1 II AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, KAISEB IXPOBT : Light. MilliM CITY, PA, S--HLj T'obal'O -iIIiIEJzri- Dark, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF lO ni.rcill.M, juurimw iriniriicc, ipuifintvuo, tc., at MiVEKN'H Cornor Grocery, corner of Centre and White strict His Hock, Junt opened, 1b unliable for the holiday season. Kverylhl'g fresh and of the brut A new lot of canned goods, dried fruit. Jellies, etc. AFFAIRS OATJQHT HASTILY. What Nowa Gathorera Tako a Momont to Toll About. Cako baiting soon. ChrlBtmos shopping has begun. The run 1b now on tlio coal hanks. Father Time Is burning the last embers ol old 1691. The present outlook for skating 19 not encouraging. Thin Ih l he nenaon when the buck- wheut cake Is boss of the bieakfast table. Venus Is evening star and can now be seen for a short time following sunset. 8unhlne will continue to diminish until Moutluy, the 21st, tho shortest day. The Inst leaf to fall In 1891 will be December 31, from the pull oil calen dar. A man should be careful how he walks when there is a washout in the back yard. It takes 1,000,010 pounds of ink every year to ptint Uncle Ham's paper money auu revenue stamps. It la n well known fact that 1'an-Tlna Cough and Consumption Cure has cured Con sumption, Couuhs and Colds when all else failed. ZiaudbO cents. Tr.al bottles tree at Klrlln's drug store. Now Wall Paper for 18D2. A splondid selection, embracing all tho latest colors and designs, at prices lower than over. Largo lino of parlor patterns. Those choap 25c window ehados, with spring fixtures, cannot bo equallod. Call at Mol ct's, 22 East Centre stroet. Van Houton's Cocoa Send for a can, 8oo advertisement. Buy Keystone flour. Bo careful that the name Lessio & Co., Ashland, Pa., printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw Coming Evonts. Doe. 12. Collco supper of tho Salvation Army Id Franoy's hall. Dec. 15 and 10. Exhibition in tho P. M. church for tbo boriotK of tho Sunday school. Doc. 20. Madden and Lowroy entertain mont at Ferguson's thcatro for tho benefit of Adam Mort. Jan. 1. 20th annual supper of tho "Welsh BaplUt church in tbo P. 11. church hall. Jan. l'J. Suppor and bazar in tbo Primitive Methodist school room. Parties wishing to select tboir Christmas presents can do so now and have th m laid aside until wanted. At Iloldonnan's. 11-28-tf Burohill's Restaurant. Charles lluicuill 1 now located at corner of Main and Coal streets, Bhonundoah ltogular iiienls, at popular prices, eervod any time Ladios' dining and refreshment rooms attached, 9-M-tf Wators' WeiBS beer is the best, ltoilly solo agent. A Kind Frlond. John A 5-6-tf Is what they call tint Famous Itemedy, lied jiae um, n quicKiy cures iiueuniaiism .ivutoiKini jit,. ... uik" umuD, iu, nuu nil pain. It is good lor man or beast. 23 cento, At Kinin a arug store. Fancy rings of all descriptions at Hoi dorraan's. 11-28-tf Host work done at llrennan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotloss. Laco curtains a specialty. All work guar anteed. Thanksgiving Day is Over Hut we Btlll carry a lull stock of Groceries Teas, Coffees, Spices We a'so have a floe stoclc of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC F11U1TS and ND' J. S. THOMAS' Cheap Gash Store 118 West Coal Street. