The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 09, 1891, Image 1

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VOL. VI.--KO. 265.
"My Son, Deal "With Men "Who Advertise. You will Never Lose by It --Benjamin Franklin
The Evening Herald.
Hmo larger circulation In Shenandoah than
any other paper published. Clrcu.
latlon books npt-n'lo all.
Bohe of our mcrcbautu are pn Ber
ing nt the expense of others more en
terprising. Next week we will have the county
pedagogues with us. They will find
the people of Shenandoah as sociable
TiiEelectlon of Representative Crisp,
db Speaker of the House, is a sort of a
compromise on free Bllver aud free
trade. Representative Mills will be
the leader of this branch of Congros.
Our people, as well as those living
in the valley, are very anxious for the
completlou of the electrlo railway.
Let them have patience; it will be
built as fast as weather, etc., will per
mit. . i . . .,..
The entertainments to be given I
' nnxt week hv the countv lustituto will
... 1
ba patronized belter tutm similar eu-
tprtalnments Given elsewhere. A
. . I
county Beat contemporary ueeu uuve
110 concern on that score.
The South owns tho Demnctatln
party body aud breeches. Without
the solid South the Democratic party
would be nowhere. It was the same
before the war. The Democrats were
the doughfaces then and they are so
Govjsbnoh Hill, of New York,
failed to take his sept as United States
Senator. Pity the Senate cannot de
clare bis so it vacant, bo as to bring
him to bis senses. He will not serve
himself nor allow any one else to
serve. New York is a big Btate and
Dave Hill is a big man, as be owns
tho state. That is about the size of
Tammany's victory at the last elec
tion. If the present Congress will pay
EUi a good home-made rug carpet.
J Ills ono of those xlra heavy
" carpets, madeof the best yam
and clean raga. Finest line of Velvet
Brusscl and Ingrain Carpets In Shen
andoah at
JBancy New Crop New Orleans Jiaklny Molasses.
Neio Com Meal Made of all new corn. Kiln Dried
JBresJi Ground
Neio PlcJcles Natural Color Crisp and Sour.
New Currants Cleaned Ready tor Immediate Use.
Neio California prunes Fine Quality.
New California Canned Fruits JSgg Plums, Cher
ries, Apricots and Peaches.
Neio Buckwheat Hour Very Choice.
Ntw Green Scotch Peas.
Ntiu Caliomia Strained Honey.
New Jlaisins, Citron and Ltmon Peel.
New Skinned Hams Fresh Smoked.
Neit Mince Meat Best Quality.
Two Cans Choice Snlinoii.
Tliree Pounds Fancy Rice.
Two Bottles Kefclmii Large Size and Extra Quality.
Pour Pounds Good Currants.
Three Pounds mixed Candies.
Two Pounds mixed Nuts New Crop.
Five Pounds Oat Finises New Fresh Stoclc.
A Lot of Sheep, Goat and Wolf Shin Mats and nugs-lu
White, Blaclc aud Colors.
Just Received Two Cars Choice No. x Timothy Hay, One
car line Middlings, extra quality. Also a lot Strictly Pure
Country Lard.
IOll SALE TO ARK1YE-One Car Middlings. One Car
Fancy Minnesota Flour.
JS'DON'T FORGET that Northwestern Daisy Flour Al
ways Gives Satisfaction.
heed to Postmoster-Goncrul Wana
maker's niggestlona.Unlted States wll
have better postal facilities than nuj
country In the world. The postal tele
graph, postal savings' fuud aud tin
extetislouof the free delivery srrvic
are among some of his suggestions.
The people want them all and to denj
them these will result, in the near
future, to a rebuko to the men who
make tile lawn.
