The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 12, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.-NO. 268.
1 h
"My Son, Deal
The Evening Herald.
Ha a larger circulation In Shenandoah than
any other paper published. Circu
lation books npen to all.
No one hears an j thing of any In
tereet being taken in the elections lu
the southern states. No one seems to
care to hear the news from Maryland
or Virginia or Mississippi. Everyone
knows how theso states must go before
a single ballot is cast, and it is a matter
of absolute Indifference whether the
majority Is 10,000 or 60,000. The elec
tions in the south area fraud as well
as a farce.
Now that smokeless powder Is an
assured fact, the next move In the Hue
of progress towards the relief of
patient and long suffering public, Is to
be an odorless whiskey. Recent ex'
periments have culminated in the pro-
ductlon of a liquid which is unde
niably whiskey, but whloh leaves no
suspicion of an odor upon the breath.
The new find is precltely the counter
part of the old stuff except in this par
ticular. In appearance and tasie no
difference can be detected. But al
though it possesses the same deadly
qualities, the most stupendous jag will
have the breath as sweet as that of tha
new born babe.
Phconlx Fair to Ro-open.
The fair.of the Phoenix Fire Company
will bo rc-opened in Bobbins' opera home
on Monday evening and will continue for
two weeks. Tho attractions will bo more
numerous than thoy wero during the last
season. Christmas holiday novelties will
benumoious. 12 12 It
The proprietors or Pan-Tina have ppent
thousands of dollars to make It known that
It cures Coughs, ( olds and .LaGrlnpe. Trial
'bottlt-s of fan-Tina free at V. P. V. Kirlln'B
drug store.
Dolls I Dolls I Dolls I
Largest and best assortment in town.
Kid body and dressed dolls 25 cents. Toys
of all descriptions. All tho latest games,
puzzles, picture and. story books. Uilquo
figures, cbinaware, etc. Handsome plush
presents for Christmas. At Mellet's, 22
East Centre street.
Bead Reese's holiday advertisement.
bweent-r. Others
for $3 00. and very
cowl oneRfnrf3.S0
Uuv one for your wife for a Christinas
present. Wo also have a new line of
Rugs and Carpets at
Fancy New Crop Neio Orleans BaJcing Molasses.
Ne.w Corn Meal Made of all new com. Kiln Dried
Xresh Ground,
New Plcliles Natural Color Crisp and Sour.
New Currants Cleaned Heady for Immediate Use.
New California Prunes Mne Quality.
New California Canned Fruits Egg Plums, Cher
ries, Apricot 8 and Peaches.
New Buckwheat MourVery Choice.
New Green Scotch Peas.
New California Strained Hohcy.
2ew Itaisins, Citron and Ltmon Peel.
New Skinned Hams-
-Fresh Smoked.
Nen Mince Meat-
Two Cans CIiolcc Salmon.
Three Pounds Fancy IUce.
Two Bottles Kctcliup LGfRU size and Extra Quality.
Four Pounds flood Currants.
Three Pounds Mixed Candles..
Two Pounds Mixed Nuts New Crop.
Five Pounds Oat Flalccs New Fresh Stoclc.
A Lot of Sheep, Goat and Wolf Sltln Mats and Rugs-ln
White, Blaclc and Colors.
Just Received Two Cars Choice No. x Timothy Hay, One
car line Middlings, extra quality. Also a lot Strictly Pure
Country Lard.
FOR SALB TO ARRIVE One Car Middlings. One Car
Fancy Minnesota Flour.
BSfUON'T FORGET that Northwestern Daisy Flour Al
ways Gives Satisfaction.
"With. Men Who
B. L. Tallv. of Baltimore, li visiting
friends In town.
H. Wloderhold Is still confined to hii
house with a bad cold.
Miss Kate Glover, one of tho clerks In
the local post office, has been HI for sev
eral days past.
John Cither, Sr., who has boen;serIou8ly
ill for several woos past, wm removed to
tho residence of Mr. Wiodorhold yester
day. Tho Blblo Soololy.
