Presents in the rnont elessnt fn THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE OF TUB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable Ifflently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a Weak or inactive cSndition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. ft I the moil excellent remedy known to CLEtNSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is bilious or Constipated so THAT MURE BLOOD, REFRE8HIMQ SLEEP, HEALTH and BTREMQTH . NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUaQ'ST FOrt MANUFACTURED only dy CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY NEW YORK. ft. t. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. I. Baker fiCo.'s reakfast ocoa from which tho excess of oil has been removed, Is Absolutely Pure audit is Soluble, No Chemicals aro used iu Us preparation. It lias more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far moro economical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors overywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. pick Headache and relieve-nil tho troubles lack dont to a bllloua state of tho system, auoh A3 Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness. Distress aftas Dating. Pain In tho Side. &c Wbllo their most ytmarjiible Buoceaa h&a bocn shown la cuiing , He&flacho, yet Carter's littlo Liver TttSa ars equally Taluablo la Constipation, curing and pre enUng this annoying com.plalnt,whllethoy alas correct all disorders of the e toinacli .sumulato the liver and regulate tho bowels. Evan K they only curoa fAcVelheywouldboalmostprlcclosatotliosowlia ifiuifer from this alBtresalngcomplalnt: butforta nately their goodnessdocsnotondheresndth oss who once try them will und theso llttlo pills valu- able in so many wayBiuatuioy wm not no wn- llingioaowitbonimi Dut after aUeiek head I is the base of so many lives that here Is where Iwemakoonrgreatbo&st, Our pills euro It while Others da not. 1 Carter's UtUelivor Pills aro very small and very easy to take. One or two pills make a dose. They aro strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their Gentle action ploasoaU who tuethem. Inviulsat23centat u?efor$I. Solii ly druggists ovorynhcro, or scat by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Jank. Counters, Tylor Systom, Port ablo, Unoqualed In Stylos, Cost and Finish. MO r.te'siu ot Counter., Dnk. tit., Hlu.lrit.1 In Color., Root., I'rr. Tsattstt l&C.olt. Also 'tyier's Onice De.Un and 'I'l pe urller t ablnet., XOU 8tIe. llcsb and cheap 1 est ou earth, with great reduction In prices. ISO ti.r fl.lalnirutt Frfr. Fal.trl el., full II... at ChAln, Tftlil.., nook Cm. Cablet., C.bln.t., tie., tlttftj. In .lock. Bueiul otk u.d la ord.r. TY1.KII DESK CO., Hi. I.oul., Mo., V.S..V. ClIrBttUr". EnclUB Ulauiaad Hrmal. NNYR0YAL FJLLS u l.lnal arm llaly ciuloe. ..ft. Mlw.r, r-il.M , ji..pK I'm -I t fr iTIi ' 1 .M. ' tlMl tilt 11 TLo o olhrr. F a tn . -, ,.nj and ttntt - I, A, !' , i or .mi 4f. matoo.!l tut '-r, lr rrturs Mm. iipnv In nt.iDi . Sit I "KtUtt 1W r.adl ,- MhII. 1 ib. flkleliMLer 1 (.'O..L l.oa hquitre, urutpii.. ..