SHENANDOAH. PA.. MONDAY. DECEMBER 14. 1891. OXF, PENT VOL. VI.--NO. 269. "My Son, Deal With Men Who Advertise. Ton will Never Lose by It. "--Benjamin Franklin The Evening Herald. ALL THE NEWS FOK ONH CENT. Has r larger circulation In Shenandoah than any other paper published. Circu lation books open to all. PERSONAL. John P. Flnnoy went to Reading this morning. Mrs. J. S. Klstlcr !s suffering from an attack nf tbo grip. Mrs. Mnlachi Cloary has presented her husband with a bouncing daughter, J. Harry Zerby. editor of tbt I'ottsville Republican, ie in attondance at tho County Insiiiuto. Mrs L J. Iloffman, of Reading, is the most of Mrs. Jonathan AVasloy. Mrs. Harry Beyrant, of Steolton, is tho cuestofher mother. Mrs. Pritcbard, ol Jurdin strost. The members of tho family of Assistant Fostmastor Dongler are among tho tuf ferors from grip. Good Looks. Good looks aro ruoro than skin deep, dc pending upon a healthy condition d' all tho vital organs. If the Liver bo inactive, you have a liilious Look, if your stomucb bo disordered you have a Ujspeptlo loom and If your Kidneys bo ..fleeted you have. a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric Bitters .1b thn art-Rt nltnrRtivn and Tnnlo net. dl- ttctly on those vital organs. Cures Pimples, Blotches, Built and gives a good complexion, Sold at C. n. Uagonbuch's Drug Store, 60c. per bottlo. Coughing Leada to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop the cough at once. Two Men Injured. Goorgo Taylor, of town, and Stephon McKeon, of Turkey Run, wore victims of a runaway on Saturday night. Tho two men wero thrown from their carriage to the road way, in front of Dr. Langton's office. The doctor put several stitches in MoKoon's faco and head. Both men wore removed to their homes in carriages. HcKeou suffered the most and will be laid up for a week or more. The proprietors of Pan-Tina have spent thousands of dollars to rnakn It known that K cures Coughs. olds uud LnUrlnpe. Trial bottUs of Pan-Tina free at 1'. 1". D. Klilln's drug store. Dolls I Dolls ! Dolls I Largest and bout assortment In town. Kid body and dressed dolls 25 cents. Toys of all descriptions. All tho latest games, puzzles, p'cturo and story books. Bisque figures, chinawaro, etc. Handsome plush presents for Christmas. At Uollet's, 22 East Contre street. JARPET Others (P UX u VJ J good ones fi ,and very .s fur $3.60 31uy one for your wile for a CUrlstmaa present. We also have a new' line of Hugs and Carpets at C. D. FRICKE'S CARPET STORE. FRESH STOCKNEW CROP GOODS. JBancy JSTew Crop New Orleans SaJciny Molasses. New Corn Meal Made of all new corn. Klliv Dried Fresh Ground, Isew Pickles Natural Color Crisp and Sour. New Currants Cleaned Jteady for Immediate Use. Netu California Prunes Fine Quality. New California Canned Fruits Fyy Plums, Cher ries, Apricots and Peaches. New Jiuclnvheat lilourVery Choice. New Green Scotch Peas. New California Strained Honey. Itew Raisins, Citron and New Skinned Hams- WHAT 25 CENTS WILL BUY AT KEITER'S. Two Cans Clioice Salmon. Three rounds Fancy nice. Two Mottles Ketchup Large Size and Extra Quality. Four Pounds Good Currants. Three rounds Mixed Candies. Two rounds mixed Nuts New Crop. Five rounds Ont Flalces-Ncw Fresh Stoclc. A Lot ol Sheep, Goat and 'White, Blaclc and Colors. Just Received Two Cars car flue Bllddllnjrs, extra quality. Country Lard. FOR SALE TO AUSllVE-One Car Middlings. One Cnr Fancy Minnesota Flour. tgriJON'T FORGET that Northwestern Daisy Flour Al ways Gives Satisfaction. SUNDAY IN TOWN REV. MoN ALLY'S SERMON 1 THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. LOCAL BIBLE SOCIETY FORMED, Organized by tho General Secre tary of tho Pennsylvania Blblo Society OffleorB Elooted. Objeots of tho Soolety. Rev AV. McNalloy, of tho Presbyterian church, dehvored an eloquont termon to his congregation Sunday, tho themo of which was, "The Mystic Slono and Coining Kingdom," as porlrajcd in Daniel II, and was a continuation of a series of discourses on "Tbo Lard's Second Coming." It would bo difficult to g vo a proper Idea of the sermon in so email a space, but tho preacher brought out the following Icleai : Tbo