VOL. VI.--NO. 257. SHENASTDOAH. PA.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 30. 1891. ONE CENT "My Son, Deal "With Men Who Advertise. You will Never Lose by It. "--Benjamin Franklin 1 M. 4 JThe Evening Herald. AM. THE NEWS FOR ONE CENT. Una a larger circulation In Bbenandoahthan any other paper published, circu latlon books optr to nil. To tho Traveling Public. If you are contemplating a trip to tlio West, or southwest the question naturally arlsos, which is tho best and most economi cal way in which to make thojournoy. This Information you can ascertain by sonding a postal to mo answering the fol lowing questions i Where are you going? Whon are you going? Where willyou start from ? How many will thera bo in your party? What freight and baggage will you havo to ship? On receipt of this I will write or call upon you prepared to furnish maps, timo tables, and fullest information regarding routes, lowf st rales of all class of tickets, land pamphlets, re sort books, Hot Springs guide, etc. The Missouri Pacific Hallway and Iron Mountain Kouto is -noted for its superb through car service Pullman Vcstibulcd liuQett bleeping Parlor and Tourist Sleep ing cars, also Palace Reclining Chair Cars free, are run on all through trains. Ask for tickets via this popular routo, and correspond with mo before completing arrangements for your Itrip. J. P. Mo- Oann, Eastern Traveling Agent. No. 057 N. Main St., Elmira, N. Y., or 801 Broad ly, Now York City. W. E. Iloyt, General Eastern Passenger Agent, No. 391 Broadway, N w York City. Tho Missouri Pacific Kailwav Iron Mountain Kouto. tf Largest stock of rings. Genuino dia monds with combinatior.s of rubies, opals, pearls, emeralds, etc., at Holdcrman's. tf Instructions Given. Instructions given on piano, organ, vio lin and voice, evory Wednesday, in Shen andoah. Terms, 60 cents per lesson ol i hour, or 75 cents per hour. All orders cent to D. F. Laubenstein, Ashland, will receive prompt attention. Havo timo for only four more scholars. ll-20-0t Buy Keystone Hour. Bo careful that the name Lessto & Co., Ashland, Pa., ii printed on every sack. 3-3-3taw A Surprise. Keep your eyo on this local. Keagey, tho photographer, will havo his now open ing in a few days and will have something interesting that will surprise the people, tf Holiday goods, cheap, dvortisement. Head Reese's 9T ?l haT j used Dr. Bull's Cough By rup person ally and in my family for2 or 3 yt ara, and ran Buy 11ml therein nothing to comrnro to It as a remedy for coughs, colds, etoJ as. Corrle, lSultimoie, Md, CENTS PER YARD FOR a good home-made rtg carrot It ia one of those extra heavy carpets, made of the best yam and clean l ags. Finest line of Velvet BriiBsel and Ingrain Carpets in Shen andoah at C. D. FRICKE'S CAEPET STORE. FRESH STOCK NEW CROP GOODS. JEancy Nciv Crop JVeiv Orleans Baiting Molasses. Neiv Com Meal Made of all new com Jciln Dried Xresh Ground. JSew Pickles Natural Color Crisp and Sour. Kcto Currants Cleaned Beady for Immediate Use. Niw California Prunes Pine Quality. 2(tiu Caliornia Canned Fruits Egg Plums, Cher . rtes, Apricots and JPeacJies. W' 2Teio Buckwheat JilourVery Choice. 1 JTeto Green Scotch JPeas. JVriw JZaisins, Citron and Zmon Peel. New Skinned Hams Fresh Smoked. Nen Mince Meat Best Quality. WHAT 25 CENTS WILL BUY AT KEITER'S. 'i'-wo CniiH Clioicc Salmon. Tliree Poitiiclg Fancy Itlcc. Two Bottles Kctcliisji Large Slse and Extra Quality. Four Pounds Good Currants. Three Pounds Mixed Caudles. Two Pouuds Mixed Knts New Crop. Five Pounds Oat Plalccq New Frcsli Stoclc. A. Iot ol Sliccp, Goat and White, IHaclc and Colors. Just Received Two Cars FOR SALE TO ARRIVE Feucy Minnesota Flour. 