Four tintypes for 25 cenK'at Dabb's. il
FnnirlTnla Grang p, I. II,
nAnmsBuiw, Pa., Deo. 0. Tho Stat
Graugt, Patrons of Husbintlry, mat
here yesterday, over 800 delegates being
present. Worthy Master Rhone pra
slded. The Afternoon session was oon
uraed In examining credentials and ftp
pointing committees, and the address
of the Worthy Master. Last evening an
open meeting was held, at which ad
dresses were mads by Gov. Ptttttson,
Prof. Albert Bolls and Col. Price of
Scranton, the latter on equality of taxa
tion. The Stockholder, to be JL.s..ed.
PniLADELpniA, Dec 8. Comptroller
of the Currency Lacey has Instructed
Ueneral a. F. fisher, receiver of the
Spring Garden National Bank, to malca
an assessment equal to the capital stook
the ahatreholoral ot thftt collapsed In-
stltutlon. The capital stook of the bank
was 5750,000. and If all the assessments
Rre 00nectert $730,000 will be thus raised
' Pr off ths Indebtedness of the con-
cern. The par value ot the stocfc was
ioo per share.
Darn Pedro's Funsral.
Paths, Dec. 9. The funeral of Dom
Pedro took place last evening at the
Church of the Madeleine. After the
mass to-day ths body will ba taken
to Lisbon and there interred. While
some servants wero overhauling the e
fects of the dead ex-Emperor, prepara
tory to removing them, they found in
chest a bag of earsh from Bra til, which
the ex-Emperor had carried with him.
It was placed In the coffin.
Over 2,000 cases of the grip are rO'
ported from Topeka, Kan.
It Is said In New York that the Amer
ican District Telegraph and the Mutual
District Messenger companies have boon
Tho Delaware Construction Company
will begin bridging tho Drandywina
Creek at Fourth street, Wilmington,
Del., on Thursday. The bridge will
cost $12,000.
The Boyd-Thayer case, involving ths
question of title to the offioe ot Gover
nor of Nebraska and of citizenship on
the part of Boyd is being argued in ths
Federal Supreme Court.
The strike ot the employes ot ths
Crane Iron Works at Catasaaqua, has
been compromised by the Company
agreeing to give the 10 per cent, in
crease In wages asked for on February 1.
Weather R.port.
Washington, Doo. 0, For New Enirlanli
Warmer: fulr weather; southwesterly
winds, lncreusing to southwesterly gales oa
the ooiut.
Another Unmercifully Beaten.
Constable Shot to Provont an
Escape Tho Fellow Wounded
In tho Back.
A. riot ocenrrod bolweon Huns and Pole?
in the First ward betwoon 11 and 12
o'clock last night, which resultod In tho beat
ing of several men, of whom ono was seri-
OJsly iojurcd, and tho subsequent shooting
of ono of tho men who startod the riot, find
who tried to cscapo from Constable .loro.
roomoy, of 'Squire Monaghan's court.
Throe Hungarians namod George An-
golvich, John "SVunjura and "SVasko "Wal-
chick were on ihoir way to their boarding
houees in Franoy's row, at tho oast end of
Centre street, at about half past oleven
o'clock last night. As thoy passed Bun
savage's saloon thoy were attacked by six
Poles named Miko Whitekavage, SimSn
Jucusky, Simon Jucusky, Martin Pach-
kus, "William Scuddcr, Miko Bobbin and
Charles Chukie. A general fight followed
the throo Huns faring badly, especially
Angeloyich, who has but ono leg nnd was
soon knocked down nnd j um pod upon.
After the fight two men who had driven
to town irom Mahanny City roported at
'Squiro Monaghan's offico that a man who
bad been badly beaten was lying bosidotbe
road near Bradley's row. Constable
Toomoy, Policemen "Williams and Phalen,
Anthony Aloz, LCouncilmen Moakler, J,
J. ReiUy and D. J. Crooden hastened to
the sceno and arrested "Wbitokavago, Bob
bin, Jucusky and Cbukis, four of the
Polish assailtants, Angolovich was found
in a bad condition and removed to his
home, whilo tho police started to tho lock
up with their prisoners.
