Presents In the most elagant form THE LAXATIVE AND NUTRITIOUS JUICP OP THE FIG3 OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with the medicinal virtues of plants known to, be most beneficial to the human system, forming an agreeable fllLlV VU1U 1IU' Ji.os,.- nation, and the many ills de pending on a weak or inactive condition of the KIDNEYS, LIVER filID BOWELS. It ii the most IxceUant remedy known o iLEANSE THE SYSTEM EFFECTUALLY When one is liilious, or Constipated SOTHA PURE. DLOOD, REFRC3HlNP.8l.EEP, HEALTH and 8TRENQTH NATURALLY FOLLOW. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. ASK YOUR ORUOO'ST FOR 7ST33.TTI IPXG-ES MANUFACTURED ONLY BY CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. IDUISVIUE. KY NEW YORK. lV. V. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1873. W. Baker & Co.'s from which tho excess ot oil lias been remove J, U I Absolutely Pure jand,itjtstSqlt,cblfi.. No Cheofels: nro used in its preparation, It- Jias. more than three titejf, fhe, pftfngth ,pf Cocoa mixed with f?tarch, Arrowroot . or Sugar, and is th;r,cf pro ar, mor,o, economical, costing lap picnpne ce-it cup. It is dehciousnqprishing, strengthening, EASILY Dl,qTj5D,. and admirably adapted for. Invalids as well as for persons in, health.. Sold by.Crocors oyorywhoro. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. Nearly every pattern pf sa Horst Blanket i? jrnitated in colqr and style. Inmost pases the imitation looks just as gopd.asjthe genufne, but it uisii't tie zviirf tlireads, and so. lacks strength, and jvhile it sells for.only a little less than the genu ine it isnHHTjrth one-half as much. The fact that ?A Horse Blankets are copied is strong evidence that they are THE STANDARD, and every buyer should see that the 5A trade mark is sewed on the inside of the Blanket. I no Five Mile Boss Electric Extra Teat I Baker &NKETS ARE THE STRONGEST. 100 5.A STYLES at prices to suit everybody. If you can't get them from your dealer, write us. Ask for ItheSil Book. You can p;'t it without charge. WM. AYRES & SONS, Philadelphia. Bank Counters, Tyler System, Port ablp, Unoqualod In Stylos, Cost and Finish. lSOragftCiUloitutf orCountrn, Dttki etc., UlntlnUd la Colon. Boost, fm roiUf IfiCcaU. Also Tyler's jiofbi Omce lleska snd Type Writer t'uuliieli, JCO Hlvles. llufat end chean- I est on earth, srtth great reaucunu in prices. MO p.ite eeLltsruo Fre. rotlag-t ID t-la. 1Im,i ot He..., Clislra, Tolil. Hook C..., Cftblort.. lssl lllouk (oblNpl ttr,, .lock. HiipfUl work mtdo ta order. TYLllll llESIt CO., St. Louis, Mo., U.S. A. L'tilrhe.tfr's KmlUh Illueond IlrnnoL ERNVROYAL FILLS Oll''alentl w.ajf Cf-nuine. f kr& uiu. r Hkii'.' is n,9 sek eL llru'CUt I'jr fAl.fcr.KTf J.'n'iilS ,MOJ Braivt In Itfd uA I Urn IslUoVVV ItMtxo, S'ftleu wh Liu rlMwu 'isles & n.atli.r. Ktfuu dj - ou. .sbalMu V ftora an4 Imrtaltoii J A irsIS'a.raeill4e, In cnm.'S lr j.aitl ir I. .tlnutalai. U'4 'ltll( r for Ldi-lli a.H mMtnr. br rotors r BIolL lo.OO f -I n iX .Varna Jtr. ntlohoo(or(JAetatcali j..2lJl.oa-quMrct AK Urut- I.I.. 'loJu. !. To "est a resltlTg. Our. for th. "7,'",Sf1f"'l jttbiiUr, iffsyf SSiriSLlM'oSVun our SliorUle we wUlrsna ono iniiai aLBditucll Vftluablo Information KJtKI. TT U. JU.0.s SBUlroadwejr, ntu . Add sw Yeri fit jlpBreakfas. IH Cocoa KM KITS horse il T1 7 1' il l" ssYfl CU tr sifl 'Hit? HUB B FIGHT FOR- SPEAKER Cundiilaloa Gotting Ready For tlio Caucus Coiitcst. PEW MEMBERS ON THE SCENE. Mr. McMillan OonfMent, and Danies That lie Contemplates Withdrawing. The Time rnrtlin Cancun Nut Yet Fixed A Desire to Make the Contest Amia ble ha I'onslblo Hie 1'rtends at Mr, 3II1I .lubllnnt-The Question of 