chapter records a prophecy revealed to Nebuchadnezzar,, and through him, as the mere organ of uttoranco, to us, of wh t shall bo the succession of kingdoms of tho world till tho day when tho great stono cut nut nF thn mnlintatn .hall ffrind thfim If! . . i, u,l f anA bMat MBI of 6iJvori boUy and thWlI of brass, legs of Iron, and feet part iron and part clay, were symbolical of the four great universal empires, and the ton kingdoms into which tho fourth empire was divided Theso four were Bayylonian, Medo-Fer sian, Macedonian and Roman empires, History bad wondorlully accorded with nronhocv. for thoro bavo been but four universal eropiros, beginning with Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar, and ending with the Roman, with Its legs of iron do oting tho division of tho ompiro into Eisternand "Western. It was prophesied bow Bab, Ion should be overthrown by Cyrus, by changing the course of the river and the Median army marching in by the river bed. Gibbon, the infidel historian, states (as if ho could find no language so truly descriptive of historic fact as the language of Daniel) "Tho imago of gold, or silver or brass lhat might servo to represent the nations of kings, was successively brokon up by the iron oi nomo. Therein be no doubt as to tho identity of the four great empires represented In tho imago presented to Nebuchadnezzar and interpreted by God's prophet, Daniel. If Daniel were a morn guossor of future pos sibilities is it probablo that ho could have guessod so exactly what has taken place and what all hiitory attests? TheAVestorn Human Kmpiro foil in A. D. 470. Tho Eastern in 1434 A. D., and was divided into exactly ten kingdoms. 0 responding with tho toes of the image. These king doms wore to contlnuo as ten, until the "stono cut out t;f too mountains without hands" should fall upon them. Every effort to found another universal erapiro has failed and will fail; Charlemagne tried it, Louii XIV tried it, Napoleon I tried it, and when nearest to what ho considered success in the enterprise half his army porishod in Russia and tho other half at Ltmon Peel. -Fresh Smoked. Nen Mince Meat Best Quality. Wolf SUln Mats and UngS Ill Choice No. x Timothy Hay, One Waterloo. Tho ton kingdoms havo turned up afior each revolution and will contlnuo to exist, until tbo only other universal kingdom shall fill tho oarth, viz: Tho kingdom of tho coming Lord. This will bo the fifth and last universal kingdom the world shall ovor seo. What tho "Stono" is that should smite tho imago there can bono doubt. It is tho living stono," diallowod of men but chosen of Go I. It is the sec ond coming of tho Moesiih. Had tho stone struck tho Imago on the legof iron, It would havo symbolizd His first coming and tho gospel dispensation, for tho "iron king dom" tho Roman Kmpiro was then in tho zonlth of its powor. Had tbo stone come to blend with tbo aterials of the imags, and work like leaven upon it, It might have been interpreted to mean tbo gospel. But it comes in tho vnry last stage of oarth's nations, smiting the toes, and it romoi not to coalesco but to destroy. It must tborofore mean tho second advent ol the Son of God. to overthrow earth's king doms and establish His literal kingdown in iho world. Thord" was nothing gradual about it, and so it cannot moan tho gradual spread of His spiritual kingdom. Tho lat veitlgo of the old Riman Empire was swept away in 1801 when Napolonn com pelled tho Emperor of Austria to drop tho title of "Emperor ol Holy Roman Em pire." We aro now in the toe poriod, which will last about a long as the head, or 78 years, and we may look for tho speedy return of our Lord to this earth. Are wo ready to meet him ? Candolabras and candlesticks, and fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Holder man's. ll-.8-if THE BIBLE SOCIETY. A Local Branoh Formed In Town Yesterday. Rev. James Morrow, D. D go n oral sec retary of tho Pennsylvania Bible Society, spont yesterday in town representing the intorests of tho bible cause. He put in a very lull day, prtaching three times to largo congregations, besides addrossing tho Presbyterian Sunday school. In the morning