Presnta In the most elegant form THE LAXATIVE AND HUTniTlOUB JUIOE Or THE FIGS OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable and effective laxative to perma jietltly cure Habitual Const! jjatiou, and the many ills de fending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS. It is the most excellent remedy known to CLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When oneli Bilious or Constipated SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFRESHING 8LEFP, HEALTH and STRENGTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR DRUOQIST fOFI 03T" 3PXG5-iBS MANUFACTURED ONLY OY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. lOUISVIUE. KY NEW YORK. N. t. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. W. Baker & Co.'s Gocoa from which tho excess of oil lias beon removed, is Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals arc used in Its preparation. It has more than three times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, coating less than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily dioksted, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocors ovorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester. Mass. Nearly every pattern of Horse Blanket is imitated in color and style. In most cases the imitation looks just as good as the genuine, but it hasn't the warp threads, and so lacks strength, and while it sells for only a little less than the genu ine it isn't worth one-half as much. The fact that . Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the 5iv trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. Five Mile Boss Electric Extra Test Baker ARE THE STRONGEST; 100 6A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't gel them from your dealer, write us. Ak fot Uie 5a Hook. Vou can pet it without charge, WM, AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port able, Unequaisd In Stylos, Cost and Finish. 150 rate fatalogua of Connton, 1mW cte., lUculratod la Colon, Uoofc., Fro Fo.lasa ISCt'at. Alto 'Xyiei-s jsoyai Office )Kka and Ty le- U l iter I'uulnrta. Styles. lK'&t unil cheap I cat on earth, wlta groat rednct!on lu prices. u n. a. c.i.ioiu. trrr, ro.l. lit .!- Full 11... af Hatha. hlir. TALI... liftok ('., Cabla.U, Ltgal 1)1. uk rtttiinrl,, tr., alwaj. In .tot,. T Via: 11 lir.SICCO., St.JL.oula, Mo., v.h.a! NNYR0YAL PILLS 1, llnn) ana Oulr Cr.iulne. A IF. h.v. I lutil. LAUrhS ,K S monu Hi.. ' 'u 11,-d m t. .1 OH'ftlUafW (tXv , .,!, I, 1.1 1 r... 'leVoV uaol iei. Kf. ie iltii.'mt., hultHtw V tiv.i. u id .rr.iiafK.n. A 1 Drily tji.. or.ead 4a. In t.i fi-t j,i I . '. .tiuoaiaU ids IleUi.'' for Xwili." 1 t'Ucr, by reter Alttll. I',,l"li . . .1 .luiu ii'. rtxptt. rne.ier' aui.iii:iui-" i- iaaiuura llr.. ,.t "I 'S To tost a l'Mltlv Cure rot; tbe cft.j-t at lrjlliue, Biiiual Vuwcr, IninoUin r, io. Bo irrontlj unr faith la our Ptiet'lno we 111 win and llufll Valualilo Inforinaliou l My- noresii r fiiiet'lflo we uieeiiu uiki j ,, i".?"" tl. M. CU. bll& Ijrvudwar, JVew YvrL. BuSiifro HORSE BU Pe I ID 'CHI oljriiL" ml MR. NOBLE'S REPORT Tho Svticrotury of tho Interior on His DenartiiiLMii. AFFAIRS OF PENSION OFFICE.- Thoro Wore 138,210 Claims Added to tho Bolls Dating the Pan Year, Sixteen Tlimi.nnil Indiana Have Alrendy Iteoome United Stat.t Citizens, unit Hirn Arn More to Fallow The Official i'opulatlttn Nicaragua Caual Declared to be In a Forward State. Washington, Nov. 00. The annual report of John W. Noble, Secretary of the Interior, has been made public. It is a bulky volume of 171 page, giving abundance of detail. The Secretary announces that the years of the present administration have been marked to a notable degreo by the expansion of the public domain for private settlement. On the Pension question he savs that there were on June 31, 1691, 070,160 pensioners borne upon the rolls, being lua.aiu more tnan wove carried on the rolls at the close of the last fiscal year. Tharft WBra nahdlnip nn .Tnltr 1.. IR'II. 1)23, ili claims, of which 659,027 were claims or persons who were not on tho pension rolls. The remaining 369,440 wore claimi for increases of pensions and duplicate claims under different laws. There are also in the flies of the 1'ension Office 140,030 rejectod claims. There were 222,521 first payments of every description made during tho last llscal year, requiring $UH,oj3,374.