LOPPY'S HARD FATE SAWTELLEJN COURT Tho Mnrdoror Tolls How Ho Killed His Brother. WOLFF'S flighest of all in Leavening Power. U. S Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. . , , t ?lesli Ovor Iliff Temples Was Scared to llio Bono. RESULT3 OP THE AUTOPSY. HIRAM FinST SHOT IN THE BACK Tha Body Pat in a Box With Quioklima His Body Tilled With Bullets, and Eii Hoad Chopped Off. and Buried on a Hillside- Fre ,ent i In the mml elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE OP THE FIGS OP CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative fay perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is tliereost oxcellsnt remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURERLQOD, REFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK VOUB DRUOG'ST FOR MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN rRANCISCO, CAL. UUISVIUE. KY NEW YORK. N. K GOIiD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W. Baker & Cos Breakfa Cocoa from which tho excess of oil has been removed, Is Absolutely Pure and it is Soltible. No Chemicals rtro used iu Its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugarj and Is thcreforo far rnoro ccbuomical, costing less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, Btrcpgtheulug, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for person? in health. Sold by Crocoro ovorywhoro W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. 6lek Headache and relieve alt the troubled Inci dent to a bilious state of the system, such tut pizzlness. Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after eating. Pain In the Bide, &o. While their moat remarkable success has boen aliown tp curing , SI ktc&tUobe, Jot Oartcja Littlo Htgt P0J ar eTUlIj valaihlolliOjjitlpatlon, curlngand pro TentLpff this Annoying complalnt.'whllo tbey also brrecf nil disorders of the slom&cb.atlmnlato tha river and ioUto tliolxiwela. ETeuif Uwjronlf HE (AfiiathCT.TOUlJboalmostprlelcsaCiUioMwIia mufut rom tils distressing complaints but t ortn. iliately their cKlnessdoesSotendhete,ariilthoia ,who once try Lhora wUl and these llttloplUa vara svtjle In so many Vraya that thoy "will' not he wit "Hag to 06 triliocj liem. Bat after aUelcJc head ACHE laths barjti of Bo many lives that horalSTrhera Others o not. i tirter'iiT.lltlo LlTcr Pills ara very small anil . vory easy iu iaat. vi , v y piu .uimo iow. .Ithey are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or Jptarne,' but by their 'gentle action please all whet Oje lhem. lnTlalsat25centsi five for tl. Sou VJ lrugglaUoTerjytiere,oriontby mail. .CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York! -SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SHALL PRICE lank Couhtors, Tyler Systorri, Port able, Unoqualod In Style?, Cost and Finish. 1U Pars Cstslojos st Cousirrs, Dks tit., IliuUsUa la rlnn. Haak.. Vrm Pa.t.M l&C.ntk Also -ryier's jsoyn. Office ek. and Ty io wrltor CHlilnets, BOO styles. Best and cheap- est fan earth, with great reduction in prices. ISO tc eiu'orn Frte. 10.1. IS 13 tlU lull H.M fit lick., ibtln, Tltjlts, Dook fun, C.blB.L, L.,.1 13U k f.bl..!., .If., slSI. Is Slock. Sn.rl.l ..rk n.d. I. Srd.r. rti.Viji nr.sicco., 8.i.oUi.,jio.,i;,h.a. t.tileliMter's Kirlltli lllutoud IlruiC. EFINVROYAL P.LLS Or ifl a Ml Bua fiuly (icnuino. cure Jy r SUtit t oic uk I !it fur Cktiki icri J , mH Via-. onJ brand la ILd Uit ' old aouJUo loxc4, aiiM u& fiu tii-'-flu, Tnko In ntunpi fur p.n 'kuiaii testlniooltUl b4 iiut;r itr ufliiit" initiftr, or ntin mr MEN WANTED To test a I'osltlre tore sor loo eutjci wt p.ij.u, Karlr Kiotiats.lUiusslons.Ner.ousllefcWty.IjMOl bnA l'ow.r.