1 ENO TO COME BACK Tho Ex-Bank President Ex pected in Now York Soon. TERMS MADE WITH CREDITORS. Also Staled that He Has Been in the City Several Times, Inoognito. Presents !n the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTMTtOUB JUIOE OP THK FIGS OF CALIFOKNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an ngreeable and effective laxative t perma nently cure Habitual Consti pation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It Is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one Is Bilious or Constipated so THAT I PURt BLOOD, REFRESHING. SLEEP. HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR SYHTJE" ODE jEPXGrES MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, lOUISVIUE. KY NEW YORK. N. ft arfSfcl GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W. Baker & Co.'s Cocoa from which tho excess of oil has been removed, Is Absolutely Pure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals aro used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is thercforo far more economical, costing less than one cent cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily dioested, and admirably ndaptcd for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass, Highest of all in Leavening Power. U7 S. ''Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Th Famous; Defntiltnr line lleeome tVenlthy lit Canada, and Travels in a Fast 8t Not lielUved that Any Crlml nat Charges Will be Mad Against Ulm If II Returns. New York, Deo. 2 It Is understood that John 0. Eno, ex-president of the Fifth National Dank, who has been a fugitive from New York justice In Canada for seven years, has arranged his affairs and will bo able to return to New York early in the winter or not later than March. Mr. Eno's father, Amos R. Eno, Is the owner of the Fifth Avenue Hotel prop erty, which was trortgaged in 1884 for about two millions to save the Fifth National Bank from failure, as a result of Its fast young president's misappro priation of securities. The fast living young president was compelled to fly ,to Canada to es cape arrest. New Yorkers traveling near Toronto have Blnce seen him living In luxurious exile, following every form of social ploasure and dissipation as of old nnd as popular in a fast Canadian set as he used to be among New York clubmen. It is quite likely that the return of the boodlo aldermen and Billy Maloney from Canada, as well as that of Owen Murphy, suggested to Mr. hno he has remained long enough In voluntary ex ile to make criminal proceedings against htm practically Imposslblo. lie lias never, however, foared the criminal processes of the courts, but has always folt that if ho would compound with his creditors he would bo able to escape criminal proseoutlon. At tho Mnnhattan Club it is whis pered that Mr. Eno has been daring enough to come over the lino and even to couk to Now York city within the last throe or four weeks, and that In the secret Interview ha had with the mosf influential of his creditors he was able to satisfy their demands and got their consent not to push criminal proceed lngs against him. It was also said at the Manhattan Club that this was not the first secret visit of Mr. Eno, and that he had within the past nine months crossed the line several times, met the, creditors, or those who represented them, and mude propositions for a sot tlement, which they have accepted. If Eno returns he will probably be ar rested, although it is understood that his intention Is to deliver himself to the district-attorney. Ball will be asked for him, as it was In the cases of the boodle aldermen when they roturned, and Mr. Eao's frlonds think that this" will be the end of the criminal