SHENANDOAH. PA.. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 1. 1891. ONE CENT VOL. VI.--NO. 25S. i" ,1 mi bcl re.i oil Idl le if "My Son, Deal The Evening Herald. ALli TUB NKWB mil ONP CBST. Has a larger circulation in Shenandoah than any otner paper puonsnea. ureu Ifttlou books open to all. Jotwitjistandinq he Is 8 member of the joint conirnltuo appointed to establish borough water works, the editor of the S'neti'8 la as dumb as nu oyster regarding the two-column communication that appeared In his paper, lu which the writer advises the joint committee to go slow and claims It would not be an advantage for the borough to own a plant. The editor bad time to Bend out murked copies of the Issue, however. Tub HekaIiD has no apology to make for what It said last week about tho election of borough auditors. If "Ita meaning Isn't very clear," as stated by the S'ncws, the Hkhald will try to aid the perception of the double-faced contemporary, by stating that the citizens of the borough made n raivo mlat&ke bv defeatlm? James j- - u VW)'unplon' tue Citizens' candidate for TK. itougu auditor, last year. Bee! Largest stock of rings. Genuine dia monds with combinations of rubies, opals, pearls, emeralds, etc., at Holdernian's. tf A Surprise. Keep your oyo on tiiis local. Kcagoy, tho photographer, will have his now open ing in a few days and will havo something interesting that will surprise the people, tf Holiday goods, advertisement. cheap. Read Kooso's Instructions Given. Instructions given on piano, organ, vio lin and voice, every "Wednesday, in Shen andoah. Terms, CO cents per Ice son oi i hour, or 75 cents per hour. All orders sent to D. P. Laubenstein, Ashland, will recoive prompt attention. Have timo for only four more scholars. 11 26-0t Hotel For Rent. Tho hotel property at Lakc-ido Park (East Mabanoy Junction) for tho year 1892. No one but an experienced hotel man need apply. For particulars, etc., apply to O. A. Koim, Shenandoah, Pa. U-lO-tl Skh&ve used Dr. Hull's Conih HvruD Terson' V.- and In my family fur'Jur 3 vturn. and rau av that there Is uothlnc to comi are to It as Mniedy forcoughs, coins, elo jas. uorne, iialtunore, Ma. CENTS PER YABD FOE a good home-made rug carrot. It is one of those pxlra heavy carpets, made of the beet yam and clean rags. Finest Hue of Velvet Brussel and Ingrain Carptts In Slien andoah at C. D. FBICKE'S CARPET STORE 45 FRESH STOCKNEW CROP GOODS. JBancy New Crop JTeiv Orleans BaJetvft Molasses. JVeto Corn Meal Made of all nttv com kiln Dried Iresh Ground.- JSew Pickles Natural Color Crisp and Sotir. 2Tciv Currants Cleaned Ready for Immediate Use. Wiw California Prunes Mne Quality. JStw Calljornia Canned JTiuitsJHyy Plume, Cher ries, Apricots and Peaches. New Buckivlieat Hour Very Choice. 2ft to Green Scotch Peas. JScio Jtaislns, Citron and Ztnwn Peel. New Skinned Hams Fresh Smoked. Nen Mince Meal Best Quality. I WHAT 25 CENTS WILL BUY AT KEITER'S. Two Cans Cliolcc Salmon. Tlircc l'ountlH Fnnty Ifclcc. Two Bottles Ketchup Large Size and Extra Quality. Four Founds Good Currants. Three Pountls mixed Candles. Two Pounds Mixed Nuts New Crop. Five Pounds Oat Plaices New Fresli Stoclc. A Lot of Sliccp. Goat and White, Blade and Colors. Just Received Two Cars roR SALE TO AKItlVK Fancy Minnesota Piour. BfcTDON'T FORGET that ways Gives Satisfaction. AT KEITKR'S. "With Men Who Percentages of Attendance. Superintendent tfrtcman malios tho following report, showing tho percentage of attendance at tho rospeclivo schools ol tho borough for the month ending Nov. 13. 1891 : PERCENTAGES Or ATTENDANCE. HUh School - - - ORAMMAK DEPARTMENT. Second Grade. i Minn LltEloM. o'Connoll'sclass................. ?l Mr A K. Is. Lecklo ..... J" Miss I.ydl Elsenhower - " Firat Grade. Mies Little Lessl - - Jl Ml8 Anua i easier - - MIks Amelia (J Hch oner...........