The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 05, 1891, Image 2

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ioi in
How lie (utt in Uia
Knssoll Sago'ti 0
L V..
bet" iPjttTn
Kadinan WUson'i Attemp'. to TCill thi
ffl!onftlr With Dyaamlnr .
lr. Is Not Fatally nar-Krr(bla
ei'ni'"XRr itYe IVneflS "BWilOT tht
JWimb auirlit l,fto the Drank Kxeept
lilt HertdilVhtnB KA. aktfnjlfitittlA..
by Mr. Ab The Manlae Wni fimlrif,
Only tfrftntoita Mule Ova? (tltttA.
T Nrw 'York, Dei 5.--?Tbt tn many
3'i',ai'3 lias there btren tack excitement
line a was cheated When; 'it beoArue
1-mvvn that th AViAtM building on
io ui way hud bwii w re (Hied by au ex-plii-doii,
eattsed by the hand of a maniac
v no had demanded en (mormons eiuii
ol money frixu Russell Rage, and who,
on being rotused, had , h.iuiad a dyna
mite bomb at the millionaire broker.
The report of the explosion deafened
ovury one In the building and mi
hea'd for several blocks. IM force w'
tremendous. It shook, the building,
cliettered the second floor from the'
Broadway side half way back to Church
street, and lta downward force vrreokod
the vucaut room In the first floor uuder
imjhUi the office of Russell 3age. Win
dows were broken frotn the basement to
the fifth floor, as were also the Inside
glass partitions and the skylights.
lb U main force of the explosion whs
c-prnded In the two offlois of Hussell
Sagln tho meeting room of thedlrec
tors of the' Manhattan I-Ullroad (Jom
puny, which is directly west of Hmisell
Bilge's private office, nud In tho telegraph
room of W. K. Connor & Co., adjoining
thn room where the bomb was thrown.
These four apartments were "destroyed,
with nil that tbev contained. Dividing
wlls were entirely torn. away. Heavy
lrjn saftfs were movd or overturned,
lr n flrepbicei were wrenched apart,
yawning cracks weie made in tho brick
vails, d mr wore blown to pieces, hun
dreds of pounds of brick were torn out
o it wall a foot thick, marble w&sh
n imds were broken Into small pieces,
lead pipes were wrenched apart, one
m n was blown through the windows
in o It 'cior street, and a tombstone In
Trinity Churchyard, 100 foet away,
was shattered by the conousslon.
Immediately after the explosion tho
-fvil lest rumors beoame rlto, and it was
ntatjd Ibat a dozen people had boon
killed, and as many injured.
T iu correct lint, of the dead and injur
ed is as follows:
t "D. II. Wiison," the bomb-thrower,
nee about 45: home unknown.
JlKNJAMtN I'hanklin Nobton, 19 years
old; unmarried, home, Fur Hooka way.
ititssell Sago, aged 75: lacerations
nhout faoo and head: sufToring from
Frank Itobertaou, 10 years old; sight
cf one ye destroyed, the other badly
injured., severely cut all over body and
face: recovery dmtbtiul.
Willlum If. Loitllow, Jr., 35 years old,
nnmi and left leg badly bruised, laoer
ntml wounds on body and head; suffer
lmz from shock.
O. W. Osborne, fit roars 0ld, com
pound fracture of the skull; faoe and
bauds bruised: recovery doubtful.
S. 0. Calhuun, bruised about the face;
not seriously hurt.
Joseph J. Slocum, Aged 50, bruised
about face aud neck.
ilr. Bage was transacting business in
hlb ollice. Hhortiy after noon a oler t
untered with a oard bearing the uama
of U. 13. Wilson.
Mr. Sage sent the clerk baok to ask
the man's business. Thn olrrk returned
and said thu mau was from John Kooko
feller nud wished to see Mr. .sage per
Ur. Sage want out to see him. He
found a neatly dremad mau sitting ie
the ante-room, clutching between his
knees a email black bag.
He said to tho man that he was vary
busy, and asked him to b seated a short
time, when ha wonluscemui. netnriien
to enter his office, wheu the visitor
Ike nemiiHd.
r "Ur- Sage, here is a latter that will
ex; Uln itself. R ad it." Mr. Sage
t ok the letter, told the man to lit
dwn. and read. It said:
"J hold iu my band tan pounds of
dynamite. If I dron it on the floor It
wll blow tbi building and ovary on in
it to pieces. For $1,300,000 It will not
a op. s or nor
Mr. Bege kuaw at ouoe that he bad to
deal wttn a luuutio, aud iu a collect!
manner saldi
"I buve an Important business or
msgemeut In half an hour aud cannot
give the matter attention until than.
yon Diust return "
"Thun you rof uaa," said the lunatic,
as Mr. Page imnde l dock tn letter.
' Why no; I tall you that as non as
have done with my engagement I will
clvevou an answer."
