r isrow oisr t-a. AT ALL PRIHCIPAL RfSTAURAMTS, KJOSER iPsnZELi 7r,Mt.11OIE TIZiEZJi'Jzri), Dark, ' YOU OWE IT TO YOURSELF To nurclwM) vnurllne rmcrfle. rftrtUlona etc.. nt f-EVERNVt Corner Urnperv. corner of Centre nuj While sin et. Ills lx,fc, Jnt opened, 18 Miiinmn rur ino lionnny pennon. Kvcrj ti li c frrsli nnd nf tlw h-H A new lot or rn rert ironfln. rt'iid ir"lf, JelMrn nr. Surprlso Pnrty. A number of ladles nnd fcentlemrn last niRht tendemd n turjiruo party to M ts Carolina lllcrman, nt her residence, on North "Wlilto street. AmonR tho ladies who participated in tho party were : M lues Fanny and May Uruhlor, Annio and Mary Kimmcl, Idaho Kolb, Mary Rasslor, Kosie Tcolbach, Lena llett, Sadio Davis, Llzz'o Nolco, PottBvillo ; Susan l'ennvpacker, Philadelphia; and Lizzie Lohi. Tho roii- tlemon wero Messrs. Martin and Fred. Grublor, GeorRo and Harry llaffnor, Geo, Doss, William Griflllhs, Chris. Foltz, August Carl, Arthur Donolmo and Ohm, Ulluebrnnu. An excollent supper was orvod at 12 o'clock. A Loader. Since its Orel introduction, Electric Jiit tors has gained rapidly in popular favor, until now it is clearly in tho lead among puro modicinal tonics and alternatives containing nothing which permits its uso as a boverago or intoxicant, it is recognized as tho best and purest modicinn for all ail- monts of Stomach, Llvor or Kidneys. It will euro Sick Hnadauho, Indigestion, Con etipalion, and drive Malaria from tho sys tern. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or tho money v. ill bo refunded Prlco only 50c. p r bottlo. Sold by 0. II Ilagonbucb. Largo slock ot tnncy goods, such b lamps, bronzes, china aro and imported cut'glassware, at Iloldcrman's. 11-5.8-tf Going Down. Tho following collieries drawn to return pricos of coal sold in November to doter initio rato of wages to bo paid, rotiko tho following returns: Hear Kldge, 1. & It. C. & I. Co f2 27- Jloi-ton Itun, " " -2AI Olrard, " ' 2.321 Jvi lilcy Hun, Thomas t'onl Co 2.21 .Lawrence, Lawrenco Coal Co 2 S3 11.70 Tho average is $2.3C 88. and tho rato o wagos to bo paid for work for last two weeks of November and first two woeks Dojember, 1891, is five (5) per cent, below f2.60 basis. Holiday opening at Duncan & Woid ley's, Friday, Dec. 4th. 12-Mf Coming Evonts. Dec. 12. Cofl'eo supper of tho Salvation Army in Franey's hall. Di-c. 20. Madden and Lowroy entertain mont at Ferguson's theutro for tho benefit of Adam Mort. Jan. 1. 20th annual supper of the Welsh Daptiit church in tho P. M. church hall Jan. 10. Supper and bazar in th Primitive MelhodHt school room. Waters' Welts beer is tho best, lloilly tola agent. John A 6-6- Ohuroh Repaired. Tho colling and rocf of the Welsh Con grogalional church, which wero badly damaged by tho recent storms.liavo been so far repaired that the church will bo in condi tion for iorvkes next Sunday, when Ttov, Enoch will become the regular pastor of tho church. Fancy rings of all descriptions at Hoi derman'. 11-28-tf Legal blanks of all kinds for shim at th ilKUALD owoa. Best work done at Itrennan's steam laundry. Everything white and spotlwe. Lieo curtains n specialty. All work guar, nnteod. Thanksgiving Day is Ovorl Hut we sllll curry n lull stock of Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Spices, We n'so have a lino stock of FOREIGN ASI) DOlliSTIC FRUITS anil NUTS J. S. THOMAS' Cheap Cash Store 118 West Coal Street. NEW DRUG STORE. Shapira's Pharmacy, 107 South arnln',Stn.-i'l, NEXT DOOR TO HOST OFFICE. Prescriptions enrefully compounded by registered pharmacist!, TO PROTECT YOUR LUNGS Procure one of our Chest Protectors. Good. Horses I Nice Buggies I Fine Double Carriages ! In charco of cood, careful, responsible driv- J- It-.