Presents tn the most lgntibmi ' THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICE OP TUB FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal .Virtues oF plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most cxcellsnt remedy known to CLE4NSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one li Ihljous or Constipated so that PURfc' BLOOD, REFRESKiriQ BLEEP, HEALTH nnd STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DaUOSIST FOFI MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. iduisviue. ky new rornt. ti. r. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W. Baker & Go.'s from which tho excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in its preparation. It lias more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is Uioreforo far nioro economical, costing less than one cent a mp. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably ndaptcd for invalids os well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocoro ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Nearly every pattern of -a. Horso Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation lpoks just as Rood as the genuine, but it hasn't the varp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half asmuch. The fact that Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the ' trade mark is sewed 6ri the inside of the Blanket. Five Mllo Boss Electric Extra Test Baker ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 6.'A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. Ask foz the S,W Book. You can get it without charge, WM, AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. Bank Counters, Tylor System, Porfr ablo, Unequaled in Styles, Cost and Finish. Color., Itoolo, ft-eo J'.t&g IS Crntl. Also -i-yier-s jiuyw. oracc Dr.Ui and Type writer ablutt, ZOO Ntii. Hast and cheap- t est on earth, with groat reduction la prices. ISO ttaco euulwra Fret. roti.g is cu. lull it... r 1. L, CHI, Title., HcUt ('Mr. Cabln.U, l,r,ftl UUxIl CRijIoet., tt,t ilork. fiD.clal work t.d to ord.r. TXI.IJK DESK CO., Sl.I.oul, Mo.,U.8..V. '4 Llhlehirf EawtLifc daiuoii4 Brut, 'enhyrbyal pills rr niwMi i kLUtU, udh uf isWi.mii ltvl and (JoUl ftliUUaN (ijomj t tin Iniei lii 'lako ihw unit imituttMtti At uiu.jjUu, orccDd-lt In at jr4 ftn iwi-rf"tiiu,rf mtla.pnlU ai Itfituf fr Ittu Ut, mi IrtUr, bf return 1 .11 ail iFfca --.ii iiwic i-aper. 1o tint a I'ooltWo Coro tPJ tbo U7Zl,J2Zl Sir " HDMUe TwillKml one Full lUalh'n MctUclaa U. M. CO., B8i "lrvlw7, Sew Verk. Breakfast Cocoa Willi I IH' THE COUNTRY'S MAIL iVnnunl Hcport of Poslmnstor Gonoral Wnnninakor. POOR FACILITIES FOR NEW YORK Beoommmdfttions for Extending tho Froa Delivery and Money Order System- lrn!ilcm of Mall Transmission toy lncu- inntlo Tillies Om-Ctmt Lotter 1'ostngo, Hiree.Crnt Telnphoiio Messages mill Olio-Cent Telecriilns Soon to Come Hilitlnml rmirtlt Clan Matter Should too Coimolliltitoil, Washington, Dac 4. Tho annual re port of I'ostmustcr-Geueral Wanna- maker wits submitted to the President yesterday, In discussing tho problem of trans mission of m'ulls by pnuematlo tubes, Mr. Wanunniaker reviews tho develop ment or the syntom In Berlin, Paris, London, Vienna and Liverpool. "The most pressing noed of tha pnuematlo systom in this country," Mr. Wnuna maker says, "Is doubtless in New York and Brooklyn," but he doubts whether tho Western Union "would not oppose, In and out of Congress, any proposition for a irovornment tubular post which 'they might fancy would lntorforo with tuelr vested rights." Preliminaries have been deolded upon for testing a system In Philadelphia, and plans are under consideration for St. Louis and Chicago. It is recom- mendod that SIOU.OUO bo appropriated, and that experiments be mado in Now York and Washington, nnd In connec tion with tho World's Fair nt Chicago. Tho Postmastor-Gonoral earnestly urges tbo need of a now postolllce in Now York. Ho says; "To turn tbo prosont II rat floor of tho postofflco Into tho chief sub-station to servo all parts of the town south of Canal or Houston streets is all that can be done properly with tho old building. A high ono- story building, with a gallery, some where up town," would speed tho dis tribution, of most of the malls. 