''That will not do," the man replied
as Mr. Sage turned to enter his offloe
Then ralnlust the satchel hlh over his
lead the visitor dashed It tu the floor.
eheuded by the lloiub.
Thero followed the awful explosion,
lancn Into tatter. .1 Ml
ii li ' h ! ' I, u I) tIi re
I, 11 1 nn I IV si-vered IK
A knife hit! dn'iu the work
Of, 411 th man who wars in the .room
whii-l tlm bnmb was 'thrown the ifi
tmiflhil victim amn tn hitva lnn thn
leust injured. llfiliaiKld were rtlaftitly t
id, hit face Was out by flyioB glw
clothe wm tern lite book,
wasVnble M walk " nenrtjf
drugstore, whore h had bin wonnls fiscal year Hie nxiasa o7l jHPii . i-j
.Ircati-d, nml he is quietly resting at 4Ms about $1,000 001). 1. Is ,a s.ri' I, , it
home In Fifth avouuu. fact, however, that nh't t1 ,n i i .
.Ooprge Uould, Jy Gonld'n son, wni In tba nui'junt of "supplies" u '
Itting iu his otUce, whloh wimrut that was $7110,000, tli iuoraese in tils unkn
ot Hussell Sn, when the bomb wu . tlty expended "for use"' was 'II, 41)0, )0J.
thrown. Ha give the following abcbuut The total VaiUe bf iallf naval Auriifi
ctf what lj knew of .the itit niv- afjoat and at shore strttlohs ai iioi'n
"I Was writing a letter when t heara upon the hoolis Juife B0( lSOt, Was f
a noise Ilka that, ina le by t he explosion 110,391.61, showing a net decri' ; - us
of a shiiou, fottoyf fl by itinck, whloi fomparad w(t,U be preejlox y-ir of
brohght down the Walls. Idid not lAoji (195,000, and this, notwittataXntM t
to Inquire the cause, but tundu my way fact that during the yew tnor U.iv
out of the building as fast as I could, baen added to the beffnaMFflV'stores at
Whan I reached the attest I wax told the navy, such as gUfj, gun car
that solne one had tnrtwn a bomb at
t some one had tDrQwn a bomb at
Sags. : 1 wn more frighttinod than
t. Col. Hln, his private secretary,
Mr. Kransloli, and Wnshinglnn ii. Con
Her got out of the building unhurt with i
Ru-sell Sa(' Rtatsment.
Hussell tiage has made the followlnc orHr440,00J peoln were nuiierad home
statement to Inspector Byrne : "3 leas aud destitute.
came out of my omcs, having been sent
for. 1 found thero a man with o
aatchel. He handed inns card with the
name 11. D. Wlluon uo It Me said he
nnuie from John O. Rockefeller, and at
the same time handed me a typewritten '
letter In a sealed onvelops. It was ad
dressed to trie I npoited It, and found
it was a demand upon me for the Hums-1
dlato payment of a million and a quar
ter dollars. The letter stated that if
the money wae not glveu np at once to
the possessor of the letter that he would
blow me, himself and the entire plaoe
up with dynamite. I road the lotter
aud placing It In the envelope handed
it back to him, and tuitiod to go lute
my private ollice when the explosion oc
curred." Ifussell Sflfto, Jr., declarer It to bo his
bolief that thn Insane assailant of his
father is the same miiu who has been
for some time past sending threatening
letters to his father, hut beyond this no
claw can 1m mid.
A half a tloxan or more ot these had
been received. The nume used In these
letters was James Walsh. In these let
ters the writer ilenjnnd.i t thn payment
to him ot the sum ot $1,300,000, the
identical sum demanded by tho inau
who Jttllod on Mr. Sago. Why this
special sum was wanted the writer ot
tho loiters did not specify.
Nut I ha Utens Fulls Lunatlo,
that the dynamite thrower might be !
lliram Wilson, of G-ieuu Falls, who ia
known as a dangerous lunatic, and who
recently regained his liberty. A Kei
tlcmati in this city, who was well ao-
i..i...i '..i. tti-... nrii.An . ni....a
IUIIIUICil 1TUU 111AU1 IlliaWi, Ml uinu
rail, viswou tun uuuy HI, UUUJ IIUUW
taking looms last night and said:
"Hiram Wilson, of Olehs Falls, who
has been suggested ss the thrower o!
the bomb, is older thuu the man whose
remains are at Uully's undertaking
rooms. His hair and mutache wore '
gray, his face smooth shaven and his '
teeth decayed. The points he had in ,
common with the do ad mau were fanati-.
clsm, a hatred of the rich, and a habit ,
f threatening to kill people who crossed i
his path or refused to leud him money !
ou demaud. "
1'arMOL1 Ilon-.b-TI:roTv!ng Uncalled by
thn 1'rAseut Ovem-rcuo. j
New York, fiec 6. On April 5, 1877,
n similar oscurieuoe look place in the
ollloe of .Tewett Se Co., Unsead oil deal
cm, at llu'llng Slip and Front street.