-r.i Tn tt a V11. Hire Cure ' tno tarn o; kumuuiw, Siiual I'5Se ImpSincy, io. .Sok n-at Ij our -faith la our "ierli5 we wul send op." 1 0, k,!i.,u!U and lldcb Valuawe inrorroauun M'- y"-T IS CARTER'S IBllllL rr r r " re ME A BATTLE IN INDIA British Titlto Fort Clialt from Frontier Natives. MANY KILLED AND WOUNDED. Tho Fort First Takm by tho Tribwrnen nnd Then Recaptured- Serernl of ttte Knzllsh Omeara Nnrrowly Uciiiu-Thr Cunlllot halil To Its 111 Outcome of lttis.lnn I'lnoroaclimant l'roliiililllty f War with Itussla -Cabl. net Couttotl Hiimmutied to Discuss tho nltiinllnn. London, Deo. 13. Cldvernment dla patches recoivod from Calcutta report hiiril fighting oa tho Pamir frontier be tween Urltlsk Indian troops and tribes men claiming to be under Russian pro tection, In which Colonel Durand, Brit ish Military Agent .at GUglt, Captain Aylmor and Lieutenant Badcock were severely wounded, Lteutonant Gorton and several other officers slightly woundod, and seven Sepoys killed and tweuty-slx wounded. The Incidents leading up to this ap peal to urius are as follows; At Gilglt Is a British agency, garrisoned by some Knshmlrees and Indian Qhoorkas and n battery of artillery. The trlbesmon of lluu.a and Nagar, two towns oa tho Htver Indus, have for some time' been threatening the Cbalt fort, held by a detachment o' Knsliinlroo. This causod Col. Durand to make an advance upon the Chnlt fort for' the purpose of re-enforcing the garrison. This ndvauce of lirltlsh troop was made early In tho present mjntii, for, on Nov. 211 Col. Durand wired tho Com-mauiler-ln- Chief that he should move upon tho enemy on D10. 2 unless he was previously attacked by the trlbesmon, who were reported to be assembling la large numbers and to have beea insti gated iu their notion by tho Russians. Colonel Durand also telegraphed the same day that ho feared that a, serious conflict was Inevitable, although he had done everything possible to prevent It. On arriving in tho violnlty of Fort Chalt It is presumed that Colonel Durand and tho attacking forces found the enemy In occupation, for the dispatches fail to refer to what had be come of tbeKashmirce garrison, known to have been there. Colonel Durand decided to carry the fort by storm, j Captain Aylmer most gallantly led the storming party, currying a gun cotton petard, aud, In the face of a hot Ore of musketry, dashed up to the iron bound gate, allixed the petard to It, lighted the fuse and retired. The next moment Captain Aylmer saw that the potard had blown the gate of the fort to ptoces. Captain Aylmer and Lieutenants Boisragou and Uadoock, followed by a haudf ul of Sepoys, then made a dash into tho fort and, after some desperate lighting, ciipturoil a field gun which had been used effectively against the attacking party. The Brit ish officers and Sepoys also captured ulne prisoners, the remainder of tho rebel tribesmen fleolng, leaving a num ber of dead inside and outside the fort. Theso alarming reports caused con siderable excitement and comment when they became known at the mili tary and naval clubs throughout the city. Old and experienced Indian officers regard the outbreak of hostili ties botwoen England and Russia as a very grave affair uud the most alarming news recoivod from India slace the In dian mutiny. The younger officers are elated at tho chance of seeing active service, and are loud in their expression of hope that the long expected war with Russia is actually on tho tapis. A cabinet council hns been summoued, the purpose, being, it is understood, to discuss the Eastern situation as modi fied by the battle. AU'fied Shortage In Accounts. Boston, Doc 12. The receiver of the Bay State Louguo asks Justice Holmes that proceedings for contempt he issued against J, II. Hamittou and II. B. French, secretary aud treasurer of the League. It is alleged that the officers are trying to hinder the receiver from carrying out tho order of the court. The receiver, O. L- Fay, stated to the court that the total amount which has come into ills hands as receiver is a llttlo over $233,000. Treasurer French re ported to a meeting of dolegates, held Nov. 25, that the order had assets ot $318,000.' The receiver finds them to be $80,000 short of this sum, and wants to know what has becomo ot It. Ileportetl Hoot Sugar Syndloate. Omaha, Neb., Dso 13. T. L, Kim ball, of the Union Pacific, and Henry aiyason, an Omaha business man, are the Western agents of the New York syndicate which has decided to erect a system of beet sugar factories through out Nebraska and the adjacent States, with headnnarters Iu tilts city. They refuse to give u'tir information on the Hubject until their plans aro perfected. What the l'ulr Dlreotors Will Ask. Ciiioaoo. 