500 Ruelicls New Corn in Ears. KaT DON'T FORGET that Northwestern Daisy Flour Al lvvays Gives Satisfaction.) Walt for tho Big Show. A manager who expends thousands of dollars in order thut nothing will bo neg lected that might add to tho enjoyment of his patrons certainly deserves success, and, n arulo, ho gonerally gets It, If tho public would endoavor to discriminate between responsible companies and thoso who possess no stability. There are plenty of good shows, but, un fortunately, tboro aro hundreds which aro utterly devoid with merit. Now, any ono can tell at a glance If they seo a magnifi cent now store with massive plate glass windows, that It necessarily calls for a great outlay of money to erect It, and tho stock in such a store is generally of the finost. Tho same lino of reasoning to theatrical enterprises; for Instance: when you seo a show billed In tho lavish and expensive manner that characterizes "She Couldn't Marry Throe" company you can rest assurod that thero is monoy and push back of it. The boautiful, artistic pictorial lithograi hlo work, is the finest and the costliest on tho road. No lithographing firm would attempt that kind of work without having ten thousand dollars down to icsuro thi m from loss. This is only ono of the many items of a great show, and the same good taslo which provides this beauti ful printing will neglect no other depart ment of tho show. So there is not a doubt that tho production of "Sho Couldn't Marry Throe" is tho biggest show of the B3ason. Guaranteed Ouro. We authorise our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, upon this condition. If you are afflicted with a Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or Chest troublo, and will use this remedy as di rected, giving it a fair trial, Bnd experience no benefit, you may return tho bottlo and b.vo jour money refunded. Wo could not make this offor did wo not know that Dr. King's Now Discovery ctuld ho rolied on. It novor disappoints. Trial bottles freo at 0. H. Uagenbuch's drug store. Largo s'zo f.Oc. an 1 gl.00 Parties wishing to select their Christmas presents can do so now and havo them laid aside until wnntod. At Holdorman's. 11"28-lf Hotel For Rent. Tho hotel property at Lakosido Park (East Mahanoy junction) for the year 1892. No one but an experienced hotel man need apply. For particulars, etc., apply to 0. A. Keim, Shenandoah, Pa. 11-10-tf Bead Boose's new advertisement. Notice. Porsons holding tickets for the ruffle of a merschaura pipe, for tho benefit of tho lato Fred. Taylor, aro requested to hold thorn until Friday ovening, December 4th, at9 o'clock, whon tho raffle will bo held.in C. G Now's restaurant. Tho pipe is now on exhibition at the restaurant. 11-30 ot A Kind Friend. Tffwliat they call thut Famous Itcmedy, Red Flag Oil, It quickly cures Jtheumutlsm Neuralgia, Cut", llrultec, liuruf, Hores nud all pain. It is good lor man or beast. 23 cents. At Kirllu's drug store. Wolf SUlu Mats and Hugs-ln Clioicc No, x,TIn:o(liy Hay. One Cnr Middlings. One Car 9 THE INSTITUTE ! THE COUNTY TEAO&EES TO MEET NEXT MONTH. TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL SESSION Official Announcement of tho List of Instructors, the Subjoots to bo DlscuBsod and tho Entortainmonto. County Superintendent George W. "Weiss has 111 ado his official announcements in connection with the twenty-ninth annual sossion of tho Teachors' County Institute, of Schuylkill county, to bo held in town, In Ferguson's thealro, from December Mlh to 18. b, inclusive. Tho enrollment of teachers will com mence at 8:30 a. m. on Monday, Decem ber 11th, and the institute will opon at 2 p. m. on tho same day. Tho toachers aro expected to exhibit school room work of tboir pupils. Fer guson's hall, adjoining Ferguson's opera house, has been rented for that purposo. Suporintondont Freeman and a committee of Shenandoah teachers will assist tho teachors of the county in placing and ar ranging work for exhibition. Tho county superintendent (requests that teachers make note of special difficulties encountered organizing, governing, teach ing or in anything elso portaining to their work. Put theso questions in writing, and hand them to the county superintendent, on Monday, December 14, who will assign them to instructors or members of tho Instituto lor answers. Tho following subjects will bo discussed either by members of tho instituto or by tho principals and superintendents in sop orato session : Language, spelling, pon manship, physical exorclso, what is tho maximum number of pupils that ought to be undor tho charge of any ono teacher? Superintendent's