The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 11, 1891, Image 3

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Mulatto Blackmailers Caught
at Now Ilavon.
Deeds of tlio Aslora and Yun
dorbills lo bo Contested.
dighest of all in Leavening Power. U. Sv Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889,
But it Did Not Work on Jamea Dewall,
a Prominent Oitlzsn.
Tha Heirs of Governor Dongan Will Sua
for Millions of Dollars in Rial Eatato-
TrcientT in Ihe most elegant form
Combined wjtb tlie .medicinal
virtues of plants 'known to be
most beneficial to the human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills de
f pending on a weak or inactive
- condition of the
It Is the most excellent remedy known to
When one Is llilious or Constipated
Health nnd strength
Every one is using it and all arc
delighted with it.
S-5TK.TJ3? 03P 3SXG-JS
W. Baker & Co.'s
from which the excess of
oil litis been removed, Is
Absolutely JPure
and it is Soluble.
No Chemicals
are used lu its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
. or Sugar, and is therefore- far mora
economical, costing less than one cent
a cup. It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and admirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Crocors everywhere.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
Nearly every pattern of 5a fforSB
Blanket is imitated in color and
style. In most cases the imitation'
looks just as good as the genuine,
but it hasn't the warp threads, and
so lacks strength, and while it sells
for only a little less than the genu
ine it isn't worth one-half as much.
The fact that . Horse Blankets
are copied is strong evidence
that they are THE STANDARD,
and every buyer should see that
the 5fv trade mark is sewed on
inside of the Blanket.
Ffve Wills
Extra Test
at prices to sirt iterybody. If you can't get
them from your dealer, write us. Aslc foi
the 5a Jiooli. You "-an get it without charge.
WM AY RE 3 ft SONS, Philadelphia.
3ank Counters, Tylor System, Port
able, Unoqualod In Styles,
Cost nnd Finish.
1(0 Fagt CaUIogua of Couairra, Dc-.La etc., Illustrated In
ttlwi. Hoola, Fnt Pottage IS Vents.
Also -i-yier's jtoyui
Onire Ileaka nnd TyiMJ
writer Ciililucta, 20
Ntvl... llpat nnd chr-Ml-
I est on enrtli, with great
reduction In prices.
120 bug caLlomi Free,
Poklag IS eta. Full Haps of
Pe.La, llialra, Tablra, llonlc
l'aea, fablurU, Lafal Illank
Cablnrls, etc., alnajala slorl.
Htiarlal work m.da la ard.r.
TT J.i;il JIESIt CO.. St. J.oula, Uo U.8.A.
(lilrhiater'a EuiillaU Diamond llrul.
Ortctnttl n1 OnI Genuine.
hi i.aiRi for ( kt h
ftl W4 T' linWL LDirti at J
iiwmt a H9 in i tea
Ukum, ittUea wi It Li ii n
no other. Hrtue? i a
in. tMN
la lUtnpf fr p'"
mi uts brieniicL
V'AtflOOIil&U ftP
in 'niter, t-r t'cturw
5 Kcllcf ffu
if MtL
j tocti PrucgliW.
yOO'i i.mui.i Stn,titpert
sua Much Valuable Information Vllt I- AddrfM I
(j, Jl, t!0., tS5UrJr, -cw rL.
Uo&ra Brora
Tito lllackinnlleria Mn nnd Wlfn, Who
Havo I'luekail Wealthy Man for Thou-
' aitmls of JJlwlhirs--A Detectlva l'rion
ateit Air. tletTull, Wnnt to tlio Womitn'i
ApwrtiiifiuU, unit Wlieii tha Gams Unit
Itouchni lis Climax Arreatrtl Them.
New Havev, Conn., Dae, 11. A sen
sational blackmail ciua lias baaa detect
ed by the police of this clcy. The in
tended victim was James D. Dowel),
wholesale grocer, and Kepubllcan can
didate (or Mayor at the recant election,
lie is one ot the richest man in the
State and one of the best known Repub
licans. Mr. Dewell is a man of family,
and moves In the highest circle ot soci
ety. The affair has created a decided
Withlu the past- two weeks Mr. De
well has reoelvod a number of letters
from Mrs. Sidney Coe, a colored wo
mun, living at No. Davenport ave
nue. At Urst she requested Mr. Dj well
to aid her financially, us she was In
great distress. Ho paid no attention to
thesa letters, but yesterday received an
other. This wai of a different nature
nnd earnestly roquesto 1 Mr, Dawell to
call at her bouse last nlgiit, as she
would be alone and oould see him pri
vately. The letter was given to tho police,
and Detective Cowoles, disguised as Sir.
