The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 10, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--NO. 2GG.
"My Son, Deal
The Evening Herald.
Has a larger otrculallou In Hueniiudoahthan
any other paper published. Circu
lation books open to alb
Census BulletlD, No. 113, "Mine
and Mining : Iron Ore," gives a line
Illustration of the manner In which
protection to a great Industry has in
creased the wages cf the workmen,
while lessening the coBt to the con
sumer. In 1880 the production of American
Iron ore was 7,120,302 long tons, oi
2,240 pounds each. In that year the
average yearly Income of the working
miner was f308.49, and the average
price per long ton wag 3.25.
In 1889 the output was 14,518,041
long tons, the average Income of the
working miner was $409,95, and the
average price to the consumer was
2,30 per long ton.
The value of the output of ore In
1889 was 133,351,978 ; the amount paid i
as wages was (14,409,151. Thus much
i Jnore than one-third and not very
much less than one-half of a gross
receipts for all the Iron ore of the
United States went into the hnnds
and pockets of laborers.
The capital Invested In the produc
tion of iron ore In the year 1889 was
1109,766,190. The gross receipts for
this Investment were, as we have
Been, $33,361,078, of which $14,409,157
was paid fur labor. This leaves $189,
452,821, from which rent, or Its equiv
alent of interest on cost of buildings,
royalties paid to owners or its
equivalent of Interest on purchase of
land, wages to clerks, which are not
inciuueu in uie jaoor estimate, wear
and tear of machinery, Insurance, bad
debts, and a score of Incidental ex
penses are to be deducted.
The statement of results during the
ten years elapsing between the census
of 1880 and that of 1890 stands thus :
. Increase In production of iron ore.. km
Increase In am't paid working miners... 32.70
Decrease In selling price of ton of ore 2U.70
Thus does protection work benlits to
Sweeper. Others
fur $3.00, and veiy
r tl u v good oDes for $3.50
Buy one for your wile for a Christmas
present. We also have a new line of
Rugs and Carpets at
Fancy New Crop JVeiu Orleans Halting Molasses.
Netv Corn Meal Made of all new corn. Kiln Dried
Fresh Ground,
fteiv Plcliles Natural Color Crisp and Sour.
New Currants Cleaned Heady tor Immediate Use.
Netv California Prunes Fine Quality.
New California Canned Fruits Egg Plums, Cher
ries, Apricots and Peaches.
New Huckivheat Flour Very Choice.
New Green Scotch Peas.
Ntw Calijornia Strained Honey.
luetv Maislns, Citron and Lemon Peel.
New Skinned Hams Fresh Smoked.
Nen Mince Meat Best Quality.
Two Cans Choice Salmon,
Three Pounds Fancy Rice.
Two Bottles Ketchup Larue Size and Extra Quality.
Four Founds Good Currants.
Three Pounds mixed Candies.
Two Pounds Mixed Nuts New Crop.
Five Pounds Oat Klaltcs New Fresh Stock.
A Lot of Sheep, Goat and
White, Blaclc and Colors.
Just Ueceived Two Cars Choice No. i Timothy Hay, One
car flue Middlings, extra quality. Also a lot Strictly Pure
Country Lard.
Fancy Minnesota Flour.
SQTDON'T FORGET that Northwestern Daisy Flour Al
ways Gives Satisfaction.
"With Men "Who
the mluer, whoso wages are Increased,
and to the buyer, wUoho outlay 1b
Some of our clergymen should read
ReV. Swindell's sermon on politicians
preached in Philadelphia last Sunday.
He Is not one of those pulpit orators
who continually give the politicians
a aing and And nothing good in them.
Rev. Swindells has a different opinion
of them. There are bad politicians b
there are bad men In other walks of
life. Without politicians this or any
other country would soon go to the
Just because' the Democratic clerk
In Dutchess county, New York, re
fused to do the bidding of the Demo
cratic boss ond owner of New York In
signing false certltlcate of election, he
is reinoyed. All honor that clerk
The Republicans of that county
should see that he U provided for.
.Republicans are too easy going,
Whenever they have a good chance to
bounce a Democrat from office, they
are either too Blow or have conecien
tlous scruples. On the other hand,
give the Democrats half a chauce they
will retire their opponents in double
quick order.
