The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 08, 1891, Image 2

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Tho Georgian Nominated
the 30th Ballot.
MnHlHlii Wlllidrfiw. and Bnrinenr float I
' to
tb Deoitivo Vote for Oris p.
A fiecne nf Wild tlxcltnnient Wlinn tli
Toto IYni Annntincinl Knrr for Clrlt,
Toiler for 8rrsoniit-ntArill4, Turner
for llonl keeper, Mllbnru lor Clluplaln
Opmlng of Congress mid Adjournment.
VAniKHTON, Dec 8. Congressman
Crisp, ot Georgia, was nominated as
cnnilldnto for Bpenker ot the House by
the Democratic caucus on the ilOtli bal
lot. The vote stood: Crisp, 119; Mills,
106; Springer, 4; Stevens, 1.
At 10 o'clock yeatenlny the caucus
reassembled, but the deadlock was no
nearer to being broknn after two bal
lots hnd been takon than It wns Satur
day night A rocess was takon until 3
p. m., when the twentieth ballot re
sulted: Crisp U2, Mills DO, Springer 17,
MoMIUIn 1.
Ttio next two ballots were about the
same, but on tho 2.'!d the broak com
menced. Mr. Hatch cast his vote for
cnAnuw rnKDEiliric cnisp.
Crisp and carried with him several ol
his followers. Tho vote was: Crisp 100,
Hills VI, Springer 113, McMilllu 11),
Stevens 1.
The next six ballots were ntmost alike,
Mr. Crisp on the 28th having 101, and
Jlr. Mills 01.
JJefore the calling of the roll on the
tOth ballot was begun, Mr. McMUlin,
after a L"Wty consultation with some of
his adherents, entered tho chamber of
the House and announced his with
drawal from the contest Tho an
nouncnient came like a thunderbolt
from a clear sky, and for a moment the
members present were taken back. Mr.
McMUUn made his announcement In a
speech of about live minutes. He said
ho withdrew In the Interest ot party
When tho full Import of Mr. MoMll
lln's moaning broko on the members,
there was n wild shout thnt expressed
approbation, relief and oxultatlon all
In ono. The Mills nion were jubilant
and tho Crisp men evidently thought
they had equal cause for joy, for they
joined In tho cheering with a will. Mr.
MoMUUn did not express perferences for
any candidate, and there was an anx
ious look on the faces ot the Mills a nd
Crisp men as tho vote proceeded.
Then trio McMlllln men divided be
tween the two leaders, (seven going to
Crisp and eleven to Mills. Mr. McMlllln
also voted for Mills.
When the last name In the SOth bal
lot had been called, it was found that
Crisp had 113 votes lacking one of
nomination. Beforo the result ot the
ballot was announced Mr. Springer,
who had been waiting In the lobby, eu
tored the caucus and called out to
Chairman Holman: "I desire to have
my name called."
This was the signal for an outburst ot
applause and when the clerk had called
Mr. Springer's name and ho responded,
"I vote for Charles Crisp," the Crisp
men broke loose In one wild uuro
itralnedyelL They mounted on desks
and chairs and yelled at tho top of
their voices. Books, handkerchiefs and
pieces of paper were thrown Into the air
and for a few moments pandemonium
reigned. Crisp men hugged eaoh other
in joy, and shouted out words 'of' con
gratulation that were lost In the wild
uproar of voices.
Out in the ante-room, where Judge
Crisp was botng surrounded by hli sup
porters, who were not members, the
news was brought, and cheer after
cheer went up from the crowd, and It
was taken up by those Inside the Crisp
headquarters. Judge Crisp took the
new of bis election quietly, but those
with him did not; they emulated the
doings of the Crisp men In the House
and jumped on chairs and other artioles
of furniture. Tho withdrawal ot Mr
Springer caused come change in the vote
that was about to be announced. Four
ot Mr. Bprluger's supporter voted for
Crisp, who, wheu the vote bad been an
nounced, was compelled 'to make a
Representative Kerr, of Fennsylvanla,
was then nominated for Clerk; ex-Representative
Yoder, of Ohio, for Sergeant-at-Artns;
ex-ltepreeentativa Turner, ot1
New York, ior Doorkeeper, and Kov.
Mr. Mllburn for Chaplain.
The caucus then adjourned.
yrutgedlii' of ilia Sunate-lluut Im
mediately AclJoiiruaJ.
