The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 10, 1891, Image 2

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The Bnnk Clork and tho Dy
immitor Not tho Snino.
Identity of the )d Bomb Thrower as
ts, 8at a Mystery m Ever- ,
Conntently Tlimixht V-simlay tliHt Ha
M'as .1 oliii llorburt Phillip., fur rmnio
Tlma Ktliplnretl In tile, llntiovrr N
tlnnnl llHiikfW1if IIh4 Orttui 'I lirnteltf d
'uiUfi1lsl., nlul Kaltl In Ktittw it Way of
Onttlng ii million Out of (lolll.l DIioot-
red AllvnJii Chloaxn.
Nw YoiiK. pec. 10. Dstecfcive 3o.
J. Aiken, o'l tho lliuiovur National
Jlank, 'and John Mai Buy, an ex-clork ot
the same Institution, sturted yesterday to
make a sworn identification of tho tie id
dynamiter who wrought death anil
destruction In Kussell Suva's ollloe last
l'rlday. They said tho ui.iu was John
Herbert Phillips, who was omployod
with them for eomo yean as un assist- I
ant bookkeeper In the buUfc. A dis
patch from Chicago, however, last,
nltfht, showod that Pliilllpi was alive iu
that olty.
Phillips was with, the bsulc for throe '
years, Ills salary was $700, but it Is
claimed that as 1'iiiliips was a' society
,mau In ltrooklyu that sum was not i
enough for him. lit oider to provide
hitiuelf with sulllcmnt fuu Is It is fur
ther charged he embezzled iu small I
amounts about ja.OOO, aud It was owing
to this theft that Detective Aiken's ut- '
toutlon was particularly ilrawu to him I'
as be was engagud la ferreting out the
Uo'saw the head In the glass rocepta-
.yesterday at. he Morgue. It w... not i
iu a good state of preservation, but uveu
under those disadvantages ho Identified
It as belonging in Phillips.
He said tuat he has bail exceptional
cause to study Phillips's head, as ho had
him under observation while he was un
der suspicion in the batik and on ac
count of his peaullatities.
Detective Aiken gave tho following
points of Ideutillcatlou: The head hu was
uru of,audthis was strengthened by the
fact that the dynamiter wore such a
email shoe anil had such a small leg that
It was at first supposed when these por
tions ot his body were found among tho
ruins that they were believed to have
belonged to a woman.
rhllllps wore a i 1-2 shoe and was
very dainty about his dress. He was
often joked by the other clerks on his
girl's legs, as they callod them.
Mr. lliusey said that Phillips was al
ways dissatisfied with his condition.
would suddenly start swearing over
his work ail'1 Uie obJectl of hu wrath
wore alw'ay capitalist "al Wealthy peo
pie. He often argued on flnanolal matters,
and bulievod that the wealth of the
world should be equally distributed.
He was olluu hoard to say that ha ho
nored he knew away of "bluillng Gould
out of a million." Mr. Massey said
that Phillips was undoubtedly crazy.
ritillips was last seen In New York
two months ago.
A dispatch troni Chicago givei this
Information concerning tlto man Phil
lips: Dispatches from New York state
John lleriicrt Phillips Is supposed to
have been the man who threw the dyna
mite bomb at Uusiell Sge after de
manding $1,'J00,0'.K). Phillips, the man
referred to, was in Chicago early last
He callod at the office ot the Com
mercial U.tnk uud presented a card
showing that he was or had bean con
nected with the Hanover National Il.infc
of New York. After Introducing him
self to David Vernon, the assistant
cashier, Ph d lips said he had been tho
protest clerk ot the Hanover National
Hank, but was no lunger in Its employ;
that he had been in Dover and was then
returning Ktst. As Mr. Vernon recol
lects bint Phillips was a dapper young
man with a dark mustache and hand
somely dressed.
During the afternoon of the same day
the assistant cashier of the Hanover
National, who happened to be In Chi
cago on his vacation trip, dropped into
the ofllce of the Commercial National,
and iu conversation with Mr. Vernon,
said that Phillips had never been pro
test clerk of the Hanover National, hut
had at one time occupied some minor
clerical praition. He did not give Phil
lips tho highest character, and spoke ot
hint as being a trifle flighty at times.
Phillips's father was u retired sea
captain ot considerable menus, While
calling at the Commercial National
Phillips tliil not apply for a position or
ask a favor ot any kind.
The matter croatol much comment In
hanking circles downtown, as Phillips
was quite well known, and also owing
to tho fact that Kussell Sage partially
Identlllod the uiau from a photograph.
Duatll of 1'i'of. DonultNoii.
llAI.TlMofu:, Mil., Dee. 10. Dr. Francis
Donaldson, tor many years profeinor of
diseasos ot the throat aud chest in the
University of Maryland, aud one ot the
most distinguished physloiaus la Ll.tUi
more, is dead, aged U'J years.