Specimen Oases.
a. 11. Ulitlurd, JNow Uassel, Wis., was
troubled with Neuralgia and Rhoumatlsm
his Stomach waB disordered, his Liyor was
affected to an alarming degree, appotito
fell away, and be was terribly reduced in
flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec
tric, cured him,
Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had
a running sore on his log of eight years'
sUnding. Used three bottles of Electric
Bitters and seven boxes of,Bucklen's
Arnica Salve, and his log is sound and
well. John Speaker, Catawba, O., had
five largo Fever sores.on his leg, doctor's
said he was incurable. One bottle Electric
lliitora and one box Bucklen's Arnica
Salve cured him entirely. Sold by O. II.
Hagenbuch, Druggist,
10 Cents Per Pound.
The finest French mixtures, perfectly
puro, 10 cents per pound, at Max Reese's.
The finest and best chocolate creams,
cheaper than elsewhere.
DOUNSIFE. On Monday, December
7, 1891, at her lato rosidonce, 121 South
Jardln street, Mrs. Levi Dornsife, agod 52
years, 7 months and 11 days. Funeral on
Friday, December 11, at 1 p. in. Interment
in Odd Fellows' cemetery. Friends and
relatives respectively invited to attend.
Wolf SUIii Mats and KtiKS-ln
One Car Mlddlincrs. One Car
Advertise. You -will Never Lose by It."--Benjamm Franklin
The First Ward Rioters Hold For
Trial at Court Eleotrlo Rail
way "Work on Main Street.
Begun To-day.
List night 'Squire Monaghan gave a
hearing to all except mo oi the Poles who
created the riot in the First ward on lues
day night and placed each under $5C9 bail
for trial at tho Pottsville court. Tho one
who did not have a hearing was Mike
Whitekavago, who was shot while trying
to get away Irom Constablo aoomey
Whitekavage is using his injury to the
best advantago and will probably continue
to sutler until he sees some chance of
sottling the case without going to court,
Ilia injury is not half as severe as ho tries
to make visitors believe it is and bo has
expressed himself as afraid of tho law.
Angolovitch, the victim of tho assault, is
improving, but his condition remains quite
Preparations for the Coming Visit
Of Teachers.
About fifty reserved seat tickets have
been sold at Kirlin's ding etoro. Thero
still remains about fifty excellent seats in
the parnuet and parquet circle. The
theatre is being thoroughly cleaned pre
paratory to tho meeting oi the institute.
The gallery seats will be fully as desirable
as those on the lower floor. Don't fail to
secure seats for the best course of entertain
ments eyor provided for the county
Tho stairs leading to tho gallery of the
theatre have been covered with rubber
Several policemen will ,bo, stationed in
the gallory to preserve order and any one
having seats will not bo annoyed in any
The Shenandoah schools will make an
extensive exhibit of school work during
institute week. The exhibit will consist ol
drawings, clay models and written work
The exhibit hall will be open from 8 a
tn. to 8 p. in. each day and all are invited
to inspect the work exhlbitod.
Most of tho towns of the county will be
represented in the oxhibit of school work
and it is understood the exhibition will be
made tho chief Centura of the institute thi
Skin Diseases.
What spectacle is more- disgusting than
that of a man or woman with a skin dis
oaso which shows itself in pimples or
blotches on hand , arms, face a' d neck
It is simply impuro blood. See wha
Brandreth's Pills did for a chronic case :
Qeorgo Chapman, Ptncening, Mich
eays :
"For four years I was in the Mounted
Infantry in tho U S Army, residing dur
ing that time principally in Texas. Almost
.11 of that time I had achmnioskin dis
eae, characterized by an eruption over th
entire surface of my legs and thighs, arm
and chest. The doctors termed it eczema
I had given up all hopes of ever being
cured, when Brandreth's rills were recom
mended to mo, I concluded to try them
and I have thanked God daily since then
that I did so. I used them for about throe
months, and by that time, was complotoly
cured and have never had any trnubl
since." 12-8-lw
All kinds of cardies, 20 cen'.s per lb.,
Duncan & Weidley's. 12-5-tl
Handsome Display.
The display of holiday goods at Mor
gun's Bargain Bazaar is simply beautiful,
This evening the large electric light I
front of the lower window will shine on
display of tho finest hand-painted satin
surah, and silk sachot bags, glove and
handkerchief cases, pin cushions, jowel
boxes, cbalr tidies, head-rests, &c, over
exhibited in tbii city, and cannot bo seen
this season in any other store in the town
Drop around and look at them. Good
choerfully shown. 12-10-lt
I. O. O, F. Mooting.
The members of John W. Stokes Lodge,
No. 615, 1. O. O. F are requested to at
tend its next mooting Friday evening.
