The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 10, 1891, Image 3

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How Ho IIopos (o Clear Him
self of llio Charge.
flighest of all in Leavening Tower. V. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1839.
iVmninl llcport of tho Secre
tary .of tdid l'ronisuuy. '
Prints in the mM eleAtlt fctt!
Of THE-"
Combined with the medicinal
virtues- of- plants! known to be
most baneficihl ftd-tlie human
system, forming an agreeable
and effective laxative to perma
nently cure Habitual Consti
pation, and the many ills tie
pending ontmveak or inactive
oofiMHon Of.'the '
Itii themostcjccllentremedyltnown to
Wliervoneis Ibtitns or Constipated
- ho i im r
Every one is using it and all are
delighted with it.
ask your oruoc'st for
manufactured oiily oy
I. Baker & Go.'s
from which tho excess ol
oil has hceu removed, Is
Absolutely Pure
audit is Soluble.
No Chemicals
tiro used hi its preparation. It has
more than three times the strength of
Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot
or Sugar, nnd is tbcreforo far moro
economical, coating less than one cent
a cnj). It is delicious, nourishing,
strengthening, easily digested,
and ndniirably adapted for invalids
as well as for persons in health.
Sold by Grocors everywhoro.
W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass.
RleVITciilichaftiid relievo all tlo troubles IncT-
dent to a bllioua elate of the system, such aa
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after
eating, rain In tho Side, Sc. While their moat
Remarkable success has been shown in curing
beaoachs, yet Ooiter'a Little Iter rffls arts
equally valuablo in Constipation, curing and pre
venting this annoying complatntwhllo they also
liver and rogulato tuobowsla. Even If tueyonljf
l uf&r from till distressing complaints but fortu
nately tbelrgoodnonB does notondhcre.and those
whoonco try them will find these little ptllsvalu.
Able in so many ways that they will not bo wll
Sins to do without than. But aftoraUclck head
la the bane of so many lives that hero Is where
wemilioourgroatboiat. OurptlUcureitwhllo
others do not.
1 fiarijr'a rtula Liner Mia are very small nna
very easy to take. One or two pills xnakea dose.
They areotricUy vegetable and do not gripoor
purno, but by Ibe'r itentle action ploaao all who
.use them. IuvmlsatSScontsi nvofortl. Scl3
'by drngeHt everywhere, or sent by mail.
CARTEn McntciME co.. Nzw York;
3anU Counters, Tyler Systom, Port
able, Unequalod In Stylos,
Cost and Flnl3h.
1(0 r.i C.t.losuo i.r Couoitr., tie, Ulutrttxl In
Fu1d.- RhaV.. Pr.. P..I1. l&frnti.
WCTrap!a Also TyleWB n.oyl
onto- trL. and Type
..rltvw fikltliivtS. xou
Hivles. llet and cheap-
I rut on cartu, with great
reduction in prices,
lsu inn- c.tilimu Free. it ct 1'ull He. '
tl.llr.. Tallin, IIodIi, air., ftJway.U .to,L.
8u.rUI work u.da lo firilrr.
tylku Dr.sicco.. Ht.i.oiiu, mo.(v.h.a
Clilcheater'a EnaUab Dlanmud Ilru.
Orlslnal nuHllni; i.ine.
stsrr . itlc t-t o
i lru -triil or Chi t tws : i VI-,
ni'M.l Bnu In tli-A fcliil ( id tut lajlla1
UboiLM 4vli w " i- i i . TsLo
.Vim ntlittr. R f trtjM ' iu Itl' ItitUa
'la it impa lof i' it . i t'lUmoalUs a
'itlif for fiilit." in irtttr, bj riurw
kia Dj U 4'rut; - -
To tet I i
rnr j
an jr. v
U. M7 tW-a & Urvaaway, w Tfttrk.
Ardpnel 1tf Motny;, in Circulation
' A T, V, t.
