The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 28, 1891, Image 2

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AnEyowitnossTolla t
vv I'J
of tho Sailor'rfH).
a kjt by ,tlii Mob, aud
' io tba Pier,
,r Hi" ljltlmire'.i Bailor
I.. Fill ii rifted Chilian add
i. tim-.l-lln Ainerloaiia in Kit
I.. l: inn -The "'YanliMi' Hi
ll r from Om "f the Crw.
, V. Y., Nov, 88. The first
I ..I'lptlon of til fight between
,n , ml lite orew of the Baltl
, i i n i fruit in of the ofevr of
, i i , n friend In Brooklyn. The
1 .i 1 Valparaiso, Oot, 30, and
-'8, ..
r i
. !
hi i
me . e
'cot i
r J,f fall of Vftlpiwalwi, on o
, the bitter fooling existing
. ', I utsil States by tho Oalll
ii n.i. i ihounht advisable not to
hni'iiy mi ili'irn to our orew, but
i .;i iiii'.oui mmle by clttstms
. i , i i, .a nil ill-feeling had punned
v i 1 1 i-i.yj.i t was ant on ihoro
1 ,, in .ill o.t. ID. At S p, Ul.
i i.' hi-. mght the news that
i , I be -n attacked and that
i ii nl been kilted and several
i ii ,i. Ai l) p, ui, one of our
1 i . Uulersou, was brought oti
i i i wah two 'tab wounds in
... . . ... of which puuoturei the
- ;. .on it was an understood
tl . ; t Ui Chilians, tunny ot
W . . . i i . i .t been discharged t roiu the
ai i I . ivy, io attack our uieu the
fli ii eiune on shore. As soon
ai . l.miloJ they were told by
nc . to, that they had better
k . r ui an nttaok upon them
h i i i ui,;od. Our men kept well
ti i ii 1. 1 lutwoen 4 and 5 o'clock,
w . ! I'niig appearing pleasant,
tl .... into smull squad, going
li ' 1 lei'tlnn. It win now that
tl n npiuad out, and, in trup
H ! i ic.iu style, a mob would
a ..a.' I parties ot one or two
n i iiult was i Iloatswaln's
1 !.;.(glu killed, six in hoi-
p .i l . i.i j ill.
. , I 1 who are unlformod as eol
d . . .u ry rifles, acted as auxlliar-
li '. . m i!. Jtiggla recolrod his
d i .'. i. -:u the police. It occurred
a Hitjgin was attackod by a
n i I .u,emptd to pet away. lie
ri i it ' 1 jrse car and succeoded in get
ii i i . j platform, but before be Oould
g . le he was dragged otf and sovere
1 . in (three pluccf. He fell in the
st -eet and Wiw unnbie to move. They
loft him where lie fell So great Was
tho terror ot the people, caused by tho
mob that noone would assist him. One
of our men, Jerry Johuso.i, armorer,
heard that ltlKgiu was lylug m the street
and badly wounded, and at ouce went
to hi assistance. He found Ulggln still
breathing. He got a gins) of brandy
and poured some down his throat, which
revived him a little. Johnson asked if
he knew him. Xliggin answered:
" 'Yes, Johntson. 1'or God's sako get
ui out ot this before they mm dor me.'
"Johnsou picked him up and wns
c vliig him awy, when a crowd, half
s ii. noiicu uau nan moo, rusneu on
1,1. i d-xseu or more shots were lire'd,
i ' ! 'i , Assed through the knot of
J. .rob let aud struck Hig-
I ,M 1 i ilnoiit. Iu the excitement
in i -ilu i hold ot HIrkIu. How
. . .t Uiu mob himself he cau
i, -.. , ' it' he did getclfi,r. ACtor
t -it. l tl're.v Higgiu intoa push-
i I hiin to the molo.
i l'otter, of the Amorlaan
i '' .lluiin Phillips, saw n man
.ii i i..i curt astride o! Biggin,
i tin cruwil, berating the
i . 1 gloating over the poor
. !, ; and r him wlth'hls life'
i 1 . - n'vnj, ho romonfctratod.
i ,u .,1 of mounted police
ri tttktin to tho hospital,
.; i . tliati .(light, Another of
lofiu Hiuoillon," was sur
i . i he mob and st'onod until lie
i . nitblo, and was then
''iu iiown. us now lies ai
i. a, mi.Ii little hope of recov
i,. ... -. iiio six iu the hospital,
i ..ii ouaiy hurt, thri are 89
' . . jo-, on hoard who have outs And
i i i. hi! n6 show; they were at
i . I . i M i -doles and stone wherever
m .u. it they sought refuse iu house
or saloon, they wore pushed out and the
door closed against 'them, the people
were so afraid of the mob. Our men
fought while tbey were on their foot and
Aid the best tboy could, as three Chili
ans in hospital and n number of the mob
-who wore onrrled to their homes can at
test; bnt our men wore too scatters I and
o oub-nnmbered that the odds were too
.itjoh for them."
to Btlek to YhJ. - ,
Havbs, -Conn., Nov. & It l
1 i hat Yal ha decide tu eatiiblish J
nuent oi ainiutics oc wnicu
i Stagjf, tiie famous athlete,
Wv.i i
Wi.l h 1
... I Ii
i-iingo. Btagi! had bojn on
i u, j oh urgo of i. Iiu athletic do
i in i'rof. Harper's University
. bin. it Is bow probable thai
..i i go there. Be 1 reported as
' Hi it. he has resolved a uot
i i Vale, which he will prob-
. i in 'recent good work in
ii. ' i I'hampion football team
, I. i.-.-soinstbiag to do with toe
, do's faculty.