- J Miss Malialla Kalrcblld - - ml MARY DEPARTMENT. Fourth Grade. Miss Bridget A, Hums . J? Hits Carrie W. Fanst vo Air M. F. Unnry - - Ml-ss Anna K. Mausell- g Mis. TonaT f.umliort -. CO Mr. James iL L.0W1 - - W Third Grade. Miss Mary A. Stack 01 Mica Manoln V. PnvnnillllFll .. VI MUs KHz Flunerty 00 Mr. tfrnntr Williams. - 81 Mlaa Maru A. 1-iifTpflV .... B9 Miss Lizzie Leho 89 Mr J. W. Uorku 89 Second Grade. Kt la. Rnllln R. Hnnrr 91 Mm Mnrv II. WflHWtV ..... 69 Miss HattlelleFS - VI Miss mangle u. nrennan rui MIh rTlnrinrn' O. Ilpss 87 MIbs Auulo.M. Kimmtl....... - J Miss vtinnle U.Harnett.. - eg Mr. Michael U. Hrltt 88 Firtt Grade. Mtca Irnna Rhnna. -. 95 Miss Cnrrlo HmHll .. -- MlwaMnrvA HnnnelV . 87 Mlssl'orlnne Tempest 88 MPs Elizabeth Linton '83 MlnKllaM. t:iauBcr.... ............ Ill Miss Mary K. Roberts 92 Miss Nellie Halrd - . 87 Miss Idaho Kolb - - - 87 Mlus Strata Fadden - 91 Miss l,lle 11. 1'iillllps 93 Miss xlannan Morrison..... ...... Turkey Run. Mi- l T Whll.nlrAr 81 Mr. John U. fcSclieuhlug - 85 Bucklen's Arnica Salvo. The llest Salvo in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soros. Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posl tivoly cures Piles, or no payment required It is guaranteed to give perfect satlslactlon or mono refundod. Pnco 2j cents per box. For sale by C. H. Uagenbuch. Head Keese'i new advertisement. Notice. Persons holding tickets for the radio of merscbaum pipe, for the benefit of the late Fred. Taylor, are requested to hold them until Friday ovoning, December- -lib, at 9 o'clock, when tho mfllo will be 0. G New's'rostaurant. Tho pipe is now on exhibition at tho restaurant. ll-30-5t Profitable Investment. If you want an excellent farm, situated only six miles from Shenandoah, contain ing ?8 acres, with fruit trees and stream ol water, call at the Hxrald ofllco for further particulars. It is a profitable investment and tho terms are reasonable. 11-18-tf r- Kead Reese's holiday advertisement. A Kind Friend. Tswliat they call lht Famous Hemcdy, Ited Flag Oil, It quickly cures Hheumatlsin, Neuralgia, Cub, llrnlseH, Hums, Bores and all pain. It is good tor man or btabt. 25 cents. At Klrlln's drug store. TV oll'SUln Mats and Hues-in Choice No. i Timothy Hay. - Giie Car Middllnirs. One Car Northwestern Palsy Flour Al Advertise. You will Never Lose Toy It "--Benjamin Franklin BOROUGH ITEMS GLEANINGS BT THE LOOAL COUPS OF REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR First Ward Folds and Huns Put on Thoir War Paint Drawing on Thoir Bank Accounts. To Mako Settlements. 'Squire Monaghan returned from a hunt ing oxpeditlon yoslarday and found astring of cases awaiting disposal. Tho. 'squiro onensd court by announcing that his hunt had been vory successful. Ho captured tnreo deera, ho said, but.boirig situated like Lillian Konnedy, unablo to carry thrco, ho wasunablo to bring them homo. Bijah Toomoy then called up tho victims. Tofol "Wasolefski was charged with croating great excifSmont in his boarding! houso by smashing a burning lamp, almost setting firo to tho house, and pounding all tho boarders who interfered with him. He paid for tho lamp and paid the costs, and was discharged. John Zalunis and Louis Bubinus woro charged with assaulting Edward Early, a bartonder at Shields' saloon. They drew upon their bank accounts and sottied tho caso. Five Polish follows wore tho next vic tims. Thoy were charged with smashing the windows of a Polish saloon, on East Centra street, with stonos, and with throw ing an empty beer keg through tho win dow of another saloon ai they wore hurry ing away. Each of tho accused wero re quired to furnish 000 bail for trial at court. "Tho cold weather .s tho stuff to bring in tho suits and I mutt give up hunting for a wbilo," said tb,e 'fquiro, as ho adjourned court. Warsaw