'A proposition just recoived," ho says, "offers to connect tho Now York and Brooklyn offices with tubes at a cost ranging from $33,000 to $100,000. "I try never to forget the country," Mr. Waunmnkor continues, and he re peats his recommendations for extend ing the free delivery and money order system. Mr. Wnnnraakor approvos the sugges tions of the United States delegates to the Vienna Postnl Union to provldo for a limited indemnity for the loss of registered mnttor and to ostabllsh a uniform charge for registered letters. Froin postmasters at county seats, who, at Mr. Waunnmaker's request, visited tho various offices in their re spective counties, it Is learned that only 1,000 offices are unsatisfactory to their patrons nnd but 1,250 aroused as loung ing places. Thoro aro 4, 811 postmasters who do not undorstand the postal laws and regulations. Mr. Wannamaker urges at longth the union of tbo telegraph and telephone with the postal system, and declares that one-cent letter postage, threo-cunt tolephono messages and ten-cent tele graph messages are all near possibili ties. Postmasters' bonds as a rule, the re port says, aro too high, aud tho Govern ment should accept only surety com panies as bondsmen, nnd such bonds should bo paid for by the government, and not by tho Postmaster. A consolidation of third and fourth class mutter is recommended. The gross revenue for the year ending June 80 was $05,031,735, nnd tho totul expenditures and liabilities amounted to $72,009,111, leaving a deficiency of more than $0,000,000, The revenue showed an incroase of more than S yer cent, over Unit of the preceding year, and tho estimated deficiency for ths present year is less than $1,000,000. The total number of offices is 01,1140, an Increase of 1,038, and' nearly 8,0JJ miles of additional railway service huve been established. No Intllun TrotiMaH In Arizona. Wasiiinotox, Dec. 4. Gen. McCook telegraphs tho War Depaartmont from Fort Howie, Ariz., that tho reports of Indian troubles in Arizona it re without foundation as far as hs can. learn. The report that a Maj, Dawning ras klllod by Iudinns, he says, cannot bo con firmed, A man by tho name of Daniels, he reports, was murdered, but the re port of tho Coroner's Jury showed that it ws not tho work of Indians. Hons of tho ltevolution. New York, Doc. 4, Tlie Sons ot the Revolution mot in tha long room in Francos' Tavern, whore George Wash ington bade farewell to his companions Doc. 4, 1883, and elected officers for the ensuing year as follows i Presldont, Daniel Frederick Tallmadgs; Seorotary, James M. Montgomery) Treasurer, Ar thur M. Hatch; Registrar, Charles Isham. tlalllviui Declared Xot Guilty. New Yoltic, Dec 4. Tho jury In the case of Michuol J. Qalllvan, on trial for the murder of Hackman Cumnilugs, which occurred last Christmas day, last night rendered a verdict of not guilty. Galllvuu was discharged from custody. NEW YORK NEWS IN BRIEF. Martin D. Loppy,' the wife murderer, is to die during tho week beginning Sunday. Billy McGlory,- tho notorious New York dive-keeper, has beou nrrostod nnd hold in J'i,000bail for kooplug a disorderly house. Judgments amounting to over $21, 000 have been filed hero against