prosecution, because in seven years it is almost impossible, to get tho evidence which was in the possession of .the district-attorney's ofllco when Mr. Eno es caped Ec j has made a good deal of money since ho has been In Quebec, and It is the gossip at the Manhattan Club that he is now worth not far from $1,009,000. It Is also said that his family are quite willing that ha should remain In Canada, hoping that he would there- overcome his disposition to lead a rapid life. ABSOLUTES PURE Slayor Grant Shmtoi.s Ills Visit. DuuUN, Dec. 2. Mayor Grant has surprised his Newry frlonds by the news that he will Do n pissengir on tue Teu tonic to-morrow, from Queenstown for New York. The Mayor Is Bald to navo received advices hastening his return, but what they are he keep-t to himself. He Intended to remain until the middle of December. At a meeting of the Democratic State Committee in New York yesterday Wil liam F. Sbeehan was elected member of the National Democratic Committee la place of Herman Oelrlchs, resigned. The missing returns from the Third Ward of Syracuse, were brought before Justice Kennedy yesterday afternoon and given to the Board of Canvassers to return to the inspectors for corre ctlon. lenkes llemanded for Kxtriidltlon. Halifax. N.S.. Dee. 2. C. A. Peakes, wnntod In Boston for alleged embezzle ment of funds of tho Boston & Albany Railroad Company, has been remanded for extradition. Judge Ritchie an nounced his decision yesterday In a brief judgment. Iter Knit for Divorce. Killed film, Albaky, N. Y., Dec. 2. M. E. Cohen, who committed suicide yosterday by taking an overdose of morphine In Mil waukee, leaves n wife In this city who had entered suit for a dlvorco. In a lotter he gives this as tho cause for hl act. SAia 1WL1 DID HE MURDER TWO Mrs. Leonard's Slnyor Accused of Another Crimo. MILKMAN MUTTER'S SUSPICION. He ia Positive that Harlot is the Man Who Killed His Wife- We Can't do it but nro willing; to pay for learning how to make ns good an nrticlo ns 'Wolffs At mk Hlackinu of cheap material eo that a retailer can profitably tell it at 10c Our price is 20c. Tho retailer says tho public will not pay It. Wo say tho publio will, because tltoy will always pay a fair prico for n good article. To show both the trade nnd tho public that wo want to give them tho Uat fur tho least money, we will pay ItOoT!sColds,Costlis,SoreThrot,Crop,IiiaeM, Vhoopinr Cough, BroneMtis end Asthma. A oertela .-jr. fj Consumption In Otit etaeee, .il ; ear. "''' edvsnsed states. cs at ones. Ton will seo the ez KuiS effect after takine; the flrst iS' .7 JeslereeTerjwaeia. terse kule., 60 .aiiu and SUM. Grand Opening Nearly every pattern of SA Horso Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine. but it hasn't the xvarp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half asmuch. The fact that H Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mile B0S3 Electric Extra Test Baker JNKETS , ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 6A STYLES st prices to suit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. Ask for thesA Book. You can get it without charge. WM, AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. 