Dewell, went to Mm home. Mrs. (Joe
met him and escorted him to a cham
ber, bhe failed to see through his dis
guise. Five minutes later tUe husbjml
rushed Into the room and demanded
$1,500, and threatened, It payment was
refused to slioot "Mr. Dewell." The
detective gave a signal, two officers
rushed in, and tho blackmailers were
arrested. The couple huva succeeded in
getting several thousand dollars out of
prominent citizens by this scheme. Coe
and bis wife are mulattoes.
The man is about 53 years old. lie
is bright and shrewd. The woman is
25 and good-looking. They were mar
ried a month ago. Coe has beeu mar
ried twice before, and one of his wives
was white. Not long ago a sister died
in California and left htm $15,000,
which he squandered In riotous living.
Complications In Helalloiiilitp ChusmX
by th Slater-lluut Altarrlaj-e.
Wasiunqtox, Deo. 11 A most fash
ionable and romantic wedding took
place in St. John's Church last
night, when Miss Enid Hunt was led to
the altar by Mr. Samuel Slater, son of
the 1'rovldence, It. I., millionaire. The
ceremony was performed by Bishop
Donne, of Albunv, a relative of the
bride. There were 11 ushers and a
rhaid ot honor, Miss Bralley, of Iioiton.
By the wedding there arises some
curious complications in tho rela
tionship of members of the two fami
lies. Scarcely three months ago the
groom's father, Horatio Nelson Slater,
who Is over 70 years old, was married to
the bride's younger sister, not yet ou?
of her teens, at Uar Harbor. The father
and son thus become brotber-in-law,
whllo the younger sister becomes her
elder sister s mother-in-law.
The Ilemoval of Orant's ItBmnlni,
Washington-, Dae. 11. Gen. Charles
II. Collls, chairman of the exeoutive
committee of the Urant Monument As
sociation, is here trying to lie Ad off tho
resolution about to be Introduced by
Senator rimno ot Kansas, looking to
the removal ot Qen. Grant's remains to
this olty. Qen. Collis has interviewed
Senators Plumb, Hitchcock and others,
and Qnds the sentiment very unanimous
in favor of the change. Senator Plumb
says that while he has no Intention of
specially reflecting upon the people, of
New York city, he will Introduce the
resolution, because he believes It ex
presses the will of the American people.
Kit CnrMin'ti Itelatlvn Hit n Rntnpns,
Pueblo, Col., Dee. Hi Billy Carson,
a descendant ot the old scout, Kit Car
son, some years ago married a daughter
of William Russell, a ranch man llvlnir
on the Purgatory Creole The marriage
Droved an unhappy one and Mrs. Carifon
returned to her parents' homo. Ye-itsr-
day Carson wont over to tho Russell
ranch ana a quarrel ensued, ihe mother-in-law,
who is of Mexican blood, went
for Carson with an ax. The latter drew
a revolver, killed her, wounded Russell
and then lie l.
Eicnnu uf Eleven I'rlsiinnrs.
GAT.ESBiTno, 111., Dec. 11. None of the
prisoners who esc.tpad from the jail hero
early yesterday morning havo been re
captured. The prisoners cut oil three
iron bars, an inch thick, guarding one
of the windows, maile a rune of the had
ticks and desceuded in safety. Ot the
oleveu who escaped three were sent here
from Princeton for safekeeping. It Is
thought there was outsiita assistance.
Tut) saws were found on the ground,
Athlotx Toi-rt Will Not Cojlt the Will.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Dec. 11 Malcolm
W, Ford, the well-known athloto, will
not contest the will of his father, Gor
don 1. Ford, which cuts him olf with a
shilling because he refused to obey bis
father's command to ab.m Ion athletics.
he having effected a settlement with the
other heirs. The estate Is valued at
several millions.
Vutun or l'urnelt'a Eitato.