the Urownsvllle Box and Papsr Company of Wutertown. County Clerk Georgo Q. Cotton of Onondaim was removed yesterday by Gov. Hill's order, and the office is now In the hands of John J. tiuuooK. A subplaua has h-'en isjsusd atJNyack, N.Y.. for tho arrest of ox -Assemblyman Frank P. Dernorost for forgery, Ills trial Is set down for next week. Tho jury in the casaot Joseph L. Tlce, on trial for killlutr his wife luscsummor in Rochester, brought in a verdict of guilty of murder in tho first degree. At a meeting ot the Union League Club lost night spDochos were made do- nounelng the action ot Gov. Hill in re gard to the election of legislators. flighest of all in Leavening Power. Imm Powder ABSOLUTELY PURE llroko Through tlto Ice. Amsterdam, N. Y., Dec 4. Two boys named Mark and Hassey, aged 4 and 5 years respectively, wero drowned yes torday In tho Kelloj and Miller pond In this city. They wero sliding on ths lco nnd broke through. Their bodies wore re cove rod. Buys He 'Will be n Candidate. Monticeixo, 111., Doc. 4. A letter has been received hero from Gon. John Blackf iCommlssloner of Pensions under President Cleveland, positively an nouncing that he will bo a oandtdato for Governor of Illinois at tho uoxt elec tion. NEW JERSEY JOTTINGS. Harriott, the farm, laboror, has con fessed that ho murdered Mrs. Charles J, Leonard, of Atlantic Highlands, N. J. Scarlet fever has broken out in tho Polish quartor of Newark, and two of tho children In tho lamliy or. 11. Kwol- goubaumdled yesterday from tho disease. Dr. A. S. Tltsworth, of Dunnollen, wns thrown from his bug'iy in a colli sion with a wagon yostorday, sustain ing a fractured shoulder and internal injuries. James Morrison, 45 yonrs of age, n horse car conductor of Newark, fell down stairs at his residence last night and fractured his nkull. He died short ly afterward. DO YOU It Cares Colds, Cochi.E or eThr oat, Oronpjnflaeaii, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis nd Asthma. A eerttla f ura far Coaiumptlon la flnt bUrpi, nd a aura relief in advmeed tUeei. Uitonce. You will eo tho x tellent effect after taking the first doe. BwU r CtaJeraofcrywIure. Lup fesiUw, W kfll UWt Grand Opening! r1A. AND WIN TKll STYLES OF MILLINERY ELLA M. Mt'GINNISS' -No. 26- East Centre Ct, Shenandoah, Pa. The flnestand largest assortment J 11 Hats, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's THI.NfMED AND UN - THIMMBD HAT OT2 .3 w g o CCS C i as (5 Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLORS ! Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing BIIAMFOOINO; arc, BY E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under Postoflloe Building, Main and Oak Sts., Shenandoah. 4S-Hot aud eokl baths, rollte. Dromr t and carotui aiieuuuu. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? and welbmnde, fashionable clothes? If so, call on W. JJAOOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah. Cult and see samples of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptness uuu ,uir iriem. ti. ATtOHNEY-AT-LW. Otac-BldU'sbulldln sorner Mala and Oeai I -J 5 1 1 H J " s 1 ' . s h m tb 03 " Si I U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. BI1011M llnvn flono to rrlnnn. BogTOS, Deo. 4. lljnson C. Hazloton, treasurer of the Order of the Itoyul Ark, which recently failed, withdrew his plea of not guilty of violating tha insurance laws, and was lined $300. Lurny C. Powers, secretary of the same concorn, also withdrew his plea of not guilty of the same and Was lined $400. Judge Sherman said that ho was sorry he oould ouly imposo fines. Uo regretted that the law did not allow him to send them to prison. 