CRISP'S BUSY THE Early Aunounccmoiitof House Committees Hot Lilcoly. WIIERti WILL MILLS BS PLACED? (jninjofis Differ, as to Whither Fie Will Head tin Waysand Means Ooramltteo- Ihn Kt-xr Ittitpg fftp lliw tloTnritmmit of tilt Ilmn'ci Vllt b lr.iitiMl Nxt Vedni. day l'rfionilliiEr In tli Hnnate M'trn llllli Introdiicotl Tlmtt liver ltaforo In h blngl Knjr. WahIIInotoN, Due. 11. When the House moots to-morrow Speaker Crisp will nnnomico the Committees od Utiles, Mileage and Accounts, nod then, liy common understanding among the leading moiubors, that body will again adjourn until Wednesday, so ns to ena ble the Speaker and the gentlomen who will constitutes the Kulos Committee to draft a report embodying tho new rules that will govern the House until the close of the present Congress. It has usually been the custom for the Speaker to ask to serve on the Rules Commltteo tho gentleman whom he ap points chairman of the Ways and Moans Commltttoe. In tho Fiftieth Congress Mr. Mills, who was thou chairman of the Ways and Moans Commltteo, was on the Utiles Committee. Tho gossip uow Is, however, that, oven should Mr. Mills again be placed at the head of Ways and Moans, It is by no means certain Lhat lie will he on the list whou the llules Committee is anuouncod on Baturd.iv. Indeed it Is no secret that many nl the leading Democrats have beon urging the Speaker toomit Mr. Mills from both the llules and tho Ways and Muuus Committer, and to come out boldly and appoint Mr. Springer Chairman of the latter, hue In the present .state of affairs the opinion is that the complexion of the Itules Committee, when anuouueed, may or may not Indicate who will be Chairman of the Ways and Means. There is a growing impresilon that Inasmuch as the Democrats will ha busy training the cede of rules from now un til the holiday adjournment, It will the physically Impossible for Speaker Crisp toanuounce the House Committees until after the holidays. Inquli y this morning among Demo crats seemed to Indicate also that pres sure is being brought to bear on the Speaker to place not only Northern or Western men at tho head of the Ways and Means and Appropriations commit tees, but to appoint as members of the Urst-iiaiiicd committee a majority of Northoru men, so as to prevent in the nextcimpaign the cry that the manu facturing Statos were denied proper representation on the most Important committee of the House. The air is full of all sorts of rumors, and Speaker Crisp is dostlnod to have a busy time be fore he finally completes his list of committees. FIRST SENATE BILL DAY. More MattMurei lutru.luiiml Than lvei Kururo In Ou I.iy. WasuinoTO.v, Dec. 11. The Sonata beat its previous record yesterday in the number of bills introduced on the llrst bill day of the session. The uumliur in troduced wus 012, exceeding by 103 the highest number ever introduced in one day. As usual on the first bill day of a Congress many Senators ro-tntroduced measures that failed of passage during the preceding Congress, and a large ma jority of the bills and resolutions pre sented had previously been introduced. Among the hills Introduced were tho following: Mr. Stewart, Xev. Reintroduced free coinage ' " silver bill, and also a new Chinose i jstriction bill, which was ro terrod to the Committee on Foreign Af fairs. Mr. Cullom, 111. A bill to suspend the coming of Chinese laborers. Mr. Cullom To reduce letter postage to one cent the half ounce. Mr. Chandler, N. H. A bill requiring Immigrants to bring consular certifi cates. - Mr. (ilbson sent up to the desk a for midable pile of relief bills and joint res olutions, including among other topics the repair of the levee of the Mississip pi aud twe pi-op. nod constitutional amendment, one