Last summer the Pennsylvania State
Bible Society employed a colporteur for
about two months in distributing bibles by
sale or gilt from door to door in Snenan
doah. This society is supported by all the
different denominations and has for Us
object the printing and dlssenmlnatlng ot
the biblo without note or comment. Its
general secretary, Kev. James Morrow,
D. D., who is an able and eloquent pulpit
orator, will spend lo-murrow in town. At
10:80 a. m. he will preach in the Methodist
Episcopal church, and at 6:80 p. m., in the
Reformed church. In tho afternoon he
will address the Presbyterian Sunday
school and, at 7.30 p. m., after the close ol
the regular services, ho will address a union
meeting in the M. . church and arrange a
Shenandoah blblo society.
Change of Trains.
The mine workings undor the Ponnsyl'
aoia railroad, near Wiggan's station,
commenced to cave in again yesterday and
worked so heavy that the company decided
to abandon the branch for the alterno. n.
Passengers for I'ottsvillo at 4:10 p. m. went
via the Delano branch. The placo was
still working this morning and the surfacu
had gone down about two feel. Tho pass
onger train that leaves here at 0:03 a. m.
fur PottBvillo over the short routo, made
tho Ashland run this morning and Polls'
ville passengers took tho New York train
and made connection at Delano. The
(fflcials of the Pennsylvania road say that
tho surface will not go down much and
that the tracks will bo In good condition by
to-morrow night.
Striking it Rich.
About fifteen years ago D. J. Williams
of town, secured a tontine policy from an
infurance company. Subsequently he se
cured another of the same character, but,
in time, he dropped tho former and con
tinued making payments on the latter.
llo has continued tho payments to date. A
few days ago aD agent for the company
callod upon Mr. "Williams and paid htm
$140, tho amount duo him under tho rules
of the company on the lapsed policy. Tho
agont also informod Mr. Williams that if
he continues his payments on tho second
policy for about a year or two longer ho will
be entitled to ?2,C0O.
Profitable Investment.
If you want an oxcellent farm, situated
only six miles from Shenandoah, contain
ing 58 acres, with fruit trees and stream of
water, call at the Herald office for further
particulars. It is a profitable investment
and the terms are reasonable. 11-18-tf
-Best Quality.
Advertise. Ton will Never Lose by It."--Benjainm Fi-anklin
Whers ThOB "Who Are So Dis
posed May Attond Divine
Worship To-morrow Other
Local News.
English Baptist church, South Jardin
ttreot. Kit. U. Q. James, pastor. Preach
Ing at 10:30 a. ro. and 6:80 p. m. Subject
for morning: Heroism and Oowardism.
Evening subject: "Thanksgiving." Sab
bath school at 2 p. m. Deacon John
Dunn, superintendent. On Monday evon-
ing at 7:30 tho B. Y P. Union will meet.
On Wednesday evening at 7 o'clock a
gonoral prayor meeting.
M. E, church, Rev. Wm. Powick, pastor.
Services to-morrow at 10:30 a. m. and C:30
p. m. Preaching In the morning by Kov.
James Morrow, D. D., eocretary of tho
Penna. Stato Bit lo Society, and in tho
evening by the pastor. At 7:30 p. m.
union mooting will bo hold in the interest
of tho Biblo cause, at which it is proposod
to organize an auxilliary to tho Stato Biblo
Society. This mooting will bo aJdrossod
by Dr. Morrow. Sunday school at 2 p, m.
Holy Communion wi 1 bo ce'.ebratod In
tho Trinity Reformed church to-morrow
morning at 10 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Morrow
will preach in tho evening at C:30.
Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Everybody
welcome. Rev. Robert O' Boyle, pastor,
All Saints' Episcopal church, Oak street,
near Main, Rev. Floyd E. "West, rector.
Services as follows : Morning prayer and
litany with reading and sermon, 10:30,
Evening prayer and sermon, 6:30. Sunday
school at 2 p. m. Tho rector officiates and
preaches at the morning sorvico on the
second and fourth Sundays of each month
and at the evening service on tho first and
third, a lay reader officiating in his absence,
P. M. church, corner of Jardin and Oak
streets. Services Sunday at 10:30 a. m,
and 6:30 p. in. Sabbath school at 2 p. m
Toung Peoples' Christian Endeavor at I
p. m. every Sabbath. Classes meet Tues
day and Wednesday ovonlngs at 7 o'clock
and Sunday at 9:30 a. m. Uenoral prayor
mooting Thursday at 7:30 p. m. n. G
Russell, pastor.