Wabhikoton, Dec. 8. After the Sen
ate hnd been called to order yesterday
by Vice- President Morton, he laid he
fore the Senators the credentials ot new
Senators and the letters of resignation
received by him during the recess.
Those paper waro read, tho first be
ing the letter of resignation ot Senator
'ISeagan, of Texus, and the appointment
by the Governor ot that State of Air,
Chlltoo in'iils sttud.
flbe next ciedeutlals read were thoi
of Mr- Folton, of California, to fill the
-vacancy caused by the death of Mr.
Hearst; and the next were the resigns
tion of Mr. JdruUud, Of Vermont, and
the appointment ot Mr. Proctor In his
stsad. Tli next credentials rsad were
those of Mr. Call and Mr. Davidson,
ench clalmltitf to bo Senator from
lioth credentials wsro then placed on
The credentlnliiof Mr. Hrlco ns Satin
tor'ofoct from Olilo linviuft been pre
bontcil nnil end, Mr. Siirniiim s,il h
"llefore' until of olllco Is adtnihls
tcrod to Mr. Dries, t doir to any that
11 large portion of tlio citizens of Ohio
coutand thnt lio whs not mi Inhabitant
of thnt Stnto nt the tlmo ot Ills olection,
and wan, therefore, not eligible to a
sent 111 this lmdy.
nn .n,,,ii,,
tho precodents (ot
- a
there are several In the his
tory ot tho government nnd Home ot
them most Important), I am entirely
satisfied that Mr. lirloa Is entitled tn
be sworn In on the prima facie case of
his credentials, which are regular in
form. I simply give this notice, how
over, so that his being sworn may not be
considered any wavier or any misappre
hension or misconstruction If the pooplo
of Ohio should assert and prove to tho
satisfaction of the Senate that Mr.
llrlco was not at the time of his elec
tion au inhahltnut ot Ohio. I think
that this statement from mo Is proper
and necossary. But I make no objection
to tho swearing In ot Mr. Brlco. "
The swearing In of tho newly-elected
(or appointed) was then proceeded1
As soon as all tho new Senators were
sworn in, Mr. Sherman altered the
usual resolution for the appointment of
two Senators to join a llko commlttoo
on the part ot the House to wait on the
President of tho United States and in
form him thnt a quorum of each House
was assesnbled, and that Congress was
ready to receive any communication ho
might be pleased to make.
The resolution was agreed to, and
Messrs. Sherman and Harris were ap
pointed. Resolutions were offered and agreed
to fixing noon ns the dally hour of
meeting, and directing tho secretary to
inform thu House of Representatives
that the Senate was ready to proceed to
business, nnd then the Senate adjourned
until to-day.
The name ot Gov. Hill, Senntor-oloct
from New York, was not printed on the
list of Senators, nor wero his creden
tials presented,
Immediately after roll call by the
Clerk the House adjourue l until noon
to-day. There were 320 members pres
ent. Caucus of Hi .publican Senators.
Washington, Deo. 8. The Republican
Sonators met lu caucus inline liataly
nfter the adjournment ot the Senate.
Mr. Sherman was elected chairman ot
the caucus In place ot Mr. Kdmunds.
A committee on committees was au
thorized to be appointed by the chair to
rearrange the Republican representa
tion on tho Senato committees, and the
caucus thon adjourned subject to the
call of tho chair without further action.
The lrohlbltlon Itrtmuveil Yettertlnr by
u Decree of Prualrient Gamut,
AVashinotow, Dec. 8. Minister IUed
yesterday cabled that President Carnot
o( Franco had promulgated the law fix
ing tho duty on pork, and had published
the decree repealing from this date the
prohibition on American pork, which
has existod since February, 1831.
The decree Includes the following ar
ticles: 1 Salted pork meats from the Unltod
States can be imported into France at I
points to be llxed by subsequent ar- I
3 The Importers must produce, for
each shipment, certified from inspector I
of Department of Agriculture designated I
by the government of Unltod States,
certlllcates that the meats
aro from 1
healthy animals. The boxes must hear
ofllclal stamp ot Inspector. No ship
ment can be admitted which does uot
comply with their requirements.
3 After their discharge those moats
shall be examined by sanitary Inspector B
appointed by Minister of Agriculture.
All meat found unwholesome shall be
destroyed in presence ot these Inspectors.
4 Provides that these meats cannot
pass custom house without certificates
of inspection.
