The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, November 27, 1891, Image 2

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rrincoton's Tigers Weakened
i in tho Second Half.
Neither Bids Boored in the First Half but
K Yala Won 19 to 0,
Tho Mulch Wltnoeil r WlltUr Untliit-
InRtlo Ciuwd of Nearly Forty Thousand
l'oiiplr, Win. Dliln't Ml ml the Itiiln 11
Jtlt MHBIllllcnnt Work nr Santa tit the
Men Much llliitutlsfMctlon Kxprimied
With tho JlmiBBinmt. Other lnmf.
New York, Nov. a?.- Poor I'rtncoton I
The "tigers' " admirers are very euro at
her defeat yesterday by the score of 10
to 0 In the great championship Kama
with Yule, but force a disconsolate
smile now unci then, nnd. feebly murmur:
"Look out for us next year." Yale
deserved her triumph, won it fairly and
wears It modestly. Her toam wan per
fect In action, her Interference a treat
to enjoy, bor tackling forceful and
Football has beoome a remarkablo In
stitution in this town. That it is
grout attraction for at least one day in
tho year may be believed when it is ob Hint elderly und staid men and
women sat on dump and rough boards
from 10 o'clock in the morninir till
o'clock in the afternoon In order to see
the beKlnuiuK of the Kama,
Tho gates wore not open till 10
o'clock, but by that time ureat crowds
of persons had gathered about tho dlf
fen nt entrances, lly 11 o'clock n great
crowd bail gathered in tho grounds and
ove y moment it was augmented by
fresh arrivals, lly noon nil tho free
seats were occupied and the gruud stand
had become fairly well filled. A halt
hour Inter it benu to rain but the peo
pie kpt coming just as fast us ever, lly
1 :30 evury available space about tho field
Wai occupied
The sight iu the stand was protty in
extreme. On evory hand were tho
waving colors of dllTorent colleges and
these, added to the brilliant costumes of
the women, made a bright and uuliimt
ing picture.
There were fully 37,000 persons pros
eut when tho Yule toam, nt 3 o'clock,
filed out of tho club houso and canio
onto the field. They wore followod iin
mouiatoiy uy tno black and orange
jktrlped young men of Princeton. A
""wllil deltigo of shouting and blowing of
horns and waving of flags occurred n
minute later when tho two teams lined
Ul) iu the middle of tho gridiron.
Then as each mau bent forward with
his hands on his knees and gazed hard at
Ills opposite, tho noise suddenly stoppod,
and every one of those more tnnn di,
000 wild men and women was as still as
n Btutuo, nnd every one of those eyes
was focusscd on ono ltttlo spot where
the ball was. The game vras about to
begin, 'Hie teams lined as follows
I,cft End. Illnkoy.
lAiIt Tackle, w U. Winter.
Ix-ltOiMrd, V. W. Jlollulflniier.
Cvutio, 1'. J. hMlinnn.
lllKht (iuurd, S. N. Morlsnn.
Hlillit Tuokle, O. W. .Mills.
Hlglir l.nil. J A, Hartwell.
Quiirtcr-uilck. I'. II. llnrlmur.
flight Iluir-biiek, I.. T. llllsi.
l.u?t llall-lwck. T. I,. McClung.
J uil-baorf, V, U, MvCorWlgk,
ItlKhtond, It. II. Wurreti.
ltiglittuoili', A. 1 IlaroM,
K'Kllt gllilid, .1. II. lUggS.
Comer, J. (). Syiiiinw,
Lift sumd, A. T. Wheclor.
Ji'ft. tii"k;, A. 1 Holly.
Lift ond, II. Vllloe t,
yuuiter back, 1. King,
lettlmll'-tmclt, J. M. Flint,
ltmlii liiilMmul-, J. . l'oe, Jr.
l ull-back. S. Ilonmiis, jr.
Then the game began. Princeton won
tho toss and tried the ancient "V" triok
with slim success. Yalo's center seomod
invulnorable. Ilefl'elfliigor, Sauford and
Morrison were n trio of gl.ints tuat
could not bo moved. Thou Princeton
changed tactics. She depended upon
ilouinns' great punting ability, and
time and again when tho boys from
Nassau were In the very jaws of defeat
his brilliant work would put tho toam
out of danger and rolegnte tho buttle to
xulo's Held.
It was something now to Yale. She
might shatter tho tenter of Princeton,
nnd daring Mcdiing and the agile IJltss
might make their famous ond rushos
with success, but evor) time tho danger
seemed most imminent llomans
was on hand. Tho rushers, too, backed
him superbly, nnd In this was displayed
the ouly real team work of Prliicotan.
AVhen he puntod thoy were right with
the ball, making rocovery of ground by
tho blue legged boys Impossible).