The Hoard ot ltegouts is in annual
session at Albany.
The annual meeting ot the New York
Slate Merino Sheep Dreaders' Associa
tion Is iu session iu itochester.
Gossitt & Sons' barrel factory, at
Janiestown.'was destroyed by lire yettor
day. Loss, $5,000; iusurauoj, $ J.3JJ.
Hughes 11 rot., ot Syraajsa, arj the
lowest bidders, at 9 5 J J, far tho re
pairs to the public buildlug at Syra
cuse, .
The trial ot Asa.mblyman Frank Dem
iirist ut Nyack, tor lorge ry, was con
cluded yesterday, and Is now iu the
bunds ot the jury.
Mlolmol Sliuey who Is charged with
the murder of Kobe it Lyous, in New
York, has made a statement accusing
Lyons' brother and mother ot the crime.
Joseph U Ties, for the murder ot his
wife, was seuleucua jesterday at Koch
ester. N. Y., to bo executed at Auburn
Prison on some day during the week ot
Jan. IB.
Louis Ii. Lane, u young lawyer ol
Uatavia, lias eloped with lliu Kieanor
Ttbbetts of Ana Arbor, Mich,, a book
keeper. They were married la IhitXalo.
Mr. Lant was engaged to be married to
lllis Oracle Mors of this plso about
FLovvrn's staff.
7;." "T;r4Bh,!;.b "H
WatLt-, N. V., i7e0. lO.Wfovcr- A ,"'n"', '1,'Br cl 4
nor-eK.ct F.ovr.r alves the following Hit- J11"''"1 "IU" Ju'UHf puHr for
of Lis siaif appointments
I Adjutant-General Joslah l'ortor.
I Insprotor-Ueneral Colonel MoGrath
of Albany.
Judge-Adrooate Ueuerat 'Af F. JetikB
'of Ureotclyii. - . . .
Surgeon-General J, ll. Ilryant oFNew
Ohlot of Krtglliera-l'lmor,0, Hick!
1 ett of Troy. ' ' '
Chief of Artillery Ferdinand P.
Esrle, of New York.
I Qjiart,erinnstur-Gsueral William W.
: Wast, of Hamilton, i .
Paymaster-O'diiernl i-f Frederick j Wi
Ilalsoy, of New York'.
I CommiKilonai'-Udiieral of Subsistence
(J. 1). Sanford, of l'eaksklll.
I Qenoral Inspector of Kills Practice
B. M. WlntlpipkJ of IW Yo-k.
I Aldes-de-Oailip-Jabbb ''Tiuppart, ot
Now York; John JIcGee, ot "Watklns;
Thos. K. Bloun, of New York; VlMl S.
Honors, of Hudson; W. L. Divis and
Hobert Gner Monroe, of Now York.
Note llniker llrnmlail Over Ills
rulllire,-nml rlmtlly Mlcciilu1,til.
New York, Dec. 10. Abraham Back
er, the dealer In commercial paper,
whoso failure on Auttust 13, with liabili
ties of several millions of dollars, aston
ished the country, died la this city yes
terday. Ho was (17 years old. Ho brood
ed greatly ovor his misfortune aud in
ability to get a settlement from his
ci editor, aud, when attacked with Ill
ness, could not bear the strain and suc
cumbed. Mr. Hacker lias been In business In va
rious pints of the South, In Philadel
phia anil In this city. For the past tan
oars Uo hail done n large business In
commercial paper, and bundled the na-
l'Z?f ,b be,,b ',0?,B8, iQ tul), su'h
Ihoutlnvet busllle" n tul
became enormous, amounting
to as
mticii as $ lo.uuu.uju a year.
Ilniiso or Colonial Days lluinml.
Hkd Hank, N. J., Dec. 10. The lorge
and commodious residence of Edwin
lleokmnu, an extensive farmer ot Mid
dletowu, was burned yesterday. The
house was erected by Oerge Crawford,
an ancestor of William lieekman, before
the revolution, and was the best type ot
colonial architecture in Monmouth
county. Tho building was filled with
antique furniture und family heirlooms,
which were highly prized. The loss Is
about $12,000.. Hut a brief period back
Mr. lieekman's outbulldlugs wore burn
ed. Seventeenth Iticahtllnry Fire.
Cortland, N. Y., Deo. 10. At Homer,
three miles from here, a lire ot incendi
ary origin caused considerable destruc
tion of property. An unknown fire
fiend set the barns of James Lawrence
ablaze and succeeded In causing, their
complete destruction, together with
their contents. Mr. Lawrouce's loss ag
gregates $.2,000, no part ot which Is cov
ered by Insurance, This last outrage
constitutes the seventeenth Incendiary
Ore that has taken place iu that neigh
borhood in the last two months.