visits to schools; whit he should observe, &c, teachers' meetings, declamations, evening schools, school li braries, monthly examinations, freo text books. Should teachers, who lost time through illness or otherwise, during a school torm, be paid for the sumo? Should thero not be a law limiting the times a person can bo granted a provisional certifi cate? Should tchool boards employ teachers who uso tobacco? Should not tho olomonls of physics tako the placo of physical geography, when taught as u soparate study ? The Instructors will be Hon. Ilenry iiouck, Deputy State Superintendent of Public Instruction, llarrisburg, Pa. ; Dr. Thomas M. Ualliet, City Suporintondont, Springfield, Maes. ; Hon. Thomas li. Stockwoll, Stato Commissioner of Public Instruction, Providence, 1. I. ; Prol. Goorgo 15. Hancher, Stato Normal School, Kutztown, Pa. ; Miss Augusta L. Balcb, (Supervisor and Institute Director in Form, Study and Drawing), Boston, Mass j Dr. F. O. Lyto, Principal Stato Normal School, Mimrsvillo, Pa. ; Dr. Jamos Mac Allister, Ex-City Superintendent and President of Droxel Inslitute.Phlladelphia, Pu. Wodnosday, December 10, will be direc tors' day. The school directors of the county are invited to attend all the sessions during tho instituo week; but their pres ence is spoclally dosirod on Wednesday, Decembor 10. 'Wo hope there will bo a largo attendance of school diroctors, and that ovory district of tho county will be represented. - ty The following entertainments have boen arranged. Monday Major Henry C. Dano, ono of tho greatest orators and word painter, who has made a tour around the world with a success little less than marvelous. Tuesday Dr. James T. Hodloy, tho great orator of tho Wost, "The Sunny Side of Life." Wednesday Miss Ollie Torbett and her concert company. Thursday Marshal P. Wilder, the great humorist, and the Park Sisters' Quartette. Excursion tickets will bo issued on the difiorent railroads. Special trains will be run on application. Season tickets, socuring reserved Boats, parquet and circle, $1.75; dress circle, $1.60; enrollment, tickets, securing admission only, $1.00; single admission 60 cents. The chart for sale of reserved seat tickets will bo open at the box offico of Forguton's theatre, Shenandoah, on Saturday, Decern bor 12, at 10;30 a. m. Before opening chart parties desiring to purchase tickets will draw numbers for position in Hue. Each teacher in line may purchaso any number of tickets not oxcoeding twonty, and each citizen In line may purchaso any number not oxcoeding ton. Buoklen's Arnica Salvo. The Best Salve In tho world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fevor Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no paymont requlrod. It Is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or monoy rofundod. Price 25 cents por box. For sale by O, H. Hagenbuch, GRAND CHRISTMAS EVENT. All Previous Musical FostivalB to bo Surpassed. Tho eisteddfod, or musical fottlvnl, ar ranged to be hold in Forguson's thcatro on Christmas Day, under tho auspices of the Wolsh lvorltes of town, will ocllpso all previous festivals of tho kind ever held hore. Tho talent secured for the concert is tho vory best and tho competitions will be of a spirited character. Tho prizes offorod exceod in tho aggregato ntiy amount here tofore offered at an eisteddfod lu tho town. Tho ca?h prizes oflorod agnregato ?515. There is ono prize of $160 to tho choir ol not less than CO in numbor that will render best "Glory to God in tho Highest" ond "Tho Lord Gave tho Word." Kourchoirs will compelo for this prlzo, two from Mahanoy Uty, ono from Conlralia, and a town choir. A $100 prize is offered to tho malo party of not loss than 25 and not ovor 30 voices that will givo tho bost rendition of "Longing" and "Boat Song." The military band that will givo tho best rendition of "Tho Heavens aro Tolling" will receive a cash prizo of $100. To choirs of not less than 40 in numbor for the heat rendition of "Tho Brook" a prizo of f ib is ollered. Thirteen other prizes, rang ingfrom?4to $30 aro offered. They aro ollered by Hon. B. J. Monaghan, J. P