7 PTTW , is? m horse n Iloanil to Hum Out thu Town.l CoimAND, N. Y., Dec 2. A firebug scare prevails in the town of Homer, nine Incendiary fires having been start ed there this year, four of which have occurred within tho past two months. The latest attempt was made yestorday morning when the largo tuunory of Abel Gear was sot on fire. Tho (lames, however, wore discovered b.fore they had made uuy great headway and ex tinguished with slight damage to the works. A vigilance committee has been forniod, which nightly patrols tho streets, while the police fore 3 has beau doubled. A standing reward of $300 is out for the upprehensiou of the mis creant. Says lie lllew Up tho Crown Inn. London, Dec. 2. A fruit dealer named Murk Robinson Is In custody on his own confession, accusing himself of having caused the explosion which ue stroved tho Crown Iun at Blackburn, and led to the loss of several lives. The notice are Investigating to ascertain whether Robinson is really guilty, or simply under a delusion, or seeking no toriety. The man acts as it he was de voured by remorse for tho loss of life that attuuded tho disinter. What there is to his confession will soon be known. The police put prima facie faith iu him or they would not iiuiu mm. East Centiv St., Shenandoah, Pa. The finest and largest asortment iu Hate, Bonnets and Caps at ro rnarkably low prices. Our line of Chlldien's T11IUMED AND UN. TRIMMED lI.VT.-i Oanrtot Too E trim. .! loci. Bank Countors, Tyler Syptom, Port ablo, Unequalod In Stylos, Cost and Finish. HO I-are Cslalosu. of Coolers, Deeka ett., Illustrated la Color., Il.e, fni I'uil tie ISCente. Also -jyior-i Onto llraka nnd T'le Criiltlnets. SIOW NtsIes. Host nnd cheap t est on earih, with great reduction In prices. lsu u.ir cftLltico Free. Po.leg. IS ete. lull Uses ot UetLe, i'hsira, Tables, llouL. lews, Cabinet.. Leiel llleuu veo.ae.e, sic, a.waja.n lorn. S.i.rl.l wrk Breda to order. Tl'J.nU 1 ES1C CO., St. I.oills, aio.i If.M.A. m, a en m wMMi t ' "" 'ENNYR0YAL PILLS tUli It all Local ME I RrnJ in Iti A tini ntJ UfUlIiO it. a. favleu v U ulu rli-bo.i 1 ikn i.on4an4inltut .fu Ai lroMtJ',orend4 la iu nr fr .niin ts-kUutublevU tad leheterCliciaIMCi.MUoiiHittr tnr tlie etHs oi To test a runUlre Ouru and JtuoB vaiuaoie iniuriiw . -Y . Guv llltl I'ardons a Convict, Bma SINO. N, Y., Dec. 2. Thomas Halev. a convict In Sing falng I'riaSou, has been paruonou uy uov. nut. uutey was seuteuced In New York for assault In the first degreo on November 28, 18S8. to four years anil eigut inontns imprisonment. Wurden Brown has addod seven more keepers and guards to his already large list ot discharged prison emnloves. Titer aro Paul Hurt, Alex. Vau Wart, Harrison Marshall, Hugh Diamond. Henry Scripture, William L. Dorsoy and Oliver Thomas. Winter Crulso of Walker's Squadron Wasiiinqto.v. Dec. 1. Acting Rear Admiral John S. Walkor, commanding the United States bquaUron ot i-.volu tlon. who Is making preparations for heulnnlne the winter's cruise, says that he will sail almost immediately for Hamilton Honda, muklng that his flrst obloetlve point with the Chicago, New ark. Altoouu nnd Bennington. After that the movements of tho squadron are Indefinite. NEW JERSEY JOTTINGS. Trains will ha running to Qulnton over tho new branch of the West Jersey Railroad this week. The North Cramer Hill ferry carried during tho past twelve months 118,000 passengers, an increase or. n,)3j over last year. Judge Garrison Is too 11) to preside at tho oneolng of tho Gloucester and Uurl lnctou County Courts. Judge Reed will open the former on Dec. 6, and Judge JJlxoa the latter ft wean later. PAI.I. AND WIN TER STYLUS OF MILLINERY ,LLAM. M'GINNISS' 100 Dollars an Hour for sleep at certain times would bo a cheap prico. For crying babies uso Dr. Hand's Colic Cure. It never falls. 