Joaqntii sutler's AVuywivtl Ron.
San FitANCisco, Doc 10. There is
much intorest in the 22-yenr-old son of
tho poet, Joaquin Miller, who is under
arrost at Ukiah for the robbery of the
Ukiah nud Eureka stago. Young Mil
lor was arrested under the name of Jos.
McKay, aud his idautity was accident
ally discovered. His mother was Min
nie Myrtle, Joaquin Miller's first wife,
who dlod lu New York some .years ago.
Harry Miller Is said to have served a
term at Portland, Ore., also under an
assumed name.
I)ani't0l' Huns foe Dntnaes
Boston, Dec. 10. Chnrles M. Pierce,
alias Samuol Piore, who was arrested
and Imprisoned at Fort Warren for do
uertiou, and who sat up the defense ot
never having enlisted, is now seeking a
monetary lialin for the injuries and
mental sufferings he endured while In
confinement. He has commenced au
action against Major William Sinclair,
the commandant at the Tort and also
commander of the Second Artillery, in
which ho lays his damages In tho sum
of $25,000.
Mhlpy Must Aufcwur for Ills Aft.
HnsTOV, Dec. 10. Preston H. Sibley,
ot Brooklyn, Conn., has bsen summoned
by DIstrlot-Altorney Stevens to appear
before the Grand Jury to-day to answer
to the charge ot arresting Wm. Phillips
iu Lowell nud taking him to Connecti
cut without requisition pnpars, which,
according to law, is criminal, The
Governor will probably demand the ro
lease of Phillips, and the punishment ot
Sibley. It appears that Sibley has done
the same thing before.
Virginia Will Aid Sirs. D.lvli.
Hioiiuond, Vo., Dec. 0. A proposition
win suomltted to the City Council Mon
day nlglit to allow Mrs. Jefferson Davis,
t.liH Wlilnw nf t in I'rtirfltl Hut. nf t.lm I ion.
feduraov, a resideuce in this city for the
remain ler ot her life. It Is to be In
tills city and is not to coit over $2,1,000.
A proposition is soon to be mudo to the
Legislature to nllow Mrs. Davis a pen
sion of ?l,uiw a yoar during nor life.
I'atally Attmtull,l by Tramp.
NuWAliir. N. J.. Dec. 10. John War
ren, an old man ilviu near Keruly, N.
J., was assaulted by u trump last night
from the eilacts of which he will tile,
The tramp knocked him dowu, kicked,
him, n wilting three ot bis ribs, ana also
stabi e I htm.
Tbn Charg-A llliinUsnl.
AuiANY, N. Y., Dec 10. Guv. Hill
has d siu Ked the charge presented
some time uuo against frame 11. Peas,
Dlstr.ct Ut'iruey of deirerson county.
He ho d that the chaig 8, which have
I wen uuly investigated, have not been
llradenvllle, n mining vllluge twelve
miles near ureensliurg, was visited Sun
day night by a lire, winch destroyed ten
dwelling houses and $2,500 lu money la
one of the houses, lotal loss, fJo.OOOj
little lusuranoe.
The Grand Jury returned n true bill
yesterday iu th libel suit Ot Senator
Quay against W. A. Mellon and W. II.
Porter, proprietors ot the Heavsr "Dally
The resldeooe of George Ammsrman,
at Port Matilda, was burned yssUrday
morning and two ot bit children, agsd 1
ud 4 year, were burmsd to ieath.
im, flrise
Hie Anion
an hnmn, Tk, m
The iVcss hat tho bcfrposllble organfssi
llon to secure nawn fronfThB most limor
iMiit soiiroes.'a'iid with nnurtv 400 corres
poiini Jif, .'lVnApylvapi(j,'',Nv .JpTo.Vi
aud DelawAtu, tjia tate anilnenr-at-homA
news it covered wllh n routlrm carefulnett
i'id attention luySetall net uvun attunpled
W nV Mb Mer. t j "
The JVs hatjsUo the belt of oorreipon-d-nts
in'nirthVgTrtiituinHt '6T"llio TJiilted
SWKss, si welp s -flntcil'-''Bnd railroad
Mpertf in Onicago and tho "West, who
Ifopp the liapef fnoro than1' uCrenst wllb
Th( oolumhf 6f tho SUiuiaff Prtsi rt'e
onricliett by cntitributidns from thoso
whota nsmes aro wrifton High In our lieW
o" great author, novelislt, wsayiets, as
II-i lls from mfln of high rank in public
lifo; "Tlte''bnst author lrnow' that their
ltt i udiencoft'li'thhH readeVi of tho daily,
Sunday, and U'tAty i'ftU.
