The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, December 03, 1891, Image 2

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Ho Sobbed His I'artnor of
Notes and Securities.
We!ohra Has Lsst $,300,000 Through
m the Young Man-
TJii Union I'acino AVIlt I. mo
tJf, 00,000-Oyrils W. field's Ondltlmi a
l.ltllr imiii'iiTfcl, but etlll Crltlrutllow 1
IMwnnl TnUe. lilt (Jonflmuiient lu 1
Blount Vnrnnn Asylum.
Nrw York, Dec. 3. Another of tho
peculiar deallnus of Rdward M. Viold
cropped out yesterday. It Is charged
that ho went to tho private desk of Mr.
Wiechers, one of the partners of the firm, '
and removed from It 150,000 worth of
government bonds and $1(5,000 in loan
notes. Mr. Wiecliors himself Indirectly
makes the charge.
He Buys: "When I went to Cuba sev- 1
oral months ago lu the Interest of the
Hugar.consolidation scheme, I left In my
private desk 150,000 worth of govern
ineht bonds These were the personal
property of my wife. Before leaving
the city I called Mr. Field's attention
to the fact that I had left these bonds
In my desk.
"1 alio left In the desk some (15,000
In loan notes. They were endorsed so
that my wife co"uld collect them, as they
matured during my absence. Them)
notes were my own private property and
,fr. Field know it. On my return from
. the $50,000 Worth of government
i utids and tho $1 5,000 worth of negoti
able notes veie gone. My private desk
hud been opened."
Mr. Wlechors had no Idea In what
scheme Kdwurd M. Field dissipated this
money. All he knows is that tho money
is gone and he and his wife are penni
less. It was freely charged on Wall stroet
yesterday that, In addition to other
crimes, Edwurd M. Field had robbsd his
partner's wife, sacked his father's
strong box and left thatgrayhalred man
pentiiles. The latter accusation comes
from a gentleman who nrofesses to have
heard it from Cyrus W Field himself.
Kdward M. Field, according to this
etory, went to his venorable father
three days after tho death uf Mrs. Field
and while the old gentleman was still
prostrate from the shock, begged for
pecuniary aid to save him from dis
grace. Hie old gentleman handed Eward tho
keys to his vault in the safo deposit
company and told him to help hlmiolf.
Tho box, it Is said contained $300,000 in
securities, the remnants of Cyrus W.
Field's onco great fortune Edward
took the keys and went away. It Is
now alleged that he rltlod the box and
tht beforo night of tho next day Cyrus
V. Field was ponnlless, save for thofow
piocos of real estate of which he has
since disposed.
ne l'stiei a Comfortable Tslght ills Don
nt Mount Vernon,
New Your, Doc. 8 Cyrus W. Field
is resting easily, having passed n com
paratively comfortable night. His con
dition Is regarded as slightly Improvod.
The loss of the Union Pacific Kallroad
Company by the rchypothecatlon of se
curities by Field, Llndley, WIechers &
Co., was estimated at $200,000 to-day
by Mr. Holmes, their attorney In the
case. Mr. Holmes says the railway
company has recovered the greater part
of the securities.
Sherilt Gorman said to-day that the
commitment of Edwin M. Field to an
Insane asylum overrides the order for
his nrrekt, and that his Instructions not
to arrest the other members of tho firm
of Field, Lindloy, Wreckers & Co., had
not been countermanded. He would not
serve the order against tho other mem
bora of the firm until he had received
Mount Veunon, N. Y
tw n t,i
ward M. Field, who is conllned In the
Mount Vernon House, two miles from
this place, as a dangerous lunatic, was
very restless during the night, although
he had slept soma of tho time. His at
tendant did not loave hltn for a mo
ment. Ills condition to-day is about
the same. He Is not thus fur regarded,
a a dangorous patient.
Hammond Ilucltle Co. Rnitalned.
EocttviLMi, Conn., Dec 3. A
cision of greit Interest and Importance
to the shoo trade of the country was
rendered yesterday by Judge Bhlpman
In the United States Court. It was in
the matter of the suit of the Hammond'
Vucklo Company of this city against
Hathaway Brothers of Bridgeport and
completely sustains the patents of the
Hammond Buckle Company, the orlgl
'nl Inventor and pioneer manufacturer
of the automatlo buckle used ou arctio
and leather shoos.
Fatal llallroitd Wreck.
New Yohk, Dec. 8. A local passen
ger train, bouud for Tuekahoe, which
left the Grand Central depot nt 0:10
o'clock yesterday afternoon, was
wrecked nt the junction of the New
York Central and the Harlem Railroads,
t HOth Htret. Two persons, William
Firming and nn unknown man, woro
killed and soveral others were slightly
The lllll Drclarad Unconstitutional,
BofeTOx, Deo. 8. Tho full bench or
tho Supreme Court, except Judge
Holmes, who dissents, has rendered u
dsolslon declaring the weavers' fine bill,
passed by the last Legislature, to be un
constitutional. The bill prohibits em
ployers from withholding wage as pen
alty for bud work. Under the decision
employers may resume the fining sys
tem, Pecretnry Foster to Jo South.