0, J. Mc Carthy and J. M. Uillan, tho druggists, aro furnishing free eamploe to those who doubt, but would like to try it. Tlie coming new year will bo a leap yur. A Mystory Explained. The papers contain frequent notices of rich, pretty nurt educated ulrls eloping with negroes. Iramim and amtihinen. Tne wnll. kuown specialist, Or. KrauRllu Milne, say nil Buch cirls are mure orl-ss hvatertc.il. nervous. very Trap islvo, unb.Uucea; usually subject to he.ulnche, ncur.ilgla. sieepiossucis, Im mod Tale crylnir or laughing. TliMaeliows wealt nervous system for wli oh there Is no reined v intuit tn lleiiora'iVB Nervine. Trial totilcH and n tine hno. containing many marvelous cures, free a' C. II. Iliigentiuch'a drug store, who also sell, Hlid giiarnnteo Dr. Mils' .:elebrAtoi New Hoart Uure, the finest of heart tonic-. Uures fluttering, short breath, etc. The sknting and coasting Benson for the boys draws near. MilH' isorvo una Ldvor Pilla .Vet on a new principle regulating tho liver, slomtch and bowels through the nm'M A new discovery. Dr. Miles' rills speedily outo biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, constipation, unequaled for men, women, children. Hmallest, mildest, snreRtl Sldoscs, ifclfl. Hamples Free, nt U. 11. llngeubncli's Jrug store, Hunt tin your snow shovel. You may soon have to uie it. Height of Oruolty. Nervous women seldom receive tho svm- ntoms thy dsserve. Wul eofen the ulclurps of health, they are constantly ailing. To wiiunoia sympiuy iroiu inese uuioriiiuaioa Is the hol'ht of cr.ielty. They have n weak heart, causing shortness ni nreatn, nutierinir, pain lu side, wak and buogry spells, and nnaity Bweiung oi nuaies, oppression, enos in, smotheilnsand dropsy. Dr Miles' New Heart Caro Is Just the thing for them. Kor the r uerv lUsoess, hevlacho, welcness, et., I his Tlsst .rtlVA Nervl e Is unounted. Fine Ireat sh on "llartaud Nervous Disease" ana marvelous testimonials Iree. Bold and guaranteed by O. II. liigeubucu. Tlie boy, skates and Ice will soon be Humbled together. win vc pans nf tho suro annro.ich of that more rlble disease. Consumption. Ask yourselves If you can afford for the sake of saving 60 cents, to run the risk and do nothing for It. we Know iron experience mat ouuou a uuh will Cure your (Jougn. It never falls. This explains why more than a Million liottles wfere sold tho orsI vear. It relieves Croup and Whopping Cough at once. Mothers do not be without It. for Lame Back, Hide or Chest, use Hhlloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by O. H. Hagenbuoh, N. E. comer Main and uioya streets. Ham baked lu cider is a now gastro- nnmical feature. -No. 6 Oh, What a Cough. rou heed the warning? The signal per- ter- CV2 P5 A (c5 LE i 'at Oi cs a DC CO cu ca 3 a 2 Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLORS ! (3X3C 3L.SrX3ST3r, Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing ! SUAMl'OOINU, KTO., BV E. G. T. WADLINGER, Under i'oslofilce llulldlng, Main nnd Oak Sts., Shenandoah. S-IIot and cold bathB, l'ollts, promt t and caremi uueuiiuu. Shlloh's OonBUmption Ouro. I'his Is bevond nuestlon the most s Kliil Comrh Medicine we have ever sold. i lew doses Invariably cure the woistoasosoi uiujrii, croup, ana urononitis, wuue tts w.iu- termt suocess in tne cure oi uonsumpiiou in vitnoui. a naranei in me History oi menicinp. Inoe lL's first dtaenvnrv 1L has been Hold on a iuarantee, a test which no other medicine jan stand. It you lnve Oough we earnestly sk you to try it. Price 10 cents. 50 cents, and J1.WJ. If your Lungs are sore, Chest or luck lame, use .