Welsh Baptist church, cornr West and
Oak streets. Rev. D. I. Evans, pastor,
Services Sunday at 10 a. m. in Welsh
and 6 p. m. in English. Sunday school at
2 p. m. Prayer meeting on Monday oven-
ing, at 7 o'clock. Class meeting on Thurs
day evening, at 7 o'clock.
Ebenezor Evangelical church. Rov. II,
J. Click, pastor. Services Sunday at
10 a. m. in German, and 6:30 p. m. in
English. Sunday school at 1:30 p. m
All aro heartily invited to attond.
Presbyterian church, Rev. W. Moll ally,
pastor. Preaching eorvicos at 10:30 . m
and 6:30 p. m. In the evoning tho pastor
will continue his discourse on "Tho Second
Coming of Christ." Topic: 'The Mys
tic Stone and Coming Kingdom." (Daniel
II). Sabbath school at 2 p. in., and will
be addressed by Rov. Dr. Morrow, State
President of Sunday School Association
Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 730,
All are cordially invited,
Specimen O.ieea.
S. II. Clifford, Wow Cassel, Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism
his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was
affected to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and he was terribly reduced in
flesh and strength. Three bottles of Eloc
trio cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., bad
a running sore on his leg of eight years'
stsnding. Used three bottles of Electric
Bitters and laven boxes of Bucklon's
Arnica dalVe, and his log is sound and
well, John Speaker, Catawba, O., had
five largo Fever sores on his leg, doctors
said he was incurable. One bottle Electrio
Bittora and one box Bucklen's Arnica
Salvo cured him entirely. Sold by 0. II,
Hagenbuch, Druggist,
Grand Institute ball at Robbins' opera
houso, Wodnesday evening, Docombor 10
Musioby Schoppo's full orchestra. Con
cort by tho Grant Cornet Band, 12-10 Ct
Letter List.
Tho following letters remain uncalled for
In U o Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pa.
post office, December 12, 1891 :
Clark Katie Menley William II.
lieuraau John
Parties calling for advortisod letters
should please say "advertised." One cent
will be charged on all advortlscd lettors.
II. O. Bonn. P. M.
Buoklen's Arnica Salvo.
The Best Salvo In the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, -Tetter, Chapped llands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tlvely cures Piles, or no payment required,
It ia guaranteed to give perfoct satisfaction,
or money refunded, i'nee zt cents per
box. For tale by C. II, Hagenbuch.
Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Daub', tf
Paragraphs Votorans Should Not
Fail to Head.
It Is the requost of the commander that
there bo a full attendance of members of
Post 140, G. A. R., on Friday ovoning
next, on account of very Important busi
ness. At tho regular mooting of P tst 140, O
. R., hold last evening, Adjutant, F. II
Hopkins, Sr., was instructed to invite Con
gressman Robinson, of Delaware county,
to dellvor tho oration hero at the next
Memorial Day. Congressman Robinson is
a brilliant talkor, is a voteran of the late
war and will, no doubt, make an interest-
ng address, one that will please all.
The relhf committee of Watkln Wators
Post, No. 146, Grand Army of the Re
public, as in the past, will distribute large,
fat turkoys to all soldiora widows and to
tho families of sick members of the Post
a few days before Christmas, a custom al-
ways maintained since tho organization of
tho Post.
No greater friend to tho family can bo
found than the Oonulno Imported Anchor
Pain Expollcr. It is and over witl be tbo
best" remedy for Rheumatism, Gout, In
fluenza, Backacho, Pains in tho Side,
Chost and Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &c.
It brings quick and happy rolief. Sold at
druggists. CO cents per bottlo.
Attend tho institute ball In Robbins'
opera house, Wednesday ovoning, Decem
ber 10. Schoppo's full orchestra. Concert
by the Grant Cornet Band. 12-10 Gt
Information was received to-day that
Maggie, tho young daughtor of 'Squire J,
J. Citrdin, formerly of town, died at tho
homo of her father in Philadelphia yestor
day. Tbo remains will bo brought to
town on Monday next, lor Interment in
the Annunciation cemotery.