111. The directors ot th World's Fair at Chicago propose to seek aid from C'm rresi. They will ask that body to take stock In the Fair to the ex tent of $5,000,000. This application has lieen endorsed by the Chicago World's Fair delegates, and Beems to meot with generul approval. Several Hilton by a Mud Do-, Nkwaiik, N. J., Dec, 13. A mad dog daBhed through Central avenue, Kear ney, vesterdav afternoon, aud bit sev eral children before lid could be shot. One little boy, Harold Ball, was bitten In the nock and seriously tnpirou. NEW JERSEY JOTTINGS. The Hunterdon County grand Jury have not yet found Indictments against the men who tarred and feathered Julia Beam of Glen Oardlner. Fredorlck Cook, a gray haired man. OB years of nao. has been sentenced to two yearrfin State prison by Ju Ige Hop per of i'atorsou lor Heating uts wite. The school authorities of Patorson have become alarmed at the prevalence of small nox iu Newark aud havo taken steps to exclude unvaoinated children from tho publlu schools. Archibald MoLnne, a prisoner In the county jail at Newark, attempted to commit suicide by strangling himself. He was discovered in tuna to save hi lite by the night watchman. , dighest of all in Leavening Power. ABSOLUTE! PURE To Teat the Question nf Passes. WAgltrSOTON, Dee. 13. --Attorney-General Miller has decided to tost the rights of railroads under the Inter-State Com merce law to Issue free passes over their lines. A suit will be brought against some railroad in Now Hamp shire, probably the Boston & Maine, and an Assistant Attorney-Goneral of the Department of Justice will be de tailed to represent tho Government. Wilt the Illshop Wear Them T LONDON, Dec 13. Considerable In terest is felt in the course followed by Bishop Elllcott of Gloucester and Bris tol in regard to the cope and mitre pre sented to him by the citizens of the dio ceses. The bishop officiated, last Sun day, without theso accessories, which have aroused much advorso criticism, ns savoring too much of tho Church of Rome. NEWS OF THE DAY. Pope Leo Is again said to be la very poor health. It. G. Dove, for 03 yoars continuously a clerk In the Treasury Department, is dead. I The net gold In tho Treasury Is $131, 125,087, an increase of $2,000,000 since tho first of the month. Nineteen lady postulants under the charge ot a mother snperior have left Loudon for Houston, Tex. Another furious storm Is raging ovor the British Isles, and great damage to shipping and farmers is reported. An officer of the Melbourne (Austra lia) Building Sosloty has embezzled $350,000 of tho funds of tho society. Advices from Singapore announce the loss of a large number of Chinese ves sels with their crews during a severs gale at Hong Kong. Mrs. Charles Yates (Mrs. Dutton Cook) gave a concert Thursday evening in the drawing-room of Mrs.. Mnckay's man sion, Carlton House Terrace, London. I Chancellor Von Caprlvl hns told tho Rolchstag that It ought not to doubt tho good faith of the United States la exorcising checks upon tho export of diseased pork. ' W. U. Pennington, the tragedian, 1 who Is one of the Immortalized