The cxcltenijut wan preat, and the
fatal results, together with the promi
nence ot the victims, made the affair
the ralgntug sensation ot tho day.
Shortly before la o'clock on tho day
ot the tragedy there were present in a
back room ou the second floor of tho
Jewctt pUuH ot btiuinasi George Jowett
and his nephew, Orvllle Jewett, and
Joseph A. Dean, uow a dealer In lin
seed olU and also located In Hurling
Slip, was near by. All that oocuired
in tho office has never been made pub
lic, but it is knowu that for some rea
son a bomb was thrown by Orville Jow
ett. The explosion startled every one tn
the bulldlui; and In the Immediate
nelgborhood, and people at once rushel
to the scene of the accident. Mr. Dean
was found coming down stairs with ouo
leg badly shattered. Ou the Hour of tho
back room lay George Jowett, terribly
manuled. Hediad been apparently In
stantly killed.
.Near him lay Urvlllo Jowott, uia au
thor of the calamity. lie woe still
allvo, and near him was a heavy Colt's
revolver, two chambers of whloh had
been discharged. In young Jewett'a
breast were found two gaping bullet
wouuds. Surgical aid was at ouoe called,
and Jewett was taken to the Chambers
Street HosuitaL where ha died at I
o'clock that Arening.
Mr. Dean recover! from his iujurles
That Imaiilty Stury Unfniiiuleil.
Vienna, Duo. 0. A newspaper ot this
city started the report, three weeks ago,
that the (ieroian K,ilar was considering
the idea of hnviug an Inquiry by medi
cal experts as to his own sanity, not
that the Kaiser ever doubted his sani
ty, but that be whlied to prove to tho
world that the French, and other ru
mors affecting bU saulty are wholly un
founded. '1'he Socialists, in lierlio, Vi
enna aud Paris, are dotal! everything
possible to spread tUaie rumor, with a
view of weakening th popular confi
dence In thu throne.
Dtage-Rtrnek OlrlS Disappear.
B 'ai'o.v. Do. 5. Nellie Horrls, aged
18, nud Kclllu l ivrry, ogd 13, diaappeAr
ed from tneir liomJo lat Saturday, and
are believed to h ivs gone to New Vork
with two men. dime museum perform
era The tctrl were stagj atrtiok And
were oouBtaat visitors to cheap pi
of Amusement.
Franco's luttuiuUea t tUa Vape,
VARia, lieo. o. The breach govern -
tnent has aunt an Intimation ti the Vat
ican that Krauoe will hi cn.i.iii-.uua 1 to
withdraw tliu Krunch A u insaJor to
thu Il'dy Sh,' if I.. litie uii'-iiiiraei the
Frcniu lii'.hipi in ti.i'ir d. ,u'j.i.ii rutioni
Against Uie "','! .11.1 '.it.
The Uari Ualvundml.
Waahinotok, Deo. 5. Act mi Ssoro
tary Spauldlng bus investigated the
charge that convict labor was beirut
XayrnK.'ter-Oi'nernl hlnwurt's II.-,,, ir
Allows a 111k tiieri-uln f l-'ipi'in! 1 ' hi .
WAmiNiiroM, Ilea b. ) nymi'Miar
Crsunral Stewart, Chief- ' the .Jlurmlu
of Truvi I cms and Ll'ot)Ut(4, Id.'l., , An-
port to the b '.Butnvy ui the
-hhty, sh.vs tlmt th dfbwUkof tf navy
has called tor KreallrllirriaadMti) ildi-
tttree at Hume slaltowr dwiniinli'i dkt
riagea, anohors, etd., 'ittfktwHaiiug i
riages, anohors, etd,, aggreuniiug in
value 11,000,00(1, which sum If included
in the balance above stated, ! ''
NWa riP TUB ttaV
Iiy the great HHrthquake In Japan
The principal business blook of Ar
Eyle, All an., was destroyed by fire. Lois,
$1(H),00Q; Insurance little,
A spell cfi richness
is Uuo wlK'n ino oysiem'8 7eakellea,
and tlie hlood imtiure. It's fliat
you must expect.
But It's what you must pi-event,
too. And Ur. i'ierce'8 Uoluen JUeU'
ical Discovery pi events as Wfll as
cures. It invigorates the liver and
kidneys, purifies and enriches tho
blood, sum pens the nppetitc, mi
P08 d'811,011 a"d restates health
and Btrenifth. For Dyspppsia,
"Livor Complaint," and evety form
of Sorofulous, Skin, or Scalp UiS'
oases, as Salt-rheum, Tetter, Ery
sipelas, or any blood-taint, if's an
utiequaieii remedy.
it's not liEe thG sarsaparillas,
which claim to bo eood lor tho
blood in March, April and May,
At all seasons alike, and in all cases,
tho "Disoovcrv" alone is guaran
teed. If it doesn't bsneflt or cure,
you have your money baok.