Dec. 11, 1891. Business of importance will
bo transacted.
Attost: J. S. Williams, Seo'y. 12-10-2t
Coughing Loads to Consumption
Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough
Now Ovorooats.
The letter carrier force of the local post
offlca has purchased handsome grey over
coats, with capes. They are warm an
lust the thing for tho boys who deliver
your mall these cold days.
Endorsed bv the nende as a safe, reliable.
harmless and cheap remedy, lir, Hull's
Oougli Syrup.
Polp Work Begun on Main Stroot
This morning the Mabanoy City, Shen
andoah, Girardvillo and Ashland Street
1UI1 way Cjmpany startod a gang of men
putting up poles on North Main stroot.
Tho digging of tho first holo was a signal
for tho appearance of tho novor-to-be sub
duod kickers. They growled becauso tho
poles wore placed on tho odge of tho pave
ment, but could suggo no more suitable
place. The gutters, of course, could not
boblockod, and thoy certainly could not bo
put in tho roadway.
Tho placing of polos in pavomonts is not
desirable under tho best circumstances,
but in tho interest of progros we must
occasionally submit to Inconvonlonces.
But, aftor all, the electrio railway polos
will not prove a groat ovil. Tho telegraph
polos havo occupied the pavements for
years, awning posts aro as thick
wheat in a field, and tho crowding of store
boxes on the pavement seems to havo
grown into universal favor. The olectric
railway polos are being place 1 In lino with
the telegraph and will occupy no
more spaco.
To-day Assistant Superintendent Sholl
took n grng of men to Ashland to break
ground and put up poles.
Window and door framos aro now in po
sition on tho walls of tho car house at
Rappahannock and tho stone walls of tho
engine house aro almost comploted. Tho
beds for the generators aro comploted
The boilers arrived at Mahanoy Flano yes
terday and wero unloaded to-day. Thoy
will bo placed in position the first part of
next wee I.
The work of spiking rails and laying
wires at Win. Ponn has been somewhat
delayed on account of a short supply of
sills'. Under those circumstances the
progress made has been yory satisfactory
The shortage of sills, while principally
duo to tho Inability of the contractors to
keep pace with the demand, is also at
tributable to the failure of the contractors
to comply with their agreements as to size.
The company has been disappointed tn tho
supply of polos. Tho other day the officers
were momentarily relieved of their axioty
in this respect by tbo arrival of a car load
of polos. Upon making measures they
found that of the load (sixty-nine poles)
but twenty-eight wore of the size requirod
and tho rest were sent back. The same
trouble has beon experienced in socuring
sills and theso troubles, of course, delays
the work of the company to some extent
During tho past few days, however, the
supply has crawled up a littlo nearer the
damand and it is thought thero will bo very
littlo, if any, trouble in this connection in
tho future
No greater friend to tbo family can be
found than the Genuine Imported Anchor
1'ain Expeller. It is and ever will bo th
"best" remedy for Ubeumatism, Gout, In
fluenza, Backache, l'ains in tho Side,
Chest and Joints, Neuralgia, Sprains, &c
It brings quick and happy relief. Sold at
druggists. 50 cents p-r bottle.
New Direotory.
Canvassers are at work in Mihanoy City
gathering information for a directory to b
i umbined with one of this town. A relio
hie publication of that character is vorj
much needed and if the Borough Council
and school Boards of tho two towns can in
itty way give tho projectors pecuniary on
cour igeraent they should do so. The com
pilation of such a work Involves considera
bletimo and expense. Experience of th
past shows that tbo merchants do not seem
to realizo this. Fow have been disposed to
help the compilers by giving thorn adver
tisoments and the purchasos of the direc
tories have not been as brisk as one would
expect. It is hoped tho directory now bo
ing prepared will bo received more fivora
bly and that the Borough Councils and
School Boards will assist tho compilers uy
subscribing for a number of copies, or i:
some other manner. The Borough Council
can certainly do something, as it is not long
since it made a purchase of copies of
bird'seye view of the town.
Bucklon's Arnica Salvo.
Tho Best Salvo In tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
lively cures Piles, or no payment required
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or monoy refunded, rnco 2j cents per
box. For s&lo by 0. 11. Hagenbuch.
Candelabras and candlesticks, and
fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Holder
man's, 11-28-tf
A Surprise.