substituting tho JiOth of April for the 4tu of March for tho ter mination of the olUcials terms of Presi dent, Vice-l'resldent, Souators and Rep resentatives In Congress; the other mak ing the President ineligible for u second consecutive term. Mr. I'latt, Conn., introducod bills amending tho patent lawn. Mr. Siiermun, Ohio, IntroJuced a bill to estublish a department of public health. Mr. Teller of Kansas, presented his first bills as follows: To umeud the immigration and naturalization laws; to provldo a service pension for surviv ing soldier of the war, with an addi tional amount to prisoners of war; to re duce the number of pension rulings to ten; to abolish pension agencies, and to lessening the expenses of examining boards. Mr. Gallingor, of New Hampshire, In troduced a bill to increase pulsions for loss of both feet and both eyes. 11m Kipei'linetilal Tr.iln Arrl ves. ' MoNTiiBAL, Dec. 11. Tho first train ca-ryiug mariners and sailors from the North I'.iclllo lleot that loft Vancouver on the fifth has reached this city. The dl.tu.uco between these points is 2,0(10 miles, aud this was covered In exactly 4 days, 211 hours and 11 minutes, which Includes all stoppages. Everything worked peilectly, an I thi ollicers and men who mala the trip are del cuted. Time was afforded twice a day for exer cise. lite New pAnlsli Tariff. Madrid, Deo, 11. The uow Spanish tariff largely increases the duty on coal and iron that has beon worke I, In order to protect looal Industries. The favored nation clause In treaties Is to ba sup presses! henceforth, anil Spain will adopt the principto of reciprocity In ef fecting new treaties. Jlitf Incruu uf Gruuerc HAlinifcBt'no, Pa., Pec. 11 At yester day'u session of tho State Grange, the annual report of becretarv Thomas was roud. He says there are SUO granges In tbe State In good standing, au Increase at 90 during the year, making a net In Dun in membership ot b,503. DR. QRAYES' TRIAL. DUoonrsns on Arst'iiieril I'liUonlnA l'nlnt fnrtlln rnmwrnllon. Denver, Col., Dpc. 11. Several learn ed discourses on arsenical poisoning wore heard yesterday during the trial of Dr. (raves. It was not a very interesting day to tho spectators, to whom the technical terms were as so much Ureok. lint it was mi In erestlng day for the prosecution, for it was prove 1 beyond a doubt that the poisonous llulil which killed Mr. Harnalty was compounded by a chemist of no mean ability. Th i oo oheimsts of established reputa tion teRtlHod to the fact. 1'rOf. llillnos, i of Chicago, was positive that no om but a chemist cov Id have compounded the fluid. It Was compose! of arsenito of potassium and alcohol and some color ing matter. This mixture was mads by mixing potash and commercial arse nic. In this form It was easily dis solved. Hu said arsenic in Its commercial form would not readily dissolve but would crystallise. The mixture was not obtainable In any drug store, and for this reason the professor thought tho lluld must Lave been made by a ouomlst. Dr. Graves Is said to be u practical chemist. Aftor testimony of a like nature by Professors Headnu and Sewell the court adjourned until to-day. ATTORNEY GENERAL'S REPORT. lleonmmnuils tlintthu Clilncsn Kxcluslon Act III Made More lilV'Ctlva. Washington, Dec. 11. The annual report of Attorney-General Miller was submitted to Cpugrois yesterday. It reviews the business of the United States Supreme Court and devotes a chapter to the Circuit Court of Appeals, which, he Bays, I as bonu organized In each circuit and ready for business, al though the additional circuit judge In each circuit lias not yet been appointed. The report recommends an appropria tion to carry into eltect the act np prcjTd July 9, 1883, for tho establish