It's the cheapest blood-purifier, no
matter how many doses are offered
for a dollar, for you pay only for
tho good you gel. But it's tho
best, or it couldn't be sold so.
SATUSDAT, 'DEO. 5th, '91
a be acme of lealuna, ch irrolog
andapertfct oomny of pUyers, lo a grand
St'OiJlC proauCV'Oll Hliu jnuburotiiuv
melo-aramallo comedy,
"Uncle's Darling" j
The heroine of the light houM,
An Alaska romance, with scenes and rJiAr
nctera entirely new to the stage. A f irtnrje In
anlmul tinAA tn liift r rillHm at the Alav.
Thouuly team of trlued rclu l-er la exist
ence. The most won lerru'ly lniBlngeot nore
In t.hAurmlri A Lnmnfl Ol If&ilU HIS IfitaUlmaU
dogs, broueht d reo from Al .nka. Majt'Il
nmi iifLnnrtAirfl. 'lin''"Mnd "fj mot." The
ubeoomeuttl actlug bear, 'Topsy," and the
precoclou- trloa mule, "Minnie."
:erioa. act. uo, vSo.
P. J. J-KKUCSON. ltNGSft.-
The ehAtmiog aoubrettc, '
'She Couldn't Marry Thrt"
HnpportAd by the emlaeo' sinxlng ronMdlAU,
iter umuier, i ' nviwus wxmuisv
PMdvnd With AU TWr Owi tMimrj.
A vratul sauna or the Uorn si OOAAt with
rollwg light honea. Pingby tn anel, eCAAtsst
rauroua scene ever onut.
writitn, 5, so and 7 tmta
Ferguson ! House : Restaurant
(Under rnit'iiifcemcnt 11 F.nn 'Ii 1 in''..ctt)
Dr. Main axtt Ctutrt- Streets,
Best beer, porter cd alcnslwsys outar. Ot'
gaiuof the tlncHt .nauds.
Largest and oldest rellab'r pnMlycjIicaa.
pan let represented by
mo S. JardmSt, SAenanaoah, Pa.
.i .
r?! i
' in iu, .iv-i - i-i.ii .
iVt . Cut) yMiiraf i
i. ii
'M' II
1 1 oxv v, re. pnu
'it Ii
I 1 '
( '
rl) irtnii
11 M -v !l
' i I i i v r i
; i 1 1 i i ti I
i :n :u d ii. -
(',' Lamp,
: vr
lX1TiVPA vuiii iY
4trf Sy ONCE Ik ED
is ohooring, moro sustaining
Hjuurcouec. IJOttQr lor t lenervoa. ' 'n. rn nr anhst.Hiifn ..
WAMTS. too.
Adiertttemtn't th tMi notumn. not nrj-orrihm
5 lines, 6 e tor oat instf? Uctt) 76o. tor two: $1 for
three: one week, ttM; two weak, ft: one
norUA, IB.
W 'ANTED. Young fejlow about
1h 1 vcnM r.r Rn. Annlir ol
ohinidt's store. it 2t-lf
FOR 8 IiE. Ono sthre room und
in i dwi-lllo; bouse. Tot OO&et front
nd 14(1 feet da n. Plane. SIS wee Cn I m rest.
Eftty erra-. Apply w Frank.WamiBi.
WANTKO. Gond cahvn sit for
"AdV'n nrssln the Kllnei." tbe onlv
work over nub'lched ilvlmrucomnl-te r corfl
and description nt -he reat mlplu di'usteri
ot America. Terms liberal, -(irtress, I. I,
O'M dtey, Uanton, Ohio. 11 21 41 ev sat
XrOTICTE.Notlco Is hereby given to
merohantsandoUiers not to trust any
n my aocouui. ai i wii not Day any i uin
contracted In lny name 1 17 otuem, nnlets they
bftvb an order eiirned bv me.
Hit's T ii OH B TlCJlfBST,
Shcnaudoab, I"a., lieo.4, 1891. - 8t
SATjE. The amy leatn nf
JL? hones ren tly use t
bv tliACole.inlil i 11.