'presi dential Preferences Not tD Come tip. Washington, Nov. 27. The Demo cratic candidates (or tlio Speakership oC the House were bus; yesterday holding conferences with their friends and Ret ting ready for the cauo us contest. Mr. Mills and his friends nro, lp a pleasant mood over Mr, Carlisle's letter vouching for Mr. Mills' moderation ot temper, while the. other candidates are not dis posed to attach much importance to It, at least as to the influence upon their own strength. Very few members have as yet reached tho city, and those who are here are chiefly those who aro the earnest advo cates .of one or the other ot the candi dates. Tho doubtful men do not seem In any hurry to appear on tho scene, anal until somoot them come there can not bo any material change In the situation. Mr. McMillan said this mornltg that there was absolutely no foundation for a stntement that he intendod to withdraw. Ho said that he might get whipped, though ho did not expoct to, but that he would never run away, and there was certainly nothing in tho situation to make him approach tho light timidly. His friends speak with the greatest con fidence. Each of tho candldutos are receiving many callers, the supporters of one candidate calling on hU rival, and thero Is an evident purpose to make tho con test as amiable ns possible The time for holding the caucus has not yet beon fixed, but It will be held vary soon. A report Is out that as soon as the. caucus is' calloil Mr. Bland will, bsfore the nominations are made for speaker, Introduce a resolution, and do.mand. a vqte on It, making a declara tion ot prinoiplos on tho stiver question. There have been some efforts made to drag in.. the question Of presidential preferences, but jt. js. asserted that no miin,who hns, an ambition to bo presi dent wants his strength, to be toBted in this uncertain manner. Trout Fry Xteudj for Delivery. NwYqkk, Nov, .-ST Application for trput.fry jo, liq.dojlypred. -.frpin tho State hatcheries next srjj-jng, are. already coin Ingln. ApnllcatlQp blanks can be ob- . .. I 1 I... 1 1 1 l.-.l . 1 T T" ., 1 clerjc of tho board, room CO, Fulton Mar-, kot, Iiiink; Bulbllng", this city. The com missloperg, havp' no5V,v,completed their new,par for cnrrylng.ilshj.Lnd will next yoarmake freadelvery,ot:fryat any sta tiOn,,on ,hb OatarJo.& Western Itnllway direct from Idie qar. The, car is completo in all its appointments -for tho trans portation ot fish, arid will carry at one time GOO, 000 fry. This, will be a great accommodation to the people interested In stocking the streams, and will do away with all tho expense they have heretofore had to boar in going to tho hatcheries for the fish, and also for the transportation. Wo nro alvlsod that the commissioners have arranged for a largeoiitput of fry this year, and It Is hopod that everybody interested will send in their applications early. IlufTalo's lllg Oral 11 Uleckicle. Buffalo, N. Y., Nov. 27 Tho biggost grain Heat over known to this port Is here to-day and it Is iu tho worst block aded condition ever known to Buffalo. It is estimated, that tho grain afloat will reach sovoral million bushels. There are nearly 100 steamors In port and nearly halt as many sail vessels. The pressure brought to boar on tho Super intendent ot l'ablio Works Wits so great that ho has ordored Division Superin tendent Chambers to keep the Erie Canal open for navigation until Decem ber 5, If weather permits. Horrible Uniltll of a Teamster, Hed Hank, N. J., Nov. 37. Goorgt Chandler fell under the wheels of a wagon yesterday while carting ndamunt from Rod Bank to Oceanic and was in- stanilv killed, his broast being terribly crushed. Tho