-IoJTKjUncr. Ao. Bo irreatia our faith In our enecino we wlllscnd one Full Mouthy aleo iSo MacU VsluaUe Information rilKl. Addrm CARTER'S! iver mmm . aba WW III 'In I 1 IBS 3a saisa 1 Loppy Mft Ills I'Bt With Oreat JFortl- lllde-.llniln Ha Ueslstnncn lint IMaoeil Himself Voluntarily In tlin Dentil Clialr Tim Precautions Used to l"rnt tlin News From llelnB Known-Ills,torjr of tile Crlmo for Miloh the Muitterer HuCTered. SiNO Sino, N. Y., Deo. 8. The scenes at the execution by electricity ot Murtln D. I.oppy, the Now York wlfamurilofer, In Sing Slug prison yesterday were a repetition ot those which occurred at tho execution of the lour murderers in the same place In July last. The con demned met his fate bravely. Three shocks wero administered, and Loppy was pronounced dead lu six minute af ter he was placed lu tho chair. Voltage used In this Instance was from 1,700 to 1,750 ns against 1,500 used In July. The total period of contact was from 49 1-a to OU 1-3 seconds, the dlllereuue uo lag caused by variation ot the battery. The Urst shock was admlstered at one minute to 12 aud at 12:05 the warden ordered one of the uuards ti run up the flair pronouncing to tho outside world ttnit the traglo event had been accom plished. The witnesses were Dr. uarios v. Mc Donald, Statu Commissioner ot Lunacy; Prof. Louis A. Laudy, of Columbia Col lege; Dr. Samuel li. Ward, of Albany; Hi A. lirown, state rrlson i-urcuasiug Agout; Hev, Sidney G. Law, Chaplain of the Tombs', l!ev. Silas W. Eduertou, Chaplain of Sing sing 1'rison; Deputy Coroner W. P. Jenkins, of Now York; Dr. Ira T. Vau Uoissen. of Uroeuport, L. I.! Dr. Brill, ot Brooklyn; E. K Davis, ot New York; Dr. Evans, of Schuyler; Dr. W. F. Douitlass. of lliddiotowu; Dr. J. E. Hansom, of Dannemora Prison; Dr. Holliston, of Bellevuo llos tiltal, New York; Dr. Hiram B.trlow, of Sing Sing; M. Q. Ellison, Dr. Kingston, of Newbura. and Dr. Ely. of Newburg, A little after 10 o'clock Hev. Mr. Law and Hev. Mr. Edcerton went to Ljpny's celt and spent the hour and a half be tween tint time and tlie execution in preparing him for the ordeal they knew no was to meet. Meanwhile the warden hal assembled the witnesses In the prison parlor and at 15 minutes of 12 they marched In double file, headed by the warden, through the passageway to the death chamber. Headkeeper McNaughton and two deputies then entered Loppy's cell and conducted mm to tne ueatn cnumu;r. He placed himself In the chair volun tarily. The straps about the legs, chest, abdomen and the arms were quietly ad' justed; the cup containing the elec trodes for the temples was lowered and maced In position, the death mast drawn over the face, and the guards stopped back and left him alone. Dr. McDonald gave the signals. Elec trician Davis closed the switch and Loppy had paid the penalty ot his crime. The autopsy by Deputy Coroner Jonk ins showed that, ns in all former Kill ings by electricity, the blcod was in a fluid state all through tho body. Both vetricles ot the heart wero filled with blood, and tho color was slightly darker than in normal ca-ies. run spleen was pulpy and colored In spots and slightly enlarged. TUe pupa ot tne eye noticeably contracted. Tho other was discolored. The skin along the back ot the body was also discolored, slightly purple, and in spots were found a number of blisters. The legs were contracted and the muscles rigid. Marked evidences of burning were fouud 011 the calf of the legs, and over tho temples the flesh was seared nearly to the bone. Loppy was burned as badly as was the first under the new method of killing. Four hours later four convicts re moved the body ot Loppy from ths au topsy table and placed it In a rough wooden box. halt filled with qulokllme. Then, .they filled "lb with the same ma terial, nailed on the ton aud hauled It to the lonely trench on the hillside, where they buried it. No friends or ,relatlves Jlave ever JnqulfQ for Loppy since uia iuuaruDtimuu. Soon after midnight yesterday the scenes around the ojd'prlson assumed an aDnear'ance similar to those during the execution of Slocum, Sinller and the others. A number of newspaper men had taken possession of the hill opposite the prison, .and Kept, themselves Dusy trying to Interrupt and pump Informa tion from those who ,entered or came out ot the jail. The death line was closelv natrolled and the guards, carry ing guns loaded with corks, had orders tg "pop any one wno persisted iu cross ma the line wltnout. permission. When day light began to show the outlines of the