Keep your oyo on this local, Koagoy,
tho photographer, will havo his now open
ing in a few days and will have something
interesting that will surprise tho people, ti
Bruram's holiday stock of watches,
jewelry and silverwaro is now the largest
end finest in town, An invitation
Inspect our goods is extended to all. 12-7
'Feoblv she lavished In the lancnuld
while i'oipyuro upon her face doili look"
wonders what has swelled It so. When he
nnds It Is neuralirla however, no does not
lose his head, but having twenty. live cents In
his Inside pocket, InvestB In a bottle of Balvn
tlon Oil.
But Death Was Evldontly Caused
by Apoplexy Preparation for
tho .Coming Teachers'
Mrs. Maria Cu'lon died suddenly at her
ome in Turkoy Kun last night. She had
t boon ill and her death created excite
ment among her neighbors. Deputy
oner Brennan was notified and ho em
pannelod a jury. The body was vieweJ
this morning and tin inquest will be held as
soon as witnesses can bo secured.
Thogonoral improssion is that death was
caused by apoplexy.
Tho deceasod was a widow, about fifty
years of age, and left a grown son.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Finney spent to-day
n Pottsville.
Richard Knight went to tho county seat
this morning.
Mn. u. E. Titroan visited friends in
Mabanoy City to-day.
Postmaster Uateman and It, C. Hunt, of
Frackville, were in town to-day.
James Shields and John T. Stanton wore
n l'ottsvillo to-day fixing up a horso case.
Policeman D, J. Connersspentthismorn
ng in Pottsville and this afternoon in
A. D. Zieglor, representing tho paper
firm of T. M. Simpson, Philadelphia, was
in town yesterday.
Mrs. Lizzie Hardy, formerly one of the
public school teachers of town, is lying
very sick tn Philadelphia.
B. J. Yost wont to llazleton and Ber
wick this afternoon on business connocted
with the Sons of America.
Mrs. William Bensingor and daughter,
Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Amos Walbridge, of
Mahanoy City, wore shopping at Morgan's
bargain bazaar in town yesterday
Tho Bloomsburg Republican says : Henry
Wiederhold, a successful business man ol
Shenandoah and son-in-law of Francis
Evans, ufUerwick, will visit Germany in
tho near future, and may probably remain
in his native country, making it again his
permanent homo.
Attend the institute ball in Bobbins'
opera house, Wednosday evening, Dacom-
bar 10. Scboppo orchestra. 12-10Gt
Parisian Folly Company.
Tho manager of tho Parisian Folly and
Spectacular Company, which is to appoar
at Ferguson's theatro to-morrow night
ays bo wil1 fullfil all the promises made
n his advertisements. Tho bill will in
rludo a correct representation of Buffalo
Bill's presentation to Qu.'On Victoria
Hilly Carter, banjoist; C W Williams,
v ntriloquist; anvil chorus and tableau
Smith and C .mpboll in "Riddle" j Lizzie
Hall, protoan artist; Harris & AValtirs,
ketch artists; Antonio Von Guflre, elastic
marvel; grand burlesque extravaganza,
"Bachelors' Islo."
Tho Columbia Dally Calendar,
An old iriend in a new dress, and an artl
cle tbat has como to bo ono of the indispen
sables of an editor's desk, comes to bnnd in
the Columbii Daily Calendar for 1692
Tho Calendar is in tho lorm of o pad con
taining 807 leaves, each (ix2i inchos; ono
''or each day of tho year, to bo removed
daily, and one for fie entire year. The
day of tho week, of tho month, of tho year
are givon, and each slip bears a short par
agraph pertaining to cyling or somo
kindred suject. At tho bottom of each
leaf is a blank for memoranda, every leaf
being accessible at any time. The stand is
an entirely now depatture, boing mada of
shoot metal finished in Ivory black, and is
very compact. At tbo close of tbo year the
stand will bo available for another pad.
This is tho sevonth issue of this cow well
known Calendar, yet all the matter Is frosb
and new having been carefully collated from
loading publications and prominent writers,
most of it being specially written for this
purpose. It comprises notable events in
cycling, opinions of physicians and clergy
men, bints about road making, and nu
merous otbor topics.
Four tintypes for 25 cents, at Dabb's. tf
Hlrod Girl.
This most laughablo iemo of Judge's
Library, or Monthly Magazine of Fun,
camo out last month, but its salo has been
simply immenso. It is a well-known fact
that wo delight to see things pictured whick
wo do not onjoy in natural life, Thu it is
wo appreciate most keenly the reparteo in
tho "Hired Girl." "Polloa" and "nirod
Girl" are natural companion numbers and
overy man, woman and child ia tho
country should seo theso great numbers.