load lu the vehicle woluhed over a ton and a half. Chand ler wan 20 years old and unmarried. It is said he was intoxicated at the time of the accident. More of the Rearles Will, Boston. Nov. 27. Tbo Searles will is the subject of two more appeals from the decision of the Judge. One is on behalf of Annie O. Severence, of Los Angeles,, Cal., and tho other by Lyman Sherwood nud Delia Sherwood, of southeast Now York, The MonoiiEaltela Not to lleturn, Newpout. R. I.. Nov. 27. The U. S. S. Monongahola, which sailed last Juno on a vear s cruise In foreign waters, nas lieen ordered home, hut the order had been revoked and the vessel will not re turn until next summer. LABOR NOTES. A Federation of Trades hns been or ganized in Sau Dlogo. Cal., which will be afllliatod with the Federation ot Labor on tho Pacific coast. Tho labor organizations of Denver, Col., are agitating to abolish tbe looal Tinkerton police fo:o maintained by the capitalists of that city. The pressmen's strike at tho Werner Works in Akron, O., bus been settled, the company agreeing to advance wages and employ fewer iipprentices. The National organization of tho Wagon, nnd Carriago , Makers will bo represented at tho Birmingham Conven tion of tho American Federation ot La bor by Cornelius Kelly. The Austrian government has given orders to expel from. all. universities and other public educational institutions any students or teachers who attend, or speak at, tlio inoetings of organized workmeu. The Knights of Labor of Indiana will hold their annual convention nt Con- nersvllle on Dec. 2, nud after the close an olfouslvo and nnfeuslva alliance will I be formed with agricultural and reform organUntious-, highest of all' hi Leavemrig-I'owcr. IT. & Gov't Report; Aug.. ij,. 1889, " ABSOLUTEOf PURE GREAT MAGAZINE. Tho Oontury'a Programmo 1802 A New "Llfo of OOlumbus." That great-American periodical, 27ie Cert- tury, Is golngjo. outdo Its own unrivaled re cord lb lt programme fori 1892, and as many of Its new leitures begin with tho November number, new raiders should commence with thntlssui. lathis number are the opening chapters ot "Nnttluhka,";a novel by Iludynrd fClpllug, the author of ''Plain Tales from the JIllls," written In colUboratlon with nn American writer, Wolcott Ualestler. It Is the slo-y of a young man and a young woman Irom a "booming" Colorado town, who go to India, he In s arch of a wondorlul Joweled necklace, called "the Nnula'.tka" (from which the Rtory takes Its name), and she as a physi cian to women. Tlio novel describes lb lr remarkable adventures at the court of an Indian muharajah. lioMdos this, The Century will print three othr novels during tho year, and n great number of short stories by the best American story writers. The well-known humorist Kdgar Y. Nyo ("Hill Nye') Is to write n series of amusing sketches which no calls his "autobiographies'' the first of which,' The Autobiography of n Jitstloe ol the Peirce," Is In Novomber. This uumberalsocontnlns a valuable and sugg s tlvo article on "Tbe food Supply of tlio Future," which every farmer should rend, to bo followed by a number of o'ho'B of great practical vali.o to farmers trettlng especially of tho relations of the Government to the fa'inor, what It Is doing and what It should do. This series will Include contributions from olllcers of the Department of Agrlcul ture, and other woll-known men will dlcuss "The farmer's Discontent," "Cooperation,' etc., elo.. A celcbra'od Spanish writer Is to furnish a "Mfoi)l Columbus " wtilch will bo brlUUntly lluHrated.and tho publishers of The Century havo arrnngo.1 with tho managers of the World's Fair to print articles on