For half an hour the battle wajjod
warm, with tho ndrnntago hardly In fa
vor of either team. Yalo's admirers
wore silent. Her substitutes on tho
coaching Hues and her friends said lit
tle. They were confrontod by tho big
gest kind of n condition. Their theory
of what Princeton was to do was sadly
ut fault. Fifteen minutes only re
mained of the first half, and they wero
as far from scoring as over. MoClung
was becoming desperate. Hu lined his
men up and they set to work with grim
They apparently wont iu to wipe up
the earth, or that portion of it between
them and lhe goal posts, with the boys
from Princeton. They ran brilliantly,
employed all the art of masters of the
game, fought and struggled as they
never before were called upon to do.
Hack, they would drive the 6trlped
stocking athlete, hack to the very
verge, but llomans was always on
hand, and with n phenomenal kick
would send the ball tt center again.
Faator and faster thoy flew too fast
for Yale, fur tho time keepers oalled tho
first half when the ball was still far
n the goal and neither team had
. eoored,, Xa'a wag downcast and I'rlnse
tons frittnds wom ecstatic They car
ried the eleven pit the field in triumph
and It was with dillloulty that the police
could keffp the crowd out of tho room
where many hands were caring for them.
Hut If the crowd could not get Into the
room 11 could still cheer, and a thou
sand mi n who swarmed about the cot
tag.' roared their congratulations.
5'h respite for the players was brief.
They were out In IB inhiutes and at
work again. Yale had the ball and tho
dogged determination with which she
carried it through Princeton's torrltory
wus a rl h treat to all who adpilro
pluik, barked up by bone and muscle
and 1 1 ans mat knew no talluro.
x .. i i ..,.i u.i-..
her Bhe could not withstand the ton.
. i.. i. ii-.i - tt t
case of beef and bone, and over the slin-
wry gran and mud tuo tlgew rerel0,i "V" " ' mjurou.
. -
driven luck. They scema.t rattled.
They forgot, strategy. Tlnfy I neglcctod
to use) the methods which, It' they, hail
not brnuglilt victory, nt i least, had
averted defpnt In the first hlilf. Thoy
opposed foroa to forco, and they lost.
two touchdowns and n kick from the
field and a touchdown on which a goal
wn kicked wore made lu rapid sucoes-
Princeton's Individual work was really
hernia, but her Win work was utterly
noglootod. It was only whon It was
lrlven home to them by the soore of 19
to 0 that thoy seemed to wako up, and
then thoy strove to snvo the whitewash,
llomans' punting wns again called Into
play und with tho same suocenful re
sults so far as Yale's not scoring more
was concerned.
Time was called while the ball wns
still lu play, but the great intercollegi
ate ganin of '01 wss ovor and Yalo was
dual champion of the year.
Whllo tho wretched weather un
doubtedly had something to do with tho
nttondanco it was not tho only deterrent
cause. The grounds were entirely In.
adequate, and thousands wore unable
to get In, among them many who had
purchased tickots.
'Kali, Hab, Hah, Yale 1" was om
nipresent last night. At the hotels, ,ln
tno theatres nnd other places of amuse
ment, on the stroets, from .Harlomt to
tho Battery, and from the East Klver
to tho North River, everywhere was en
countered crowds of wildly demonstra
tive students, cheering the grent victory
yesterday. In several of the theatre.
the noise crontod made a farce of the per
formance, but everybody took the mat
ter good naturedly, and bbt few arrejts
nro reported.
Cornell lleaten Ity Chicago.
Ciiicaoo, Nov. 27. The Chicago
University eleven beat Cornell yestor-
day by 13 to 4. About 12,000 people
shivered and shouted during tho game;
Chicago won by individual nlav nnd
slugging. Cornell put up a strong,
plucky gnmo In toam work, but -wore
hopelessly weakened In tho rush line by
an injury to Galbreath, which forcod
him to retire. Every member of ttie
Cornell team rocelved wounds
of soino sort, and nearly every
ouo retired at tho ond of the gnmo with
his face besmeared with blood. Osgood,
JInnson, Johnson, Floy and Young did
great work for Cornell.
Columbia Defeat thn Ooorgetown.
Washington, Nov. 27. Tho football
game for tho championship ot tho Dis
trict of Columbia was played yesterday
at Capitol Park by the Columbia Ath
letic Club and tho Georgetown Univer
sity tenuis. Tho Columbins outplayed
Ueorgetown at evory point, and wort by i
a score ot 22 to 4. Tho Columbins made
four touchdowns nnd kicked throe iroals.
The Georgetowns made but ono touob
down. The game was witnessed by.
G,000 people. Mnrtin, of tho University
ot Pennsylvania, acted ns refereo, and
Schoff, of tho same college, umpired. :
Cnlgntft rjnts tliR lVpnnnt.
RociiEsTi:n, N. Y,, Nov 27. Colgate
defeated liouhoster University .In a game
of football yesterday, by a sqore, of .0 to
nothing.' This gives. Colgate the Inter
Collogiato championship pennant.
Itucknotl University Ilefoateil.
Lancaster, Pa., Nov. 27. An eleven
from Franklin and Marshall College de
feated the Iiucknoll University team nt
football yesterday afternoon by a score
of 12 to 0.
Strange Ktory ot a liny Adopted by the
Head raster btrultoit.
