(p r SHEKAND O AH. PA.. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 11, 1891. ONE CENT VOL. VI.--NO. 267. "My Son, Deal The Evening Herald. AM. THE NEWS FOK ONK CENT. Iini a larger circulation n Bhcnimdoab than any other paper published. Circa. In 1 1 on hooks open to all. THE WATER QUESTION. As the time for the commencement actual work en the proposed bor ough water works approaches publlo in terest In the projeot Is being awakened and the taxpayer and property owners are beginning to regard the movement more seriously than they did when It was 11 rat Inaugurated. This is a healthy sign. The enter prise has progressed so far now that it can be no longer regarded as a nil re game of bluff, or as child's play Council aud the committee necessarily feel some delicacy in taking the re spon8lblllty of so Important an under taking without feeling that tney are supported by the sentiment of the taxpayers and property owners of the borough, whom they nre supposed to represent. The awakening of public sentiment, However, so far as we have been able to catch its time, can scarcely be said to be in favor ot hurriedly prosecuting fyho work and piling up an Immense debt regardless of consequences. Se rious doubts as to the right of Council to proceed under the authority ob tained by the vote cast ten years ago, appear to tie now generally enter, talned, aud the more seriously the question is regarded the moro doubt there appears to be cast upon the wisdom of the movement as It is now being prosecuted. It is true that the taxpayers of ten years ago voted in fayor of erecting a water works at a cost of $45,000, and vested the authority in Council to is sue bonds fur that amount, but $45,. 000 will not build the works now pro jected. The lowest estimate, we be lieve, is double that figure, aud con servative ouisiue estimates put, it a9 high as $136,000, or three times the sura voted for the purposo in 1831 Without stopping to inquire into $C V f rOB A CARPE J r I 1 Sweeper. Other , Hi for $J 00, and ver; ti a J J good onen for $3.5 ARPET Others very l.oO Buy one for your wife for a Christmas present. We also have a new line of Rugs and Carpets at C. D. FEICKE'S CARPET STORE. FRESH STOCK-NEW CROP (iOODS. Fancy New Crop New Orleans Bahirty Molasses. Nciv Com Meal Made of all new corn. Kiln J) fled Fresh Ground New PtcJcles Natural Color Crisp and Sour. New Currants Cleaned Heady tor Immediate Use. New California Prunes Fine Quality. New Calijomia Canned Fruits Eyy Pltims, Cher ries, Apricots and Peaches. Netv Buckwheat Flour Very Choice. Neiv Green Scotcli Peas. New Calijomia Strained ITohey. 2itw Maisins, Citron and Iamon Peel. New Skinned Hams- -Fresh Smoked. Nen Mince Meat- WHAT 25-CENTS WILL BUY AT KEITER'S. Two Cans Clioice Salmon. Three Pounds Fancy Rice. Two Bottles Kciclmp Large Size and Extra Quality. Pour FounclH Good Currants. Three I'oumls mixed Candles. Two Pounds mixed Nuts New Crop. Five Pounds Ont Flalces New Fresh Stoclc. A Lot of Sheep, Goat and "Wolf Skin mats and Hugs-in White, Black and Colors. Just Received Two Cars Choice No. x Timothy Hay, One car flue middlings, extra quality. Also a lot Strictly Pure Country Lard. FOR SALU TO ARRIVE Fancy miuucsotn Flour. JJSTIJON'T FQRGET that -ways Gives Satisfaction. "With Men "Wlio the status of case, let us ask ourseivt g the question, has Council the moral right to Bpend a greater sum on the project thau was voted for the pur pojo when the vote was taken ? If the caio were one of absolute necessity they might feel warranted In nvBiira lug that their action would receive the endorsement of the taxpayers. But no such emergency hnsailscn, and there seems to be no necessity for proceeding without full authority, or without belug certain the very best thing possible is being done. To us It seems that a different aud much more satisfactory conclusion of tiio dlillculty might be reached by the exeicise of a little good judgment The borough dots not ueed two water works. Two plants' will not pay, and even the borough would have little use for a plant which, instead of belug dividend-earner would bo a tax-eater. Hence, if the borough must have a waterworks, why not open negotla tlous with the old Water Company aud see whether or not their plant cauuot bo purcu'ased? If that can be accomplished the borough will be sure of a plant thul will pay dividends and that will not be a burden on the taxpayers, aud if Council lias not the right to pmcted under the authority of the vote of 18S1, let another vote be taken and the consent of the taxpayers be obtained to proceed in the matter. In any case, first be sure you are right ; then go