tho build ings, etc. One of tho novels to appear In 1S92 Is a story of New YorK llfo by tho author of 'The Anglomanhic-," and tlio magazine will contain a great deal about tbe metropolis dur :pg the year among Qtlur things a serlei of Illustrated articles on, "The Jews In New York." In November Is an illustrated dt crl pi Ion of tho "Players' Club." founded by Edwin Booth, and ono of the, features of the splendidly Illustrated Christmas (Uccomuer) number Is an article on ''Tbo Cowory." To get The Orafnrisend tbe yearly subscrip tion price ($1.01) to Tho Cen ury Co., Union qua-e,Uow Yolk, N. Y. OMVEIt IIOMIES, When asked If all diseases were curable If treated early, said " Yes, but some diseases began two hundred years ago " Precisely no ono knows when scrofula and specific 'diseases bogan. Ve only know that we inherit skin diseases, king's evil, rheumatism,, whitesu citings, &c, and tlio medical world Is Just learning that Cactus Blood Cure Is the one only Infallible Veg. AtidilA nuiitrallrpr ot these blood taints. Statement 1. & 11. Company. Philadelphia;- Nov. 37. Tho state ment of tho Philadelphia & Heading Company for the mouth of October, 1 8 U I , shows net earnings for tho mouth of $51-1,121.75, aguiust $427,28.00 for tho sumo period lust year. The surplus for the 11 mouths of tho current year Is $3,293,102.00, au increaso.ot $0.0,7:19.1)3 as compared wltu tno same period ol last year. Col. nml Airs. Grant's Iteceptlon. Vienna, Nov. 27, Tbo American Min ister, Coi. Frederick Grant, and Mrs. Grant, guvo a Thanksgiving reception yesterday afternoon at the ministerial rosldenuu. Tho reception was thronged by Americans ana Hugllsii, as wall us many Austrian notables, who wero en tertained hospitably by Mrs. Grant, who Is one ot tno most popular ladles In Vienna society. It Curs CoHs,Coarhi,5oreThroat,Cronp,Inlnr.Bli, Whooplar Couch, Bronchitis sud Asthma. Jt oarulo. f .iro for Consumption lo r. .laws, and ant. Mil.! la alvsneea stacea. Uaaatooos. You will see tho ex. sollent effoot after Uklng; tbe tost -lv,M1 stalara swrjnrbart. larts kUa, M souls sad VM. LEATHER nd SHOE TOK 3?. sT. CL'EAKT, DtaUr In all kludsol Shoeinfijcers' ; Supplies Irge and nrsl-olass stock. AH Demands of tie 'Trdde Supplied 18 W. OENTRK.BT., Ferguson House bttlldlntj, SHEMANOOAII, PA, Has removed to Bill Jones' old stand 17 SOUTH MAIN BTUEKT, Where be will be pleased to meet the wants Of nis ffif ntss nnu tuejiuouoiu :n.. 1 SI T jiYuryilHUg IU rsso Ufuuaily lallu Sir. Covlllo'sl Riperlment. Mr. Coyillo 1ms Rot but ono nppli tree, but it is a good tree. It has hung' full of blossoms, and In the past woih has been a very benutifttl ornament Is his little yard Wo do think npplo blos soms tho swoetest flowers' over created, On Mr. Oovillo's tree worms havo made a huge and unsightly nest. Mr. (Joville learned that the only surt way of getting rid of tho nest was to burn it away. This was to be done by a lighted bunch of rags saturated with catnpbeno and tied to tho cud of a pole so as to be applied to the nest. It was on Friday evening that Mr. Oovilfo did this business. Ills wifo holped him. lit put a barrel tinder tho trco to stand on. i as he did not have a polo long enough to reach tho nost from the ground. He tied a lot of rags on tho end of a stick and dipped tlio mass into a basfn'of cam phene, and then touched off a match una applied the ball of llamo to the nest High as ho was from the ground, still lit had to stand Well lip on his toes to mak tho remedy effective. Uut Mr. Covillt did not mind that at all, becauso tin flarao was doing the work most beauti fully. "That'll sizzlo 'em, by grnciousl" lit shouted down to