Six Hundred at Balaklavn, ' gave his faro well performance at the Avenue Thea tre, London, Thursday night. I The bark General Butter, together with 1,000,000 feet of lumbor belonging to tho l'uget Mills Company, of San Francisco, and nine men, was lost about 100 miles southwest of Cape Arago Fri day. Rov. Oscar C. McQuIloch, pastor of the Plymouth' Congregational Church, and a well-known philanthropist, Is dead at Indlannpollsj He was at one time president of tho National Associa tion ot uuaritios aua uorrecuon. a AT ffti.: rmi. IrL' NEXT MORNING TFEEL BRIQHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTED. Mv doctor Ravs It acts ppntlv on thn Rtnmiirh. liver aad kidneys, ami Is a pleasant laxative. This drink 1 made troni hcrli . and U prepared tor uso as easily as tea. ju.ra'ii All driurulats sen it ut our and tl.iJ") per pjtkiige. Ihiy one tolay. Lmio'e Futull iriruieino Movm the llowels rncn uayi healthy, this Is necessary, order to ba WANTS, &o. Atlvertiiemmts in thin column, not exceeding 5 Hnes, 5 e for one fmerttonf 7Sc. for two: (I for irf; one week, two ueeks, J2; one nontn, fj. TTiOR 8hK-One store room tinil A ins dwelling luiuso. Iot 30 feet front ma lie leet ae-p, t iuce.tue, ui-i.irci. 13ty erm'. Apply to trunk warn'ct. -VTANTKD.-Gontl canva sew for T T "A Aiiuii'nrps In tho MlDOi." tlio tuilv work ever published alvlngacompli-to record and deseiiptlon ul heKteutmlUlug disasters ol America. Terms liberal. unrfcs, 1. j, j'M llley, Unnlou, uuio, n:i aov k T ANK KLiECTION Tlio nnniiftl electlmor the kiook holders of the Mor- oli-nta ' NaUonul li.mic or ancuanaoan, n,, will hu imid ul the Hunk uir Houto Tuesdnv, January 12 h, la.', between tho hours ol 10 a. in. ana 4 n. m.. ior me tuiruime oi bioi uu. thlrtoen directors lo s rvetno ensuing year, 1212 to K. II. IIUNT'yK, tJushler, T1ANK ELECTION. FirM Ntttlnn XJi Shenandoah. Dec 7. lSlli The annual oleotiou tpr thtrtien directors to serve for ibo eusulug jesr will bo htld at he liatiKiiiK nottse tin luemuy, j .unary ... isw. rroin ia tin a p. in. IS-lita Jmu. B. LjigiHBlrtp, Cashier, TTiOR BALE. The gray team of u horses recently uso l by the Columbia, H, dt M. l , i UO.t PIO. 1 auu uur.ue mn bargain to ihspurchaers. li'ltANIC I.awis, JOIIM Kl8KlUOVEIl, JRKK U'MHI.I., Kkank romiiNOTON, jAMtaMcDo.VAi.n, 11-21-tf Trustees. OHRIS. BOSSLEIl'S 9AL00N AND RESTAURAN 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. Tho Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, k TffE U. S1. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889 Government Plate Printers Alarmed. Washinoton, Dec. 12. By tho Intro' duction of surface presses at the Bu reau of Engraving and Printing much discontent has been aroused among the plate printers. Five of those presses were put into operation last mouth for printing tobacco stamps, and, it is said, workeil satisfactorily. It is claimed that each press will perform the work of teu plato printers, tlureby causing alarm among the fraternity from fear of reduction of tho force. It is said that if any more presses are introduoed the printers will bring the matter before Congress, nnd call in the aid of tho national body ot tho Knights of Labor In their behalf. Wanted Money for Ills Flying Machine, PlTTSHUIlo, Deo. 13. Joseph Renard, who tried to kill capitalist J. L. Barak ley in Chicago, lived In Pittsburg some months, leaving here a short time ago. Ills mother lived here some years, and is a highly esteemed teacher of French. Renard was well educated but poor. He claimed to have Invented a flying ma chine and devoted all his time to a soarch for somebody who would supply tho money to