be preached in tbo Methodist Episcopal church and in the early evening tn the Reformed church. Following the regular services a union meeting was hold In the Moth dist Episcopal church at which Dr. -Morrow delivered an ablo and telling address on the great need lhat exlst3 for the dissemination of the bible in the language of tho people Tbo moral aspects of tbo problem of immigration received consldor able attention. Wj ought to look boyond its indutrial bearings and rogard thu cominsr of tbo u ultitudes from tho less favored portions of tho world as provider! tial opportunities which aro being thrust upon us for indoctrinating thorn in tho truths of God's word in order to tboir sal vallon. This means tho circulation of tho biblo in thoir own language. This need Is boing met by tho biblo society which pub lishes the book of God not for pr- fit but for gift to the pour and for sale at- its oxact cost to such as are ablo to buy. Local or ganizations aro springing up in our towm- and citis to aid tn this wi.rk Tnoso so cieties affird a common platform upon which all denominations of christians may stand. Men ditT.r up n points of doctrine and questions of interpretation but with this tbo Biblo Society has nothing to do. Such quostlons,are left to tho denominations Tbo Biblo Society propo.os to scatter the word of God without nolo or comment so that God may spoak through it for Him1 self to ovory one that reaJs. In European lands only one language is needed in oacb country, while Shonandoah needs tbo work to bo carried on in a dozen languages or more, and without tho work ol the Biblo Society this could not be done. At the close of this addross Rev. R. O'B ylo road a form of constitution for a Shenandoah Biblo Society which was adopted. Rov. MoN ally then read a list of officers and managers which had been nominated by the different pastors at a joint meeting on Saturdav evening. On mutton, they wero elected as follows: President, J. S. Gal Ion, M. D.s Vice Presidouts, F. J Poru, J, K. Kehler, Doacon John Bunnj Secro tary, Rev. R. 0' Boyle; Managers, W. J. Jacobs, Albert Hoover, S W. Vost, J. P Williams, John Glover, Marshall Baugh, Mrs. n. G. James, Mrs. J. Cathor, Mrs. 8. G. M. Hollopetor, Miss Ella Ciauser, Miss Mary Folraer, Mrs. M. S. Riggs, Pastors of Evangelical churchos aro man agers ex officio. Pronounced Hopeless, Yot Saved From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E, Hurd. of Groton, S, D., wo quote: "Was taken with a bad cold, which sottled on my Lungs, cough set in and filially term! natcd in Consumption. Four doctors gave mo up.eaylng I could live but a short time. I k&vo myself up to my Saviour, deter mined if I could not elay with my friends on earth, I would meet my ab6ont ones nbovo. My husband was advised to got Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tlon. Coughs and Colds. I gavo It a trial took in all, eight bottles; It has cured mo, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at O. II, lla- genbuch's drug etoro, regular size, 60c. and ?1.00. Handsome stock of lamps with the most delicately hand-palntod bisque and china shades, at Holdorman's. 11--lt WATER WORKS ! CAREFUL ANALYSIS BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE. SOME FIGURES AND ARGUMENTS Showing tho Right and AvnlUbll- lty of tho Borough to Own and Oporatu a Plant of Its Own. To the Editor of tho Hkuald. Will you give tho Joint committco on water works some spaco In your pap-r to present thoir own viows of tho question ? AVo have been attacked in different papers of this borough and out of it; woll meant advico was given ; calculations havo been madojlogal quostions bavo boon raised; Insinuation of selfish motivos hnvo been imputed to u; remarks tending to create dissension among tho citizons havo been published and so far we havo boon si lor, t, and have restrained from publicly vindicat ing oursolvos as well a3 our actions, and also from lofuting Hny of tbomany charg s made against us Wo bavo done this for tho sake of pcaco and harmony, but wo fool It to bo our duty now to make somo statement and somo explanations, so that unbiased persons, who have