THEIR NERVE FAILED Atinici rf nil in T.MVnniniT PnwM TT C ClrMl T?issr A ,, r, - QO- l FIVE WERE KILLED Presents tn the most elegant form VHE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUIOE of Tim. FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming au agreeable and effective laxative to perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de- b condition of the nlurttid, LlaLn HI.'J BUWtLb. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEWSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 3LEf,t, HEALTH nnd 8TRENQTU NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOOIST POft MANUFAOTUREO ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANC1S00, CAL. WUISVIUe. KY HCW YORK. rV. t. GOLD MEDAL, TAUIS, 1378. W. Baker & Co.'s from which tho excess ot oil has been removed, Is Absolutely 3?nro and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in Its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is tlieroforo far more economical, costing less than one cent cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for iuvalids ns well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass, filek Headache and rollevoall tbotrourjlea taef. dent to a bilious state of tho system, such a9 Dizziness, Kausea, Drowainosa. Distress after eating, Tain in the 81 Jo, &c While their most jccarkablo success has been ehown la curfcg j SrfeaaaehG. ret Carter's Llttla Clvev TIHa fiM equally valuablo in Constipation, curing and pro -venting tnia annoying complalntwhile they also" correct .stimulate tha Ilveranaregulatethobowels. Eveulf Uicyonl? curou fAcnelhey would rxioImostprlcoUsa to Utosowha le affsr from this distressing complaints but fortu nately their goodness does notend hero,aud those Yrno ouceiry ucu w m uuu uiecu muo puis voiu .Able in so manr wars that they will not bo wil. rUsgtodowithonttbem. But after allele he4 HlB the bano of bo many Urea that here Is ryDer. vremaneourereatuoMt. uvriuucureiiwnuis others do not. Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and very ooby to take. Ono or two pills make a dose. They are Btrielly vegetable and do not gripe of rjurce. butbv their eenUeaetion nloaseoU who csethem. In vials at 25 cents; five for $1. Sold 1 by druggists everywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER raFmciMr- CO.. New Vorkl SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port able Unequaled In Stylos, Cost nnd Finish. , , , 150 Tig Cstalititue of t'oualrn, De.ks etc., lllailratoo in Cvlor.. UooL., Frc Ftatage 1& C?dL. Aleo 'I'yier-a isoyai Oflic-a Deiti. and Type writer C alilnela, VOO Ntyle. Ilcht and cheap I est on eaitb, with groat rudnotmti tn prices. Its pans cuulngua Fret, r-Ofclag-e Id rlt. Full llaet lit llnaa, Chairs, TaMra, Hook t'aara. Cabinets, lsal Mault CaMarL, clr,, slocL, SjBF.Iml nrlt ninf In firJ.r. 'J'Vl.l'.lt DESK. GO., flt.l-oiil.,SIo.,TJ.N.A. ! Cllrkees-r-s KsuiltiJa UUst-u4 Brand. ENNYROYAL PSLLS tirUHsiai n ur vcmnfne. A M md fit Mid la Kv4 Rt.' . U ucLfcmc&7 gi0. . t.'ii tritd blur H ju TkO XT rtiuni ndliiii uitu.t At - actfisiij. or eal4i. 'la ku , fr jiurii'ulr. taiuUttgalstii oj Itrlli f fo- Jtitm,i irttcr, tv rctar HmIL r Mfiiisutttie. 'sMiw. B 1 hi lUBl S w fefNSias.wai mh w To tost a 1'osltlve Cure for tho effects of self Jibuse, llarlr tolWonSiNerseu. lleblllt J, lout t bSmilimtr, lmpote'''77e. Bo .(treat Is our faith in Sir HrVclno we wtllBj-nd'on. FiiirM.athVs iMedlclae kadsVuch Valualile Information FU1.K. Address U. M. t'U-. 