Losuon, Dec. 11. Letters ot adminis
tration havo been grantod to Mrs. Par-
nell on the estnte ot the Into Charles
Stewart Parnell, The gross personal
estate Is 11,771 pounds; not, 0,333
pounds. The sureties for Mrs, i'aruell
were given by Mesirs, Rochfort Maguire
aud Jleury Harrison, M. I.
Kml of a WflUnsbarru Kot.ablo.
Wilkes 11 ATtaE, Pa., Deo. 11. Evan"
Rowlan I, a prominent citizen ot this
nlace. wus found dead In bed In a house
of questionable character yesterday, It
Is supposed mat lie committed suicide,
but no reason can ba advanced for the
Ills Defeat for llm fctfiatfrji1il HnsAlded
Ills Efforts In TnxMM.
Washington, Dec 11. A special from
Galvestou, Tex., says:
Tho defeat of Roger Q. Mills for the
Speakership has given widespread sup
port to the efforts ot his admirers to
lect him to the United States Senate.
Gov. Hogg has stated that a spool ul ses
sion of the legislature will be called in
March or April, The election of a suc
cessor to John M. Rengan will be one of
the duties of that holy.
Senator Chilton holds bis appointment
from the Governor, aud although a o.tu-
dlduto for election by the Legislature,
the friends of Mr. Mills are confident of
electing the tariff reform champion.
Expressions from all parts of the Stato
favor Mills, and his election is confi
dently prodtctoJ.
Ilnly Kntlxllril With the Mf sni:.
Rome, Dec. 11. Tho Uno ot Presldont
Harrison's messugo of the New Orleans
lynching gives general satisfaction here.
Premier Rudlnl, replying In tho
Chamber to Sigtior Ciampl, said that
he bad noted the friendly expressions In
tho message of President Harrison, nnd
wns conlblent that the questions at Is
sue would soon be settled; that If Amer
ica would seml-olllclally promlso Italy
to modify the Constitution so as to en
sure absolute protection for foreigners
living in tue United states, tho Italian
government would be willing thereafter
to regard tho lynching case as closed.
ltoston Press Club' Dinner.
BoSTOS, Doc. 11. Tho Boston Press
Club held Its annual dinner at Hotel
Abbottsford last evening. President
Haskell, of the "Herald," presided.
Among tho guests were W. T. Adams
(Oliver Optic), M. Putl Hlnuet (Mix
O'Rell), II. A. McGlennn, Rev. M. J.
Savage, and Gen. P. A. Collin). Max
O'Rell made a brief address, in the
course,of which he said tho people of
America cared more for nows than for
opinions in newspapers, and paid n
handsome tribute to the energy and en
tarprlso of the reporter, characterizing
him us the King or jouralists.
A Colored Catholic I'rieaU
Baltimore, Md., Dec. ll.Charlei R.
Uncles, n young colore 1 man. will be
ordained a priest ot the Catholic Church
on Dec. lu. 1 he ceremony will be per
formed, by Cardinal Gibbous, and It
will be a particularly Interesting one to
Catholics generally, from the factthat
Uncles will be the first colored man to
bo ordained to the priesthood in the
United States. A colored man was or
dained by Bishop England, the first
Bishop ot Charleston, S. C, who held
otlice from 1S30 until he died in 1812,
but the colored man was not ordained
In this oountry.
THE .ci
Whooping Oomh, Bronchitis anil Asthma. A cerlala
aura for Consumption la Brat uru, aal a aura TrlLf la
alvsnced stages. Uaaatonoo. You will see thsox-s-U-nt
effeot after taking thj 1 first do. Bell k
lealera aTarjwkera. Larga kvttloa, M fuu aal
WA2JTS, fee.
fi-crnemtrtj (11 IhU eolumn, not exceeding
3 linen, 5 0 for one iwu-r'ion; 75c. lor two; tl for
hree; one wetk, 81.50; two weeks, tl; one
no.Uh, S3.
FOIt S VIJ3. One Htoro room ami
nni dWfllliiir hmiso. Lot SO f el front
ml 110 feet da p. I'huw. 313 V Co 1 s reet.
Eaty erm'. Apply to Frauli Warn n.
TITANTRI). Oiimi ennva g' w for
1 1 "(1UV U lirT, III fcllU .iinu , ,.1., .
work ever publUhed living a compute r t-ord
nd rtecrlptlon -it he E'cut lulnlng tllsanters
ot America Terms liberal. oilr-t-s, I. I,
I'M Uluy, L ttlHOll, UlllO. nk
FOR SALE Tho I'ray It-am of
horses r oently use I bv ihe I'ol-tiuuu H.