100 Dollars an Hour for sleep at cortain times would be a cheap prico. For crving babies Life Dr. Hand's Collo Cure. It" never fails. O. .1. Mc Carthy and J. M. Hilltri, the druggist, are furnishing free families to those who doubt, but would like to try il. JSaoli cold wavo gets stronger, but their staying tjuiilitioti are not good. A Mystery Bxplainoi. The papers ouutalu frequent notices of rich, pretty and educated girls eloping with uejroes, tramps and oaotiuien. The well known speelnl st, Dr. FrauKlln Mllns, ssys all such elrls am more or less hysterical, uer tons, vcrvlmp isive, nubsl meed ; usually Mibnct to Jieatlache, neur.ilgla, sieepifsuosi, lm modnralc crylua or laughing. These show a weaK nermiH system for which there is tin remedv t qunl to Keliratlvfl Nervine. TrlHl marvelous cures, froe at O.K. Jfpgenbncln drug store, who also sell, and gunmnteo D . Allies' eele n.uod New Heart Cure, the llnoit of heart tonics. Cures llntterlng, short breath, etc: Bhonnera nro alreadv looking arnnnd for Christmas presents. Miles' Nerve pua Liver Fills ict on a new prlnolplw regnlatlng the tver, stomach and bowels through the nerves V new discovery. Dr. Miles' 11118 speedily imo biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, onstlpallon. unequaled lor men, women, hlldreu. Smallest , mllUest.Burestl GDdoses, !AU). Samples Froe, at O. 11. llagenbuch's true etore. Christmas Is coming children will tell you so. iiudall tho Height of Cruelty. Nervous women seldom receive the sym ptoms thr,y deserve. Whl'eoreti tho pictures of health, Ihey are constantly ailing. To withhold sympathy from these unfortunates Is the height of cruelty. They haven weak heart, causing shortness of breath, fluttering, pain lu Hiilo, weak and htiugry spells, aud Anally swelling or ankles, oppression, cholc 'nir, smothering and dropsy. Dr Miles' New Heart Cure Is Just the thing for them. For ibe-r nerv usness, he idache, weakness, e'e, his llAst iratlve Norvl o is uuqualed. l'lne treat s on "Heart and Nervous Dlsoiise" aud marvelous testimonials Iree. Hold nuu guaranteed by O. II. lUfeubuch. Turtles aud sllnke are laid away in their winter retreats. Oh, What a Cough. Will u you need the warning? Tno.rlgnal per- yoa heed the warning? Tno.!gnalt lansof theburenneroach of that more ler- rlblo disease, Consumption. Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saving 50 cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It We know from experience that Rbllon's Cur will Curo your Cough. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million Hottles were sold the post year. It relieves Croup and Whopping Cough at once Mothers do not bo without It. For Lame BaoH, Bide or Ohest, useBhlloh's Porous flasler. Hold by U. II. Hagenbuoh, N. K. corner Main and Lloyd streets. Soon the perfumo of baking Chrisl- uihb oakes will fill the air. Shiloh's Consumption Cure. . This is lievond question the most sne losstut Cough Medicine we h we ever sold, tew dew invariably cure the wo st ess ol Oough, Oronp, and Bronohltls, while Its won lerral success in the cure of Consumption ts without a narallol in ths history of m 'dielne. sinoe It's flrst disco tarv X 'ias twen solcr on a ,'u:imnte, a test which no other medicine 'an stand, ft you have a ough we earnestly ink you to try tt. I'rloe 1(1 oento, St) cent, and tl.Wi, If yonr hnugs sra sore, Chest or Rank lame, use station's Porons 1'lasHr. Hold b 0. a. Hagenbuoh, N. B. corner Main and uiovu streets. The olioira will now be iiraetlslnir Christmas anthems. A Glorious Record. Hlnce tbelntrodtiutlon of the FininiiH ln Tina Cough aud Consumption Cure In tijls vicinity, ins ueuin rio irom uonstimption hns decreased wonderfully: It never (tills to etftct a cure, and Is tho ht Cough medicine iry it. iriai uotites iree at k i