liw wifo, who stood by him, while Ins eyes wero riveted on tin devastation above his head. "Wah, ooh, oohl" suddenly rent the air above thd apple tree; and, before the startled woman could comprehend from whence came the dreadful cry, she re ceived a blow on the head from a ball ol burning rat's, aud went down like t flash, striking the ground in time to see her husband descend, seat first, on 8 similar,.ball of flame, nnd rise again ns it called up by an unseen but irresistible power. , It was all explained in a minute, while Mrs Coville sat in a large dish of cold water. It appears that a drop of the i lighted catnpliena fell from the ball and struck Mr. Covitle on tho chin just us lie was in the very climax of enthusiasm, when every nerve seemed stretched to its utmost tension in fond anticipation of the most gratifying results. i The shock was too great for his nerv ous system to withstand. Tlio barrel went over in that awfully unexpected way winch a barrel lias of going over, nnd in the descent of bis person Mr. Co-1 ville fetched his wife a wipe over the head with his fireworks as forcible as it was unintended, and wound up the pei forinauco by sitting abruptly and inex plicably down upon the illumination it self. Mrs. Coville lost some hair and was scorched ou one ear, and Mr, Co ville hius had to have an entirely new sag put in his pants, but the barrel was not injured iu the least and tho torch is about as good as now, if any one cares to use It. J. M. LSAIIXY. Oh, What a Cough, Will youheed the wimlug? Tbe idgnnl per. aps of th) sure appro ich ot that more ter ble disease. Consumption. AbIc yourselves if you can afford for the sake of savins 60 r-ents, to ruu tue riHK anu no uuiiuuk lorui. we Enow iron experience tuat biiiuiuk uur-j vlll Cure your Cough. It never falls. This xplnlqs why more than a Million liotUes ivere sold the past year. It relieves Croup ind Whopplne Cough at once. Mothers do lot be without It. For Lame UacK, Side or 'best, useSUIIob's Porous Plaster. Sold by 1. if. Hascenbuch, H. li, corner Main and Joyd streets. The harness manufacturer is the only Bueceseful rein maker. Shiloh'B Consumption Curo. This Is beyond yuestlou the most ro 'sssful' Conifh aleuldrurJ we have ever sola. i tew doses (u variably our tbe worst oi 'onzb, Croup, nnd uroiiohttlo, while Its term! success In tbe cure of Gousumptlt oases 1 1 w in. lltillU is viiunui a parallel in tue uistnry oi uwuiciuh. sinoe It's first discovery it Uas been sold on a ."Kuuntae, a tst wliloh no other medicine an stand. It you have a (Viu.ll we earnestly sk you to try II. I'rloe 10cent, SOoenls, and 11.00. If your Lnugs art) sore, Chest or lines' lame, use Uhlloh's Porous piaster. Hold bv n II, llogeubneh. N, K. corner Main And Lloyd streets. Next month, December, la the great eliopplng mouth. Tho Dbotor and Poatma9tor uhm tnllrlrur nil nit n. aajte nf serious Illness due to a neglectel notifnud rapidly goiuglnlo consumption whloh was promptly ourl by t'an-xiua uougu nun ijousiiinpuou uure. Trial bottles liee ul icirlln's drux store, You may hear the hear the eough drop. cough hut can't A Parish Priest's Oortifloate Oor- tliled. to by the Arohhisnop of Mexico'. I, paroo' lal priest and ecclesiastical Jndge of uetayu, nuue i uu-susiuuio, tiereoy cermv tbatlBn-iW sevenl people who have been epred by the Cactus 11 food Curo. It radi ally and ulfectually dispels nil lmimr ties of the blood. KltANCO SI CONU'Jlt V. The above signature ts tint wlueh he uses In all ills oualness, ortlciii'ly and otlicr wise, uuu ue is uu oiu pupil ui iiu ue t P, A., ArcbnlshoT of Mexico. , .-..-. ..-s.M.