Sc v !J Co.. No. 1 The nor cs will bo a
bargain to ill piuoba-'rs.
fc'it ink Lkwis,
KiilNK onitiNoroN,
ll-21-tf Tnifctets
Bo salloua aar Iba aaelaula fur alalwart men lb at
pua, bu,a at Mrlb wara put to death.
Erary 11AM can la BTE0NO
and Viaoaooa In all remacti.
HtlffsrJDg from NERVOUS DE
vxuist, 1.01 ij or x a hick
hood, riiyileal Exceiatt. Uaotal
Worrr. Stunted DeTclcvmeot. or
rcitort to PEKTEOT IIEALTU nud
MEN, th rrldt Dd Powirof Ntlooi.
We claim by ears of practice by
our cxttmlve niPthorts a uniform
uuHUi'OLY or BUCCEH3" jn treat
lntrnil DUcaias. wetiDtutiana
Affliction! ot Men. Tc-stlmonlalb
f rf m BO Htatea and Terrt torles.
OUR HEV B50Kiaa'Oe'aea,ffie!0o8.t;
It wBlla Toucan. Fyll Eiplanatlooa for HOME T&EAT.
MINT. Ton can ba FULLY RESTORED as Thousands
barabeanbrna. Baadaartaatlinonlbla. Addraaaatonef
3k I
M' nj HI 1 I
Glnss Company lied iicps Stook.
SYnACCsE, N. Y., Dec. 11. The stook
holders of the United Glass Company
at a mooting here yesterday voted to
reduce the capital stock of the concern
from $1,593,50(1 to $1,309,000. This no
tion foreshadows the abandonment of the
company's Now York charter und a
transfer to Illinois, the ground taken
being that recent legislation In this
State regarding corporations embar
rasses the company In the transaction
of its business.
I,lvrpnol's Il.ijr Iltirilarers,
LnT.uroot, De& 11, Shoarou and
Crawford, the two lads who were f a ul
guilty of murdoring Dawson, anoib-r
b)y, have been sent to the Cntholio He
forraatory, their nges precluding tie
Infliction ot capital punishment upon
tboui. Slmarou Is only eight yenr-i of
age and Crawford nine. Their vlotlm
was about eight years of age.
What a Voto of Thanka
Would be pis-ed if babies could epoak ol
Dr. Hand's Colic Curo. Thousands have
boon cured by it. Absolutely safi. J. M
Hillan and 0. J. McCarthy, tho druggists,
giveaway samples to thoio who doubt
this statement.
TIlO narl V fllinnllur irnfa thn lia&t ua.
lection and tile largest satisfaction.
A National Event.
The lnldlng of the World's Rilr Inn city
sca'Cely tl ty ie r old will be a remarKable
event, uu' wild tier It will rmlly benelltttus
nation 11s nuicli as the discovery ol the
IlesUiratlve Nervine by Ur KrunKHu Miles Is
doubtful. 1'bls Is Just what ihe American
pioi'le need to cure tiii-lr escensivo norvous
ness, dyspopsla, headacbe, dixztuess, sleep
leisuess, iieumlila, nervous deblllly, dullness,
conluiloa of mlud, etc. It acts I ko a cliarm.
Trial buttles and Hue b.ioS oa "Nervous and
Heart Ul eisos,"wltb unequtld tehllmo iliils,
free at O H. Ilnsenbuclrs drug store. It is
warranted to contain no opium, morphine or
dangerous drugs.
December is the month that brings
Joy to hearts of the little folks.
Mlloa' Norvo and Liver Pills
Aot on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the nervet
1 new discovery. Dr. Miles' I'llls speedtly
jute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation, unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mildest, surest! 5) dosed,
J5cts. Samples Free, at O. II. Hagenbuch's
lrug store.
It Is not tho coming man, but the
going man, who gsts there.
Komarkablo Facta.
Heart disease Is urn illy supposed 'o be In
curable, but wuen priperty treated a large
proportlo'i ot oases nil indirect, Thus Mis.
Imira Haleii. of Eluhart. Ind, and Mrs.