prison walla to the wait ing press .representatives, rain was nourlns steadily and the surroundings were dismal enough to form a suitable trame for the approaching death scene. At 7 o'clock the electrla lights In the nrlson aud In the villa also were turned off and the engineer ot the special engine went home, so that the indications were ) I that nothing was to be dona during -the early morning Hours. Chlot Keener Counaughton oama out- Ida the dead line at about 8 o'clock and said the prisoner had passed a .very comfortable nlgbt, resting quietly and that he ate his breakfast with quite a cood ileal of relish. The execution room is in a temporary frame structure outir, on tne soutu biuo of the main blinding of the prison, There are two rooms 111 the little build ing one the execution room and the other the room where .the autopsy is held. The execution room is in the eastern halt ot the building. Against the partition which divides the building is built a closet lor tne executioner, ua enters It from the autonwy room. Lonnv had beeu prepared for death for several weeks. He has never ceased to protest his innocence of the crime with which he js charged, but he has had uo bone of escHDinc: the death penalty. He came to the prison a physical wreck- deaf, blind in one eye and Willi - fits whole svstom shattered by drink. The quiet prison life and the coarse healthy prison fare restored some ot his Vitality and cleared his besotted mind. Of lata he found some consolation in re ligion, Ai)d Mr. La. w,ttl)e. chaplain of the" lumus, ue Bring -xrom tue prison uuais- 1 lain, Jr. JWgeUon, of his Interest la is- ABSOLUTEDf PURE llglon, visited Sing Sing onco to talk with and to comfort him. Mr. Edger ton has boen with him a great deal in the last two days. Sunday he spent several hours in the condenmed man's cell reading to him from tbs UtUIo ana vraylng with him. Loppy's Crime. Loppy murdered Hester his wife, on tho afternoon ot July 4, 1890. Ho was drunken nnd Idle. She supported him by doing tailors' Bewlng at homo. Ho claimed that ho was an englneor. They lived ou a back attic on Chrystie street, New York. Hester Loppy was Martin's second wife. Ho had a daughter by his first marriage, but she did not live with her father. Robert Weir, mate of n tug boat, on- tered the Loppy apartment at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of tne day oi tlie mur der. He had been drinking freely. He pushed open the door aud saw tho corpse of Hector Loppy, the clenched hands outstretchod, the arms bare and bloody anil the body disligured wltn four deop cuts, one ot which reached the heart. Tho doad woman's head was supported by a pillow and her wide opened eyes were turned towaru iu o door. Not two feet away Martin Loppy sat on a sofa and gazed stupidly at the body. He was drunk. Weir and neigh bors had hoard the Loppys quarrelling there lu tho morning, Tho woman's wounds had boon partly washed and her body and clothing ar ranged by her murderer. Ho had ovon sponged the blood oil tho oilcloth and carpet of the room. Tho murder had been done with a pair oi neavy tailor's shears. The woman was about 40 years old. Sho was noatly dressed an 1 her rooms wero scrupulously clean and neat. Loppy was convicted in the Uouoral Sessions. Hecorder Smyth senteuced him to death. Tho murderer was a short, thick-set man about 50 years old. He fought In the civil war nnd re ceived a wound that ruined his lofteye. He had been known as a drunknrd for a long time. His wife was sober, indus trious aud faithful. AT HBP THE NEXT MORNING T FEEL BRIGHT AND fcstV"" "Wl sl ill! t NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS btl IhH. Mv dnrtnr savs It acta fntlr on the stomach. liver and kidneys, anil is n nleasant laxaUve. This drink Is made from herbs, and Is prepared for use o-s cosily as it's, ji in i-ihih,. druireists Ir J Inc Moves the llowelench day. bealtny, inu is necessary. Grand Opening I FAI.J, aud win. TElt STTI.ES OF MILLINERY ELLAM. M'GINNISS1 -NO. 2(i East Ceniv St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest assortment In Hats, Donnots and Caps at re markably low prices, durllneof Children's TJUS1MED AND UN TJIUIMED lIATtJ Oaxtuot Too Uqiifvllocl. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT? and well made, fashionable clothes? If so, call on W. cT. sJjQOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8SputhJar(lin Street, Shenandoah Call and boa samples of tho latent coods aud be Btyleti. Good worfctnausblp, promptness idu mir prices, ttnallw. Oiilrtkltf. PArmanAntlv Restored, tVeukDii. Nfirvouineit. Deblllfv. nd all the train ofcvlli from emrly errors or later excesftei tho result! of overwork, sickness, worry etc. Full strength, development, and tono given to every orjran and portion ot the body. Simple, natural muinDas. lmmeaiaie imDrovcmenc seen, ran are Impossible. 2,000 references. Book, explanations naprooiinaneij tseaieai injo. viaaress ERIE MEDIOAL CO., BUFFALO. N. Y, DRESSMAKIM SCHOOL To the 1 tiles of Bhenandoah and vlclnllv, A Scleutillo Dress Oultlngand Muslim Urancb School Is oueued In room No. 8. ltobbins' buuamg, over tne post, omco, wuere pnpus are tak'-n and taught the latest and best sys tem of cuttluEand dressmaking Tho syslem is a saving of time, labor and money and is readily acquired. AH are dellghud who have lenrnea it. Ujicu evenings. tl-tt-t! . MrH, M. C. HF.W,ITT. y it yoMKBOT. ,v ' A,Tt0RHEr.AT.LA. -r O Jlr.i-li6ddsu s balhUo Tomer flala ni oti it: i m It, Ila fiulmillt d to lli Courts. ALliANV, N. Y., Dec. 8. At tho City Hall yesterday, Jiutlco Edw.ird give a further hearing iu tho contested Sena torial election casus ot I'ock, Deaue, aud Sherwood. After argirnunt a stip ulation was agreed upon and signed by tho attorneys on both nidus, that appeal shall be takeAtotheGdlier.il Ter.n, Ddc 8, with reqtutst tor lininedinte hearing and decision, and that the party tlieru defeatod shall immediately ppe.ir to the Court of Appeals, both parties to join in requesting that court to place the appeals on its present calendar and fix the earliest practicable day for tho hearing, the proceedings of the State Hoard' ot Canvassers, relative to the votes tor Senator In tha loth, 10th, 25th and v'th Districts to be suspended until the decision by the Court ot Appeals provided such decision bo made prior to Dec UO, and if so made, the certificates of the result to be In accordance with the Court of Appeals. 100 Dollars an Hour for sloop at cortsin times wojld be a cheap price. For crying bnbiej uso Dr. Hand's Colic Cure. It never fails. O. J. Mc Carthy and J. M. Hillan, tho druggists, are furnUhing frco samples to thoso who doubt, but would like to try it. The nvprugc helfilit of clouds above (lie L'urtli in ouu and two utiles. A National Evont. The li ldliie of the World's Fair In a city tea oely ti ty o.rs old will be a remarkable event, bit' whether It will reilly beiielit Ibis n-itlcm us much as the discovery ot the Itestorative Nervine by Dr Franklin Miles t doubtful, flits Is Just what iho Amcrlcau peo le need to core tliflr excefcsivo nervous ness, dyspepsia, headache, dlziness, sleep lessness, ueuriiljla, nervous debility, dullness, conluslon of mind, etc It act I ke n, churin. Trial bottles and tine book on "Nervous und Heiirt I)leos," with unequal'dteKtlmonlals, AV&t.'i! II. Hneenbcch s driis store. Ills fvqrranletl to contain no opium, niorjMne or aanyerow urugs. ' The world's sweetest songs are those of a mother over the crudk'. Miles' orvo ana Liver Pills Act on a now principle regulating tne liver, Momach and bowels through the nerve) A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily ouie biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, nn,aMnt!nn. ifnAmmlftd for men. WOmOU. children. Bmallest, mlldest.surestl 6)doses, 33tts. Hamules Free, at C. II. Ilagenbuch'p drn store. ' Boon time to fix up lust season's broken New Year resolutions. Romarkablo Foots. Heart disease Is uuilly supposed 'o bo In- curaole,but when pMpeny treated n Inrse proportion oi cases i-nno-carea, ijiiih .-tus. Imir.t Hilton, of Elltll.lrt. lnd, nnd Mrs. Hsrv L. B iker, ot Ovid. Mich., wero cured alter -ufferlnit 3D yea's, H. 0 Unbur er, drujtlstdtBau Joe, III., says that Dr. Mile.