ment of n roform school for girls In the District of Columbia. After speaking of the well known dlfllciiltles iu the enforcement of the Chinese exclusion act, he says: "If it is desired that these laws shall be made effective they should be so changed as that thoy cannot be misun derstood. To arrest and try such per sons, and as the result simply send them back across the British line, is shown to be an idle expenditure of time, labor and money by the fact that, as might well be expected, the same fporsons hare to be arrested aud tried over and over again. Moreover, it Is quite uncertain whether an order requiring Chinese prisoners to be sent back into the Urlttsh Dominion can be made effective. This subject demands prompt consideration. " SITUATION CRITICAL, Armed Policemen latrnlllng tho Streets of Itlo Janeiro. Rio Janeiro, Deo. 11. The situation here continues critical. Tho Government appears to have pul oil its apathy, and is taking measures to prevent nn omeute In this city. Large bodies of heavily armed police men are patrolling; the streets, and though there ate signs of disquiet on every Bide there has beon no overt act on the part of the malcontents hero. Advlcos from Campos, a city of 40.0UO inhabitants In the province of Rio Ja neiro aud 153 miles northeast of this city, show that at that place there has been an open revolt against tho Petx- otto government. A conlllct, occurred there on Tuesday last between the government troops and a body of lusurgents. The advices are not cloar as to which Ido won tho victory, but It is reported that 10 men were killed and dU wounded. Gov. Hill Hum a llody.fiuurd. Albany, Dec. 11. It appears that Gov. Hill, who has herotofore proceeded to the mansion from the Capitol at all hours of the night through lonely streets unaccompanied, has been persuaded by his friends to employ a body-guard. Three detectives shadow him now In his rambles, and a watchman does duty in the Executive Mansion grounds at night. The arguments upon which the Gov ernor's friends Induced him to take this course were the excitement which pro vailed over the Senatorial contests and the frequent assaults of lato by cranks. Charles II. Kvartfi' Death, Windsor, Vt., Doc 11. Charles But ler Evarts who died yesterday was tho eldest son of Senator William M. Evarts. He was in his 47th year. He entered i'ale College In tho class of 'GO, but loft before graduation aud enlisted In tho Union Army during the lato civil war. Subsequently ho entered tho School of Minos of Columbia College. Ho rotu ru ed to the family home at Windsor, Vt. , where he has since livod. He was never married. Tho cause of his midden death has uot yet boon determined. lenniyl van la's llMlldlng ut Ihn Fair. II AHHisnu no, Pa., Dec. 11. At tha meeting of the Fair managers, the plan of Thomas P. Londale, of Philadelphia, for the Pennsylvania building at tho World' Fair was approved. lis will be nwardod a prize of 11,000. A. S. W.ig ner, of Williamsport, was awarded the second prize, and Uillman St Shirk, of Philadelphia, tho third. Commissioner Whitman's report recommending the manner of apportionment of the appro priation of $.SO0,00J was adoptod. Decision Acslast tile luWlfl' Kstuta. Boston, Dec, 11 Judge Brooke, of Cambridge, has decided that the execu tors of the estate of H. N. Pulsifer must retain In tholr bauds the sum of $300, 000 to satisfy any julgmsnt which may be awarded to J. S. Hainhro Si Sons, of Loudon, England, who have sued the estate for au alleged breach of contract by deceased. It is stated that should It be found the claim can he main tained, the Pulsifer estate will prove to be insolvent. Die New Vnrk's (inieers. Washington, IKt. 11. Tha general understanding at the Navy