Tho mon in custody offered no resistance
until the rear end of Franoy's building,
on "West Oak stroot, was reached. There
Mike 'Wbitekavage, who wus in Constable
Toomey's chargo, made a dash for liberty,
Wbitokavago ran along tho alloy hot ween
Main and Jardin streets, towards Osntre.
Toomoy gave chase, but finding the fug!
tiva was too good a runner he drow his re
volver and called "Haiti Halt II" The
Polo paid no attention to the warning and
Toomoy fired four sbot9 aftorhlm. White
kuvage continued running and was chased
through the alley to Coal street, thonce to
"West street, and south along that street to
tho brick school I uilding on Centre street.
Tho pursuing party had increased by this
time until it included four of the night
police and a number of citlzonB. "White,
kavnge was found hidiDg in tho alloy at
tbo rear of the Cantro street school build'
ing and taken to the lockup. Arriving
there be said ho had boon shot and hp
poured to bo fainting. Dr. Callen was
summoned and bo found that ono of the
shots fired by Toomey bad taken offect in
the man's back. Whitekavago win put in
John Ojalett's huckster wagon aud taken
to 'Squiro Monaghan's oillco, Subse
quently bo was removod to bis
boarding house at tho rear qf tbo IIkiialu
building. Ho i9 now confined to hU bed
under Dr. Cation's caro. The doctor
traced tho 32 calibre ball from the back, at
the tenth rib, and found il under tho skin
in front, lust above the last rib. Tho ball
was ox t -acted by simply cutting the skin
Tho doctor says the injury is not a eeriou
ono and, unless blood poisoning sets, in th
man will soon bo woll again. "Wbitekavag
board a bad reputation and no sympathy is
felt for him. Ho was one of tbo men who.
about two weeks ago, kicked a Hungarian
woman in tbo First ward and on the sain
night throw rocks and beer kogs through th
windows of two Hungarian Baloons.
Aneelovicb, tho Hungarian who was
beaten by "Whitekavage and his gang, is in
a critical condition. Ho is under tho caro
of Dr. Stein and two scalp wounds re
quired stitching. One receivod fivo stitches
and the other three He was vomiting
freely to-day and, as ho claims ba was ro
peatedly lumped upon, it is feared ha is
injured internally.
Tho only explanation given tor tbo as
saultls that Wbitokavago and his gang
tako pleasure in beating Hungarians,
'Squiro Monaghsn has set the case down
for a hearing to-night, at 7 o'clock.
Itumora have reached us of numorous
scandals which, if given full publicity in
the newspapers, would servo to gratiiy only
tho appolitos of those who aro equally
guilty of impropor. conduct. Several mar
rled men and women aro mixed up in those
scandals, and for their children's sake we
forbear giving namos or particulars. The
proper way to put an end to these dis
graceful doings is to commence proceed'
intra at law. This will ond the business
quicker than any othor way. .
Now Overcoats. ,
Tho letter carrier force of the local post
office has purchased haudiomu grey oyer
coats, with causa. The,v are warm an
just the thing for the boys whodelive
your mail thoso cold days.
Vindox" Gives His Viows on tho
Water Projoot.
Editoh IIkiialu: It begins to look as
though tho lloruugh Council has mado &
mo.'suf It in starting to erect a water
plant without tbo content of tho tax
I remember d stlnctly that when tho vote
1 the question ot erecting a bonugb
water works was taken ton years ago tho
stlmated cost of tho plant was ? 15.000. A
majority of tho citizens votod in favor of
increasing tho debt of tho borough to that
xtnt for the purposo of socurlng a supply
f water. But tho majority was by no
means overwhelming, and I feel certain
that il tho estimate then bad ben so high
as I now understand it is, thoy would havo
ofeutod tbo proposition by a decided
Tho pooplo voted ton yoars ago to Invest
$15,000 in a supply of water, and to borrow
tho money, but if thoy did what right has
the council of to-day to assume that tbo
taxpayers aro ready to borrow doublo tbai
amount of money and pay intorost on it,
for tbo purpose of putting up a wuler
The membors of tho Borough C uncil
should remember that wo aro living in tho
present, and not in tbo past, and that it is
from the living, and not from tbo dead,
tbey must get their authority.