.1 it Kavul.
1 a., Nov. 28. Alexander
. ': I j-tMv's of ajeay .Mm of Iter,
vv , .. .r i. end of Grasnshurg, Pa.',
v. .. i ... ,i aiOjlf through 'the left
I . .. i ; .jp the reason for the suicide
' no tu. ' i,batiil?bjro,tk was married on
. . jsuay, sui uu may n4 oeen
., . -.l l.n i.l i
i ettarainoa irora nun. it it believed
Jan AiexBU'ior Tim autter lor bua
A4d obia brother Wfe.
'' Iattl Will reach 'New York about Ds
aember ii.
Snow fell to the depth of 11 Inches in
the vicinity of Uuftalo yesterday.
The C'olleR Association of the Mid 11
States And iUi.'lau d.s iu annual session
at Ithaca.
F. II. T, Mil ot, tho eminent French
nrtut, aiul Aiiulo U isant, tho-suc"SHi r
of Mine WnvatsUy ns high priestess of
th w-ophy, have arr.ved In New Y-irk.
In lfttlont Harrt.
fflgiiiure. ' '
dfov. Ntfr. SH.-wMlnlater D.
Jjllott fcEmit,
1, who t.wni seat! tram tho
jtinwlnn MamlmM) negotfap a refc i iiv vuii,i'i nunvuop ...n l . t.v. u,
liii labors aud tho document Is in the
lianrU of the President for signature.'
It proposes to ndmlt nil the products
oTllio Hawaiian Islarrtlsnto hU ootm
tr free of duty, and In return all
American articles, whether. agtHxIlturM'
OX njanujaoturoil, are to do received ivy
Huwtttt without tariff. : "
TbU treaty is designed to make repar
ation oi the Hawaiian sugar planter!
for -taking the duty oiz sugar, ..Hnrr M,
not an agreement under the McKtnley
bill, but a treaty that Will hiTeto go to
tho Senate for ratification. There it
will probiibljf cause u big! fight, f4r it
brlogu Hawaiian fruits, ttrrowret, to.,
on which there is a high tariff, ldt di
rect competition with the Oalifornia
1 he treaty will probably COB Hawaii
over half a million, dollar la .the re
mission of duties, but it will afford that
place miirKQis in mis country uuuvr vo
most favorable conditions.
Iftmusjlvanla's lFalr Building.
llAKBUwinw, Pa., Nov. 28. It has.
beim given Out that the design submit
ted by Mr. Lansdale, ot Vblladelphia,
would be chosen for the Pennsylvania
World' Fair building. There is no au
thority for nuoh.4 statement, In view of.
the fact that the sevou plans selected
from the whole number submitted are
still In the hands of Professor Herri -man,
of Lehigh University. Kxecmive
Commissioner Whitman has received q
letter from D. H, liurnhiun, chief ot eon
Hnictiou at Ch)ci(go, In which he given'
tersely tho rules which must govern the
urcctloh of State buildings. ; Ulia latter
will probably result in a modification of
the plans Hubuiltted. He says that all
buildings must be not more than two,
i lories high, with low roofs.
Tale Team's Captain.
New JIavkm, Conn., Nov. 38. The
Vale. foot,)). ill team have this year tailed
'.o follow their nual custom of electing
captain Immediately after the Tliaukn
jivlng.Uay game. Tho reported teasoa
(or this notion, or rather neglect of ao-
ton, is the Inot that the giant iloliel
inger bos annouuoed thiit h3 will prob
ibly take nuothoryear in the law school,
(n that event he will undoubtedly be.
-hosen onptulu. ,
Dan Daly, a well-known pugilist and
(porting man, is dead at Bt. Louis.
A i'i conscience item from a resident
if Washington was received at tho
freoury Department yesterday.
The President has already made con
siderable progress on his mensnge, aud
It Is said Unit he expects to complete' It
by Friday next.
Iierr Maltzhan, Secretary of the
Treasury of Germany, says there will
probably be a definit of 8,000,000 marks
for the financial year.
Tho annual report ot James EJ. White,
general superintendent ot the railway
mail soi'vlt'e, for the fistful yenV 'ended
Tune 30, 1801, has been submttted.
W. P. Hepburn, Solicitor ot the Treas
ury, in his Miinunl report states that
here remains on the docket, of his ofHao
1130,000,000 of uncollected judgments,
' Fortj' oar loads ot lumber .are Hide
tracked on - the Houston & Texas Ii. K.
in i'ort Worth' because the raiiroad re
fuses to haul ltimber at tho rates fixed
by the Stato Railroad Commissioners.
The Postuiaster-ftonoral has notified
Win. T. Hughes- that his proposal to
:urry tho United States tnnll between
one Unito'l States and Baano3.Ayre h'aa
been accepted. -
The published report that charges had
been preferred against Civil-Service
Soinniissionnr ' Roosevelt In a report
lodged with the President whloh might,
lead tohls retirement cannot be veri
Had. Weather Inilloatlons.
Washington, Nov. 28. For Now England:
uoreaslng cloudiness and ram or snow;
iouthorly, sblftlug to northwesterly winds;
oolilo.- Kunday.