Washington, D C, Deo. 3. It Is
stated that Secretary Foster will go
South, probably to Ashevllle, N. C, for
a tew days' rest and recuperation early
next week, before attempting to resume
his duties in the Treasury Department.
Tho grip still cllugs to tho Socretnry,
and though he Improves dally his pro
gress is slow and he remains very weak.
To Compel Restoration of Paris Fund.
Ddbijn, Deo. a The McOarthvltes
have begun legal proceedings to have
tho ownership of tho Paris funds decided
by the courts and to compel the restora
tion of the money to Its rightful owatn.
The New Crutvnr New York Launched at
l'llllitridpllla Venterilny.
Pml.AOKi.rHiA, Deo. 3 Tlio United
Mates armored cruiser Now York was
launched ynstcnlay afternoon from tho
yard of tho Cramp Ship IlullilliiK Com
pany, In tho presence of 1G,000 icopto.
Tlio Vice-President and Mrs. Morton,
nnd Secretaries Tracy and Noble woro
on the Washington train, and nnioiiK
those who oamo over with them woro
Senator Gray of Delaware and Mrs.
CD Itur untv Ul iemnnio unit nils.
Gray, SonntoJ logins of Delaware, and
th. visitor, ontero,! the vnrds the !
(treat red and white hull of tho Now
York stood directly In front of tliom
Handed In a rowbesido It wore the other
vessels of tho now navy, which the
Crumps have under construction. Thora
was much bustle mid confusion through
out tlio yard, and especially about the
hull, whore fully BOO men wore at work.
On the platform at the ship's bow an
niter had been construotod. It was do
coratod with bunting. Within its horse'
shoe rail Miss Helen I'ago, of New York,
was to stand to break tho customary
bottle of champagne ovor the bow nt the
moment that the vessel sturtod ou Its
first voyage.
When the hour of two o'clock arrived
the workmen under tho hulls lieiun tn
knock nway .the long polos which had j
Mrved as props at the vessel's sldos.
Among tho christening party gather
ed on tho platform was Harry W.
Cramp, who was in personal charge
of the arrangements. In his pos
session was the bottle of champagne
which Miss Page win to break
over the New York's bow. It reposed
lu a cream-colored case. Around It had
boon woven an exquisite net work of
g ld cord from which hung cream
colored ribbons fastened by a tassel of
gold. From the neck of the bottle
hung three streamers. One of them of
pure white had the name of the New
York printed on It In letters of gold.
The others were blue, with narrow
border si rips of red and white. On one
of them was printed Miss Page's name,
ou the other the date of the ceremony.
During all this time the noise had
been almost deafening. The Incessant
pouniltug, the clatter df falling tlmbttrs
and the shouts of the workmen had filled
the air.
Tho foreman gavo n last look up and
down the linn of workmen under the
hull. The work seemed complete. He
looked up for the signal. Mr. Cramp
nodded. Tho next minute the big saws
began to move backward antl forward,
cutting narrow paths through the tim
bers. Tho noiso of the saws soundod
clear and distinct through the breath
less stillness.
Miss Page stood with tho bottle Up
lifted, almost touching the steel. A
third quick movement enmo, fast on its
heels a fourth a nd fifth and then sud
denly the huge hull started on its
voyage to the river. Suddenly, but not
too suddenly for the christening party.
"Now," said Mr. Cramp In a whisper,
nnd responding to the signal Miss Page
broke the bottle of wine against the fast
receding prow nnd In a clear distinct
tono said: "I christen thoo New York."
As her keol struck the water the
shrill whistle of a tug boat rent the air.
A hundred others answered It in every
tone of tho scale while from engines on
tt) coal trestles of the Heading Hall mud
I answer.
J Faster and faster moved tho great
hull, until, to tho accompaniment of tho
j shrill whistling chorus and tho waving
; of a thousand hats and handkerchiefs, it
glided Into tho water. As tho hull en-
tered tho water the current caught it
' nnd turned It almost broadside on to
tho shore. Thore was a rattle of chains
nnd n splash on ouch side of tho bow.
The big black anchors had been dropped,
had caught on tho riverbed, and before
the ship had begun to feel her freedom,
she was onco more n prisoner, floating
luly and cuinurously ou the tide.
Not Sirs. Mutter's Murderer.