test his device and put it on the market, lie was not considered Insane. "What a Voto of Thanks Would be pissed if baliles could apeak of Dr. Hand's Colio Cure. Thousands have been cured by It. Absolutely safe. J, M Hillan and C. J. McCarthy, tho druggists, give away sampled to those who doubt this elalumont. Investments nf tdeiirhs of late vents nave been rutner uncertain onus. A National Event. Thohrldlnir of the World's Fair In a city scarcely titty o.m old will be a remurtcable event. out wiieincr it win reaiiy npueni ims nation as mucli as the discovery 01 the Itesfiratlve Nervine by Dr KranMIn Miles Is doubtful. Tills Is lust what the American people need to cure, thfir excess-vo uorvous iibki. flvsnenrttn. heaftaehe. dlzmbss. sleeo- lessaess, ueurnUla, nervous debllliy, dullness, condition nf mlnd.eto It nets I'ke it charm. Trial bottles and tluo book on "Nervous and Heart d .gikcs." with unenualfd testimonials, free at O II. Hagenbucifs drugstore It ti warranted to contain no opium, morjminc or umigerouH arugt. Now is the time to plant your holt ay advertisement in tho IIeuald. Miloo' Norvo and Llvor Pills Vet on a notv nrlnclnle retrutatlnt; the liver, stomach ana bowels throunn t te nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily sure uiuousnoxa, naa tame, uirpin uver, pues, ranstlDatlou. Uneoualed for men. women children. Bmallest. mlMest. sorest I 5) (loses. acts. Hamplos Free, at V. II. llagenbuch's arug store. We aro movlUK rapidly nlonc to- wurtl the shortest day uud Christmas Bomarkablo Faots. Heart disease Is unulU' sutmosed 1o ho In- curauie.uut when properly treated a largo proportion oi oases ran di corca. tuusaiis, Mary I.. Uaker. ol Ovid. Mich., were cured riuiin. iiaiuii. ul utHUiiu. luu.i tiiiu iuia, auer ninerin? years n. i. ijinour er, ruirjistaiBiiu Joe. ill.. Rays mat ur. Mlieb1 New Heart Cure, which cured the former, 'worked wonders lor Ills wile." Lovi ogun. nf lluchanan, Mich., who had heart disease tor so years, says two botti mnao turn "reel like a new man." Dr Mill - Jew Heart Cure Is Hold nnd gunmntcod ny . . 11 Ilagenbucta tho druggist. Bookot wonderful testimonials free. No man is so lirnoraiit Unit you can not iearu somethtug from him. Oh, What a Cough. . Will you heed the warning? The Blgnal per. mil of tbisurounuroach of that mort ter ible disease. Consumntlon. Ask yours dves If you can afford for tho sake of saving 60 cents, w run tne ysK ana no nomine lont. We know from experience that rjhllau's Cure will Cure yonr Cough, It never falls. This explains why more thin a M Ion Bottles were sold the past year. It r- eves Croup aud Whopping Coiwu at onse. Mothers do not be without it. For Dame Back. Hide or Chest, use Hhiloh's Porous Plaster, Bold by C. H , iiazonbuch, N. ti. corner Main ana Lloyd streets. The trlrls will soon he nlauninK for Leap Year parties. Shlloh'a Consumption Curo, This In beyond .Question tho most sno- leuful Conzh Medicine we hsve ever sold. t few doses Invariably cure the wo-st cases of "tough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its win. lerra! success In the cure of Consumption is without a narallel In the history of in Uciue. since it's nrst aisooverv 11 nns osen soii on a ruarantee, a test which no other medlotne .an stand. It you have a (Viuith we earnestly uk you to try it. Price 10 cents, 60 cents, and ;i.W). If your Lungs nre sore. Chest or Jjack lme, nseHhtloli'8 Porous Plaster. Sold by it. unvennucu, n. K. ooruer juain ana '.loyd streets, The smallest boy frenuuutly sets tho biggest spauklng. What Father Pablo Vnrola Says. CEI.VYA. uctobei 1. 