For Eastern New l'ork. Eastern Fennsyl.
vaotn, Kew Jorsox, Maryland and Dela
ware:, InreaijiD? Cloudiness mid rnln, pro-
uauiy ruruinic luto snow: ocoiooaiy corner ana
lirohably llitht mow Sunday i southerly, shitt
ing to northerly wlnls.
For Western Now York and Wesloru Ponn
iylvanlsi Thieavenlng weather and suowti
ieoldedly ooldar;aortborly wind; almost a ooJil
ivavo. colder aud light snows probable Sun
Nbw ToAk, Nov. 87,
Monev on call easy at
4 per cent,
Csnsdian Padflo
teninu rRoinc , o i
Chleago. inir, a (juinoy
LiBtAwtLm a Hut
iiavotti m nuusou
Bel. Lack. western US
,. i,.i
trie pint.
ilie lioie. ,.
iuu k Nash
,H..I,l.i.m (Antral 107
.Missouri Paulfio 00'
i.ew Jersey entral...,, 114
North wisurrn U7J4
(iiei(ii.i Xutivatloa , 79
faohloMaU 3H
lleaillii'' !W
kook it: ana. , qi
st Paul
i Union Pacific..
V, Mian li
ninn. w Hg
n'beiit-Mara.'C ooioed verr li'iemilin' and
liwerel. ,Vo. i, reJ wiutor, 10; Doc. I07f4;
Jon. ic;v
Corn - Market opened str mc and oontlnuwi
1 "iwuc.
Jan.. i4'6
stroiDc. No. anioil, 80; Nov., 70) ilea,, tUMt
iv. Hit, , oiltel,
du0 40s Jan. t
', State & Penu.. oxtrai.S9
., westefn, tints. Hi
0,aJ7 0,
caSi u,
o-a a.
i reamury,
I lSiiaei
ry. western, aeoonas...... ,84
Stnte dalrifck. t. tuUs. extra. ...sir
Chbks -
Bute factory, fulloroani. Sent, fattov.. allU
btale fuittorv. full trtun 10 alt
State faotorv, full oruum. tine 11 all
btate ructiu y. iuu eruaiu. itooj io uriuie Hi aiu
State tuotory, common u tulr aui
tiva Poim.tut-
Hpriug obieaens, h loa. large per W. al'tM
Spring eiiU-K os. prime v llHal'i
lowls, Jeiae. tltuJt l'u., H.'rlb..., ttU)
li'.wnri l'uiii.rar -
. Tuikey. idkiiI 'ilithts. pi'rlb 13 nlS
J bp'g chk'i., Pui.a., Jul lbs. to pair.. .0 a'-ll
Closhw Clftsliw
Wedassuy, To-day.
S a, Uet , , 100
i ! nek.. UTiJ m
9 s, toup , ill
Drstnry Trnry 1 In I li iiKtiin I Ir Own' tjjie
dtA i irhin, n t-fiiiiiiivj
pABnls'd'i'ON, No
n iMv MMp-
oy Is onthusisaitlc
w boiim bnlit for
itoJ; Stfctcf
'1Nfcvy. He spoke
"Piratei" -?
UK a7"
"Wo linva sot untp build two ships
that comply with tue'rfjjtrrfcmonts ol
the future. Cruisers Isjos, uid lii
will be Ideal types of-commerce destroy
ers, , The 1'iritte, (7,000 Ions burden)
Will be iflile'tdtciim tt'San.- Frapdlson
on the coal in hor bnbktfrs' with which
"h"o leftVe 7TeWrot1t, Notunot.her-ehp
of war to-day afloat can do this. Sho has
only, one nurpoo-tha lt a menace, to
'a great'cmnmerOlal natqn should ftdy
such ever become our foe.
" "I am TWponibr rOT-trmsi two ves
sels. 1 have sacrificed their offensive
and defensive powers t speed and coal
endurance. No ouptaih worthy to com
mand elthur ot them would think of en
gaging a warship ou the high but
they are strong euough to engagj any
steam vessel 'buirt tor trading purposes
that might be armed In time ot war.
"The Pirate, for example, could be
sent into the hlnglish Channel and could
stay there four weeks without recoaliug:
she oould keep away from the lronclail
vessels sent In search of her, and she
con hi dostroy every ship thuy put to sea
or returned to Hint friendly li.iron. X
designed her with, the the single purpose
to have a ship that could uo what no
other vessel could do. , She bo rapid
enough to overhaul any merchantman.'
I do net mean by this that she should
always be able to run down and capture
a vessel ltko the City ot Paris, because
in a rough sea It Is quit possible that
the steninur Would outSnil hor. lint id
an average sea the Pirate oan spurt f or
Ik or eight hourn faster thau the ileetest
Transatlantic liner,"
Christian Kfi lttnes Hint Stratton
Ad op toil Bis &MHoii.
1'mLADKi.PniA, Nov. S8. -KJhrlstlan K
Ross, father of the ' Missing Charlie
Rosn, was seen this morning iu reference
to -the story telegraphed from Cortland,
N. Y., that his boy had lived there as
the adopted son ot Q. Henry Strut ton,
Who billed hiuutelt reoe?tIy in an en
deavor to emulate fTucci's fast.
The story as published credits Sheriff
Bothwlck Ol . CorrfaniT with allirmiug
f-thut it has been hi belief lor some
years that the boy who lived with Strat
um in Cortland as his adopted son was
Charlie Hoss.