-shlloh's Porous P aster. Hold uv u. n. tiazenouou. r-. corner main auu l.loyd streets. You c-tn nlwavB get a pointer from tlie dog nealor. A Glorious Record. Hlnco the Introduction of the Famous Pan Tina Cough and Connunptlon Cure In this vicinuy, the aeniu riio irom consumption h'S decreased wonderfully; it never falls to effect a cure, and U the best Cough medicine Try It, Trial bottles free at Ktrlln's drug store. The Deed Was Committed In Newark, K. J., Two Ynnrs AgoThe Iltanner of Proceeding the Same la Itoth Casos- JIutlar Will Try to Identify Harlot at Freehold To-day The murderer lle fnses to Talk. Atlantic Hiouxands, N J., Dec 1. There were decidedly sensational de velopments In the Leonard-Harlot mur der cats yestorday, and the excitement caused by the horrible butchery of the poor woman has Increased tenfold. Two men came here and made a number of inquiries about Mrs. Leonard's slayer. One of the visitors grew white with rage and excitement whan a detailed descrip tion ot Louis Harlot, Mrs. Leonard's murderer, and his odd manners, were given them. "That Is he. That Is the slayer of my wife," said one ot the men. "Thank God he has been captured. I have been hunting him for two years." After he becamo somewhat quiet, the man Bald he was Herman Mutter, and pwns n dairy fnrm on the outskirts of Newark. He also ruus a milk route lu the city ot Newark. Two years ago his family oonsisted of himself, his w:fo nnd his little son Mutter discharged his man of nil work and went to an employment agency In New lork where he engaged a young German to tend his cattlo and help get his milk roady for market. Tho young German was ot a sullen disposition and lit times displayed a dangerously ugly temper. The comoly young wife ot Mutter was very nervous and she bo catno nearly wild with fear when the voung fellow had ono ot his tantrums One pleasant fall day Mr. Mutter drove to Newark with a wugou-load of milk. When he drove up to the barn lale in the ntternoon he missed tho usual cheery grootlng of his wife and little boy. Tho youtig German farm hand was also Invisible. Mr. Mutter supposed that his wife had gone with tholr llttlo boy" to call upon one of the neighbors. Ho went to the house. In the kitchen he found the almost lifeless body of his voung wife, lying in a big pool of blood A piece of heavy clothes line was knot ted tightly around her throat and hor face was a muss of cuts nnd bruises, Mr. Mutter summoned Borne ot his neigh hors nnd sent for physicians and then bogan a eoarch for his missing hoy. lie was found lying in the manure heap with a lot of Btraw piled upon him. His hands and feet were tied together with another piece of clothesline and he was stoutly gagged with an old pleco of cloth. The boy revlvod but was unable to tell anything about the assault on his mother. Mrs. Mutter did not regain consciousness and only lived a few days, Her head hud been beaten In with hammer and she was otherwise mnl treated. rn... n.i,Nli.M. rf M,a T.annnrrl fnl Ini.iul .tin D.iiit,. r.mw.ral nlnn na fliA ' slayer ot Mrs. Mutter, and there is no question that the husband of the latter thinks that the young larm hand wuo killed his wife Is also the slayer of Mrs. Leonard. Muttor Is expected at Freo hold some time to-day where he will be afforded a chance to identify youug Harlot as his wife's murdoror. Hurlot refuses to say anything to his follow prisoners In the Kteeliold jail. He sits all day long with nts lace uurieu In his hands, or lies on his back on ills rough bed in his coll staring at tho cell ing. Ho doos not read and eats but lit tle. Ho is closoly watched by Shorill Smock. Reward For above information ; this ofler i3 open until January 1st, lb03. WOLFF & RANDOLPH, Philadelphia. Pllc-Tton does work that no other paint can do. JVew wood painted with It looks llko tho nntural wood when It Is stained nnd varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will nnd It proAtablo to Investigate. All iiuuib sirurcs bun iu CACTUS BLOOD CUKE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAPARILLA Purifies tho blood by ex- polling the impuiities through, tho proper chiinnols and never causes eruptions on the skin. Regulates the bowels Civrc3 dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you