6 Ureadway, Sew Yerk. Breakfast Coco CARTEKSI Mrs. Gregory's Murdorors Quail When Accused. DRAMATIC SCENE IN COURT, McGnlra and Mrs- Browa Openly Charged with the Orims by Their Acoomplioe, The Man l'lends Mat Guilty-How the lNilr AVi-re Arrested Clever Huso of tile Detectives tf Oot Them Oitt of Penn sylvania Without a iteiiulslilon-No Doubt as to the Clullt of the Arrosted Couple, MidIiletown, N.Y., Dac. 3. Fred Mc- Guite and Airs. Saran A. Drown, the al leged mur derers of Mrs, Amelia J. Gregory, who wus killed at her home, near this city, on October 14. aro In the grasp ot justice. They were arrested at Guloton, I'a., and brought here Tuos- ay night. To avoid the delav Incident to a requisition tha detectives told tho pair that tlioy were wanted as witnesses in tho murder oase. When Justice John Wiggins opened court yesterday morning for a hearing tu tho case Assistant District Attorney Powelsou appeared for the peoplo nnd The rou A. Read for the prisoners. Me- Guire was first arraigned aud Interro gated apart from Mrs. Brown. In reply to tho Court he stared that he was 23 years old he is probibly ten years old- r aud was born at Shandaken, Ulster County. In n Arm voice he pleaded nut guilty. Hi i) re was a dramatlo scene In court when Warren Bra&lngton, the alleged accomplice of the prNouer, v.h called to the witness stand by the district attor ney. At this uulooked for jtppeur.iuce of his old partner In crime as a witness nguinst him AloUulre's bulldog ooujago aud nerve visibly failed him. lu reply to sharp uuestionliig uraz- lugton gave additional and Sensational detuils to his confosslon previously made. lie told how McUuirj and Mrs. lJrown and himself had mot at Mc Gulro's and conspired to rob the Greg orys. On two nights, he said, Bhortly before the murder wra accomplished, he and McGuire went to tho Gregory house armed with loaded pistols and iuteut on "getting the money," as be phrased It. On each occasion as they sneak od up to the house they saw Mr. and Mrs. Gregory peuceably seated beside their hearthstone, iirazlngton says that at this sight his heart failed him and he refused to accompany Mouulrs. This new statement by Iirazlngton Is believed to be true nnd confirms the general opinion that Mrs. Drown was as deep in the plot as McGuire, and that sue accompanied him and assisted him In the dreadful work. Justice Wiggins committed McGuire to the county jail at Goshen to await the action of tho grand jury. The police have secured from tho woman a If J bill with peculiar marks and dls'colora- tions, and Mr. Gregory identifies it as being part of the monoy stolen from his house at the time of the murder. Jtanks and ltank Failures, WAsniNOTO, Dec. 3. Tho report of the Comptroller of Currency shows that during the year ended Oct. SI, 1801, l'J.J new National banks were organized possessing en aggogats capital ot $20, 700,000, thus exhibiting a growth large ly in excess of the annual average for past years. In number of faiures the present excosds any previous year, but otherB have been more disastrous in point of capital and liabilities. . It Is noted that more than one half in num ber of tho banks which became Insolv ent during the period covered by the re port were located in two; Western States, and that these failures were chiefly due to the effects of four successive crop failures. liurneu to Dentil In Ilur Ilouse. CanandAiqtja, N. Y., Dec. 8. Early yesterday morning James S. Crawford' 8 house on Wood street was burned and the only occupant, Mrs. Sarah Gibson do Somoskeoy was cremated alive. When the fire was discovered the entire Interior was in flames and the attention ot the department was directed to the adjoining buildings. After the names had been extinguished it was found that Mrs. Somoskooy was missing, and further search revealed her blackene d remains in the ruins. A Verdict Aca'nst a Railroad. New Yoke, Dec. 8. Edward L. Cun ningham was awarded $7,500 damages yesterday by n jury in Judge Wheeler's court, against the New York Central & Hudson Hirer Railroad Company. In October, 1890, Cunningham was