John, the eight-year-old son of Patrick
Burke, of West Centre 6trent, died this
morning. The death was quito unexpected.
Tho boy had boen com laining of asoro
throat and severo headache slnco Wednes
day last. At about four o'clock yestorday
afternoon he was obliged to tako his bod.
When tho father left the houso to go to
work this morning tho boy seemed to be
improving, but there was a sudden relapse
and death followed at about 7 o'clock.
Skin Diseases.
What spectacle Is more disgusting than
that of a man or woman with a skin die
ease which shows itself In pimples or
blotches on hand, arms, face and neck?
It is simply impure blood. Seo what
Brandrcth's Pills did for a chronic case
George Chapman, l'incening, Mich,,
"For four voars I was in tho Mounted
Infantry in tho U. 8. Army, residing dur
ing that timo principally In Texas. Almost
all of that timo I bad a chronic (kin dis
eae, characterized by an eruption over the
entire surface of my legs and thighs, arms
and chest. Tbo doctors termed It eczema.
I hd given up all hopes of over being
cured, when Brandreth's Pills wero recom-
monded to mo. I concluded to try them,
and I havo thanked God daily slnco then
that I did so. I used them for about three
month's, and by that time, was completely
cured and havo never had any troublo
since." 12 8-lw
Candelabras and candlesticks, and
fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Holder
man's. 11-28-tf
A Surprise.
Reop your eyo on this local. Keagey,
tho photographer, will have his new open
Ing In a few days and will have something
interesting that will surprise the people, tf
ThO Committee's Power.
A membor of the Joint committee of
citizens and councilmen on tho water
project stated to a Herald roporler last
night that tho committee has not taken the
proposition of the water company under
advisoment. Ho said that the joint com-
mittoo has no powor to mako such an
agreement as the one suggested by the
company. Th.e committee is appointed to
establish borough water works, and that is
all it has powor to do.
"reeujy ouu ikukuvu iu iuu miikhuiuihuuu.
While Porpy tiro upon her face doili look" and
wonders what bus swelled li so. Whoa he
finds It Is neuralijla lion ever, lie does not
lose his head, but having twenty rive cent In
nis insiae poc&ei, mveiis ia u uuiuu ui ouivu,
Brumm's holiday stock of watohes,
Jewelry and sllverwaro Is now the largj
and finest in town. An invitation to
inspect our goods is extendod tq all, 12-7-tf
A Kind Friend.
Is what they call Unit Famous Ilemedy, It'
Flag Oil, It quickly cures Hlieuuiatl
Neuralgia, Cnt, Urulses, Burn, fctores nr ,...!t
tiilI n II. Ih irnnrt (nr tnun nr L.uO Oft .a Ull
It is
l Kirlln'B drug store.
10 Cents Per Pound.
The finest French mixture
pure, 10 cents per pound, at
Max Reese's.
The finest and best
cheaper than olsowhc
chocolato croams,
narmlees and r people as a safe, rellaWe,
lough. Hyrup,
jtmv remeuy, w
cheap. Head Reese's
A Brilliant Exhibit of Class Work
to bo Mado by tho Schools of
Town Somo of tho Promi
nent Foaturos.
Superintendent Frooman and the school
teachers were liUfy yesterday and to-day
preparing for the twenty-ninth annual ses
sion of the Toachers' County Institulo to
bo hold In town next week, commencing
on Monday. Never boforo has tho intorost
of our leachors in thd Instltu o iquallod
that exhibited by them this year and tho
exhibit of school work thoy will mako in
behalf of their pupils will bo such as to
challonge competition. Tho exhibits of
drawings and modelings will bo especially
attractive and parents should not fall to
visit Ferguson's hall during tho institute
and view them.