Been Largely increased,
Tlie Value nf Hxpni-t mid Imports Orent-
irTtfiiuVfS?lflliy rrevMo"us""Ymr Th'n
t5iaHl''UHtMnn-'1 Matter qJ nt ml
giuilmi to bo Mad the Subject tif n
FpPfdtlt CnltilniirHcntlon to Cutitrre..-
Wahiiinotox, Dee. 10. Tho report of
Secretary ol tho Tron'juty' phnrloi Fos
ter shows the rectlpls of the uTopiirt-
inent for tho flsuUl yuar umlinK Juno dQ
o have been $4.iS,ril4,233.U3 nnd tho az-
pundituioi ,$U1,8J4, i70.4(;, leaving a
surplui of i37,2ai),70J.57. To the hitter
mm tvai milled $57,207,U73.57. depoiltL'd
n the Treasury under the act. of Jutv
lfc. 1890. for the redemption of national
Imnlc notes; 0,',Wi,7l! ifeposlted during
the year on tho satnu account; yi,810 re
received for 4 par cent bonds issued ror
Interest accrued on refunding certifi
cate converted during tha yoir, nnd,
$!J4, 133,373. 10 taken from the cash
balance in tho Treasury, lnuklng n total
of 1131,817,033.48 which was applied to
tho pavinent of the public debt.
As compared with tho fliol year of
1SU0. the receipts for 1BJ1 fell olf $0,-
418,847 5i. 'Ihoro was an iucroato of
$57,030, IDS. 11 in tho ordinary expendi
tures, included in which was tho Horn,
refund of direct taxes, $11,031. 4V7."
Hocretary Fostor renews the recom
mendation ol his predecessor for a ro
coiuage of the uncurruiit silver oolni In
the Treasury.
The amount of money lu circulation
has bemi very largely increased since the
close of the fiscal year. The amount
July 1, 1831, was $1,437,410, 707, and tho
amount per capita tux was $23.41. Tho
return of yold to the Unite 1 states, the
operation of the Silver Act of July 14,
lbUU, and disbursements oy tue Treas
ury on account of the 4 l-'J per cent,
loan, pensions, etc., have enlarged the
volume to $1,577,203,070 and the per
capita tax to $24.38.
Ihe value of our foreitrn commerce
Imports and exports of merchandise
durinK the lust fiscal year was greater
than for any previous year. It amounted
to il.789. 307,000, as against $1,047,139,-
(193 durlnx the flica! year 1890, an lu-.
crease of $32,57,913.
Tho value of imports of merchandise
also during tho last lisoal yoar was the
Inrest in the history of our commerce,
nmountlng to $841,1)111,100, as against
$789,810,409 during the tlscalyear 1890,
an increase of $.5,003,787.
The value of the exports of merchan
dise tlurin? the Bauie neriod was 881.-
48J.UUU, as against SfSaf.BW.otjl lor Ihe
previous fiscal year, 1890, nu increase of
$30,052,120. Tho exports exceeded tho
Importa of merchandise $U,0U1,U14.
Tho appropriation by tlie last Con
gress of a sum to compensate Atnerlcnn
built steam-ihlps tor carrying the mails
will greatly oucouraga the building of
shipa in the United States of the class
to which tlit) benellts or tno act aro
limited, namely, those capable of a
speed in many cases of more than 30
Btututo miles un hour, for thousands of
miles, without coaliug, and will tend to
the recovery of our shAre of the ocenu
carrying trade of the world, lu compe
tition with tho steamships of Grout
Britain, France nnd Gormauy.
Those nations, together with Spain
and Italy, hava subsidized their lines of
steam vessels in one form or another,
aud they carry most of our exports,
whloh are usually proiucts of a bulky
nature, and constitute a very large aud
protltnhlo portion of the commerce of the
Our annual customs receipts scarcely
exceod the money paid annually to the
owners of foreign vossels tor the ocoan
transportation of our people and mer
chandise, most of which large sum of
about $200,000,000 would bo paid to our
vessol owners under the fostering in
fluence of friendly legislation.
Witli tho approaching exhaustion of
tho supply of free arable land in the
United States only a trilling percentage
of immigrants uoiv enguge in farming
on their arrival In this country, what
ever may have been their former occupi
tion. The vast majority of them orow I
Into our cltios and Inrge towns, with tl a
inevitable result of overstocking the la
bor market nnd depressing wages, while
the least efficient and more vicious
among them soon drift Into our poor
houses and prisons, to be a continuing
burden upon our people. The laws al
roady enacted by Congress for the pur
pose of checking this tendency and pre;
Touting' (he mischief which would result
from, unrestricted imm gratlon have ac
complished suraothing.