not thu means of examining tho question thoroughly may see that wo know what wo are about. It is still fresh in the memory of oyory oiio that tho water company prosocutod tho borough of Shonandoah for water ronton flro plugs clairaod to bo dui them, for a eriod of about ton yoars. Tbatauntvoi- sal indignation was folt by evory citizen no intorestod In the water company was only natural, for ton years ago, when an overwhelming majority of citizens votod for water works to bo ownod and operated by the borough, the water company pub ished a promiso, that they would never charge the borough for water rent on flro plugs. Whon tho result of tho law-s was mado known, a moating of tbo citizens was called, not only to cipro-s their ndignation but also to deviso moanaby which a repetition of similar proceedings might be avoided. Resolutions, presented at that meeting, werfLpassed t . tho effect that tho borough authorities bo riquesti d to procure wat works ownod and oporatod by tho borough itself- Tho outcome was tho appointtnont of a Joint committee, consisting of an oqual number of councilmon and citizens, who wore charged with taking tho nocossary steps toward tho accomplishment of this iitij-)ct. Wo expected opposition and we found it. Tho water company and their tools havo done all they could toward creating an arutlcial sentiment among th citizens and to infuse into loom an appr honsion of an overwhelming indebtedness ot tho borough. Besides tho motives those who wero at tbo head of the movo ment wero put down as being of tho moan ttt nature. Wo wero charged to bo a set o moan, disappointed speculators who onry tho watnr company lor their largo divi (lends Is it iruo hut tho whole mooting was composed ot such mean characters II speculation was tho object why was move mado to inaugurate a now wa er company ? What individual bontlll or ad vnntago could they sou in requosling th borough authorities to undertake tho work? As a means to di ert tho attnntlon from the main object, the Electric Light Cum pany was drawn in for a full share of at tentlon. But there aro two electrio light companies in town. Which is meant? As the Citizens' Electric Light Company havo tho contract to light tho streets of th borough, we presume that this company meant. But what has this to do with th water question? If the Citizens' Electrio Light Company should ovor undertake to make a contract with tho borough and sub sequently tuo the borough in violation of thoir own promiso or contrtct, wo would bo tho very first persons to repulse such an on croachmont on the part of tho company. As it is, the borough has mado an equilabl contract with the Citizens' Electrio Ligl Company for which the borough gets th' streetlights. (What did It get from tho flro plugs?) That contract terminates next April, and b Ih the borough authorities and tho company bavo a right to ronow it nut, and if the 0 mncll should seo a way to got a bettor or cbaapor light, or both, bold that it would bo their duty to do matter what effect that might havo on th olectric light company. But such a troniendous indebtedness 1 Why, the borough has already a bonded indebtedness of f.OCO for which it has only f 10,000 of assols, and the now water works would cost (according to somo ob jector) 8160,000 mom, and this debt wou require interoH to bo paid and would bo lion on our property I Let us look this objection fairly and iquaroly In tbo face. First M )6t of tbo citizens prosent tho mass meeting aro property holders, and know well enough that the property holders aro chiefly responsibly lor tho in dobtednoss of the borough. Second. Thoy also know that tho water works of tho borough will pay fur thom selves, nut only the Interest but also th principal In a comparatively short tlmo Third, Tho ostimato of $160,000 Is much too high. We havo, carefully conpl lon d everything, arrived at the conviction, that the above sum, viz , $76,000 will pay for tho wholo concern. But wo will add i'23.C30 more, (.nd msko it $100,000. This sum, at 4 per cent., will rrquiro a semi- nual interest of $2,000 or $1000 oath ear. Add to this the expense ot runnirg ho works another $1000 and ab.ut $J 000 forroptirs total $10,000 Now what nro tho receipt'? A direful examination of the imps of tho borough will convince us that there are at loan 4,000 dwelling houses in tbo borough. 