(J1, Over lU.UUJ Indians nave already be come citizens of the United Stated, and about 4,000 more by taking tholr allot wonts have signified their desire to bo como citizens. To theso numbers should be added the 7,019 Indiaus in Oklahoma Who have taken or agruod to take allot ments. A total of 27,010 Indiaus natu ralized, and total of acres acquired for settlement of about 2 J, 000,0110 during the present administration alone. Including the census tho Secretary re marks that tho announcement of tho of ficial population Nov. 20, 1890, as 02, 022,250 has never been changed, and upon that announcement the apportion ment law was passed nearly two years sooner than nt previous censuses. The Maritime Canal of Nicaragua is r eported to be in a forward state. Tho railroad from the Atlantic port to the divide has been completed, equipped and is now lu operation for a distance o II miles, with good culverts and roadbed and track In first-class condition, The jetty or breakwater, which is to protect tne Harbor entrance on the At lantio coast from the effects of shifting sand, has beeu extended 1,000 feet or moro Into the ocean, and a second break water against northerly storms has-been commenced. About three thousand feet of actual excavation along tho canal has been made and a channel formed from 150 to 230 feet wide and about 17 feet deep. Important Work has beeu done on tho Machuca Rapids and In the bed of tho San Juan Hlver at that point. The murder of Mrs, Leonard. Atlantic Highlands, N. J., Nov. 80. Public Prosecutor Ivlns, nccompaniod by Drs. Vanmater and Field, went to Chas. II. Leonard's house yesterday where the physicians made a vory thorough au topsy of the remains of Mrs. Leonard, who was so brutally murdered Friday afternoon by Louis Harlot, Mr. Leonard's hired man who Is now In jail. They de cllue to give the result of their exumlna tiotl but it will be made known at tho adjourned coroner's iuiiio4tnext Friday. The funerul services over the remains of tho murdored woman will be hold this afternoon at the Duptlst Church. The excitement anions residents over th r cowardly murder Is unubatoJ. Sou Lino Trausfor Klevutor Ilurned, Minneapolis, Minn,, Nov. 30. A special from Gladstone, Mich., says that yesterdny morning tlie Soo line transfer elevator caught fire from sparks and together with its contents, 150,000 bushels of wheat, was totally destroyed. The flro extended to tho flour sheds and consumed 10,000 bar rels of Hour. 1 mm there It wns com municated to the coal docks upon which wero 40,000 tons of coal belonging to the Lehigh Coal & Iron Company and tho Pioneer Fuel Company, of Minneapo lis. The damage will bo at loast $250, 000, partly covered by Insurance. Grain lUooUalo Itetuj; ltroUen, Buffalo, N. Y., Nov, 30. The harbor men feel u Uttlo easier over the grain cargo blockade. They have gained on the fleet somewhat lu spite of many ob stacles. There are 4,000,O004bushels of grain afloat here reauy lor tne elevators to beirln work to day. If they were all free and the boats ut liberty to go whore they pleased thoro would bo snort work made of It, out cars aro scarce and tne outlook ls,ionythtng but encouraging. X.e(rqtee 8mltU Released. PnovWENtji:. K. I., Nov. 39. Obadlah Smith, roslduary lo:jate8 under tho will of the lato Mowry bmltn, wmcu ins widow is contesting, bus been released ou 10,000 bail, having beeu con lined In prison for three days to prevent his leaving tho btato. NEW ENGLAND BRIEFS. Col. Frank ltoborts, ex United States Consul to Coatlcook. 