Nnw Yoiik, Dec. 3. Ferdinand Mufr
ter, the owner of n small farm .near
Newark, N. J., whose wife was mur
tiered a few years ago by a farm hand
who escaped, suspected that Louis Har
riot accused of killing Mrs. Leonard tit
' Atlantic Highlands was tho murderer
yesterday where Harriot Is iu jail, saw
tho prisoner and was convinced that he
was not tho man.
Col. Dloklnson to Jteslgn.
Washington, Dec. 3. Col. John T.
Dickinson has made up his mind to re.
tire from the secretaryship of the
World's Fair National Commission and
his letter of resignation, which Is al
ready drafted, will be sent to President
Palmer. The resignation will take ef
fect on Jan. I. He will probably accept
the general rannagorsh lp of the Texas
Arkansas & Paclflo Kallroad.
Klevator Company Incorporated.
HoCHESTin, N. Y.. Dec. 0. Articles
of Incorporation were died in A Ibauy
and in the County Clerk's office In this
city yesterday for the incorporation of
the Uraves .levator Company, with a
capital stock of $100,000. The com
pany Is formed for the manufacture and
sain of elevators and general machlnory
In Kocbester.
Her Illations Hns Consented.
London, Dec. 8, Her Itoyal Ilighnoss,
Princess Helena Augusta Victoria, third
daughter of the Queen and wife of
Prince Christian of bculeswIg-llolstelU'
bonderbtirg-Augustonburg, has con
sented to become President of the Fng
lish Ladles' Committee on Women's
Work for tho Chicago Exhibition.
An execution for $'27,000 1ms been Is
sued against Charles p, iiottman. con
fectioner, of Reading
Itev. Casper II. Gregory, a leading
Presbyterian divine of Wilkesbarre.
died yetterday, of typhoid fever.
John MoManus, the most desperate
criminal in tho htate, will suuur ou the
gallows to-day the penalty for his nil
merous crimes.
Three executions aggregating $10,083
were entered against l. u. wolll oj Co.
shoe manufacturers at Allentown, Pa
and they have failed.
John Morrlssey, jr., a Brooklyn
druggist, was sandbagged at midnight
and robbed of a diamond stud, a sold
watch and $'J0 in cash by two men, who
were arrested.
A. If. Blood, the wealthy petroleum
producer, nged about 30, was thrown
from his Horse lues Jay evening and lu
stantly killed. Ha was riding from
Claredon to Ids home In warren, i'a.
lit had 9100,000 Insurance on hU Uf.
The Ifnrrlllln In I" of llnnrgli llels and
Hid I'minly, of D.-li-oll.
Detpoit, Deo. 8. Klre was discovered
In tho residence of (5eoto J. Itels, at tho
corner of Orleans and Catherine streets,
nhoul 2 n. m. An alarm was turned In,
but tho tlameA had spread urer tho
lull Id In ti when the endues arrived.
Tho fltomen at once made their way
to tho upper lloor, anil there found,
first., the hotly of Charles Itels stretohed
; n - i.. ...l I... ..,! t
- ot,UBnfe of two
?7 recognlzod as
Eddie and Josle
The dead aro:
Oeorge J. Rets, agod CO.
Mrs. Itels, aged 45.
Charles Hols, aged 20.
Josle Hels, aged 12.
Eddie Hols, nged 8.
Gesrge J. Hels "war nn old and re
spected citizen. There Is no clew to the
origin of the Are.
Doesn't "look" as the ought
. the weak, nervous and ailincr wo
man. As lontf us she suuVrs from
the .tubes, pains, and derangements
peculiar to her box, Ulio can't ex-
lieet to.
lint there's only nersoit to uinmo.
With Dr. J'lorces favorite Jre
scription, she's a different woman.
And it's a chango that can bo seen
as well as lelt. llic system is in
virrorated, tho blood enriched, di
gestion improved, melancholy and
nervousness uispuucu.
With tho"I'avorito JL'rcscnntion,
all tho proper functions aro restored
to healthy action. Periodical pains,
weak back, bearing-down sensations,
nervous prostration, all " female
complaints" arc cured by it. It's
tho only medicine for woman's
weaknesses and ailments that's
nuarantecd to do what is claimed
for it. If it doesn't civo satisfac
tion, in every case for which it's rec
ommended, tlio monoy is returned
(Jan somctliiiiK else ollcred by
the dealer, though it may pay him
better, bo " just as good " r
SATURDAY, DEO. 5th, '91
Tho acme of realism, charming
and a porff ct company of players, iu a grand
s euic proaucuou anu piciuresquu
melo-aramatlc comedy.
"Uncle's Darlinf
Tho heroine of the light house.
An Alaska romance, with scones and char
acters entirely new to the stage. A fortune In
nulniaU to add to the realism ot tho play.