Anniversary. Tho Polish societies of town will bavo a parade to-night in commemoration of tho Gist anniversary of tho battlo of Warsaw, which occurred on November 29, 1830, when S0,OCO women, children and old men wero slain by the Russian, soldiers and cossacks. The societies that will partici pato in tho parade will be tho Wanaw Guards, Kosciusko Guards, St. John tho Baptist and St. Stephen's societies. Tho parado will start from Uellet's ball at 7 o'clock. After tho parade a meeting will bo held in Robbins' opera house, at which several prominent Polish residents of town will mako addresses. Tho parade was to liavo been hold on tho 9th inst., but on account of that day being Sunday it was postponed until this evoning. Eve's Daughters. Marion Uarland. on psges 103 and 445 of hor popular work, "Eve's DaugMcra ; or. Common Sense for Maid, Wife and il.ther," says : "For the aching back should it be slow in recovering its normal strensth an Allcock's Perus Plaster is an cxcollent comforter, combining the' sensation of tho sustainod pressure of a strong warm bund with certain tonio qualities developed in tho wearing. It th uld be kept over tbe seat of uneasiness for several days in ob stinate cases, for porhaps a fortnight. 'For vain in the back wear an Allcock's Porus Plaster constantly, ronowing a9 it wears off. This is an invaluable support when tho weight on tho small of the back become! heavy and the aching incossant. Don't fail to read Reese's new advorliso' ment. Collection of Minerals. Mr, Bonjatnin Woomer, of West Contro street, is tho recipient of a fine collection of mineral specimens from tho different mines of Colorado, sent to him by his daughter, Miss Clara Woomer, who has been a resident of that stato tho past two voars. In the collection is a nno ciock frame itudded with choice minerals, 'lb collodion Is a fine one and Mr. Woomer is Justly proud of it. BurohlU's RoBtaurant. Charles Buichill is now located at corner of Main and Coal streets, Shonandoah Regular meals, at popular prices, servod any time. Ladies' dining and refreshment rooms attached. 9-11-tf Buy Keystone flour. Be careful that the name Lkssio & Co., Ashland, I'a., il printed on ovory sack. 8-3-ltaw Parties wishing to select their Christmas presents can do so now and have them laid asido until wanted. At lloldei man's. 11-28-tf Now Wall Papor for 1802,. A splendid selection, embracing all th latest colors and designs, at prices lower than ovor. Largo line of parlor patterns, Those cheap 25o window shades, with spring fixtures, cannot bo equalled. Call at Alel lot's, 22 East Contro street. "What mattes that Joy, that merriment?" Ktieumatio nulim, neurulglo tout, Ealvailnu Oil baa put to rout- Halvatlon Oil, fur licallug sent. Salvation Oil, the liniment, Van Ilouton's instantaneous. Cocoa Perfectly pure 11 80-lw POLES UP. Pushing Work on tho Electric Railway. Tho residents of town had thosatlef-ction of eeoing moro go-ahead work on tho elec tric railway within tho borough limits yes terday. A gang of polo men started in bright and early and, by quilting time, had nearly all tho poles that wero stripped on West Coal streot last week in a position, A. V. Gilbert, electrical ongincer lor tho Thomson-Houston Company, of Phil adelphia, started joslorday to put supple mental wlros under tho rails laid at Win, Ponn. An electric supply houso for tho railway company has boon established in ono of the old shirt factory buildings on North White street. Thoro was a rumor yostorday that tho Italians omployed on tho lino had struck for more wages. Thoro was no foundation for tbo rumor. Wages woro duo the Ital ians for nearly two weeks' work on Satur day night. Fearing that if thoy got all tho money due them thoy might go on a spree nd fail to show up Monday morning the company paid tho mon ior bjt ono woek and