' In wines The I'ret's Vndwj nooljior
matter ibim the peoplo andtho past yar
tassein, as has been ?f5en "b-fofo,' the
narked fact that it U subservient t6 no
political host, iriias'no political ambliionB
t fosler, but looks aflcr thfl' InWrosts of its
rt, dM, and delivers iUeff d1on tup itsuts
ofthutlav in it 'mjjtih'or vbolb fmnk and
f arli'ss, letting tho ' laott s.ak lor them
wdvei and evading rfb liquet (jut meosing
llmm all on the barfs of ftlf- plsy to all
men at all limes. Its pages know no din
unctions and llie rigblt tlf'ono claisover
another are neither recognized norup
porled. ' ' ' ' J
Adv rtieemonts of Help,' Want' d, Busi
ness, Opporturi'ilins, Ileal liiiate, elc , msy
be insertod in JVie J'rcss, for one cont a
Tonus Hy moil, pnslnjro free iu Ibo
Uniiod S'.atos nud,Cannda:' Daily (except
SundayKono your, 0 00; Daily (except
Sundi.), one month, fjOo; Daily (inciu, ine
Sunday), one year, ?7.C0; Dallj (including
Sundiy), one month, G5cj Sunday, one
year, 82 00; Weekly Press, ono year, ?1 00.
Drafts, checks and olhor remittances
should be made payablo to tho order ,of
Tub 1'kisbs CosTtaky, Limited, Philadel
phia, Pa.
Tits Mlnur Urlleers.
WabiiinotoN, Dec. 10. Tho struggle
for the minor offices or plnoes about the
House continues, Fully two-thirds of
the employes of the House In the Fiftieth
Congress aro here oxpocting to he rein
stated to.thelr former positions.
Another cold wave soon.
Set rigid
all tho proper functious of wo-
1,I n Plnr'a TJ,ml
lliutjjiuuil. ji x i-aiuiiiu
Prescription is tho remedy. . It
regulates ana promotes tncir ac
tion, anil removes tho obstruc
tions and suppressions which causo
trouble and misery. At tbo two
critical periods in a woman's life
tho change from girlhood to woman
hood, and, later, the "chango of lifo"
it is a perfectly safe and an es
pecially valuable remedial agpnt,
that can produce only good results.
It's a powerful, invigorating tonic,
and a soothing and strengthening
ncrvino ; a legitimate medicino
purely vegetable, perfectly, harm
less and carefully adapted by an
experienced physiciau, to woman's
dulicato needs.
For all the deraugeracnts, irregu
larities, and weaknesses peculiar to
tho sos, tho " Favorite Prescription "
is a roniedy so certain that it can bo
guaranteed. If it doesn't give satis
faction in every case, tho nionoy is
returned. No other niediijino for
women is sold in thh way. i
No other medicine can be.
pinitausor"' this wur,
v, j. risuausoN, mkaokii.
Five hl'i shows In one,
I Parisian Folly & Spectacular I
Introducing clmmln; q'leens of burlesque.
cra'moiiooi ni wspei'iantes, novel ucis anu
luuuv comfdlauN. enchtnllnt? muslo and
tvret s'hikIu, boaulllul aitf resplendeut
A L'nrL'Cous nroductlon and bnrlesnue ex
1rvagan7,a, "ilutl.tlo Hill Alir.mrt. aud Ills
l'retentttlon to Q.icen Vlct'irl." Correct Im
personations by hurlefquo bqajtlet of the
tjiioen and her ladies, court gentlemen and
loiu, nau cowDoys 01 uie plains.
TIiu Anvil Cltorua !
8he the wonderful fire errecls, lh reillstlo
fnrKe si'eue. rineen hsudsome young mull's
an Keeping nine on inuicaianviis. wonniuu
loewlththo ireatsneolamilar bnrlesnue. "Tho
jiacneiors' ikh," iui
lutroduotn; a genuine bal-
icon ascension
Iaricrs, 25, 35 and 50 Ccutti.
fc'caU on sale nt Klrlln's drug store.
1 0$ W ,n
1 I
ita batdta iwiBcf Vain 4 CM
B A. VJ! you -tried oui
yet? rF nqt, doso
stest, F
I tnado and
Gludtlen llm liMit-lu nf Mm liiiia....,.,
'I'V.'l'i'".''1"1 rrom mir luiiiieiiee Btouk of T.yH
nlifimVeltlp, - DnHB.'-cto. - ,Cnll,ynnweif for uny
--'If iLW0"an1lti "willow WHre,5rocVt.ry,i,'lHf,8Wnre
Ifiiinl uliif.n u full
of l)rilit, nnv uoods and very clioan.
Itptd s Vj'unt Antl-niiiit'
,,imiib i run wu re. tleadqliarterrf for , llocliester
VMe niid i' lino liitnps. Uomo and see our new
Sylvia Banquet Lamp,
Id M Centre Sired and 3i North Main Street, Shcnandoab.
Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Sleighs !
China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &e.
