isro"W" o3sr ta.:p i AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, KAISER EXFQBT BEBM. Light. SuAJLTT.AJX'OIR ZBZEZEIEl, Dark. Mill GOT, Pi, YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF To Tmrclinvo lour fine prnorrle nrnvlslons Io.. nt KVKIIVH Corner Grocery, corner ol Ceinto mi J White Mr et Illn Mock. Jul onenea, is miuhtiia tor ine iionaay r-eawin. KvoryiM' u irpfii una ru imp iwm, Aiiewioi or enrined endK, dried Irnltf, Jelllfs, etc. AFFAIRS OATJGHT HASTILY, what Howa Gathorore Tako a Momont to Toll About. Another cold wave due. Sltut the door signs arc up. MufN arc lurge this season. The butchcrlug season Is in full blast. The partridge season ends to-day a week. A new finger ring is of seven fine gold wires. Tho (isliiug Luclilo Is laid away for next season. If you wont good returns for your money advertise in me ilKiiAM). Contrary to the ordinary rules of nature "spoiled" childieu uro always "ireMii." Tile good hi every man will come out, and you can't blame it in the case of eouie nicn. If you see three ulrls coming abreait tako the stieet. They will neither sept-ratu nor turn out. It If a well known (pet thnt I'anTlna uoiikii mm consumption utile nun cuteu I'on RUnil'ti'.n, CoukIib mid Colds when all else fallen, ziniiafi reniH. It ul buttles tree at Klrllu 8 druc More. Secretary FcMtur's Cnmlltlon. Wabiiinoton, Deo. 8. Dr. Hamilton status that Secretary Foster still liai lover ot u low type. lie luw no pain but his condition hainot improved since the outset ot the fever on Saturday. The patient is oxtremely weak. Dr. Q. L. Magruder became associated with Dr. Hamilton in the ense Saturday. Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages I In clmrRO of good, careful, mponsiblo dr'u- ors to nirr at nil urne,- na u reasonablo rutcs at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVEUY AND FEED STABLE, 12 and 14 North Vear Alley, Hear of Luberu's hardware itore. Jorr taken to JUmrtl. Unniul Hlienll; J Klven In FceOiUK llornn. All klmlkol HAULING at tended to promptly chafes moderate. UNDERTAKING Faithfully and promptly attend) dio. GO TO HEADQUARTERS ! FOR TUBE CONFECTIONERY (IIOMK-MADB) THE PEOPLE'S SHOE S10RE, M. Goldman, formerly manager ol the l!os ton Hhoe"t"re, Mouth Malu ctreH, las opened a new shoo store In llarlngtons bulldlnit. cor ner Contro Bticet and Market alley, where l.o has In loeft n fine aifcortmeut of ootwtar, which he lately purchased at public saloal Ketblchem. and x now selling them cheaper than the n auufucturerH tan mak them.. Men's fine Coi)(irt.Ksboo....l 2. elsewhtre 1 LadleB' dongoln buttoushoe.l 15 " 130 " r rench kid Khoo 1 60 " 2 Men'sbcstiubbrr boot 195 " 22.j A fine line of Lanles' Go dnla Patent Tip hoes at SI Oil, lo mer price 'lb. Hme In u P'aln toe, fornitriy SI 25, row HI 00. Hots' Hoots (top coles) $1 20 were $150. lliys'ti ce -hoes, formerly sold at (l.iiS, now DO cents. Such Bargains in Footwear Wero never befrm ofJcred In town Parties rum iiutnl t wn when they get nil tmliiKHt the l.chleh nnd ltexdlnedpnoia xbnnld watch for the sIkii of the "Mnr,"i.nd climb iwo steps ii- ii win pay you io cnmu intin. The People's Shoe Store Cor. tore Street nnd Marlct Allevi We're Ablaze With Glory ! Holiday Novelties A royal treat- to those visiting our store during this gr.ind display of Useful and Appreciative Holiday Gifts At such low prices as will enable aou to make two presents for the price of one elsewhere Morgan's , Bargain Bazar, 9 W. Centre St., SHENANDOAH. Tree Ornaments, &c. Wholesale and Betall. , MY CLEAR CANDIES ! Are absolutely pure. Sunday "chools, Churches, SocletUs. etc.. supplied at wholesale rate. Ice Cream, Bread and Cakes! F. KEITHAN, 104 N. Mam St.. SHENANDOAH. lload lloeso's holiday advor iecmont. Now