Department is that Unptaln Phillip will ho ordered to command the New York, and that Lieut. Mason wilt ba npdolntod execu tive olBcor. liotli these ollicers will au porlntond the tltting out of tU New York ut Philadelphia, Vermont llepubltoun LeugH'. IlonaiNQTOH. Vt., Deo. 11. The Ex ecutive Committee of tho Republican League ot Vermont met last nlulit and voted to hold the League convention la Burling tou Fob. 14, lOtfJ. DESCENDED FROM POCOHONTAS l'rivate Nelson, n Mall Will on Trial fur lilt 1,1 Te. Nkw Yoiik, Dec. ' 11. Prlvnto Hon demon L. Nelson, Battery A. First Ar tillery, U. S. A., who killed 1'rivatf John Lane, of Hattery.I, on the ram pnrts at Fort Hamilton last spring, was and accordingly a commission was ap pointed some time ago tp go to Owons boro, Ky., and take testimony as to Nelson's antecedents. The commission has completed Its labors, and reports that Nelson Is a direct descoudant of John Holfe and 1'ocohontas. One of the sisters of John Randolph was married to the groat grandfather of President Harrison. Another became the wife of President Jefferson's father. A third sister married Samuel Lewis, and a daughter of Samuel Lewis mar ried Col. Bonnett Anderson, whose granddaughter was the wife of Matthew Nels on, the grandfather of Henderson L. Nelson, who is now on trial for his life. A great deal of evidence was taken to show that some of the ancestors of the prisoner were insane, and this will ba mainly relied upon by tha defence. , , A jury was obtained late yosterday aftornoon, nftir which the court ad journed until to-day. COPYRJCHT IBS) ICs flying in the face of Nature to take tho ordinary pill. Just considor how it acts. Thero'a too much hulk and hustle, and not enough real good. And think how it leaves j'ou when it's all over 1 Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets act naturally. They help Nature to do her own work. They' cleanse and renovate, mildly but thoroughly, the wholo system. Regulate it, too. Tho help that thoy give, lasts. They're purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, the smallest, easiest, and best to take. Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation, In digestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of tho Liver, Stomach and Bowels are promptly relieved and permanently cured. One tiny, sugar-coated Pellet for a gentlo laxativo three for a cathartic. Thoy'ro tho cheapest pill you can buy, for they're guaranteed to givo satisfaction, or your money is re turned. You pay only for tho good you get. This is true only of Dr. Pierce's medicines. AMUSEMENTS. t;UfU)N'rt THUATltE, r. J. KF.UOUSON, MANAGER. ONE NiailT ONLY. FRIDAY, DECEMBER II, 1891. Five big shows in one. i Parisian Folly & Spectacular Introducing charmlne rpeens of burlesque, gra d oltoof usw speelales, novel acts uud luunv com-dUn-i. eneiiantlnir muslo and t.wpft siiitiie;, bouultlut aid resplendent iraiisTormnuous. A lmiu'eiiiiH nroductlou and ourlesnue ox Ir VMgaDza, 'llull'.ilo Hill Ahmad, antf His pronations by hu-iei-que bentie of the 1'ret.euniinn 10 u.ieeii v c i n." ujrreci. im- Quefii and her lsdles, court gentlemen and Loin, dm cowDoysot inn plains. Tltc Anvil Cliorns ! Bhethe wooderAil Are etfVcls. the reillsllc fo-iroH"dne. Fifteen hinilsome v.nina l.luUs all keeping lime on ma lcxliiavlls Uonclud- hikwiiu ino rea sp.ciamitar oiiucsque, mo iiacueio-s lutrouuomj a genuine urn- Icon ascension. Priors, 25, 35 nncl 50 Cents. Scab, on sale at Klrllu'fi drug store. The place to pm chake yoar Harness, lips, Robes, Blankets GEO. ROBINSON'S, 25 W. Centre St.j iStlxoxLaxi.cI.oo.lx, Ponna. A general stock ol HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. REPAIRING AT REASONABLE MICES. DRESSMAKING