ahead. There are citizens in town who want the electric railway, but are not disposed to have -the poles placud in front of their places. They do not object to the placing of the poles on the adjoining pavements, however, In this respect they are like the boy who, when asked where- he would prefer having u boil, answered "On somebody else." But the hoy had to struggle Rliuig with the boil on his neck. One of our Pottsville contemporar ies, the Republican, la never satislled with matters in which it Is not primarily consulted. Editor Zerbey ought to know that this . globe we inhabit is largo enough for all uud while certain men1' may not be satis factory Jo some parties that maybe quite so to others. See the point? -Best Quality. One Car middlings. One Car , Northwestern Daisy Flour At Advertise. Ton will Never Lose "by It"--Benjamin Franldin WILL THEY AGREE A FLAG OP TBTJOB FLOATS IN THE BREEZE. MPORTANT WATER MEETING HELD Representatives of the Old Water Company Make a Proposition to the Joint Committee. To Meet Again. Tho flag of t'ruco floats at tho tronchos of the respective water works. Last night tbe joint committee of councilmen and citi zona met representatives of tho old water company in tho council chamber and had a talk over tho situation. Messrs. Cbarles Bowman, Elmor Waslny and T It. B'ddall, Esq , wcro present in bohall of tho water company. Mr. Bow man was tho spokesman and mado tho fol lowing proposition to tho joint committeo: It tho water company win satisfy tbo judgment recently recoverod in tho PottS' villo court for water supplied the borough for Dro purposes, and waivo its claim to payment for water supplied tho borough for wator purposes during the past two yearfj and if the wator company will pay tbo costs of tbe recent suit and enter into a written agroemont to supply tbo borough with water for firo purposes for ten years, or longer, will the borough enter into written agreement to abandon tho existing movement to establish public water works?1 Tho joint committeo said tho proposition would be tbken under advisomont and then asked tho representatives of tbo wator company to ascertain from thostockholders what they consider a fair prico for their' plant'. Tho water company is to meet tho joint committeo again noxt "Wednesday evening, Tbo proposition of tho water company practically moans a rofunding to tbo bor ough" of about $3,000 in water ront, besides relieving the borough of Bovoral hundreds of dollars costs, and at least $0,000 water ront for tho future. The cash value of tbo proposition to the borough, if accepted, will boot leasi-ilO.000. A Herald reporter to-day Interviewed Mr. Bowman, who said, ''I am a stock holdor in tho water company, but a very small one. My interest is hardly worth mentioning. In appearing before tho joint committeo lust night I acted, as I thought, for tho best Interests of the pooplo in general. I feel confident that the must sensible and cheapest way for tho present agitation to bo settled is fur thn borouy h and water company to make some amicable arrangement whereby tho company sha continue to supply the borough with water, or the borough shall take tbo plam olf th company's hands. This is my honest con viction as a citizen of tbo town. A citizen said the other day : '1'rxsumiiig lb borough invests one hundred thpusand Uollurs in new water works (it wilt cu that amount, ut least) five per cent, on tb amount would bo but $3 000, Now tak thu expensos. Two engineers and two firemen would be required lor the pumping station, an extra superintendent would be needed, and other help requiied will uiak tbo salarios alono aggregate at least Si 001) Tho total expensos will b at loist $10 0U0. .Now tho now water compmy could noi expect moro than half tbu customers in th town, and suppose tho old company should reduce the w.itor rents (which would be natural) and the boruugh Bbould compete, then the total revenue ot tbe borough works would hardly me.it tho oxpons "To my mind," continued Mr. Bjwman "the argument of tho citizen presented so mo facts for thought. But, again, sup pose a cnpltalist or manufacturer should come into tho town and ask '"What is tb dobt of your borough ?' "With tho oxist ing dobt and the ono that would bo in curred by tbe cstabshmont of now w, rk, the answer would necessarily bo $150,000 A borough the size ot Shonilidoab saddle with such a debt c uld hardly be expected tO'favorably impress capitalists who might seok admission. Tho figures vould scare oil' tho most daring capitalists. "Shenandoah is now being furnhhod with water as chosp as any place in lh state and tbo borough will not be nblo furnish it any