promised to givo them tho balanco on Monday. Thoro was a littlo kick at first, hut when tbo interpreter oxnlained tbo alter tho mon wero satisfiod. Thny woro out to work yostorday and received the balanco due them last night. Guaranteed. Ouro. Wo autborizo our advorlisod druggist to sell Dr. Jung's Now Discovery for on- sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you aro afllictod with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest trouble, and will uso this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial, and experience no benefit, you may roturn tho bottle and c.yo your money rofunded. Wo could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It novcr disappoints. Trial bottles free at O. H. Hagenbuch's drug Etore. Largo s'zo COc. and $1.00 Candelabrums and candlesticks, and fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Holder- man's. 11-28-tf An Old Minor's Thanksgiving.' Editor IIerald: Thanksgiving has passed sinco my last communication and, n all humility of my heart, 1 thanked my Heavenly father that I had boon sparod nolhoryear. Among tho many things for which I offered thanks was that I had not been itnotherod to death in tho mine by tho blunder of somo ono; that I had tho good fortune to not bo one of tbo un lucky number who subsisted on rats for a number of days, while their more forlun- ato brethren wero drowned ; and ospccially was I thankful that I had not been called upontosorvo on a coroner's jury. I also offered thanks for tho prospects of a bmy coal trade this winter; and, that night, while others woro roveliug in suppers and festivals, I, through tho Lord, on my bended knees, said I thanked tho Lord for the hope that, with tho prico of coal ad. vancing this wintor, our hard earnings would not bo taken off in percentages, Though I maintain that tho mini ra havo, n taxes, contributed moro than their pro rata share towards maintaining a hospital, jot I said thanks for tho cxhtenco of ono. I felt constnined to bo thankful tbat I was not obligated to pay moro for a ton of ctal hero at tho breaker than tho people in Now l'ork and l'hiladolpbia are obliged to pay. In conclusion I gave special thanks for tho electrio railway and tho IIkrald, a papor that does not kick tbo workingman in ono ifsue and pat him on the sboulder in tho next. But tho hour it gotting lato. I must retire. I havo no coal ready for the morning. His lordship (the mule) will bo thero with an empty car and, liko all other brutes, he will bavo no compassion on the old man. AN OLD MlN'Ell Shenandoah, Nov. 80, 1601. Commendable. All claims not coniistent with tho high charactor of Syrup ot Pigs aro purposely avoided by the Cal. Fig Syrup Company It acts gently on tho kidnoys, liver and bowels, cleansing the syslom effectually, but it is not a cure-all and makea no pre' lentions tbat every bottlo will not sub stbntiato. Betterldgo Funoral. Tbo funeral of Martin Belteridgo, the 11-year-old son of Councilman Bottsridgo, took place this morning. Services wero held In tho Annunuiation church at 10 a. m. and tho remains wero intorrod In the Annunciation cemetery. Tho attendance was large, many of tho town and colliery officials being present. Do you suflor from any form of ltheu- malic complaints? Tbe celebrated im ported Anchor Pain Expoller will quickly I rolieve you. No bettor friend to have on hand for Iiiuuonza, Backache, Pains in the Side, Giiost or Joints, 29 prize medals awarded to the manufacturers of this val uable preparation. CO els. per bottlo, at all druggists. St It Is a well known (act tbat Pau-Tlna Pnnpli nnd nnnfiiitmitlnn Cure hau cured ftm sumption, Couaha and Colds when all else failed. SiSandtO cent. Trial pottles lrce at Klrlln's drui: store. STORIES OF YETS WHAT ONE HEARS FROM THE OLD SOLDIERS. SCHUYLKILL MEN IN THE WAR. Stories That Help