AI.!'. S Co., No. 1 The houses will be a
bargaluto tne puiohevre
l' kah& I.BWIO,
Job v Kisb - uo wnn,
JSiiB O'HUht
11-ai-tr Ti nsfeee
V J biiebv srlv
NO HOB. Notif-o le
lven that an application will
iimnidii 10 the Onnrt at t'ommou Plna' nt
oliiij lk'll county on Monday, 1 -eember 21st,
A. II. 1801 at 10 o'olook 1n ino foiononn, un
ier the'corporatUui act oftbicommonwHllb
ot toii09jlVBula,npproved ArrllHO, 1874 "aud
tho usplement thereto, f-ir the oriai ler o! an
IntAiiilfdcurimrntlnlitobn called ''Ut. Oeorffe't
l.lthuaulun t'atholla Beneflolul Hoclety, of
Hbe' anaoan, I'ft. ai 'i assi ciai io.i is 10 no
local?-! in shenaudoih. Pa., and to have fir
us object the roil tenancy ot a society
vti espial. A.1tiflfl.t1fm)tl and bnf1&lBl mn-
n-wes to Its inerdbers iroji muds collected
8. Q, M. IlOliLOBBrEH.
Atlnmcv f r Annllofti ta,
BhenanaoAli.Ia.,Nov.a8, '91. ll-Wv
THE.Min-mn ahio&l sessicii
wiU be held In
December 14 io 18, '91
Major Henry O. liane
One of tne greatfs'. Qraton and Word l'alnt
eri. He na ni.idj a touf aroit nd the wuri i
wlthasucc.iH 1 tllwlesa thai marvelous
Ur. Jnrnn T. JItillty
Tbeitrettt Orator of tae West, '"The Sunny
Side of Lite."
jr( Offfe 3rlei't Ir Ooi&ert Co -
JIlasyil'eTorbHt, Violinist
Mtinnr Vlltorla Uccrlnl. Suprano.
Miss Paallue Monngrlno, Oiutrjlto M
Mlsi fc'Klirii t'oart, Singing Header
r rsnatnvMTi ilhArir. Tuno. lies'r l igieT, ruwisv.
All eminent and popular artists.
Maritihti: Wilder, 1'he Qr"rt Humorist.
cue raranisteisuanei,i.e.
Mlw An1n A Park, J.irn' nud Z liter
MbsOeo iile I'. rVrs, ( r liland Mnudol'.n.
Winn K.ilic licl a Virk, Uoru-l Tr nbone and
Miss Ad i ij. Pa-k, rVirnstnnd Mandolin,
Al.ISOl.0 A1(TT IU
Frim the Botlm Trmttc-inl: "The Park
Concert C mpa iyg-ve o i their popular
Ouiu-crts Uo dayeenbg Th "nitre mm.' art
As reeiveu wi u ranunnu uppia'iHo ua l .uy
apiara ' In t. f dUT-rent sietio .s. -i ney
mi) .1 1 ari, Bl I . vi m, u.muqv
the delitatel audienox K -ve benn."
t linwn vnii. m.
(Male voices
bkahojj ticki:th.
Ueourlhg mserved feats j J, , 7'y
Sicjle admission
Xbenbsitf ir the nale of reserved ?at llok
ets w 11 be opan d a' tut- b ix office or Fe gu
spx'sThea're, nu rauird, i rcemberS, at
10.80 iu. Befiri open ai mia t pai'il 'S de
siring lo nrchows tickets vlll draw numb rs
for nosulo.i lu Hue. Uuo i i- leln.r in Hue
nur mitv.. ,uu n n V nn flllHT nf Ilr S nOt flV'i'y, and ce h 1.1. n In 1'nc may
nirnih.iM' inv tinuilici ii.ll i'r.r '"al "' icn.
Thor p i i.-ntttt1 -e ot tae i i.lsM"t will be
rcuotiL-ii wti' siiuuiili' l,ik't ii 'nt a i kI ot
tUenJ.ncHof Ui-? tcic iit-i I ir v'mih ba bins 'a tuv i r on nuj J l i t c Hue
swo id U.o with Uic inni" pilWlhics as at
AOtr D-ae.nKT 12 Uinoh.ut will be open st
Krb ii at ig h ore
1).kih 0,1 -ii t7 p.m. Entertainment com
me c. at 8.
Trains ait.- curb v'n'ujjt enmittin nenllo
nil I Is on l.v It lie. it u a. nan
and luimi'i Air uicnnu 'm p,-i''.il ti i i
o o' o poi'l-oi I V tt It and un a It,
r. I'm bo ii. aim ul'b '-.ui" . ' bl.ucidce.
UeUuo.uud O. O. Lcwia, I'ljlUvdl".
O. iv, VVK18H,
Philadelphia top Baria Sioro.
Fo' a full Luc oi
Ladles' and UentV Furntahlug Goods at the
lowest prlc e v-reclai lloeoiOom-
firis itfl '.SCJi'li.
J, RAB1N0WITZ, 110 1 Centre stmt
m i' i A mU' fine Vk N DI i;
l(i tn t, mo.o at tm. Twenty
c uHiud, all kinds. Best
' w;. !) itd abs ut(j pure.
lies, i,
y 7 21 in II I ,1. '
TOYS, -i !
Glassware, Crockery, 7' -V; 7' "
' , ' "i p.m. ' '
.'UI 0, ' - "1y. SI').. 74. . m, 4 K p ,-,
' " I i . . t tlij.l.V I'1 . , t3Uk i , 1
I'l I IV
I iyo
r A'iv
,srn - tro
I AM x H full
i. (. Hup nf
b . inn ui
J' ii lii stor
' oiii nww
8Soush strret
and moro satiefying than
Leiiiglt Vallfty Railroad.