The attempt ta,eu(orce theso laws effi
ciently has alsp developed a ho ly of In
formation, Ixsod dn atj ual experience,
which should bo. invaluable in framing
future legislation, While the applica
tion of existing laws has very gre.itly
dimin shed some of the speciflcahuso nt
which they were aimed, It obviously has
not prevented a large Increase In the
total volume of immigration and n dls
tinot deterioration iu Its averago qual
ity Secretary Foster will address a special
communication to Congress on the sub
ject of Immigration, m which hn will
reooramend additional -restrictive meas
ures. Any leglslatlm looking to exclusion
of tho Chluese will fall of its purpose so
loug as the Canadian Government ad
mits Cblneso laborers to Canada,
whence, armed with Canallun pfrmits
to leave and rr-turrf to Canada at pleas
ure, tbey are at liberty to Invade our
territory nloug Us entire northern
Will Vote With the Imnort.
New Youk, Dec 10. William J:
Odair, elected In November to the As
sembly from the Twenty-second District
us the Jtepublican and autl-Tammany
rnndlilutn. imd lm it was confidently
expected would vote with the Republi
cans, has wrl te.t a letter to uiuunru
Croker to the elf.ict thnt he was a Dem
ocrat nnd favored Democratic measures.
Killed Iluiself III Jt.IL
BiiAMoitlK, Pa., Dfc 10. Mrs. Olean
Ollto commltfel suicide yesterday by
hanging bsrselt in a cell In the sunuury
1e.ll. She had been trrested on ion-
niainr. nr jonn urnsatie oi jcaieriinaHj.
lie charged that the robbed him ot (93
, an IfoVsmber 1, the dy on which isey
?? to hare hees matnod,
Mis. Itlrtmril Latvia Makes a Third At-
tompt ut Snlcliln lu I'lttaburs.
I'lTTSBune), i)ec 10. -Mrs. Mary P.
Lewis, the yoifug wifo of Hiohar'tl P.
Lowls, made anothor desperate attempt
to end her life yesterday. She wa
saved by Constable Helner, just as sho
was springing from the iedg of a tulru
story window of the St. Charles Hotel.
This third attempt of Mrs. Lewis to kill
herself occurred just after her husband
nun tue constable were leaving ner
room in the hotel, where they had called
to Inform her that habeas corpus pro
ceedings would he begun In court to ob
tain possession of his 3-year-old child.
Ihe nurse was iu the farther part ol
tho room, nnd Mrs. Lewis sprang from
her bed nnd on to the window sill,
which is GO feet above the pavement.
Mrs. Lewis will bo guardo.l by two
nurses now. Owing to herdllness, the
hearing in the habeas oorpus ansa was
postponed until to-day. Air. Goorge
Urnstead will not bu the ouly co-respondent
In the divorce proceedings.
Several other well known men have
been traced by letters fouud among Mrs.
Lewis' ellects.
IU chard P. Lewis has Instituted suit
ngaluBt Urnstead for $10,000 damages
for tho alienation, of his wife's affec
tions. A capias was Issued for his ar
rest, but Mr. Urnstead, It is said, has
suddenly left tor, parts unknown.
Ci-ushnil Unilfir a Stfitm Shuval.
Cortland, N. Y., Doc. 10. A fright
ful accident occurred nt noon yesterday,
on tho Elmlra, Cortland and Northern
Iiallrnad, near lSrockton. Whilo.t num
ber of men were at work jacking up a
massive steam shovel in order to gut It
on the trucks and trunsport It to un
other point on tho road, the shovel top
pled over, ssriously and prolubly fatally
injuring three of the workmen. Tho
injured men are: William Smith, John
Wood and Joun O'lloarue. It is foared
that tho three man will die.
My doctor says It acts gently on the stomach,
liver nntl kidneys, unl Is a pleasant laxative. Tuts
drink is mad, Irom herbs, and Is prepared for use
as easily as tea. lllsr-illw
All druggists sell It at uue. and fl.eo per niu kuge.
lluy one to-day. Lane's Fninlly lUeilirino
liluvrs the Itosvrls ntch da). Inordertoba
healthy, this Is necessary.
WANTS, &o.
