IN ANNUAL SESSION Tlio Fifty-Second Congress Begins Its Lubors. SPEAKERSHIP FIGHT STILT, ON. Noyea, Republican, aitnlnst RorkwMl, Democrat, anil the inttrr will da lmnill. cnpp'l by 11 decision of the New York courti ngalnst 111 m. The remaining two cases are In the South, MOIJillir nKHltisl Turpi n In Alabama, anil Millar nialnst Elliott In Soutli Carolina. Tlie contest ants are Itspubllpans who nl n 11 lint Inst j-ear, nnil who were nested by n lie publican House. It It Thought That a Nomination Be M4e To-Dy. Will THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE. Each of tlin Candidates Confident, How ever, nnd HlmwhiGr nA-HIgn nf Vluhlhijg -Hittek'a UiilHtntt sUloklM By Him Ruminations Hy tho ltepubtiatitit-Tlta l'l eiidcnt's MtiMitg-w AVIll JSiit Ito Sen t to Cenicrets Before To-Mnrrtiw. AVasiiibotom, Deo. 7. Tlia 82d Con gress Wat. formally opened a llttlo be fore noon to-day. The Holm of Repre sentatives wits called to ordor by the roll clerk, Mr. Mul'jerson, and nn ad- jourument followed to allow tlia Denio crutlc euueus to renew It efforts to nominate the party oaudldate for Speaker. The fight for the Speakership U tho most remarkable contest known for th e past thirty years. Crisp loads by three rotes, a small margin, It it true, but enough tosolldfy Ins forces aa well ns those of his most uiMiuerolts opponent, Mills, small as ft-o their devoted friends In number, McMIllliianil Springer believes that Crisp and llills will g idowu in a de.ith strutf Kle clasped In each other' arum, while to one of theuiwillcome the hard fought honor Willi all Its power. Seventeen ballots were taken before midnight riaturday, and Iho result wus "no choice." Out nf 114 necessary to win, Crisp had 91 votes, Mills 01, (Springer ll, McMlllln 1U uiid Hatch 0. As this had beru prauticilly the result of several ballots, there was a strong disposition to sound it truco fur the night aiid begin the battle to-day after Congress had met and adjourned. This was done, all the candidate being nnx ions to withdraw forresi an I tepalri. The JMcallllln men were ovor the adjournment and claimed their candidate was sure of election. The Springer ami llatoh continuants ware also joyful, while the Mills an 1 Crisp tactions were correspondimily depressed, Ibe lights of recent years have been tame and commonplace co'iipared to this one. Ordinarily the most splritod Speakership fights have been settloJ on third ballot, or at least the fourth 'i'om" Heed, for example, bout McKlu ley and his other adversaries two years pjo, when tho Republicans organized tho Homo, on tho second ballot, Car lisle beat "Sum" llaudnll in tho Firty olghth Congress with almost equal eiso, and in the I'orty-nltith and fiftieth Con greases he was uuuniinously nomi nated. An . y yetruay aud this mornuif! nrowlvtlmr been going on, bat so far as can bo a scuTUluod, without material lesult. The supporters of Mr. Mills and Mr. Crisp stand firm against tho attacks ot the otuur candidates Assaults on these ranks have luen mndo repeatedly, but without perceptible result. The McMIUln, Springer and Hatch nun pour Into thu ears of Mills aud Crisp men who "111 listen to it, the li gament that neither Mills nor Crisp can in crease their piu.eut strength in any circumstances, and that either iMc-Uillan, Springer or Hatch, according to the sen timents of the meu advancing tho nrgu luent, was sure to win. Heavy as has been the assaults brought to bear on Hatch's little army ot five, tho quiutoUe refusj to go over to any other candidate. A rumor that tho Hatch men had agreed to go over to Mills on the 11 rat b'lllot to day was knocked in tho hoad by Messrs. Tarsuey and Hii Armond of Missouri, who state emphatically they will not vote for Mills under any cir ustuiices, but will voto for Hatch uuii. u is obvious that lie cannot be elected. Tboy prefer Crisp to Mills, they say. Humor has it that btuliluecker of JNew York will lead a Wills defection and go over