When Mr. Boss was asked about his
correspondence with Sheriff Bothwlck
he failed to remember that, but
after a moment' thought he said:
"lrecolloct now; I did have some cor
rsBpoudence two or three years ago with
such a man, but I have not hoard from
him lately. 1 iuvestlgtited the matter
at the time and found there was noth
ing in it.. I am almost dally in reoeipt
ot letters from people "11 oyer the coun
try who thlqk they have discovered my
Tlio Ship Was Over n Volcano.
San Fkakciscw, Npv. 28, The Ameri
can Uaik Hetpsr has arrived from Kobe.
Cpt. Sodergreen states that early on
Oot. 80, when about 76 intles oft tho
Japanese coast, n rumbling' nolao was
suddenly heard and the ship was vlo
leutly thrown on her beam ends tho
uext instant. Immense waves oarae
tumbling toward tho ship, seas rushed
over her decs: from tho stern, bow and
over both sides. It, is believed the bark
was over a submarine volcano. Water
flooded the deck and tho crew found it
was boiling hot. All hands were com
pelled to climb into tho rigging, aud
there they inmaiued for ivo houra.
, 27(0 teed it planted
when you feol "run-down." find
"used-up." , Malarial, typhoid or
DiuouB ievrs spring trom jtr-an
torts of diseases. Don't toka- any
risk. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medioal
Discovory mvigorfttcs tuo system
and repels uisuasc. It starts tuo
torpid livor into healthful action,
purines and enriohes tho blood, and
restores health and vigor. As an
appetizing, restorative tonic, it sets
at work all the processes ot diges
tion and nutrition, and builds up
flesh and streiieth. For all diseases
that come from' a disordered liver
and impure blood, skin, scalp and
scrofulous affections, it's the only
remedy that's guaranteed. If it
doesn t benctlt or oure m every
oase, you nave your money uaok,
Y.ou, pay omy lor trie goou yoa
The worst eases yield to the
mild, soothinc, smcr and heal-
incr nropurtios of Dr. Saae's CataiTl
Remedy. That's why tho proprie
tors oan, and do, promUo to pay
1)500 for a oase of Catarrh in tho
Head whicli thoy cannot euro.
and well made, ftpbkwable aloUies?
If ao, eall on
"W. 0",. JACOBS
Fashionable Custom Tailor,
8 South Jaidin Street, Shenandoah
Call and m sample of the latest goods and
tbe ttrtee. Good workmanship, iiromptneM
ana luir prices.
n roMBBOY,
itSua-UKtdidl'sbnhdln corner Main anl UenM
'am onouicnb eveaa
is Specially ctjthmendftd to
bnltitf 6 is, for nnk ttibrltiMt: lie. nr two: U fm
hrfi; nnt , tlW); two oiritl ti; one
CfARMH Ji;OR fcJAIig. Areyoii loo
II'. PA.Ts in wirf. tin
are luuuuao. ana ror Terms.
Young ellow aboijt
years of aiq. Apply, t
rr ,14- to 15.
-cnuidlT Bioiy.
1j()R HAIiK. One store loom and
X? ion (IwdllijB home. Lot 80 Pet front
iud M0 ft dft. . Vlaoe. MB Weji Co il street.
Kasy leroni". Apply to K ran It Warnioic.
i tl-)4-lm
WANTED. By the Singer Manu
faotuilnir f!i.. n vonntr tnnn txi Hell
ningtr Hew! 'gTrtohiw. Mnnbc able to
jttK me roiua ana Kngmn inngu'-.gen.
wi Position for tho rlirht man. AtjdIv nt
once to the liuer sewing machtuo oillce, 4
oanva srrs M
I T "A
'AdVfn'nrHiln tile Mfne." the oulv
work ever published giving aoomplete r cord
bhh ut-M-i mil ui i i,e Kri-ai iniuiux uiiimium
ol America. Terms
iiwriu. "(itiws, i. i
o'Maliey, Canton, Ohio.
1121 it o sat
XT' OR BALE. The gray loam of
A. liurses recently used by the Columbia H.
&. KK. Co., No. 1 'The hordes will be a
bargain M the purtoliwers,
Frank Lewis,
JOH's Risk iiro'VKR,
' JSsit.O'NUH,
ll-ai-tf i ' . Trustee.
will be held In
, December 14 io 18, '9t.
Major Mem-y (7. Itnnt'
One or the grjattst. Orators attd Word Paint
en. lie has made a lanr.around the wort a
withasuociBs 1. tile less thuu marvelous.
7r. Jamei T. Hffef
The great Orator of the West, "The Bunny
nine 01 ijiie."
Mlna Olltt Torbel and Hen- Concert Co-i
Mies Ollie Torbett, Violinist.
Htrnnr Vllloiia ltaccsrlnl. Soprano.
Miss Pauline MontpgrlfTo, Uontrslto.
MIssKdlih i'ond, Singing Header,
Mr. Gustavo Tn dbeig. Tenor.
jione. liesior uorjiet, i-ianisi.
All eminent and popular artists.
Marshall', miiltr. iho Ortt Humorist.
i'Uo rars: Blsiers ana i jn.iri one.
Miss AnuleA. Park. Comet and Zither.
MUsGeorgleT. Park, C'oruetand .Mandolin.