1880. I know several neoile who have suffered greatly from the consequences ot Impure blid, andli a very .short while have felt much bettor by using the medlcliio which wis sent hero by Don Kamon Alva Pir th.t pur- p')-e. i recoiu'iiu iu mis retueuy hi odu which pr mises the best results, nnd Is the bestof lUklnd. HKV.PABLO VAUKLA. rioid at Klrlln's DrugHUire.fefguson House Block, Hhepaudpai . WALL PAPER BABGAINS ! Largest and cheapest stock In town. Artistic Painting, Graiiing and Decoration;! J. P. GARDEN, 102 0m 221 W. Centre St.. BIIENANDOAU For LOST or FAILIHO MAKE00S, n . I J .Tlilmlio t , , -II t r ..v U..MWIH MUIUUHUI1U1 . Wtakaeas of Body and Kind, Efficts ct Errors or Excesses In OM or Youaff Str.llgtk.anrUa,tSllKIIMIpKUIlK(asal'ASTSrSUUY nuil.s IIU9S 'IHKTl.M-Ufsu UaS.r, ftl.a IMIU7 Irvn &u BI.U. 4 1 wrttsa C.a.lrl.fc H HI. th.M. lMrlU( UttS, ipl..Uoa Sa4 pnwr. kllMl(ir.lf JJfiM. ortw ERIC MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. m nm mm WAS IT NORCROSS? Kusscll Siico's Dynnmiior Probably IilcnliJicd. A YOUNG BOSTON NOTE BROKER. Bhreds of Ua Clothing nutl Buttons Eso- ognizl by His Motliar- Itrooks, tho Itostnn Tailor, Also Sheila J.tght Upuu the Myterv There to be No Doubt but that the Thrower Was Ml.ilur; Henry I, Seems llomb I Nor- cross lho Head Identified hv i i l'rlontl. L. Nor- Boston, Dec 12. Henry cross ot bomervllle, who condurted a note brokerage In this city, has been missing since the middle ot last week. Now York detecttves identify him as the mysterious personage who threw a bomb in Russell Sage's office in New York last Friday with such deadly of- feet. The officers havo In their posses sion a trousers' button nnd portion of tho trousers worn by the bomb thrower, ns well as a piece of his coat and por tions ot his underclothing. These articlos wero takon to the Nor- cross residence In Bomervllle in the af ternoon, where the underclothing was positively identified by Mrs. Norcross as belonging to her husband. Ibo trousers of tho dead dynamiter were stamped "Brooks, tnilor, Boston." Mr. Brooks was visited by the officers anil shown the fragments of cloth. After a careful examination ho stated positively that ho had made for Heury L. Norcross a coot ot tho cloth presented and also n pair of trousers of the samo cloth as tho other furnished by the dotcctlvos. The button lie also identified as one pe culiar tn his establishment. There was a terrible sceuu at the home ot the young broker when tho fact of his terrible crime and death was made plain to tho father nnd mother, who have been anxiously awaiting his re turn from n supposed business trip. Mis. Norcross was prostrated by tho shock and her husband acted ns though stunned by the blow. After ho hnd ud - mltted the strong resemblance which the fragments bore to his son's clothing, and wheu ho hud compared a photo graph ot his son with the photograph of tho dead man's head thero seemed to be no further room for doubt. He said '.hnt his son had had no sick ness, ni ; i, 11- showed any signs or In sanity. II .vnvs contented and light hens t. , , iu eculu assign no cans'1 for ti.e . 4 ucl except sudden Insauuy. Althor tl.e evi nco soemed strong against hi v n, he i ..uld not but hope that U would provo untrue. He said that Henry left home Thursday, osten sibly to go to 1'iovlilenco on business. He had not returned, and his contin ued absence bad already begun to cause much anxiety when the news of his supposed connection with the bomb throwing case was brought to the father's notice. He had begun to fear that his son had been killed by tho railway accident on the New York cc bow hugland Hall road, which occurred on the same day as the New York