To ministers of the gospel &nd school teachers, 10 per cent, off on all goods
bought. All goods must be gold before January 1st, and no reasonable offer
lefused. 'nil early and have the pick of the lot. You can select what you
want, which will qe set aslde,on payment of a small deposit.
V Str3 ST)
The highest grade of'Cocoa
n l i-r.-i
J. lire iti in i'ii.Ki.-iMi, l'.liih: mihhiiii hi; wiumiii u;.
ill l
will be lield lu
December 14 io 18, '91.
Sliljor Jlenrif C. J)ne
One of tne sreatrst Orators and Wor t Paint
cri. lie ha? made a tour around the wurli
wlthasucciss l.ttleless lhau marvelous.
Ir. James T. Ilerttry
The sroat Orator of the West, "The Sunny
Hide of Uto."
Jit's OUI Torbrt ami Iter Concert Co
MIsi Ollio Torb 'tt. Violinist.
Hltrnnr Vlltoria Uaooirlnl. HuDrnuo.
lllss Paulino Munirgriiro, Unulralto,
miss I'.ui'ii I'onn. Hinging ueauer.
Mr. Gustavo T.i dberg, Teuot.
.Moos, iiestor uorjier, i-ianisi.
All eminent aud popularartlsts.
Marshall'. Wilder, i'he GrPat Humorist.
iio rara riisiers quartette;
lilts Annie A- Park, Cornet and Z'lhcr.
MI-sGeort!le 1'. Park, Unmet aud Mandolin.
Miss Katie UePa Parte, Cornet Tr ubouo and
Miss Ada I. I'a-lc. Cornet and Mandolin.
AI.l. SOU) AltTlfTS
From (he Jloilon 'JYantcrlpt: "The Tarlt
CuttcerlO uii.iuay g vo one ui their popular
conceits Monday evening Th i ntlre ron-ert
t as received wl Ii ranlurous applause asl. icy
appearo I In tho rdlll'erent selections. They
aioadurlsts, aid deserve all the applause
the tlelljltle 1 nudleaoegive hem."
mail Boiiooi, dUAKTKrrE.
Uliilo voices.)
Bocirlns Ueservod Heats, Jj551,1?i.7;,;,.,l,Jo
Blngle admission.... GOo
The nlntrt fir the sale of reserved seat tick,
ets willbeopensd at, the b r ulllfe of Va gu
son's Theatre, on Saturday, HecemberS, at
10.30 t. in. llafnra opening cua' t partlfs de
slrlugto urchase tickets drill draw numbers
for position la, line. Unci teacher In line
msy purojass any number of tlcnots not ex
ceeding twenty, and eucli citizen In line may
imrdidse any uumber not exceeding ten.
The representative of eaoli district will be
required to prudent to the tlolcetngent a list of
the names or the teac lers lor whom he buys
tickets. Any person may Jota ti e line a
second time with the same privileges' asM
After DeoemiierS the chart will be open at
Kirun-s urug s ore
i)oorsop"n H7 ), m, Kntortulnment com
meuce at 8.
Trains artor each evening entertainment to
all nnloU on 1. V. H. K. between Ashland
andUalano. ArrinecutenU (or special trains
o other points on 1.. V. It, It and l'enn'a II,
H ran be tnado wllh Hunt. A. f . Ulaksloo,
llelano.aua u. o. Kiwu, rotisvuie.
U. W. WE18.
County Huperlntendent.
Largest and oldest reliable purely caih com,
panles represented by
120 S, JardmSt, Shenandoah, Pa,
our fino QA.MT DIES
atoncoSfj Ttvbntv
Pound, all kills. M
warranted absolutely pure.
Glassware, Crockery
Nlco ilno of
the fainout
nPHEUE Is nionoy In it for you If
you purchase ymir holiday goods
fiom us. Five hundred styles drcsccd
dolla, from 5c to $t 60 each. Dolls
show?, stockings, truuks, tables,
bureaus, clialrs, tolletsets, palut boxes,
writing dfBks, doll swings, air rlllea
"drums, trnlus of ears, guu boatf anil
other articles run by steam, A large
lot of 'Mechanical toys, toplchrsts and
all tho latest games, AUG and build,
lug blocks,"'
imiu .
Antique' silver toilet auu uiaulcure
sels, dictionary and biolo stand hold
ers, hook and ladder and Are engines,
tin stoves, German tops, trumpets and
many other articles lu this line.
manufactured. Perfect!'
i l.i l "ii l ;j
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
-NOV 15, 1891..
Passenger trains will leave Bhenandoah for
Mauch Chunk, Iiehlgblon, Hlatlngton, Cats
sauqua, Allentown, ltethlehom, Easton, I'hll
sdclphla and New York nt 6.47, 7.40, B.03 a. m.,
12 S2, 3.10, 6.28 p. in.
For Uelvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
Btr judsburg at Ml, a. m.,and 6.26 p. m.