-ao - UnM at irivlli.'a lifiiffUlnM Vanmiiin ItnnoA hjock. sueuanaoat., IMPRISONED 7 YEARS. I'roshlnnt' Ilnrrlson Will Investigate tlio Case of the Joffel sou llordell Mutineers, ToMUSsoy, Mo., Nov. 27. I'rosldont Qompcrs ot tho Aniorlcau Federation of L(ibcv has obtained tho promise of 1'resl dei Harrison that he will Investigate tilt circumstances in the case of the two American seamen who have been con fined In the prison here for the past 17 years. The President lias evinced groat interest tu the story of tho men, which is ns follows: Iu May, 1875, E. W. Clnrk nml Georgo Miller, American citizens, shipped from Now Orleans ou the schooner iloiforson Uorden, bound for Liverpool. Her cap tain, W. Peterson, treated them aud the other members of tho creAv, it is alleged, with the greatest cruelty. The food wub bad, the fresh wittor carelessly Kept, nnu tlio crew subjected to over- work and torturous pafiishment. Mad- dened by their hardships, Clark and Mil ler and a third member 'of tho crow, John Glen, a British subject, formed a mutiny and attacked the captuln'aad his olllcets.' During the moloe the mate, Corredon I'otersun, the Captain's brother, was struck with a belaying pin and killed, The Captain retreated to his cabin, nnd from a window laid out each of 'the lull tiueers with a revblver.' No oil "wis ' killed, but ' they Worb so ' severely in jured that they wtfYe easily put In'ironB. After treutmeut In n British' hospital ' tno men were brought to UOatdU nml tried and convicted ot mutiny: The sentence ot death imposed ' on this two Americana was commuted to lmptlsdn- meat for life, wlillo the Briton, through tho offices of the British government, received a IU years' sentence. The delegation that presented the ap plication for tho pardon ot tho two men was appointed by the Liibor Union moet- ing at Detroit last year, through the of - torts ot the bouillon's Union LIFti SAVING SERVICS Kinbnrassuioiit Under Which It Luboro Owing to IteKigiiiiliiuis orTrillued Men. Washinotox, Nov. 37. The annual report of Superintendent Kimball of tho life-saving serviou shows us follows: At tho close of last fiscal year the establish ment embraced 2118 stations, 178 on the Atlantic, 48 ou ths lakes, 11 ou the Pa cific, ami 1 ou tho Ohio at Louisville, Ky. Tho number of disasters to docu mented vessels wlthiu the soopu-of sta tion operations during tho year was JD1. Thero wore on board these vessels 3,117 persons, of whom 8,103 were saved and 43 lost. T.a number of ship wrecked persons who received succor at tho stations was 051, to whom 1,010 days' relief lu' tlio aggregate was 're ported. The cost of tlio" maintenance of tho service during the year was $910,301. The saving of imperilled property was proportionately greater than in any former year, with a single excoption. The general superintendent invites at tention to tlio ombitrrasment- under which the service1 labors owing to the frequent resignations of trained men, wtyo leave the service for better com pensation at less hazardous vocations. He says that this exodus ot experienced surfmon, shown in the last report to bo more than DO per cent., has con tinued during the past year, nnd It Is obvious that, Unless speedily checked, tho efllcioncy ot the Corps will bo seri ously impaired. Many who would otherwise leuvo aro retained by tho hope ot better wages in the future, ex cited by former recommendations, and by the merits ot tho enso which they think ought to bo apparent. Meeting of Irlsh-Anierlciina. New Youk, Nov. 27. Tho conferenco of representative Irish -Americans, called pursuant to resolutions adopted at u re cent moeung oi tue .uunicipui council j ,,, ,,, Of;irr..iiiio-rfurrr, Itciiualshand