injured at Buffalo while employel by the rail road company. He Instituted suit for $0,000, and the jury, after being out two hours, gave him the above amount. PaniRtfl to Itolllne: Stock. NonwALK, Conn., Deo. 3. A collision between two switching engines took place yesterday morning at Wilson Point, the Sound terminus of the IIous atonlc Itallroad, by which a great deal of damage was done to rolling stock. Conductor Patrick Kelly was badly in jured. i Claimed Ho Is Insane. Brockton, Mass.. Dec. 3. Charles T. Stoddard, of this city, was yesterday sentenced to 112 years' Imprisonment lor indecent assault on two young girls. It is claimed for Stoddard that he is In sane, and, therefore, not responsible for his actions. Illness oT Duin Pedro. Paths, Deo. 3. Kx-2mperer Pedro is in a (serious condition, diabetes, complicated with a chill. Dom from His daughter is with him, and Dr. Charcot and other eminent physicians are in attendance. NEW YORK NEWS IN BRIEF. The State Board of Canvassors met In Albanv vesterday, Republicans bad at torneys present. The day was taken up with wrangling, and nothing was ac complished. Tratman. Bailey & Blampey, lltho graphers ot Navy York, have obtained judgment against the iilacktvveii uur bam Tobacco Company ol North Caro Una for $U,03S. The Third Assembly District Conven tion ot Albany county nominated Galen H. Hill, ex-Assemblyman, unanimously as candidate for member ot Assembly In pl'ice of lion. IS. Murphy, dtceaied. names, mw m m m m W?SS mm.M lib ABSOLOTELy PURE NEW LNGLANO ORIbFS. Tho Democrats elected William K. Potter Mayor of Providence yesterday on a second ballot. Burglar I'henix, sentenced nt New port, I!. I , iu four years' imprisonment, has thirteen ludiutiiieuu to answer to iu Pennsylvania wu'U rtflaaed. The polioe vf Boston have Arrested Michael S. Cronlu on the charge ot hav ing set fire to the Monument Square Methodist Church Monday night. Capt. J. Hatch I'arker of the United States Marine Service, died at Castlne, Me., yesterday, aged 5'J years. Capt. Parker cuterel the servloe in 1805 aud made an excellent record. The election at New Uaven, Conn., resulted In tile placing of 11 Demoorats in the Council Board ami 13 Republi cans. Fifteen Democratic aldermen and 0 liopublioun aldermen were elected. Tho town government stands Demo cratic. PLEASANT irXT MnrtNINR I FEEL BRIGHT AND NEW AND MY COMPLEXION IS BETTER. My doctor says it acts gently on the stomsch, Hvcf and kidneys, and Is n pleasant laxative. This drink is made from herbs, and is prepared for use as cosily as tea. ltlnrnnen r'l All druninsui sell It at an-- and ll.ul perpai kuee. liny one to-day. l.anc's 1 amW) Jlcdlt-lno llnves tho llowclH l-ncn uuy. in order to be healthy, this is necessary. Grand Opening! FAT, I, AND WIN TUB STYLES OF MILLINERY ELLAM.M'GITOISS -No. 26- East Centre St, Shenandoah, Pa. The nnestand largest assortment in Hate, Bonnets and Caps at re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TRIMMED AND UN TRIMMED IIATri C3 ?! OT2 w S i i H O 3 li es o or. R tj p, 8 e C3 03 B 113 ca Newly Refitted and Renovated TONSORIAL : PARLORS Haw Cutting and Hair Dressing I BUAMPOOINO, ETC., BY E. G. J. WADLIKGEB Under 1'ostoftlce Building, Main anil Oak Sta., Shenandoah, B-Hot nnd cold baths, Polite, prompt and careiui utieutiou. DO YOU WANT A GOOD FIT ? nnd well-made, fashionable clothes? - If so, call on W. 0". JACOBS Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah, Call nnd Bee samples of the latest goods and the styles. Good workmanship, piomptness mm imr prices. FIRE INSURANCE. Largest and oldest reliable purely cath com X3JTVX1D FATJST, 120 S. Jardin St., Shenanooah.Pa, J K POMKJIOT. 