cbeapor. "Concerning tho Increase of debt for borough water works by spocial election ten years ago, I hardly think a movoment now on that basil will hold wator. This not a pun," said Mr. Bjwman, with smile. "Fully ono third of tho citizens who advocated and voted for the inoroaio have eithor left the town, or are dead, an I question If an election to again increase the debt would succotd, Tbe new wator works cannot bo established for $15,010 an publio sentiment of to-day will not sustai an election to Incruaso tho borough debt, "There is still anothor point to be con1 sidorod. Suppose tho now movement goes ahead, bonds are issued, $45,000 Is ox ponded, and after tho fund is exhaustod is discovered that the plant is only ha! finished, A special election will 1 necessary to increase tbo borough debt to sum covering tho cost for completing th work. Mow supposo the people vote against an increase 7 "What will becomo thd $15,000 oipendod? To savo anything om tho wreck a sale will bo nocessary. To mako a ealo a purchaser will bo needed. A purchaser would not givo moro than fifty por cent, on tho amount invested for a half flniihed plant and tho borough would loso from twonty to twenty-five thousand dollars. "There aro oxcollenl reasons for the son timont that the borough and water com pany should mako somo aralcablo arrango- mont." Ir, ).'. J. Forpuson was also hoard ox- pressing his views on tho water question. tie atso said ho bolioved that tho borough nd water company should mako some ar rangement." Spaclnion Oases. S. II. Clifford, Now Cassol, Wis., was troublod with Neuralgia and Rheumatism his Stomach was disordered, his Liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite foil away, and ho was terribly roduced in flesh and strength, Ihreo bottles of EloC' trio curod him. Edward Shepherd, Ilarrisburg, 111., had a running soro on his log of eight years sttnding. Used three bottles of Electric Bittors and seven boxes of Bucklen1 Arnica Salve, and his log is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, 0 had flvo largo Fever sores nn his leg, doctors said ho was incurablo. One bottlo Eloctric Bittors and ono box Bucklcn's Arnica Salvo cured him entirely. Sold by O. H Hagonbuch, Druggist, Grand institute ball at Bobbins' opera bouso, Wednesday evoning, Docomber 10 Musio by Scboppe's full orchestra. 10-Ct Parisian Fol'y Company. Tbo manngor of tbo Parisian Folly and Spectacul-tr C impany, which is to appoar at Ferguson's theatro this ovening, says he will fullfli all 'tho promises mado in his advertisements, n, Tho bill will in cludo a correct representation of Buffalo Bill's presentation to Queen "Victoria Billy Carter, banjoist: C. "W "Williams, ventriloquist; anvil chorus and tableaux Smith and Cimpboll in "Iliddlo" : Lizzie Hall, protean artist ; Uarris & "Walters sketch artists ; Antonio Von Goflre, elastic marvel; grand burlesque oxtravaganza, "Bachelors' Islo." Buoklon'B Arnica Salve. Tho Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts, Bruisos, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fover yore', Tetter, Chaiped Bands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively euros Piles, or no payment required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money relundod. Trice a cents por box. For ealo by O. H. Hagenbuch. KndorHf d by the people as a safe, reliable. liariulerH mid chep remedy, in-, llull'a tough Hyrup. Christmas Library. Judge s Library, or Monthly Magazine of Fan, has also publUhod a Caristmat i.uinbor. It is filled with all Ihoso do ighlfui little things which so much please thu children and amuso tho oldor peoplo. t is fun from coy- r to cover. As CnrUt ma is the time of joy, so this number of tho library is a fitting closo to a successful -eri s. No other paper jn the country can make ihe offr which wo do. We advise everyone to finish thu year right by sending in their cash subscription to us tor Judge's Liurary Coughing Leads to Consumption. IC-mp's Balsam will stop tbo cough at nce. 10 Conts Por Pound. Tho finest Froncb mixtures, perfectly pure, 10 cents per pound, at Max Iteeso's Tho finest and best chocolato creams, cheaper than olsowhero. Do yon miller with Consumption, Coughs or Colds? You can be cured If you take l'an Tlua Cough and Consumption Cure. 23 and ilceLts. Trial bottles lree at Klrlln's drug store. Profitable Investment. If you want an excellent farm, situated omy six miles from Shenandoah, contain ing "8 acres, with fruit treos ami stroam oi water, call at tho IIeualu office forfurtber particulars. It is a profitable Investment and tho terms are reasonable. 