Miss lvane nei'a xraric, wruei o.r j.nuoue aim
Miss Ada li. Park, Cornet and Mandolin.
Veora the Boston Tranwrtnt: "Tho Park
Concert Company gave one of their popular
ooncerls mo. may eveui'-g in i enure concrv
as receivea wnn rapturous appnsuiie us uuy
annrarei In tlieir different selections. Tbey
aieall artists, and deserve all tbe npplaute
tbs ueugntea auaienoo gave mora.
Beourlug Keserved PeBU,E?!'?"u'';"-" "8J-S
Single admission SOo
Th ehsrt f ,r t.lie sale nf reserved seat tick.
t.K will boouantd at tho b'x office of Pe eu-
son's Tjietl'rfi, ou caiurua, i wwiiwi i i.
10.80 '. m. Before openlnj? elia t parties de
airing io urchase tickets -r'U drfiw niimb--rs
4hr rosMloa in linn. Kiic.i teacher In line
m,,i: nurc ia.w any nunitier ol iickois uol ex
cel 'itn,. lv Jlliy, aim CTen ciusen in nuc nm
iiniv.h,i.i unv nunihnr itnt exeeedlnff len.
. The rmeaentattve of each dtsil let will be
rea'UreoV to present to the tickotgent a lletbf
mo names Ol iup ieao ters lor wnoiu ne-ouya
'.ekeiH. Anv Dtriin mav jom u e line a
sscoud time with the same prlvlitges as at
After Urcamner vi tne onsri win oe open ai
Kirin.'H amg s ore.
Doors op.'n n7 p. m. Entertainment com
mence at 8,
Tialns after each f veiling entertainment to
all nolnta on 1-. V. II. R. between AshtRiin
and Delano. Arr ingotnents for .peoial trains
otner nouns on l,. v. h. h anu reiiu a i.,
K. ran i.e made wttli sunt. A. P. lllakslee,
Dcinuo.aiia u. o. lewis, rottsvine.
w. w. r.in3.
County Superintendent.
liargestand oldest reliable purely cash com
panics reprcsenieu uy
720 S. JardmSt., Shenpnooah.Pa.
Ptaifffipliiliii? flipfln Rnrfrsin
i imuiuvii'iiii uiu up in ami) uui u
For a full line of-
Irfulles' and Ueuts' Purnihng Ooodsntthe
lowest prices rmai nneoiuora
forts at 41 'Si eaob.
J. RABIN0WITZ, 110 E. Centre stree
Largest and cheapest stock in town.
Artistic Pointing, Broking mil Duomiiog
10 2 8m 221 W. Centre Bt, SHENANDOAH
301 N. Main St, Blienantloah.
liie Fi&est Stk of Bms, Ate, fym, k
To f lie lailliui of nhniiAiidoah and vleinity.
A Solentlllo Dress OnttlngaiidJMaktntrllrauoh
School Is miened In room No. 8, iiouums'
building, over the post office, where pupils
are tuk.u nod taught the lattttand hesi sys
tem of cutttuganiTdressmaklrg Tho system
la a saving of time, labor and money and Is
readily aeqnlred. All sredcllghttd who have
learned it. Open evenings,
11-0-tr Mrs, M.C.HnwiTT,
suflgrrt from Indigestion, .
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
r? NOV 15, 1801.
lUattAhtratuii will leave Shenandoah foi
lauoh Chunk, Ujhlalilim, Hlatlngton, UU
'auciua, AllemoWff, BettiMmn, Baoton, Fill
luipuia ann ew rent at 8.47, 7.TO, .0B a. m
2 SB. AlO &X!lln vy.
!M,, S.E'I p. m,
iror iHs
'or neitVldtttW. T)IAVnMl W-iSkr kvi rfnA
WW,' i ft Hlifl,,. IUmUIIU fl.iO II. 111.
for Lombertvllleaud TrenlO'., 9.m n, fc
Koi-Wnita Kavwn Wilkes-Barre and Plltr
on n.i7. .08, ln.41 b. m SdOano SM KTB
KorTunkhannoek, 10,41 a. m 8.10 and .
r. ' '
for Anbnrn, Itbaea, Geneva and and Lyotn a. fa., and 6. p. m.
For Lacej ville, Towandr, 8a-re, Waverli
b'lmtm, K-ichesier, Bnflalo, Niagara Kalis
Cnleago and all points West at 10.41 a. m.,and
For Klmlm and the West via Salamanca at
8.10 p.m. r
For Audenried, llasleton, Stockton, Lum
it Tard, Weatherly and Penn Havtn June
Hon at 5.4f, 7.40,9,08 a. m. and M 8,10 and
W p.m.
For Jeaneavtlle, Levlston and Beaver
Meadow, 7.40. 0 0S.toj aadliMn. m.
Forrtorautonatfi.47 H.0K, lO.tla. iu. 810and
vat p. ni.
For Haale Brook, Joddn. IJrl.ton aud Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. 'nr., 1ZH 8.10 and
6.26 p. m.
F'.rQuakake at 5.4? and' KM a. in., and
WOD.m. , , :, i(
V7Uwan,Ollberton and FraOkvllVe et
",.1" an fT&Sa m,. and 1.10 w. m.
rr yatekvUle, Maiianoy Olty and lleianr,
5.47. ;.0. U.08T J0.11. a.m.. IISL 8.10.155703.
i to.
far 1 u. ui.