trngedy. Heury L. Norcross, tho dynamiter was about 23 or 2P years old. He grad uated from the bonierviile high school about five years ugo, since which time he has conducted a noto brokerage business at No. 12 Pearl street, this city. There is no doubt but that Nor cross has been missing since tho day before the attempt ou the life ot Russell Sage, ami this, tnken in connection with the identification of the fragments of clothing and underclothing, would Indicate that Norcross was the man who startled the world with his insane scheme ot forcing a vast sum of money from Russell bage. SAYS THERE IS NO DOUBT. Herbert M. Ifowrs, a 1'rleml of Norcross, Settlus the Matter. NEW YoitK, Doc. 12. The identilloa tlou of Norcross was made complete at midnight at the Morgue by Herbert M, Howes, of Summer street, Soiuerville. Mr. Howes was a schoolmate of th dead 111 nil. Mr, Howes declared that Norcross hand could nover have thrown the dy namite which shattered Mr. aago's of lice. It was therefore with roluctunce that ho undertook to compare dellbor atoly the features of tho bomb-tbrowor with the likeness of his friend whloh he carried in his hand. After an hour's patient examination Mr. Howes was conviuced that the romutus were those of Henry L. Norcross. Setinte Itepublicau Caucus Comuilttoe. Washington I). C, Dec. 12. The Re publicnu Caucus Committee ot tho Son ate held a session ot several hours In making assignments ot members to va cancies on committees. Nothing dofi nite was done, aud the Commlttco will hold several other sessions before the work la complete. The result will the bo submitted to the Democratic mem here, a courtesy that has bacome n cas torn, to ascertain their views with re gard to tho assignment. The Great Wheut lUookado. WlNKirKO, Man., Dec 12. The wheat blockade Is embarrassing uralu dealers here considerably. They are loilng heavily, being unable to get their ship ments forward to fill their oontracts, The members ot the (iralu Hxciinngs fully discussed the situation at a meet ing, nnd it was stated that unless the I railroads came to their reaoue at onco I they would have to lower the price ot grain In the oountry 10 oents a bushel. Juilifiuenc Against ltnttsniuit Lenry. Kingston, N. Y., Dec 12. Judment In favor of Kdwin Young, an eieoutor of the estate ot the late millionaire, Thomas Cornell, for $111, GOO has been filed in the County Clerk's office against James D. Leary, of raft fame. The notion was brought to rocover dam ages for the lo-ts ot the steam propeller Alicia A. ahburu, which was burned oil the Florida coast while chartered by Leary. alls. Ion of a NlllllUtlo AKeur. lloriTON, Dec. 13. The Bostou branch of tho Russian Section II, Nihilistic So ciety, has selected an uent tor a secret tnission to Russia, lis was entrusted with the delivery ot dispatches and (0,1)00 to headquarters in St. Peters burg, nnd directed to bring back details of the political situation In Russia. will be paid for a recipe cnablinjj" us to maKc vvoiit s acme Jj lack ing at such a price that the retailer can profitably sell it at loc. a bottle. At present the retail price is 20c. Thl offer i. open until larrUarv lit., ibqi. For particulars address the undersigned. Acme Blacking it made of pure alcohol. other liquid dressings are made of water. Water comj nothing. Alcohol is dear. Who can show us how to make it without alcohol so that wecan make Acme Blacking as cheap as water drewing, or put it in fancy pack ages like many of the water dressings, and then charge for the outside appearance in stead of charging for the contents of the bottle? WOLFF ft RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Is