Miss Lizzie M. O'Cjnnell's second grade
grammar class in tho High school building
intends to distinguish itself in tho exhibit,
A reporter visitod tho class room yesterday
and found pupils of tondor years perform
ing work that would reflect credit upon
much older heads. Tno drawings upon
the blackboards of tho school room for tho
benefit of thoao who may visit tho High
school building during tho institute tire
pjrticularly clever. Cirnclius Campbell,
aged 13 yours, Is tho sculptor and aitist of
the class. His work is worthy of special
mention. Holms just completed tho busts
of Y ashington Gritlln, tho Irish uoot, In
hardened clay, with splendid success and is
now at work on others. In drawing the
following pupils will rank among tho fore,
most of tho class exhibitors: James D
Creary, dog's head; Raymond N. Ebrhart,
war vessel; Lottio P. Burkhart, stalk o
paBsiiin flowers; Joseph AVhhakor, horsof
John Conry, hunter and cat and kitteni
.Maud Keiper, flowers; Gertrude Gise.
flowort; Daniol J. Ferguson, prospoctiv
View of a viaduct; Benjamin Boacher.
male figure; Frank Conry, llowor-; Surah
Cooper, flowers; Fred. Grublor, decorative
design; Lizzie Stank, flowors; Mary Pom
toy, flowers; Bertha Loitzel, decoratlvo do
sign; Laura Swartz, group of objects. Ex
hibits of excellent drawings by tho follow
ing aro also worthy ol note: Jesso Thomas,
Smford S. Shoemaker, Kntio Monaghnn
Cirne Fulmor, Allen Seltzer. Fred. Was'
ley, Gerti Reeso, Mablo Glover, Gortii
Levine, John Kincaid, Mblo Straub,
B'idget Mther, Ejward Johnson, Anni
Watson, Eila Creary, Minnio Davis, Frank
Cinry, II. J. Cuher, Sadie Reeso, Emily
Smith, JIary O'Uara, Mary Kincaid,
Katio Monaghan, Annlo Liwaon, Lizzie
S ank, Jennio Fitzgjrald, May and Win
ifred Reilly.
Ih enrollment of leachors will com
menca at rorgus'n's theatre on Monday
morning at 8:30 o'clock, Tho institute
will commenco at 2 p m
On Monday evening Msjar Honry 0
Dine will opon tho institute courso
lectures and entertainments. Mijor Dane
Is really an orator; be is powerful and dra.
matic ; ho has a fine physique, is thoroughly
soll-iiOifOffed, Is wonderiully fluent and
never faltors, uses fine language, indulges
in poetic sentiment, and has tho faculty of
description in an extraordinary drgreo
His stylo is unique. Ho carries you away
with him, whether you will or not.
On Tuesday evoning Dr. James T.
Hedley will lecture on "The 8unny Side
of Life." Superintendent Transom, of
Williamsport, says: "It affords me
pleasure to boar testimony to tho eloquence
0f Dr. James Hedloy. His 'Sunny Side of
Life' is Indeed a treat to listen to. Uo held
his audience in tho best of humor for about
two hours."
On Wodnesday evening Miss OHIe
Torbott and her company will givo a con-
cert an(j 0n Thursday evening tho grent
humorist Murihall P. AVjldor, the Park
Sisters quartette and tho High school male
qutrtetle will finish tho entertainment,
People who havo not purchased tlckots
for tho ontortainm'jnt should do so at once.
Reserved seat;, may bo secured at Klrlin's
drug storev
Now Try ThlB.
1l will rnl vuu nothing and wilt surely
do you good, If you havo a Cough, Cold, or
any troublo with Throat, unest or uungs,
ri' TTInnJe now Discovery for Consurop
Hon, Coughs and Colds Is guaranteoa to
tn -nllftf. or monev will bo paid back
Sufferers from La Grippe found li just mo
thing and under its u.o had a spoody aui
r,orreet recovery. Try a sampio oouio an
our oxpeuso and learn for yourself JubI
ffood a thing it Is. Trial collies iroe ai v,.
H. Hagenbuch'a Drug Dioro. uarn
00c. and 91.
it aii uorn mil" Is the expression of
-v .-in, that. itrribie cougn.
ieapirn """" V. t.i; .V.,n.rtir
I'nti.I lnft 1)UIS li BWJP II ALUM J --
iih." Void, and' Consumption, 25 cents.
l-tn ffhs.
Tnii-l'lnnls Bold at
All kinds of candles, a) cen'.i per lb.,
Duncan 4 Weidley's.
NowBy Lottor From a
At last tho electric lights aro comlnr.
The wlros wore put up this week.
