m AT ALL PRINCIPAL RESTAURANTS, Qumts iseb ixtomt : Light. MAUANOY cm, n fIJiLUl, 9 mdsMmmfwaSameiJmimTKinilam Wit. JLJ CAL lV if 1 wife- r YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF etc, Bt cUVKItN'H Cornr Urncery, corner oi Centre ani White trcl His Moolr, Jmt ripened, Is Miltnnle for Die liollday ramin. Kvcirthlrc frfuli nnd 1 tlio bit A ntw lot of tanned noods, dried fruit, Jellies, etc. AFFAIRS CAUGHT HASTILY. What News GathororB Tako a Momont to Toll About. The celery Is Improving. Now for Christmas next. Coiigreni meets next Monday. Advettise now for holiday trade. The partridge f iveson closes Decern ber 15th. Boys and girls nrc saving up for Christmas. Did you ever (est this deelninntion : "It Is more ulesseu to give man to re celvo?" The norker will sooubeuln to smieal Senil us the weight of your h uvy hog and we will Lie glml to publish It. This is the time of veiir when by a little impiudt'iice you can get another "grip," such us you enjoyed a year or two ago. A Loader. Sinco its first introduction, Electric lilt- tors has gained rapidly in populnr favor, until now it is clearly in the lead amorg pure medicinal tonic and alternatives containing nothing which permits its use &9 a bevorAKO iw intoxicant, it is recognized as tho beet and purest medicinu for all ail menu ol Stomach, Liver or Kidneys. It will euro Sick IIoadnclio, Indigestion, Con stipation, and drivo Malaria from tho sys' torn. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or tho money will bo. refunded. Prico only 00c. per boltlo. Sold by 0. II. Ilagcnbuch. Holiday opening at Duncan it Woid ley's, Friday, Dec. -llli. 12-1-tf doming Evonta. Dec. 12. CotTeo supper of Iho Salvation Army in Franoy's hall. Dec. 20. Ataddnn and Lowrey entertain merit at Ferguson's tlieatro for tho benefit of Adam Mort. Jun. 1. 20'.h annual i-uppor of tho Welfh IlaptU't church in tho 1. M, church hall. Jan. 19. Supper and bnnar in th 1'rimitivo Methodist school room. Old Lady Injured. Mrs. I'owoll, un agod lady of South AVost Ftroct, yosterday sustainod injuries by falling down a fliuht of steps. Mrs, I'owoll is confined to tier bed, but it is not thought tho injuries nro of a sorious haractor. I have used Dr. HiiU'h Cough Hyrup penon nl'v and In my faunlr for2or 3 5tnr,. and at my i lull there Ih untiling locomiare to It as ar-'ineuy luroouguv, c-oias, eio jus. uorne, jmiiimure, aieu Legal blanks of Hkhald office. all kinds for salo at tli NEW YORK NEWS IN DRIEF. Tho State Board of Canvassers U session to-day at Albany. Tho CO, 000 ton coal pile ot tho Solvny l'rocess W orlta at byracuse Is burned. The Now York State Horse Breeding Association Is in session at liuchoster. Instructions Given. Instructions given on piano, organ, vio lin nnd voice, every "Wednesday, in Shon andosh. Terms, CO cents por lesson ol hour, or TO cents per hour. All orders sent to D. F. Lsubenetein, Ashland, will receive prompt attention. Ilavo timo for only four more scholars. II 20-0t Beet work done at Urennan's steiun laundry. Kvervtblnic white and epotless Jjsoe eurtains a specialty. All work guar nntoed. Thanksgiving Day is T)ver lhit we still carry a lull block of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices We also have a flue stook of FOREIGN ANI) DOMESTIC FRUITS and NUTS J. S. THOMAS' Clieap Gash Store 116 Wet Coal Htreet. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapiro.' s Pharmacy, 107 South Mnin'Streef, NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE. PreeorlpUons carefully compounded by registered iihuTnmclstti, TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS rrocure ouo of our Chest Protectors. Russet and tan-brown are bovine full sway in silken materials, plain and brocho. Pure. THE BEST f OR EVERY PURPOSE. Good Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages I In charge of good, careful, iotpoueiblodm- ors lo lnroat all ilmpt ana at reasonablo THtos at EVAN J. DAVIES' LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. 12 and 14 A'or7i Pear Alley, Hear of I ,u here's haul ware ttoro. llnrtes taken to llimnl. Oirlul nllentli u given lo Feeding Horns, ill klmUol HAUl.INUnl leudcd Ui promptly cliarnes moderate. UNDERTAKING Faithfully and promptly attended to. BAKE INVESTMENT. If yon wunt n .afe Investment Inspect our flro Hue of cloihlog, dry goods, notions, boots and hhoes. Ntw stuck Jut iccelved Kvery artlelo n bntpaln, as an Inspect-on will prove. THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 23 S. JMAIN STMliBX, r- Watch for Iho KE1 fc-ICJN lu front.-5 Now is the Time ! TO I'ltlSI'AUK for wluter. Evciy one Is looking for tho bebt goods for tho lof st money. If you aro fcceklui; bargains In Hats or Caps Just drop in to bet) Hcuiluu. Ho bells men's gootl fur caps for OOe, men's led under- clothing for O'oo piece, men's line working gloves lit 25c u palr.itho BEST OVERALLS in ilio MARKET fiJc A I'AIlt. An exeell.nl line of Orey Klenntl Shirts for working at tlievtry lowest price. Illg lino of good winter shirts from asoupto S2.0O. A lllg Drive In M'CKWI!A II Four-ln-handsand Tecks at 26eenlf, regular price 40 cents. Something New in Fuzzles. Scanlnnhas Kmethlug ntw In this lino. Anyoneglvl g tho conect way of doing tho purzle wll rrcche n ?8 hat or Its (qtilMileut. Tin re lire four ways of tolvlng the 1 uyzle, uud the correct way must be given. 1 hwe puzzles wo are selling for 10c, or we will glteono to the person purch&blng (2 worth of goods nnd over. in 2 O A'ncwralent hat hanger given away with each hat.'purcliascd at IS S, Main St. SOANLAN Sfieiiandoati 45 s: CKNTB for a window shade 1th frhuie, othtrs for 55c, anu up. Mlindes made stores and private dwol Incs. A new lot of shad' lugs and fringes to match, O. 3D. FRICKE'S Carpet Siorf, 10 South Jardin St, near Centre 99 From now until Chri tinas wo will got In Fuii-TiuniftiEn JNO. B. PRICE'S SONS IHE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE. Mi Goldman, formerly manager of the Ron ton Wioo tore, Houth Main street, has opened ii new shoe storo In Harlngtou's butlcllriK. cor. nerCcntroslicctand Mnrkct alley, where ho has In Ktock a flno nforlment of lonlwtnr, which he lately purchased at public milont lictblchem, and Is now selling them clioaper than tho mnuuracturcrs can make them.. Men's calf button shoo tl 50, elsewhere 2rV Men's flno Congrtssshoe....l 2t " 175 Ijidles' flongolii button shoe.l 15 " 10 French kid shoe 1C0 " ! Men's best lubber booti 1 flj " 233 Such Bargains in Footwear Were) never before offered In town Parties from out of town when they get off trains at the l.ehlgli and Rending depotx should watch fur tho sign of tho "Mnr,"nud climb twoBtcps ns 11 will pay you to climb tliun. The People's ShoeStore Cor. Ctnlro Street and Market Alley. instmas Music Cabnets, Rattan Push Rockers PARLOR SUITS, $301 id upward, - 4.50 and upward. 