Wall Paper for 1892. A splondid eolec'.ion, ombracinn all tho latot colors and designs, at prices lower than ovor. Largo lino of parlor patterns. Those cheap 25c window simdoe, with spring fixtures, cannot be cnuallod. Call nt Mol ot's, 22 East Contro street. Van Houton'B Oocoa Sco advertisement. Send for a can, Buy Keyttone flour. Bo careful that the namo Lkssio & Co., Ashland, l'a., ie printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw Coining Events. Doc. 12. t'offeo auppor of tho Salvation Army in Kranoy'a ball. Dec. 15 and 1C Exhibition in tho 1. M. church for tbo bonofil of tho Sunday school. Dec. 20. Madden and Lowroy entortain went at KerRUson'o theatre for tho bonoflt of Adam Alort. Jan. 1. 20th annual tuppor of tho Welsh litpliet church in tbo 1'. 11. church hall. Jan. 19. Suppor and banar in tho l'rimitivo Methodist school room. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS given -a.-wtr."sr. It will pay you to call at L. REFOWICH'S CLOTHING STORE xo Sotitli Itlnin Street. l'artlos wisliinR to colect thoir Christmas presents can do so now and havo them laid aside until wanted. At Iloldcrra&n's. m 11-28'tf AVaters' Woisa boor is tho best. John A. lloilly sole agent. 5-6-tf A Kind Friend. 7s what they call that Famous Remedy, Ked Kiae Oil, It quickly cures ItheuniatlBiu, .Neuralgia, Cuts, llrulhes, Hums, Hores and all puln. It is good lor man or beast. 25 cents. At Klrlln's drug store. Fancy rings of all descriptions nt Hoi dorman's. 11-28-tf Best work done at Bronnan's steam laundry. Evorvthing whito and spotless. Laco curtains a specialty. All work guaranteed. Thanksgiving Day is Overl Hut we still carry a full Mock of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices, We also have a floe stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC FRUITS and NUTS J. S. THOMAS' Cheap Gash Store 116 West Conl Btreet. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapira's Pharmacy, 107 South MnlnlStreet, NEXT DOOR TO HOST OFFICE, Prescriptions carefully compounded by registered purmnacisu. If you wish to procure a good OYBBCOAT for Utile money give moarall. All goods must be sold before January 1st, as i am going inio mo n m murium k nrss. Goods sold ebiaper than my competi tors cau purchase them. C rtiis Presents ! BEDSTEADS, OFFICE DESKS, Music Cabinets, Rattan $j Plush Rockers PARLOR SUITS, - - and upward. - 4.50 and upward, - 2,110 and upward, - 15.00 a - $20,00 EXTENSION TABLES, - 4,00 and upward FINE LIKE LADIES' DESKS, 10,00 and upward EASELS, All Styles, - - 1,00 and upward PICTURESA Large Lot kt Opened for the Holiday Trade, $1,00 and upward PICTURES, Wilcox & White Organs, EIPIANOSI:: Steck Chickerini Aiiuliushe Lester JIardmnn WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Pianos, Organs and Hewing Machlns sold cheap for i mil or rcntid by the month 13 South Mam Street, SHENANDOAH, PA. HEADQUARTERS OF SANTA i LACS ! T"WO STORES: (6 M Centre Street and 34 North Main Street, Shenandoah. ' . . I I iriTTIP I - . . . - jiTV I ""'"a its ruuuey mil lor you juu wuiuiinsb your iiouuay goous from us. Five hundred styles dressed dolls, from 60 to $1 60 each. Dolls' shoes, stockings, trunks, tables, bureaus, chairs, toilet sets, paintboxes, writing desks, doll swings, air rifles, druniB, trains of cars, gun boats and other articles run by steam, A large lot of mechanical toys, tool chests and all the latest games, ABC and build ing blocks, MONEY IN IT. iNow is the Time ! -pO l'ltKl'AKK for winter. Every one Is looking for Hie Ust goods for tho least money. If you are seeking bargains lu Hats or Caps Just drop In to fee Kcmunn. uo sens men's eood ftir caps for 60c, men's red under clothing 'or (Ken piece, men's fine working glovcb at 5c a palr,Ltbe BEST OVERALLS in 1ho MARKET 05c A I'AIIt, An escellent line of Grey Klennel Hhlrts for working at the very lowest price. Hlg line ol good winter hhlrts from 25o up to 2.50. A Hlg Drive In ISX'.CICWItAIl Four-lu-handBnnd Tccks at 23 cent, regular prlco 40 cents. Something New in Puzzles. Bcanlau has something new In this line. Any one glvlug the correct way of doing the puzzle wi'l receive a 3 hat or Its equivalent. There are four ways of tolving the purzle, and the correct way must be given. 