of the Irish National League, met in this ood siuK'scustlni; from i.oo to j. city yesterday. Two hundred members were present. J. W. Casey, ot Roches ter, was appointed chairman. A com mittee was appointed to draw up a plat form. Tho sentiment ot the meeting seemed to be that tho platform should set forth tbo principles enunciated and supportod by Famuli, that dependence of the Irish people upon any English statesman should bo disapproved, and that independence, puro aud simple, Should bo the watchword. The I'll" at St. Alliam. St. Albans, Vt., Nov. 27. Tho- firo which occurred hero yesterday provod to he tho most disastrous that has vis ited this city tu many years. The llamos started In a small barn situated In tho roar of a store on Main street. A high wind prevailed and, owing to this, tho lire hud Its own way uuttl strotin s sta bles, eight business housos, Wuttgh'a Opera House, tho Congregational Church and several law olllces wore burned. Tho loss Is estimated at $150, -000; partially insured. Tho American House, tho Weldeu House and many business houses nnd residences wore saved only with the utmost diflloulty. Lottery OltlelaU lleleased on ltnll. New Ohleans, Nov. 27. Directors and officials of tho Louisiana Lottery Com pany who were arrested under indict ments Irom Sioux f ans, s. u., ror vio lation of tho anti-lottery laws, wore nr ralgned In the United States District Court yesterday and reloased ou $1,000 bonds wuh to appear before tho Dakota c6urt at its next term In March. Hold li lie I.eula A. (Irnllt, Sure. Boston, Nov. 27. A dispatch from Rutland, Vt., Bays that reliable Infor mation confirms the rumor that the president has deckled to uppolut Qen- oral Lewis A. Urant Assistant Secro - tary of War, to tho secretaryship miido vacant by the resignation ot lied Hold Proctor. llehrew Kmlirrtitlon Colululttoe. B Ell LIN, Nov. 27. The committee ap pointed by the Hebrews ot this city to assist liussiau Jews In emigrating has aided forty thousand since June, and has paid the passage of fifteen thousand, mostly to America. - NEW ENGLAND DF1IEFS. Iho turkey served at tho White House yesterduy was iinportod especially from lthodo Island. Tho Treutons of New Jersey heat the Freewamlors of Pawtucket, by 8 to 0 ut Providence yesterday. James Hauley, aged 25 years, fatally stabbed his brother Patrick, aged 10, at Thonuuton, Conn., (luring a quarrel. Juntos has buen arrosted. T. O. II- 1'. Burnham, tho famous Boston bookseller who died worth se. eral millions of dollars, left a will over which thero will undoubtedly V i a brisk contest. w&useAlcoho puro alcohol to make WouVs Acuh JIi.ackino. Alcohol is good for leather; it is good for the skih, Alcohol is the chief, Florida Water, and Hoy Hum the well known face Washes. We think there is nothing too oottly to Uee in a good leather preservative Acmo Blacking retails at 20c. and nt that prico sells readily. Many peoplo are so accustomed to buying a dress ing or blacking nt fie. and iOd. a bottle that they cannot understand thnt a black ingcanhoclieniiat 20r. Wewanttomect themSvitli cheapness if wo can, and to ac complish tills wB oiler a reward of for a recipe which will enable tis to make Wot-fp's AcMt; ItLAfTciNTi tit such a 'price that A retailer can profitably sell it at 10c. a bottle. We hold (his oiUir open until Jan. 1st, 1M)3. WOLFS' & BANDOLPII, Philadelphia. CACTUS BLOOD cure: SUPERIOR TO SARSAPaRlLLA Purifies tlio blood by ex pelling the impiu ities through the proper channels and never causes eruptions on the skin. Regulates tho bowels Cures dyspepsia, liver and kidney troubles, tones up the system and gives you an appetite. Never