- ... -11 Via W llirn lib nil llliius nnu n. reasonablo rates at EVAN J. DAVIZS' LIVERY AND FEED STABLE. 12 ami 14 A'orlA l'ear Allen, Hear of Luberg'a hardware ftorc. Jrorurr tnkmlu lUmnl. Cnielul atlmtli n glvtn li Feeding Horn's, ill kludi.oi HAUlilNOai tended to promptly chnrm modem te. -UNDKtlTAKINO- Fftlth'ully nnd promptly allendtdto. PUBLIC SALE ! -OF- REAL ESTATE. THE SERIAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Of Mahanoy City, Pa., will expose at public vendue on the promise s on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4tli, 1891. At 2 o'clock in the jlternoon the fol lowing real estate Hltimte Initio llorough of Hhtnundoan. 3 DWELLING HOUSES, on tho north Kldeol Centre street, late tho property ol Catharine Carroll. Terms and conditions made known on the day of Hie. A. K. HM1TH, I'res. Atie-t:-j.A, JjAI ii am. peer. Molianoy City l'a., Nov.ljlh, Ifaul. BAKE INVESTMENT. If you went n. mfe Investment lnppeetour line line of clolhlng, ury gooas, nonoi s. imh.is and shocn. New sloclt Jimt received Kv ry nrtlcle n baignlu, as an inbpccl.on win prove, THE ORIGINAL BARGAIN STORE, 23 S. MAIN STKEfcT, 5? Watch for the HED t-ION In frout.-i JNow is the Time ! -TO 1'KEI'AItE for wlutcr. Every one Is lookli'g for the bibt goods for tho lef st money. If you are hocking hargilns In Hats or CuiisJustdronln to see Hcinlau. Ho hells men'a good fur cops lorCOe, men's red under- clothlDg for Kca piece, men's lino working gloves nt 25o n pnlr.ttlie BEST OVERALLS in ilio MARKET 65c A lAIt. An exrclliiit line of (Jiey Flannel Hhlrts lor working at thovtry lowest price, lllg line or Rood wlntir thirls from 26e lip to S2.50. A lllg Drive In KHCICWlCAIl Foiir-ln-hnndsnnd Tecks at 25 ccntt, regular price 10 cents. in 2 Something New in Fuzzlcs. Bcanlan hits tomcthlng mw In this lino. Any one lilvltg tho correct wny ol doing the puzzle wl'l receive u f8 tntorltB equivalent. Thruartr four ways of rolvltig tho rurzle, end the correct w n y must ho Iven. 7heio puzzles wo ore helling fox 10c, or we will dive one to the ictmju urchuslug 2 worth of goods and over. P o I O Atncw patent hat hanger given away each hatpurchascd at wltl 13 S, Main SI, S0ANLAN ShenandDah r- CENTS for a window shade li U-v with fringe, others for 55c, 1 ' 1 05o ami up. Minnies made JL y f"r stores and private dwel illKS. A now lot of shad lugs and fringes to match, a. ID. PBICZE'S Carpet Stor, 10 South Jardin St, sear Centre Wi ANTICD A lirond and oiiUe haker. Apply to 22 west Ceutre street 3E3"V3SlFS."r DAT" 2 l'rom now until Chrls-tmaB wo will get in FUll.TIlXMMIJI) JNO. B. PRICE'S SONS THE PEOPLE'S SHOE STORE. M. Ooldinan, formerly msnngr ot the Bos ton Rlioe -t"re, Houth Main street, has opened a new shoe store In llurlncton's building, cor ner Ccntro Btiect nnd Market alley, where ho has In tock a line assortment of 'ootwtar, which he lately purchased at public aalo at Meiuicnem.nna now seuingincin cneaper than the manufacturer!) (an make them.. Men's naif button filioo... SI fin. elsewhere 2fi1 Men's fine Con;reHfiSlioe....l 2i " 175 aqics' noneoia uuuonsuoe.i in iw " V rench kid shoe 1 GO " 1 VI Men's best I ubber boola.....,l 115 " 2 23 Such Bargains in Footwear Wero never before ollered In town Parties rum out or Ira n when they get nil trains at ue i.enign ana ucHaingnepoia snouiawaicn or tho sli:n of the "Mar." and ellmli iwnhtens ai It, will pay you to climb them. The People's Shoe Store Cor. Centre Street and Mnrltl Alleyi u ins MS Ff6S6iits ! Music Cabinets, Rattan