to some other candidate, but Mr. Stnhlnecker positively denies this. The House will In all probability transact little or no business during the week, outside the organization. It is even possible that a speaker may not be elected for several days, though many people who are watching the situation, appear to think that a break may be made to day, and anon nation reached. Whether the drawing for seats will occur when the Speakership question Is settled has not been determined, but the chances are that everything will be held up until the organization is perfected. Should the caucus settle the question, the organization will be promptly of focted, and then the first thing to be done will be the drawing for seats. It Is always an interesting proceeding and watched with keen Interest by the spec tators iu the galleries. Thu President's message will not bo read in the House until to-morrow, pro vided, of oouiso, that the organization Is perlected, und nn adjournment will follow until Thursday. Not muoh In the way of business can bo done until ufter thc'comuilttoes are appointed. It Will Not be Hut to tonpci llefurt Noon To-iuiirrow. Wamiisoion, Deo. 5. The President Is still At work on his message. For the last three mornings he has not occupied his office between the Cabinet room aud that occupied by Mr. Halford, but he has had n table iloslc llxeunln his lied room, where ho has written until 12:J0 o'clock, when no has gone out into uts ordinary quarters to recolvo callers. Tho message will not be sent to Con gress before to-morrow noon. This tlino has been fixed upon for its presentation, following tho nrooedents of 1880 ami 1887, an tho organization ot tho mouse of Hcpreeutatlves at tho beginning of a Congress is not usually completed- un til a late hour on Monday. The annual report of tho Secretary of the Treasury will bo sunt to Congress at noon on Wednosday. SIXTY REPORTED DEAD. South Mlvsr Mining InNsw Jersey, IUCKETTSTOWIf, N. J., Doc 7. A party of prospectors hare leased th mineral rights on the iiistner and Stephens properties at Build's LnlA and are searching for sllvor ore. Thoy have sunk a shaft some 80 feet and Jhnvo found ore that assays $u and $r to tho ton. it Is believed that tho ore will assay a hlgner percsntngs of the valuable metal as a greater depth Is roached. Thi llrothsri Fell Out. Buffalo, N. Y., Deo. 7, Two broth ers, named George and I'oter WelzinllUr got luto a dispute which resulted in Ueorge using a knife with serious ullect. l'etor is dying and George Is In jail. NEWS OF THE DAY. Hori-lblH Calamity In Mtue wnstnu France. PARIS, Dec. 7. A fearful disaster Is reported from tlia St. Etlenne coal field In tho Southwest of Franoe. While 80 miners were engaged In the Pompo pit, an explosion of Ore damp caused the death of at least 00. The first notice that people outside the pit had of the disaster was a rumbling sound, followed by smoke aud flame rushlug from the mouth of the pit. As soon as possible, men descended to tho rescue, while hundreds of woman present around the opening shrieked and wnllod in agony for tho fathers and brothers bolow. The rescuers are reported to have found all dead but about twenty, who had been iu wurkinz where tho ox- plosion did not have Its full effect. The scene, as the bodies wore brought up, was terrible. Women fell on the bodies of their relatives aud could not be torn away, aud loud imprecations were utter ed against the olllclals whoso nenloct was held responsible for the calamity. iho authorities are preparing to hold rigid investigation, as it Is claimed that tho mine had been inspected within a fenr hours before the explosion, and declared sate to work In. Sweet, Sweater, Sweetest, tIa.VE you tried our fino CANDIES P yet? If not, do so at oneo. Twenty cents per pound, all kinds. Best mndo and warranted absolutely pure. Olntlileu the ltetirtif of tile lltllo ones und buy iliein BiiiiiPtliln from .our immense stock of Toys and