1'. Q , and his brother Willis, assumpd control of the llldddeford, Ho., "atunuard" to-uay, Miss Elizabeth Blauchard. late prln clpalot Mt. Holyoke College, vitU whloh institution she was connected lor more than 40 year1, died In Boston yesterday. Ashtuger won tho six days bicycle raco at Boston, which closed Sutunlay ulght. He made 702 mllos, beating tua world's record of 741 miles for ia hours. Bachol, daughter of tho lato den. W. T. Hherman. will be murrleJ In Wash ington to Dr. Thorudyke, of Boston, from the residence of Senator John faher man. John C. Lynch, the last of the flvo convicts who made a bold nuu success ful OHcape from tho Massachusetts State Prison on June 30 last, was recaptured yentorda v. Tho JU'v. James Field Spaulding, late rector of llinst Ciiurcb, (Jambrluge, Mi'.,. has become a Itomau Uatholio. Yesterday he took formal leave of his lato parishioners and gave his reasons for bis change oi faitu. highest of all in Leavening Power. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ij, 1889. ABSQUJTBiaf PORE PENNSYLVANIA BRIEFS. The robbers who mads such rich strikes at Alden, Nnnticoke and Plymouth Friday night are still at large. Mayor Wyman, of Allegheny, has beeu arrested on charges of etubezzletnont and extortion. He has given $2,000 ball and will be given a hearing next Friday. The discovery of the coat and hat be longing to William Iloborts proves .be yond doubt that he and his cousins, William and John Graham, were drown ed in the lake near Erie lhanksg lvlug Day. The four prisoners who for many months had been dtggln a tunnel be neath the Western Penitentiary at Pittsburg have been put lu solitary con finement. They had dug from a pack ing house In the prison yard to wlthlu five feet of liberty. William Nlbsch, aged 73 years, of Ironton, who was shot nt his home by William Keck last week, died from the effects of his Injuries Saturday. Nibtch's wife was also shot ami Instantly killed, at the same time. Nibsch made an ante-mortem statement churglug Keck with tbe crime. ItOirrei ColdlCo3tl,SorThrot,Croiip,InBtieii, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis and Aithma. X cenala ,ora for Conlumptlon la fir.t itairw, ana a r rcllr la advanced atarta. Uia at one. You will eta the ax-a-Utnt effaet after taking the Hrrt dtaw. Boll r Aealara arerwntro. larfa ftoiuoa, 60 auu an4 flXC. Grand Opening I PALI. AND WIN IKlt STYLET) OF MILLINERY ! ELLAM. M'GINNISS -No. 26 East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. The flncstand largeot assortment In IlalB, llonnets and Taps ut re markably low prices. Our line of Children's TltlMMED AND UN TltlMMKD HAT3 Canxiot Too Squallocl, 03 3 rA .W K K O rt B S CD ra B ca rr CO C3 ca Newly Refitted and Renovated. TONSORIAL : PARLOES Hair Cutting and Hair Dressing I BUAMrOOINO, ETC., 11Y E. G. J. WADLINGER, Under l'olofflce Uulldlni!, Main and Oak Sts., Bhoiiantloah 4-JIot and cold baths, Polite, prompt und eareiai litieuiiuu. LEATHER and SHOE FINDINGS ??- J". CLEARS, Dealer In all kinds of Shoemakers' : Supplies Large and first-class stock. All Demands of the Trade Supphea 18 V. CENTRE BT Ferguson Iteuso building, SHENANDOAH, PA. WEEKS Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 KOUTII MAIN STREET, Where he will be pleased to meet the wants or 111s menus ana tne public in i Everytliing In tho Drinking Mae, ffiffr DELPHI Pines Cannot Hciuelett the Arelililshop. Paws, Nov. BO. The Archbishop of Alx performed mass yesterday at Four vieres, near Lyons. An immense con gregation nttomled. The Archbishop assured his hearers that the line im posed upon him would not prevent him from speaking whenever he felt called upon to speak as a pastor of the Cnurch. The prelate was heartily cheered on taking his departure, the sentiment of the crowd evidently being against the action of the governmeut. Is the Metba Divorce 8uit OfTT Pahis, Nov. 30. The rumor that the Duke de Orleans' father had succeeded