Advertinemmts tn th(t column, not exceeding
5 linen, fi o for one insertions loo, lor two; St for
three: one week, J1.50; iico weeks, VI; one
uonth, $3.
iVNTEl). Ymiuir fellow about
to i years or age. ivpiuy at
Schmidt's store. llL'l-tr
OH SMjE. One store room nnd
one dwel Inc house. Lot 20 feet front
and Ut) feet de -p. Place, 315 West Co il sireet,
Easy erui'. Apply lo Frank Warnloir.
11-1 l-lm
canva bptb for
T T "A
Adven'ures In tho Mluo.." the only
work ever published nlvlngneomplelo record
and description ot ho gieat mining disasters
ot America Terms liberal. oar-i- i. i
O'Malley, fnntou, Ohio. 11 il It ot sat
NOTIOE Notice is hereby given to
mcrcliauts and others not to trust any
one on mv aeoouni, as 1 wdi not pay any bills
contracted In my name hy others, unless they
uave an oraer signca ny me.
Shenandoah, Pa., Hoc. A, 1891. 3t
"TjiOH SAIjE. The grny team nf
X. horses recently uso l bv t lie Columbia U.
& rt. Y. K Co., No. 1 The hor.ea will bo a
bargaluto lbs pin olia-ers.
1'itArtK itiaviii,
Jolts KlsHsiinWER,
Ji-.kk O'Nkii.i..
l'KANK I'ObltlNfiTON,
JA1U3 MoUoNAI.U, Trustees
Iteranrter the bodies ol deceased luma'e
of the riehnylirlll I'-nmly Almsu mte, not
claimed by relatives of blood nr inarrmge, or
bylrieud or lilenos. wl 1 be sent to the An
atomical Hoard fit Plil'tidelpuiu lor rllssec
tlon, in compliance wun tne tai law ui
upitllca.iou Cl "ivymeu ar,d oi tiers iutetoslcd
ini itiuiiK-iifr niKiioiiiia tiait tin ii.vt u run
wl.l please commu' ic.ioiu,ouce.
j it i.tiAts .i. i itct.tjr.x,
lin.t dof I'oor nirectors.
S0IIUVI.K1I.I. IIAVKV. Nov .10, 81.
Other. The Hoard ot Pixr Directors of
tins uis'nci win itiiure pay tur tut
hnrliil nf linlltf.iut stersnns who tilav die wllh
lu Us bounds, us Ih : bodies of all such should
be taken to tne nresi oxpr ts of ot orBiiio
s Rnt tn the Anatomical llotru nt flilltuei'
tibia In oomnllanne with the Btate law ol
18S). Hod ls of detased travtlers. and ot
those under 10 years ot ago, as well us un
known dead, are excepted, AuutomiCAl
Hoard will pay notnal expenses.
Hoard of I'oor Directors,
SCIIUVI-KILr, IIAVKN, Nov. 30, 1S!)1.
Tnthn ladles of Bhenandoah nnd vlelnlly,
A Sclent flo Dress Culllngand : Maslnsf Uranuh
Hnhnnl Is nnenert In room No. 8. Itobb'ns'
buildlog. over the post ottlce, where pupils
are taken and tauiiht the latest and best sys
tem of cutting and dressmaking The system
is a saving ot time, labor and money and is
readily acquired. AH aredellghlcd who have
teamen it, upeii evouiugs.
ll-e-U BlTHa MiC. HEWITT.
Mi!J&&. rvq (5
K'lled l3 alt l:xtl"dn.
Uottos, Dee. 10 S'.r VtVt" before "1
o'clock yelcr My uftenm-iu an jyuAo
slou occurre 1 in a nre uraeker fifdtory
attached to the fireworks plain of M tsteu
Sc wells lu U'jxtmry., A"lrew sulnttz;
an employe, whs instantly killed, an I
three1 or four other" employes were
severely, though not f.ittliv, iijuroli
lmmidliltely after ' the ucplosiou i tho
building wui iu flames aud was entirely
consumed. '
Sfaaonlo Orili-r or Maxlt-u lBrcosrulcoil.
HoUSToX, Tex.,Dee. 10. At the annual
session of tux Urud lwtge of Mtsons of
Texas, Grand Master Hossemhoy, of tho
Stnto of, Moxico, was intro
duced nndspoki' through U'l Interpreter.