ColtTLANP, N. Y., Nov. 27. A peculiar
story Is told by Slierill Uorthwlck,
relative to II GeorgejJStrntton, who died
in New York whllo trying to bent Succl's
fasting record, lie says that Stratton
had adopted a boy supposing him to he
Charlie Jioss.
The sheriff and Hoss' father corre
sponded with Stratton for a year re
garding tho boy. The slierill got a clow
as to wbero Stratton was living, and the
latter learning of It Bent tho boy to
Denver. He admitted that ha hud
adopted the boy but would say nothing
futher about him.
Stratton was marriod nnd his wife
lives In Minnesota. Many years ago
she refusod to live with him whllo he
had the boy lu the houso. The boy told
tho sheriff many things and Stration's
doath may help to unravel tho mystery
which has so long surrounded tho hoy.
Hu Is known hero as Fred Stratton.
Stratton always refusod to say where he
got tho hoy. The sheriff has many lot
lors from Hoss' father and he will con
tinue tho Investigation us to who the
boy is.
Four rirpinon Hurt.
Philadelphia, Nov. 27. The lnrgo
bag manufactory of Peter SToung,
Swanston street, was totally destroyed
by ilro yesterday afternoon. The loss
will ronch fTO.OUO. While playing on
tho fire four llremsn wero caught .by a
falling wall and ware badly Injured.
When tho wall was first soon tp topplo
Georgo Crilly, of Kngino 17, was In such
a position that escape was Impossible,
Ho lay llut down and almost miracu
lously escaped doath, receiving only
bodily contusions. All ot the Injured
were taken to hospitals.
Unit Aet Uiiroiutltiitlimal,
New Yohk, Nov. 20. A special ills,
patch from Ottawa Fays the Dominion
government Is advised that the law
oUlcors of the Imperial government havo
declared tho Newfoundland Halt act to
be unconstitutional, Canada and New
foundland, It has boon proposed, shall
submit n joint case to tho Imperial
Privy Council. If Newfoundland re
fuses the British authorities oau, never
theless, make the reference under an Im
perial statute.
.Miliar llijoct tliaTarina.
I'aiuh, Nov. 27. The minors of Pas de
Calais have rejected the terms offered
thoin by thu combination of colliery
owners, on the ground that the owners
are not willing to abldo by legal arbi
tration. Considerable oxcltoment pre
vails in the mining towns.
Jay Oould Is said to have stated that
he Is out of Wall street forever.
A weekly newspaper called the "Cort
land Weekly Journal," with 48 columns.
wade its lint appearance yesterday.
I Br a wreck on the D. L. & W. road
I Mcs.engervllle, yesterday between a
' Dtuseiiier train nnd a frMuhfc train
Jolln Keating, engiuoer ot the passou-
I , . 1 1.1 .j 1
Some Striking and Interesting Incident.
'.About Having Your Plnjiugriiidi I'ltkeii.
Copyrighted by Leo A Hhcpard,. Boston, and
published by special arrun'tremottt with thcm.l
Having n pliotogrnpft 'titln is'6ne of
the great events ill a1 lmuty )ifo. The
chief desiro Is to loolt tho w)ry fxMt; nnd
on tliu success of the picture hinges, in
many cases, the most Invjirtiititopocii in
life. To work up a pi?.pVr nppenratice
tlmo enough, is used which, if devoted
to catching (lens for their phosphorus
would cancel the entire national debt
nild establish a Now York daily paper
When you have completed yd'itr toilet
you go to tho gallery and force yourself
Ihto a nonchalanco of expression that I?
too ubsuril for anything.
1 Then you tako tho chair, spread your
legs gracefully, appropriate a calm and
iudiilereut look and commence to per
spiro. An attenuated mnn witli a pale
face, long hair and a soiled iioph now
comes oat of a cavern anil nil justs the I
n HM,n l. nnf. ,.r ..,.1 i
camera. Then ho gets back of you and
tolls yon to sit back as far as yon can in
the chair, and that it has been a remark
ably backward spring. After getting
you back till your spino interferes with
the chair itself, ho shovos your head into
a pair of ice tongs, and dashes at the
camera again. Here, with a piece of
discolored velvet over his head, he bom
bards you in this manner, "Your chin
out a little, please." The chin is pro
truded. "That's nicely, now a little
more." Tho chin advances again, and
the pomado commences to melt and start
for freedom.
Then ho comes back to you nnd ships
one of your hands on your leg in such a
position as to give you the appearance of
trying to lift it over your head. The
other is turned under itself, and has be
come so sweaty that ydu begin to feat
that it will stick there permanently. A
new Btream of pomade finds its way out
and starts downward. Then he shakes
your head in the- tongs till it settled
right, and says it looks like rain, and
puts your chin, out again and punches
out your chest, and says ho doesn't know
what the poor are to do next winter un
less there is a radical change in affairs
and then takes the top of your head in
ono hand and your chin in the other,
and gives your neck a wrench that
would earn any other man a prominent
position in a new hospital. Then he
runs his hand through your hair and
scratclies.your 6calp, and stops back to
tho cauiera and tho injured velvet rot
another look.