run's urug Btore, Sale bills are turned out of this olliue on short notice. A ParlBh Priest's Certificate Cer tified to by tho Archbishop of Mexico. I. lmrooMal tirlestnnil eocluslnstloal tudata or ueuiya, rsiate oi liuanujuaio, uereny certiry that know seversl people who have been cured by t lin Cactus Blood Cure. It radically and etlectually dispels alt Impurities of the blood. PKANCO M INOOUA. The above slanature Is th it ,oh ha usah in alt ins itustuess. o.uca.iy aud otherwise. auu lie is an oitl pupil ni ni-'ip T f, a,, atcu uoii oi .nexitM). Sold at Klrlln's Drug Btoro.Kerguson House airroK.naanana . WALL PAPER BARGAINS ! largest and cheapest stock In town. Artistic Paiatiog, Graining and Decorating ! J. P. CARDEN, 10 2 6m m W, Centre St., HllIiNANDO.MI CHRIS. BOSSLER'S f AL00N AHD RESTAURANT 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, Cigars, ki DRESSMAKING SCHOOL ! To the ladles of Hhenaudoab nnd vicinity, A Solentlllo Dress Cuttlngaud Making Uruuaa Hchool Is noened In room No. 8, ltobb ns' buildlUE. over the nost ottlce. where numls ore tuk n and taught the latest and best Kys tem of cultlugnud drei-sumnl' t The system Is a saving of tl ne, labor aud money and Is readily acquired. All aredellghud who have learneu 11, upeu eveuinKS, 11-6-tf Mm. M.C. niSWITT, THE CAUCUS CALLED Uomocraiic Moinbora Will Moot To-Morrow nt 2 p. in. CRISP'S CHANCES FOR SPEAKER. He Hm a Commanding Lead, and Ilia Friends An Jabtlaat, "WlUon Hfny ltecoiuo rornttilatotn If aio 1M It) I ii, aprliiKeraiul Matli Arc liiml Not 3Inr Than aiemtosrs lSxprcteil at tin OttuctlHTho Attempt to )rav ttoe Wisconsin Contingent from Springer Unsuccessful. Waiunoton, Dee. 4. The Held against Crisp Is the situation of the Speaker ship contest. Whether the Held can centre upon any one man now In the race or anew man Is the question asked on all sides. Crisp has aoommnudiug toad, but he is some distance from tho goal, whtlo ths other candidates nro a considerable distance In the roar. Wilson of West Virginia is mentioned as the mnn most likely to bo tnkon up If MuMillln, Springer nnd Hatch aro dropped by their supporters. No break lu their lines has been ellectod, though several olforts In that direction have been made, especially among tha Springer forces. Tho attempt was made to draw from Springer his Wis consin contingent, and ex-Sooretary Vilas wns credited with engineering tho movement. His friends, however, deny that he Is Interfering in tho Speakership fight. Judgi Holman of Indiana, the caucus chairman arrived last night, but did not visit any of tho headquarters. He refuses to express his preference, stating that the Indiana delegation will meet to-ilny to discuss tha situation. At the request of all the candidates hotlssued the following official call last night for tho meotlng of the caucus : "There will bo a mooting of tho Democratic members of the House of Representatives at the hall of tho House on Saturday, Ddc. C, 1801 at 2 p. m., for tho purpose of nominating candidates for the ollloes or the House ot ueprosen tativos for tho Flfty-aooond Congress. (Signed), W. S. Holman, Chairman." It is suld that 200 members aro in the tlty to-day. It is expected that not more than 225 members will be prosont at tho caucus. Tho total Democratic membership is placed nt 233; but as a matter of course, candidates will not bo prosont. The claims ot tho several (candidates on the first btilot, are: Crisp, 7d; Mills, 07; Springer, 0J; MoMllliu, 20; Hatch, 18. This total gives more votes than thoro nro Democratic membors, so that somebody is overestimating his strength. A Family Wiped Out. Omaha, Nob., Doc. 4 A special from Creston, Iowa, says: Tho family of Jasper Mans, consisting of