Tho legitimacy of the ,Uasomc Order of
Mexico wat tnen ruuogai.J.i hy ths Ma
Bonry of the UnUefl semes for Jthe first
time. It is expected this will result lu
u benefit to commerce as well us Ma
sonry.. What a Vote of Thanks
Would be pueetl ir babiat could speak of
Dr. Uand's Colic Cure. Thousand Iiavo
beon cured hy It. Absolutely safe. J, M.
inn i rt t tn.-it... j
iiiliHU huu u. u. -Hcuarfciiy, inu uriihtKiats,
giveaway amplos to
tluja who doubt
, A rucflsiuore hygienic for u bath
room than n carpet.
A National Evont.
Tho holding of the World's Kulr In nelly
scarcely tl ty ve-rs old will bo a remarkable
eveut, bui wlioilier ltwlli rnilly benefit tins
nation us imieh as tlie discovery ot the
Ileslorativo Nervine by Dr l-'niultlln Miles Is
doubtrul. i n is is just wnat me American
people need to euro thflr excessive nervous
icss, uyspepsia, neanacuo, uizziuess, sieep-j-snexs.
ueuralnla. uorvous debility. dullnefcs.
couluslou of mind, etc It nets I ke a rliarin.
rial bottles ami tine oook on "rtervous aim
leurt DIoiscs,"wltli unequiil'dtcstltnii.ilals.
frcentO li. Iliigenbuolrs drugstore JI is
warranted to roiidioi no opium, manuaiie or
dangcrovs drugs.
Christmas crcens will soon be ap
pearing iu market.
Mllos' Norvo o,ntt Hvor Pills
Act' on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the nrrvei
A new discovery. Dr. Miles' fills speedily
ome biliousness. bad taste, torpid liver, piles,
constipation, unenunlert lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mlldCBt, purest! Sldoses,
Hints.. Samples Free, nt O. H. llasenbuch's
dms store.
I f... you want lo avoid the rusli buy
you holiday proaents now.
Rouiarkablo Faots.
ITnart illseise Is limillv sutmosed to be In-
curaOloj but when properly treated a large
proportion ol oases ran o curea, inns jirs.
tlinir.t Union, of Eluliart. ind, and Mrs.
Marylj. Haker, ol 0"ld, Mich., were cured
olter -ullerln? W years, S. O. l.lnhur cr.
druzelxtatHiiti Jo'o, 111., says mat ur, mi tea'
NowHoirt Cure, which cured llio lor .ner,
'worked wonders lor his wile." l.ovl ocan.
of liuch man, Mich., who had heart diMnse
torso venrs. savs two bottles made him "feel
llkoa new man." Ur Miles' New Heart CU'e
h sold and guaranteed by (;. II llagenbticli
;lio druggist. Uookof wouderful testimonials
Glitter nutl jet ore very neceasary
aipurtenuuce3 to millinery.
Oh, What a Cough.
Will vouheed the wa-nlnz? Tho clcnal iter
hatunf tbisureanttroaeh of that more ter
rlhle disease. Consumollon. Ask yourselves
If yon can aflord for the sake of savins 5(1
rents, to run Ihe risk nnd do notlilnir for It.
we kuow iroo experience tuai. niiuuua tjura
will Cure your Ooueh. It nevr falls. This
explains why more than a Million llottles
were sotu tue oihl .year, it relieves tvniiiii
ud Whonplne Consh at once. Mothers do
not be without t. For Lame uaok. Kiuo or
Chest, use Bhlloh's I'orous flaster. Bold by
u. tl. tiazeuoucu, rt. i. corner aiuiu uuu
Woyd streets.
A stood many people would llko to
see sleiuiilug ror tno iiouaayn.
Shlloh's Oonoumptlon Ouro.
This Is beyond nuestlon the most sae-
sesstnl Cough Medlotne we ha vo over sola,,
i lew doses Invariably cure the worst cases ot
lougti, croup, ana iironcnitts, wiuie us wpn-
tormi eucces in tno cure oi insuropuou i
nrlthnut a narullel In the history of medicine.
slnoe it's first discovery it has been hold on a
Tiiarantee, a tost which no other medicine
san Eland. It you nave a Cough we earnestly
salt yon to try it. l'rloe lu cents, ou cent, nna
VitQ. It your iiiings are Rorn. Chest or Hack
lame, ush Bhlloh's I'orous Plaster. Bold by
i;. it, tiasennucn, xs. u.. corner juaiu ana
Lloyd streets.