Williams, P. J. Ferguson, Edward Reese, of Centralia, U. O. Buyer, F. J. Bronnan, J. H. Pomoroy, Esq., J. A. Roilly, Thomas Hutchison, William H. Shoe maker, John W. Wcoks and John H. Evans. The ofllcors of tho day and adjudicators on competitions will bo: Presidents, Mino Inspector William Stoin, of town, and Superintendent Edward Keeso, of Contralia. Conductor, ltev. Fred. Evans, (Ednyfed) of Philadelphia. Musical adjudicator, Prof. J. W. Parson Price, of Nw York City. Adjudicator on recitation, ltev. Fred. Evans. Pianist and adjudicator on piano and violin solos, Mrs. J. W. Parson Price, of Now York City. Tho concort in the ovoning will bo n grand affair. Tho talent secured for it is of tho first grado and will includo Prof. James Sauvage, of Nowark, N. J., Tonzo bauvago, pianist, and Llow Herbert, basso, of Scranton. Tho names of tho artists secured and the patrons aro sufficient to convinco tho publia that tho festival will bo first class in evory respect. Candolabrums and candlesticks, and fancy bric-a-brac of all kinds, at Holdor man's. ll-8-tf PERSONAL. It. A. Dabb spoilt part of to-day at tho county seat. Lawyor Wadlingor, of Pottsvillo, wta in town on Saturday. Miss Maudo. Maloy, odo of Port Car bon's belles, Sundnyed in town the guest of friends. Dr. R Reed, of Philadelphia, an eminent specialist, spent Saturday and Sunday in town, tho guest of H. C. Boyer. The visit was tho first for tho doctor to make to this section of the region and ho was so much pleased with the town and people that ho will pay an oxlonded visit next summor. A number of our town people paid their respects to tho doctor during his stay horo. "Van Houton's Cocoa Perfectly pure instantaneous, 11 80-lw Profltablo Investment. If you want an oxcellent farm, situated only six miles from Shenandoah, contain ing ? 8 acres, with fruit trees and stream ol water, call at tho Herald office for further particulars. It is a profitable Invostmont and tho terms are reasonable. 11-18-lf Read Reese's holldy advertisement. Fratornal Visit. John Bunn, J. P. Williams, Jr., Josso Hughes, John H. Evans, John W. Morgan, Richard Knight, David Williams, Thomas Brtllis, James Patterson, Goorgo Flock, V. J. Evans, Joseph Hinks, Thomas Min rs and D. J. Williams attended tho celebration of the 5th anniversary of Ring town Lodgo, I. O. O. P., at Ringtown, Fri dav night.and listened to an interesting ad dress by Grand Noblo Sire Nicholson, of Philadelphia. "What makes that Joy, tlint merriment?" Itlieuniatlc pain,, neuralgic gout, Salvation oil has put to rout Hnlvatlon Oil, lor healing tout, Salvation Oil, the liniment, BurcblH'a Restaurant. Charles BuichiU it now located at corner of Main and Coal streets, Shenandoah. Regular meals, at popular price, served any time. Ltdlet' dining and refreshment rooms attAched, 0-14-tf Don't fail to read lteeto's now advertise' roe nU A Grand Ball. Tho Rescue Hook and Ladder Company will hold a grand ball on December 31st, 1801, In Bobbins' opera house. Wait for it. 11-30-law Coughing Loads to Consumption. Kemp's Balsam will stop tho cough at once. It Is a well known fact that 1'anTlna Contli ana Consumption (Jure lias cured I'on. sumption, CourIis und Colds when all elso railed. ZSandbu cent. Trial pottles uee at Kirllu's drug store. BOEOUGHJTEMS I GLEANINGS BY THE LOCAL CORPS OP REPORTERS. WHAT THE SCRIBES SEE AND HEAR ToxtB of tho Sermons in tho Moth- odist and Presbyterian Pulpits Yostorday by Rovb. Powick and MoNally. Sunday morning after rccolving seven aew members on probation at tho Metho dist Episcopalichurch tho pastor dolivored a sermon on tho obligation of gratiludo to God for nil his benefits. Tho text was from Psalm 103-1-5; "Bb ss tho Lord O my soul and forget not oil his benefits," otc. Two hundrod and sixty years havo passod sinco Govornor Bradford appointed tho first Thankfgiving di.y. Whllo wo do woll to bo always thankful it is very propor to sit down upon particular occasions to re count God's mercies and specially to com momorato them. No moro appropriate season could bo chosen than when mothor earth, having completed her year's work and crowned tho land with plonty, rests