For Lambertvllle aud Trenton, H.0S a, m
For White Uaven, VVllliea-llarre and FlttB
,nn RJ? OfW llll n m 9 III .l CM). u
UUI I W.W, ll.-l. II. m., ,1.111 MllU ll.'J ,J. 111.
ForTuntcbannocb, 10,11 a. m., 11.11) and 5.IS
p. m,
For Anburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyont
iv.ii Hi iu., an'i o.i p. in.
For Laooy vllle, Towanda, 3nyre, M'averly,
IClrnlra. Uochceter. Huffiilo. N lactam Kails.
Oblcago and all points West nt 10.41 a, m.,ana
For Klmlra and the West via Balamanca at
a.iu p. m.
l"or AudSnrled, llazloton, Stockton,
her Yard. Weatherlv andl'enu Haven .Tnne
tlonat5.1f,7.40,,OSa. m.and 12.62, 3.10 and
7,40 . Hi. ,
For Jeanesvllle, Levlston and Beavei
Meadow. 7.40. 9.03 a. m. aud 8.26 n. m.
Kor Hcraclon at 5,47 9.08, 10.41a. m. 8 10 and
i:w p. to..'
ror naxie urooa. joauo. uriiton ana tree
land at 6.17. 7.40. 9.08. 10.41 a. ra.. 12.U 3.10 and
6.2S p. m.
f or nuasan e at 0.17 na ' "8 a. m., ana
3.10 n. m
For WlgTftne, Gllberton and Fraekvllle Pt
S.Wand8.u2a m.,and 4,10 p. m.
f or xatesvuie, atananoy utty .ana jieiano,
5.47. 7.40. 9.03. lo.ll. tt.m.. 12.02. B.10.5.28. 8.03. U11U y. IU.
lor umi ueeit, jiraravnie ana Asmana
t,. I.U, O.I1A, M. 111., 1.W, l.W, .1V, U.AJ
8.C0 and 0.14 p. m.
For Darkwatw. Bt. Clair and 1'Dtt.tvlUo
6 50 MO, 8.62, 9.03, 10.41 a. m., 12.62,3.10, 4.10, 6.2a
p. ra.
For Ilnck Mountain, New Boston and
Morcit, 7.40, 'J.03, 10.11 a. u.., 122, 3.10,, 5.20 and
For Haven Run. Centralla. Mt. Oarmel and
BhamoSln, 82, and 10,15 a. in., 1.40, 4.41
.sju D.iju tr. ui.
Trains 'cave Shamoktn for Bhenandoah.
7.56 11.55 n. m., 2.10, 4.30 and 9.30 p. ra arriving
atHhennndouh, 9.05 a. m., 12.32. 8.10, 6.23 and
u.u 'n
li'nr t.ntlV- iVurlenrlnd. Kllvtir HrnnV .Tntin.
tionn'i Jiazi ion 8ii7, 7 4U, u.u, ana
m., 12 62,3.10, &JX dnd B.I 8 P. m.
euimai iuaiite.
For Lost Creek. UlrardvlUo and Ashland.
o.ju, v.iu 111 a. in., p. mi
For UarkwKter, Ht. Utulr and HolUVllle
3.00. 9JW a. m.. 2.45 o. m.
f or xaiesviue, mananoy vuy ana ueiano.
l.v, iij u, m,, i..u, iiiv, i. iu.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Harleton, 8.01
a' m., u, tit:
1 ,. 1 1 .... ..V. Ml.n.1. .klnklnH I31.II..I..
1'ui mnuuu uUUUII. 1AU1III.11Uj oiaiiusmju,
Oatasanqua, Allentown, llethlohem, Eastoi;
aoaxiaw xorK, e.wa. m., i.iup.m;
r ot rmtauetpuia, i.ivi p. in.
fc. 11. HYINGTON,
Uen'l Pass. Act., Ketblchera.
Green Truck Stand !
Car. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily,
A floe line ot Choice GUOCKIUES
Nuts and Candles.
JPottltry of all Kinds.
Mr. Costlet receives his green truck dallv
from the city markets, which Is a guarantee
to his customers that they will receive fresh
UUU. V11-U UUJ 1 J1U1U 11 1111,
Kaat Centre Btreet; Mahanoy CUT. Pi
Dn M)a au poiai wmh a spccuuuy,
r Iji iijrt,8h)tiiu.ihi Ketulirxii rtauroad
Tiiite JWtKjtn rffett Knr. iff IH1
Mg-VSTk via fijllartenmm, wo diiyf
iFV.Vil 'i. in. ami -id m , c
Hl01a2.1U aud e. m. Far JVn
rk. Vltt. Muhnh ('hunk oos.. am.
P r Hustdlng and Phllartcfonui
' "i ui, itm ia.o HE1II
week dayi.