By this time now sweat and pomadt
havo started out. The whites of youi
bunion uui. xuo iuica ui jyiu ,
show unpleasantly, and your whole
body feels as if it had been visited by nn
enormous cramp, and another and much
bigger ono was momentarily expected,
Then he points at something for you to
look at; tells you to look cheerful and
composed, and snatches away tho velvet
and pulls out his watch. When he gets
tired, and you feel as if thero was but
very littlo left in this world to livo for,
he restores tho velvet, says it is an un
favorable day for a picture, but ho hopes
for tho best, nnd immediately disappears
in his den. Then you get up and stretch
yourself, slap on your hat and im
medately sneak home, feeling mean,
humbler1, and altogether too wretched
for description. The first friend who
sees tho picturo says ho pan sea enough
resemblance to mako certain it is you,
but you havo tried to look too formal to
be natural and graceful.
Tlrod Mothors, Hero ia Boat.
Instant roliot for baby,. If colia hurts.
Send to J. il. Ulllan or O. ,f. McCarthy,
the druggist?, for sample bottle of Dr.
Hand's Colic Cure. Always cures. No
dingerous drugs.
Great quantities of poultry are now
daily blilpped to the ea-deru cities.
A Husband's Mistake
J I n. ban (Is loo often permit wive, nnd par
ents their children, lo Miller from headache,
dizzluees, neuralgia, sleep!e-sues, fits, ncr
vnnmes, when iy the use of Dr. Allies'
Restorative Nervine such serious results
oould eablly be prevented Druggists every
where say ltglvtw universal sallsuoilon, and
haiai ImmeusA sale. wondorlh Uo., ol
Fort Wayne, lud.; Buow &. 'o,. of By raeuse,
N. Y.:J. O. Wolf. Hillsdale. Mich.: and bun-
d edsot others say "II Is the greatest seller
tuey ever anew." it eoutsius no opiws.
Trial bottles and Due boon on Nervous
Diseases, free at 0. 11. HagoutnioiVs.
CUiiUHo lily bulbs taken in hand
now will be in blofsom for Christmas.
Milee' fterve tnd LAvoe Pills
Act on a no.v principle regulatlDie
liver. sUimsoh and bowels throtuih the n
A new dlsoovory. Or. Miles' I 'll speedily
cute biliousness, bad table, torpid liver, plies,'
ooostlvuion. Unequaled lor men, women,
children. Smallest, mlhiest, surest 5 1 doses,
'JU. Samples Free, at V. 11. llagenbuch's
arug stoie.
liofore mauy more daya winter will
sweep down upon ua to amy.
Tho Soorot of Suooess,
U. II. Ilugenbucb, the druttgUl.belleves that
the secret of success Is nerseveiauoe. There
fore ho peislsts In feevplnj the lln.-st line of
pcriuraerios, ujuet articles, cosmetics, urugs
and chemicals on lhe market. Ho especially
Invite all persons who have palpitation,
snort oreuin. wean or uungry rpeus.pam in
side or shoulder, oppression, nlu'lilinare. dry
ci ugh, smothering, dropsy or heart dlteoss
lo iry ur, sines unequulea new Heart time,
before H Is too late. It has the largest sale oi
anv similar romedv. Fine book, of tiistlino
nluls free. Dr. Miles' Hestoratlve Nervine Is
l fc wuwui mm "1"b
Borne of the ''melancholy
wero the brightest of the year,
e'): :
Perfectly' pure.
is specially commended to
Ul v u.tK. oLuinacn. uencate anaJNntn tmm.
Tim Queen Hear, the New Opera.
London, Nov. 27. Slgnor Lago's
Royal Italian Opera Company, which is
performing at tho Shattsbury Theatre,
gave Mascagnt's riopular opera, "Caval
lorla Itustlcana," yesterday afternoon nt
Windsor Castle, by "command" of tho
C;uoeu, and thus, for the first time in 30
years. Her Majesty heard an Italian
opera. She appeared toenjby the muslo.
IStllson Improving the 1'houograph.
New York, Nov. 27. Inventor Edison
Is engaged In a certain modification ot
tho phonograph for tho purpose ot fitting
it to become tho sucoessor of the raiuod
lotter system In production of books for
tho blind. The changes are chiefly In
the way ot Increasing the capacity of
the cylinders. It 1b expected to increase
the reading range ot the blind.
Rln O -a into do Sill llla.nti.fleil.
London,' Nov! St A ''dispatch from
Santiago, Chill, says that tho province
of Klo Urando do Sul Is very dissatisfied
with the new regime in Drazil, only ono
member of the Cabinet having been se
lected from lllo Qraude. The Rio
Grando troops nt Suo Pedro have not
Cornelius Vundurbllt is back from
Europe. Among tho important matters
that await his attention nro tho plans
for Improved New York Central tor
mlnnl facilities in Now York, nnd tho
former runuest of the business men of
Syracuse for additional railroad faclll-
ties lu that city.