5 Kepeals former decrees ot prohibi
tion, oud any other regulations in con
flict with present decree.
liurnham'a 1VIU to be Contested-
Boston, Djc 8. Tho will of the late
T. O. II. P. Bnrnham, the milllonairo
bookseller, who left MOO, 000 to charita
ble and other Institutions, was not ad
mitted to probate yosterJay. Charles
Ilurnliaui of New York, a nephew, has
entered au appearance and there will ba
a contest. Augustus Flags, who was
named as executor of the will, has re
fused to acoept the trust. E. ii Brooks
Is the other executor.
ITauamnker Makes Denial.
Washinuton, Dec 8. Postmaster-
General Wanamakor, wheu shown the
published statement to the effect that
at a Cabinet meeting he opposed any
action of the administration intbe set
tlement of tho difficulty with Chill, save
by arbitration, quietly glanced over tho
article and said, lu his usual tone of
voice, that there was not one word of
truth In the stutement.
Imports and Kxports of flpeele.
New Youk, Deo. 0. The export of
specie from the port ot Now York, dur
ing the past week: amounted to $ 810, 119,
of wnicu 3(,juu was goia ami tue re
mainder stiver. The Imports ot specie
durlug the week were $i'A2,4'il, of which
$3(K1,2U1 was gold.
l'0Nthmrlclit Matched.
New Yonic. Dec. 8. "Kid" Hoean of
Brooklyn and "Illll" lMlratnsr ot Eng
land, were matched yesterday to fight
ten rounds, "Police Gazette" rules tor
5()0 a sido, during the second week of
January, lbe tad are HU-pouuders.
Mruclc bj n Train ami Killed,
Nvack, N. Y., Dec. 8.-aeorg Wil
son, aged CO years, while attempting to
cross the Northern New Jersey road's
track at Crejskill yesterday, was struck
by u train and killed. He leaves a widow
and two sous.
A Comity Clertl Iteiuoveit.
Albany, N. Y Deo. 8. Qovernor
Illll has removed Theodore A. Hoffman,
Clerk ot Dutche-is County, and ap
pointed In his place Btorai Kuions. who
Lwas elected County Clerk at the reoant
election. ,
Coaneetleut's R'nste Adjourued,
Hartford, Conn., Dec. 8. The Senate
met at 3:1)0 yestorday afternoon and ad
journed to Dsoaiabtr Xii at 1:B0 p. m.
Not Yet Identified Hmillmnrth to be It
- atnlneil as to Ills Anility
New Youk, Dec ETlio? head' ot the
man who threw the dynamite with, tho
Intention .f klllingHlussell Sago Is lu n
glass jar In n little room back ot the
keeper's olllco at the Mdrgue. The fea
tures have become distorted. What re
mains ot tho man's body still lies in tho
long, dark, dead room In the rear. A
single gas jet throws Its yellow light n
the plue box, marked: "A miiu, Resi
dence, CO Broadway." There is nothing
there now but a leg and an arm, The
pieces of the trunk are wrapped In a
linen shroud. The battered hat which
the man wore still lies at the foot ot the
A number of the visitors stopped to
apologize for their curiosity as they
passed back through tho olllue. Ono
man said ho came because ho knew
Mr. Snge by sight, and another ono said
ho naturally took nn Interest In it be
cause he had a friend Who had been cut
by a piece ot falling glass at the tilno
of tho explosion'.
Two women called and asked permis
sion to see the head, but permission to
do so was refused.
The head Is strung to tho top of the.
jar by a string run through the crown
of the scalp. The first man who cami)
to Identify the head was James Mt
Pollock, the bookkeeper for Gabe Case's
place at Mount St. Vincent. Pollock
had heard that the head looked Ilka that
of Prof. A. A. Denton, a crank who
called himself the ghost ot George
Washington, nnd said the happiest
moment ot his life would be when car
tain rich men would be struug at thl
arm ot the Goddess ot Liberty.
Mr. Pollock had known the man, and
brought a number ot photographs with
which to identify hlin. There was un
questionably a strong likeness, but lu la
lew details the beads were radically
different, and the Identification was not
Identification Is becoming more diffi
cult every hour.
Southworth, tho alleged partner of
the dead crank, was taken to Bellevuo
Hospital yestorday to bo exumlued as to
his sanity.
In searching the effects of Southworth
inspector liyrnes found Just such a
badgo ns that which hail been worn by
Lecturer Home's strange visitor. A let
ter from tho comptroller of the Prince
of Wales was also found In South
worth's possession. He, as a Free and
Accepted Mason, had evidently written
the Prince of Wales for monoy.