2,00 and upward. BEDSTEADS, OFFICE DESKS, PICTURES 19,00 and upward. Large Lot Just Opened for the Wilcox &. White Organs, ISsilEElPIANOSI:: WHITE SEWING MACHINES. Pianos, Organs nnd Sewing Machine s Bold cheap for cash or rented hy the month 13 South Mam Street, TAKE It Is not necessary to go about it surreptitiously, as do the gamins in the picture, if you woultl take a peep at our elegaut display of the latest novelties in dre;S coods, cloaks, wraps aim rues. Our store is a little world's fair in It self and visitors may freely inspect the to miy. we nave Homeaiiracitve specialties mis weeic lu uionneol xry Uoods, Coats, Wraps, etc. RICE'S Old 113 North Main StreeJ;, Shenandoah, Pa. Common Sense SHOE STORE. For the next two weeks you can purchase ludlca' line Dongola Shoes for $2.00, worth J2.75. 110 South Main Street, OPrOSITE POBTOFFICB, S. L BROWN, Prop. Say: DID YOU know that at Morgan's Bai gain Bazar and Fancy Goods Store, prices aro way down ? A good place to buy your Xmaa Presents. Go and see the beautiful variety of Holiday Goods tie fore it is too late. 9 W. Centre St., SHENANDOAH. B! - - S20.0Q and upward EXTENSION TABLES, - 4,00 and upward FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, 10,00 and upward EASELS, All Styles, - - 1,00 and upward Holiday Trade, $11 and upward PICTURES, , Lester Hardnian SHENANDOAH, PA. .A. PEEP!- exhibition without being Importuned Reliable Stand, There is "inusio at Yates'," especi ally in the OVERCOAT nOOM and Children's Department. 'Xhe constant hum of business gives a "Bnap" and a "go" to the ubolo establishment. The choice Clothing of the season is upon our tables upon its merits prin cipally we rely to advance our reputa tion, Tlie moderate prices of course will have their say. A.C. Yates & Go. Cor. 13th & Chestnut Sts Ilcst-uinde Cleitlitiiir Tu I'lillieelcliililn, ACinn HEADQUARTERS OF TWO IC West Centre Street and 34 MONEY IN IT. Musical Instruments, Perfumery, Sleighs ! China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &c. To ministers of the gospel and school teachers, 10 per cent, off on all goods bought. All goods must bo sold before January 1st, and no reasonable olfer refused, ("all early and have the pick of the lot. You can select what you. want, which will be set aslde,ou payment of a small deposit. UHBOr FOOD LABOR Convr.fencl FOOD FOE S No. 6 South ALL KINDS OP BLANKETS and ROBES I Kept in stock and sold at a icajoiiablu figure ut Geo.Robinson's 25 West Centre St., European and American Novelties In Photo Albums, Purses, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Autograph Albums, Guff and Collar Boxes, China and Bisque vYnses and Statuary, Plush Papctcric Cases, Manicure Sets, Ilaud Painted Glove and . JJandkci chief Boxes, Nut Pick Sets, Toilet Cases, Plush Albums, &c. SANTA CLAUS ! ! STORES: North Main Street, Slienandoali. rJJ,HEIlB Is money In it for yon If you purchase your holiday goods from us. Five hundred styles dressed dolls, from Goto $1 GO each. Dolls' shoes, stockings, trtinhs, tables, bureaus, clialrs, toilet tets, paintboxes, writing desks, doll swings, air rifles, drums, trains of cars, gun boats and other articles run by steam, A large lot of mechanical toys, tool chests and all the latest games, A JJ O and build ing blocks, Antique silver toilet and manicure sets, dictionary and blnle stand hold ers, hook and ladder and lire engines, tin stoves, German tops, trumpets and many other articles in this line. IP nutritiously. "FUEL Burned Econdmtcaity BAKES PERFECTLY ALWAYS Tho Celebrated Duplex Grate ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS! BEAUTIFUL HIGH SHELF, ELEGANT HOT CLOSET, HOT WATER RESERVOIR, Waterbacki for Boilers Meet Every RequlreWvl EVERY ONE GUARANTEED. - AXjE Jardin Street. ,5i HORSE BLANKETS EVEllYIlODY WANTS ONE. Blanket will sve double its cost. Your norse win eat less to Keep warm ana ue worm lilty dollars more. i rrj 'I IK.