NOV 15, 1801
"assenjEer trains will leave rttwsandoab fcr
-raaoh (ilinuk, JLehlghtoD, Hletlneton. Oats
int. Allontown. nethlebnm, Kasto, PW1
thfa nnd New York at 5.4T, 7.4. i).(B.tti.
a.10. li.Mii. m.
v r oeiTiaero, jjciiwaro w -i ter
Qap And
Btr luaibnrg At6.7, a,m and b.-Mn. in,
Kor fmbertvllie and Trento , 9.U8 a. in
for Wlnto linvon, VVllaes-Barro andTlim
jjn 6.47, 9.08, 10.41 A. m 8.10 mil 6.SW p. m.
VorTnnKnaiinock, 10,41a. m , 8.10 and 6.
P. tn
,Fpr Autmtrj. Itb&ca, Geneva and and Lyont
10,41 a. m.; nl S M p7m.
I"or IiAceyvlUe. Towanda, Bayre, Vaverl7,
Wralra, Kochosler, IHnnalo, wtagara FaUs
ijuloafco and nil roints West at 10.41 a. m.,at,d
p. iu,
Foi hllrnlra lld tho West vlf,,nAO. o.t
.10 p. m.
r or Auuanriau, uwioion, aiooaton, i.uci
ior Yard, Wentl.-erly and i"eno Haven Juno
ion at 6.4;. 7.40. 0.Oaa. ln-nnrt IKK!! JtlOonrt
M v. m.
pot .1001109 vi ue, jLevuun ana usavoi
lOAflow, 7.40, e.OS n. m. ttnd 6,36 p. ro,
I'or Heraaton at .47 I' d"., 10.41a. m. & 10 And
Vi p. m.
Vor UftAle nt oot. Joddn, Urlfbsn and Free
and at 5.47. 7.10. U.06. 10.41 a. m.. 1!UI2 s.10 and
5.SS n. m.
ror nuaKaKo t B.47 rjia cos n. m,, end
ic n. m
nor v uttranc. Qiiberlon and ffiaorvllls
.30 r.n 8 a m,, and 4.10 p. m,
d Dfllano,
aj, v.ui, xt.ti, it. m., iz.
.ai 4ndl0J7n.m.
j or uosi, vreeK. jiraruvms ana Asnisna
1.ST7 7C.S.aSL 10.15 n. m.. nJK
S.0C and U.14 p. m.
H'or .UarRwnter, St. Otalr And PoXrsvlUe.
6.60 M0, Siia, 0.08, 10.41 A. m TiZiMO. 1.10, 6.26
o. ia.
For HuoK Mountain, Mew noston And
iloraiu 7.40. O.OS. 10.41 a. tt... 12JW. 3.10. S.yO and
vOi v. m
rot ctavse tvun, usuiraua, Ml. uarmoi ana
-hirmkln, S.53, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.4t
nd .08 p. in.
Trains leave Shamokln lor Shenandoah,
.to L' .56 s. Hi., 2.10. 40 and 6M p. m., arrlt lag
tl. Sheuaodoah, 9.06 A. m., ia.32. 3.10, S.1M And
1.15 "
Kijrliolly, Atidenrted, Silver Brook J"nc
lion a" Hail Um 6. 17. 7 40, 0.08, aud 10.41 a,
m.. 12 62. 5 10. 5.20 abd 8.D n. in.
. rillJMUAlt i'lKVLPitJ.
JPot fjoarl. Greek, Glrardvlllo and Ashland,
1.50, 'i.IO U.84B. m., X. p. ra.
For DArkwater. l. Ulalr and Pottavllh,
S M, 9 0 :. . m 2.45 p. m.
tor Ystosvllle, MahauoyOity And Delonr',
i.OO, 11.35 a, m 1,43, 4,0, .0B p, ro.
For Lofty, Audeurled and llarletou", Ml
i- m 1.40 p, m:
For Jlauch Ohunk. Lehltrbtou, 81atlnloo,
:alasauqna, Allcutotvu, Bethleliera, lSa-toi
tnd New York, 8.00 a. rc., 1.40 p. ra.
For Thliadelphla, 1.40 p. m
, t4en'l re. At.. H4tib h w
Will jpromptly roHcto the nifnt die
trewlng oswfl oV Acit 01 Cbrunlc Hlieu
matlBia or Gout. By ftncMy olwerviog
tliatHreaiona, It will cuibjti perman
ontly ; . -
Uullktt th fitiiDcrvUR nriRrfttlom thct fiood
taecitontrr, ihli redlc(t)S fa appoolQo (brtha
Trloas forma of HieonmUmi onlr, uid not io
any Mfi a "curaU" on bottle nmtm
& svitilhotorY 1uiDreik)B on ih Alpm. utid
in ocaneetlrn with tho illl, cotivlnoe the nutlftrr that
the pfijwr remedy bu beea found. Yoo re citrudvtir re
qt?Ud to trit the lucrlu of
IU fmtuable proper Ilea oDdorwd by bucdredi of t
tttokt flsiturlng tci lira nn lull.