Can be counted on
to curd- Catarrh Dr. Sago's Catarrh
Remedy. It's nothing now. l?or
25 years it has been dointr that very
thing. It gives prompt and com
pleto reliof but you want moro
than that. And you get it, with
this Remedy there's a euro that
is perfect and permanent. Tho
worst chronio cases, no matter of
how loner stanuintr. yield to its
mild, soothing, cleansinff and heal
inc properties. " Uold in tlio Head "
needs but a fow applications. Ca-
tarrhal Headache, and all tho
troubles that como from Catarrh,
aro at once relieved and cured.
You can count on something else,
too 000 in cash.
You can count on it, but it's
moro than doubtful whether you
earn it.
Tho proprietors of Dr. Sago's
Remedy, in cood faith, offer that
amount for an incurable caso of
Catarrh. Don't think that yon
have ono, tliougn.
Thoy'll pay you, if thoy can't
euro you. That's certain.
But thoy can euro you. That's
just about as certain, too.
Can you ask more?
Klvo biz shows In one,
Parisian Folly & Spectacular
Introducing charmlne oueens of burlesque,
grand ono oi new special lies, novel ucnunu
luuuy conn dlan. enchuulne muslo and
UK-ret singing, boautllul aid resplendent
A enreeous niodtiction and Duriesaue or
Iravsgauta, "iluQiilo Bill Abroad, and Ills
Presentation to Queen Victoria." Correct I m
Derfronatlnns bv l url tone beauties of tin
Queen uud tier ladles, court geiitleuun and
uotu, oaa cowooys oi tue plains,
Tlic Anvil Cltoru4 !
Bho the wonderful Are elfecls. the realistic
ro'L'o si-ene. l ineen tinnasome vounc main
all keeOlni tlmeon inu lcalanvlls. Conclud
luff wiin ine .reaspiciacuiar nunesnutv'ine
Bachelors isle." lnlroduoinK a genuine bal
loon ascension.
Prices, 25, 35 Jin tl 50 CcutH
Heatt. on sale at Klrlln'a drug store.
Ferguson i House ! Restaurant
(Under management of Enoch Lockett)
Cor. main and Centre Streets
Bestbeer, porter and ales altfays on tap, CI'
gars ui ine uuesv urauus.
Largest and oldest reliable pnrely oaih comi
120 S. Jardin St, Shenanaoah,Pa.
' ,s . t
' . ' Sweetest,
Gladden tln hearts of the little ones nnd buy
tlietn Bouii-tlittiK friini our immense (dock of Toys
iitldNoveltle-. Dolls, etc. Call yourself for any
thing woimI unci willow wnro, crncUery.srliiHBwnre
aiiil lamps. Our tinware department jil wavs full
, t,1-'11.1' nw a,,(l VeT cheup. Nko iltie of
Heed's Patent Aiitl-llust Tlnwre, nlo the fiitnouo
(Uaiilte Ironware. Headquarters for ltochester
Vase and Piano Lamps. Come and see our new
Sylvia Banquet Lamp,
The highest grade of Qocoa
Vcm ctHoMf&rth
- - mi viiuiuuv ivuiljij niiuiiiii in iv 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , ...
WANTS, &o.
Atlvcrliiements tn thU column, not exceeding
6 Hum, 5 c for one tiumion; 75e. or two; Jl for
Ihree; one week, 81.60 iwo weeks, tl; one
WANTED. Young fellow about
. 14 to 15 years of axe, Annlv at
Schmidt's store.
11 21-tr
FOH SMVE. One Btore room and
one dwelling house. Lot SO feet front
snd 110 feet da-p, Place. 815 Wes, Co 1 sireet.
Euy lermf. Apply to Finnic WarnlcR.
cauva sera for
5li:rtt" the onlv
t T "Adv-n uri In tho
work ever mibllsheil ulvlnt? n cnmnlp te r- cord
and description ol 'he Rreat mining disasters
ol America. Terms liberal. Mltlreks, I. I.
O'M dley. Canton, Ohio. 11 21 4t ev sat
NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given to
merchants and othors not to mint any
one on my account, al will not pay any i,IIm
contracted In my name by others, unless they
uavu uu uruer MKneu uy ine.
Hhenandonh, em., Dec. i, 1891, 3t
ij'uit BAJjiu. i no cray team nt
JL' horses recently uso.1 by the Column! 11.