000x0-$21 000 Tho silo-ins, storcs.balh rooms, slaughter hnu'es, livory stables, do pots, gin and electric light companies and 11 other sourcos will give u $0 000 ruoro making a total of $30,000 Now wo will be generous and grant that our estimation is LM per cent, too htgh and deduct $0 000. We will then havo nn incomo ol ?'il,WX a year 01 this sum $10,000 will bo required to pay interest and expenses, and $14,010 can be piidontlio p.incipal. a.o sure that ithin ton yours tho wholo indebtedness could bo paid. Has tho borough a right to contract such debt, and is tho veto takon ton years ag still valid? Tho wator company eays that wo nro to caro for thoo lhat live now, not for thoao that lived ten years ago. AVo bao slight suspicion that tho water company will find that u much greater porcentago of those that lived ton yoars ago aro still allvo nd moie active than they caro for. In rogard to tho legality of tho voto, wo ave tho opinion and advico of tho Borough Solicitor and other ominont lawyers. In cgard to the power of C.mncll wo will say this: Tho duplicate for thu appraisomont autbunzo- Council to contract an lndobted ntss within the legal limit of $10 000. The votes gives them $45 0JO more, making a total of $85 000 Ot this uoduct tho present ndobtodnoiS of $i8,000, which leavos $57,- 000 to start with, and if moro should bo re quired, the cit zons will bo prepared to givo tliumtho authority by an overwhelming vote. Tho abovo was written when a report of tho meeting of the joint committoe with the water committee was published in last i riday's Hkuald. That report, to say the least, was very iuaccurato, and as wo havo neither time or the disposition to enter into it at present wo will refer our trlonds to a later actlom, and state here only that wo expect to bear next Wednesday tho answer ol tho water company to our ultimatum given them at our last mooting. A. B. LAMp, Chairman, M. E. Dovlk, Secretary, AVlLLIAM KlMSIKL, XU. AV. STOUT, J. F. IllGCllNS, J. J. Fkanky, T. J. Jamks, M. G. AVo km, T. J. HiouiNs, A. L). Gaulb, Oscar Bkt'I'kuxdoic, j. k. p. schkikly, Shenandoah, Doc. 12, 18'J1, A Dazzling Display. Ladies and gontlemon attending tbo institute should not fail to seo the splendid display of goods in gold and silver at Holdorman's jewelry store on tho south weal corner of Mum and Lloyd streets The stock is tho richest in tho county and embraces tbo products of loading manu facturers in this country and Europe. Injured by a Fall. Mrs. John Saegor mot with a serious accident at her residenco on South AVest street, Friday night. AVbile passing through a room sho was tripped by a pieco of carpet and fell against a door, breaking a shoulder blade. Waters' Weiss boor is tho best. Koilly sole agent. John A. 6-5-tf A Kind Friend. Ib what they call that Famous Remedy, Itcd Flag Oil, It quickly cures llheuuiatlsm. Neuralgia, Cut, UrulseB, llurns.Hores and alt Xaln. It is good tor man or beast. 25 cents, t Klrllu'a drug store. Hurrah for tho Holidays I Right now wo aro roady for businoss with an immonso assortment of Christmas gifts in watches, jewelry, silverwaro, masio books, gold and silver-beaded canes urn brollas, otc, otc. E. B. Brumu. 12 14-tf Attend tho instituto ball in Bobbins' opera houso, AVednosday ovenlng, Decem ber 1G. Scboppe's full orchostra. Concert by the Grant Cornet Band. 12-10 Ot Fingor Chopped. John Eisonhart, of North Main stroot, had tbo first Joint of tha second finger of his loft hand chopped off on Saturday. John and a Polish lab, rer wore putting up and fitting a collar in tho Kohloy Run mines and tho laborer accidentally chopped tho finger. All kinds of candios, 20 cents per lb., at Duncan & AVeidloy's. 12-5-t An unusual number of artlclos for boll day presents, superior in quality and sur passed by none in tbo county for style and execution, can bi had at Holdorman's Jewolry storo, direct on tho oornor of Main and Lloyd streets. 