-.' New noari uure, wmcu cureo. mo mmier, 'worked wonders tor his wlfo," Levi ogan. of Hitch-men, Mich., who had heart disease lor 3d years, says two oomes mnao mm "leel like-a new man." Ur Miles' New Heart CU'e h sold and citarantecd by u. it liasenbucu tho druggist. Boot or wonderful testimonials free. Trot out cood cnutlldutes for Couucll next February. Oh, What a Oough. Wlllyouheod the warning? ins of the sure annro.ich of The elenal per- "the sure approach of that moro ter rlble disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can allord for the sake or savins SO i-ents, to run the risk arid do nothing for it We know from experience that Hhlloh's Cure win mire jour uougn. it never iaus. ims mnlnlns whv more than a Million Uottlen were sold the post year. It relieves Croup and Whopping Coni;b nt once. Mothers do not be without 1L For Lame Back, Side ot Chest. Use Hhlloh's Porous 1'laster. Bold by U. 11. Hagenhuch, N. K. corner Main and tiloyn .streets. Considerable damage was done by Friday's storm. Shlloh's Consumption Ouro. This is bevond Question the most snc- jasslul Cough -Medicine we have ever sola, i low-(loses Invariably cure the worst cases ol noauh. Crouc and Bronchitis, whllo its won- lenui success in me cure ot tvonsumpLiou u llnoe it's first discovery it has been sold on a marantee. a test wnicn no otuor meatc an stand. It you have a Congh'we earnestly isc you to try it. rnce iu cents, on cents, sun 11.00. If your Lungs are Sore, Chest or Back tame, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. BoIdJby O. H. Ilagenbnch', N. K. corner Main and Uoya streets. Our raerclmuU .are nrenared for a Dig nuuuay initio. A Yankoo Sheriff Frightonod. elven un to die with' what his nhvalclaw . .nnll t...n.M -I, ( ln,n,.1n V.. Inn ...na callod Consumption, a friend advised htm to try t'ap-tina uougn 'ana unnsumpuori uure, recovery followed, and the doetor-now uses It tor uousns, uoiqh anu ixjnsumption, jriai bottles tree at Klrlln'suruK store: Tho slion windows nowadays are very utirnuuve. What Father Pablo Varola Says. Oelaya. Uctobei 1. 1889. I know several peoile who have buttered reatly from tlie consequences of Impure il -od. and li a very short while have felt mucn uettet uy using tne meuieine wnicn Wda sent acre oy uun uumou aivh iur iti-u pur me. 1 recomine-id this remedy us o .e which pri mues the best results, and Is the bestof lUklnd. IIKV.I'AHLO VAHUbA. Hold at tUrltu's Drug BUre,Ferguson House uiock, inenunuoai). WALL PAPER BARGAINS Largest and cheapest stock In town, Arlisiic Paisfe Graining anil Decorating J. P. CARDEN, 1026m 221 W.Centro 8t.. 8IIEMAND0AU 0H.RIS. BOSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURAN - 01N. Main St., Ejlienindoah, The Fiaeat Stock of Beers, Ales. Cigars, k The Rlnyer Would Have Committed Sui cide, Hut the ThiHicht "t HI Slother Btnyad Ills Hand Nerer Bind. Up Ills Mind to Do Murder Th llnriy Found In siniue, Which Mny 8aT. Sant.Ue from th. Oalluws, Concoiid, N. H., Dec. 8. Tho hearing In the petition for a now trial in the caso ot Isaao B. Saw to I lo, under sentence ot death tor murdering his brother Hiram, at llochostor, N. II., was held before tho full bench ot the Su premo Court lu tho Sennto chamber yes terday. The hall and corridors leading to It were thronged. Sawtelle, in cuargeot Warden Colbathand manacled to prison officials, came into court and told the following story of the murder: "I met my brother Hiram on Febru ary 6, 1800, nt Iiochester when he got off tho train. I told him his daughter Marlon was sick. I told lilm she was out ot towu. I got a team at Smart's stable, and went from there to Wallace's hardware store where I got a spade, pick and shovol, and nsked if they would take back the tools If they were not used. They said they would. I did up tho tools and put thorn in the back of tho wagou. 