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapira's Pharmacy, 107 South Maln'Street, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE, Prescriptions carefully compounded by registered pharmacists. TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS NEWS OF THE DAY. Cap, John 7. TValk.r, U. B. A., r Ur.4, has Utn pUosA la Ht. Illsnbsth's Insane Asylum, Washington. The death of Qsorga Brown, th Fsalan, who was conflated of taking a romlnsnt part In the dlsturbaaots of 1877, 1 announced from London. By the three flrt In Louisville Tester- day morning 11 lives war lost, and $500,000 worth ot property was da troyad. Mrs. Florence Millar ot Hllwankae, a prominent society woman, has left oine anil family ana entered a low re ort of that olty. The Chicago Mid Bennington sailed from Fort Monroe yesterday for Brsnll. They will both stop en route at St. Thomas. The Atlanta is expected to follow to-day. It Is reported that serious trouble has arisen bstween France and Draill, orer the murder of a number of Frenchmen y Fonseca's agents during tho late un ileasantuess. Chelsea, Mass., voted no license by majority ot 417. Converge, Hepubllaan, and the entire Kepublloan tloicet, with the exception of one (Jounollman, war eleoted. Mrs. Olena Sedeuskl, who was await. tng trial at Sunbury, Pa., for the theft t iUU. committed auiolde Tuesday nlgut by hanging herself to the water pipe la her cell. Store windows eiow more attractive as Chrlstmaa approach's. Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages I In charge of (rood, carelul, rofponsibiodrit- crs to nir" at an lmof ana at reasonable rates at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVERY AND PEED STABLE, 12 and 14 North rear Alley, Hear of Luherg's hardware ftore. llorset taken to Hoard. On Hill attention elven to Feedlm; Horses. All klndt ol HAULING at tended u promptly charges moderate. -UNDEUTAK1NG- Falthfully and promptly attended to. The place to purchase your Harness, Whips, Robes, Blankets CEO. ROBINSON'S, 25 W. Centre St., Slionnnclofvlioiinn A general stock ol HOUSE FURNISHING GOOD3. REPAIRING AT REASONABLE PI1ICES. Grand Opening! FAM.AND WIN TKlt STYI.ES OF MILLINERY ELLAM. M'GINNISS -No. 26- East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa, The finest and largest assortment In Hats, Ilonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TRIMMED AND UN. HUMMED 1IAT3 Oaunot too Uciiifvllocl 45 CENTS for a -window Blind e with frince. others for 56c, GSc and up. Hbades made for stores and private dwel lues. A new lot of sliad Ings and fringes to match. O. 3D. FBICKE'S Carpet Store, 10 Sooth Jardin Si, Dear Centre From now until Christinas wo will get lu rom-TRiiuniEn JNO. B. PRICE'S SONS MANAGER OF The People's Hew Shoe Store Ila made a redaction In theprlce ol hlsstock of Indies , misses', children's and men's 'oot w ar, and will adhere to the prices until after the holidays nEDTJOTIONS: Wc per pair on Men's mining boots. 2Sn llovs leather hoots. 2So 2."0 Boys' leather boots. Tfouths' leather boots Men's and boys' rubber boots M n'a tine shoes. Misses' " C0o 250 1 O Uidles' runner oversnoes. 25 and 60o per pair on Ladles' line shoes, Prices Below all Competitors Call and examine goods and be convinced, THE PEOPLES' NEY SHOE STORE 0,r. Centre street and Market alley, HarluKton'H building, opp. Brumin'a Jewelry i-tore, ibenandoan, la, tj.I.oob Out for tile Star Slifit.'Sa j li is ill us ProsGii ,s Music Cabinets.RattanPlush Rockers PARLOR SUITS, LOUNGES, -BEDSTEADS, OFFICE DESKS, ' 30,1111 and upward. - 4,50 anil upward. 2,00 an! upward. - 15.00 anil upward, PICTURES A Large Lot Jut Opened tor tie Holiday Trade, $1,00 and upward PICTURES. Wilcox & White Organs, Stock Chickerlng. Iwn'hushek. PIANOSI WHITE SEWING MACHINES. rianos, Organs and SewlngMachims sold cheap for cash or renttd bythe month J. P. WILLIAMS & SON, 13 South Mam Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. Common Sense SHOE STORE For the next two weeks you can purchase ladies' line Dongola Shoes for t2.00, worth 2.75. 