& rt. V. B. Co.. No. 1 The hordes will be a
bargain to the purohaers.
p icahk 1.kw1s,
jouh kisenuowkk,
Jkkk O'Nkit.t,,
Frank i'odbinqton,
James McDonald,
11-21-tf Trustees.
Hereafter the bodies ol deceased lnma'e
of the BchnylltlU County Almshouse, not
claimed by relatives of blood or marriage, or
by (riend or Mends, wl 1 be sent to the An
atomical Braid ul 1'bPadelunla tor dissec
tion, in compliance with tne Stale law of
10 jjiauK lur HiEiiuiure can oo nau upon
application. Clergymen and others interested
will please comtnn icatenlnnre.
WILiLilA.31 IjttmiPlltEtlt,
John bemoan,
Hoi 1 of 1'oor Directors.
Sciiuylkim, Havrs. Nov 30. 1891.
Others. The Hoard of Poor Directors of
nils ais'riQl, wui uotia luiuro. payior ine
liurlal of Indigent pen-on) who may die with
lu Its bounds, us lh) bodies of all such thonld
be taken to ttio nearest expr ss oce for sain
mentto the Anatomical Board at Phlldel
phla, In compliance with the State law of
1883. Bodies of deceased travelors. and ot
tliose under 16 years uf age, as well as n-
Known ueaa, are excepiea. Anaioinicqi
uoaru will pay Hcumi expense.
Board ol Poor Directors.
HCIIUVLKILT, IIavkn, Nov. 30, 1891.
Teaches' Insiiiuis ofSchuylkill Go.
will be held In
December 14 to 18, '91.
Mijor Henry C. Dane-
One of tne greatest Orators and Word Paint
ers, lie nas maae u lour arou nn me won x
Willi a (nice aa little less tnaj marvelous.
Dr. Jamtg T. llcdley
The great Orator of tne West,
Bide of late."
'The Bunny
SUms OUt Torbei and Iter Contort Co
HI.. IXIIIa Tn.h.lf trtAllHl-.
Klcrnor Vlltorla Uaocarlul. Btmrano
Miss Pauline ilonteerlHo. Contralto
Miss Kami rond. Singing Header
Mr. utisiave to uoerg. Tenor.
moos, lienor u irjiui, rmniei,
All einineni ana , popular anisis.
Marshall: Wilder. 1'ho Qreat Humorist,
i'lie Hare Bisters Uuartette:
suss Annie a. ram, uoraei anu.jiiuer.
Allks (iBorfcle r. Park. Cornet and Mandolin.
Miss Katie Bella Pork, Cornet Tr i.nbone nnd
Miss Ada U Park, Cornet and Mandolin.
From the notion Trantcrlnt:"'Ihe IMrk one of their popular
concerts siouaay evening m i enure couen
i as received wi u ranturous anDiuuse as lie?
aoDearel lu the r different sefeetloas. Thev
nteallart'sls, and deserve all the applause
ine aeiiynieji uuumnoe give 'num.
.(Male voices,)
"s " rvni, Bjicbny...... 1 60
Single admission,.,...... 60o
, t . . . . i rttniuei ii. la
The chart fr the (ale of reserved seat tick
elgwiuueoDfinMl at tne u-ix omce or Fe irn
soi'sTlieaire, on Saturday, Decembers, at t. m. lieiora onooine cnai panirs ae
slrlufr to urchaso tickets will drawnumbera
ror position in line. Kaon leacner in uue
mav Duroaassuny number or tlokols not ex,
ceedlne twenty, and ench citizen In lino may
purchase any number not eiceedlDg ten.
The representative of eacli district will be
required laprexentto the tlokel vgent a list o!
me names oi ine leao icrs lor wnom ne uuys
tickets. Any nerson may loin li.e line
second time with the same prlvllszcs as at
After December5 the chart will bo open at
iiiriurs orug Biore.
Doors opou t7p, m. Entertainment oom
mencoat 8,
Trains after each evening entertainment to
au noinis on 1.. v . ii. it Deiween Asu'ana
nnd'Dclano. Arrineemenurorsneclal train
o other polnUon L, V. tl.'Jt and l'enn'alt.
Tt ran be made with Hunl. A. P. Blaktloe,
ueiano,anu u, v.Aewui. I'onsviiie.
, County Buporlnleiident.
rI7E you tried our fino CANDIES
A . yet? If not, do so at oncof Twenty
cents per pound, all kinds. Best
mado and warranted absolutely pure.