SCHOOL ! To the ladles of Shenandoah and vlo'nlly. A ScleutifloDreas Cuttingand Matlnir Brane School Is aliened In room No. 8, U ibb m' hulldlog, over the tost otllce. where pupils aretuk nnudlanght iho la'tstand best sys tera of cutting and drensmaklng The system is a saving ni u ne, lanor ana money ana is readily acquired. All aredellghud who have learned It, Open evenings, u-9-tl Mrs, M.C.UKWITT. vAatnolut. ..1 n.1 ,, tlnl f- l.lD 1 1 fu In .1.... i-..vU . .... . .v, . inriii nuiiiHiiiiiiir imin our iiiiiiiliirh monk or Thvh tiio united suites Couttln Hrookiyn, and Noveltliw. Dolls, etc. Cull yourself for any 1 ho prisoner Is a young man, and wore lh)u. , W0()(J uml wli,ovvwftre croclu.rv.L'laPSwaro the army uniform. Ho is pale and thin, I Htu ,,,, 0(lr Ulnvnro department ftlwiivs full and it is said that h I, defenco i, Insanity. nf nril!,lt ew 1(J B 1 1 X 1 hi, nt v Tact to some" of thole F"V V'L AntWtuat.Tlnfto lha (llZul ha;d;nre7wlurlubll"0hed9 Sbe'flr's , J PlZo Ta VT'9 English settlement at Jamestowo.i, Va Vm8U ,,nd 1 llino Ij3raP8- t'oiuo and scu our new WW Sweet, Sweater, Sweetest, Olud.len thelienrln of tho little ones Sylvia Banquet Lamp, 1AI1ARK OF SANTA CLACS TWO STORES: '6 M Centre Street and 34 North Main Street Shenandoah. V MONEV IN IT. Musical Instruments, China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &e. To ministers of the gospel and school tpachers, 10 per cent, ofl on all goods bought. All goods must be Bold before refused. 'all early aud have the pick of the lot. You ean select what you want, which will be set aside,on payment of a small deposit. MAX IO-EJHIESj, Ag;t, BEST & The highest grade of Cocoa manufactured. Perfectly Pure. No breakfast table should be -without it. r THE MMMUNTD ANNUAL SESSION Teachus' Insiiiuto of Schuylkill Co., will be held In FERGUSON'S THEATRE, SUENANDOAD, PA,, December 14 to 18, '91. HIOND IV. Major Henry C. Jae One of tne greatest Orators and Word Paint er-i. lie niw mads a tour arou nd the worl x with a suca ss 1 tile less llia-i marvelous. TUESUAY, Dr. Jnmos T, lledley The great Orator of t jo West, Bide of Lllo." 'The Sunny wnoNRgnAv. Ills Ollle Torbel ami Iter Concert Co MWi Ollie Torb'tt, Violinist. Hignnr Vlltorla llaccirlnl, Soprano. Miss Pauline MonifgrlU'o, Uonlralto il Us Killili I'oud, Singing Header, Mr, Guslavo T i 'ltiorg. Tenoi. Mous. llelnr (1 irjlex, PlanUt, All eminent and popular artists. TIIUKSDAY. Mumhul 1 Wilder, 1'ho Great Humorist. Clio I'ork Sisters Quarlette: MIrh Annie A l'ark. tloruet and Z I her. Mls Oeorple V. I'.irK, Oorntt uud .Mandolin. Miss Kutio neua furit, uornet it nuone una 1'iano. Miss Ad u Park, Hornet and Mandolin. AM, HOI.O AKT1KT8 Frun Uie Jloshn Ttinscrtnt:"The Turk Concert O uniuiuy K ve one ol lliolr popular coneerts Monday evening Th mllrocon ort t as received wl li ranturou" applause as t ley appeato I In the r different selections.. They mea l art bU. and deserve all the applumo tbedtsliifhle I audience give hem." iiioii scnoor, quaktkttk. (Male volO'S.) SEVKON TIOKKTS. Securlni Ueservod Peats, 'ta',l 'H5 ... aingio aamission "J Thoclnrtf r the rale of reserved seat tlck"?T ets will be open d at tue b u ollloe or F gu-so-i's Thea ro, on Baiurdnj, HecembfrS, nt lo.xo . m. lierore opoamg ena r paru-s ae- siring lo urchaso tickets will draw numb rs znr position in iioe. rici leucuer iu iioe mty purciase any number of lloheis not ex ceeding twenty, and euch citizen In Una may number not exceeding len. The representative of eaon distrlrt will be required toprsentto the ticket ugeut a list o( 1 he names of the teac tera lor whom be buys tlcke's. Any p-raon may Join ti e Hue a seroud time with tho same prlvllsces as at flrst. Aller D'cemuer o me cnart win ue open