11-18 tf Candelabras and candlesticks, and fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Iloldor man's. 11-28-tf A Surprise. Keep your oyo on this local. Keagoy, tho photographer, will have his now open ing in a few days and will havo somothing interesting that will surprise tbo poople. tf 'Feebly she laughed In the langquld moon while l'oinvhro unon her face doih look" unci uonders what lias swelled It to. Whoa lie 011(18 It is neuralgia lion ever, he doe not lote his head, mil having twenty live renin l it his lUKlde pocket, Invents lu a bottle of Hulva- Brumm's holiday Block of watches, jewelry aud silverware is now tbu largest and finest in town, An invitation to inspect our goods is oxtonded to all. 12-7-tf " Head Iteeso's holiday adver.Uement. A Kind Friend. Is what they call Dint Famous Hemcdy, Hed Flag Oil, it quickly cures ltheuwalism, Neuralgia, Cut, llrultes, Uurns.Uores and all pain. It ts good lor mau or beast. 25 cents. Ai Jvimu urug BLure. HERE IS AH OFFER A CHANGE TO SECURE WATEB BY GRAVITY. ABUNDANT SUPPLY AT LOW COST. Ono Dam and Piping Is all That la Roqulrod to Supply ThiB and tho Mahanoy Valley. Tho Now Movomont. Having hard that "W. D. Soltze', Kq had said that ho could givo tho people of Shenandoah all tho wator they need cheaper thn tho'cost under tho old water company and choapor than thejointcim mitleo can furnish it should it perfoct lis plans, a Ukrald reporter touglit an inter viow with tho lawyor. Mr. Seltzer wti found in 'Squiro Dong. i'ir'8 ofllce, whero ho has desk room "Yos," said tho gentliman, whon tho re' porter repeated what ho had heard, "I did say that and I believo it cm bo done Thore is a stream of water on tho Green Mountain. I hvo en arrangement with tho party owning tho place by which it can be secured for water purposes. In fact, I own the placo and can say authoritatively that it can bo secured. Tho silo I speak of is about nine miles from bore." "Tnat is quito a dlstanco whon compared to tho locations of tho old wator company1 works and tho proposod borough work , suggettod tbe reporter. "True," said Mr. Soltzer, "but tho work at my placo would require but ono good sized dam and no pumping would b required. "V ith tho dam conttructod and pipes laid tho plant would he complete The stream is a strong ono, so strong that it bas washed out boulders weighing from 15 to 20 tons, and it flows on Greon Moun tain 5Q3 foot abovo tho CalawUsa creek I '.could bo brought horo by gradu an would givo am pi supply through twelve inch pipes for not only this town, hut for all the neighboring patches as well." "Ilavo you ovor estimated what tho cost would bo to bring water horo from th placoyou speak of?" askod tho repartor, "es, Ihavo. About four or five years ago I triod to gdt up a compmy to bring the wator here and also supply housos i tho patches, but pooplo complained at that time that money was too scarco and th m Iter fell through, although a Boston in suranco company was roady to take all th bonds. Tbo same company will take a! tho bonds of water companies to-day, "W 11, when that was under way, I sont to New lork and tecured an ostimato from company a? to tho cost of piping spiral pipe they call it, tho samo kind of pipo that tbo Union Pacific Kailroad Cimpany uses for carrying water long dlstancos at m that Oslimatu and oilier upproxi mates I was convinced that a cumpan ould mako a handsome profit by Bupplyin tho patches in this section aud not touch ahenandoah." "Well, what do you think it would coi to establish the plant you suggest ?" 'That I can't say. I haven't got th ugures l had when tho other project wai on foot?" Could it bo done for $15,000 ? ' no, sir; It could not. And tbo pro posed water works of this joint comuiitto cannot he established with tbat amount Why their pumping plan', alono, will run up to that figure. The pumping of wator over to this place will bo costly. Tho vtl ley on tho othor side is considerably lower than this ono, and resorvoirs will bo needed on top of tbe mountain, or on this side, fir storago purposes, a3 well as on the othor side." "Woll, do you think it will cost $100,000 to bring wator from Green Mountain to Ibis place?" "No; perhaps it would not run that high, but I am positive tbo water could bo brought at lo-s cost than th joint com mitteo can bring water over this mountain, and tho plant won't cost as much as tho ono owned by the old company. Ab I said bo- fore, put a dam in tho ravine on Groon Mountain, which is about as wide as tbat in which the old water company's dams are located, then lay your pipos and you havo a firtt class wator plant." "flow do you stand on tho presont wator question ?" "I haven't taken any side, because