Shenandoah, Pa , Dec. 8, 1891.
Another Correspondent Talks on
Borough Water Works.
E))itoh Hiralu: The copy of tho no
tice of the special election held ton years
ago, to determine whether or not tho dobt
of tho borough should bo incroasod for tho
purposo of securing a supply of water by
the borough, whieh you published yostor
day, puts tho wbolo question of borougli
water works in an entiroly now light.
I picsumo the Borough Council and the
Joint Committee proceeded under legal ad'
vice whon they started tho work of erecting
a wator works, nnd, as I am not a lawyer, I
presume the advice they received was good
That is to Bay, I suppose the Council' has
tbo legal right to proceed undor tho au
thrity obtained by the voto taken in 1881
as there in probably no statute of llmita
tionsto interfere. But how about spending
a sum in excess of tbo amount voted at that
Tno voto of ten years ago appears to
havo been taken with tho express under
standing by tho people that a water supply
could bo secured at u cost of $15,000, and
with that understanding they votod the
right to Council to incroa-o the debt in that
amount for thu purpose slated.
Hub the present Cjuncil cither the legal
or moral right, ten years after that voto
was takon, to procetd upon tho authority
then granted, to spond a hundred thousand
dollars or more in erecting a water works
To my mind the right at lean seems ques
Uonable, and 1 think Council should go
slow until the consent of the tixpayors is
socurod in lavor of the project. ThoShon
andoah of to-diy is not the Shenandoah of
1 en year ago; and while tbo taxpayors
even of thn proent day might voto to
spend f 15 000 for a water works, tbey
might object to spending $100 000, or more,
for that purpose. Oiiskuvkh
Shenandoah, Pa., Dec. 0, 1801.
Specimen Cases.
8. . UliU Td, How Uassel, Wis, was
troubled with Neuralgia and Rheumatism
hi Stomach whb disordered, his Liver was
affected to an alarming cegree, appotit
foil away, and ho was terribly reduced i
flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec,
tiio cured him.
Edward Shepherd, Uarrisburg, 111., ha
a running sore on bis leg or eight years'
sltnding. Used three bottles of Electric
Bitters and seven boxes of Bucklen'
Arnica Salve, and his log is sound and
well. Jobn Speaker, Catawba, 0 had
Hvo largo Fever soros on his leg, doctors
said bo wa incurable. Ono bottlo Electric
Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica
Salvo cured him entirely. Sold by O,
Hagenbuch, Druggist,
Coughing LoadB to Consumption
Kmp's Balsam will stop tbo cough
10 Cents Per Pound.
Tho finest French mixtures, perfestly
pure, 10 cents per pound, at Mr Basso's,
Tho finest and best ohooolate creams,
chcapor than elsewhere.
I. O. O. F. Meeting.
Th membors of John W. Stokes Lodge
No. 616, 1. O. O. F aro requested to at'
tend its next meeting Friday evening,
Dec. 11, 1891. Business of importance will
bo transacted,
Attostt J. S. "Williams, Seo'y. 12-9-2t
A Surprise.
.Keop your eye on this local. Keagey,
the photographer, will have his new open
ing in a few days and will have somotbing
interesting that will surprlsotbe pooplo. tf
'Feeblv she lauehed In the lanenuld moon
whllo l'oipyhro upon her luce doth look" and
wuuuere wuul ntiv aweuea ll, bu. vviiuu 110
flnda It Is neuralgia however, he does not
lose his head, but having twenty-live cents In
his Inside pocket, luve.U la a bottle or tsalva.
iiuu viu
Large Attendances at tbo Revival
Services in tbo Ebonezor Evan
gelical Oburcb Interest in
Them Increases Nlgbtly.