I(L i.Jh. 7.91 1 tx tn t or In . s
... . . wuu , 4TO CTt ltl t.ntf ii,
10,7 AI a. tart
' Allbn?bn,
week days, 7.11 i. lA. 12.SS
hio 1 la,
.''!." ottavltw, week dftyg, 2.u, t.V).. oj.,
C 4 uni "'' Xl ra uday. WO ana ii
.'irlri4','iua- nna Mahanoy (Jity'. week
la'i,,S-ivr.l, , m,, 12 35 tM?,lna Tm
l Bnnday, 2.10 aud 7.48 a. m., iWn, m.
tdJlllOM' r, t atitnoy Ully, wi aaya 7.00
lja.'2.''U!T and Columbia, week flays,
week Jay.. ;j.2, 7.M anil H8i a. m.. 135, 7.8
. iimuuy iu., a.oj p. m.
or Mahanoy llano, mice, days, S,10 3.25,
,, 7.S0 and 11.3) a.m.. 12.H5, IM, !i.B0,,6.53
.mi one i.. . ra, Sunday, 2 10, s.25 and 7,
. m. 1.05, f.30 . ai.
rt,r Qlrardvllle fRiinnAhannnflir Mtattnni
.SJIA,le 2-' 'i 3-2b end 11.80 a. m.,
123T, 1 H4 j.t), b,(B, 7.00 urifl W.25. p, m. bandar.
2-10 B25, f.ts a.m., 3.05,4.30 p. m . '
ilshlantlaAnd Hbsnititrm. niiar iIbvi
t.vj. u,at a m., 7,uu nua
mm mm
ntirt (ft? i
Sunday 3.2, 7 4S a, m 3.05 n. m. rV .
tAavn New Ynrlr vlf. Phllnrlnlnliln
Uo, weK .
oays.7.45 a. m 1.30, 4,00, 7.80 p. m., 12,j5
n in, r-iiuuMy, w p. m., nignu
Leave Nngtf Vnrlr via MoiinV. fTmiitr .a. lr
rtnjs 4.S0, 8.45 a. m., 1.00 and 3.43 p.m. Bun
day, 7.00 a. m.
.fV8 rnuaaeipnla, wots class, 4.10, and
10.CJ a. m. 4.00 nnrt fl.oo n. m.. !mm torm ti
a d nallowtull and 8.35 a. in. ana 11.30 p. m.
rom uinano -een streets. Hunoay D.05 a.
si. 11.S0 p. m.froni etn int .Jen.
ave Heading, weefc days, 1. 7.10, 10.0J
ud fl.b0a. in.. a.&. 7.57n. m. Hnnitv 1 'W nrrt
10.43 i. m.
ePti.layllle, weet days, 2.10,7.10 a.ra
12 fi, ii ll p. m. Hnnday, 2.40, 7.00 a. in. and
Leave JTamaona. week iIhth. 3.90. H.4R fttm
11 4 a. ai . 1.21, 7.13, and v.lg p. in. (Sunday 8.20
4.) ..m.waiwp.m,
l,o ivo Wuhannv Ultv. wees: darn. 8.40. B.18
a. d il.4 a. m l.r.l, 7.42 and D.ll p.m. Hun.
lay 8.40,8.17 a. m j.lj p. in.
i .nauanoy I'taue, wceec oays,'4j,4,uu
.'HI.. 1.35. 11.-9 u. m. .1.1)5. 2.0(1. 'J0. 826.7.57. and
IOOJ.-i m. Bunday2.4., 4.0J, and 8.27. a. m.
37,5.01 D. tn.
Ltnve UlrardvlUe (Havwahannock Btntlonl
wcer nays, 2.47 i.07, 8.38, and 0.41 a. ra., 12.05,
2. t .'M. 8.32, 8.0 1 anil 11.03 p.m. Wunday , 2,47,
uj, , m. 4si, o.yti p. tn.
tve WlUlamBport, week days, 3.00,9.45and
11 55 4. m. 8.ffi an
a 11.15 p. m.
or Baltimore. Washington and the wt
via n, z o. K. It., through trains leavo U Ira id
Avenuo station, Philadelphia, (P. & K. H.ll.,'st
nt. .If.! Kni nnrt ll.-CT it. m H fi i an
13 p. m. Sunday, 3.55 8.02 11,27 a, in., 8.60
ou 4 id p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut Street Wharf J
.a .south Street Wharf.
Week-days ExpressiW a. -m. 2.00. 4?iJ
. :a. Aosommodatlou, 8.00 i. m. and 5.00,
. la.
Hnndavs. Kinross. I).(M i. m. Ann.
mo Htlon. S.00 a. m.and iJX) o. ra.