In stopping the Armstrong divorce suit by paying tho opera singer's husband $50,000 to "let up" on the Duke ts not credited hero. NEW YORK NEWS IN BRIEF. The lower Saranac Lako is frozon over for the first time this winter. Vt. CrosR, who Is engaged to marry Miss Florence Griswold In New York, lies dangerously ill of typhoid fover lu London. Edward M. Field, of tho defunct firm of Flold, Llndley, Weiehors & Co., was taken to the Blooiniugdale Insane Asy lum on'Sitturday. Gov. Hill has ordered a special elec tion for member of Astentbly In the Third Albany district to till vacancy caused by tho do.tth of Willlutn K. Mur phy. The disappearance of Supervisor Thomas J. Welch, with bis origi nal and tho County Clerk's dupllcato copies of tho election returns for five out of the Heven districts of the Third Ward, Is still tho sensation in connection with the Muuro-ltyan election case. Welch has not been found, but has beau so en In Auburn. Tired Mothers, Here is Root. Instant rellof for btD7, if colic hurts. Send to J. 41. Hillan or 0. J. McCarthy, tho druggists, for samplo bottlo of Dr. Hand's Colic Cure. Always cures, No dtngorous drugs. Everybodv.aluiost. would like lo see a white Christmas und good sleighing. A MyBtery Explained. Tho naners contain frenueut notices of rich. pretty nnd educated ulrls eloplu with negroes, tramps and coachmen. Tho well known sneclaltst. Dr. Krank.Uu Mllr". savs all such girls are moro or less hysterical, nervous, verv imp1 Islveunb.iUncod; usually subiect to headaclio, neuralgia, siceplcHsnoss, im motterale crying or laughluK, Thcsoehowa weak nervous system for which therols no remedy equal to Hesioratlve Nervine. Trial bottles and a line boo, containing many marvelous cures, free a. C. II. llageubuclrs drug xtore, who also sell, ami guarantee Dr. .Miles' k-elebratod New lloart Cure, the flnost of heart tonics. Cures fluttering, .snort breath, etc. Nice fried mush don't make a bad breakfast these cold niorniugs. Miles' Nerve and Liver Pilla Act on a new nrluelnle repulatlnp tha liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Tills speedily cute biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, piles, jooatlpatlon, Unequaled lor men, women, children. Hmnllent, miMost, surest I Sldoses, inm. ampio.s r ree, av u. 11. iLagenbucti's drug store. The shoppers will soon ho looking up things for Christmas gifts. Height of Cruelty. Nervous women seldom receive the sym ptoms thy deserve. Wlil'eof 'eu the pUlures tit, nicy itru oouHtatiiiy lining, tu wllhliold svmnathv from these unfortunate is the hehrlit of .cruelly. They have a weak heart, causing shortnetw 01 breath, llulitrlng, pain In side, wnak and huugry spells, nua rlunlly swelling of ankles, oppression, cltok- nij, niuoiiieriuK nuu uruiiy. irr itiiiee iutv Heart Cure is Just the II1I114 for I hem. For the r nerv usuess, heidache, weakness, etc., his Hist ratlve Nervl Is umiualed. I-'lne treat se ou "Harlund Nervous Disease" and marvelous testtmon'als frea. Hold aud guaranleeil by O. U. 11 igeubuch. Storekeepers ore busy in the pre parations fur the holiday trade. Oh, What a Cough. Will you heed the warning? The signal per nans of the sure approach of that more ter rible dlseavo. Contumptlon, Ask yourselvos If you can attord for the sake of saving M cents, to ruu tho risk and do nothing for It. We know from experience that Hhlloh's Cure will Cure your Cough, it never falls. This sxplalus why more than a Million llottles were sold tho post year. It relieves Croup and Whopplne Cough at once. Mothers do not be without it. For Lame ll.ioit, Hldn or Unest, use Bblloh's Porous Plaster. Bold by U. It. llnenbunh,. N II. iinrner Main and Uoyd streets. lJatent lcallier plioos aro responsible fot many tender feet. Shlloh's Consumption Curo. This Is beyond question the most sac leiuml Oough Medicine we have ever sold, 1 lew doses Invariably cure the worst o iters oi "! u ... vi.vuibin, nun. iw