from her labors for a brief Ecason of re cuperation bolero renowing her toil. But tho Psalmist was most mindful of his spirit ual benefits; and.recognizing tho proncness of man to forget these, ho calls upon all that is within him every faculty of mind and heart to bless His holy name, and, then lost ho might forget, ho repeats tho call a second litno. Bless Him who for- glveth all thine iniquitios. "All we like sheep havo gono astray." In reviowing tho year wo spo things in our actions aud failures of which wo ato ashamed and ftr which wo aro sorry. Though wo may not bo guilty of flagrant violations of tho laws of God and man so far as outward conduct goes has tboro not been a want of equity of fairness, candor, impartiality in our treatment of man and particularly in our treatment of God ? This is the meaning of iniquity and God will forgive it presumpt' ous sins an.d secret faults if wo seek His forgivonnoss. Bless Him who healeth all all thy diseasos. Tho scul nopds healing by tho Physician as woll as pardoning by tho Judgo. Physical healing had a largo place in the Psalmist's thought, but when God healed tho body it was only an object lesson of nis power to heal tho soul which is a groator work. Bloes Him who re- deemoth thy lifo from destruction who who saves thy soul from hell as a final and fitting rosult of this doublo work of for giving and healing and who wears a crown out of his own loving kindness and tender morcios with which to adorn thy life. Bless Him who satisfloth thy soul with good not with dainties, but nccossitios. Wo are all much liko littlo children in ono thing: Wo set our heart on this and that and when wo get It wo find it does not bring the jiy we expected. Then wo try something olso with tho same result. Wo climb from ono round to another and whoa we get to tho lop wn aro ready to cry : "O that I hid wings liko a dovo for then would I fly away and be at rest." But whon wo nostlo down at tho cross our soul is satisfied. Bless Uim who ronoweth thy youth liko tho eagle't who maintains the freshness and vigor of thy spiritual youth; and makos theo to be fat and flourishing and to bring forth lruit oven unto old ego. Bloss tho Lord.O my soul, and forgot not all his ben efits. Tho ovoning sermon was on Christ weeping over Jerusalem from which a solemn lesson was drawn concornlng "Wastod Opportunities." A very impros- 8ive revival service followed In which one soul was convortod. Rev. J. B. McCul- lough, D. D., editor of tho Philadelphia ilelhodist, was announcod to preach noxt Sunday morning. Rev. MoNally's Sermon. Tho text of tho sermon by ltev. Mc- Nally in tho Presbyterian church, in the intorest of foreign misions, Sunday, wa taken from Malachl 8;8 Robbery amongst men has always neon considered an offence, and was formerly i capital offence, pun ished by death. Tho very term has oaly meaning when used in connection wlth th mo.t profligate and abandoned portion of society. How insultod any decant man would feol to be denounced a robber I But the text seems to charge men ' with the highest species of robbery robbery of God. To rob the poorest man Xtftlony, to usurp the prerogatives or riches of a monarch is trcaton, but to rob God is saoritege, I fear that not only the Jews wero guilty of this, but also that many Christians aro not clear in the matter. "Will a man rob God?" What is it to rob film? Itis to deprlvo Him of Hit just rights, to withhold from htm that which is His, that which He efatuis and asterta to bo Ills. Ho has a right to our obcdlenco, homage, roveience and love. He has a claim upon all our time, our means and our talonts. Wo rob God when wo appropriate to ourselves that which is manifestly His. Now tho question is, bow mi.ch of my timo and how much of my means bolongs to God, Tho Bible dis tinctly states that ono-seventh of my timo und one-tenth of my iucomo belongs to tho Lord. W r.ny appropriate both to our selves m to our own use, but we thereby lo) in both temporal and spiritual bless ings. All Christians will conoedo this to bo true as regard time, but all are not so willing to concede it when applioi to Incomo. Wo cannot