father, mother and three children, was horribly burned yesterday morning by the ex plosion of n largo can ot gasoline that had been stored in tho oven of a cook stove and forgotten. Tho dead nnd In jured: Jasper Mans, burned on face, arms and body, will die; Mrs. Mans, burned, may recover; Waltor, agoJ 3, dead; Bessie, aged 2, doad. ftTJ AVnterbury's IucomllHry Fire. WATERUuuy, Conn., Doc. 4. The total lo3S by yesterday's flro is placed nt $30, 000, with small insurance. Tha princi pal losers aro tho Naugatuck Railroad, A. N. Slmous, Piatt Elevator Company, Wnterbury Coal and Lumbar Company nnd Tracy Brothers. The lire reduced tho nlready low water In the reservoir fifteen inches. Thapollco claim to have a cluo to the Incendiary, but no arrest has yet been made. Kerr to ltenresent 1'oiinsylvaiitn. Washisotos, Deo. 4. At the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Democratic State Ceutral Committee ot Pennsylvania hold here last night Mr. Kerr was unanimously entered for the position ot clerk of tha il hhj ot Rapre sentatives, and was designated to repre sent Pennsylvania at the meeting of the National Democratic Executive Com mittee to be held here Dao. 18. l'roctoe Getting Beady to I.nvo. Wabhi.voton, Dea 4. Secretary Proctor is very busy oloslng up some matters ot ollloial business. IIj is tin dortakiuii no new business und ex pects to be able to sever his connection with the War Department this after noon or Saturday. His resignation has boon la tho President's hands since Nov. 3 last, to take effect at tho bocretary's ploasuro. Nothlup; Sonsatlnual lu tho Testimony. Bosto.v, Dec. 4. United States Com missioner Ilatlett says tho hearing bo fore himself as examiner lu tho Hell telophoue oase is private. The testi mony is to be reported to the oourt In duo time. Ju.l;e Ilallott says there is nothing sensational or of uuusual im portance in tho testimony. Slav orlolt ;ianti .tUulri. noHTOs. lleo. 4. The 551 claims proved at the Ifaverlck Hank nt noon Wednesday aggregated auout i I, uuu, uuu. About 0UU claims lu all have been proved. Tho receiver deposited with the United States Sub-Treasury 30,001), making a total of fi,3J0, 000 now stand -lug to the credit ot tlie bank's orodltors.- Itoston I.odxo of miss, HosTOif, Deo. 4. The auuual benefit ot the Boston Lodge ot Ktks in tho Bos ton Theatre was an uuusually enjoyable affair. The performanoe began at 11 a. m. and ooutlnuVl until 5 p, in. Several artUta front New York and members from companies navy playing in IJoslou made the programme. NEW ENGLAND BRIEFS. Hon, Harris C. Hartwell, ox-prostdent of the State Senate, Is very 111 at his home lu Fitchlmri, Mass. Tho deck load of granite has been re moved from the schooner 11. I'resoott, Bunk In liroad Sound. Tha work ot re moving the remainder ot the oargo is progressing favorably, . Daniel IL Lannan, a member of tho Suffolk liar was convicted of larceny from a olleat, lu the Superior Criminal Oourt at Boston, sentenced to 18 months in tho House of Correction, aud his dis barment ordered. JVe Can't do it but nro willinjf to par for lewrn'intf how tr tnako ns good nn article as Wolff's At mm Ulackinu of cll(ni materinl to that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c Our price in 20c. Tlirj retailer says tho public will not par it. Wo say the public will, borauso tfu-V will always p iy a fair price for a givI article To show both the trndo and tho public that We want to frlvc tlicui the bvat lor the least money, we will Jy 10,000.00 Reward For ttliOTO information ; tills offer is open until January 1st, l8tKI. WOLFF Sl HAWDOLPH, Philadelphia. PilC-Itnit Is the namo of n paint wh Ich uoes work that no othor paint con do. Sem uW painted with it looks like the natural wood when It Is stained and vuriilshuil. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will find it profitable to luvostlgato. Ail paint stores sell It- CACTUS BLOOD CURE. TO Purifies tho blood by ex pelling tho impurities through the proper channels and never causes eruptions on tho skin. Regulates the bowels. Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tunes up the system and gives you an appetite. Never fails (o cure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel JSloek, Shenandoah, Pa. Anlc my nccntn for W. I. Dniigln tshoen. If not lor sale lu sour place iihlc your denier to cmt for ciiiatouue, secure the unciicr and tret them lor ou. S3T-TAKK NO HUIISTITUTE..JZ1 WHY THE W L DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MOIIEf ? It Is a seumtess Flux, wllli uti tacks or wax thread 1o hurt tbo feet; utiulu of the host Duo culf, BtyllBh ftutl eas, nnit oceuuse ir, malic iimn niofi. of this grade than unit cfu'e iiiniii'Kiirt', It equals hand kuweil siloes eostiu from $1.01) tu $5,110. fife, t)t tjeiiuiiii' Manil-Ncuctl, tlie finest calf fSJa hIioo ever offered for 45.110 1 equals French Imported shoes wliteti cost from fts.xito $ 1.00. (IE J til) Hlillil-Sewcil Wi lt M , line calf, JIf"i'i styltsli. comf rtalile and durable 'thett.t shoo ever offered at this price , same uriuW ns cus toui irnido siloes eimihirt from fir Otosu.iiO. ffiO ,"50 t'oliee r-lioi't I nrniors, Hallrnnd Men fpOa uud I eltercai rti rsnll eiirtheni. lir. i If pv-iilnl'rts, smooth luslde. htuvy threu sotis, extc i Eton ell(e. One pjtr w III w e.u- .lyeur. ti&O 511 flnc cnlfi no hettT .lineever i(Ter, d at 9dmn this price; one trltd wilt eouvin tlin-.o who want a shoo for eomfoit and service. A4 5 nml !4'4.U0 WorhliiuiiiiurN Eliors vlat are very Strom; and tumble. '1 luee who lone ctvoii tlieni u trtjd wit' -.'(ir no otlier I ik.-. C2nU3 fJ.IKI anil 1.73 M-huol bI rro Ejtljo worn liytlie Ixosevervwhere, thtycwl oj llii'lr merits, as lln lueriie.liK s.iles eleo . a : ts.i.Dii liimi-HCtrctl ! ' fr Mtllsh. eouuS L r- u , Ino-rted shtieHeoi,lhik'rioiu Id no to bti.oi. l.mlle' o.1II. M'J.IXt mill WI.-J.1 s'. fir Mlbsosarethebestnnei,Mii;otii. Ktjtlstiaudt i r.1le prl I Ulllioil me tout v. i. utmriias ii. mix una rtuo uro stamped on the hotlotn of eueh sh'K, W. U 1XIUUL.UI, uroeKtun, .uass. tTosepla. 3311, 3SJa.oxivi.x3.3tcila 3Et DR.THEEL. tti ittr uulite iJtrnmn An rlota Beotl.l li th 1'bitul ftt. who U thin to cure BlOOd POlSOHf Nervous Delitllty ui Spt,- clal DleeaBea ttti mi, fialQ lUat-MUi. KedbpotaVtlnilQUia iKM,sordThroat4 Mouth, ICuichLi, Piioclrt Fruitions, Mtfl or hunt L'lot-ri BwelUria, Iriitt-tloni, )r.ilniniatloDS ntt RuQninfi, 8ui--tur. , Wfiint-i nJ Early t hwk monll nltT. Kl1nT n In tiacritton f Oi.rwork Rtromt rUil to' rtllef t khlw. Do not lfie hope, no mtt.r rt for tlln Dootur. Qiiwk, Tamlh or Hewp.tfcl Phvlilw l" l Dr. THfcl-U curi-t positively llhoul rt 1 "M' n bntltv-M ilp toi "a Miri.L 'nr m toi citiii' t iTi HiKNfi)i rinh or ( wnrl 3- mp f HOOK "TBUTH" fiiKWhn On n on) r " MtH"Hifc n,t ".Hllv (V.m t t Mi. 6 w. 8 W.t r.4 , Bfc Bf M to 10 hi lit 9 till 13 V riw or nt) ! Tr UfcrMMH: Wedu Bktardft; Fbllt. dUI lmm If you want to sen a flue display of Boots and Nuoes, go to W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Maataller's old stand,) Corner Coat bmh Jnrtlln Hlh. Custom Work aud UcpalrltiK Done In the best style. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where bo will be pleased to meet the wants of ids friends and the public lu EvorythiiKj in tho Drinking Line. jf it. BlUOIUiiK, m. v.? VJIY&ICIAtf AND S LUG EON, No'.9Kat Centre Street; Mahanoy City, rv bklnandall sptalal diseases a .isclalty, IS