Glassware, Crockery
8 South Main Street,
manufactured. " Perfectly
v Mil.
Loliigh Valley Railroad.
NOV 15. 1891
Passenger trains will leave Hheniudoah for
Mauch Chunk. Jjehlghton, filatlnglon, Cata.
sauqua, Allentown, Bethlehem, Kaslon, PhD
?,!pJV.?S5? Now Vork at 5.47, 7.40, B.08e,m.,
13 8.10, 5.23 p. m.
Fir Belvldere, Delaware Water Gap and
8tr mdsuurR at 5.47, a. m., and 5.28 p. m.
for Lambertville and Trenton, 9.08 a, rn
For White Haven, Wllkcs-Darre and Plttf
ton 5.47, 8.0M, 10.41 a. m, 8.10 and 5.28 p. m.
ForTuukhannock, 10.41 a. m 8.10 and 5.21
p. m
For Anbnrn, Ithaca; Geneva and and Lyont
IV,I U. 1U., IUJ'1 U.4A1 l. 111,
Havre, Waverly,
"'iuo, awucbwi iiiiuciiu. riiai,ra nans
Chlcaso and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
Niagara Kali
p. m.
For HUmlra and tho west vinrtilnmnnni nt
3.10 p.m.
For Andenrled. Hasleton. Btocktnn. T.nm
iier Yard, Weatherly and i'enn Haven June
Ionat5.4f,7.40,,08a. m.and 12.52, aitr and
tor jonnesvnie, ieviston ana Beavei
deadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 5,28 p. ni,
ForScrantonat5.47 U.OX. 10.41a. m. sin nnd
5:2 p. m.
For llacle Brook. Jcddn. Drifton and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 1352 3.10 and
,zo p. m.
For Ouakake at 5.47 and 9.08 a. m.. and
1.10 n. m
For Wleians. Utlberlon and FractrvlllB nt
50 and S.G2 a. 111. , and 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Mabanov Cltv and riliin.
5.17, 7.40, D.OB, 10.41, a. m., 1232,8.10,58,8,03,
rii ina lu.xi p. m.
For Ijost Creek, 31rnrdvllle and Ashland
,27. 7.4IJ.8.52. 10.15 a. m.. flJK
8.00 and 9.14 p. m.
For DarRwatcr. Bt. Clair and PnttxvlllA
,50 1.40, 8.52, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 12.52,8.10, 4.10, 6.26
, Ul.
For Back Mountain. New Boston and
More. 7.40. 9.08. 10.11 a. a... 12.62. 8.10. 5.28 and
i.03 n. m,
For ltaven Bun, Centralla, Mt. Carmel and
Shamokln, 8.52, and 10OS a. ro., 1.40, 4.40
Trains leave Bhamokln for Bhenandnata.
u. 111., a.iv, .ou miu u.o"j p. m., arriving
at Shonandoah, 0.05 a. m., 12J2, 3.10, 6.26 and
11. in 1, in
For Dotty. Audenrled. Silver Brook Jnno-
tlou an" llajletou 5i47, 7.40, 9.08, and J0.41 a.
m., 12 52, 3 10, 6.28 and 8.(8 p. ra.
HUH LI A. X 1'HAinH,
For Dost Croek. Qlrardvllte and Ashland.
1.50,9.10 11-15 a.m., 2.45 p. m.
ror uarwaiur. m. ana foiisvmc,
,00, r10 a.m., 2.45 p.m.
For Yatesvllle. Mahanov City and Dolano.
.w, ii-k a. in., x.u, o.iu p. m.
For lofty. Andenrled and Mazleton. 8.0i
1- m i.iu p. iu:
f or juaucn unnnic. ijenignion, tsiatinfiion,
Htawuona. Allentown. Bethlehem. Kaatoi
md New York, 8.00 a. m., 1.40 p. m:
1, or f nuaaeipnia, i.iu p, m.
(len'l Pass. Aet.. Bothlfhi'n
uu promptly rellore the uitt
iri'HBing cue 01 Acuto or curonlq Jitjeu
mat in 111 or Gout. Br etrictly observf Dg
iua uirccuoni, h win cure) on jicrmaa
entlv i. .