The oneration of IrouiiiK b'ack
stocking niuUta them fade rapidly.
A Yankoo Shorilf Prifrhtoned.
A well known sliBrilr. llving'ln Maine. ws
slvfn no in d a with w nit ins MiysU'lu
called Couhtimutlon. a lrleutl advised him to
try I'aiir'l'lnu (Xiugh nnd I'onsumnllon Cure,
reebt'ery followod, and tho doeior now uses It
ior cou.ns, l.oius anu iiiiKuntiuiun. iriai
bottles lreo ut Klrlln's drus store:
The crescent of tho December moon
now llltiiiilntik'H the evening Hky.
What Father Pablo Varola Says.
CEbWA, Octobei 1, 18K9.
I know several peoi lo who have sulIVred
ureaUv from Ihe eonsequenree of Impure
bl tod, and 1 i n very short whllo have felt
much bettui by using the medicine, which was
sent hero by Hon ltuinon A1V4 for tint pur-
poe. i recomuiujti tins lemetty its ujh
which pr itnees tho best results, aud Is tho
bestof Its kind. llliV.i'AHUj VAHKLA.
Bold at Klrlln's DrugBtore.Fergusou House
Block, Hhenandnati,
Largest aud cheapest stock In town.
Artistic Paiatiog, Grahing ami Decorating!
10.2 6m 221 W. Centre Bt.. BHENANDOAH
201 K. Main St., Bhenandoah.
The Fiasl SIojIc of Beers, Ales, Cigars, 4e.
Trying; to Prove that Several of the Wit
ness ,W anted Mrs. Baruabj Dead,
.' ' ;
fVrlin Worrslls', Uanunlls ami Others
Would lln-niby liar Itauioval Ni)ll
Celicc lit C'larllis An .tile ,lloilr aud tho
fcoor-t Aittupay Also Mtroitfr l'olttts
Wltnoaaos for the l'roanrtitlou on the
Dbwer, Col., Dec. 10. For two long
hours several hundred men mid women
sat In a stilling atmosphere and llBteued
to Judge .Furulan make tha opening
statement for the defense In tho Graves
trial. Tho Judgo . declared that Dr.
(! raves was Innocent, but failed to lay
bare a single fact that would Indicate
how he was going to prove his assertion.
Judge Furman dented that the doctor
had ever admitted that he sent a bottle
of nhlskey to Mrs. iiuriiahy, aud he de
nied that ho and the unfortunate wo
man wero bad friends at tho titnu of her
death, but ho failed to even mention
tlie manner' In whloh her body was jug
gled during the week lifter her death.
Portions of tho body lay for days in an
u ndortakor's olllce, aud although the
Coroner was repeatly asked to take them
nwuy he fulled to do so until the District
Attorney threatened to prosecute him.
It does not require much penetration
,,loi,;of this oareloesnees to clear the iloo-
tor. for it was carelessness. Then the
to guess that tho defence will make
autopsy was mado in private, and why
f'linlil iml, iirHntiln lu.vit 1 i.a.tti I
- " . , 1
1UW1 ll. "J sumo Ul luu Illituy jiersoin wuu
handled it before it ilually got into
possession of the autlioritios.
This Is a very Important point, and
Judge Furman In not alluding to it evi
dently did not care to expose his baud.
There was a good deal of secrocy ob
served by the Worrells at the timo of
Mrs. liarn iby's death, aud tho defence
has seized on this as a suspicious ctr
cumstnuce against them. Judge Fur-
mau indicated in his speech that thoy
know more about her death thau they
care to toll. Old Mr. oriel 1 was bank
rupt, nnd young Mr. Worrell wanted
her money to use In his real ostnto spoc-
Illations. For this reason, Judge Fur-
man said, her death would bene
fit them, as Bhs had bequeathed
$10,000 to Mrs. Worrell, the older.