an appetite. Never fails to cure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrlin's Drug Store, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa, Ask my ngents Tor W. I.. Douglas Hhoes. If not for Hulc In sour plncv ask yonr denlor to scud for catalogue, evcuro tho agency, and get tliein lor you. fjr-TAKK NO SU IISTITUTU. tU fen llfLJV I O TUC W. L.n DOUGLAS S3 OmaS. GENTLEMEN MiHClmrmoti lllm.uml Hu It ill oil Her. Johnstown. N. Y., Dec. 2. At 7 oclock last ovenitiR u carpentor named Charles r. Smith mut on tho street a Miss Wulcb. who up to two weeks auo had lived In his family, and naked her to return home with him. This sho ro fused to do, whereupon ho drew a rovol ver and tlrad a bullet into hor head im mediately back of tho left ear. Smith attempted to fire another shot, hut was prevented by ilUa Welch holding his upraised arm. csimtn men ran away. Ofllcers aro looking for him. He has a wife aud throe children, but his infatuu tlou for Miss Welch has rendered him truant to bis marital vows. THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is ftsi-ainlesa alioe, wltli uo tacks or wax thread to hurt tho (Vet; intulo of tho liobt flno culf, Btvtib and easy, ami because tec muhe more shoes of this ! jran than any other mnnvfactwer. It equals hand sewed Hliocneuitlng from $Un) to &5.U). Cits (JO (jcnulm Hnm1HCU".l, the finest calf I PJ' flioo ever ofTerrd for $5.tWt equals French , imported shoes whh-h cost from .(j. to $12 00. CtA 00 lliinit-SeMrd V'lt Mine, lino calf, JJ1! stj llrih. comrortable nnd durable. The best elioo ever olTered at this prico; same grado as cus torn made shoes cant I iitf from $G.U) to f1).). i CfO 30 INillco Klioei Farmers, Uallrond Men J0 and Letter farriers all wear them; tine calf, . seaml "is, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exteu- i slou rdtfe. One pair will u ear a year. I CEO AO lino ctilfi no belter shoo ever offered at $&iw thU prlfy; i ne trial will couvluco thoao win want ushoo for comfort and service. 1 CP.O -'i ")id S'J.tH) Vtihliicnifins shoes sLtfitH aro very KtrmiK nnd J u ratio, 'ihoso who li ive iilven tliem a trial v tti we.ir no other mako. Zlr11ir7 V!.tlO linu s1.7 hcnooi biiocb aro CSUVa worn hv t hp bn aevervwherei tbevsell on their merits, as the iiKTeuntti sales show. rl I B I tT? It.itiiritT-i vnrv urs. I tali - iMtiml a l-rflirtl luiportM shoes costing from t.Ul to S(1.im). liiulicH (J.AO. -'.(Mt mnl SI. 75 shoo for Misses nre nuiiesillueuoiiKOia. niyiiHiiauuiiuruuie. il'iiiitioH.-See that V. I-. Douglas' namo and prico are stamped on the hot torn of each shoe. 1 1 . U. 4-'-'U'-iaUal3l i-ll uvaivu, limns. Ammonia should hitcheii work. be used Id the DO YOU "WANT A GOOD FIT ? and well made, fashionable clothes? If so, call on W. 0". JACOBS, Fashionable Custom Tailor, 8 South Jardin Street, Shenandoah Call aud se samples of the latest eoods and the styles. Good workmanship, promptness and fair prices FIRE INSURANCE. largest and oldest reliable purely cat n com- pauitus rvprtwcuicu ujr XA-"VI3D FAUST, 120 S. A Parish Priest's Certificate Cer tified to by the Archbishop of Mexico. I. naroo'dnl prtcstand ecclesiastical Judge of ceiaya, muie i uu lutjumu, uerouy cercuv that I tcii-iw hever il people vho have been eured by iho Caftus llloiiil Cure. It null ally and eiiectuauy tuspois an impurities ni me blood. FHANOOM CON(lf)Il. The above sunaturo is tn -t which ho uses lu all his Business, nitlcla ly aud olhorwlsc. ana ho tsnnoia papttor liiiue. T i . t, Arcuuisnopoi Aiexiuo, Bold at Klrlin's l)ruzHtore.Kenfusou Uonse nincK.nenanuoa". WALL PAPER BARGAINS! Largest and cheapest slock lu town. Artistic Painting, Graining an1 Decorating! J. P. GARDEN, 