1 ho small boy is jubilant over tho pros
pect of no school noxt wook. Teaohers'
Chas Nolcr, Sr., of Ling Island City.
N J., was In town during tho wcok, visit
ing hU son, Win. Noior, of Water stroot.
B. F. Bsrtolotto, Superintendent of th
Atlantic City Branch of tho P. & R. R. R.i
is spending tho week with his brother,
Supt. Bertoloiio.
K, Shlroy, tho Bridge stroot shoomakir,
as moved his shop to Tamaqua,
h. Doudin, one of the blacksmiths at
East Hear Ridgo colliory, has resigned bis
petition at that shop to accopt a similar on
at tho P. & R, shops,
"V m. Dornbach's two houses on Water
treot, which wore damaged by fire a few
weeks ago, aro undergoing repairs.
Mrs. Haiiloo, wifo of Thomas Uinlon,
Sr., engineer of tho Shenandoah train, is
lying soriously ill at her homo on Wator
stroet. Her illness was of such a naturo as
to necessitate a surgical operation, the out
como of which is not yot known. Her
many friends aro oarnestly hoping for her
early and completo recovery.
Tho members of tho M. E. Sunday
school aro making oxtensivo preparations
for their annua1 Christmas ontertainmont.
lo bo held in tho church building on the
ovoning of Cnristmas day. The scribe
having been permitted a peep bohind tbo
scenes leols safe in saying that tho ovont
will bo one of tbo most elaborate of iU
kind. It will certainly surpass all previous
efforts of tho mombors of this school.
Many novel features will bo introduced.
Santa Claus" has been engaged for tha
occasion and will contribute largoly to tha
fun and festivity at tho close. Tbo pro
grammo will mainly cocsist of music,
vocal and instrumental, speeches, recita
tions, etc. In fact everything is being
dono to mako an enjoynblo entertainment
for all.
Rov. Otho Brand, pastor of tho M. E.
church, has announced tho following ordor
of services for to-morrow: Preaching at
10:30 a. m. Subject "Happinoss," Sunday
school at 2 p. m. Evoning sorvico1) at 7
p in.
Subject of sermon "Christian Safo-
All aro cordially invitod to
Lane's Family Modlclno
Moves tho bowols oach day. Most people
need to use it.
Excellent Work.
Miss Virgio Ilollopoler, tho artist of
town, has placed on exhibition at tha
stationery storo of Hooks and Brown, on
North Main street, scvoral handsomely
hnd-palnted plaques and piocos of china
waro. Tui exhibits demonstrate that Misi
Ilollopetor is an artist of high standard.
Tho delicacy of execution is striking and
ovokrs tho commendations of obtorvors.
The exhibits mako beautiful ornamontsand
very mitablo Christmas gifts. They are
for sale and prices may bo loarnod upon
application at tho storo.
All claims not consistent with tho high
character ef Syrup of Figs aro purposely
avoidod by tho Cal. Fig Syrup Company.
It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, cleansing tho system effectually,
but it is not a curo-all and makes no pre
tentions that every bottlo will not substan
Handsomo stock of lamps with tho most
dollcatoly hand-painted bisque and china
shados, at Holderman'e. 11-28-tf
OA.RDIN.-On tho 11th init., at Phila
delphia, Pa., Maggie, daughter of J. J.
Cardln. Funeral at Shenandoah, Pa., om
Mondav. 11th intt. 12 12-lt
BURKE. On tho 12th Inst., at Shenan
doah, Pa., John, son of Patrick Burke,
aged olght yoars, Funeral will tako placa
on Monday, train leaving Lehigh Valley
station for Girardvillo, at 1:40 p. m., whora
Intormont will be made.
Do von snfle r with Consumption, Coughs or
Colds? You can be curea li you u i
TlAi (Jonah and Consumption Cure. ,25 and
MmiU. TWal i bottles free at Klrlin's drug
Large stock ot Uncy Roods, such aa
lamps, bronzes; china waro and imported
cut glassware, al Holderman's. 11-28-tf
3 pounds for a quarter,
None cheaper.
2 pounds for a quarter,
None bettor.
JVIotts Cider !
8 cents a quart.
2oc per gallon.
Sweot and not intoxicating.
No. 322 North Jardin Street