i.m- lerra! sucoeas In the cure of Oonsumpttna ts ivlthout a parallel lu the history of raedioln. since It's first dlsonvery It lias been sold on a uamnte,atai whloh no other medlolua 'an Bland. It you hve a Cough we earnestly ink you to try It. l'rlee 10 cents, $1 cents, and 11.00. If your Lungs are sore, Cheat or flask tame, ush Hhlloh's Porous Piaster. So'd by 13. a. Hageuluioh, N. K. comer Malu aud Lloyd streets. The huekwheut rake Is again mon arch of breakfast table. ,,a..n Il..nnf.l.l 1 1. ...I.llu II. ir..h A Glorious Reoord. Hluce tlie Introduction of the Famous Pan TluaCouiih and Cousumptlou Cure lu this vicinity, the deatu rale from Consumption hisdecreased wonderfully; It never fulls to effect u on re, and Is the bt Cough medlolua. Try It. Trial bottUs free at I'irllu's drug store. The next holiday is Christina?. A Parish Priest's Certificate Cer tified to by the Archbishop of Mexloo. I, paroe' lnl prlaataad eoelwjlastloal Judge of i4iayu, mum u uii'tT'jiutio, liereuy caroiiy that I ku w sever tl po inis who have bean Hired by Hie Caului nio.xl Cum. It radl -illy aud aileotually dispels all liuimr'tl .s of the blood. FttA.NO' ) AI CONOHtV The above slgnaturi is th .t which he uses man ins tjusiness, n'nria ly , audho is an old u iml ol miue a ly aid ollieiwihe, t l'.A., Areli ilsho , ,, , 1 ak3TasaocmM0a Uou6a DR. HALL'S ESCAPE A Crazy Gorinnn Fires Throo Shots at Him. ' II AltROWLY MISSED THE DIVINE. lie Took Deliberate Aim, but His Weak Eyesight Preventod a Murder. John Goorgo llotlt, Who Imnclnea Dr. Hall Hai Huliietl Ilia lluslncis, At temiiU to ltlll tlie I'reachnr as lie Was Coining from Church t lie Would-be Murderer Arrested Story of Ills Hal lucination, New Yonir, Nov. 30. John Goorge Tloth, a etiuy German of middle age, at tempted to kill tbe Hev. John Hall, V. D., pastor of the Fifth Avanus Pros byterlan Church, after the morning ser vice yesterday. None of the shots took effeot. The would-be assassin was im mediately arrested and lodged In jail. Dr. Hall had just reached tho steps of his house when ltoth, who was close be hind, fired tile libit shot. ' The Doctor 'turned round, and then,-seeing hlsidan- ger, quickened his pace up the stops. Ho had just reached the landing' When tho mau fired again. The Doctor thou hurriedly opened tho door and entered the bouse. He was not a moment too soon, for, as the door closed, n third shot rang out and n bullet outered tho casement of the door. Thero were but few persons on tbe nvenuo during tho shooting and the un usual spoctnele they were witnesses of seemed to paralyze their powers for a time. When Dr. Hall had, however, safely escupud inside tho house, several gentlemen sprang forward nnd quickly disarmod the would-be murderer. lie offered no resistance. ltoth was undoubtedly a man of more than ordinary intelligence boforo his misfortunes drove him insane. In his insanity he has attributed theso mis fortunes to tho machinations of power ful enemies, among whom he counted the Ilev. John Hall. He has busied himself In writing out his griovance, real and fancied, and In his pockets was found a printed "Ap peal to the Public." After delivering hlmsolf of the text: "Ob, Human Justice, tear tho baudagu from your oyos and cover your face for shame," ltoth begins: "Agents in the service of wealthy and influential people who do all In their power to prevent me from rising again In business aro continually watching nil my steps anil make it Impossible for mo to obtain justice. "Furthermore, day and night I am bodily and mentally tormentod; my persecutors used to mix my victuals with some obnoxious a Hill', causing mo the severest distress; to koep a watch on me, and to molest me with moan, im moral talk. It Is cousplracv which was Inaugurated against me In 1870, aud has no equal in human history. "The most sacred rights of an Ameri can citizen who never harmed anybody ure trodden down. My businoss has been ruined, and efforts