10 2 6m 221 W.Centre St.. HUKNANDOAII CHRIS. BOSSLEIt'S SALOON AND RESTAURANT 201 N. Mailt St., SUonaiuloah. Tlie Finest Stoek of Beors, Ales, Cigars, 4c. Dentil ofMHjor McKoo. PuiLADEU'iiia., Bee. 2. Major oi Ordnance, Ueorgo W. MoKee, at trunk fort Arsenal, Is dead of heart dlsoaso. He was born In Keutucky In laiJ, and was appointed a cadet tn the United States llllitary Academy July 1, 1B"A graduated In 1803, nnd served through the lato civil war, balou promoted lor gallantry and olllolent service tnrougn tho various stages to Major In 1805. Since the war ha has served In various capacities, and took charge ot the Frank fort Arsenal nbout ton inontns ugo. o Hun on ilia Tni-i-ytoivn Hank. Tamiytown, N. Y., Dec. 3. Thore Is no foundation for the report sent out that a run had bjgun on tho Tnrrytown National Hank because of complications with the falluro of Kield, Utidlay, Wehhers Co., of Now York. Cyrus W. Field Is a stockholder In the bank, but so far as can he learned none of the parties iu the brokor firm Is In any way lutereated lu It. tuufnid-lloy Nulla I'mlpouMl Trentov, N. J., Dec. 3. The suit and counter suit ot rreamuub auuioru, ui the Adams Express Company, nnd ox- I'resldent John Hoey, wbloh was ad journed until yesterday In tho United States Ulrcuit uourt usioro juuge titeene, by agreement of counsel, has lioen postponed until uo. J, Itlllrd Willi HlliltlliK CANISTi:o. N. Y., Dec a. A young man named Llndsloy, while out hunting v-esturdur. ncoldeiitallv struck his nun T.RF.SSMKTWCi- SHrTfinT. ! against n tree. The wonpon exploded Jlimjuiu., I . " w . . ,. .!,,- BrrBd 1 .1 nilsla v's law TY(hn Indies nf Hhonandoah and vicinity. ASclenlitloUroBSCuUlliltrt id Makinu Urancli Hohnol Is ouened In room No. 8, ll.ihu ns' f... Ot CAnnnnnnnA Pn I tl 1 1 1 1 1 n ir . fiver the ooht nftlce. wllfre pupils tum., uncmnuuio.,. M nro lk u and langht thela-tstand bes. bys. and neck, causing Instant death. Tim Nlutli Vlotlin. H POMEBOY iriORHEMT-LAW OOot-BeNsn'sbutldla waer MklnaalOsntii Tolkiio, O., Dec 2 -was addod to the death Another victim list of Satur- lam rtrmittlntriiiifl rirpHSril Ak Ir c? ThesvRlem isa.savlnuot tiTae.liiu T nua inoney anais . . . n8riiua o Ur. Nul readl!vncaulred. Atlarec learned It, Open evenings, 11-0-tf Mrs. M.C. niSWJTT, sou, ivbp uiea at noon yesteruuy, masiug HISS UUUIUS KUU ku. men.,,,, .vaa DR.THEEL, coo North Fourth Ot., OO Kt, Ureeu. t MiL.rsLrni th .uly S'KUlne Oerioan Ameileea Sp.r.U.t 10 Uie frills M.u-e lo U able o cure OlOOd Poison, Nervous Debility "id Spe cial Diseases Ul, . HUa PIMee. llMl tifttl Falne to UI. bm. - soreThroats Mouth, n icli... rimplee. truptione, ft herd Ulcere, Swelllnie, Irritations Infleninrttlone end Ruanlnfe, btiloturt-e, Weeknree and Kerly jH.r. lo.l memorjr. ea le menul anilely nt"''eees II-r iruraeee ana an 'r"u""' .":,, ..... n IlKn-llon ir llrrrwork. Bn! ca.e. cured In i to 1 "J"I nllef at one.. Po nul lu.o nupe, no metier ana. 11.1,., lljotar Qiia-k, femur -r llo.plt.l rl"" ' Dr. TIIKfcl. .2rre positively ' "Mm '"""lM tnm LVaar". ,11. u lor .-nd eui-ip '"bOOK I.iialle 'rr'.m 9 ..a F. t . Wed. and Sat. u, w - .,..1 . .ni ii , ".;..:.;,.: ,M. nw Ha)JrOWM iVV COM. A FINE SHOW If you want to bc a flue display of Hoots and W, S, SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mas teller's old stand,) Corner Coal and Jnrcllti Bin. Custom TVorlc ami Repairing: Done In the host style. Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN STREET, Where he will he pleased lo moot the want of his Irlends and the public In Everything in tho Drinking Lino. J n. JUUOK&H m. x. rifYMOIAN AND SLUG BON, 4o;9,:erSt Cootre Utreet; Mahanoy City, Pr Uklnaadall si)oiftJ dUeases a psclaltr.