Tlio only wain 01 inuneu. reiuueer iu exist
ence. Tho most wonderfully Intelligent horse
In the world A troupe orgonulueKuqulinaux
dogs, brought direct from Alaska. .Mu-lUI
and baue dogs, "Kins" and "Count." The
pneiioineuai acting uear, Mopsy, ana me
precocious tries, mule, "Minnie."
Prioos. SB, GO, 7Bo.
The charming soubrette,
in the great New York Buccess,
'She Couldn't Many Three" j
SupiK.rtd by .he eminent. BlnuitiB comedian,
Produced Willi All Their Own Scenery.
A crand scene of tho Cornish coast with
rolling light house. Dlugby tunnel, greatest
railroad tocno evernuiit.
Prices, 25, 50 nnd 75 Cents
in tncral nd HEUVOUS DEBILITY.
iweskness ol Body sua jaina, J.ceci
Itbutt. hubl UAMIIHIIt full. Hi'kluiW. IIsm la rnUr ftd
aoziirrorsoruxcesBcs la uiaor x ous7.
AbuluUlT mr.lll.i 11UHK TlilUTSUM-UrniSIa lasdiT.
Ken Ukllff Irom &U Sialn Bd I'urrlxnt ounlrltf. II rile IkriK.
DcirrlpU. 1Im)I(, ri lalhia tnd iiroufi uiallrd (arilrd ) trtti
Ferguson ! House ! Restaurant
(Under management of Enoch Lockett)
Cor. fllaln and Centre Streets,
Ileet hcer. porter and ales always on tap, CI
gars of the lluest brands.
Philadelplna Cheap Bargain Store
For a full line of
ladles' and Gents' Furnishing Goods at the
lowest prices riperiai nuooiuom
forts nt I1.2& each.
J, EABIN0WITZ, 110 1 Centre streel
Grand Holiday Opening
You will tlo wul 1 lo call nnd
Inspect our ln k. Wo carry
twice thf tt'i.i.unt of slock we
did lusl rnoi, and tuitt we
may be abfe to pleaso you lu
every respoot, and by fair and
liouoruble dealing expect to oven surpass our previous fluttering results.
We Now Carry a Full
Always fresh goods.
I & WAIDLEY, Ho, 8
is cheering, more sustaining
tea or colleo.. Better for the
MntgflgB.'it,'i. MiiinMUBMaa
"WANTS, &o.
AtvrttiemnU tn IhU column, not ercpriUnn
o tn , 5 r for on? inxrr'ion; 75c. or two: SI for
'hrpe; one week, UI.oU, two weeks, Hi: one
nontn, sh.
FARMS FOH HAIilS. Areyou look
Ina; lor a larni? It so rail on or write to
t. J. Kohier. Vraokvllla. Ptt i
to where thev
are located and for Isnu".
WANTED A t.nwl and oake
baker. Apply to 222 West Centre street.
12 2W
WANTED. YoutiK follow aln.ut
II lo 15 years of ago. Apply at
Schmidt's store.
11 21-11
) 70 It SMjE. One store room tint!
J ons dwelltug house. Lot 30 f-ct front
md 1 10 feet de.-p. I'luoe. 316 Wes Co 1 sireot.
13asy itrm. Apply to Frank Warninir.
11-1 4-1 m
WANTED. Good canvf scr3 for
"Adv. niuri-s In tho Minos," tho only
work ever published giving a complete record
and description ol tho urent mlnliu; cllsnnters
ot America. Terms liberal. ddriss, I. I.
O'Alalley, Canton, Ohio. 11 21-41 ev sat
FOR SALE. Tlie gray team of
horses recently used bv the rotumlila 11.
& S. F. B. Co., No. I The horses will be a
bargaluto 1 ho purchasers.
Fkank Lewis,
John Kistssuowzn,
Jure O'Nf.ii.l,
fjiakk coduinotos,
James McDonald,
11.21-tf Trustees
.Notice Is hereby given that letters o(
administration nn the estate or 1. 1.. ltlch,
deceased, late of East Union Township, hav
ine beengrantol by tho Register orSchuyl.
kill county, to the undorslgccd, nil persons
Indebted to said estato aio requested to make
payment Immediately and thnso having
clalinx or demands agnlnst thocsUto of said
decedent will present tho same without de
lay. CAROLINE IllClf.
nrnndonvllle, Pn.r Dec.3, 1891. l3-3t
CHARTER NOTiUPj. iNotlce is
hereby given that an application will
be made to the Court ol Common Pr?a ol
HchuylklU connty on Monday, December 21si,
A. D. 1891. at 10 o'clock In the foienoon, un
der thocorporatlon act of the commonwealth
ot Pennsylvania, approved AprllS), 1874 "and
the supplements thereto, for the charter i! an
Intended corporation to be called "Ht. Oeorge's
Lithuanian IMthollo llenetlchLl tocletv. of
Hhetiaudoah, Pa." Halo association Is to be
locaieci innuenanaoMn, i'a.. ana 10 nave lor
Us object the mnlivtcnnncfl 01 a feocletv
roi social, educational nud beneficial pur
poses to its members irom luods collected
AHorney for Applicants.