Mary I.. Baker, ol Ovid, Mich., were cured
alter -unerlu 20 yea's. 8. O. tilutiur er,
druimlstutHau Joe, III , says that Dr. Miles'
New Heart Cure, which cured the former,
'worked wonders lor his wife." Levi ogan,
of llucliinan, Mich., who had heart d srase
lo' 30 years, says two boules made him "feel
like a new man," Ur Miles' New Heart Curo
Is sold and guaranteed by O. II Ilasonbuch
the druggist. Hookof wonderful testimonials
One touch of winter makes the
whole world poke the fire.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will you heed the warning? The signal per
uspsoftbn sure approach of that more ter
rible disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves
if you cau allord for the sake of saving 50
-cnts, to run the risk and do nothluz for it.
We kuow frorn experience that Hhlloh's Care
vill Cure your Cough. It never falls. This
sxplttlns why more than a Million Hottlea
Ttresoldtbe past year. It relieves Croup
md Whopplne Coneih at once Motners do
not be without It. For Lame Back, Hide or
'Jbest, nso Hhlloh's I'orous Waster. Bold by
3. II. Hajeubueh, N. K. corner Main nnd
Uoyd streets.
He mnro careful about diphtheria
ami membraneous croup.
Shlloh's Consumption Curo.
This Is beyond question the most suo
.3lul Cough Medlotne we have ever solS,
4 few doses Invariably cure the wo'-st case ot
ough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while Its won.
lerlul Kucces In the cure of Consumption Is
without a parallel In the history of medicine.
Muon It's flrRt discovery It lias been soi l on a
juarantee, a lest which no other medicine
an Maud. It you have a Couh wo earnestly
is you to try it. I'rloe 10 cents, 60 cents, and
11.00. If your Langs ore sore. Chest or Back
ante, use Hhlloh's I'orous blaster. Hold bv
). K. llatrenbneh, N. E. corner Main and
'iloyd streots.
OM Kris Klngle Is preparing to inako
his niiiiual rounds.
A Yankoo Sheriff Frifxhtenod.
A well known shrilt, living in Maine, ws
riven up to die with what h's
i-aile 1 Uonsuinption, a irlond ndvisedhlmto
try t'an-Tltin Coun and I'l'iisiiiiiiiilou Curo,
recovery followed, aud the doctor now uses It
fur fiat lis, Colds and Consumption. Trial
bottles lreent Kirlln'sdrtis store:
Linen cuiU nre an improvement (ou
tailor made dro s.
What Father Pablo Varela Says.
Cehya, (Ji-tobet 1, ISS9.
I know several peoi lo who have sutltrod
erea'lv from Ihe cousequeui-cs of lmpuro
bl od, and I a very short while have lelt
much bntei by using the medlclno which w s
sent here by I 'on Ramon Atv for th't rur,
pe. I recom no id this remedy as o e
which pr m'sea the best results and Is tlie
tiestor lUklnd. ItKV.I'AULO VAHKLA.
8oid at htlrlln's UrugHtore.FerKnson House
ttock, hpnmdoa
Largest and cheapest Block In town.
Artistic Paialiog, Grahing and Deoratingl
1030m 231 W.CeutroSt., HIIKVANPOAH
201 N, Main St., Shenandoah,
Tho Finest Stock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, fa
Dougun ws tlnveriior or the Cnlnny ol
N Vi.rk In 1(100, nmt It la Clntnied
that ha Was Dtifiitiitloil Out of Proper
ty lir tlio Mnknrs of tliu I'liimuis "Mum
aiuUura " IJneil rorttinpa fur the Llcl
gHilta nf tho Suit Is Hueoissfilt.
New YonK, Dec. 11, Tho heirs of
Thomas Dongan, Governor ot the col
ony of Now York In 1000, nro preparing
to bring a seusatlonnl suit to tost the
title to millions of dollars' worth ot real
estate located In this city aud now in
the possession of some of the wealthiest
and most influential men In tha city.
The property Involved includes many
lots In the lower part of the city, be
tween Whitehall street and the City
Hall, and the majority ot the lots touch
Broadway, making them tha most valu
able pieces of real estate In the city.
Thomas Dongan was a confirmed
bachelor when he received his appoint
ment us Governor of tho colony ot New
York, nnd he remained 11 bachelor until
the day of his death in 1715. He had
relatives in England, hut none of them
seems to have followed bis fortunes in
America, nor to have known whether he
had amassed a fortune or not at tho
time of his death.