The annual meeting of the stockhold
ers of tho Notf York, Lnko Erie & West
ern was in many respects the most im
portant that has taken pluco iu many
years owing to the fuct that it was de
cided In view of tho road's splendid
earnings during the past year to declare
a dividend of 3 percent, on the $8,530,
000 preferred stock, besides paying tho
usual charges nud 0 per cent, on Uio In
come bonds.
Ought to be shatter
tho great, griping, old-tastnoned
pill. There's1 too' much unpleasant
ness ..for tho money. Ought 'to' bo
better, too. They're big enough,
and mako trouble enough, to do
more good. ,
That's just what Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets do, inoro good.
Instead of weakening tho 6ystcm,
thoy renovate it ; instead ot up-
. , i i i r
netting, they cleanso and regulato
It -iiiuuiy, jjuiiwy, uiiu luuui.uiy.
They're tho original Little Liver Pills
tho smallest but most effective.
purely vegetable, perfectly harmless,
and easiest to tako. Only ono
littlo Pellet for a gentlo laxativo
thrco for a cathartic. Sick Head
ache, Bilious Headache, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks,
and all derangements of tho Liver,
Stomach and Bowels nro promptly
relieved and permanently cured.
They'ro tho cheapest pills you can
buy, for theyro guaranteed to givo
satisiaction, or your money is re
turned. You nav onlv for tho good
vou get. It's a plan peculiar to Dr,
Picico's medicines.
Justice of the Peace,
Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Bonds written.
Marrlago Uoenses nnd legal claims
promptly attended to.
Real Eshlo, Gollociioa and Insurance Agency
General Fire Insurance Business, Represent
the Northwestern I .ire insurancaUo.
Omen-Mnldoonls bulldiner. cornor Centre
nnd West Bts Hhenaudoah, Pa.
Good Properties of All Kinds For Sale.
1. A two story double frame dwelllilK house
store and restaurant, on Kast Jentre Ht.
2. A dwelling aud restaurant on Kast Centre
3. Desirable property on corner Centre and
jaruin streets, suiumie or ousiuess pur
noses. 1. A. two-story double frame dwelling, on
WektUovd street.
6. Two 2-story irurno dwellings on West Cen
tre streui.
6. Two 2 story dwellings on the corner o)
Coal and Chestnut streets Htore room in
7. Two-story single house on North Chestnut
street with a large warehouse, at the rear.
8. Three two-story double frame buildings
corner of Lloyd and (J liber t streets.
Largest and cheapest slock in town.
Ariislic Painting, Graining and Decorating!
102 0m 221 W.Ccntre Bt,. HHKNANDOAH
201 N. Malu St., Bhenaudoah.
Ik Kaost SWtk f Bwrs, ilea, Otgare, kt,
sufferers from Indigestion.
Lehigh Valloy Railroad.
NOV 15, 1891
Passenger trains will leave Bhenaudoah tot
.IaUch(!lmiik,L!blKhtoTi, Hlatlneton, Cats
anqua, Allenlown'. Bethlehem, Bastoii, rail
1162, 8.10, 6.21 p, m,
For llelvidere, Dclswaro Water Oap and
Uroudsburg at 5.47, a. mj ana 5.26 p. m.
For Lanibertvllle and' rrenUrs, 9,08 a, m
loI.yf. ,.U.,,Iayell Wllkes-llarre and I'ltU
oti 6.47. 0.08, 1H.41 it. ra., 8.10 nnd 638 p. m.
ForTunkhannock, 10,41 a. m 3,10 and 5.2
. m
m?r 'EbnrntI.t!l,aca" Geneva and and Lyoni
10.41 a. tn., and 6.SK p. m.
ForLaceyvllle,Towanaa, Bayre, Waverlr
ilmlra, Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara Falls,
3hlcarco and all points West at loll a. m.,and
.o p. m.
For Klmlra and the West viaHalaraanca ai
j.10 p. m. i
For Audenrled, llatleton, Btookton, Lum
tier Yard, Weatherly and Penn Haven Juno
'.Ionat5.4r,7.40, 9,(Wa, m.and 12.62 &10 and
W p. m.
For,. Jeanesvllle, Lovlston and Beave
Meadow, 7.40, 9.08 a. m. and 5.28 p. m.
For tJcrautonat5.17 K.uH, 10.41a. m. S 10 and
5:21 p. m.
For Har.le Brook. Jeddo, JUrlfton and Free
land at 6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41 a. m., 1Z62 S.10 and
5.26 p.m.,
For CluakRtto at 6.47 a lid 9.08 a. m and
M0 n. ra.
For WlgFins, Ollberton and Fraokvllle at
"i.W and 8.52 a m., nnd 4.10 p. m.
For Vatesvllle, Mahanoy City and Detanc,
6.47, 7.40, 9.08, 10.41, a. in., 12.52, 3.10,5.26, 8,03,
.2lud 10.27 p.m. '
For Lost Creek, airardvllle and Ashland
I. 27, 7.48,8.52, 10.15 a. m., 1.00,1.40,4.10, 8.85
$.10 and 9.14 p.m. .
for Daritwnler, Bt. Clair and Pottsville
6 50 .40, 6.52, 10.40 a. in., 12.62, 3.10, 4.10, 5.26 And
For Buck Mountain, New Boston and
Moral, 7.40, 9.08, 10.11 a. m., 12.62, 3.10, 5.26 and
For Itaven Hun, Oontralla, Ml. Cnrmel and
ShAmokln, 8.62, and 10.15 a. m., 1.40, 4.M
and 8.0S p. m.