Only .cgetftbU lurcdinu, letntrkabl for their oorattvs
rQwen, ate urtod io Ibe inatutaotiirp or KK OUT'S
$1.00 ter BftttU. C HottlM, SO. CO. Pflta, . Sex.
If your ttorkep'i do not Jteep It, send SI, to to Uia
nuuuTaotcrWi ttnd rou will nxjeire ft bv naJI.
3037 T.InrUet street, I'liHad'fl, Pa.
People's Oyster Bay !
rs K. Centre St., Sfeciifssnloali
CH&S. 0. GUISE, Props.
ltiw, Stewed, BoalloMd. F.innednr
Fried to ord ir. Fain lies supplied
at their hoaei w'tlt tne best oysters
the amr -ei alloras.
AH Orders Promptly Filled.
Green Truck Stand !
Cor. Main aoit Oik Street.
Fresli Oysters R9ceiv6d Daily.
A dnellne of Cb.ilo? OltOUIClUKS
JSuLc aud Ca dics.
Poultry 0 all Kinds.
Mr. CostM r'Oflvei! bin eioon truck dally
iroin tbe clt mtr!i.t- whi. hlsa gu u-an e
to bu im oiii-r-i Hiut'ei ll receive fresli
H ind wb n liuvl k 'rorn li'iu,
Dealrr in all ktuds of
Shoemakers' : 'Supplies !
Large and first .onus stock.
All Demands of the Trade Suppliea
18 v. CRNTRIS PT.,
Fftvuson JI'mihp imllrllMi SHENANDOAH.
fl id. ilAM JiVPwN, M.
omoe-iM west Lloyd Htrc-et, Hhonandoab
i X 1 HI ai .1 . i.. , iv '. AI I . 11.
n Mays
iMJii bVfM!lt.vib' ,i -
V ' ',RiT
1 ' "' 1 1 . ID.
2 "o i , i ' ' '
O' tir u,-'i , t-i t.iM
I 'tl- , t 1 . ' n
l. H-iV:3 ; , :i.(, m.
f tad 11 8 1 i . i . . l 8'i
n, i , ' 6, t.V) . . I . ii i . .S
.-111 tut -n
1.1K U.SI n
IrtAIN'J 'Mil' ,:t i-l'iovt,
, ' New York i r-nllsln:;'i,i i '
-45 A. m.. 1.80, 4.Co, 7.:f) ta.,
'i.. miij"y, ii.oo p. m. i.'.lfl u'.unt
JjVO New York vlo Mmlrh t'hnnl- i
deje, 4.80, 8.46 B.m,, 1.00 snt 8.45 p. m
'I.J , ( W II. III.
v rnii'aoipmi, noiK aajs, t.w. n
').li a. iu. 4.00 end 6 0u p m., r-.i. , Ibui d
a i Cnllowiull and (t.S6 a m. And H." p ru.
,om nth am .fen streets. 8uoiay B.Oj a.
a. I p. ta from fttn ni"
Boutltm. wceic dsvh. i.J.. 7 tn.
nnn i sua. ro o.6j, 7.67 p, iu. sunflay
' .8:mi d
in. is i. m.
j "e IM'lsvuio, wie ORye, a.W, ', 40 c. m.,
13 0, "11 p. m. Sunday, U.40, 7.00 h. d:. and
Leave tV.Tsou. n:--'. ri-i. a.20. rprl
11 . ai.,l.VI, 7.13, p.n .U p. m. Kui'dui S,".0
'4 n. tcid2..V)r. tn.
lieiro Manttnrr i.,l ,'it rtnjo, " ie, 918
d I.i'r. m., 1 61, V t'Juid t.U p. ,i. tjan.
viay 1.46A17 t. m., 4 i I r. m.
Le ive lauanoy Fla p, week nav, i- 1,4 '10
6 w, '.S3 11.. i. m.,'.n5, A0. 5 20, 1. ", end
10 00 . m. annday 2.4 . tM. and t""7. t. in
ii 37, 6.01 n. m.
Libwo ub-ardv!lie (BannahauaocB -,:i tlon)
ween iiire. 2.47 4. i(l , in. m.1 k41 a. . I 03.
9. i VK, K.O'l ard 1 ).0B p. ti. lti.uiy, i',47,
4 07, i.SS a, m. 8.41, 5.0" p. rj.
mve i.-iuiamBLon, onys. t..if.i,'i.nnii
Il.of) . m, &M ana UM p. ra. lltunLny U.lo
p. in.
Esltlm.010, 'Wa&bingtpn nnd tht wcit
vie 1 4 0. R. i:., tbrntura trains lc?.- CUa d
Avenpe tUou, 1'hlladelpbla, (P. 1 ii. It.