Yenis after the death of Governor
Thomas Dongan many of the descend
ants of bis relatives left Kugluttd and
came to America in tho hopes of better
ing tbeir fortunes.
The descendants of these, in turn,
have scattered nil over the country, and
cau be found lu various States from New
York to California. In this section of
the country, however, the majority ot
them aru located, aud some UJ of tho
heirs in this city and lirooklyu have
combined together to contest the dis
puted titles. Many lawyers regard their
chances us very shut.
Prominent umuug those who claim to
be the heirs of '1 nomas Dongan are
George H. Jackson, Atwood 1). Jackson,
Charles 11. Juckson, Henry P. Toombs,
Gilbert V, Stevenson, William B.
Toombs ,l 1 Walter Dongan of Brook
lyn. The prot' iw in the possession
ot tin- 1 ..- . .1 e-,t.iui, James Gor
don l.cuii- rt, i .e Asters and others.
The deed .111.. vh.. h the present pos
sessors el., .,1 1 .1j , . a deed knowu as
the "Sboemakcis' Deed." It has often
been referred to in historical sketcnes,
and gained its name from the taet
that the majority of the men who sign
ed it were shoemakers. Tho signers of
this deed were four men nnd one womau.
All the signers owned property ad
joining that claimed as the Dongan
property. Tho Dongan heirs now claim
that In executing that deed those who
were pnrties to it conspired together to
commit n gross fraud upon tho rights of
Governor Dongan and those who might
be entitled to inherit his property.
The alleged heirs will attempt to prove
that the signers of the deod waited un
til 1715 to tecard It, although it was
drawn up in loOij, In order to divide up
Dongan's laud among themselves. Dou
gun died in 1710, nnd the deed was re
corded shortly uftorvvard.
It Is alleged that the conspiracy suc
ceeded so well that tor nearly 'M years
the titles have remained undisputed.
Now for tlio Urst is claimed,
has the fraudulent conspiracy beeu un
earthed. Tunic on the Hours.
Rio Janeiho, Dec. 11. A panlo oo
curred on the llourse yesterday in con
sequence of a heavy decline In the
shares of tho Leapoldiua & Minas
Gerued and the Hio Janeiro railways.
Considerable excitement prevailed, and
tho unsettled condition of politics tend
ed to aggravate the situation. Many
dealers are said to bo in a precarious
condition, and it Is apprehended that
great losses will follow.
Italy Gettltiif lleaily for the Fair.
Romu, Dec. 11. A local committee Is
at work preparing for tho representation
of Italian industries at tub Chicago
World's Fair. Notwithstanding tho an
nouncement of the government that
Italy would take no part in the fair, the
committee proposes to call for govern
ment uld in the enterprise, and it is be
lieved tlmt tho application will not be
without success.
fiawtulte nxpectoil u lllfl'ureiit Decision.
Concord, N. H., Dec. 11. Wardon
Colby hauded Murderer Sawtolle yester
day afternoon the olllclal document
from the Supreme Court informing him
that his petition for n trial had been
denied. Siuvtelle read the paper aud
then said: "I hardly oxpjcted this.
Did you. warden f" The wardon re
plied: "No, 1 did not."
lj naiulters tn lloatou.
Boston, Dec 11. Some unknown
mlcrcuut, on murder bent, put dyna
mite lu the pipe of Angelo Mnrlno, uu
Italian laborer, and when the latter lit
the pipe yesterday a terrific explosion
ousued. Three fingers und 11 thumb on
one of the hands ot Marino were blown
olf nnd his other hand was also injured.
He has no idea who perpetrated the
A lIul'Klur WlinSsttlvil Ills Case.
Johnstown, la., Deo. 11 J. Gray,
the New. York crook, arrested n tew
days ago for playing tho "lllm-llun"
game un Johnstown merchants, and In
whose possession was found papers
which proved him to be u burglar, has
settled his case by paying about $3Jl) of
the $500 he had In his possession, and
has beeu released.
Huh on A Lowell Iliiuk.
LoweIX, Muss., Dec. 11. A run was
commenced ou the Lowell Institution
for Savings yesterday, cuusod by tho
rumor that tho bank was not sate. The
bank Is paying all demands promptly,
Tho alarm Is looitod upou as entirely
needless, the bank being considered one
ot the soundest la the State.