Trains leave Hhamokln for Bhenandnah,
7.5i 11.55 a. m., 2.10, 4.30 and B.M p. m., arriving
at iJheunndoah, 9.05 a. m., 12.52, 8.10, 6.26 and
II. 15 p. tn.
For Lost Creek. Glrardvlile and Ashland.'
i.50,9.10 11.35 a.m., 2.45 p. m.
For Darkwater. Bt. Clair and I'ottavlllf.
S.00, 9.30 u , m 2.45 p. m.
ror xniesvme, iiananny city ana Delano,
s.HO, 11.35 a. m., 1.40, 4.40, 6,03 p. m.
For liony, Andenrled and ilaueton, 8.01
i- m., 1.40 p. in:
For Jlaiich Chunk. Liehlghton, Hlatlneton,
lat&sauaua. Allentown. Bethlehem. ELiatnr
ind Mew York, 8.00 a. m., 1.411 p. m;
r or rouaueipnia, p. ra.
Uen'l Pass. Attt., Bethlrhtm
tiieatke m;ii.iir,
1 I I 1 ,
Gapital,' $i6o;do'
A. Vif. Leisenrna, Pres.,
P. J. Ferguson, V. Pres.,
J. R. Leisenrinq, Cashier,
9. W. Yost, Ass' t Cashier.
Open Dally From 9 to 3.
Ialcl 011 BAViiiKM OepoHttH.
Will rroratitlv relieve the niiiht din.
trpHslng ciujb of Acute or Cbronlc llheu.
inatUm or Gout, lly ftrictly observing
the dlrectlous, it will euro you iroiau
ently Uullk the numeroua rreptrttlom that flood
the cQuatry , thla nicdlelite Is a 1 pec I Do for the
ILssaBUlVisr muf w?u, "cure an une bouiomu mm
lUak.JtliA fj ifttitfBctorr luinrcdBirtn An il inivm. am
la connection 'tith the pilli, couvloee the lufferer tht
iu proper remojj iiki pees louua. ita are troUjr re
qu?itl to to it the mcrlti of
ita Tkluable proper tlet are eodorMd 1 hundred! of tho
Onlj regeulile Ingredient!, rcmerkable Tor thelt euritlrt
joweri, are uiel In the mar ufacture of kKOUT fl
$1.03 Per Bottle. 6 Bsttloj, 55.C0. HUs, 5 Cts. Bet.
If jour itorekeeprr doei not keep It, eeul to the
(uuuivtucri iua juu win roeciTe it dt mail.
303T Miifkct Street, l'lillad'a, ra.
People's Oyster Bay !
T2 E. Centre St., Slicnaudonli
CHAS. C. GUISE, Props.
Hiw, Btewod, Uoalloped, IMnnedor
Fried to ordsr; Kamilles supplied
at tbelr house with the bestoysters
iiiu lunriuv uuurus.
All Orders Promptly Filled
Green Truck. Stand
Cor. Main and Oak Streets.
Frosli Oysters Received Daily.
A tine line of Choice (IROCEMKs
NUts and Candles.
Poultry of all Kinds.
Mr. Costlet rtcelves hls'riwAn tmnlr ilnllv
Irom the cltr market, which Is a guarantee
iu ui. ku.iujuua umi-iuey win receive rrosu
fiwuiw wueu uuyii giroiu mm,
First National Bank
s?W adelpik and Boading Railroad
Timi riWei in lifeel Xov. IS, 1801
1.16 V1 Philadelphia, weekdays
m. Bundsfy 2.1U, and 7.4a a. m. For Nevi
rk, via Mauch Chunk, week days,
w, a. m. and 12.35 and 2.J0 p. m, ' ' ' 1
-.10, 5.26, 7.20, a. m., 12.85 .so and 5.55 mm.
iUdnv. 2.10 and 7.4S a. m.. 40 5. P
.60 5.6S pirn ' We3k y"' 41u7'au m'
0p "n,own week "v. 7.20 m., 12.35
2.80 1 ra iX 5.55 p. m. 8udday, 2.10 aha 7.4fj
m.. 4.30 p.m.
For liimaoua and Mahanoy City, week
J)i.'..8UI?lay' z-10id 7.48 a. m., 1,30 p, m.
Vdditlonal lor Mahanoy City, week, daya 7.00
l7$kltmnA 0oluml,la' weok daJ"'
B-or Wllllamsport, Bnnbnry and Lewisbnrk,
ek days. 8.23, 7.20 and 11.30 a. m 1,35, 7jSi
m. Hunday 8:23 . m., 8.05 p. m.