For boat ('reek. 3irardvllle i ul ARhtond
1.27, 7.48,8.(81, 10J6 a.
m., l.W, l.W, 4.J.U, 0.S9
8.10 SH(t 9.14 II. Dl.
K.jt Daritwater, lit
ClAlr and Pollnvlllfl
5 51) .40,8.5'i 10 40 a.m., iajse.3.10,4.16,'6,38 eitd
.for fiuok Munotaiu. New Boston and
ori,?T40i9.ol7in.n a. ni., tm, iio, sM &
Ifor.JKavsn Hun, Qen trails, Mt Oarmel and
i-uamnain, ., anu lu.u a. m., i.4V, s.
-inu B.HD p. au
Trains leave Bhampklu for Shenandoah
'.p - iT.m a: m.. .io lab afid 9.8O p.- m Smvitui
a' Shunaniofth, .). m., 12.32. 8.10, 5.1U ant!
11.15 p. m,
For Ixxst Creek, QirardvUie and AshXand
59, 9.10 115 a. m., 2.45 p. m.
For Dark water. Bt. Chair ami' PotlaviUf,
Vm YatesvlUe, Mahanoy Olty and Dolanc,
in, ujn a, m, i., ii g,isp m,
r ol lioity, Anaeurieu. iiuo ambwdqzi, e
m., i:se p. m:
pur roauou vnoiia ueuiKiiiAiu, oiauiaivB
vna new inrc, B.wa.m., iwp. n:
I0os Plilliu1n1nhfl.-1.40n. ttl.1
. -T fc'B.'BYIWOTOW.
yen'l Pass. Ast. Betbhtm,
First National Bail
Capital, 1 $160,000.00
A. W. Leisenrmg, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pies.,
J. R. Leisenrmq, Cashier,
' 9. W.Yost, Ass' 't Cashier.
Open H&lly IFrofiii 9 to -3.
Paid on BavlnarM eponlt.
Will tixmpty relieve thg'mfct flj
trowing caeu f Acuto or Clironlc Tih'en
matism or Gout. By Mrtctljrcbwrrtng
tbedfiectioiitf, it will cure oil pfrouu)-
Vullke tho DumerfHia rrepar&UD ttat flooA
the country, tt4 tat"
Tsrlaua form of rlivuniatliin ouiv, fcod nulfD
u ! j maemiius iar ma
f ichhp & "cure ill One buttto tvlll mmka
a ailsrutotr ImDrciiton oa ihe ti m. kurl,
In eonnectloD wfth t& pUli, convince the lulTerer rtitl
tb proper remedy liai bea fouuI. Yoa vre tkrnrittty re
quitetl io UK tho omits of t
a Hi raluabtc prop rtlet are cudorwxl by hnbdrtrf of the
mott fluttering IriilmoufaU,
Only tegotabte lriKredieati, rrmarkable for their enrtive
pawora, are u-t-d Id tho mai-ufaclure of KRUl'T 8
$1.00 Tor Bottlo. 6 Bttls;, 96.C3. Fills, 6 Ctt. En.
11 your Hro;eprr ouei not neap 11, nvna (1.23 ui
miaufftturer, ma yoa win roaelit
111 juu win roMi it 11 J
l)V BlAll.
303T MiirUtt Street, l'lillnd'n, Ta.
People's Oyster BayJ
ra K. Centre JSt., 4jliJtancioiili
CMS. C. GUISE, Props.
Hiw, Bfeweit, -SoailopeJ,; l'-mned or
PrieJ to ord4r Fatn'lle srrpplled
ai ineir uouvewiiuine nesi oysiei
the marxel afloraf.
All Orders Promptly. Filled.
Green Truck
Ger. Main ad Oak St'aatt.
Fro&li Oysters Received Daily.
Aflue'llueof-Oluiloe nitQUKIUEB
Nutl'und Oandles.
Poultry of all Kinds.
Jlr. Costlat rtcoives his green truok dally
LUQ Ull-1
olty mnrketw.whtch is a guarantee
to his ciiiioiners tlmtthev will receive fresh
.goods whm buying from him,
Finest prands of otowi alujiys on hand.
Tbe Best tornperooce drfeJcs.
lii adslpliia and Rsadin? EaiJroac!
Mil in effn Xm: IS 1801
in mmnm asfcu.ows
and li "i '2. ".t
.: d "
'uld . '
, '..Ai
' t.nal
id ". m.
vfK, vine.
V'T 6
rid .0 . ,..
'litlm'' tpl 'p v
12 85 " I' !' !
-i. in,, I itn p. 111
eex n. j 2 'n,.
.10, -MlJi
' mi anin
i JjHr.lonr,
'rf) 5 1-p. in .
" AllCOtnrn,
0 o. m.
" oolr djr , ". i'.i i.
o'ln'.-n01"1' We"k 2WJ 8',u''
Ity, 2. .iBd7j
it mM and "Mibatioy dltri week
ra. a.l0,..6,', 7. a m., 12 35 2) rf-id 5.66
to. Hiindav. Z-lD and m . iun m.
Vddltlouti : iluhanoy Oltr, week days 7.OT
i. m. , .
for LancKVir arid Oolumbia, week days,
. n., 3 sn o. m.