are bolng made to ruin my health and drive mo mad by tampering with my meals and drink." Tho writer then says that through tho machinations of theso unseen and un known enemies he was forced to iloo tho country and return to Germany. Hera also the hallucination bothored him and bo determined to return to New York aud publish a book exposing the acts of tho conspirators. He worked his way back on tho stonmshlp Denmark In 18S5. According to his printed circular ho then spent some years In writing hiB book and substantiating his allegations ns to the acta of tho conspirators. Ho professes to have had many Interviews with Judgo Hilton and Mrs. A T. Stow urt, both of whom, he declares, took an Interest lu his case. He also says that his appeals to the members of Gruce Churcli and the Fifth Avenue Presbyto rluu Chuich were not (uttlo. Many of the members woro In favor of appropriating various sums of mouoy lor ins million lato necessities nud to produce his book. Others, howovor, tho appeal says, objected to sueh appro priation bolng male. He mentions Ilishop Potter, Dr. Hall, Judgo Hilton, Mrs. Stowurt, Mrs. Iiowdoin, Trustee U. 11. Sherman, Sexton Oilman and many others. According to tho nppeal It was sug gested lu the Ilrst place that he should receive $1,500 for tho publication of his book, but cortalu churchmen ob jected to this. Then bo declares other meetings wore held, at which H was voted to give him 3,000, ?35,000, $o0, 000, and llually $,-,00,00,), but thoro wero always objectors, of whom tho chief was the Hev. Dr. John Hall. Tito Cllerokeo Stllp Deal. TaiilkoA'AH, L T., Nov. 30. There is h well founded rumor that tho two com missions appointed by tho United Statos nnd the Cherakeo Nation have comu to nn iigroement ami tbo trade for the Cherokee Strip has been made subject to tho approval of the Cherokeo Legis lature. The rumur says that the price to be paid is $8,500,000, or $1.40 per ncro. In addition to this the United Lutes commissioners agree to nil the points asked for by the Ouerokeas. hi. I'uul Aitt-rllla Colivnutloti. St. Put., Nov. 30. Fit. Paul has formally entered tbe Held for the honor of belli'.! tht Democratic convention city ut lSlW. At the mass meeting pre hided over by ilayor Smith at the Chumbei of Commerce a resolution wns adopted pledging the city to erect a (tuitnhle permanent convention hall, agreeing to ratie $100,000 for tlie pur pose. A committee of 100 wns uppoint ol to manage the campaign und to open it at ouce. CiiiiiilhalUni Aiming ItijHtlan 1'oaiauts. St. Petkkshuho, Nov. 80. A number of peitaantu. driven desperate by atarva tlou.iiiurdoroil a faruittr nuiiittil Abramo vich ami lila family of twdlve persons, ut Antojiol near Vllna. After Nlaughtur Ing the iumutoH, thuy plundered the dwetlius. und feuHted ou the fdrmer's Urder. Horrible Crimea of a similar character are becoming commou, and attest the deuporatlou of the famine stricken populace. I.ynii'. 870,000 1'lrti. Ltvm, Mnss., Nov. 150. Tha low on tlio burr.eil four-story wotxlou block on tlio corner of Market iiml Andrew btreets, ownixl ny T. E. Parker anil the Hclra oi J. ill. I'ulluin, aud occupied by i .ooa We Can't do it lut firo willing to pay for ltantrnp; linw to jnuko as good an article as Wolff' Ai hk llt-ACKreu of t'lM'Rp mntcriaj so that a retailer can profitably sell it nt 10c. . Our price in 20p. Tlio retailer says the public will not pay it. Wo say the public will, brxnuvo thev will alwavs pay a fair prio fur article. To slimy both tho trade and tlio publlo that we want to plvo them tho best for tlio least money, wo will pay $10,000.00 Reward For above Information j this offer is open until January 1st, 1893. WOLFF& KAH-DOI,Pn,Phlladelphla. Pilf-Ttnn ia i, ,. -- ivuumuuii, miui which Goes work that no other paint can do. Arte u.uuu (Himiwi iviin it iooks iiko tne naturui wood when It Is stained and varnished. PAINTERS AND BUILDERS will And It profitable to Investigate