'I drove past Rankin's in Mnlno. When I turned into the Marsh roal he wanted to know where I was taking hltn. Directly I turned into the little path near the woodman's shanty in tho woods I saw ho wanted to got out, and ho did. Thou he got In again. I said, 'I have got some papers hero that 1 want you to sign.' I took tho papers from my pocket aud said: 'You may sign those or take that,' pulling out a revolver aud pointing It at htm. "He held my hand In which the re volver was until after I promised not to hurt htm. He then began to walk towurd the shanty, and after going some 20 foot broke into a run. I started after hi in and called several times, 'Hiram! Hiraml stop, or I will lira I As he kept on running I tired. Ho ran a little way and fell. I then ran up and shook him. hut he said nothing. I then put the pistol to my head to kilt myself and said: 'Qood-by, Hiram, I'm going to shoot,' Immediately I said: 'My QodI There is my poor old mother, must live for her 1' "I loweiol the pistol, nnd as thought Hirum was moving Hired three more shots Into his body to put him out ot pain. I then took hold ot the boots and dragged the body about 100 yards and began digging a grave. I hurrlod up and took oil his clothing. The gravo I dug was not large onougii, anil 1 look. tho hatchet and chopped oil his hoad and arms. I found 1 had not burled tho head, and I took It and put it in tho bag with his shirt around it, put tha bag in the team, and liiially uroro into tho woods and buriod tho hoad under some birch trees, I dug a hole, took tho bead out ot the bag. aud. as 1 buried It, said, 'good-by, Hiram.' I throw the axe, lamp and shovel into the rlrer ns I crossed the rlvor from Maine back to Bochoster, took Hiram's clothing to my boarding house and wont to bod. Dr. Blood gavo me a plan of tho woods anl tho vacant shanty in Maine, nnd I went over there from llochostor ou Tuesday to locate them. lUr. Blood snid It would be just tho way to go up to Rochester aud take mother and Marlon with mo nnd send for Hiram. He also spoke about tho vacant house. I novor made up my mind to Kill mm, lor i know if I got liliu into the shanty and put my hack to the door ha would sign tjo papers without my killing htm." ins case is being continued to-uay. The Agreement With Germany. Washington, Doc. 8. State Depart- ment oQlcials say that the cable dis patch from Paris asserting that a treaty of commerce has been concluded be tween Germany and the United States, by which the Intter country exempts German beet sugar from duty and uor- many gives the United States the favor ed nation the benefit In regard to im portations from the United States into that country, is substantially true, and that iM-ance (which also produces a con sideraule quantity ot beet sugar), will soon follow in the same lines. It Is technically Incorrect to say that ' ii. , , , i - i , rm.. treaty nns usou cuuciuueu. mat wouldjrequire concurrence, by the Senate. What has oeen accompiisuoa is an agree ment under the reciprocity clause of the MoICInley bill. Slellvalu. Cas. In Court. WasnlNQTox, Dec. 8. The United States .Supremo Court yesterday praoti- cally decided the appeal of Charles Mc- Hvalne, who Is under sentence oi ueatn In New York for the murder of Lucca, the Brooklyn grocer, from the decision of Judge Lacombe, rotuslng to grant a writ ot habeas corpus when, after lis tening to a long argument by Qeorga M. Curtis, Mcllvnlnu's counsel, ha declined to hear argument by Attorney -Ooneral Tabor, representing tha State of New York, on the ground that It was not necessary. !!l Irun and Nail Company Suspends. I'lTTsnuno, Dec. 6. A despatch from Bellefoute says that the Bellefonte Nail and Iron Company, limited, has sus pended with liabilities' aggregating 1300,000. Ex-Gov. James Wi Heaver, tho presideut, has assumed nil its in- debtedness. and will place the plant the hands ot a trustee tor the benefit of the creditors. Tin, I.vldeiiui. All In. BostoX, DoSf 8. After two years, spent In taking testimony, the cane ot tho United States ngtlnst the Hell Tele phone Company to annul the Boll patent is believed to be complete, and uo more evidence will be taken at present. A Lawyer bellteuced. Lowell, Mass., Deo. 8. K. D. Mo Vey, a member of the Middlesex County bar was yesterday Quad $100 and sen tenced to three months in the House ot Correction for Illegally keeping liquor, lie appealed. Failure of an Iinportlnz Firm. IlosTouy Deo. 8t llatbaway St Co., Importers ot provincial merchandise, hW failed, with liabilities' of . 