at Ktrlli 'sdrugs ore. Doors opn .t7 p. m. Entertainment com. menco at 8. RAILWAY AHllANGEMEN'lS: Trains after each i-venlng entertainment lo all il ita on L. V. H. It. between Ash'and and Delano. Arnngements for-peowil trains o other polntnon li. v. it, it ana ivnn ait, R. ran be made with Sunt, A, i', Illakklee, Delano.and G, O. Lewis, l'ottsvllle. G. vv. WEIS, County SuperlnleiiUeit. FIRE INSURANCE. Largesl'aad oldest reliable purely ctiU com. panles represented by 120 S. JardmSt, Sfienanooah,Pa. A. VE you tried our fino CANDIES yet? If not, do so at onco. Twenty cents per pound, all kinds.' Best' m.ado aud warranted absolutely pure. mid buy TOYS, Glassware, Crockery, LAMPS. HPHERE Is money in It for youjf you purchase your holiday Roods from us. Five hundred styles dressed dolls, from Soto $160 each. Bolls' shoes, stockings, trunks, tables, bureaus, clmlrs, toilet sets, paintboxes, writing desks, doll swings, air rllles drums, trains of ears, gun boats aud other articles run by steam, A large lot of mechanical toys, tool chests and all the latest games, ABC and build ing blocks, Antique silver toilet auu maiiicure sets, dictionary and biolo stand hold ers, hook and ladder and fire engines, tin stoves, German tops, trumpets aud many other articles hi this line. Perfumery, Sleighs ! January 1st, and no reasonable offer GOES .FARTHEST. Lehigh Valloy Railroad. AKHANGEMKNT OF PA8BENQEB TRAINS. -NOV 15. 1891.- Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah for ilauch Chunk. Lhlehton. Slatlnerton. Cata- auqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Boston, Fhll- -ineipnia ana new xora at d.47, 7.W, U.U3 a. m., Ufi2,3.10, 5.23 p.m. Fr Belvldere, Delaware Venter Gap and Utr judsburg at 5.47, a. m., and 6.28 p. m. For Lambcrtvllle and Trenton, tl.OS a, m, For White Haven, Wllkes-Barre and FltU. ton 5.47. 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 3.10 and 5.26 p. m. ForTunkhannock, 10,41 a. m 3.10 and 5.28 p. m For Anburn. Ithaca; Geneva and and ' - ins 10.41 a. m an 1 6.20 p. m. ForLaeeyvllle, Towanda, Sayre, 'Wavorly, iSlmlra, ltochester, iiull'alo, Niagara Kalis, Chicago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and 7.29 d. m. Fr Klmlra and the West via Salamanca at 3.10 p. m. For Audenrled, Hazleton, Stockton, Lnm. her Yard. Weatherlv and I'enn Haven Juno t Ion at 6.47, 7.40, 8,08 a. m. and 12.52, 8.10 and 5,26 p. m. For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beavei Meadow, 7,40, 9.08 a, m. and 5.28 p. m, ForScrautonat5.47 0.08, 10.41a. m. 3 10 and 5:2(1 p. m. For Haile Brook. Jeddn, llrlfton and Free land at 5.47, 7.40, 8.03, 10.41 a. m., 12.52 8.10 and 5.2S p. m. For Quakake at 6.41 and 9.03 a. m u .10 d. m For Wlgcans, Gllberton and Frackvlllo at V&0 aud 8,52a m., and 4.10 p. m. For Yatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Delano, 3.47. 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, a. m., 12.52, 3.10,5.26, 8,03, 9.2i ind 10.27 p. m. For Lost Creek, airardvlllo and Ashland J.S.7. 7.48,8.62, 10.15 a. m., 1.00, 1.40, 4.10, 685, 8.00 and 9.14 p. m. For Darkwater. 8t. Clair and PottevlUe, 5 60 8.52, 9.03, 10 41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 4.10, 5.28 p. m. For Back Mountain, New Boston and Morea, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41 a. m.f 12.62, 3.10, 6.26 and 8.03 p. m. For Itaven Uuu, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and Shamnkln, 8.52, and 10.15 a. ni., 1.40, 4.40 ind 8.08 p. m. Trains leave Shamokln (or Shenandoah. 7.55 11.55 a. ra., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. m., arriving at Shenandoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52. 