Bhcnandoah, Pa., Nov.23, '01. 11-21-3W
Tchirs' Instills o( Eohuylkill k
will be held In
December 14 io 18, '91.
Jfirjor Henry C. linne
One of t ne greatest Orators and word Paint
ers, lie nas maaea lour arouna me worn
wlthusucciss little less thau marvelous.
Jr. .Trtotej 7". lledley
The great Orator of the West, "The Sunny
mao oi line."
Jirff s Ollle Torbet and ITer Concert Co
Miss Olllo Torbett. Violinist.
Hlenor Vlluirla Uaccirlni. Bonrano
Miss Pauline MonteerlOb. Contralto.
Miss isaitn i-oua. b ngiuir ueaaer,
Mr. Gustavo To illienr. Tenor.
.mo us. iiesior uirjiox, fiamsi.
Ait eminent ana popular arusis.
Sfarxltair. Wilder, l'he Groat Humorist.
The Park Slbtors Quartette,
miss Annie A. rurK, cornel ana inner.
MUaaonmle i'. Park. Cornet and Mandolin
Miss Katie Bella Park, Cornet Tr j.nbono and
Miss Ailali. Park, Cornet and Mandolin,
From thfl Jlaslon Transcrlnt! "The Park
Concert O 'lnpanygsve one of their popular
concerts Monday evening Th i entire con-ert
as reoelved wl'h rapturous applause as fiey
nnniial In their dtlliircnt selitlODS. Tliev
ai call artists, and deserve all the applause
tue ueuguiea auaieuoe give ueiu."
man school quartette,
(Mnlo voices.)
Becuring Ileserved Beats, jalJony;;!'
Sluale admission 60c
The nhsrt fir the Eale of reserved seat tick.
rIm win be onened at tne box oitloe or Fe trn
Bon's Theatre, on Haturday, Decembers, at
10.30 i. m. Before opening chart parties de
siring lo - urchabo tickets will draw mimh;in
for position In line, fcaon teacner in line
mov nurouase any number or llOKOIs not ei
ceeding twenty, nnd euch nllleen In line may
nunihtihn unv tiunibflr not ezoedlnfir ten.
The representative of each district will be
required topmsentto the ticket gent a list ol
the namosor me teuc lers lur wiiun uu uuys
tictioia Anv nersou may Join ti.e line a
sccnud time with the same privileges as at
After December 12 the chart will be open at
Doors ohu it 7 p, in. Eutertalnment oom
menoe at 8.
Trains nfter each evening entertainment to
all points on ii. v. it. ii. ueiween Asiuana
and Delano. Arrinnemenisiortpeciai iraini
o other points ou I.. V. It, It and Penn'a It,
It ran he mode with Hunt. A. P. Blakslee,
Delano, and a. "7l5E1BSi
County Superintendent.
Line of Finest Candies.
Look over our stock.
South Main SI, Shddi,
and more satisfying than
nerves. Take no substitute..
Lehigh Valley Railroad,
NOV 15, 1801.
Passenger trains will leave Shenandoah for
lauon imuiiB, ijenignton, isiatington, LU;
anqiiK, Allonluwu, Bethlehem, Kaston, Phil
d6lphla and New York at 3.17, 7.40, 9.08 a. m
U.52.3.1". 6 26D. ui.
For Belvidere, Delaware Water (lap and
iiruunsoarH; i t.i , a. m.Lnn rn.
Fir LdimbertvilleRiid Trento i, 9.0K a, m
Ko' White Haven, Wllkos-Barre and Pitta
. ... v at a ia 1.1 41 m D in.nj ft im .
uji urwi , v.w, x '.1. u- ju., u.i" iuiu yi. j.
ForTunkhanuook, 10.41a. nf 8.10 and 5.
,1. in
For Unburn, Ithaca, Geneva and and Lyon' a, iu , mmi o.m p. m.
ForXjMfj vllle, Towsvnda, Bayre, Wnvm-iy,
JbloaKO and all points West at 10.11 a. m.,aud
V3 p. ill.
ror "-imna ana tne west via ijaiamanea at
For Audenrted. Haaleton. Stockton. Lum
er Yard. Weatherly and 1'enn Haven Juno
ion at Ml, 7.40, 9,0S a. m. nnd 18.52 8.10 end
6 p.m.
ror jeanesvuie, ixrvision anu ueave1
iuadow. 7.10. 9 08 a. m. and 5.28 rt. m.
rortierauionaio.K u.uis, m.n it. m. uiuano
wp. m.