4 TT OR HEY' A TLAW, tOcs Seddaasbutldhi ornor Main and OsaU aK J tV rtUsKU -.l id' Ueniunded for a Week. LoNDOS, Doc. 8. Joseph J. Ashforil, formerly secretary aud treasurer ot the Royal Arcanum Building and Loan Association of Brooklyn, N. Y., who was arrested at Liverpool on Nov. 10 on the charge of embezzling nearly $20,000 from the association, has been again re manded for a week. Detective Shaush nessy of Now York, who expects to take the prisoner back to Brooklyn, has ar rived in London and was present in court. 100 Dollars an Hour for sleep at certain times would bo a cheap price. For crying bsbies use Dr. Hand's Colic Cure. It never fni!. O -t. Mc Carthy and J. M. Hillan, the druggists, are funiitliinK free sample: to those who doubt, but would like to try it. Now is the time, to secure your liv- (lruulB ngnlnst freezing. A Mystery Explained. The papers e mtaln frequent notices of rleb, pretty and educated girls eloping with negroes, tramps and oiaonnifn. Tie well, knowirtipei'l il "t, Dr. Franklin Mll", s lys all such girls are moro orl jss bysterlcxl, nervous, very Imp islve, uabtl ince i; usually sniij -ot to headache, iH'Ur.lnl.i, sicp.esac im moderate c-ylnn or lauilihiir. TlnNonliowa weak nervo im syst-im for wh eh therj li no remedv equ tl to itestora'lvo Nervine, Trial tioulas and a Has boor, eon aliil ii; m.inv marvelous cures, free a1 o. 11. tlatfenouch s drug store, who also sell, nnd g larautee l)r. Miles' jelehr ite 1 New Heart Cure, the finest of heart toulos. Oures autterlju, short tiroalli, etc. The display of holiday goods this car will tie immense. Miles' Kerve Had Liver Pills Act on a now principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerv't A new discovery. Dr. Miles' l'llls speedily cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, ongupauou. unequaiea lor men, women, children. HmalL-sl. mlldest.surostl aldoses. S'fcts. Sampled Free, at U. li. llagenbuch's ding store. The owners of sleighs look at them wisliuily at times. Height of Oruolty. Nervous women seldom receive tho Bynx plomsthey deserve. Whl'oortcu the pictures of health, they are constantly ailing. To withhold sympithy from these unfortunates is the height of cruelty. They have a weak heart, causing shortness of breath, fluttering, pnln In side, weak and huugry spells, and uuauv swelling or nuKiei. oppression, enos: Inir, Bmotherlugand dropsy. l)r Miles Now Heart Cure Is Just the thing for them. Kor the r nervousness, headache weakness, etc, nls neat iratlve Wervl 'ft is unquaieo, fine treat's on "Heart and Nervous Disease ' and marvelous testimonials tree. Bold ana guaranteed by U. 11. Hagenbucu. Turkeys are now belutr fattened for the Chrlatrnaa Bliuigliter. Oh, What a Cough. Will yon heed the warning? The signal per haps of the sure approach of that more ter rible disease, Consumption. Ask ynurselvee If you can nllord for the sake of saving 60 rents, to run the risk and do nothing for It. we Know iron experience mat unuoirs t;nr: will Cure vour Couub. It never falls. This explains why moro than a Million Bottles were sold the past year. It relieves Cronp and Whopplnc Cough at once. Mothers do uoi oe wiinotiiit. rnr uime tsaca, eiiao or Chest, use Shtloh's Porous Plaster. Hold by O. H, Hageubnon, N. E. corner llalu and cioyu streets. The accumulated ashes on the end of a cigar preserve its ilavor. Shlloh's Consumption Ouro. This Is beyond question the most anc lessful Coueh Medlmne we have ever sold. a (ew doses lnvarlsbly cure the worst oases of Cough, Croup, and Bronchitis, while lis won- lenui success in tne cure 01 consumption is without a parallel in the history of mndlclne Blnoe It's Brst discovery' it lias been sold on a zaarantee. a lest which no otuer inoilloia- onu stand, Ii you have a Cough we earnestly islt you to try it. Price 10 cents, SO cents, and il.tO. If your Lungs aro Bore, Chest or Back tamo, use Modioli's Porous