Unlike the Dumerom trr)rttnn trial ttnnA
tht country , tbli medUioe It ftvpeclflsfor tho
various fortnt of rheumitiim onlt, tod col la
tnr tetiifi a "cur til " Una m ni.ka
iifrVTTfii tftlUftctorf IniprenJoo on th iTtm, and
la ceoncoUon 'ita the illli, conTlne ttit tuRercr thtl
sue proper rfmcaj dh ven lonna. iou irifirnMllj re
qneitl to teit ih merit of T
lit HOUX'S It 11 KUM ATI O lCEKlfiDT.
MltiTlabl proper tlei ar cudortetl hj liuodrtdi of th
Only regeubl Insredlentt, remtrktbte for tbrfr enrttlT
Itwert, art uud lu lb rntDufactnra of KUUOT B
S1.00 Pftr Sottlt. 6 Eottlas. S5.00. Mill. B Cts. Eei.
If your tlorf keeper doet not ktep Hi tend tlJS to iht
tDtaufttturer, tnd too win rootle fi by tnU.
3037 MarkeJ JJtreet. riillad'a. ra.
fiowly Refitted and Renovated
flair Cutting and Hair Dressing I
BltAlIPOOINa, etc., iir
Under Fostoffloe BuUdina:,
Main and Oak StsM Slicnandoah,
JIS-Hot nnd cold batnu. Polite, nrnmnt and
Green Truck Siand
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresh Oysters Received Daily,
A One line nt Choice OU0CEUIE3
Nuts and Candles.
JRoultry, of all .Kitids.
Mr. Costlet receives his crreen truek dallv
tram tne cllv markets, wlilca Is a guarantee
to tils customers that they will receive fresh
gnoos wu?u uuyiDeirom mm,
Sealer In all kinds ot
Shoemakers' : Supplies
Large and first-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Suppliea
Kerguson Homo building, SHENANDOAH, PA
3i Wst Idojrd utreel, Bbezutuloh
hi adelphiaand Beading Railroad
Time. Table tn eOect Xov. IIS. tmoi
p vl. Sunday 2.10 and 7.4s a. m. For No
Votk. via Mauoh Cbunk. wenir rt-V;
21 -a,.m. and ia.S5 and 2.60 n. m.
10. .25. 7.20. a. m.. liM 9 Kn an.1 n V. '
Hiindy.2.10and7.48a.m., 40 p. m.' '
or Allentown. week davrf t wi w in
2.50 i m. ' ' "
or Pottsvlite, wrek days, m
IM 2, 4 and B.58 p. m, Sunday, 2.10 and 7.48
l. 4JiUl tt. 111.
or tiiinmiua and Mahanov city, week
da'B, 2.10, 6.4 7.20, a, m., 12.85 2.60 and 6.61
"ji,'..D"ulw'' wnu .iaa.m., 4J p. m.
iddltlonal (or Mahanoy City, week days 7.00
For Lnnoutar and' rtnliiml.ta
a.m.,2.50p.ra. ,
Wn II 11.., . . u 1. u . . . .
week lays, 8.25, 7.20 and uo n. m.. 1.35. 7.53
p. i. Sunday 8:25 a. m., 8.05 p. m.
ui "fananoy rioue, wees days, Z.10 8 M,
ii. 7.20 and 11.811 K. m.. 18. Vi i ns in e
00 auc & n m. Sunday, 2 10. 8.25 and 7,48"
2-10 !
Asbland and BhamoKin, woek day
v.., ,... xi.oj o. ,,i i.oo, .uu ana.
... Kuuiu, fi.Lt, i in n. 111,, tt.uo p. m, t
Tit AINB FOR S H E N A N I in A H , '
Uoave New Yorlr via PhiiiuiAinntA tr
days. 7.45 a. m 1,80, 4.00, 7.30 p. m 126
n at. Hnudar, 6.00 p.m., 13.16 nlsnt.
Leave Mew York via Maneh (Thnnk, wk
"aJ . o.ia a. u.t i.w ana 3,40 p. m. rian
day, 7.00 a. m.
nive ptuiadeiplila, weor daje, 4.10, ard
LOO a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p.m.,iromBrtd
id CallowhlU nnd a. m. nnd 11 Ml n m.
from Slhand roen NtrAAtM. Hnnrinv n nK a
m. UM p. m. fcm 9th anr i-ea.
'f avo Keadlnir, week days, 1.35. 7.10, 10.08
nd a. m., 6.65, 7.67 p, m. Buuday 1,85 aid
,.io t. in.
uave Polls vine, week days, 2.40, 7.40 a. m
10, 6 11 p, rn. Bnhday, 2.40, 7,00 a. m. and
ft m
I.eavo Taruaqna, week days, 8.20, 8.48 and
2 u. ill.. 1.21. 7.1.1. and B.IK n. m. Knnilav s an
43 1. ai. and 2.50 p. m.