3.10, 5.28 and 11.15 n m For Lolly, Audenrl'd, Sllvor Brook Juno lion an Ilazl ton 5.47, 7 40, 9.08, and 10.11 a. in., 12 52, 3 10, 5.20 and 8.1 8 p. in. SUrtDAV 1-KA1NS. For Lost tJreak, Olrardville and Ashland, 4.50, 9.10 11.35 a.m., 2.15 p. m. For Dark water, st. (Jialr and I'ottsvlllf, S.OU, 90 h, m 2,45 p. m. For XHiesvme, Mauanny uny ana ueiano, 8.00, 11.35 a. m 1.10, 4.40, 6.03 p. m. For Lofty, Audenrled and HaEleton, 8.0P v in.. 1.40 n. m: For llauoh Chunk. Lehigh ton, Slatlngton, Catasauquu, Allentown, Bethlehem, ISastOD and New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m; For Philadelphia, 1,40 p. m. K. B. BYINGTON, (ieu'l Pass. Agt Bethlehem. JOHN COSLET'S Green Truck Stand ! Cor, Mala and Oak Streets. Fresh Oysters Received Daily. A flue line ot Choice GIIOOBUIES Nuts and Candles. Poultry of all Kinds. Mr. Costlet rfoeives his creen truok dally Irnm the cltv markets, which Is a muranUe to lilt cu omers that they will receive fresh gaoas wit'n ouyi giromuim, g K. ilRIOKBR, M. D., PTJYSIOIAN AND &TjR&EON, vn; 9Kait Centre Btreet; Mabanoy City, Pr Skin and all special diseases a speolalur. h "ualpuiaand Beading Hail aud TtK TM tntffeclXov, US, i-Dl Um LEAVE SBENANDllAH AS FOLLOWS o ?-0w'.'or na i'hliadeirma, woe tye 210 Via, 7.1W m. and 12 85 2.50 and ' 5 i . "i Hunday 2.1o and 7.1 a. m. For Neti x OrlT. ClQ Uumik f.U....t. - e nt 7 i) u. pi. and 12.3i and 2.50 p. u.. ,,, 2im!iytK atta t'nlladelnhia wte dajf, unav,2.10and7.48n. in.. 4Jm n. m. Kir Harrlsbun:. week dav. !lli)..2n a. m.i 2 50 M p. m. o Allentown, weeK days, 7.20 i. m 12.M ill, 1 0 2 o i.5j p. m. Sunday, 2.10 and7. a, , 4.30 p. m. or imuijuiu end Mahanoy Olty. week da'S, 2.10, 55, 7.20, a, m., 12.81 2J0 and S.6t p,?f.. Hundyt 2.10 aud 7.4aa. m., 4.10 p. m. ddltlonai Atadanoy City, week day S 7.00 For ljancater and Oolnmbla, week days. i a) a. m., 2.60 p. m. V;r 'Williamsport. Hnnbury and Lewlrjbnru, v celt iayn. a.2, 7.20 and u.80 a. m.. 15, 70 or Mahauoy Plane, weea Uays, 2.10 8.25, 5. 1-5. 7.20 and lf.S0 a.m., 12.35, lf35, 2.60, 5:55 (.uuanfl t.Ji ra. Hunday, 2 10. 8.25 and 7.48 iij. vo, t. 'a, ";r Olruravllle (Rsppahaunock Btatlon) veek days, 2.1 1. 8.25, 5.25, 7.20 and ll.S0a. tn 2.SJ, 1 Hfi i.&0, 4,65, j'.OO and 9.25. p. in. Hunday! 1-10 3 2",, 7.48 a. m , 8.05, 4.80 p. m. ' 1.1 5. 4.80 I. in week days, 2.1 1, 8.25, 6.25, 7.20 and ll.S0a. m 2-10 3 25. 7.48 a. m.. 8.05. 4.80 n. AGUiand and Hliamnriri. rmit Anm 8 23,3.25,7.20, Ul,a m., 1.85, 7.00 and S j, u, nwiHiRj- o.,, s a. ra., a.m, p. m. TItAlNS KOlt HUENANDoAhT 4S ' iave Mew York via Philadelphia, ntcJ uays. a. m, 4.uu. 7.80 p. m 12.: u it. Hnnday, 6.00 p.m., 12.15 nlgnu Leave Now York via Manon Ohnnk, wk days 4.10, 8.45 a. in,, 1.00 and 8.45 p. m. 8nn day, 7.00 a. m. . ave Philadelphia, week daya, 4.10, ai d 10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m rrom Bro d a 1 Callowtull and 85 a. m. and U.S0 p. m. rom 9th anC .reen slroeU. Hunday 8.05 a, m. 11.10 p. m. from flth anC . 'avo lteading. -reek days, 1.83. 7.10, 10.05 n nd ' 1.60 a. m., 6.55, Ji p, to. Hunday 135 ar d 10.48 a. m, m ive Potlsvllle, week days, 2.40, 7,40 a. m., 12 , 6 11 p. m. Hunday, 2.40, 7.00 a. m. and 5 m Leave ramaqua, wee days, 8.20, 8.48 and II 2. a. ra., 1.21, 7.13, and 0.18 p. ra. Hunday 8.20 7 43 . m. and 2.60 p. m, I-eiTo Mabanoy Olty, week days, 8.40, 9.18 a- d it. I? 3. m., 1.51, 7.42 and 9.44 p. m. Huu. day 3.46,8.17 . m., 8 M p. m, Lowe Mahanoy Plaue, weeit days, 2 40,4,00 8 30, 1.35. 11. )9 a. m.,1.05, 2,06. 5 20, 62d.7.57, and 10 00 i. m. Hunday Z4 , 4.00, and 8.27, a. m 3 37,5.01 p.m. lave wlrardvllle (Kaiahannock Btationl wees: days, 2.47 4.07, 6.S6, and 9.41 a. m., 12.05, 2. 2 .?. B.32, 8.03 and l'l.oa p. m. Holiday. 