Planter. Hold by O. H. Hagenbuch, N, E. corner Main and uioya streets. It will soon be time to look un tim ber for the Februury election. A Glorious Itecord. Blnce tho introduction of tho Famous Vnn Tina Cough and Consumption Curo in this vicinity, the death rate from Consumption bus decreased wonderfully ; It never lulls to enect a cure, ana is tne hcsicousu med cine Try 11. Trial bottles free at Klrlln's drug sujre. Predictions for December nroinisa some real wiutry weatuer. A Parish Prlosfs Oortifloato Cer tified to by tho Archbishop of Mexico. I. parooMul prl stand eocltslastlcal Judge of lytJiayu, oiuia iu iiuaunjuuiu, aereuy certily unit i Know heverai people wuo nave oeeu cured by i ho Cactus Blood Cure. It radbuiily nndetlectually dispels all Impurities of tho oiooa, i iiArsiAi .it. uumuuiiv The above signature Is tint which be uses in a t his business, omclallv and otlicrwlKO nod he Is an old pupil of mine. T i . A-,, rcuoisuop oi jioxico. Hold at Klrlln's Drug rJUre,Ferguson Houm aioua.isuorjauuoa' . YALL PAPER BARGAINS ! Largest and cheapest stock in town. Attislic Pointing, Graioing ami DecjraUo J. P. GARDEN, lf2-6m 221 W, Centre Ht,, HIIEMANDOAII CHRIS. ROSSLER'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Main St., Shenandoah. The Finest Slock of Beers, Ales, (Sgars, fa DEESSMAKING SCHOOL ! To the ladles of Hheuandonh and vlolnlly. ASclentKIc Dress Cuitlngaud Makluir Branch Hchool la ooeued In room No. 8, Bobbins' bnlldltnr. over the post ntllce. where nuuils nrHlnlr.n anrl Inilirlil. tlinlatpkt sml linul sys. tern of cutting nnd dressmaking The systems is a saving oi time, lauor ana money ana is readily acquired. All are dellghltd who liavo learned it. Open evenings, 11-8-tf Mrs, M. C. HCWITT, A. Dyiinmilo Factory Exiuodoa with TcrriMo Havoc. DEATH WITHOUT WAIINING. Portions of Bodies Pioked Up Hundreds of Foet from tha MilL Ghastly Scenes nt the ltiiln- silrnculous Kseape of Threo Jloys The frhock IMatnly Felt Ten Allies Awuy Windows Ilrnken Across the Itlver -Threo Other Ilulldlligs t illed with Dynamite JSs caped Destruction. Nyack, N. Y., Dec. 8. An explosion occurred at the dynamite factory in llaverstraw yesterday afternoon nnd tho shock was felt for many miles. Flvo men wero killed, as follows: John WaDswohtii, engineer of the works; 1'kthr Cahlossa, nn Italian work man; Joseph Williams, workman; Joseph C., workman; Pkkry Lou.vsBBKRy, of Sing Sing. The Injured are: Elmer Nash, fore man; Don Doudero, shell roller; John Furrell, shell roller; William Mott, shell roller. Lounsberry wus in a boat near the shore. A man, who was in the boat with LouuBberry nt the time, escaped uninjured. The building which. Wa s blown up was a frame one 50 by 100 , feet. The building was set on fire by the explosion and burned for Heveral hours. The shock from the explosion waa felt 20 miles away. A nil in our ot other buildings containing dynamite, about 151 fee tfrom the scene ot the ex plosion were not injured. the nroP'-rty balongs to the Clinton Dynamite Company, of which William P. Fuss, of IlaveratiuW, is the manager. Elmer Nash, the foreman of the worKs, was on the dock, a short distuuud away, und escaped unhurt. Glass was broken by the shock In Congers City, ltookluud Lake, Nyack, and other near-by places. The cause of tho explosion is not known at present. liesidents were extremely frlghtouod . There wero four distinct explosions, coming oue aft-ir tho other. Three boys, who wero employed iu the upper story of the mill, had ' a miraculous escape from death. On the first concussion tho floor upon which they worked seemed to rlso up. They leaped for safety und ran for dear life. (.hot by Ills Wire. Buffalo, X. Y., Doc. 3. John & Holer, a florist, doing business on Gill cott street, was shot and probably fa tally