The revival sorvicos in tho Ebenezei
Evangelical church continue with increas
ing interest. Alonday night Bishop Stan
ford preached an oxcollont sermon to a
argo and appreciating audienco and gave
an Invitation, whereupon olovon prosented
themselves at tho altar, four of whom
found peace. -Last night tho pastor
preached an inslructivo sermon and throe
now penitents camo forward, so that there
were again ton persons at the altar. To,
ight Rev. E. II. Itomig will preach. A
nearly invitation is oxlendod to all to go
nd hear tho young divino.
Certainly bo a Success
Shenandoah owes it to Countv Superin
tendent Weiss, as woll as to the teachers to
mako tho approaching Institute a financial
success, as woll us otherwise, and wn have
laitb to believo tbey will do this. llepublx-
Tho Potlsvillo contemporary need havo
no fear for the welfare of the instituto in
Shenandoah. It is tho only town in tbo
county that has mado tbo institute a real
financial tuccess nnd what our people have
one in tho past they will certainly do th s
y ar.
It is hoped that Pottsvillo will not fail to
compete with Shenandoah in an exhibition
of class work during tho instituto.
The entortainmoqt to bu viven during
tho instituto will be of an oxcollont charac
ter, surpassing all othors heretofore given
n tbo town under tho auspices of the
Monday pight Major Henry C, Dano.
During the past throe years and a half
Major Dano has mado a tour 'round the
world with a success little less than mar
velous. Ho has given many lectures in
every city, and several in nearly every
town in Australia, Now Zealand, and
Tasmania, and was received everywhere
with enthusiasm by largo audlonccsand
was pronounced by the press "Tho groatest
orator over beard in Australia."
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salvo in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Soros, Tetter, Chat pad Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively lures Files or no payment required.
It is guaranteod to givo perloct satisfaction,
r money refunded. Price 2 conts per
box. For salo by O. H. Hagenbuch.
Candelubras and candlesticks, and
fancy bnc-u-brao of all kinds, at Holder
man's. ll8lf
Address to tho "Y'a."
Rev. MrNally delivered an eloquent ad
iress to thu mombers of tho ,-Y" Saturday
night. His subject was temperance. He
id the people of to-day are in tho midst
of a groat temperance revival and tho
strongholds oi whiskey are tottering.
eople all over tbo civilized world aro
beginning to recognize this lact.
Largest stock of rings. Genuino dia
monds with combinations of rubios, opals,
pearls, emeralds, etc., at Holderman's. tf
Foot Race Arranged.
A one-hundred yard foot raco for J200
a side has beon arranged botwoon Martin
Fahoy, of town, and Michael Samtnon, of
Mabanoy City. The race will take place
in tbo lattor town on Christmas Day.
James Shields, (if , town, is tho stakeholder.
Quirk, of itahanoy C ty, will to the
Brumm's holiday stock of watches,
Jewelry and silverware Is now thu largost
and finest in town. An invitation to
inspect our goods is extended to all. 12-7-tf
A Paying Company.
The "She Couldn't Marry Three" Com
pany is a good Investment. Managor Has
eenforderis coining money this year wbor-
ever ho goes. The roceipts are hoavy,- tbo
result of persistent advertising.
Nothing would gratify our livery men
more than a good fall of snow noxt week
when the good-looking school marms aro
wlth;us. It will bo money In their pockets
and good hoaltli to the aforesaid g. 1. s. m
Endorsed by the people as a safe, reliable,
liHi'mlfFs mid chotp remedy, lir. Bull's
I ough Byrup.
"Koch's lymph offers as yet uo absolute cure
ot consumption, and many casoa of lupus have
relapsed," Katlng ulcer, skin tubercle, lupus by
whatever name known. Is one of the dUeases
completely under comroi 01 me iuciuh uiwu
Cure, a purely vegetable noutrallier and elimin
ator of all scrofulous ond spectuo blood taluu.
Uo miueral. no failures, no rival ana no relapses.
Joseph Goldstein, ot Shamokln, is in
II. P. 51 Hot is in Chicago transacting
Warren J. Portz spent yestorday at
John A. Heilly and wifo are visiting in
Mhw York.