Deivo Mahanoy City, week days, 8.'40, 9.18
d 11.47 n. m.. 1.51. 7.42nnd H.44 n.m. faun.
day 8.40,8.17 a. m., 3.20 l, m.
Delve Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2-45,4.00
fi 80, 1,8J. 11,9 a. in., 1.05, 2.06. 6 20. 6 J. 7.57. and
wit. uu uuuHi.iJ, 1.W, ana ti. m,
87, 6.01 p. m.
L.rave (ilrornville (Kaneahannock Btatlonl
wten days. 2.47 4.07, 11.86. and 0.41 a. in., 12.05,
,1.41, n,u.o,wuiui '.un n. zn. oonaay. .t7.
07, 8 83 a. m. 3.41, 6.U7 p. m.
wive wiuiamspori, wees aays, B.uu,u.45ar.o
55 m. 8.85 and 11.16 p, m. Sunday
or Baltimore Waahlneton and the wt
via H. ft o. K. It., through trains lenve Ulraid
Avenue station, Philadelphia, (P. A 11. R.K.I
at 3.55 801 and 11.27 n. m., 3.50, 6.42 an.'
13 p. m. Sunday, 3.M 8.V2 11.27 a, m 8.68
UUDQI 10 p, in.
ueave rnuaneipuia, uneflinui street wnr
a auuuBueot wnari.
For Atlantic CUT.
Week-days Express.9:00 a. m.
aa. Aceommoaiuoa, e.uu t. m. ana o.uu,
dandiys. ExDress. 8.00 a. m. Acoom-
n .aUon. 8.00 a. m. and 4.30 d. ni.
A lamlnanil ArlrannflB Av.nnni WMlrjt.i i
commodatloD8.10 a. m. and 4.80 p in. Bun-days-Kxpress,
4.00, p. in. Accommodation,
iOUH. 111. 11UI1 ?JU p. 111.
a, uoijrAiii4 rrea. fv un'i uanaeor.
w. iv .iwwmii io, wuiim will
110. nr.. t.iair. unci wnv nninu. H.uii. u.iu.
ii.w u iu nuit i.iu i ui.
tunaays. m anaMin m.
Bnndays, 600, 9.40 a ra and 8.10 n m,
Vor Reading, B.00. 11.45 a in and 4.15 pm.
snndays. rjoo, 8.40 u. in. and S.1U n m.
tf Pllllallalnllta lUrnul UlniAt Blallnnl ii
il.u h. m. Huuf.iap jui whji. aays
Minoays. wjv. w.iu a m s.iu n m
Trains leave FrarkvlUe lor Bhenandoah
U . I ,1J . Ul ,1U , J Ul.
II 11 d Jll TIF. U i'l , Ui.mova in
J..' .. 4UUI.UUUHU, 1V.IU
MM. o, D, e.J, O.OU i.lB
On Sundays. 8.20. 4.05. 4.40. 5.85. 8.12. SJiO.S
JIl.iM Ul. -UU l.W. A.dV. V.V. I111U1
.muuun OhW O.UU 11.11 M. Ul.. V.IAJ 11. Ul. w
days. Fi eekold only 5.00 n m week davs .
nloht rtalltf an: 1131 1ft ' a ,n 'l0Hfllmlt
weeicdttvs. S.Utj. 11.30 n. m. dallv. i
L ' . ui. . O, d UD.T.I . V. . 1 U,L,,,,, UU1V I.U..
n or it enmona. tju a. m. ana i-z.tii ni
3 i 'Umi'edi ana H,4". 7.25 p m. Way
.v loo 3 a h is ni ana .iu o m evarr 'a&v.
f or iriiuiuunE onir. ilm a m aaiiy ana i
'or Elmlia, 5.30 p m week days.
PK Kile and lntorxuedlate point, 5.10
tally. For locit Haven. 6.10. and 9.66
.10 a. m aandavBl
nir vi m mi m
i nun liiiiiiiwi inn iiu
A. ft. Leisenring, Pres.,
P.J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
i n i rt l.
II . ... ILCiaiTIII Illll. 1.11.,11
... I
Opcil Dally. From 9 to
roccu pccd onuTCD.
.riuni rBnunvi-lii vwba ni
jtvA pet Wtsnp WMmiw HHMri.