As Indicated by Mr. Stevons' speech, tho
entire .case will stand or fall ou the tes
timony of Ju'in Conrad Hanscom, the
IMnkerton detective, nnd the 1'rovidcnco
and Boston newspaper men. Judge Fur-
m.Ki.has aj very poor opinion of theso
men. Ho said to-day that Conrad had
purchased tho Boston paper aud had
bought Eastern newspaper men at the
rate of i'M each.
There was ono thins thnt Judgo Fur
man said that will probably have its ef
fect on the jury, and that was that the
Worrells, the Dennetts and old Mr.
Illckey, who aro important witnesses,
are all beuellciarius under Mrs. Uurna
by's will.
Tho prosecution opened proceedings
by calling Ueorgo N. Domott, chief
stamp clerk of tho Boston uoshotUce
Ho testiuod to the time ot chntitrint; the
style of tho lo-cont stamps on heb. iJ,
lo'JU, and that his olllco sold the now Is
sue until July, wheu they were com
polled to return to the sale of tho old Is
J. J. Devlnlsh, the stamp clerk in tho
1'roviuonco olllce, testiuod to no Import
ant facts, and tho defense not desiring
to cross-examine him, the court ad
journod until to-dny.
I T I . f ll.nlti-uil .a tliir.lasflK
Atlantic hiqhlandj, n. j., Dec. io. -
When tho inquest into the death ot
Mrs. Charles T. Loonurd was resumed
E. M. Foster appeared as a witness and
testified that he saw Louis Hariot, tho
man under arrest for her murder, come
out ot tho Leonard house ou tho day
on which Mrs. Leonard was stritnglud.
Just before Harlot come out tho wltuo3s
hud heard a woman screaming in the
house, Thu coroner's jury rendered a
verdict that Louis Harlot murdered
Mrs. Leonard. .
Bmtvsnli- (lnvul lur HpeaWttr Crisp.
Savannah, Gu., Dec. 10. Savannah
is to present to Speaker Crisp a gavel
made out of Georgia pine, handsomely
carved and finished, Inlaid ami mounted
with gold. It will ba a bjRutlftll sonvo-
ulf from th ho ne of his youth. A com
mittee of prominent cltisens will cany
It to Was hi-g to a in a fovvduys.
Tried lo Tolstoi a Olrl
Lowell Mast., Dec. In. Some mis
creant attempted to poisou Kate .dorris.
soy. a youug girl diving at this place,
Tuesday. Some fruit was sent her
sprinkled with ptrts green. Sho par
took of 'It and' was made seriously 111,
Her physicians say, however, that she
will recover. An investigation is go
ing ou.
Threw Her C Itiltt lulu the Canal.
11L1KALO, N. Y., Dee. 10. Elleu
Hughes, 'A3 years old, a nutive of Kutt-
land, was arrested yostorday, charged
with having killed horiufan'. by throw-
Inn it into tho can ul. Sho confessed.
The child Was Illegitimate; nnd the
woman had no means of caring tor It.
St.. a t,U N.tttlnllly.
Brooklyn, N. Y., Deo. 10. At 12:30
this morning the jury In the case ol
Darwin J. Meserole, on trial lor thf
minder ot Theodore Larblg, which had
goue ou ut 0:15 last evening, returnel
a vera let o. not. guilty.
Tho Prlncotou football team has
elected 1'Jnllp King to the o.iptuiucy ol
the elovou for tho ousutui; year.
Two attachments have been gotten
out airalost tho Progressive Banellt Or
der, of Newark, and mauy peoplo are
clamoring for their money.
Wm. Gleason, a tramp, wai cut In
two by the 5:15 p. in. train from New
York, while ou the tracks ot the Ponu
sylvanla road at Newark.
Abram Parks, ot Newark, foil down a
coal shute in Woodslde. Ho received n
compound fracture ot the okull, and
died at tho city hospital soon alter.
Y. J. Thompson. "Tho Duke of QIou-
cester." who has been on trial charged
with keeping a disorderly house at the
Qloucester race track, was asquiiieq
yeaterda at Camden. ,
I cent a foot
J will pay for chnnoing tho np
pearanco of old Furnlturn no
completely thnt Itwlll look Hko now.
y is the name
of the paint that does it.
Purifies tho blood bv
LfdlilKr tlir, inmm iiirs iln-mi,rh
P0,11,1g t'lO UnpUIItlf h t lUOUgll
tllO propt.T chllfircls UU1 tlGVCr
t L
l' Hi'
UilUSt'S ITU IHKHIB Ull bllU' Slilll.