the name of a paint of which n 25c. bottle is enouch to make six scratched nnd dulled cherry chairs look like newly finished ma hocanics. It will do many other remarkable things which no other paint can do. Ail retailers sen lL CACTUS BLOOD tvM. SUPERIOR TO SARSAPARILLA Purifies tlio blood by ox- polling tho impuiities through tho jrropor channels and novor causes eruptions on the 3kin. Regulates the bowels Cures yspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up tho system md gives you an appetite. Never fails lo euro any con ition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Soltl at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson' Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa DO YOU WANT RELIEF? KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY "Will rroiuptlr r-IIeo th mit dta treeing cow. of Acute or Clironlc l;heii niatUm or Gout. Hy ilrictly obneivlni; the direction it ill curoyoa inua ti ciitly Uullh the ttimtroui nre na ration thfct BooI the cnuntrr, thli medicine i rc!lc fur th rirluus forme of riivumttlitn colt , tDt not Id uJIlOic 1 "cureftll' One bottln will msfc etlsifavotarv Iludi-c Inn ou th veti-m. anri In connection with tho jalli, coat In e the suflcitr thet the protHT rtniedy has beD touud. oa utearueitlj r KICOOT'S IClll.UAIATIO lCKMKDV. m ItTKluKblo proper t lei re endord by hundred! of th nif't flatterlrjpj tceilmcntitlfj. KutROie iDitroiuuu, rrmnriKbir Tor their enrftUt r, .ire u I In tl mm ufaciure of kKUUT a SI.CO Tor C:til. 6 Ecttlej, 53.C0. Tills, tZ Cta. Bex. If X'iuf ltorelteflpr doe nut keep It, fuj fl.'JA t tba tnioufaclurer, end joii will rcucive It Lui toii reuiv it r,r ruii. ALHKItT It HOLT, 3C37 Market Mreet, I'IiIUhI'h, Ia Newly Refitted anil Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLORS ! six A.-7-i3xro-, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing! BHAMTOOINd, ETC., BY E. G. T. WADLINGER. Under Postofllce Building, Main nnd Oak Sts., Shenandoah. 43-IIot and cold baths. Polite, nromi't and careful attention, DR. THEEL. coo North Fourth St.. OtlO (Ul. (,rs.Hi pHlLAPKLmiA, thd only seoulne Urrroeu Ametleu BiwctUt In the UnLu4 iat who U eblu to cure BlOOd POleOtlt Norvoua Debility oSpLr clal Disonaas &kiU pi it,. Hfd BpoH rlni la tbe Nne,SoroThroat Mouth Bli.UhM, PtrapUii, Frapdeoi, eofl or htvul 1,'lccr, bweliinj., Iriitavtlone, InMammeUona end RudoIoii, Sltlctureii, Wavkni eatl Early eT. loit memury weak b iimu) euxletr. Klloey " KlKlltr DUie ei.f) elt tMwiwe rteuttinef "Om Ittftlrwrctlon or 0frwirli Kwrnt -awe cumt to 4 lo 10 a3f relief it oqoc Do not t.itu hoi, no metwr whet tlftlng Doctor, Qneck. t-erotly fr 11' M-tUl PtitilrUii "i!4 l)r. THKhl. cr-i pooltlvely "1 '"" dftOQ frem fcnilnfM oiit rocxQ mirdli eo kd thooi coetPtTi MiKRUAf 'Tl.h or poor wn,l ic Hemp fr bOOk "TRUTM 'T"i"H Qiiwalie OMtcr iworo Uetlmonlele, Hoitm, dIW frum 8 to I F m 6 to , ea4 Be. r'i a to 10 CnirHi 9 till 13 Write ff eell ernt be For Ktftreoeee we Wedo. "l SMurUej I'Lil. dell Tlmt AFINESHOW If you want tn see a tine display ol Hoots ana Uhoes, goto W, S, SNYOER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (MMleller's old stand,) Curner Coal ami Jardlu Bta. Custom YorJc uud Itepalrlne Done In Ihe best style. LEATHER and SHOE FIHDIHGS T3. J. CLEAR"Y3 Dealer In all kinds ot Shoemakers' : Supplies ! Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Suppliea 18 W. OKNTItE ST., Kerguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA. U FOMUMOI, rnaintY.T.iAn " n hnlMIn wrner vsl I p M, liAMIDTON, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Omoe-23 WflitXJoyd Btreet, UhenandoaU Pa.