Kev. Itomig, of Frackvlllo, was in town
Rv. Otwald, of Wilkos-Barro, was in
'.own yostorday.
Cmncilman Daniol Cjakloy spont yes
terday in l'ottsvillo.
Assistant Postmater Dongler has boen
on tbo sick list tho past two days.
Bishop Stanford, of Uarrisburg, was In
town yeKterday. Ho proached in tho
Evangolical church to a very largo congre
gation on Monday evening.
All kinds of candies, 'JO centB por lb., at
Duncan & Weidloy's. 12-G-tf
Will Thoy Do It ?
It has not boon definitely decided on
what ruuto tho e'.actric road will bo built
through town towards Mabanoy City. It
is said tho company contemplates bridging
O ik stroot across tho Lohlgh Valley rail
road, thenco on a long trestle across thn
Beading, below tho depot, thus avoiding
tbo heavy grado at the Indian Kidgu
breaker, which they would havo to acond
if tho road passes down East Contro stroot.
Tho bridgo ovor tho Lehigh Valley road
on Oak ttreot is badly needed, and if tho
Electric Company havo no such notion
thoy might be induced to change their
route by the borough offering, as an In-
ducomont, to assume one-half the exponsa
of building tho bridge.
Now Try This.
It will cost you nothing and will surely
do you good, if you havo a Cough, Cold, or
any trouble with Throat, Chest or Lungs.
Dr. King's new Discovory for Consump
tion, Coughs and Colds is guaranteod to
givo roller, or monoy will bo paid back.
Sufierors from La Qrippe found it just tho
thing and under its Uio bad a speedy and
perfect recovery. Try a samplo bottlo at
our oxponse and learn for yourself just how
good a thing it is. Tn -.1 bottles free at O.
II. Uagenbuch's Drug Store. Largo size
50c. aud il.
nandsomo stock of lamps with tho most
dolicately band-painlod bisque and china
shades, at Holderman's. ll-28-:f
Parisian Humbugs.
The noxt ontertainmont booked for tho
thcatro is tho Parisian Beauties. It is a
good card to draw bald-hcadod innocents
to witness a misorablo show. May Dav
enport is also arranging to havo her
"boautios" appar hoar. Thoy, too, como
from Paris I "Wo would suggest that tho
managor shut down on tbeso kind of shows.
Thoy are derm rallzing to tbo youth of tho
Do yon fmtler with ConmmpUoD, Coughs or
Colds? You can be cured If you take ran
Tina Cough and Cotibumptlon Cure. 25 and
WcoLts. Trial bottles lree at Klrlln'sdrug
Busy Month.
This is tho month in which tbo postal
authorities aro busiest. Tho mails grow
heavier as tbo holidays approach. Tho
monoy order and rogUter business moro
than trebles what has boen dono during
tho otbor part of tbo yoar, especially
foreign country business.
All claims not consistent with tho high
cbaractor of Syrup oi Figs are purposely
avoided by tbo Cal. big Syrup Company.
It acts gently on tho kidnoys, liver and
bowels, cloansing tho systom effectually,
but it is not a cure-all and makos no pre
tentI6ns that every bottle will not sub
stantiate. Holiday goods,
cheap. Bead Reeso's
DORNSIFE.-On Monday, December
7, 1801, at her lato residonco, 121 South
Jardin street, Mrs. Levi Durnsife, agod 62
years, 7 months and 11 days. Funeral on
Friday, December 11, at 1 p. m. Interment
in Odd Follows' cemetery. Friends and
relatives respectively invited to attend.
Largo stock of fancy goods, such as
lamps, bronzes, china ware and imported
cut glassware, at Holderman's. 11-28-tf
3 pounds for a quarter,
None cheapor.
2 pounds for a quarter,
None bettor.
Molts Cider !
8 centa a quart.
25c por gallon.
Sweet and not indicating.
No, 222 North Jardin Street