wounded by his wife Magdnlona yesterday. Heler was driving along Genesee street, in East Buffalo, when his wife approached from behind nnd fired two shots, both of which took effect, one near tho loft lung and tho other near the kidneys. Heler was re moved to the hospital and Is In a criti cal condition. Mrs. Heler was arrested. She stated that she shot her husband because he had left her and gone to live with another woman, lleier claims he was livlug with his cousin. editor of "Flcaro" Fined. Pakis, Dec. 3. In the Xinth Court of Paris to-day the editor ot the "Figaro" wus fined GU0 francs lor infringing an article of the press law by opening a subscription whose object was tha pay ment of legal costs, this refers to the subscriptiou raised by the "Figaro" for the payment of the line and costs of the Archbishop of Aix, recently convicted of writing un insulting letter to M. Fal- 1 teres, the Minister ot Publlo Worship. Au Dvungellst of Former Days. Bostos, Dec. 3. Itev. Samuel Adams Devens, who Is dead In this city, aged iH, graduated at Harvard In lo-li, in the class with Oliver Wendell Holmes and other noted men, Ho was ordained its an Evangelist lu 1837, aud lu early Ufa was active in preaching the Unitarian faitli in various places In New England and tho South. Ills last service In tho ministry wus in Charleston, 3. 0., soon after the war. She llemembered Lafayette. WoncESTKR, Mass., Dec 3. Mrs. Patty Blulrdlad at the home of her son, W. A. Blair, in West Brookflsld. yester day, after a three-weeks' sickness. She was 1UJ years old and retained her fac ulties to the end. She could easily re member Lafayette's visit and when ho passed through Brookfleld. She wus born in Uurrillville, it. I., and was the daughter of Capt. Israel Smith. Suit Against Senator Dries. Lima, Ohio, Deo. 3. The treasurer of Allen county filed suit against United States Senator Calvin S. Brice yesterday for $17,-50, delinquent taxes. The Sen ator has constantly refused to pay taxes here duiing the past few years, alleging whenever pressed for a settlement that he had no restdeuce at this place. Tho amount asked for Includes over $-,000 In peualties. May Side With Francs. Paris, Dec. 3. Tha "Sieclo" says that tho 1'opu will publicly condemn the agi tation carried on by the Bishops against the French Government. "Le Matin" says that unless tho Pope repudiates the course pursued by the Bishops the French Ambassalor will not return to the Vatican, NEW JERSEY JOTTINQS. Woodbury claims nineteen victims ot the Advnuce Beuelfciul Order of Philadel phia. A large lumber raft from tho head waters of the Delaware has arrived ut Bordentawn. Justice Scuddor postponed the trial ot William Seruby, colored, Indicted tor the murder ot Mary Linn, at Trenton, until Feb. 8. Memorial windows have just been placed In tho Swedesboro 11. K, Church for Mrs. S. J. O. Downs, late president of the W. 0. T. U. The season for shooting deer closed In Now Jorsoy ou Monday. Quite a number were killed this fall and the Legislature will be asked this winter to prohibit the shooting ot such game for Ave years. We Can't do it 0 but nro willing (o pay for learning liow to make as good nn article tis Wolffs Acme Bi.ackinu of olinnp material m that a retailer can profitably sell it at 10c Our price Is 20c. Tho retailer says the puMic will not pay it, Wo say the public will, because they will always pay n fair price for a gooil article. To eli-iw both tho trndo and the publio that wo want to frUe them tho best lor tho least money, wo will pay $10,000.00 Reward For nboro information ; tins offer is open until January 1st, 1803. WOLFF & HANTJOLPn, Philadelphia. Plk-Roil Is tho name of a paint which uoes work that no other mint run do. Arm wood painted Willi It look like tho natural wood when it is stained and varuisbed. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will find It proiltablo to Investigate. All tmint stores ecll II CACTUS BLOOD CURB. SUPERIOR TO SiRSAPiRIWL Purities the lloorl by ex pelling tfht impurities through the proper chnnrelsand never causes eruptions on the skin. Regulates tho bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you an appetite. Never foils to euro any con dition produced by impure or infpoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrlln's Drug Store, Ferguson' t Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa. Ask nir r lint fir nU nir neents for W. Ti. Doiiclun Shoes. If not for snlo In sour place nslt your Hsu your secure tliti ii enter to Hf-nd for rmiilniriif- iiizcncy, nun tret tiieni lor you. IV-TAKX NO WUHSTITUTi:. -ill S3 SHOE GEftTLf?(VIEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a Bfiunlesa Bhor, with no tucks or wax thrrntt to hurt thefeoti made of tlio Ik-e lluo calf, stylist, aud vay, and became we make moro shoes of this tirade than any other manufacturer, It equals hand Bowrd fchocflco-ttlttit fmm 81.00 to $o.iw. CltX OlMirniilim Hnm1eMl, tho finest calf 45JJo Fhoo ever olTeroil for $".u; cquala French; Import! Klines which cost from 8s.tMto8W00. ft 00 ll(iiul-cncl Welt Mioe, ilno cult. Ht' etylhh, comfortublo nutl durable. Tho best Mino ever offered at thta iirlce 1 samo urudo aa cus tom-madn slioon costltiB from $6.00 to 8'J-t. 50 I'olicc Mioim Kari'ierB, I In II road Men Pii und lA'tti'rC'mrlernll woartliem; llnocalfr Bonmlcis, Bmootu IqsIiH. hravy threo tne, extcn dlon edno. Ono pair will wear n year. 4BO 50 Hiu fiill'i m lit'tterhhoo over offered At 5Ga thU prlt-e; one trial ulll rouvluco thuso who want a shoo forenmfort nnd service. SO - WoiUliiffiiuni'M shoes tim nro very strong nnd durable. Tlmse who Iia.'e Given them n trial will wi-ar no other mako. K2gy,ic1 S'J.OO nml 81.75 fechool shoes nro MUJ9 worn by tho loy everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the Inerenslnff sales Bhow. B irrlSAt9 Ss'1.00 Ilniul-M'uoil shoo, best timCi UIU5 DoiiKola, verv fetyllAh; enuatsFreucb imported shoes eostliiK from gt.UUo86.U). IjllCllOH' U.i)Ui jvj.uii mm l?l.U uo iur Misses nro the bebt fine Uongola. htyllsh nnd durable. million. See that W. h. Douglas' immo ant price are stamped 6n the bottom of each shoo. tTosopb. tll, DR. THEEL, tha "nir sioulua UfrnisvB Itncrlou HpocUliit lu th United Put- who U tblt U cure BlOOd PolSOHf Nervous Debility "i 8p clal Disease f th hi, hkLnPUistirea). ft"d HpoU Pttnl In U bouei.soreTl.roat Mouth, UlotrliM, PlmpUi, sTupUoni, icft or hri llccri, Bwflllng, Irriutloo, IittlunmktioDst ni BuobIdci, bUKiuri, Wtakca fcnd Irly 4wT IobI memory rrak tnwk went. imUly. mBT tna I'utt r I'ti.Mfi nd all PlarftKS reiwltlnr from Kes."r.-Uon or Overwork. K-fffUt cci curwl in to 10 rller t onc Po not loe h"ic, no mniU't wht ""J tt inR n i-'nr Qn Ft.n U nr ll.irrUsv. riivriaUn n fllM. Pr. THt-Fi. cur.i positively ''llh""1 dnenlion froim tUKlnni mo ffirii un nu .nn t f oMimi-tiTi wtuKitsii rl h or fMT K'nf 5r itamp tor bOOH XHIIT1-It ri'i.!t Onvk urft'V iwnrn tMllniooUlsh HoV-w tlallv f .m 9 u Kv ( 6 trt Vrt sn4 BU It k U 10 Hum 1 HI) 11 Writ- r.r call t4 l' W Tn Rtfertuuu M Wtrfa "ti Biturdty PMIs. Uftlly Tin A ME SHOW If you want tu bp1 a fine display of Boot and rMioea, go i' W, S, SNYDER'S Bootand Shoe Store, (Mas teller's old staud,) Comer Coal and Jarttlu fit. Custuui Worlc unci HUtnairlng: Done In the best style. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will be pleased to meet the wants of his IrleudB and the publlo In Everything in the Drinking Lino. Li. " BIUOKKU, M. U., PITYMCIAN AXD S V KffEO ff, 'niiiravst Oenue Htreet; Hfchsuoy City. I'a iklnaodall r-eolaldl,ah .mUlly, w. l.wdouglas