'Jhete puzzles we are selling for 10c, or we will give one to the person purchasing S2 worth of goods and over. ATnew pateDt hat hanger given sway with each hat;purchased at U S, Main St, SOANLAN Shenandoah o pa in 45 CKNTS for a window shade with fringe, others for 66c, G5o and up. Hhades mude for stores and private dwel lugs. A now Jot of shad ings and fringes to match. C. 3D. ZFlHOiaiECE'S Carpet Store, 10 Soath Jarilin SL, near Centre Antique silver toilet and manicure sets, dictionary andbiDlo stand hold ers, hook and ladder and fire engines, tin stoves, German tops, trumpets and many other articles in this line. Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Sleighs China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &e. mm il A II rl,,Dr liu II iibinrn .innilHTV I Hi Illlf, iin T.nBitnnn . miu refused. Call early and have the pick of the lot. You cau select what you want, which will be set aside,on payment of a small deposit. -TJk.ICE -A. PEEP!- It'Is not necissary togo about it surreptitiously, as dn the caminain the picture, if you would take a peep at our eltpnut display of the latest uoveltlee in drees goods, cloaks, wraps and ruys. Our store Is a little world's fair In it self and visitors may freely inspect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. We have some attractive specialties this week in the line of Dry Goods, uoats, wraps, etc. J. J. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Common Sense SHOE STORE. For the next two weeks you can purchase ladies' line Dongnla Shoes for $2.00, worth 1-2.75. 110 South Mam Street, OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, S. L BROWN, Prop. From now until Christmna wo will got lu IfUK-TRXItXAlED On a hp TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Procure one of our Chest Protectors. 1 JNO. B. PRICE'S SONS There is "inuslo at Yates'," especi ally In tho OVERCOAT ItOOM and Children's Department. Tire constant hum of business gives a "snap" and a "go" to the whole establishment. The choice Clothing of the season Is upon our tables upon Its merits prlu olpally we rely to advance our reputa tion. The moderate prices of course will have their say. A. C. Yates & Co. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts nest-made Clotliiiiif In liiilnflclntoln. Y7IIiIiE PHIil' MONEY. SAVES Convtr.Uncn. unooH FOOD FOOD FUEL Economical' Cook.d Nutritiously. LAROIO OVISTS. BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS Tbo Celebrated Dnplex Grato ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS! BEAUTIFUL HIGH SHELF. ELEGANT HOT OLOSET, HOT WATER RESERVOIR, Waterbicki for Boilers Meet Every RequlreO' EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. ' FOR SALE B""5rT No. 6 South Jardin Street. BAfK INVESTMENT. If youwHutn fate Investment Intpeetour line line of clollilrif, dry gnodn.uotlnne, boou and shoes. Ntw stock Ju.t received Every article a barg&ln, as an Inspect. on will prove. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 33 H. MAIN STKEStT, WaUh for the HED BIGN In front,-S The placo to purchase your Harness, Whips, Robes, Blankets IS AT GEO. ROBINSON'S, 25 W. Centre St., Shoxiaxxdloali,Fomia. A general stock ol TTn-nsiTfl T?TTT?"MTSTrTKn nonTja REPAIRING AT REASONABLE TRICESL