Novolliof. Jjolls. cto. Cnll yourself forntiy thing In wood and willow ware, crockery, glassware ami lumps. Our (In warn department nlwuvs full of brleht, now Koods, and very chimp. Nlro ilue of Heed's Patent Anti-Kust Tinware, nlo the fumoim Oranllo Ironwnre. Headquarters for ltochester Vaso and Piano Lamps. Come nud seo our new Sylvia Banquet Lamp, TOYS, Glassware, Crockery, LAMPS. The citizens of Qalesbarg, III,, hava raised a guarantee fund of $20,000 to wards the building of a beet sugar fac tory. The terrible blizzard which set iu Thursday morning over North Dakota was howling with increase velocity last night. The U.OOO-ton steol cruiser heretofore known ns No. 0, was launched at the Columbian Iron Works, Baltimore, Sat urday. At the close of business Saturday $3,2, 1 Oil, 100 four and a half pot- cent, bonds had bjcn redoemed, loavlng $3,400,530 outstanding. Tyinothy F. liyrnes, a promluonl young politician and chief appointment clerk under Secretary Windom, has been arrested ut Minneapolis, charged with forgery. Advices continue to be received from various parts of tho Northwest contain ing accounts of severe sirowstorms and intense cold which has set in so early in the winter. The Government of Canada has issued returns showing a decline in the net rev enuo of tho Dominion of $105, 1 '0 during last mouth owing to the removal of tho duty ou sugars. William Wood and Edward Smith, burglars, stood two hours In the pillory nt New Castle, Vol., Saturday, received forty lashed "well laid on" and begun a live years' jail sentence. .The trial of Dr. Graves nt Denver was again adjourneJ Saturday on account ot the continue 1 illness of Judge ltiaing. It is thought that the case will go on to-day with another judge. Two well dressod men, supposed to bs father aud son, entered a bank at Mar vin, O., Saturday, grabbed a tray con taining $1,500 and escaped. Late at night they were apprehended at Kenton. One escaped and the other was fatally wounded whllo trying to resist arrest. DDNCANMAIDIJJlKl! r ) u r EH van-Qnoimn BEST U GOES FARTHEST. .9 riio highest grade of Cocoa manufactured. Perfect lv lJurc. No breakfast table should be without it. WANTS, Sco. ....... .n.n... l WtlH.,t, C4TCItllf S(i',5c (or one iwtrrtton; 76c. lor ttm: !1 for three; oie week, $1,50: Urn utekt. t2: one nmuh, IB. WANTISD.-Ynung fellow about II lo lfj yenre of age. Applv at Schmidt's slore. II 21-1 f j!OH SLE. One store mom und . nn i dwelling house. Ixit 30 rct rout nd 110 feet de-p, Place, 815 Wes- Ooilsireet. Easy crm'. Apply u l-'rans. Warnict. 11-H-lm Lehigh Valloy Railroad. ABRANGB8IENT OF PAH8EHQBK TKAINB. NOV 15, 1891. Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah foi SJfmeh (Jhank, Lebighton, Blatlngton, (!aU wnqna, Allentown. Bethlehem, Kaston, fill) idelphla and New Yorlc at 5.47, 7.10, 0.08 a. in. 13la,8.10,u.ap.m. F a- Belvldoro, Vt laware Water (Jap and nn iuu.'wm, a. Ill,, M 11 U J. 49 II, 1 I , " For Lambertvllle and Trenton, 0.08 a, c ror mw ilhvcij, tt liKee-uarre ana fill and5. For Auburn, Ithaoa, Geneva and and byont LU.1l n. IU., HU'I o.w i. Ul. For Lajeyvllle, Towanda. Bayre, Wavorlj. Advm lires In t'.ie inoi." tho onlv Ohlouri) and nil notntji WamI. nt. nwi n. m .nnd nuii.inui tjuuitiii.-u Ki . iii u.iiiii. iu 1' i uiii i l.M p. IU. in 5.17. V.W, 10.41 a. m., 3.10 aud 5.M p. m. for Tanfehannoek, 10,11 a. ta., 3.10 am XrANTKD. Qootl canv.i sfw for TV "A work ovt and dosflrtptjon 1 Hie uioat mlnlug disasters m America. Terms liberal. ' ildress, I. 1, iJ'Milley, (Janlou, Ohio. 1121-ltev sat NOTK)13. Notice Is hereby given to merchants and others not to tmst any ouo on my noconni, asl wdl not pay any hill contracted in my uamo by others, unless they have an order signed jv ine. M I W. T rt OM A8 TE11 1'3T, Shenandoah, i'a., Dec. 1, 18!U. si CHINESE REBELS ROUTED. Deftiatml With fln.l I. on-Another Dins- snore of Chrlstlnns. SltANQHAI, Dec 7. Fullor particulars have been received of the