! J!allVP7 Wane, week days, 2.10 8.25,
,S'7,!2)n?-1 1''80 a-m- l& 'ASO, 65
7.00 ana 9 i. n in, Hunday, 2.10, 8.25 and7.4
iu. ,uo. 1,0 p. m.
For Girnrdvllle (Rappahannock Htatlon)
;fedRy,2.'l"1, 3.25, 5.2i, 7JI) and, 11.80 a. m.;
12.35,135 2.60, 6.55, 7.00 and D.25. p.m. Hunday ,v
2-10 3 23. 7.4S ft. m.. S.05. 4J10 n. tf.
ABhland and BhamoRln. week days,
3 23, 5.25. 7.20-, '11.30 . m.' I.85" 7.00 and iftaj
in. Hundayj 3.23, 7 43 a. m 8.05 p. m.
lave New York via Fhllaaelphla, week
ays.T.45 a. in., 1.80, 4.00. 7.30 p. tn., 12 Jl
lghU Bnnday, 6.00, p.m., 12.15 night.
Leave Nesv York 'via Maur-h ahunk, voek
4.3i), 8.45 a. m., 1,00 and 8.45 p. m. Hun
day,7.00a.m. jeav Philadelphia, week days, 4.10, and
10.00 a. m. 4.00 and 6.00 p. m;, from Broad
io-l Callowhdl nnd 0.3.3 a. m. and 11.30 p. m.
mm nth and Ureon streets. Bundfty B.03 a.
31. 11.S0 p. m. from 9th anO nn-en.
SAuve Kendlne, week dayn: 1.35. 7.10, 10,05
md 11.50 a.m., 6.55, 737 p.m. Uundny 1.35 and
J.4S a. m.
tave l'ottsvllle, weok days, 2.40,7.10 a. m.?
U'j, U 11 p. m. Hunday, 2.40, 7.00 a, m. and
'.05 -. ui.
UmvoTamaqna, vee finys, 8.20, 8.48 and
1 .21 a. m., 1.21, 7.13, and U.13 . m. Hunday S.20
7.43 i. ra, and 2.60. p. m,
... jave Mahanoy u.:y, rpoc-ir days, 8.40, 9.18
al 11.17 1. ui 1.61, 7.41 and 0.44 p.m. Bun
my, 3,40,8.17 a. m 8.20 p. m.
Ueave Mahanoy I'laue, weok days, 2-41,4,00
. 10,9.33. 1U9 a. m.,1.05, 2.00. 5-20, 6 20,7.57, and
' m. Bnnday2.4t, 4.00, and 8.27, a. m.
3.37,5.01. p.m.
l.mvA Glrardvlile (Rappahannock Htatlon)
.9X days, 2.47 4.07, 6.31 and 9.41 a, m 12.03
2, B.iH, 6.82, 8.03 and UUW p. in. Bnnday, 2,47,
0 ,S33 a.m. 3.11,6.117 p. m.
ueave WllllamstKirt, weekdays, s.00,9.45 and
,t n, in. anv. lx.iti p. m. rianaay li.ia
For Baltimore, Washington and tho west
a B. & O. It. It., thrmifh trains loavn I4lrard
wenue station. l'hUadelphla, (P. A K. K. B.)
tO, OVi UUU Lltit H m., 1.1, D.OO
13 p. m, Hunday, 8.K 8.02 11.27 a, m.,
eave fhlladelphla, Uhestnut Street Whai f
id -MiuthBtieet vvharf.
J 'or Atlantic CUv.
Wo9fc-d4ys-Htpres,9l a, m, 2.00. 4.00,
. ui. AooomraolaUoa, 8 00 a. m. and 6.C0,
. m.
Hnndavs. mrnnvu. 9.00 a. m. Atn-tm
moi4'lon,,00 u. m. and 4.30 p. m.
Hturning, leave Aiiantio uity, aepot
M'imic and Arkansas aveanes week-da s
Kzpress. 7,30. 9.00 a. m. and 4.00. n. m. Afc-
commoaatlon8.10 a.- m. and 1.30 p m. Bun-days-Kxnress,
4.00. p. m. Accommodation.
7.30 a. m. and 1.30 p. m.
u. u. n&nwva, uen'l i-ass-r Agi.
"l . JloliEOl). 1'res. Uen'l Mansser.
it nnd allrr September 1, ISM, trnlni uill teat
Shenandoah at follows:
Pot WlEan.' Ullberton. Kraetrrllie. New
lafltle, Bt.i Clair,, and way. points, 6.00, 8.10
xaana p in,
Sundays,' 600, tt.40 a m and 3.1 0 p m.
for Pottsville, S.00, D.U) a. ni anil. 15 p m,
Sundays. 800, S.40 a m and 3.10- p m,
l'"or Iteadtng, tl.OO, a maud 4.16 pu
Sundays, 00, 9.40 a, m, and 3.10 p m.
