
Kinross. 7.30. 9.00 a. m. and 4.00. n. m. Ac.
commodatlon8.10 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. Sundays-Express,
4.00, p. tu. Accommodation,
7.30 a. m. nnd 4.30 p. m.
u. u. najNcuuii, uen-i rass-r Agl.
v A. M0I1KOI). Preu. A Uen'l Manager.
emiuyLKiLL, division.
On and atl-r November 15, 1891, frafni will
leave S'lenandjali at follow:
For Witf.aii, uilberiou, crauitvllle, New
'ii',!e, St. Clair, and way points, 8.00, D.'O,
11.45 a ai and 4.16 p m.
. oi.days, 800, v.4o a m and 8.10 pm,
For Pottsvllle, 6.00,, 11 45 a m and 4.15
u tn
Sandays. 800, 8.40 a m nnd 3.10 v va.
For Ktaillug, 6.00, 11 45 a m and 4.15 pm.
Sundays, 000, 9.40 u. m. and 8.10 p m.
For PottBtown, l'noemxville, Norrlatown
i-i Phlladelnbla (Broad street Btatlonj, 8.00,
11.13 a. m.and 4.15 p m week days
ondays, 000, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m
Trains leave Frarkvllie tor Hhenandoah al
10.40 a in and 13.11, 5.01, 7.(1,10,0) pm, Sun
day!, ll.liamanuci.10pm.
ave Poitsvllle lorduenandoab. 10.15 ana
11,43, a m 4.40, 7,15, 9.42 p m. Sundays, 10.40
a m 5.15 p ul
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street Btatlon),
i'or Pottsvllle and Shenandoah, 6.57, 8.35 a
1.10 and 7.00 p m week days. Bunday A.50, frr
9J8 am V-
For New York, 8.20, 4.06, 4.40, 5.35, 6.60, 7.80,
I. 208.3.1, 4.50, 11.00andll.l4,llaam.l2.onnoon,
(Urop.odfitprfils, 1.00 4.60 p in.) 12.44,1.35 1.40.
2.30, iX 4.4.02,3,0,6.2), 6.50 7.13 8.12 aul 10.00
p. m. 12.01 u.ittL
In Sundays, S.V). 4.05. 4.40. 6.85, 8.12, 8.80, 9.50,
II. 35 . in. and 12.41, 1.40, 2.30, 4.02, (limited,
1.611. 6.28. 6.2), 8.5 , '.in.ii j ai and 12.01 night
For Sea Girt, Long 1! ranch and Intermediate
stations 8.20 and 11.11 u. m., 4.00 p.m. week
days. Freehold only 6 00 pm week days.
For Baltimore and Washington, 8.60, 7.20,
9.10 and 11.18 1. m 4 41. 6 67,7.40 p.m. and 12.03
night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a. 111., 12 35 (limited
express with dining car to Baltimore) 1.30, 8.48
p. m. we-ik days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4 01
weekdays, 6.08, 11.30 p.m. dally.
For lllchmond. 7 20 a. m. and 12 lt! nlelit.
dally, 1 SO p. in. aally, except Sunday,
trains love HarrisbnTk' mr pltisoorE ana
i-) west every day at 12.ii Knd 8.10 a m aud
3 1 'ttml'ed. and 3.40, 7.25 p m. Way for
.i. too 11 8 b 1 m and 4.10 p in every aay.
cor Plitsourg only, 11.20 a iu dauy and 10.20
m week days.
Leave Snnbury for WllUamsport, Klmlra,
Jinandalcna, llochoster, Buffalo and Niagara
'all- vin am dally, and 13,5 pm weekdays,
'0. Klmlra 6 30 p m week ansyB.
Fc. itrle ana Intermediate points, 6.10 am;,
ally. War Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.56 a m,
ally, 1 85 and 5.8(i p, m. week days. For
tenova 0.10 a m 1 85 and 6,30 p m week days
10 a. m SundaiB,
13 puaa. J. K. WOOD,
4n. Mn' 'Jen. I'.ss. All
First National Ml,
Capital, $100,000.00,
A. V. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrmq, Cashier,
9 W. Yost, Ass 't Cashier,
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Paid ou BaviuifH DeitosltH.
Finest Juands of climm always on
Sfe)?'!1181 ftmpiianoe drinks,