recent battlo betwoeu tho Chineso .troops and the rebels, partly Mongolians nnd partly Chinese, who have been advancing to ward I'okln. There suoms to be no doubt that tho rebels recolvod a serious check. The Chinese general, Nlch, ona of tho bravest and bait known of tho Imperial army, led the government forces, numbering U.UUU piclied men from tho National army. Tho charge was irresistible. Nich, still at the head of his men, dashed Into the breaking ranks of tho enemy, seek ing out tho rebsl conimandr. A wound whether serious or not Is untold, stayed tho ardor of (Jen. Nlch, cud while the obul loader is said to have fallen. It must have been by another hand. the mounted rebals turned their po nies to the north ami Hod in coufuslou. Thoso on post received no quarter. Those who surrendered as prisoners were immediately beheaded. - w Dam Pvilro's Dauuhtei' and llrasil. Pakis, Doc. 7. The Count D'Eu, hus- band of the Princess Label la, daughter of Dom l'edro, deulos that his wife has renounced hor rights in favor of Pedro Gouzague, son of Leopoldine, Isabella's younger sister, now dead, and of her husband, Prince Louis ot Coburg. He eayB that the Princess will be ready at any time to go to Brazil when the psople request her to accept her father's crown. The roinalns of Dom I'oitro will no in terred in tho family vault at Lisbon. Before tho body Is taken from Paris a solemn requiem high mass will be cslo brated in the Church of the Madeleine. COPYRIGHT 1091 In the place, of a woman who's weak, ailing, and miserable, why not bo a woman who's healthy, happy, and strong? You can be. You needn't experiment. Tho chango is made, safely and surely, with Dr. Pierce's lavorito Pro scription. It's n matter that rests with you. Hero is tho medicine tho only one for woman's peculiar weaknesses and diseases that's guaranteed to help you. It must givo satisfac tion, in every case, or tho money is promptly returned. Tako it, and you'ro a now woman. You can af ford to mako tho trial, for you've nothing to lose. But do you need to bo urged? 37OIt BALE. The Rrny team of . horses rroently use I by the Columbia II. A .4. V. K Oo., Nn. 1 Tho horses will be a bargain to the purohaers. r UA?Jt I.HW13, JOHS KISKSUO'VEH, .IK.1K O'NF.11,1., KKAKK "ODltlNOTOX, J aji kh McDonald, II-21-lf Trustees. CHARTER, NOTIC13.- KJ ho Notlco in eiebv el ven that an application will bamarto to the Court ol Common Flfa rd Schuylkill county on Monday, December Slst. A. D. 1801, at 10 o'clock In tho foicnoon. un der tbe"corponitlon act of the commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, approved April 1874 "aud thosut)pImeuti thsrelo, for the courier ol an intended corporation to be called "St. Oeorge'e Lithuanian Cathollo lieneflclal Hoolety, ol Shoi iiudoab, l'a." BaU nisuclnllon Is to bt located In Sbenandoah, Pa., aud to have fr lis oDjei't tne minienanca oi u wiuieiy (oi social, educational and beneficial pur poses to Its members irom luuds collected therein. B. O. M. lIOIil-OPErEIt. A-lhiTiiev for Applicants. Shenandoah. I'a.. Nov. 13. 'ill. 11-21-Sw For rcimlra and the West vlaMAlamanna ul i.iu p.m. r or Anaeurieii, iiaeieion, mockton, l.ura er Yard.. Weatherlv and Penn Haven Juno ion at .4(, 7.iu, ,w a. m. ana iz.32. 3.10 aua p.m. ror jeanesvme, revision ana lieavei teadow.7.40. 0.0B a.m. and 5.28 a. m. ForHcrautonatS. 0.0K, 10.11 a. m. 3 10 and . p, m. for iiasie urooit. jenao. iirinon ana Free ind at 5.(7, M0, 0.03, 10.41 a. m 122 3.10 and .0 p. m. For U.nakake at 6.4 and S.03 a. m.. and .io d. m For Wlz?ftns. Ollberlon and Fractvllle at ).5d and 8.52 a m., and 4.10 p. m. For Yatesvllie, Mahasoy City and Urianr , U7, 7.40, St.OB, 10.11, a.m., 12.S2, 8.10, j.M,8,l, nuaiv.j p.m. 1.27 a. in.. 1.00. 1.40. 4.10. 6J5 i.W and 0.14 p. m. For Darnwater. Ht. Clair and Pottsvllle. 5.50 .40,8 62,0.03, 10.11 a. m., 12.52,3.10, 4.10,5.26 . m. For iluck Mountain. Hew Boston and Morea. 7.10. 