Vox Potlstown, I'hfleUtxvllle, Norrlstown
nil Phlladeluhla (Ilroad stroet stntloni. 8.03.
u. m, and 4,16 p 91 wees: daya
cianaays, ow, a m p m
Oulns leave KraotvUiB lor Shenandoah ai
.Win and 12.14, 7.1AlJ,0p tn, ttundays,
Teavo foitsvllla lor Hhenandoah, 10.15 ana
1.48. a m 7.15. 3.12 1 m. Hrmdavs. 10.40 a. m
J.15 p m.
Lavo rhlladelphlu (Ilroad street statlqn),
.or Pottsville end Bhenandoah. 5.57. 8 3 a to
4.10 and 7.00 1 m week davs. Hondav A 60. and
H.2S am , 'ZZ
ror New Yors:.S.M, 4.05, 4.40, 5.85, 8.60, 7.SC,ff
J.yfl 8.3it J.50. ll.OOand 11.14. 11.35 s m. 12.00 llnoi? . f
(limited exnress, 1.09 4.50 n m.) 12.2112.41, 1.40,
2 120, 4.02 5, 8, 8.21, 8.50 7.13 ud 10.00 p.
' m snnuars. s -zu. i.ui. n.ia. s.12. s.sii. n.r.11.
11.35 in. and 12 21, 12.11, 2.30, -102, (limited,
4.n.S.28.,2).. . , .H i m aud li.Ol nliihl
ForBea Girt, Long Branch and Intermediate
stations 0.50, SZi and 11.30 a. in., 3,30, 4.00 p. m.
weK oays. auuoay 0 2 a. m,
For Ualtlmore aud Wasuluiston. 3.50. 7.20.
9.10 and 11. IS 11.1m,, 4 41, 0 57, 7.10 p.ra and 12.0.1
uiguiuaiiy uuu 001, 111., 1Z3 tiuuiieu
express willl dining car to Italtlm ire) 1.30, 3.10
p. m. wo It days, for Ualtlmore Only 2.02, 4.01
wcosdiys, oM, 11.80 0, in. dally.
Fur llichuioud, 7 20 a. m aud 12.03 night
dally, 130 p. m, outly, osceptriuuday.
tr-ius reave tiarribOurBi lor i'ituoure uua
ue west evory day-tii.i aid 3.10 a m and
.00 (limited) and d.40, 8 30, 0.35 p m. Vfay for
UlooiiH . 1 a ni and 4.10 p m every day.
For Pittsburg only, 11.20 a m dally and 10.20
ax weeS days.
1 ,vo Bnnbury lor Wllltamsport, Elmlra,
uandalzua, Uochoater, llutialoand Niagara
alls 5.10 am dally, and 1.42 pm weekdays,
or Watklns, 6.30 p m week days.
For nnd Intermediate ixilnu, 5.10 a m..
'ally. For lxck Uayen, 6.10, and 9.68 a m,
:ally, 1.42 and 6.30 p. m. .week days. Foi
tenova 5.10 n in 1.42 and 6,30 p m week days,
.10 a. m Hucdays.
H 3. B vaau, 3. B. WOOD,
'.4an, Man'r 'len. Fasa. Ant,
. Time table in effect Mav.10, 1891.
Trains leave Reading (P. It. station) rot
Gibraltar, Heyfert, lllrasboro, Joanna, Spring
field, Waynesburg Junction, Coatesvllle.West
Chester.Cliadsfora Junction, li. A O. Junction,
Wilmington and Intermediate stations, daily
except Monday, at 8.25 and 8.30 a.m. audlUi.
p.m. Sunday only at 8.05 p.m. J
For Warwick, Ht. Peters and Intermediate'
statlons,dally except Hunday, at 9.20 a.m., and
5.19 p. m. ttunday only 8.15 a. m.
For lllrdsboro and Intermediate stations.
Saturday only, at 12 ra. My
For Baltimore and Washington (. A O.K.
K.) dally except Bnnday at 6.25 and 8.30 a. m,
and 3.15 p. m, Hnnday only al 3 05 p. m.
Trains urrlveal Heading (P. & il. station)
irora Wilmington, W. A O. Junction, Mont
I'banln, Chaddsrord Junction, West Chester,
Irtnope, CoatesvlUe, W'aynesbnrg Junction,
Bprlngneld,Joanua, Blrdsboro, Uluraltar, Eey
teri and Intermediate stations, dally except
Sunday at 10.20 a. m. 6.52 aud 8.17 p. m, Sun
day only nt 11.21 a. m.
From Bt. Peters, Warwick and Intermediate
stations, dally except Hunday, at 8.21 a. m.
and 2.25 p.m. Sunday only at 6 p. m.
From Hirdsboroand Intermediate stations,
Saturday only at 1.40 p. ra.
From Washington and Ualtlmore. dally ex
cept Sunday, 10 2) a. m. 5.52 and 8.17 p. m.
Sunday only at 11.21 a. m.
John R. Ooye,
Real Estate Agent,
Cor. Main and Centre Street!, SHENANDOAH, PA.
l-A two and oue-halr story double fralft
dwelling house, with store-room and 1S1?
taurant. Looated on Kast Centre street.
D-A valuable property located on Boutb Jar.
din street.
9 Seven dwelling housss at the corner of Oil
. -.. if