For Hatle llroolt. Jeddo. IJrlflon nnd Free
and at 5.47, 7.40, .0S, 10.41 a. m., 1M2 3.10 and
I.O D. 111.
Fortlnakalce at 5,47 and 9.03 a. m and
1.10 d. m
For Wletrans. Ollberton and Frnokvllle at
1.50 and 8.52 a m nnd 4.10 p. m.
For Yatesvllle. Mahnnov Cltv and Usiauo.
5.47. 7.40, .08. lOfl. n.m.. 122. 8.03.
sji ana iu.i p. m.
r Liosi urecK. diraravuie ana Asmann
.27 10.15 a. m.. 1.00. 1.40. 4.10. 0.35
8.0Jand 9.14 p.m.
ifor DarKwater. t. Clair nnd Pottsvllle
i.W 7.40, S.SH. 9.09, 10.41 a. m., 12.52,8.10, 4.10, 6.23
p. m.
ror uncK jviouniam, new jkwiou ana
Mores, 7.40, 9.03, 10.41 a. m., 12.52, 3.10, 5.28 and
,oi p. m.
For Itaven Bun. Centmlla. Mt. Carmel and
-Jhamokln, K.62, and 10,15 a. m., 1.40, 4.40
ma b.uo p. ui.
xrains leavo dubeiiuiod ior nnenanuoau,
.ill 11.IAJ U. Ui., 41.1V, l.itV null (7M1V1 p. iu.,miiviiiK
it Shenandoah, i.Oo a.m., 12J2. 3.10, 6.23 and
l.ian m
ForLolty, Andenrled, Silver Uroolr Jrnc-
tlonnni naiKion a,i7. 7 w, vjxs, ana a,
m., 10, a. IV, awuDQ e.i a p. in.
I .mt P.ook. aircmlvlllA anrl AahlunA
1.50, 9.10 11A" a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. Ht. Clair and Pottsvlllr,
5.00, 90 a . m 2.45 p. m.
ror Yniesviue, Mauanoy uity ana Delano,
.00. 11.35 a. m.. 1.40. 4.40. B.03 D. m.
For Lofty, Audenrled and Hatloton, 8JX!
' in., i.w p. iu:
II n...t. .11. .... T .1. 1 ..1. . UI. Ilulnn
3atasaiuiua. Allentown. Bethlehem, lir.ator.
a now xurK, o,wa. m., i.sup. m:
r or rnuoaeipnia, p. m.
Uon'l Pass. Astt.. Hethlfhim
Mill rrermntlv relieTO the mnnt dU
trewsing cane ot Acute or Chronic Iheu-
matimu or Gout, lly ctrlctly olserviug
tlioUlrectloua, it will cure you iiennaa-
eiiiiy 1
UDllkt thft inmrroiii prtnuf aHom (hut tiemA
the country, UUa niedkim t rrvectfie for tbo
ii r:.iW0 ty en9 " cur all Una Ixitilo will mU
BSSl & ssturactorr-Imnrcaalnn An th inirm. anri
Tstriooi jorm orrneumatiint only . md iiolto
la oanneollon with tlis plltt, convince the sufferer that
ins proper remuur u urea loona, aun are earncBtiT re
u hi taluatile propertlta art eudoneil bj bnndrtdi rtb
Only YegetaulaJngredJeMi, rrmarkablc for tbctr enratlTS
power 1, are uo.l in tbo manufacture of KROUT S
S1.C0 For Bottlo. 6 Battles. S5.C0. FiUs. 25 Cts. Bex.
Hj-tur tore keeper dei Dot keep It, aeud l,iS to th
uuuisturcri tun jnu win rcGtiTti 11 pt man.
3037 Market fstreet, 1'hllHd'a. Pa.
People's Oyster Bay
T2 is. Centre St., Slienniidonli
CHAS. C. GUISE, Props.
Biw, Rtewed, Soalloped, 1'iinncdor
rried to order. Families supplied
at their house with tho best oysters
vue mnrKei anoras.
All Orders Promptly Filled
Green Truck Stand
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Fresli Oysters Raceived Daily,
A One Hue of Choice nitOCKUIEB
Nuts nud Caudles.
Poultry of all Kinds,
Mr, Costlet receives Ills green truck dally
Irom the cltv markets, which Is a guarantee
to his customers that they wlllrocelvo fresh
gQoaswiisn miyingirom mm.
Dealer in all binds ol
Shoemakers' : Supplies
Large and first-class stock.