Koi WltllKiiisiKiri, -unbcrv and Twlsburu,
nrtttersja,, auA.u.Si a. m., 1.85 7 tK
ni. Bnnday i m , S.IW p. m.
f or Mnhauoy Plane, wi ou days, 2.10 .1.28
rt.. 7J2l)Anrl II 81 nni . l'j i, IU'. ,n s Ks
r 00 and , m Mfnidfiy. 2 10. :j.!ii aad J.4b
, ino, 4.110, ,i. ni
ror Hiit.rdvMl lamakairaock Hint Ion i
k dnvs. 2.t aMi-fmaM.n& li'lh,
I2.8S. 1 V .' HI. -,.5l-.7.nBn7 iTKTr n, Mnnrtnv
-iu o to i,i '. jr , '"e, s wru lii.
V-il Ashl'ind pud .llji.moS'l!i. n-eet. d
3 11.8. u. m.. 1 ffi ; ni . 0,3
in. .nn".ay i.z . is n. n.. n'm i). m-tssssst
.Mve New York via Punadelpliia, Week
'J-S.7.45 a. m., 1.80, 4.00. p. m j'i.lf
itnt tsnuduy, 8.00 p. m., 12.1b uIkui
Ix-ave Nea" York vie Mar.. in chunk.
IV 4.1?l. 8.4S A. m.. l.nOnnrl !1 r, Tn Mnn. .
dayOOa.. '
ve rmiaaeipnia, wom tmys, i.ii,, a)d
10.00 a. m. 4.00 nt n.oo o. m from fi"wr.
ia Oallownuland 8.8.'i a. n.xa n. m.
from jo Ureen Bti'eets. tinnday 0.06 a.
u. at m mm vtn r. jrie.i.
iiave Heading, week oayn, 1.85. 7,tn, K'.oa
iiul iUB a. m kSO, IS) p, iu. Sunday 1 .85 and
i,4 p. in.
Uve Pottsville, week' days, 2.40, 7.10 a. m
J.80.V11 n. m, Sandftv. 2.40. 7.00 a. m. and
.'.06 ,
. rivo riouatmo, week days, 8.20, B.4S n
121a. TB.. 1 9) .7.(8. Ami e.i. . . in. Hundav 8.21)
7.48 .fx, audita) p. m.
'.cave Hananoy Olr, wel; .lays, 8.40, 9.18
l i.7 r. in,-, 1J31. v.i ,..m D.44 p, m. Bun.
y,S.18,8.17vm.,8J0p. iu.
Leave Mahauoy Plane, wenk days, 2 i),1.00
, C, 1. 11.59 ik' m.,1.06, 2.0". a 30, 8a, 7..)7, and
) pnju Buuday i.!.1, 40, and 8.27, a. m
i.'ju'vo uirardvllle (Bappbnnnock Station)
-xt days, J.47. 4.078.96, and S.41 a. uu, 12.05,
:2 b., 9.B,X8naaa.o( Sunday, 2,47.
o , b m a. iu., p. xa.
Licavo WUUnmsport, week days. 8,U0J15 ana
i .an a. m. 8.86 Mil
IV 11.10
p. m. aoiiday 11.15
i-pr B9lumore, Washington and the west
s.'B. O. B. R tbrongli trains loave Ulrard
venue station, PulLuMphip, (P. .V R. . K.
- ' 16. S11 and 11.27 a, in.. 1.81. 4.24. r..5S.n
7 18 p. in. Kundy, 8.55 8.02 11.27 a. m., 3.68
648 irtfJ7,l3p. m.
etrve pi-'tadatohia. ukastmrt street Whai f
Far .Miic t.. i
XCii, .
Week-dsys-aixpreiw.iW a m, 2.00. -i&f V
p. tx. AuoommcMUiiou, 8 00 a,
m.' nun.iiu, 7
Unadaye. Sxpress,. u.oa .'. m. Atom
me .i "on.S.'iO a. m. and'tVW p. ni.'; :. J
Retnuiin. leave Ailn In i:llv. deDOt
t.ln ttc and Arrtn.osaa aVeues,--WBe'krrft: s
(1. n. UiNontiff. fjpn'i Pnss'r Aat.
, tKWU.KOt). Pres. A-flea'l Man eery
AT tcHuyuciia, divibiok,
3n and o'.'nr September 1 1)01, train wtU tea
ttwmjudcf) u foilisvjs:
For Wiggan, oyneiton, Prackv)llj Mew
Jaaue, lt. Clair, and way polntB, OM, 8.10
v m and I.1S p m. '
Ssmtlava. H0O. B.40il m Anil , ii no.
For Pottsville. d.OO, V.IV a mand 1.18 p A.
.i For ?5lng (
Sandaysi OuiV
ma1, D.AU t Hiiu is.iu i in ,
aw, a m ana 1. 19 p ru.
Vor Pbtletown. Pttoemxvilte. Norrirtown C
l m - ana rt. 1.1 11 m. 1 .
ind Philadelphia (ISroul street station), 8.00, I
a. m. and 4.1s p m week day
Sundays, ooo, 0.4Oa p ra; '
Trains leave Fraekvlhe lor Bhenandoab at
i0.40Am atid 13,14, 7.42, 10,08 p in. Sundays, 1
!i,13amautM0 pm.
l.ave Pottuvlllo lor Sbeuandoah, 10. 16 and .
t.t,UBJ 7.15, 9.42 p iu. fanmlays, 10.40 am
5,p-tt. f i
Lieave Fhiladelphla (i'lowt street station), I
for Pottsville and Shenandoah, SJfl, 8.35 am
4.10 and. 7,00 p m week days. Bunda 6 60, and 1 V
fl.a 7rl T . S
Vol New York, 3.20, .0fi, 4.40, 3.86, iM, 7.88r j
.208.8n. J.80, llOOarid H.I 1, 11.86 a m. HOOnoQii J
(lunltod exoress. l.Otf 4.50 i 12.21 yJAT.So-ct
llii a 4A no r 4 a qi fi m t io u u in 172V A
il audi" Sax' ti
S.l'i.S.W, O.SiV 4
02, (llmltedV I
m, is.ill night.'