Returning, leave AtlanUo City, depot
A Untie and Arkansas avenues Wcek-d;s
Eiprcca, 7.30, 0.00 a. m. and. 4.00, p. m, Ac
eommoaalloijg.lO n. m. and 4.30 p m. Sun-days-Kxprc&s,
4.00, p. m. Accommodation,
:m a. m. anu 1.3U p. m.
O. U. HAWCOOK. Gen'l Pass'r Aet.
V A. iioLKOD. I'rea. & Gf.n'l Manager.
On and after November 15, 1891, trains ufl
leave aiicnaauiaii atrotiows:
ifrV l..,.n. llllhnMl.n IHfc. u-l I t& Ma
.'If. 11 VJ .V.l, I'inMllKI. 11.-
'"itie, bt. Olalr. and way points, o.OJ, 9.10,
11.13 a mnnd 4.15pm. '
3uuaays, wu, v,4ua m ana .ii p m.
For I'ottavlllo, 8.00, 9.10,1115 am and 4.15
P in.
unuays, wu, v.iua iu ana s.iu n m,
For Reading, 6.00, 11 45 a in nnd 4.15 pm.
Hnndays, WU. 9.40 a. m. aad 8.1U -o m.
For I'ottetown. l'hoenlxville. Nnrrictnwn
in Flilladslnhla IBroad street uLatloni. 6.uo.
ii.t a. ju. una s.iu p iu wee& nays
unaava. uuu.u.suamif.iurj m-
rralns leave Fraekv'lie for Bhenandnflb n
(.IJltlUllllU I,,11,U,U1, I ., LJ,U p 111, QUU-
d avd, lUiaiu and S.iO t ta.
usave foiiJtviiie ior uuonunuoan. lu.isnse
11.41, am 4.40,7.15,9.42pm, Bundays, 10.40
lisavo f uuaaelpnla (Broad street station)
or roitsviiioauaonenanaoati, 0.07, eats z'
4.10 and 7.00 p m week days.
Sunday 8.50, and
M.a am
rui.inn a. wi a,, ..w, v.ti,, u.oo. u.w, i.ou,
.YtftSii A Ffl 11 Ihtnnrtll 1J 11 ?UT a m 11 ntl.MU
Man VavS. D Wl A nr. A If, CK ,1 I '1 n..
(lln:li.ediX3reqs,1.0S 4.50 p m.) 12.44,11;
130, 1.20. 1, 4.02, i. 8, 6.5
5.50 7.13 8.12 ana" .
tn. u.ui aigni. i
n Bundays, 8.20, 4.05. 4.40. K.35, B.12, 8.30, 9.60, f 1
11.85 in. nad 12.41, 1.10,2.30, 4.02, (limited.
t.i ii. ndi, n.n ,'.1, , ii j ui taa im.ui mgnt
For Sea Girt. Lomr 11 ranch and Intermediate
stations 8.20 and 11.14 a. in,, 4.00 p. in, week
days. Fteehold only 5 00 t m week davs.
9.10 aud 11.18 a. m 4 41, 0 57, 7.10 p.m anil 12A)i 1
Vn. ttolll inna ni.r, UFn.lilnnlnn '1.1 1W
ulghtdally and 8 31, 10.20 a m., 13 35 (limited
uress wim uintne car io liatitmiirei i.:tu. s.4s
m. we-k days. For Baltimore only 2.02, 4.01
weekdays. 5.08. 11.30 n. in. dallv.
For Ittchmond, 7 20 a, in. aud 12.03 night
uatiy, i ou ii. m. uutty, ecepb ounuay.
s rains leave iiarrtsnuri; ior ntisonrg ana
to- west every day at 12,'ii and 3.10 a ra and
1 , , , , i ...... ,) . r, - ii r . , , i
J 'U1U"CUI ,111111 "I..,", I .1 It UI. ITcblUI
A. too is 8 15 1 m and 4.10 p m every aay.
r or riiuourg onty, li.aj u iu aaiiy nna iu.ij
m week dsvs.
Leave Banbnry for Vllllamoport, Klmlra, SB
linandalgua, Itochester, Btsloacd Niagara V
an i.iii h ui nauy, aua i no pm weesiaays.
'oj Elmlra 5.80pm weekdays.
CotKrle and Intermediate points, 6.10nm.,
ally, fnr Lot Uaveu, 5.10, and 9.6(1 a m,1
lallv. 1 35 and 6.3i ti. m. week days. For
tsnova 5.11) a m 1 05 sua 6,30 p in wi days ,
ftu. m ptnntlovn. U
'UAB. 8 I'lUlU,
f?en. Man
Capital $100,000,00
A. W. Leisenrng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrmq, Cashier,
9 W. Yost, Ass' t Casino,
Open Dally I'rom 9 to 3.
Paid au Buvluifu Deposits.
Flnect tumjidi nt Mann alnrava nn hxH
first National Bank