All Demands of the Trade Supplied
Ferguson House bnildlne. SHENANDOAH, PA,
Offl oe-25 West Lloyd Street, Shenandoah
d adelphia and Betiding Bailroud
Thnt Table In effect JVor. IS, 1801
Kor New York via Philadelphia, week days,
2.10 5.25, 7,20 a. m. and 12 85 160 and 6.61
m. ounnay z.iu ana 7.4 a. m, r or now
, a. m. and 12.85 a n d 2.60 p. m.
nr IteAdlnif nnH Phllnflnlnhla vufilr itnvi.
10, 6.25, 7.20, n. m., 12.85 2.W and 5.65 pi m,
hum. 4.iu huu .sea. m., su p. m.
'or Harrlsburir. week nnva. lili.7.20 a. m.i
i50, 6.55 p. m.
jror Aiiontown, week days, 7.20 . m J2.SJ
"or l'ottflvlim. week dnvs. 2.10. TJd.a. tn:.
2.80 3,60 and 6.5o p. m. Bnnday. 2.10 and 7.18
m., 4.30 p.m.
Kor TomtUiUA and Mahannv nifv. waaIe
ys, 2.10, 5.25, 7.20. a m., 12.85 2.60 and 6.55
Ml. ouuiutj, Aiutiuu '.lou.m., 4,00 p. in.
Additional lor Mahanoy City, week days 7,00
For Lancaster nnd HnlumbtA. wmiV rtnve.
7)n. m.. 2 60 p.m.
Kor Wllllamsporl, Hnnbnry and Lewlsbnre,
pek days. 8.21, 7,20 and 11 .SO u. m 1.35, 7.00
m, ououuy h. in., p. in.
""or Mnhanoy Plane, wees dnvs. 2.10 8.25.
n 'foiinnrf if in n m 1 9". ntn ere
.00 and n. in. Hunday, 2 10, 8.25 and 7.48
m,' ,us, 4.3U p.m.
For Olrardvllle (Itamiahannock HtAtlnnl
'- days, 2,h'. 8.2"i, 5.25, 7.20 and 11.30a. m.,
12.35, 1 85 U.S0, S,65, 7.00 and 9.25. p. m. Sunday,
iu a Z3, 7,ss a. m., a.uo, l. m.
"or Ashland and Bnauiokln. week davs.
23,5.25,7.20, 11.31 a. m 1.35, 7.00 and V.ii
uui i?uuua; . ' ' .1.,, w.w ui, m,
Leave New YorSc via Philadelphia, worak"
nvA.7.45 a. m 1.80. 4.00. 7.30 p. m 1Z.JV
izht. Sunday, 3.00 p. m., 12.16 nlent.
Leave New York via Mannh Chunk, week
ars. 4.30. 8.45 a. m.. 1.00 and 3.45 u. m.
any, .uu a. m.
iieave inuaaeipuia. weex nays, s.iu, ana
10.00 a. tn. 4.0U and 0.00 p. m., from Broad
nd Oallowliill nnd 8.35 a. m.nnd 11.80 p. m,
from 91 hand Ureeu street. Sunday 9.05 a.
rn, 11.10 p. m. irom 8th and Ureeu.
iiavo Heading, wees: nays, i.. -t.iu, iu.uo
Aaa 11.50 a. in., 5.65, 7.57 p. in. Munday 15 and
0.48 a, m.
Deave X'oturvuie, ween aays, a.iu,7.iu a. m.,
f.Hfi, 8.11 p. tn. Bunday, 2,40, 7.00 a, m. and
uo i. rn.
Lave Tamaana. weer dart, 8.211, .48 ana
1 .21 a. m., 1.21, 7.18, and 9.18 p. m. Bnnday 3.20
13 1. m. and MM p. m,
.lOave Mabanoy Ouy, ..'eck days, 8,40, 9.18
iQ Il.47ii. m.. 1.51. 7.43 end 9.41 p. 01. Han.
lay, 3.43,8.17 a. m., 3 JO p. ui.
jueave ivLauaauy 1 iuv, wwk utiyn, n,.w
),.. 11. XI a. ni.,i.uD, iwa- ', ano
i.'sj u. m. Bnnday 2.4 . 4.00, and 8.27, a. m
8 37,5.01 p. in.
warn Hirardvllle (Kappanannoek Human)
days. 2.47 4.0, N.38, and 9.41 a. m., 12.03,
12, 5.23, 8.82, 8.03 and 10.08 p. m. .Sunday, 2,47,
.0', 3.31 a. iu, 8.41, 5.I7 p. in.
1eave Wllllamsport, week days. 8.00,9.45 and
i.56 a. m. 8.35 and 11.15 p. m. Hunday 11.15
. m.
For Baltimore, Washington and tho west
la I!. A n. It- It., thrnneh trains leave Qlrard
1. venue station. Plilludelphia, (P. B. It. It.)
t soL.nna a. m., 1.31, s.if im hu
13 D. m. Hunday. 3.55 8.02 II SI a, m., 8.50
5 42 and 7 13 p. m.