0.03. l'Ul a. m.. 3.10. B.6 and i.03n.m K or ivaven nan, ueniraua, ail. uirmei aau hamnkin. 8.52. and 10.15 a. in.. 1.40, 1.IC nd 8.06 p.m. Trains leave Sliamotln for Uhccandoal:, Ja 11.55 a. m.. 2.10. 4.S0 and 9.30 p. m.. arrlvlnz tt Shenandoah, 0.05 u. m., 12.52. 8.10T 5.26 and i.itin m Forljoltv. Audeniled. Hllver lirook J i: no tion nn JtiizWou 6,17. 7.10, 0.08, aud 10.11 a. m., 12 52, 3 10, 5.20 aud h.i a p. m. For Lost Creak. Ulrardvllle and Ashland. .yj, h.iu ii.soa. m., Z.S7P. t hi &delphiaand Beading Railroad Kme Jta5 in effeet Xov. IB, fKilNS LEAVE SHENANDOAH AS FOLLOWS p. n. Sunday 2.1o and 7.48 a. m. For New votK, via Munch Chunk, week days, 5,25, 7 20 a. m. and 12.35 and 2.6o p.m. r .1 wuiii nun l'unnoeipnia weckdayi, 1.10. 15. 7.20. il m l)W lh nnA r. M . .. . .. ' ' - - , .'J-! ' ..,. Il.uu 1 , uuiv.z.iy ana 7.48 a.m., 40 p.m. L01 IJaf'taburg, week days, !i. 10,7.20 a. m,i i ou, 0,00 p. in. 2S0f nmown woollt & 1 m-i ijinl,tt,il& WMk aWj,. ra., IIM 2.) qftd 5.S6 p. m. Hunday, 2.10 anT7.(8 a, ,4.80 p. m. 1r o,?SniAl"V. ua Mahauoy city, week da,, 2.10, 6.25, 7.20, a m., 12.3j 20 and 6.5S p. n. Sunday, 2.10 aud 7.48 a. m., 4.30 p.m. oauionai lor i,ttianoy city, week days 7,00 li'n- IJ 1 1 ..... . , , . . . week lays. 3.25, 7.20 and UJO a. m 1.S3, 7.55 p. 11. Hunday 8:2i m., 3.05 p. m. r ,-05,5fhn?lian,, w.ookdays, 2.10 8.23, ft. 1. 7,i aud 11.30 a.m., 1Z.3S, 1,35, 2.50, 6.55. ;.00an .ti. m. Huuday, 2 10. 3.2 and 7.48 a. m. 1.06, 4.80 o. m. " r Ollardvllte fRanmhaiinrirV Htollmi Y,'.0tkJ2y','&l"j 8-2i 7-w nd 11.30 a. ni.i 12.86, 1 36 1..50, 6,56, 7.00 and 0.25. p. ra. Bun day 2-10 8 25, T.48 a.m ,8.05, 4.30 p. in. nunQay Auiiuftnu turn ouamu&.n, woes a 5 26. 7.80, 11.3) a in., 1 35 7.00 end . Hunday 3.25, 7 43 . m., 8.05 p. m. l'HAINB FOIl HHKNASDOAU 1 2.00. and 5.00, Acojm- For Darkwater. St. o.00, 00 a, m 2.45 p. m. THE TraiWIJTH ANNUAL SESSION Tgaehas' Insiituts sf Echuylkill Go. lair and PotlsvlUt, Delano, 8.0t For Yatesvllie. Mahanoy City and t.oo, 11 a. m., i.iu, o.tu p, m. r or Ltniiy, Auueurxou unit xiutieum, ra., p. m: For Munch Chunk. Lehlchton. Blattn-.lou, 'atasauaua. AUentown. Bethlehem. Kastoi md New York, 8,00 a. ra., 1.10 p. m. For rniiaaeipma, p. m. Jj. li. 1 1 ii ei 1 1 rt , tlen'l Vass. Aet.. Kfllilfh"- will be held In FER8US0JTS TUEAT11E, SDENANDOAD, PA., December 14 to 18, '91. l.i publicans Tsomhiitte Used. VAsiiiMiioN, JJac. 7. The Itenubll- ca-i members of tho House met Satur day evening in the room of tho Commit- too ou Judiciary. When n quorum was present tin) caucus was called to order by Air, Henderson ol Illinois, rsomlua- tlons for tue Speakership were Immedi ately Iu order, and Mr. Burrows of Miohlnan presented the name ot Mr. Keeil. The nomination was agreed to by acclamation, and Mr. Item! ma lo a brief specun In reeo.u tlon of the honor. The minor olticers who served during tut last Conreas were renominated without opposition aud the oauous ad journed. CONTfcSTED SEATS. A Hull IKizim (ax tliut Will Cumo lie- for iht lluuii.. 'NVarhihotox, Deo. 7. Tho House will not litive more man Halt a doxen oon- teotsvl elei lion oases to dcolde, and three ot these are from tho State ot Fenusyl vtiiili'. 'the title ot the cases are Itoy noldK aualust ahouk, lteedy aunln.t Beull, anil Cratij aa ust Stewart. Thu coiiUt are brought by Usmoorats.. The testimony In the two last named cases is very volu ulnbus, filling th oo largo prin.ed volumes In each instance. Tim a leatM ns on whloh the oontests n e based are purely technloal, being iu t ui s whether cert tin votcri had a lejjal r'sbt to cast their ballots. Xhsre li out (onUit in New York, Kubbod ty Illuhiraymen. Atlantic City, N.J., Deo. 7. Charles V. Johnson of Absecom was driving across the meadows during the night from this city. Wheu about a mile from rieasautville ho was Btopped by two strange men, who asked for a ride. Ho allowed them to get in the wagon, when suddenly they presented rovolvers and demanded his money. Johnson gave them over $70 and valuables. The high waymen then leaped from the wagon and ran down the road to where another wagon was standing und drove away. : lllrds Klyliic North In AVI liter. gjNYACK, N. Y., Dec. 7. A strange sight was wltnoised along the lower Hudson lilver valley yesterday afternoon. Thou sands of birds, Hying In a northerly di rection, woro seou. Tho strange phe nomenon cannot be accounted for, as birds lly to the South at this ssason ot the your. It Is thought the birds woro robins, but never before have tboy been known to come north at this soasou. You don't want size in a pill it means disturbance. You want re sults. With Dr. Picrco's Pleasant Pellets, smallest, cheapest, casiest to take, you get tho best results. Sick Headache, Biliousness, Constipation, Indigestion, and all derangements of tho Liver, Stomach and Bowels aro prevented, relieved, and cured. AMUSEMENTS. ISKODSON'a I'llE tTRlJ, 1-. J. FERQU80N, JIVNAOnn. ONK NiailT ONLY. PENNSYLVANIA BRIEFS. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1891. Tho charming soubrettc, LILLIAN KENNEDY, In the great New York success, i She Couldn't Marry Three" DO YOU WANT I1ELIEF7 KROUT'S RHEUMATIC REMEDY Will promptly rfliere the incut dln trcMiltig case of Acuta or Chronic It lieu matlmn or Gout. By flrlctljr olipervlng the directions, It will euro you icraan eutly I'ulUi th ccmcroui ('reparation! that flood thecountrj, tlili medicine la incclfla for thu mriou fortni of rUeunittttra chit, and not la 'A nj "cuM a "cut-flail One bottl will makt aatUfactorr luinrcitEoD on tba atuni. ami la connection lUt the yU, confine the autferer that id proper reraeaj saa urvn iouaa. aou are earotij tv ou-Jfteil to teat the mcrlta or iKUUUT'S ItllKUMATIO ItEMEDV, ai iti taluable properitti are enaoried bj buudrecii or ut tuoat Battering teatlinooUta. unij Tegetanie ingreaienu, rtmariacio ior ineir cnrauTe rflerii are urn id ma riuuiciar oi abuii a BUEUUATlti KKMhDY 1.00 Ter Bcttlo. 6 EctUcs, $5.C0. ITlsr 5 Cta. Sez. If jour storekeeper doa not keep It, Kod l,2d to the tainufaotortri and jon will recelre ft by mall. 3037 Market Street, l'liltad'a, Ta. 1 Jtai Si People's Oyster Bay ! EGAN' BUILDING. s T2 E. Centre St., Miicmmaonii CMS. C GUISE, Props. Qeorue Troutmnn, white, ot Allen- town, 10 yours old, wus aoeluontally shot xntl lusUntly klllo.l by a young colored boy ihujib.I Couorer, yesterday, while ifuanlnu. The niKchlue und blacksmith shop, to gether with the boiler house ot the llal- timore & Ohio Itullroad Company, In Philadelphia, were burned yestardny morulas. I.ois, $10,OOJ. The womuu who killed horsjlf at I'itUtJU, i'a., ia3 not the wife ot tho base bull plsjrer, Alex Jacobs, as an nounced. The woman bsre a name sim ilar to thu maiden uums ot Jacob' wi(e; Thu lnrrfe three-story bulldlntr on'viiie stroet, X'uilade'.phla, occupied by Hof atetter llrot., bookbinders: Wuiiuor llros., meat dealers, mil tho Shaw l'ul llshlug Coinpan, was burned last night Loss, $3.W,0tl0; insur ed. It Is now believed that John Domlneo, the Huusuriun miner, whose dead body was found at the bottom oC a ISO-foot shaft at Pyne colliery, near Tajlorsvllle, V., was puebsd oyer the brink by two ituiir countrymen. Bunjo ted by the eminent, simclng comedian, hor brothir, ana . Btrons comedy cjmpany, Proiaotd With AH Tbt'r Own Susmry. A grand scene of the Corn's! ooasl with rolling lighthouse Dinghy tu juel, greatest rnllimd kceuo ever built. Vrlces, 25i So 75 Cents. MONDAY Milor Jielirj O. llrtlie nun ofitiA frrpRtyKt Orators and Word Paint ers. He ha) made a tour urouud theworli l.ttieiess tnaj marreioua ruicsrA.Y. Dr. Jame T. Jleilley The great Orator of the West, "The Sunny blue or i.iie." WEDNISBDAV. Slltt Olllc Torbet and Her Concert Co Klirnnr Vlltnrla llaocirlnl. B'inrnno. Via. Pa.illnA Mnntpffpl tin. fontrjlto jtiiss I'.auu ronn, oiugiug ivuuucr. Mr. austnve th uoerg. renor. Aloes, iiesior u jrjieK, rmuisi. All eminent aua popmarnrvisis. TIIVRHDAV. irn..iini ' li'if,.. 