tho Old War Horses of Town to Pass Even ings Pleasantly Some In torosting RemlniBConccs. To get in tho company of half a di zen veterans of the civil war, on a night when tbo weather is too cold and otherwise disa crecablo for street travel and whon tho chcorful rays from a stove heaped with blazing coals cast a brilliant hue upon tho glasses held in tho hands marked with the emblems of hard toil, is a treat. Host of tho vets in town are poor story tollers o war reminiscences until woll pumped and well, until that which drives dull caro away has been woll sampled. Then the stories flow. Thero was a group comfort- aMy seated in a woll known placo tho othor night. An old follow came up to mo a littlo boozy tho other day," said ono, "and said hi regiment was nover stam; cded battle," but ho struck tho wrong customer. I asked him if ho recollected tho second battlo of Bull Kiin, and ho said ho did, and ell too. I then told him of how his regiment becamo demoralized and after wards camo inside of a now line of butt! mado up of fresh troops, in double quick ordor. llo acknowledged tho corn. don't want to say anything against th regiment; it was ono of tho bestot Burn side's corps, but pcoplo in glass housos shouldn't throw stono.1. "I romombor," said another, "whon th army loft Harrison Landing in 'Oi It got away under tho coyor of dummies an mountod Quaker suns and when tho Hobs discovered the trick thoy kicked thorn selves. But, anyhow, In crossing tbo Chic ahominy tho men of tho 00th I'a. Kegt, steppod into thu creek and waded it briskly as if they wero walking on dry land. Onn. McClolIan stood by as troops passed and inquired of Gen. Cake, 'What regiment is that?' When told it was th 06th Pa. ho said, 'I thought tlioy woro tho bravo coal crackors.' " A third vet contributed this; "I tell you, boys, many a BCtiomo was planned to get homo on furlojgh or discharged. I ro mornber wo had marched through Virginia so often that tho soldiers of tho nrmy ol tho Potomac became discouraged. Ono beau'iful moonlight night, near Thorough fare Gap, while Tom Houck and I were reclining upon tho grass, talking and think, ing of home, be proposed a plan to get homo. Tom was tired of tho Army tired tramping over tho same ground so often. He suggestod rubbing our joints with blue ointment and then wetting them. This would givo us rheumatism and led to our dischargo. But the plan endod at tho sug goilion, Tom, Houck died at his homo in Pottsvillo from a wound received in a sub sequent battlo. Ho and Clem. Potls, Joo Dengler, Ted. Smith and Bill Weand woro wbolo souled and merry messmates. 'The fraternal spirit burnod in tho breasts of tho comrades on tho battle field as brightly as It has tiuco in tho Posts of tho G. A. It ," put in a vet who had listenod contentedly to his comrudos. "1 remember a membor of our company dy ing at Ilarruon Landing, ilia name was Madison and ho was carried off by typhoid fever. Ho was a favorite and ovory mem1 her in tho company went down into his poclet to help pay for embalming the body and sending It homo to tho bereaved parents," 'Did you ovor know Dan Hartllno?" asked another, "Ho is living In lit. Car mo), or near there. At least he was when I last heard oi him. I have not soon him sinco tho battle ol Cramplon's Pass. Ho was another lively follow, Ono day, while charging through tho pass and up tho mountain, Dan was greatly amused by the antics of the Johnnies In trying to get out of tbo way of our bayonots. He Increased ihB merriment by giving the "robs" within . ' ., r." .v u ,u .,, 1 bU roach a tantalizing prick with tho point f his bayonet and laughed merrily a thoy scrambled from him." 