I do not think tho project of tho joint com mitteo will amount to anything bcamo tbe project for wbich tho special election wai hold ton years ago was abandoned and they can't take that up now."' Now Try This. It will cost you nothing and will surely do you good, If you havo a Cough, Cold, or any trouble with Throat, Cheat or Lungs. Dr. King's new DUcovory for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to give rellof, or money will bo paid back. Sufferers from La Grippo found it just tho thing and under its use had a spoody aui perfect recovery. Try a samplo bottlo at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottlo3 froo at O. II. llagenbucb's Drug Storo. Largo sizo 60c. and $U All kinds of candies, 20 cents per lb., at , Duncun & Weldley's. 12-6-t PERSONAL. A. Boddall is ill. O lloads, of Pottsvil'e, was in town his wook. School Director William Bichman is an o tick lis). Andrew Morrison spent Tuosdav at tfosquehonlng. 1 Kibbins hts opened a cheap meat arket in l'otlsvlllo. Mirtin Burns, of Hazloton. was tho roest of M S. Ulgg yesterday. Elijah Gregory, one of Girardvlllo's olid citizens, was In town on Wednesday. MisMtmo Cirlin, of Pottsville,, who .vas tho guest of Mrs. Michael O' Neill, left or her homo yesterday. Mr. and M s. Harry Huntor, of Ash nd. wcro tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. . B. Hunter, of town, last evening. Mr. and Mr. John Kobblns, of town, accompanied by Mr. Bobbins' sister, Dr. Nora Itnbbins, wont to Philadelphia on Wodnosday. 'Squire C larles G. Palmor has bscii re- pcattdly mentioned of lato as a meet eligible candidate for tbo Legislature from this district, lie is practical, lias a loi.g lfoad and could bo deponded upon to look afier tho workingmnn'a Intorests without being clannish, if thosn peoplo would rend him thoro. Tho 'squire is an old cilizun if Iho pounty, a miner himself, and bletsed with a good common school education and fair and convincing talkor. Minora' Journal. Commendable. All claims not consistent with tha high character of Syrup of Figs aro purposely avoidod by tbo Cal. Fig Syrup Company. It acts gently on tho kidnoys, liver and bowels, cleansing tho system efTectua ly, but it is not a cure-all and makos no pre tentions that every bottlo will not substan tiate. Attond tho institute ball in Bobbins' oporahouso, Wednesday ovening, Decem ber 10. Schoppo orchestra. liM0-Gt A National Family Papor. The announcement of The Youth's Com- portion for 1892, which wo havo rocoivod, Beom to touch about all healthy tastes. Its fiction embraces folklore, sorial, sea, ad venture and holiday storio9. Frank Kus- soll, Will Allen Dromgoolo, Mary C-ub- crino Leo aro a fow of tho distinguished Btory-writere. Its goneral artie'es cover a wide rango. Self Elucation, Business Succes?, Collcgo Succor, Girls Who Think They Chii Wruo Natural History, Hallway Lif, Boys and Girls at tho AVorld's Fiir, Glimpses of lloyalty. How to Soo Gnat Cities, Prac tical Advico are fomo of tho lines to bo written on by eminent specialists, Gladstone, Do Lessops, Vasili Vorest- chagin,t'vru W. Fiold, Androw Carnegie, Mrs Honry M Stanloy aro among tho con tributors. Tho Companion readers thus corns into pen nal touch with tho pooplo whoso groatness mako our ago famou. Its 600,000 subscribers show how it is appprec- iated. Wboover Eubscrbos now for 1892 gols it freo from tho timo su Bcription is re ceived till Jan. 1, 1892 $1 76 a year. Address, The Youth's Companion, Boston, .Mass. Handsomo stock ol lamps with tho most ilolicatoly hand-painted bisquo and china shades, at Holderman's. 11-28-tt It Is a well known Inct that I'nn-Tlna Cough and Consumption Cure has cmed Con lumptiou, Couahs and Colds when all else railed. andfi0 renin. Trial botllea lree at Klrlln'a drug More. Oloan Up for Institute. Supervisor Llewollyn anm unces that ho will mako trips about town to-morrow with men and carts to gather sweepings from tbe stroets, so as to havo them clean for Monday, when tbo teachers' institute opens. Holiday goods, advertisement. cheap. Bead Iteeso's I. O. O. F. Mooting. Tho members of John W. Stokes Lodgo, No. 616, I. O. O. V., aro requested to at tend its next mooting Friday evening, Dec. 11, 1891. Business of importance will bo transacted. Attost: J. S. Williams, Seo'y. 12-10-2t Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf Largo stock of fancy goods, such as lamps, bronzes, china waro and imported cut glassware, at Holderman's. 11-28-tf inoe ! 3 pounds for a quarter, None cheaper. 2 pounds for a quarter, Nono better. Motts? Cider ! 8 cents a quart. 25o por gallon. Sweet and not intoxicating. GRAFS, No. 322 North Jardin Street