1'hfi nrpat Humorist. rno I'urk Bisters O.uarlotte: Miss Annie A Park, Comet and Zither. MUs Qeoi-g le 1". I'ark, Comet and Mandolin. Mlss Katie liena rarK, uornei ir j.uuuuu uuu i '"n. .. j .. Miss Ada U Park, Cornet and Mandolin. AT.T. RHIJl ART1H1H . .... ........ .il..... HTlia T.irlr one of their jiopular All Orders Promptly Filled cjucerts Mouday evening TU ntlre con -ert I as received wl h rnmnrom nppuvuse as uey nnnunin I In llm i rl 1 1 fri'tlL KoltitloDS. They aioa 1 art'sts, a id deserve nil the applause thodellgblel audience (jive inom. 11IQII BCIIOOb QUARTETTE. (Jlaio volc2S.) BBV80N TICKETS. Securing lUsorved Keats, f Cl?onr.i W Single admission... W $&VJZS8& WIS Fresh Oysters Received Daily. Ritn'sTtiea-re. on Blliuruuy. iitrceiuucr u, infin i. hi. iipfurA niwnlnir ctia-t names do- slrluirto urcbaso tlckeU IU diaw numbers for position in line. Eaou teacher In Ilue m nnmnuB. unv nlinihsr Of tlOSOlS not eX- rcedlog twenty, and eech citizen In lino may iinn.hnsn anv tiimihHr lint nKnet-dln ten. 1 lie re li resell wn i.uui wwu V . AShland anil Rhfunnli.n. vmV rtav a:m 7 jo,i,m), 11.31 a m., 1 so 7.00 end New York via Phllndnlnliin. wmlr days. 7.48 a. in., 1.30, i.00. 7.80 p. m 13, S il. wnniy, p. m., lii.15 nlent LiOeve Nntv- Vfii-kr via MatiH nY,t,nV wmV daj s. 4.10, 8.45 a. m 1.00 and 3.15 p. m. Sun day, 7.U0 a.m. .-ave rniiaaeipula. wees: aaje, 4.10, atd I0.C0 a. m. 4.00 anil H.IU 11. m.. ,1 ,m Am i a .d Oallowhill and B.V a. m. and 11.80 p. m. 'iviii vuiuuu isreeu sbreeMi. suuuaf v.uj a, n. 11.10 p. m. n-m th nf en. '"Hve Rfw-llDK, rv-eec dayd, 1.3). 7.10, 1U.0S and 11.60 a. m., 6.45, 1E1 p, m. Hunday 1.3S and 10.W rtsve PotMvllle, week days, 840,7.40 o,m., 12 ,U p. m. Hunday, 2.40, 7.00 a, m. and I s m Leave Tsmaqua. wee!: days, 8.20, 8.4S nnd II s H. .11 , 1.41, 7.13, and,18 p, m. Hunday 8.20 T 43 .. t.', t'.ad 150 p. m. l.eivo Mahanoy City, week dvn, 8.40, 9.18 a d 1.47 a. in., 1.S1, 7.43 and U.44 p.m Hun day i).44,8.17 a. in., p. m. l0fe Mauanoy 1'lHi.e, week days, 3-4), 4.00 0.30, M 11.18 a. m.,I.OS, 5-20, 6 A1.7.W, nnd 10 00 1. m. Hnnday 2.4 , 4.00, and 8.W, a. m 8 87, 6.01 p. in. , Leave Utrantvltle (Itappahaanock Station) neek days. 2.47 4.07, MS, and 0.41 ft m 12.05, 2. i.n S.8a,8.0Sandl).0flp. in. Hunday, 2,47, 4 07, i 88 . m. 3.11, 5.07 p. ni. s ive Williams ourt, week days, 8.00,9.45 ad 11 5j m. 3.85 and 11,15 p. m. 1 nuday p. m or llaltlmore, Washington and the wett via . O. B. B., through trains leave Glrard Ave-nno t.llon, Pliiladslphla, (P. A B. U, B, at 3.35 801 and 11.37 a. in., 3.50 . 6.42 an 7 18 p. m. Hunday, 8.55 8.02 11,21 a. m., 8.50 u u Ana p. 111. 1TL1ANT 10 CITY DIVIHION. Loavo PhllHdelphln, Chestnut UuoatWhaH a iti -imn aueet wuarr. I-'or Atlantic Cltv. Week-iliys-Kirres.9:00 a. m. 0. oi. Aoeommodatlon, 8.00 . m, 4 andays. Stpress, 9.00 a. m. oao tlon. a.OO k. m. and 4.30 o. m. Returning, leave Allan Ua City, depot A Untie and Arkansas avenons. week-da s Kzpress, 7.30, 9.00 a. in. and 4.00, p. m. Ac cominoaatliii8.10 a. m. aud 4.30 p m. Sun-days-express, 4.00, p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. nnd 4.30 p. m. C. U. HANCOC1C, Gen'l Pass'r Agt. t. A. MOliKOU. Pres. Uen'l Manauor. DSfl3tLVANI RAILRCAD. L 80HI1YUKILL DIVI3I01S. On and after November 15, 1801, tralnt will leave isncnanu )ati asjououts; For Viggan, ollbenon, tfKtckvlllc, New '-"Me, Ht. Clair, itirt way points, 0.OJ, 9.10, a m anu 4.1c v iu, juodavs. 000. 9.4U a m and 8.10 d m. For PottsvlUe, B.W, u.10, 11.45 am and 4.15 . p m. -jundays, 000, 9.40 a m and 3.10 t m, For Keadlnz, 0.00, 11.45 a in and 4,15 pm. Sondays, boo, 0.40 a. in. aud 8.10 pm. For rottatown, Phosnixvillc, Horrltlowa il Philadelphia (Broad street station), C.W, 11. u a. iu, una 1.1a p ui wu& uuya janaays,W0,9.40am3.10p m- Trains leave Praevllio tor Bhenandosb at i.43 am and 11.11,5.01, 7.12,10,03 pro. Han d ty 1, 1 i.l 1 a m and 6.10 p m, Uavo Pottsville lorilueuandoah, 10.15 and 11.41, a m 4.10, 7.15, 0.42 p m. Hundays, 10.40 am 3.19 p m. Leave pntladelnhla (Broad street station), or rousvinea-na nnonanuoan, 0.01, dis 4.'0 and 7,00 p mweek dn.ys. Sunday 6.50, am 9.28 am .... . K" . .. Vnwk- OKI 1 (K , . I. ( UK1 T IM CMl.On . Ullli O.AV, 1,VJ, 1.1V, U.OU, U.W, . ,U -l.30H.3iI, i.W, ll.OOandll.U, ll.S5am. 12.00 tny' (Uttlwderprew, 1.08 4.5J p m.) 12.44. LS. ,w, i.xii 4,, o. e,, d.du .ia B.12 an p. m. 12.U1 nlcht. On Uundays, 8.20, 1.05. 