'Speaking of Cramplon's Pass," con tinued anothor vet, "reminds me of young Wright, a drummor boy of Capt. Boyle' company, llo was a mero strlppling of a lad, but bravo and fearloM as a lion. Ho was in advaqco and camo upon a slooping ebl officer. With gun pointodhearousod tbo officer by giving him a kick and com manded him to march ahead. Tho ordor as obeyed and the officer landed In our camp, tuo captlvo ol mo littlo drummer boy." "But, boys," exclaimed a vet who laid aido bis pipe, "Some fellows managed to make money between battles. During tho sorvico of tho 100-day mon a company of ono of tho regiments was statiotrud at a tobacco warehouse, whoroa largo numbor ol substitutes woro kept under guard until they could bo assigned to rogimonts. TIkso substitutes, nearly ail from New- York state, had recoivod from ?S00 to $1,- 000 oach as bounty money and required watchlnc, or thoy would havo skipped. Well, this company was on guard but ono night and in that timo there woro but few of tho men who failod to make a haul. Ono ergoant sent homo by express boforo day light several hundred dollars, supposed to havo been recoivod (or allowing two or three substitutes to escape. Ono of thu guards earned over ono hundred dollars in furnishing tbo warehouso captives whisky Tho parly wanting whisky would givo the guard ?5 and his cantcon. A quart of whisky could be had for $1. A Cantooa hold turoo pints. Tho cantcon was ro turnod filled with a quart of whisky and a pint of water, leaving $-1 profit for tho guard, and ho received an oxtra donation from tbo prisoner (nothing iocs than ?1) tot bis trouble. An Enjoyablo Night. Ono of tho brightest performance)! over witnossed, says Guy Pomberton in tho Evening Sun, is that delightful, whimsical, natural play, "She Couldn't Marry Three." It is homelike, tho story most probable and interesting, causing tears oC sympathy or hearty laughter. Uncon sciously you aro interested in Miss Kon- nody'a portrayal ot "Bess." You laugh and cry with hor as sho flits liko a beam of light through each act of the play. Sho laughs, crits, sings, dancos ; sho'a a hoyden. trusting little fisher maidon, and no maltor what she does sho carries you along with her an unresisting worshipor at her shrine. What a sturdy, massivo, picturosquo figure Mr. Sullivan is in tho charactor of "Davio," tho rough fisherman and heroic lover; his quiet intensity sbgge;t tho s'rongth of the ocean. And I laugh with reminiscent pleasure as I recall that de lightful, verdant, uproarious, foolish "Bol Backus" as played by Mr. Kennody. I surrendered at once ; I'm laughing yot. and I ndviso thoso who deplore the fact that wo havo so few good plays, go soo "She Couldn't Marry Three," and bo happy. Lane's Family Medicine Moves the bowels each day. Most pooplo neel to uso it PERSONAL. Henry Shaffer is doing Jury duty at Potisvillo tiiis weok. Mrs Harry Ackor is visiting hor fiistor in Mariolta, Lanca'ter county. Mrs. P. H. Hopkins is confined to hor bed by a sovoro attack of lllnots. Mis Julia Mar, of Sbamokin, spont Sunday and yesterday in town tbo guest of frio' ds. Thomas II. Williams and U, J. Evans havo returned to tho Dlokinson Seminary at WilUamsport. John Jones, who left town several wooka ago to enjoy a trip across the ocean to Wales, has returned, MisiOllio I'erry, who spont tho Thanks giving holidays in town with friends, re turned to her homo in Ashland yostorday. Chief of Polico Amour loft town this morning for WilUamsport to attond the funoral of Darwin, tbo horto thief, who 1& wanted hero. Handsomo stock of lamps with tho most delicately hand-paintod bisque and china shados, at Iloldorman's. 11-28-tf Four tintvpp for 26 cents, at Dabb's. tf Umbrellas Given Away. With four pounds of CALIF Baking Powder, we'll givo you a beau tiful Gloria Cloth Um brolln. Guaranteed fast color and as good as you can buy anywhoro for $1.60. Baking Powder warranted good or money rofunded. GRAF'S, No. 322 North Jardin Street. A1 HBlI - JiiiBi si aaiB