Urand Instltuto ball at Robblns' opera
house, Wednosday evening, December 10
Musio by Schoppo's full orchestra. 10-Ct
Read Roese's holiday advertisement.
Thoy Will bo Woll Carod For at
tho World's Fair.
The arrangomonts for tho old loldlort
during tho World's Fair wi 1 bo vory com
plete, and all will be cared for who attend,
The managers of tho grand Encampment
will Fond a coram t oe to Washington and
soeure touts and whatever Is needed to bo
used fjr their benefit, so that the old com
rades can go into camp and live over again
their old army days. An appropriation
will be a'kod for from Congress lor tho
purpose of erecting a Headquarter Build
ing, wliero n sot of registers will bo kept,
and all tho old vetorans registering will
give their namo, company and rogiraenlsj
their permanent address, their addross.
whilo in tho city attending tho tho World's
Fair, that their old comrades may bo ablo
to find them.
Thoro will bo a room largo enough in tho
Headquarter Building to hold Campfiros,
Reunions and all public mcotings, and
wboro the National Encampment can hold
its sessions in 1893 Thero will also bo a
bureau of information established, and all
old soldiers will bo informed wliero thoy
can procuro places to stop at whilo at tbo
fair at reasonable ratos, if thoy do not
wish to go into enmp. Th UBands of the
old votorans with their familioa and friends
will attend this grea'. Encampment and tho
C ilumbian Exposition. Thoy desiro to
meet and greet tluir old comrades onco
more bofnro the final muster out, and they
havo requested that theso arrangements bo
made for their comfort and information.
Tho general managomant of this Encamp
ment is in the hands of well-kn wn com
rades, and is indorsed and supported by
tho lending men of tho nation. It meets
with the hearty approval of tbo World's
Fair management, and will undoubtedly
bo carried through successfully.
Every veteran who expects to visit the
National Encampment at Washington next
year is earnestly requested to send at onca
a postal card containing his name, address,
regiment, brigade, and corps, to John Mc-
Elroy, Coairman C m mi too on Reunions,
Washiugtqp, D. C. Each man who sees
this notice should not only act on It him
self at once, but spoak to all his veteran ac
quaintances in regard to it, and adviso
them to do tho samo. Tho possession of
these cards will greatly help the Ojmmitteo
on Reunions in its (fforts to bring every
man where ho can moot his old comrades.
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will surely
do you good, if you havo a Cough, Cold, or
any trouble with Throat, Choit or Lungs.
Dr. King's new Discovery for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to
give relief, or monoy will bo paid back.
Sufferers from La Grippe found it just tho
thing and under its use had a speedy and
porlecl recovery. Try a samplo bottlo at
our oxponse and learn foryoursolf just how
good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at O.
H. Hagenbucb's Drug Store. Largo eizo
COc. and 1.
Handsome slock ol lamps with tho most
delicately hand-painted bisque and china
shades, at Holdorman's. 11-28-tf
A Demonstrative Guost.
John Pribula arrived in town Tuesday
ovonlng, from Now York, to visit his
brother, who is a resident of tho First
ward. John was cordially received and
givon tho freedom of his brother's house.
During tho evening bo attempted to foeuro
tho freedom of a Hungarian saloon. When
tho proprietor objected John declared ho
was tho host man in Shenandoah and pro-
ceodod to demonstrate tho grounds of his
c'aim. John is now tho guest of Potts
villo's jail wurden.
All clalns not consistent with tho high
charactor of Syrup ol Figs aro purposely
avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup Company.
It acts gently on the kidneys, liver and
bowels, cleansing the system effectually,
but it is not a cure-all and makes no pre
tentions that overy bottle will not sub
stantiate. Holiday goods,
cheap. Road Iteoso's
Do you euner with Consumption, Coughs or
Colds? You can be cured if you take l'aa
T'ua Comjh and Consumption Cure. 25 and
ttcsLts. Trial bottles lree at Kirlin's drug
.Largo stock ol lancy goods, such as
lamps, bronzes, china waro and imported
cut glassware, at Holderman's. 11-28-tf
iraoe !
3 pounds for a quarter,.
None cheaper.
2 pounds for a quarter,
None bettor.
Molts? Cider !
8 cents a quart.
2oc per gallon.
Sweet and not intoxicating,
No. '22 North Jardln St'eet