Iteiluctlon In l'elinaytaiilaa Debt,
HAUUUQUHa, Pa., Deo. 11. Tha Gov
ernor Inst evening Issued a proclamation
announcing a reduction ot the State
debt during tha year ot $3,353,m
A Handsome polish.
I cent a fool
H will pay for changing tho np
pearanca or old Furniture bo
completely thntit-willlookllks new.
Purifies tlie blood by ex
pelling the impurities through
the proper chant ole and novor
causes eruptions on the skin.
Regulates the bowels Cures
dyspepsia, liver and kidney
troubles, tones up the system
and gives you an appetite,
Novor fails . o cure any con
dition produced by impure or
impoverished blood, or a dis
ordered state of stomach, liver
or kidneys.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store,
Ferguson' Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa
Will i.romptly relieve the nnt
trefwiug caaof Acuta ur Chronic liheiv
matlBin or (hint. ly ftrictljr obeertliif;
the directions, It will euro you jenuan
eiitty - ,.. 1
t'utlk the mm from pre rrt!oni thut floM
the counlrj, ttiit mcelieln U ii,ecil!a tor tit
IX t7 "ni cure all " One buttln 111 nie
J K latUfoctorr tninrcf Dion tin th ai-armi. anil
la connection with Die I'llli, couvtoce tlie auiTeTcr thM
the propvr remeilj hai lieen round, lou ftreearDcitlr re
quiitM to teat the int-flu of
ita valuable fropprtlei arc cudorned by htiLilretli of the
nioat flattering miluiMilals,
On I j wgtHable Ingredicuti, rniiarVaWn for thilr curat,
rnwen, are uc 1 la the tn aMiiaoture of KKUtlT tl
$1.00 Por Settle. 6 Bottle:, $5.CC. ms, :5 Cts. B:x.
If your itorttkeepf r de not keep II, eud fl,J6 to lb
iruaufaeiurer, and you will rparlte it r. mail.
3037 Market .Street, IMillad'a, V,
Newly Refitted and Renovated.
Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I
Under I'oatofflce Building,
Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah.
9-Hot and cold baths, Polite, prompt and
careful attention.
coo North Fourth St.,
000 til, iiiKtn, rHU.itu hi,
the ouly geuuiuti Oriuao Anerleaa
Fpwialiit IB the L'ntwd Stake who ie
able to cur Blood Poison,
Nervous Debility "d 8pt
clnl Diseases r th -1.
blla DUeura, HhJ Spoti Paint In Uh
bonn.SoreThroat Moutht
niotchcn, PlinplPi, ErupUoD. iofl
hard Ulcer Hwdllngi, IrriUtlona,
Inflarauiation and Runnlnia,
buloLurea, Weakocn and Faily
ttwar, loit memory waak hack mental ftnilely. Wdney wi
ilia 1 1T I'lifalM ana all Jiiaetae rciUiiiDff irom r
ludliicri'tlon or Orerwork. Ktent caiwi cured lnitolOdajil
relief at ouoe. Po not lo hor 1,0 matter wbat ader
tfsin Dwitor. Quack, l-ainlly r lloplul Pliyslcian h faUad.
Ttr. THKKL curra positively nl without d-tDtion from
iualora old, you no midmi auid ivdtikwi roriMPLTiP
y.titttai rich or twr lend Jo it amp for bOOk
'TnUTH'1 "l"li,k Quck ttndir iworn tatlmonlftl.
.it'i. dallr fnn V to S. Fy'ri ft to , Wed and Bat.
V t'k 0 to 10 Sunda? 0 till II Writ or call and re aaed.
Tor Utfertoofe m Wula. 'M Saturday Phil. 441y Tim
If you want to nr- a Hue display ot liootnann
8uoe gn to
Boot and Shoo Store,
(MoateUer'a old stand,)
Corner Conl nnd Jnrdlu Htn.
Custom Work aud Xlciinlrliifg
Done In tho best style.
Dealer In all kinds ol
Shoemakers' : Supplies I
Largo and nrst-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Suppliea-
Ferguson Homo building, SHENANDOAH, PA.
tJ tl rOMtCXOY,
a hiilMIn nornfir Vain
(i ' M. HAMILTON, At.
Omce-aj Went Lloyd Btreet, Hlienaudoatl