kPush Rockers Mm SUITS, - - $p,D0 and upward. LOUNGES. - - - 4.S0 and upward, BEDSTEADS, - - 2,00 and upwara. OFFICE DESKS. - - 15,00 and upward. PICTURES A Large Lot Just Opened for the Holiday Trade, $1,00 and upward PICTURES. Wilcox & White Organs, Btcck Chickeriiig. Binlhuahek., PIANOSI WHITE SEWING MACHINES. I'Innos, Or guns and Sewing Mdchlm b told cheap for cash or rented by tho month J. P. WILLIAMS I SON, 13 South Mam Street, -T-A-IECIE A It is not neciesary to go about it sutreptltlously, as do the gamins in the picture, If you would take a peep at our elegant display of the latest novelties in drets goods, clonks, wraps and rugs. Our store 1b a little world's fair In It self and visitors may freely irihpect the exhibition without being importuned to buy. We have some attractive specialties this week in the line of Dry Goods, Coats, Wraps, etc. . J. PRICE'S Old Reliable Stand, 113 North Main Streak Shenandoah, Pa. Common Sense SHOE STORE. For the next two weeks you can purchase ladles' line Dongoln Shoes for 2.00, worth 12.7G. 110 South Main Street, OProSlTE rOSTOFKICB, 5. L BROWN, Prop COATS. Pretty teiftss I Wo can supply a suitable gift for old or young at anysutn you desire to expend, TOYS, DOLLS, PLUSH CASES a?"tx3Loy Goods, KTotions, 33to, Our Beautiful Holiday Display is Worth Your Inspection. Please Call and 9ee It. Morgan's Bargain Bazar, ZLTo. W"est Oetre Street, Sleri.e-ri.d.oa.li, a,. ITS. - - $20.00 and upward EXTENSION TABLES, - MO and upward FINE LINE LADIES' DESKS, 10,00 and upward EASELS, All Styles - - MO and upward Lester ..Hardmau SHENANDOAH, PA. ZPZEjE:?!- There is "music at Yates'," especi ally In the OVERCOAT BOOM and Children's Department. The constant hum of business gives a "snap" and a "go" to the wholo establishment. Tho choice Clothing of the beaeon is upon our tables upon Its merits prln clpally we rely to advancoourreputa tlon. The moderate prices of course will have their eay. A. C. Yates & Co. NOW ONLY Cor. 13 th & Chestnut Sis. ItcHl-iiinclu Clollilue in lMillnrtelpliln. Is scared to dcatb at our low prices. Suitable Gifts ! I' i HEADQUARTERS OF TWO STOBES: IG. West Centre Street and 34 HONE? IN it. Musical Instruments, Perfumer, Sleighs ! China Sets, Magic Lanterns, &c. To ministers of the gospel and school teachers, 10 per cent, off on all goods boucht. All iroods must be told beforo January 1st. and no reasonable olleii refused, '"all early and have the plok of the lot. You can select what you" want, which will iie set aside,on payment of a small deposit. .FOIR, S - A - 3FJL Jk. No. 6 South ALL KINDS OP BLANKETS and ROBES I Kept In stoek and sold at u reasonable figure at Geo, Robinson's 25 West Centre St. SKT:Bl?T.asri50-A.I3: UfifitUl HlT-f 1", SANTA GLAUS ! North Main Street, Shenandoab. "TP HERE is money in it far you If you purchase your holiday goodtl from us. Fivo hundred styles dressed dolI., from 60 to $1 SO each. Dolls' shoes, etocklngs, trunks, tables, biiicuup, chairs, loiletfqts, paintboxes, writing desks, doll swings, air rifles, drums, trains of cars, gun boats and other articles run by steam, A largo lot of mechanical toys, tool ciieets and nil the latest games, ABC and build ing blocks, PlDSll.TOilBt 1 Antique silver toilet and manicure sets, dictionary and blolo etnnd hold ers, hook and ladder and fire engines, tin stoves, German tops, trumpets and many other articles in this line. nLiE 33-sr DAVENPORT. Jardin Street. EVERYBODY WAKT3 OKB. Two or three dollars for a sA Horse w:TS uianicet win save double its costs Your . horse will eat less to keep warm and 1 yorth fifty dollars more,