2,47, 17, .33 m. 8.41,5.117 p. m. -vu williamsport, week days, 8.00,9.45 and 1155 1.1.35 and 11.15 P, ra, Monday 11.16 '" . . . . .. , us' imore, wasmngion ana me wen via ? . a. K., through trains leave Glra. d Apnne station. Ptalladelntala. (P. & K. R. U.) nt :L ii ,01 and 11.27 a. m.. .1.56. 6.42 nl 7 13 p. m. Hunday, 3M 8.02 11.27 a, m 3JA 5 42 nd 7 13 p.m. Leave Phlladelnhla. Cbestnat Htreet W;iaif a .IU -wuth .Street Wharf. For Atlantic CUT. Week-days Express,9fl0 a, m. 2.00, i. S, ai. Accommodation, 8.00 . m, an ' 5.1 I. IU, Baadayn. Express, 9.00 a. m. Acoim ,ne iHtton, 8.90 a. m. and 4.30 p. m. Uetumtne, leave Allan ilo City, depot A lantlo and Arkansas avennen. Week-o Kxnress. 7.30. 9.00 a. m. and 4.00. t. m. Ao- commedatloD8.10 a. m. and 4.30 p m. Bon days -Bxpreas, 4.00, p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a.m. and 4.30 p. m. u. u. iiakuuui., uen'ii-aas'r Agi. I A. MoLEOU. Pres. A Oen'l Manncar. PENNSYLVANIA RAILKUAD. OOnnYUtlLl, DIVISION. On and after November 15, 1891, tratnt wilt leave Hhenuiititah a9 follows: For Wigtan, uiiberton, iiraoxvllle, Ne 'a!e, St. Clair, and way points, 8.00, 9J0, 11,15 a in and 4.15 p m. ...indays, 800, 9.4U a m and 3,10pm, For l'ottsvllle, 8.00, 9.10,11.45 am and 4.15 P in Sundays, 800, 9.40 a m and 3.10 n m, For Heading, 8.00, 11.45 a m and 4.15 pm. dnndays, GU0, 9.40 a. ui. and 8.10 p m. For Fottstown, l'hoenixvllle, KorrlstoTm -"1 Philadelphia (Broad street station), 6.C0, 11.45 a. m. and 4.15 p m week days jocdays, COO, 9.40 a m 8.10 p m rralns leave Fraokvllie lor Bhenandoah at 0.40 am and 12.14,5.01, 7.42, 19,09 p m. San dys, 11.14 a m and 0.40 p m, ubave Poitsvllle lor Uueuandoab, 10.15 ant U.43, a m 4.40, 7.15, 9.42 p m. Snndayo, 10.40 a m S.15 p m. Leave Pniladelphla (Broad street station) Tor Fottsvllle and Shenandoah, 6.67, 8.35 a m 4.1 0 and 7.00 p m week days. Sunday 6.50, and 93S am cut ii.n luik, OiW, i,u,, ...u, UtOJ, o.uv, I.SOB.Sn, J.50, 11.00 and 11.14, 11,35 am. 12.01 noon, mi ouuoavB. i.u. n.aa. B.ou. h.du. 11.35 k in. tad 12.41, 1.40,2.30, 4 02, (limited, 1.5-1). 5.28. 8.21. 8.5 , ,n.i, .1.11 and 12.01 night For Sea Girt, Long Branch and Intermediate stations 8.20 and 11,14 a. in., 4.00 p. m. week days. Freehold only 6 00 p m week days , For Baltimore and Washington, 3.60, 7.20, 9.10 and 11.18 i. m., 4 41, 8 57, 7.40 p.ra and 12.01 night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a. in., 12 35 (limited express wltn dining car to Baltimore) 1.30, 8.49 p. in. we k days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01 wees days, 5.08, 11.30 p. m. dally. For Hichmond, 7 20 a. m. aud 12.03 night dally. 1 30 d. m. nallv. excent sundav. irains leave Harrisburg lor I'llwDnrg and 9 west every day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m and 3 i (llmi'edl and 3.40, 7.25 p m. Way for A too iu 8 15 i m and 4.10 p m every aay. V or Fltuourg only, 11.20 a m dally and 10.20 m week days. Leave snnbury lor Williamsport, Klmlra, Jraandalgua, Kooheater, HnUaloaud Niagara all MO am dally, and 1.35 pm weekdays, fo) Klmlra 5.80 p m week days. For lrle and Intermediate nalnts. 5.10 ami. (ally. Cor Lock Haven, 6.10, and 9.58 a m. tally. 1 35 and 6.30 u. m. week davs. Fur snovaO.IO a m 1 35 tnd 5,30 p m week days 10 a. m snndaya. HAS. SS. POGH. I. It. WOOD, 'im. Man'r len. Pass. Act irst National Bank. THEATRE BUILDING, SHENANDOAH, PENN Capital, 100,000.00. A. W. Leisetiring, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., J. R. Letsenrnq, Cashier, S W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier. Open Daily Prom 9 to 3. 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ! I'nlrt on Savings Deposit!. J0HM H. EVANS' SALOON, 6Q E. CENTBI3 BT., SHENANDOAH FRESH BEER. PORTER, ALE. Finest brands of dears always on liauol Ttq best temporunee drinks. i I