On Sundays. H.0). 4.05. -Mo, f,$s. s
,, ok . . ... i in at ,ii,i o uu ,
li. oo , ui. i. i au. 1UI.
i.n. s.28, i2i 1. 1 , . . i , .' i ,n aud u.ot nitjnx.
For Bea GlrtJonx Branoh and intermediate
Htntlous 8.50, 8.25 and 11.31) a. m., 3.30, 4. 00 p. m,
wMk days, atuiduys 8.20 u. m.
For Baltimore and Wasliinglnii, 3.50. 7.20.
9.10 and li.yS a. m.,4 41, 0 S7, 7.W p.m aud 12 03
night dally and 8 31, 10.20 a in., 12 31 (limited
express wiiu aming ear to tiuuimnre), s,
p. in. weja unys. or oamuiore ouiy a.u
weeuiy, e.ira, ii.ou o, m. aaiiy.
For Blohmond. 7 20 ft. m and 12.03 night
dally, 1 80 p m, dally, exoept Hnudiy.
..i.iiia,tiji ilurrunnti ior L'liiiii,.irir ;.,d
west evnry day -it 1231ml D.lli n in and
i 'J ) aiJoltoU) aqd A., 8 80, B.li5 p ra. 'Vffy for
iVItoon'i ; ai tind 4J'l p tu e?oi v duy.
r-oi Ktlitinvg Only. H.3R n a',,i? t,m i 2"
;n we as dayo.
i lOfeVE jun.nury for witli--- jspjii, Kiiutrt.,
i ijn-ilEUfua, Rbcheifer, Itnnloa ,i firi.vra
' ltU a m dutly, and 1,42 pni week dn-a.
'or V'Rt, S,' p m-ireukdays.
ior Il'ie !-:t? uiedui'' poi'it, 1' a ai
alty. , .trtir-Wjk Wavon, 5 10, ajsd m.
tally, Via ami 3.80 'p. ra. woe fla -.. For
Uju 5.10 a J.u i.ii and &,' p m .vte.j days,
".la.i , -iu attars.,. , , i
'ti IS. '' ?LiTf t. W. V"". M
-hT" ' 4 " Q" I
'T-IIjillNa'rON A fJOllTHFJtN K. 11.
3m fable in effect May, 10, 1801.
Trains leave Reading (!'. U. station) for
Gibraltar, 8eylertl.Itlra'-horo, Joanna, Mprlng.
Held, Waynesburg JunetJoq, ('o.Uevlllo,West
Chester.Oliadaford .Iune;li ., J. Jt O. Junction,
wiimingiou anu lnierm. iiKi'.esiaiionsHiiy
exoept Sunday, at 0.23 a ud 8.80 a.m. and 8.15
p, in. Bunday only ai 3 M p. m.
Foe Warwick, Ht.Petcn and lncrmedlnte'
statioiM,daity exoept Hnnday, at 11.20 a.m.. 2id
-hU) p. m. nunday only 8.11 a m aJ
For Btrdnburo and Intermediate tai;lA.,
sataraay oniy, ai vi .n . sqb
For Baltimore and Va"i, 'nation (B A 07S.
R.) dally except, Hnndiiy it! 8.2SMnd 8.80 a. m.
and 8.1S p. m. Sunday oii- at 3 05 p. m.
TralneiUTlvo ai HenUi. : 1,1: A it. ulation)
trom WllmtiKton, H. t). Junction, Mont
rtraulij, Chndrtsioid Junotlou, West Cheater,
Lenapj. Uontesvule, Wavnesburg JOnotion,
Hprlngneld,.Toanun., Blrdsboro, Glbi-altar, Hoy
fen and tutermedrate at nt loin, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 3.52 and 8.17 p. ra. Sun
day only at 11.24 a. rn.
From nt. Petera, Warwlok and liiti'i'in. dlate
stations, daily exoept Bun'lay, at s.i a. m.
and 2.26 p. m. Hunnay only at tt p. ni
From Blrdsboro and intermediate stations,
itunlav only at 1.40 b. ra.
oniy ai
' From Washington and Baltimore, daliy ex.
rlttundav. 1021 a. m. 6.62 and 817 n. m
Bnuday only at 11.24 a. m
BOWWBSS BKIUO'S, Oen't Pas. Agt-
A. Q. MovA IJSLANI), 8npt,
John R. Coye,
Real Estate Agent-
piCKlCJS llunDALVa Buiuiijja,
Cor. Main and Centre SlrMli, SHENANDOAH. PA.
l A two and one-half stnrv double frnmn
dwelling house, with store-room and res j
laurauv, iiuouieu on isaat i;entro sxrei-
a A valuable property located on HoutW
uifi aireei.
3 Beven dwelling homes at the corner of GU
bert and Lloyd streets. Good Investment,
Tends reusan'aote.