fails o cure any con dition produced by inipuro or impoverished blood, or a dis ordered state of stomach, liver or kidneys. Sold at Klrlln'8 Drug Stare, Ferguson's Hotel Block, Shenandoah, Pa. Ask mr ncentH for XV. L. Douslns lioeau If not lor snle iu )our nlucu iimU our ilenler to scud for cntnlogue, secure tho UKi-iicy, ituii ui- inrni lor sou. CsT-TAIU. Ml hi hUUSTlTDTE. ' WHY IS THE L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET? It Is a seamless slide, wllh no tacks or wax thread to hurt tuoreet; tuado of tho best Hue calf, sljllsli and easy, nml became tre wmlt-e more ehoe or thta SK OO facniiliie llnml-ecd, the finest cair al. shoo oter otTercil for -1.011 1 equals French Imported olioes which cost from 8S.Oto SI2 00. JA III) 1 1 II uil-X- I il Welt Mine, line cair. iVVo stylish, eoniforlable and durable. Thehcst shoo ever ofTered at this price i snine Krade as cus ' iniii-iniin Hunt- cosmic i roin en-w iu rri.uo. I 0 Police Mioei Farmers, ltallroad Men ( nPOo and Irf-ltcrCurrlersall wcarthem: ttndcntf, i spamit'ss, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sl'in edfte. Ono pair will wenrajenr. (t0 (l,ll eillli no better shoe ever offered at oTiiCa this price; ono trial wilt eoulnce those w ho want a slioo for enuiforc and service. StTf, nnd fei-J.tIO WolUtnmilnirN shoes stoo nro very stronc nnd duruble. Thoso who ii ivu nivi.-ti iiu-m iv iriui win vi-iir nu oiiitriiuiov. Bnvcl f-.OII nml 81.7.1 school shoes ro UysJjf 2 worn bytho bnyseverywhere: theysell nu their merits, as the tnm-aslng sates show. H orlinc !:l-ll Iliiuileni-cl shoe, best fcW3l4 ICS3 Doiinoln, verystyll6tlieilualsFri'UCtl Imported shoes cistlinrrrom 94.taltn ssjjrI. I.mllfs' i.nit, -i.Oti nml Sl.r.t shoo Tor Misses are the best fine Doiis-ola. MyllsUand durable. Cniillou. See that W. L. poiiglas namo ami price are stamped ou the Imttom of each shoo. W. L. UOUQLAS, IJrockton, Mass. Tosopla DBctll, aiJoLGja.ssL-Kx.cLQm'kx DR. THEEL. roo North Fourth at., DtjO bel clrwn. pMit.naLrol. Uir nW grnuloo o.rman Amrriaao SpMlali.t In Ue I'nlvrd t-lalra obo lo abl- to cure DlOOd Poisons Nervous Debility ana Spe cial PIsonseB oo"1 o. SkiuPioa.,. Ki-asrotaPalnalotbo bouix.soroThroat Mouths Hlt.htB, rlmpl'., yropUftoi, aort o barj tloera, bwclllnsa, Irritations, IliltaniaiaUona and Rnnblnia, btriotnrea, WralDraa awl fcailo sar loal raomorj, o.ak ftack menial anxlolr, KIlDfJ an Hlatl,r ItlKaara and all Plaeaara rfaultlns from Mor .ari a. InlUon-UonorOrrrwork lu-cent eaaoa curc-d Iniloiosata relict at onoe. Ih, not loa bor, no matter obal aa'rr UaiDf lloctor. Quaok, Pamllr or Hoepltal phr.lelan baa ralteo. Pr. T1IRKX anrea nosltlvoly and without dilcnUon rront bnalneoa. otn. rooso, i so, MnnLB iattn acoTHOoa crsTtorliTiao M.aniAas rleb or poor, .v:.". ',?r... v; tioSSii.2 V mr book lio"",'d.llr Ih.m IO J Ff. 6 to B, Wed. and Bat. Ir . lo 10 llnndaT UU II. Write or fall atltt bo "rod til luf.,u. aoa Wodn. ed Salurdaj rblla. dall TUM A MESH0W j ' If you want to m a fine display of Hoots and rttioc-, got) W, S, SNYDER'S Boot und Shoe Store, (Mosteller'B old stand,) Corner Coal mid Jarclln tilts. Custom Worlc nutl Itcpnlrlnjr Done In the best style. SUFFERING W0MENS S hon tryubled with thne annoyluii Irrostdu hon tryubled with tLr -fMiuentiy folloarin,: ft -) llalHlonii froio tv . ill jtninol Weekoosse pooulir t , thslr sos. imruld Uaa DR. DuCiiCIME'S Oltbratl EM ALE tstUULAi INU LS. v aie berMngtl.imi.i. 1 TlKOrari't pi iv , i. tin btf f 4 ..UliHlt l.i II riinii'tjajofdoflv - A-.i1r.r-, Jt Hrt f t H. li, BHICKKR M. ii., P f7sTl!AKA VB aS LXGEON, "ViEist nutre Htren-, ifhanoy City, Pa iluaudaU BDeaiial diseases A -rpeolalty.