Kcirulatcs the bowels Cures
tiyspepsm, iivcr ami lutiney
troubles, tone.s up the system
and gives you anappi tite.
ISTever fails to cure any con-
.1 Unn i-,rnrliifi'fl bv imniirr or
(llu011 prOHULtU UV impure Or
impoverished blood, or a dis-
ordered State of StOmilcll j HVOI
, .
or kidnevs.
Sold at Klrlln's Drug store,
Ferguson'! Hotel Mock, Shenandoah, Pa.
M ill prmnptly rdMe the uyl dis
tressing caem nf Aciito or Chronic KIipu
mtttidiii or Oout. Hy itrictly otperTlDg
me uireciiQiia. itniu cur
tiro juu lermau
t'tillkt th tiutuerou i renarntloni .hit flnHl
thecouotrt . ttili nicilltliie Is a ppwillo for ih
Tarloua for mi oitliruiuatlira onl, md uol lo
iv I'ti' ft cureftii" line tattle will mak
oatlifilt'torT Imnfi union on tha aveti nt. anit
la connection iih tho illti, iot-o the jiilTVnT tHatw
the preper remedy Un Iwce ronud. Vtu ere cerncitlr rc-
qu k (fit to tint Ihe nirrit ef
IVUIIUL n Jill l,U tliA 1 11J 1
ft Itl laabls proper ti ere tuOuncd by tQ&lredi of the
ii Tin n riDK inuiimm!!.
Onl vrgetiible ingrellfni, rrmtkblo ft-r thflr cnrftllTti
inert, tvre u-i t in 11 f m ui uinrture or KKUl T a
J1.C3 Far Ccttlo. 6 E:ttles, 5.00. HUs, 25 Cts. B:r.
It vmir ilorckcrrifr (l.e not kvp it, tend to the
umiicmrer, ena iou win rvacnt it n, nmn.
3037 Market btroot, I'liliud'a. V.
Newly Refitted and Renovated.
3 XX jaSrXJXTGr,
Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I
Under Fosiolllco Building,
Main and Oak Sts., Slienandoali.
.T-Hot and cold balliB. Polity, prompt nnd
careful atieutlou
tOB North Fourth St.,
OUO bol. UrMD, FMILADitl Ull
Ihi only fceulo fjvrmea Ainetietxa
HpneielUt " the L'nitcd tli wte It
ftblo to cure BtOOd Po!On
Nervous Dobillty Sp
clnl Dlaenses ' to eex,
Kkln Dlwft' HdSpeUPMnlo UM
It' uht) riroilfi, EmpUotii oft or
bfcr4 tlcn. Swelling, Irrltatlooe.
IiifUmnifttlona n4 Konuloji,
blrii mrii, W'tjukofi end Early
itvxr tut rafmiirj weak nl menial enxlet? Kliofj n
lli-ili.r lU-ae ami all Hi need n-ultlne trm t?'
In lis r tlon cr llr. rwnrlt K'Cnl rawn.un-d to 4 to 10 neji(
rtHtf at euoe l noi Iom tmrw tin maltcr what
Uhin boater, Quark, nii.h or Ilf i tlal Phvl-tan h llT
ir. iiiMvia swrt-e posntveiy
tulaeii. om oi s. Minnte ntm rwrwi cntiiiriiTiwe
LieRH'tii rl h ur t.MU men i uium
"TPUTH" npt-lti QinwUsi midi r tworn tllnirtital.
II Vii Mallv hun I M S Ft 6 to 9 Wed and 8W
Itr H 6 t.. 10. Hun 1t 9 (ill 11. Writ,' or call ana M
rar rUtaraotf aee wojo. v Baiuru ' -
If you want to pop a fine !iplny ot liootsand
Boot nnd Shoe Store,
(MoeteUer's old stand,)
Corner Coal nntl Jardlu Ht.
Cuetotu Work nnd Rcpnlr!isr
Doue In the best style.
Dealer lu all kinds of
Shoemakers' : Supplies !
Large and first-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Suppliea
Kerguson House building, SHENANDOAH, PA.
26 West Lloyd Htreet, ehenandoah
-aL---l lAa- - I - 'aMal