0,000. USED BY MEN, WOMEN a!TO ODJLDREN. A SHINE LASTS A WEEK. LEATHER PRESERVER. A Handsome polish. IS WATER-PROOF. 20C. A BOTTLE. cent a foot will pay fop changing tho ap pearance of old Furnituro sr. completely that It-will look like new. 3 THE NAME OF THE PAINT THAT DOES IT, CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAPARILLA Purifies the blood by ex pelling the impurities through the proper channels and never causes eruptions on the skin. Regulates the bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you an appetite. Never fails lo cure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrlln'e Drug Siure, Ferguson's Hotel Slock, Shenandoah, Fa. Ask my no-cuts- for V It. DniiRln. Shoes It not lor .ale lu your placu link your denloi- to rud fur cnluluaui', secure tho iilfencr, and Ret I hem Ini you. laT-TAHD NO SIJIISTlTUTll. -JIl WHY THE L, DOUGLAS SRS6 v3-BtJ7f&, GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOB THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoo, t Ith no tacks or wax thread to hurt tho feet; made of the hest fine calf, stilish and easy, nnd bemuse ,er make more shoes of thtm aiatte than anit other mnnufat'tmer. It equals hand sewed shoes costing f nun $ I.U0 to 63.00. CSC 00 (leuiiliici llHinl.Hcivril, tlio finest calf HJm shoe ever offered for $.MJO equals French Imported shoes lllcli cost from SjJNlto $U.IK. 01A UO lluuil-S-vtd Writ Mine, fine cair, siys-c-a st llsti. comfortuhle and durable. The hest shoe ever offered at this prlco t same jtrndo as cub torn-made shoes costing from At Ou to S9jux SO H'J l'otiee Shoi'i Fanners, Ualtroad Men O. and I-ettcrt'arriersall wearthcmi tluecalf, seamless, smooth Juslile, heavy three soles, exten sion cile. One pair will wear u 3 ear. qa 50 fliincuiri no better shoe over offered at 33a-. this price one trial will convince those who want n shoe for comfort and service. SO -1 uud $.IIO Wfii'ltlntrinnn'a shoes imm are very atrouff and durable, 'lhoeo who have given them n trial will wear no other make. Qnue S'J.IM) nuil 81.73 school shoes ar. worn by tho boyseterywbere: theyseu on theTr merits, ns the Increasing sales show. 1 nrliac l'n0 Iliiml-eed shoe, best ImC U I 5 53 Duncola, very styllsht equalsFrench Imported shoes oostlnir from 81.UQ to Stt-Ui. 1 ...II. . -Cfl U (111 .....1 Sll ahnii fiw Mlssesare the best fine ilongoui. btyllshanddurahle. (,'nutlon.See that W, L. UoURlas' name and prtco are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUULAS, lirockton, Mass. Tosopll jBH, DR. THEEL. tQQ North Fourth St., th only tenntn Uctidm AmciitK BpwUlUt tn ths VuM Btt wb - bi (a curt Blood PoUon Nervous Debility 4 Spe cial Disease BilsDiMUM. RMeraurtvlntUtkst boBfi.soreTriroat Mouth, BloUhw, FlmplM, EmpdoDi, ofX or hut. llNri, 8wtlUoi, JrriU-Ueu, lDfl(inmfttlBI 4VOl BBbllat4 Btrietorti, Wcahocii ul ttrtj nitd lcr P1iim mi) all DImum retulUDr JrjdlwrctloD or OTtrwnrk. Kwil tut OUTfJ la w iv ay. relief i onof. Po not low nop. o rn-twr hl UIb Doctor, Quwt, Ftmlij Umi-IUI Phytlclwi htvi tollM. Dr. THEEL cares positively n1 wtl,w dtwsUm nam baitacis old. TOtfHa. wntPLM a inwmi wmiiTuriM "THUTH P' Qhmi ODr iitorn Usumt-nis Bf 6 U 10. Bund.T t. UU II. Writs or t.il ind fc MTta. Tor Ksiertusus Veda. M 8laia7 YtM. TluK A FINE SHOW II you want to see a floe display 01 Hoots and Bhoos, goto W. S, SNYDER'S j Tf orwl Slino SfriVO (Masteller's old stand,) Corner Coal and Jardin Htn. Custom Work nntl Rcpnlrlntr Done In the best style. "WIEIEilKIS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be pleased to fieet the wanU I to ?ie of tils friends 1 and the publlo In Everything in the Drinking Line. is jpr H. UIUOKEil, M. V., PHYSICIAN AND S DftGEON, Mo'. 9 aast Centre Htreet; Mananoy Oltr, Ftv yfcln and al! Eoeelal diseases spec lad ty,