All paint stores sell It. CACTUS BLOOD CURE. SUPERIOR TO SARSAPAR1LLA Purifier tlio blood by ex pelling the impunities through tho proper cliiinnels. and never causes eruptions on tho skin. Regulates the bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you anappetite. Never fails o cure any con dition produced by impure or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrlin's Drug Slore, Ferguson's Hotel Mock, Shenandoah, Pa. Ank my ncrnta for I,. Ilonsliia Shoos. If not lor anlp lu your place link otir denier to aeud fill cnlnlogtir, aecuro the. nsencr, nuit set tlieni far )ou. tP-TAKD NO SUIISTITUTK.U S3 SHOE CENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It la a wain tend aiioc, with uu tucks or wax thread to hurt tho feet; matle of tlu best lino calf, sttlUIi and caiT, aud because we male more .( s of this QrtuXetlmn any otiur manufiu tmer, it equals baud sewctl filiKM costing from $t.tx) to ft5.()i). CjJK, OiMJcniilnn tltiml-tfurdt tho finest calt i9Jm nhoo cer ofTcrtMl for S5.Ujj equals KreucU iiiiported Fiuies which cot from to $U(U CIA Oil iliiuil-ewed Wi'It Mitir, (Ino calf. 6t1lh. rniufortubloana durable. The bo it fihiw eer oftureil ut this iirlce ; suine Rrndo aa cu t inn in ml o alii in .HtliiK from ft 'U tt!i,i '). OSO 50 INilh Shoot Funiiers. ltnllroad Mea 4JJ uoti I.ctter( uri lerKuil wenrthem; Hue calf, Bt'ninless, smooth Inside, heavy three Holes, eiteu bIom edne. duo jmlr ill wear a 51 ur. SCO Hup culfi iu heller hIioo ever offered at H?fa this price 1 one trial will roiivlnce thosa who want a shoo for euinfort aiul s.rvlco. mill S'i.HO Wnrliliiiiiitiin'H shoes Mfrnmrn uro ury str"H' and lurublo. lhono who haro (riven them n trlol will wear no other muko. aSttTWiC' $'3. Oil and 1.7. school tb'-i'S aro DUjO urn Iy the ljt.Heverywherei they soil on their merits, nt the lncri'atiiiK mil tn show. P lae Wl.OO Iliiutl-Mcurtl hlioe. best UdUlC9 Uoimolii, or nfyliKlr, cnUuUlTcneh IlntMrted HhoeacoHtliinfroin gild tit 81.00. Kndi(H, 0 nd 81.7. shoo for MlflMes are the bent II tu- Umgotu. Mj lish aud ilurable. C'uutlon. See tliut V. DoUttlni name und price tiro stamped on the bottom of each shoo. W. L. PuUULAS, Urocictou, Haas. DR. THEEL, too North Fourth St., thj uulf gtnuiat- (Icrinim Amc-rlcu Ppclilil lo the l' lilted Sulci tto U kbi to curt Blood Polsoni Nervous Debdlty"8p clal Dlsoooes 'r &kla 01m twtM. iua Spoti Tains la ta U'iic,soroThront Mouth, B't'loliM, rimi'lri. Imiil i.s, tMft cr htri I lc-r, bwellltarfi, IrritHtont. InHaniinatloo ktut HuDiitn(i, bimmr Woaki idi) Early 4My. loit memory, wflik htwt mcrtal anjlety. Eltjnej " ni.ll r m-w and all DU rni!Mnir from ' ,, ln.tni.r. tin 11 or Or rwork Kvfrnt eawi rntM Id 4 lo 10 "Fl riUcf l once. Do n.t low hi, r matUr fcat tlftinnD t.r g.wk, I .nlU -r llo-i ltal Pin-Man h fallad. nr. THt.j b our positively w'11 u' A ""n " 0 m bttlnca. old. Tot-. Minota .bt awd th c "tkw tip MHHiiia rl -h or i wr mti I 2 s'amp f r bOnK "TRtlTH" r.ln iiuwV ' I "t rn t.i)n nlal. II .Uilr fr 1 1 to H 0 . VM fc- lT'RtAi.110 9 tlMIJ Wrili" ci all ami 1 1 1 Tr Uthrtuaw aw Wadn. "n4 i uru irttlla. dally TlmM A MESH0W If yon want to w a flno diniiay or Ho.iMand Uluiea, o to W. S. SNYDER'S Boot and Shoe Store, (Mtviteller'i old ttaxud,) Corner Coal aittl Jai ttm H?ft. Custom "Work and KepalrluKr Dane In the best itylu. VIGOR OF MEN Dully, Quloklr, Permanently Reetored. W'ukDaa, Aervoiiaiio.., nvtiltlty. en4 all the train ut evil, from early errtiraurluler exi'eri( a. tbo rmulta ut oyerTtirk. aiclnuM, worry, ct. t ull Btrenglb, derelopmeut, and uue uivon tieicry organ aud portion of tba body, simple, natural method, lnuuudkaui luipruvomont atit.n. loilure tmuoulble. I.nuo rulor.'iioea. Uoik, eapl&natlou, na pnuif a nialled (aealed) free. AUtlreaa ERIE MEDICAL CO,, BUFFALO, tt. Y. H. UKIOKhtt M. !.. j' K T: TA -V IxVP S V ff WxV, .' .9 Waal rientre Blreet, Mab.-ioy Cltr, 1 Htln unit ail ni;)lailHioa6ittiiKj ,ly. WHY IS THE