dodge the quostion of tithes by saying it was a Mosaic institution and therefore only applicable to tho Jews, for it was instituted and observed hundreds of years beforo Moses was born. Abraham paid tithes, and Jacob promised to givo God ono-tenth of his income. Wo havo no acoount of the law having ovor boon abrogated; certainly wo beiiove that tho law of tho Sabbath is as binding as over, then why not that of tho titho oue-tonth of our incomo? Our Saviour sanctioned the payment of tithes when He was upon oartti. Ho did nut command it, but re cognized it as a binding law already in force. Tho samo thing Is truo of tho Sb- balb, or ono-soventh of cur timo. Wo must not givo according to our feelings or our conscience, those aro not always safo guides ; but tho Word of God is safo, and wo had better stick to that. Do you say you "can't afford to do It?" You can't afford not to do it. Thousands are doing it to-day, and their universal testimony is that lliey never prospored so well beforo in thoir lives. God knows what is best fr us, not only In spiritual but also in temporal things, Tho quostion is often asked, "Doos mis sionary work in fjreign lands pay?" Itis nono of our business whether it does or not, God's command is, "Go (or send) yo into nil the world and preach tho gospel to evory craaturo." That's our part in tho business, tho prosperity of missions is tho Lord's part. The monoy spent and tho thousands of lives sacrificed, however, havo not been in vain; grand, cheering ro ports como to us from all lands, and God is giving His servants victory, until tho wholo world is nearly belted with tho glorious Gospel of Josus Christ. Lot mo givo a fs?, facts and figures. Tho Biblo has boon trans lated into about 300 languages and dialects and thoso compriso about nlno-tcnlhts ot the wholo human race. An army of 0.000 missionaries and 30,000 nativo preachers aro spreading tho gospel in heathen lands. Tho sum of about $11,000,000 was raisod for this work during the past year, all ovor tho world, or an avorage of thirty-six cents por membor for tho wholo christian church. That's heavy giving I It is said that "graves are ncodod in tho mission fields." They are billowed with them. Tho courago of Uhineso Gordon is eclipsod by Living stone, and the march of Bishop Taylor und bis little band of workors Into tho vory junglo of Africa, is tho sublimoet spoc tacle of modorn times. Missions do pay, not only in souls, but in earthly richos, for wherover Christianity finds a lodgmont, a new market is opened up for the products of God's faithful towards. A Leader. Sinco its first introduction, Eloctrio Bit ters has gained rapidly In popular favor, until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alternatives containing nothing which permits its uso as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as tho best and purest medicine for all ail ments of Stomach, Liver or Kidnoys. It will cure Sick lleadaclio, Indigestion, Con stipation, and drive Malaria from tho sys tem. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refunded, t'rice only 50c. p. r bottlo. Sold by O. H. Hagonbuch. Handsomo stock of lamps with tho most delicately hand-painted bisquo and chins shades, at Holderman's. 11-28-tf Revival Mootings. Tho rovlval services which, hayo. been hold during the past two weeks at tho Methodist Episcopal church will continuo every evening during the week. Servico begins at half pust sevon, Gratifying to All. The high position attained and the uni versal acceptance and approval of tho pleasant liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Tigs, as the most excellent laxalivo known, il lustrato the value of tho qualities on which its sucoess is baled and are abundantly gratifying to the California Fig Sprup Go. PttBoy vnfi of al) descriptions at Hol- darafto's. 11-16-lf Four ttm. fhw far 'M , at D)di. tf Umbrellas Given Away. With four pounds of CALIF Balling Powder, we'll givo you a boau tiful Gloria Cloth Urn. hrella. Guaranteed fast color and as good as you enn buy anywhere for $1.60. Baking Powder warranted good or money refunded. GRAF'S, No. '.22 North Jardin Str