At 3.65 nnd 11.7 a. m S.iA. 6.'?. anfl
7 IB p. m. unnday, 8Ji5 E.02 11.27 a, m., 8.66
6 42 ndf lit m.
LeAve ItDuvIelphbt, Chestnnt Lient WUMt
a al watk erof t Whaif
TPct Atlnnttc r.ttv.
Wcck.rtivB Klmsn.M) c. jr.
S."0, 4, CO,
, m. Aocommolitlon, f,00 i. m.
U11U I VJ,
Hiiodays. Siprcas, 0.90 t, in
un ii 'on. S.'IB a. in.i,(l(J0 o. m.
A M ulo and A' .aoRai "'naei v.'r. i'.-a a
fij:press(7.80, 9.0U c m r.nd 4 00, v. fi. An
commo.tatto' 8.10 a. m. and 4.0p ,a. Plan
day s -Kiprwf, 4 OO, p. i.i. Accon.i n:-li.Mon,
7.$9 B. m. and 4.33 p w.
t). .. ftu Gen'! ."ksT Agt.
V MOlil0O. Krop. ien't it.n
On. and afl'r Nnvcmlir 15, 18t, rrafn; vtp
. leave Sncnu,ui mi uncl'ows
e'or vi,t'i, vsiicuri, ju, ii,uctillls. Hi
''"no, Bt. Clair. "M v.ay points, 8,00,0.0,
11.15 , nunc! 4.15 pu:
.iadavo.ti00. B.4"msns1.'0 n
rorFottsvme, B.W,, U.t5 a in end 4.15
V ffi.
oonaayd. nw, v.V) a m ana iiau t m.
For ReAdtue, 8.00 U ft 3 m r-d 4 15 pat
Sundays. eOO, 9 M n . i-t . tad 8.10 r m .
for Fottelown, I'uoenisville, I'oui'dTCTn
-1 PhlUtolubia ilizoto. titiefct"..i. 6.C0. in. and 4.11 p mwekdhys
..i.m Miui I, ill u m y ill n m
1 .alns leuve lira-itvtiK tor MltenjaCO .a Al
tUOnniand 12 H.u.oi. 1 41. 10.03 p ra, bun-
dtyi L.J8 r. lo. s.u . ,..J p m.
tfWV Hi Villi- .1' lUMUlAl'U'J, XH.L W"
ll,4i, am ' ' i, 7,15, ').U yr ru. ti',
1.11 1 m.
L ,ve.' lAteiputa (rji'ORQ 6'.oet ' ; oi
1 PrCl , - r.a ioJ bi r'.jdosh. i.i: . t-rr
t. 0 1 7.00 i, id vr, v nayo. Bnua" (i.uO, ojid
1 m ,
..ii-Ma'-tT n.'lr W.t.r. 4.49. .', 'j. ..'l.. 1.2B.
;as.t iLt:..m,t ii.;.il.So j . uoun.
(rtu-t.Jl 'l "ij.t.iJt, l.'ip -o.) VIA 1 "1 !.4X
tin , 1 , 4, i.w-, 1 , n,mit,icc,iuiii .ia..iu
111. 12.t!l i-.nrut.
Muu.lnvtf. X ' 1. 4fVt 4 40. ..W. .l '. t . R.
1185 -i 11 li'.44, l.'!!,'2.30, idv Ii 1
l 11 . 21 fi.r . .1 . j mi 1
Bunions 8 , 1 and 11.14 u. 111., 4.00 p m. weak F.eeboid omy 6X!) p m veek a-i - .
i'or llMUiiiioifi ami v.'asiimeton 7"i.
9 10 and 11.18 1. n., 4 41. u 7,7.4up m a .d iv.t)i
nli 11 daily ano. 881. 10.1 u i : t ..Ma
express Willi dint it fir Ic Itoltlm re) 1 , 8. tC
p. ra. wo ir tuys. l'o, u utiinorc uni: .ui
wee 4 ttiyR. D.OH. 11 sn d. ij. aauv.
tor itiohmand, 7 20 a. m. and 12.03 nlsht
dnllv. 1 80 n in. jail' . exoont r;uo'i .v. ,nr "V i.i n.,nr nnd
,i week d ivs.
1 n . 1 . , . n 11. ., , b j n..-Btf
nli el(llnl' 'ardialen)l:it"i. 5.1inEti,
liv. I w xnai r.v 1. sn. WMt u jo jhui
ua. inui3av,
tA3. 11 POSa. 09.
11UU lUll'iUUUIl iUi:llls
... .4.
r . .j . 1 i,. .
lt j A L l I . -l Wj'J'-' , V' W.i
A. W. Leisennng, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisennng, &u
V IV rtr. St., - r',,rf ,M
rr ii'oi, yo:- 1
Open Dally Prann. 9 io 3.
Palil on eHVura Depo hco.
Finest brands of clears always on bn,i
and tho wad robber was blown out of
ice nest icmpetauoe annus.