110 South Main Street, OM'OSITE POSTOFFICK, S. L BROWN, Prop. Now is the Time ! TO PREPARE for winter. Every one is money. If you are seeking bargains In Hats or Caps Just drop In to see Hcanlan. lie sells men's good lur caps lor Cue, men's red under clothing for Wc a piece, men's fine working gloves at 25o a palr.lthe BEST OVERALLS in 1lie MARKET 65c A i'AIIC. An eicelknt line of Grey Flennel Bhlrta for working at thevtry loweBt ptlee. lllg lino of good winter shirt from 25c up to J2.60. A lllg Drive in NliCKWKAH-Four-ln-handsand Tecks at 25 centt, regular price 40 cents. X r o Something Now in Fnzzles. Bcanlau has roinelhlng new In this line. Any one glvlcg the correct way of doing the puzile wlU receive a S3 hat or Its equivalent. Tli.reart, four ways of lolvlng the rurzle, and the correct way most be given, Thete puzzles we are selling for 10c, or we will tho ono to the person purchasing 2 worth of goods and over. A;new patent hat hanger given away with each hatJpurcbRBcd at 13 S, Mi St. SOANLAN SkiDJoat UU1IJJEUBBHB rrTi , JL, We're Ablaze With Glory ! Holiday Novelties A royal treat to thoso visiting our store' during this grand display of JggCS Useful and Appreciative Holiday Gifts At such low prices as will enable you to make two presents for CHAMBER SUITS, - - $20,00 and upward EXTENSION TABLES, - Ml and upward FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, 10.CO and upward EASELS, All Stiles, - - 1,00 and upward Lester ..Hardtnan There Is "n.uslc at YJtes'," especi ally iu the OVEItCOATBOOM and Children's Department. 1 he constant hum of business gives a "snap" and a go" to the whole establishment. The choice Clothing of the season Is upou our tables upon its merits prin cipally we rely to advance our reputa tion. The moderate prlceB of course will have their eay. A. C. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts ncHt-mnrte ciotlititK n iMitlntlclptila. GO TO HEADQUARTERS I koii runs CONFECTIONERY (irOMK-MADK) TOYS'. Tree Ornaments, &c. Wholesale and Retail. MY CLEAR CANDIES ! Arn nhsnltitelv mire. Sunday Fchools, Churches, Kocletlcs, etc., suplltdat wholesale rates. Ice Cream, Bread and Cab! F. KEITHAK, 104 N. Main St., SHENANDOAH. -i3xr- tho price of one elsewhere. It Ib not nectfBBiy logo about It surreptitiously, as do the gamins in tho picture, if you would take a peep at our elegant display of the latest novelties in dret s goods, cloaks, wraps and rugf. Our More is a little world's fair In It self and visitors may freely inspect the exhibition without being Importuned to buy. Wo have some attractive specialties this week in the line of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, etc. J, J. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street Shenandoah, Pa. . FOE SALE 335rT A.. DAVENPORTJ No. 6 South SAFE INVESTMENT. If yon want n rafe Investment Inspect our nne line 01 ciounog, ary gooos, notions, doou and shoes. New Block Jut received Every article a bargain, as an lniptct on will prove. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 3 S. MAIN STKKlvT, rVatch for the HED HIQN lu rronU'C DO TOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well'inade, fa'hlonable clothes? If so, call on w. cr. gtaoobs, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Call and see samples of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptness Morgan's Bargain15 Bazar,, "HSgJS 9 W. Centre St., SHENANOOAH. i Jardin Street. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS ! 3-IT7-3iS3r AWAY. It will pay you to call at L. REFOWICH'S CLOTH NGrSTORl zo South Main Street. If you wish to procure a good OVERCOAT .lor little money give me a call. All soods rout the sold before Januarv is as 1 am g"lng into the manufacturing bus nrei. Goods sold cheaper than ray oompet' lurs uiu puiciittHU iiieiu. Ferguson : House : Restaurant (Under management of Enoch iiocliett) Cor. fllniii and Centre Streets FIltaT-WjASS LUNCfl COUNTER, Ilest beer, porter acd ales always on tap, CH gars or tno -nnesi crands. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stan 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where be will be pleased to meet the wan' or his mends ana the publio in Procure ono of our Cheat 1'ioivctors, tho Drinking