4.40. B.85, 8.12, 8.S0, 9.60, fc m nn iz.ii, i.iv,,, tumiiea, lii. 5.2S, 8.21, 6.5 ,i.ll s. 1 1 .1 m and 12.01 nisiht For MI irt. Lonz Branch and intermediate stallo 1,20 and 11.11 a. iu., 4.00 p.m. week days. irnHJliold only 0.00 p m week days. cur xiuntiuuiu uuu nosuiuKiuu, o.uu, tj, D.ivf nuu 11,10 u 111., 11, u u, , i.iv ,.iuuu i.vm nigntaauy anu tail, m.zua. m., iiunitea exoress with dlnlne car to liaitlmorel 1.30. 8.40 n .n .na I- Antra L'n. HalMmnn nnlir llf) A fll ' j. iu. no 1 ... j u . 1 . . . un..u.u. uuij . . . m wees: asys, 0.03, p. m. uauy. 1 For Bichmond, 7 20 a. m. aud 12.03 night daily. 1 30 I), m. dally, except Huuday. iTAins leave narrisDurg xor rcusDUTK ann le west nvnrv day at 12.25 and 8.10 a m and a -' iiia'uui uuu 0,-1, p 111. wayiun A tooia mo id ana s.iu p m every aay. 1'or misbnrg only, u.z-j a m aaiiy ana iu.. m weex aays. Leave Hnnbnrv for Wllllamsport. Elmlr inandalfma. Uocheitor. Bulaloand Nlasran ai'" ii m oauy, ana i.iw pm wesKuajs Klmh 5.30 1) m week davs. Kur iCrle and Intermediate points, 5.10 a mil any. Knr Iiock iiaven. o.iu. ana v.un a mi lauy, 1 no ana oj' v. ra. wees nays, in tenova o.iu am 41111 o,j p m wees us; 10 a. m Hunaays, UAH. !S. PDGU. J. B. WOOD, (lea. IAn' Men. Pass, Ar OYSTERS lliw, Rtewed, Scalloped, Panned or Fried to order. Families supplied at their house with the best oysters tue marsei nuoras. Ferguson : House ! Restaurant! (Under management of Enoch Lockott) Cor. Main null Centre Streets, FIUST-CLASB LUNCH COUNTER. Best beer, porter acd ales always on tap. Ci gars of the nnost brands. JOHN GOSLET'S Green Truck Stand ! Cor. Main and Oik Streets. Anuelineol Choice GROCERIES Nuts and Candies. Poultry 0 all Kinds. Mr. Oostlet receives his green truck dally rc-qulred to proscutto the ticket g8iit n 1 st ol ,r0IU lllB cly markets, which Is a guarantto the names of the teao ters lor whom he buys tlnlrlH Anv nrciml tnav loin t e lino a spcond lime with tho same prlvlUges as at Unit After DroamberS the clurt will be open at Klrllii's diug Sioro. Doors oi). 11 it 7 p. m. Entertalumant 00m menoe at 8, UA1LWAY ARRANQEMESTIB: Trains after each evening entertainment to nil poluts on L. V. it. B. between Asb'nnd mid Dslauo. Arrinsements fori-peoial trains o other points on L, V. It, It audPann'nB. H can bo made with Hunt. A, f. Illakslee, l)elano,nnd Q. O. Lewis, 1'oltsyllle. County tjuperaitencleut, to htH emiomeri that they- wlUrecelvo fresh gooaa wimn Diiyiugirum mm, mm and SHOE HGS FIRE IHSUBANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely ooU com paules represented by DAVID FAUST, 120 S. JardmSt, Sfienanooah,Pa. Philadelphia CheapBargain Sioro For a mil line of WINTER UNDERCLOTHING, Ladles' and dents' Furnishing Goods at the lowest prices, npeciai nueoiuoiu. forts at t li5 each. J. RABIN0WITZ, 110 E. Centre street 3?. CT. CLEARY, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Largo and Qret-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Stipplica 18 W. CENTRE ST., Fergnson House building. SHENANDOAH, PA, Q M. HAMILTON, M.M., O ffloo-ao West Lloyd Blreet, Shenandoah ra. Pirst National Bank tiieatri;, SHENANDOAH, PENaJ Capital, $ioo,ooo.ocj W. Leisennng, Pres., P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres., ' J. R. Leisennng, Cashier, 9 W.Yost, Ass' tCaslnl Open Dally From 9 to 3. 3 PER 0ENT. INTEREST! Paid on Hayluss UcpuslIH. JOHN H. EVANS' SALOON, ; 30 E. OENTIIE BT BHENANDO.I FRESH BEER. PORTER, Finest bsands of elKOM alwara TUe boat fanperatMe ditafas.