1. eavo Phlhidelphla. Chestnut Street What t
tt-jd twain Blreet Wharf. ,
For Atlantic Cltr. 1
Week.days-Erprcss,9.W a. m. 2.00;
. in. Aocommoaalton,8 00a. m. and SWI
.in. '
Bandays. Bxprees. 9.00 a. m. Acoom
mo nation, 8.00 a. m, and 4.30 p. m.
nsiurning, leave Auanuo uiiy, aepoi
Vtlantloand Arkansas avenues. week-days
commodatlon8.10 n. m. and 4.80 p. m. Sun
days Kxpress. 4.(10, p. m. Accommodation
7.30 a. m. nnd 4.30 p. m.
u. u. xiAnuilUA., wen'i irass r Agt.
A A. MOLEOD. Pres. A Uen'l Manager.
On mid after September 1 IS91 , !ran will iav
Shenandoah at follows:
Vor Wlggan, Uilberton, Fraekvllle, New
Castle, BU Clair, and way points, 6.00, 8.18
s m ana .io p m.
snnaays, sou, a m ana sjup m.
For l'o tts vine, 8.00, .lo a m and 4. 15 p m.
Sundays, 800, 8.40 a m and 8.10 p m,
Cor Heading, 6.00, a m and 4.15 pui
Bnndays, 600, 8.40 a. m. nnd 3.10 pm.
For Fottstown. l'hoonlxvllle. Norrlstown
kna PhiiaJeipbiu (itroad street station), 6,00.
a. m. and 4.15 p m weelc days
Hiinaays, wu, a m a.iu p mi
Trains leave Fruckvllie lor Shenandoah at
10.40 am and 12.14, 7.42, 10,08 p m. Sundays,
U.I8 am and 5.40 pm.
Leave Foituvllle lor Bhenandoah, 10.15 and
11.43, a in 7.15, 8.42 p m. Sundays, 10.40 a m
5.1fip m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street Ptation),
For Pottsville and Bhonandoah. 57. 8.S, a m
4.10 and 7,00 p m week days. Hunday 6.50, and
V.S3 am
for New York, 3.20, 4.06, 4.40, 5.85, 6.50, 7,30,
3.U08.SU, J.50, 11.00 and 11.14, 11.35am. 13.00noon,
(limited eznress, 1,03 4.50 p m.) 12.21 12.44, 1.40,
o.Ai, o, u, o.uj( o.du i.m d,u ana iu.ou p,
on Sundays, 8.2U, 4.05,4,40, s.35,8.12, 8.Sfrj
ii.mi ui. miiu iM.11, .in, 1 111111W n
4.50), 6.23, 6 2). O.t, ,j.iH -..i.. o al and 12.01 6 7
For Sea Girt, Loner Branch and Intermediate
stations 6.50, 8 JH and 11.30 u. m., 3.30, 4. 00 p. m.
neon uuuuiijn 0 uj ill.
ror xiaiiuaure ana wasmngion, a.oo. i;zu
u.iu uuu n. iu., -i ii, 001 , 4.W p.m. ana
nielit dally and 8 31. lb;iQa. m..rja (limited
express wftli dining car to Haltlmore) 1.30, S.4tt
l. iu, vfa.ixuMjD rui uuiiiiuiuia uuijr ii,v.t l.Ul
weenuiyu. o.urv a. IU. UU11V. i
For Htcumoud. 7 20 a.m. and 12.0. nlrlit I
uuijyt iot)i. ui, uauy, except ouuu iy.
D tn everv njiv.
For l'ltlsburc only. 11.20 a m datlv and 10.20
j m week days.
Leave Bunbnry lor Willinmsport, Clmlra,
lanandalirua. Hoche'tor. linnalo and Niagara
Vails, 5,10 a m daily, and 1.42 p m week days?
(Tor Watklns. 6.30 p m week davs.
or line ana miermeaiaie points, o.iu a mi,
dallv. 1.42 and 5.30 p. m. week davs. For
iaiiv. r nr liocx imven. d.iu. ana h.ui b. m.
rtenova o.iu a ia liz ana o,c!U p m weeK aayi,
.iu a. xa aanouys.
-a U u. II! ... 11 1 I . 111. 11.11
'U.Ull 1 . . A U ""I . A.. T I UUll, .
oa. Man" Hen. Pass. Alt.
Capital, $100,000. oo
A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrmg, Cashier,
?. W. Yost, Ass 'tCashiel
Open Daily &rooi o to 3. j
I'a I a uu Having; si ncpoBltH.
Finest brands ot 0 tears always ol"
Ttie best tonperauoe ditnlts. s
First National Bank
,1; tatitaA.