12-1 1-tf Van Houten's Cocoa solublo. Tho origlml, most 12-11-lw THE INSTITUTE, TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL SES SION BEGINS TO-DAY. TEACHERS FROM ALL PARTS HERE Tho Enrolling Olorks Kent Busy Thia Morning-Splendid Dis play of Glass Work In tho Exhibit Rooms. Tho 29th annual Toacbors' Institute of Schuylkill county was convened in Fergu son's theatro to-day. Sosei ins will b held to-morrow, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Tho officers of thn instiluto aro O. AV. AVeiss, county superintendent of publio ohools, preidenl; Col. P. H. Monaghan, M. M. Frank, O. D. Artors, II. Day Olso. A. J. O Cranor, Dr. Michael Ryan, J. AV. Cooper, II. H. Flohhcr, Thomas G. Jones, H. II. Spayd, O. AV. Ohannol, E T. Kenny, E F. Dolan, A. H. Moyor and F. P. Henry, vico presldont; AV S. Thomas and I. K AVitmer, socretanes; J. M, Hofl man, treasurer. Supt. L. A. Freeman, R. F. Ditchburn, B F. Patterson, AV. C. Estler an 1 F. S. Miller constitute tho ad visory committee-. Enrolling olorks John L. Slauffur, J. M. Schrope, A. J. Timlin and W. AV. Wood woro at their dosks promptly at 8:30 thU morning and from that time until dinner hour they woro kept busy onrolling tho namos of toacbors, who passed into tho thoatre by scores. All tho school dUtricts of tbo county aro woll represented and tho instiluto promises to bo a gratifying suc cess financially and in overy other respoct. iVfior onrolling their names tho teachers placod thomselvos in the caro of tho com- mitteo on entertainment and recoplion and woro takon to thoir rospcclivo hotels and boarding houses. The committea condsts of MUsos Clara Cline, Lizzio M. O'Con- noil, Annt Macsoll, Marp A. Stack and Carrie M. Smith. Tbo institute was formally opened at 2 p. m. by County .superintendent Weiss. Miss AVilhelmina Scogmillcr, supervisor of drawing, Alleghany, Pa., followed with instructions on drawing and was addrossing tho institute whon tho Hkuald wont to press. Miss Soegmiller will opon th" second sossion of tho inslituto at 0 a. m. to-morrow, with addilinal inttructions on drawing. Tho oxbibit of school work has jumped into popul irity. Tho two halls in Fergu son's building, at tho corner of Main and Oak streols. wre crowded all day, school teachers and parent! uliko manifested gicat 1 iiorost in the exhibit, which is probably the host over given in connection with a touchers institute in this state. Shenandoah makes tho largest display, drawings, compositions, modellings, crayon and other work lequiring all the spaco in one of the largo halls. Tho exhibit mado by tho schools is an excellent ono. Super intendent Froeman and his corps of teachers aro receiving congratulations from all quarters. Other school districts will make exhibits in the adjoining ball. The toacbors wero busy arranging tboir dis plays to-day. Girardvillo and Donaldson make largo oxhlbits. Tho drawings from objocts by tho schools of the latter placo aro worthy of special mention. . The Shenandoah oxhibits include work dnno by pupils in all classes, from tho first grado primary (first year) to tho senior High school class, and embraces all gradoi of work. Mr. A. E. L. Lecklo has intro duced in tho exhibit made by his class a volume of sheets on mental arithmetic, containing illustrations in'full and solutions in oxeollont language, tho solutions com bining perfect language lossons with tbo arithmetic work. It is tbo desiro of tho institute officials that tbo public shall treat tho oxhibit halls as they aro intended one of tbo features of tho institute, and that all who can pos sibly visit tho halls during tho weok will do so. Tho course of instituto entertainmonts will open this evening with a lecture by Majr Henry O. Dane on "Tho Great Naval Batllos of tbo Rebellion. Do von sutler with Consumption. Couch or Colds? You can bo cured It yuu take Pan Tina Conuh uud Consumption Cure. & and OcoiUi. Trlul bottles tree at Klrllu'sdiug store. Four tintypes for 26 cents, at Dabh's. tf ? M 3 pounds for a quarter, None cheaper. 2 pounds for a quarter, Nono better. Motis51 Cider I 8 cents a quart. 25c per gallon. Sweet and not intoxicating. GRAF'S, No. 322 North Jardin Street